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Question bank of C-Programming.
Q.1) Difference between while loop and d0-while loop.
Q.2) Explain control breaking statement available in C.
Q.3) Explain following functions with example (a)sqrt(), (b) fabs(), (c) pow(), (d) ceil(), (e) floor(), (f) strcmp(),
(g) strcat(), (h) strlen(), (i) gets(), (j) strrev().
Q.4) Explain the advantages of using Function.
Q.5) Explain conditional operator used in C language with proper example.
Q.6) Explain the sizeof() operator with proper example.
Q.7) Give the difference between entry and exit controlled loop with an example.
Q.8) Differentiate between arrays and structures.
Q.9) Distinguish between structure and union.
Q.10) What are bitwise and logical operators in C?
Q.11) What are strings and give any four string related functions.
Q.12) Define array? Explain the static and dynamic initializations of 1D array
Q.13) What are strings and give any four string related functions.
Q.14) Explain nested structures with examples.
Q.15) List and explain different components of Computer Systems.
Q.16) Define Structures and explain the syntax of declaration of Structures with example.
Q.17) What is flowchart? Explain different symbols used in flowchart.
Q.18) Explain different data types modifiers available in C Language.
Q.19) Explain multi-way branching statement available in C language with example.
Q.20) Explain the function prototype with example.
Q.21) Define: (i) recursion (ii) break (iii) goto (iv) continue (v) Structure.
Q.22) Write a short note on Von numen model.
Q.20)What are the tokens of c language explain with example.
Q.1) Define pointer and its uses? Explain array of pointer with example.
Q.2) Explain dynamic memory allocation.
Q.3) How do pointers differ from variables in C? Write a program to add two pointers.
Q.4) Question on this module will come later in MUSA and F.E group

Q.1) Write a program to display all prime numbers from 1 to 50.
Q.2) Write a Program to calculate and display sum of all the elements of the matrix.
Q.3) Write a program to check whether the entered string is palindrome or not.
Q.4) Write a program to find square root accepted perfect square integer number without using standard
sqrt() function.
Q.5) Write a program to add two numbers using user defined functions.
Q.6) Implement a program to find transpose of a matrix.
Q.7) Write a program to find the power of x raised to n that is:xn, using recursive function.
Q.8) Write a program to accept elements of one dimensional array from user and sort and display them in
ascending order.
Q.9) Write a C program to find GCD of two numbers using recursion.
Q.10) Write a C-program to create array of structures in order to store details of almost
100books. Thebook details are book name, book price, book page number and book author name.
Q.11) Write a program to find summation of n numbers using recursion.
Q.12) Write a program in C to find the reverse of a given string without using inbuilt string function.
Q.13) Write a program to check if the entered number is prime number or not.
Q.14) Write a program to accept a set of 10 numbers and print the numbers using arrays
Q.15) Write a program to print Fibonacci series.
Q.16) Write a program using recursion to find factorial of a number.
Q.17) Write a C program to find LCM of two numbers using recursion.
Q.18) Write a program to find largest of three numbers using nested if-else.
Q.19) Write a program to display the following for the user specified number of lines.
Q.20) Write a program to print the following pattern. Accept number of rows from user and display that
much number of rows in output.

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