English Four

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Samuel Moreno Cordero MMP81D

A: My birthday is April tenth.

B: Mine is March seventh. You´re next to me.

A: Are you going to drive?

B: Yes, I am

A: Are you going to carwash today?

B: No, I`m not. I have work.

A: Are you going to drink beer tonight?

B: Yes, I am

A Write the dates and your plans for three special days or holidays next year.
Special day: My nephew Special day: My Dad´s Special day: New year
´s birthday birthday
Dates July twelfth September ninth December thirty-first
Plans I going to party with my I'm going to have a BBQ I going to dinner with my
family with my family family.

A: Hello?

B: Hey, Melquiades. It’s Sammy. Do you want to play video games?

A: Video games? Sounds good.

A: Hello?

B: Hi Marcos. It´s Rogelio. Listen, do you want hang out rigth now?

A: Rigth now? I’m sorry, I´m afraid I can´t..

A: Hello?
B: Hey Pancracio. It´s Panfilo. Listen, do you want watch TV tonigth?

A: Tonigth? Sure. I´d love to.

A: Hello?

B: Hi, it’s me. Do you want to go to a party this saturday?

A: I’m really sorry, but I can’t. I´m studiying for an exam.

B: Ok, I understand. Maybe next time.

A: Hello?

B: Hi, it’s me. Do you want to go to see a movie tonigth?

A: I’m really sorry, but I can’t. I’m cookin dinner.

B: Oh, that’s all rigth.

A: Hello?

B: Hi, it’s me. Do you want to hang out this evening?

A: I’m really sorry, but I can’t. I’m doing my homework.

B: Oh, that’s all rigth. Ok, I understand

“A good time to buy drinks is one week before the party.”

“A good time to buy a some clothes is two or three days before the party.”

“A good time to take a shower is the day before the party.”

“A good time to prepare the tables is the morning of the party.”

“A good time to start to drink is one hour before the party.”

A: Where are we going to have the dinner? What are we going to eat and drink?
B: We are going to do it at Sammy's workshop, and we will bring soft snacks and beer to
accompany a weed cigarretes.
A: That’s a great idea.

A: What songs are you going to play Sammy´s workshop dinner? And how are you going to
listen to them?
B: We are going to listen to corridos and mariachi, which are the ones likes us, and I have a
big speaker with which we can listen to them.
A: That’s a great idea.
C Read the article again. Answer the questions.
1. On special birthdays, what do Nigerian children eat? They eat jollof rice.
2. Who celebrates Shichi-go-san? Three, five and seven year old boys and girls from Japan
3. Who dances with a 15-year-old Ecuadorian girl at her birthday party? his father
4. How do South Korean parents guess a child's future? They put the child in front of some objects, sch as
a book a coin.

Dear Melquiades,

Thanks a lot for the birthday gift, I liked

the boots. black is my favorite color.
Thank you for coming to my party.

Thanks again.

 Which birthdays are very special?
 My birthday
 Do people celebrate with family, friends, or both?
 Or both
 What do people eat and drink?
 You eat roast beef or mole and drink beer and soda.
 What do people do?
 Dance
 Do they give gifts? What kinds of gifts?
 If they give gifts, they bring clothes, food or money.
 How do you usually celebrate birthdays?
 With my family and friends, dancing and drinking and eating.

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