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I stared my career in the year 2018 as a service now Administrator.

I worked in support and maintenance as a system admin for 3 years

As a system admin I use to work in monitoring the incident, problem, change, trouble shooting & resolving the ticket within
the SLA duration

I worked in creating user, group, assign. Role to user, adding group to group member.

I worked in creating the service catalogue item, order guide and maintain the existing one.

In later part of my carrier for last 6 month I was involved in scripting using the best practice.

While performing these activities ensuring client relationship by proactively providing solution.

For better opportunity and most likely to involve in development activities & program in the career.

1.Incident is an unwanted occurrence recorded/raised by a user or admin

 ServiceNow Incident Management goal is to restore the normal business operation caused & minimise.
The impact around
 Log incidents in the instance or by sending email , through user portal, left navigator- -- incident.

Problem is a group of incident of similar nature.

 Problem Management helps to identify the cause of an error in the IT infrastructure, reported as occurrences of related

Record producer is a catalogue item allow users to create records on any table directly from the Service
catalog interface.
service request is a request raised by the user to order something for g. hardware ,software ,access to system or any other

5 best practie

1. Minimize server call in client side scripting

2. Reduce after/before business rule since it causes the browser to wait for the response rather use asyc)
3. Do not use current update in business rule
4. Proper prefixes and naming convention & proper comments in the code
5. Migrate through update set to higher level.

Client scripting runs on the user browser on loand, change ,submit and edit.

Business rule executes when a record is updated displayed , queries or deleted . it is a server side script . 4 types
of business rule : before , after , asnyc and display

How to cancel a form submission thorugh client script: on submit-return false

Glide record is the operation to query a record from the table.

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