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Offline Training Jakarta

22 – 23 Juli 2023

Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) atau Kettle adalah software dari Pentaho
yang dapat digunakan untuk proses ETL (Extraction, Transformation dan Loading).
PDI dapat digunakan untuk migrasi data, membersihkan data, loading dari file ke
database atau sebaliknya dalam volume besar. PDI menyediakan graphical user
interface dan drag-drop komponen yang memudahkan user. Elemen utama dari PDI
adalah Transformation dan Job. Transformation adalah sekumpulan instruksi untuk
merubah input menjadi output yang diinginkan (input-proses-output). Sedangkan
Job adalah kumpulan instruksi untuk menjalankan transformasi. Ada tiga
komponen dalam PDI: Spoon, Pan dan Kitchen. Spoon adalah user interface untuk
membuat Job dan Transformation. Pan adalah tools yang berfungsi membaca,
merubah dan menulis data. Sedangkan Kitchen adalah program yang mengeksekusi

Setelah mengikuti training ini, peserta diharapkan dapat:
1. Memahami fungsi Kettle sebagai tools ETL (Extract, Transform, Loading)
2. Memahami komponen dasar Kettle
3. Memahami pembuatan parameters dan variables pada kettle
4. Mampu menggunakan komponen-komponen dasar kettle (Step, Hop, Job)

1. Introduction to Data Warehouse
 Data Warehouse
 Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing
 Data Warehouse and OLAP
 Delivering Solution with ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Tool
2. Installation and configuration
 Java Runtime Environment / Java Development Kit
 Pentaho Data Integration
 XAMPP package (Apache HTTP Server and MySQL)
 SQLYog – a GUI based mysql client
 Data and Script samples
3. Short introduction to MySQL
 MySQL Storage Engines
 Administering MySQL via PHPMyAdmin
 PHI-Minimart sample database installation
4. Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)
 Introducing Kettle as Pentaho’s ETL Suite
 Architecture
 Components
 Spoon : Graphical UI Designer for job / transformation steps
 Pan : Command line batch script for transformation execution
 Kitchen : Command line batch script for transformation execution
 Carte : Cluster server
 Job / Transformation
 Step and Hop
 Row and Meta Data
 Relation between job and transformation
5. Getting started with spoon
 File system and RDBMS based Repository
 Spoon Development Environment
 Database Connections
 Job and Transformation
 Creating job
 Creating transformation
 Calling transformation from job
 Configuring Log
6. Wulti dimensional modelling
 Normalized versus Multi Dimensional Model
 Fact and Dimension Tables
 Star Schema and Snowflake Schema
 Tasks :
 Create a Kettle transformation to map PHI-Minimart transactional
database sample to dimensional modeling database
 Create logs for each steps
7. Change Data Capture (CDC)
 What is CDC ?
 Why CDC is so hard that heavily relied on data source ?
 SQL Server 2008’s CDC feature demonstration
 Tasks :
 Create a Kettle transformation to map PHI-Minimart transactional
database sample to dimensional modeling database
 Create logs for each steps
8. Slowly Changing Dimensio (SCD)
 Slowly Changing Dimension to solve master data historical problems
 SCD Types
 Use of Kettle’s step to solve several SCD types with several schema :
 Insert / Update
 Punch Through
9. Orphan/Late Arrival
 What is Late Arrival Dimension?
 Typical Situations where Late Arrival occurs
 Best practice of Late Arrival’s handling
10. OLAP Vied of multidimensional data (Mondrian/JPivot)
 Mondrian Installation
 Creating scheme based on our fact and dimension tables
 View and navigate our Cube using Web Browser
11. Data staging
 What is Data Staging?
 Background : Physical I/O versus In-Memory Processing
 Task :
 Create a transformation to join from 3 data sources : text file, Excel
spreadsheet, and RDBMS
 Create a currency staging table to solve sequential dependence problem
12. Advance controls
 Environment Variables
 Shared Objects
 Error Handling
 Email job results
 Task :
 Create a dynamic tables dump using variable and looping control
 Refining existing transformations to use email alert
13. Automation
 Using Windows Task Scheduler to schedule ETL running job and

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