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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

“Hamro sarkar”

(E-governance Website)
Submitted to
Department of Bachelor of Computer Application
Bhaktapur Multiple Campus
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Computer Application
Submitted by
Manisha Mishra and Resh Prajapati
Under the Supervision of
Milan Chikanbanjar
Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Bhaktapur Multiple Campus

Supervisor’s Recommendation

I recommend that the project titled “HAMRO SARKAR”

prepared by Manisha Mishra and Resh Prajapati under my
supervision, be evaluated as part of their Bachelor of
Computer Application degree requirements.

Mr. Milan Chikanbanjar


BCA Department

Bhaktapur Multiple Campus, Dudhpati, Bhaktapur

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Bhaktapur Multiple Campus


This is to certify that Manisha Mishra and Resh Prajapati have completed their project

“HamroSarkar” as a part of their Bachelor in Computer Application degree requirements.

Based on our evaluation, we find that the project is satisfactory in terms of scope and
quality for the required degree.


Mr. Milan Chikanbanjara
Mr. Madan Nath
BCA Department
BCA Department
Bhaktapur Multiple Campus
Bhaktapur Multiple Campus
Dudhpati, Bhaktapur
Dudhpati, Bhaktapur

SIGNATURE of Internal Examiner SIGNATURE of External Examiner

Internal Examiner External Examiner


Ref No:


Subject: Approval of Project Proposal

The proposed project “HamroSarkar” by Manisha Mishra and Resh

Prajapati has been approved for further development as part of their
fourth semester, Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA)

Proposal Evaluation Committee

1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________

_____ Mr.
Campus Chief

Table of Contents
List of Figures..................................................................................................................... vi

List of Tables......................................................................................................................vii

Chapter 1: Introduction........................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Problem Statement..................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Objectives...................................................................................................................1

1.4 Scope and Limitation................................................................................................. 2

1.5 Development Methodology........................................................................................3

1.6 Report Organization................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 2: Background Study and Literature Review......................................................... 5

Chapter 3: System Analysis................................................................................................. 6

3.1 System Analysis......................................................................................................... 6

3.1.2 Requirement Analysis......................................................................................... 6
Functional Requirements:............................................................................................ 6
Non-Functional Requirements:.................................................................................... 7

3.1.2 Feasibility Study......................................................................................................7

i. Technical Feasibility............................................................................................ 7
ii. Operational Feasibility......................................................................................... 7
iii. Economic Feasibility............................................................................................7
iv. Schedule Feasibility............................................................................................. 8

Chapter 4: System Design..................................................................................................10

4.1 E-Governance Model............................................................................................... 11

4.2 Design...................................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing............................................................................. 13

5.1 Implementation........................................................................................................ 13

Chapter 6: Expected Outcome……………………………………………………………14

List of Figures
Figure 1: Waterfall Model 3
Figure 2: Use Case Diagram of OurSarkar 6
Figure 3 : Class Diagram for OurSarkar system 9
Figure 4 : Activity Diagram for OurSarkar system 9
Figure 5 :Broadcasting Model 11
Figure 5 : Component Diagram for OurSarkar system 12
Figure 6 : Deployment Diagram for OurSarkar system 12

List of Tables
Table 1:Gantt Chart

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
E-government, or electronic government, refers to the use of technology to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of government services and processes. With the rapid
advancement of digital technology, e-government has become increasingly important in
modernizing public administration and enhancing citizen engagement. It involves the use
of various electronic tools such as websites, mobile applications, and social media
platforms to facilitate communication between government and citizens, and to streamline
administrative procedures. E-government initiatives aim to make government services
more accessible, transparent, and accountable, ultimately improving the quality of life for

A particular kind of online system called a OurSarkar system is the union of the important
online services that are provided by the government to the citizens. This system groups
the majority of online services onto a singular platform so that a user can be directed there
based on their needs. Examples include applying for a PAN card, a license, and many

1.2 Problem Statement

The problem statement for a OurSarkar system could be as follows:

● It can be overwhelming and time-consuming to search for the right platform.

● With many options and sources, it will be difficult to choose the correct result.
● This system relates the user and provide a guidance to meet with their need of

1.3 Objectives
Some major objectives of this project OurSarkar are discussed as:
● To create a system that will allow a user to redirect to their specific needs by
saving time.

1.4 Scope and Limitation
The scope of the OurSarkar app is to develop a centralized platform that consolidates
various government online services. The goal is to provide users with a convenient and
user-friendly interface where they can easily search and access different government
services. The web app will feature a search functionality that allows users to find specific
services based on their needs and preferences. The platform will serve as a
comprehensive directory, providing hyperlinks to the respective government services.
Furthermore, the web app will prioritize creating a seamless user experience by ensuring
an intuitive interface design. Users will be able to navigate the app effortlessly and locate
the desired government services without any difficulty. The search feature will play a
crucial role in enabling users to find the required services quickly. The web app will also
cater to the needs of administrators who will have the ability to add new government
services to the platform. Administrators can create posts that include relevant information
about the services and even attach reference pictures if necessary. This feature ensures
that the platform remains up-to-date with the latest government services and information.
Overall, the scope of the web app project is to develop a user-friendly and centralized
platform that provides access to a wide range of government online services. The search
functionality, intuitive interface, and administrative capabilities will contribute to
enhancing the user experience and facilitating efficient service discovery. While some
limitations can be as the web app relies on the availability and accuracy of information
provided by government sources. If there are any delays or inconsistencies in updating the
services or associated information, it may affect the reliability of the platform. Also, the
web app's effectiveness depends on the availability and accessibility of government
online services. If any services are discontinued or undergo significant changes, it may
impact the functionality and usefulness of the platform.

1.5 Development Methodology
The development of the OurSarkar System followed a Waterfall approach, which
involved a sequential progression through different project phases.

Figure 1:Waterfall model

1.6 Report Organization

This report is organized into 5 chapters:

Chapter 1: “Introduction”- This chapter introduces the background, problem statement,

objectives, scopes, and limitations of the project.

Chapter 2: “Background Study and Literature Review”- This chapter describes about
fundamental theories, general concepts and terminologies related to the project along with
the review of the similar past projects.

Chapter 3: “System Analysis”- This chapter describes the functional and non-functional
requirements, economic feasibility, technical feasibility, operational feasibility, and
scheduling feasibility.

Chapter 4: “System Design”- This chapter includes some of the major diagrams
describing about the working of the system.

Chapter 5: “Implementing and Testing”- This chapter clearly illustrates the methods and
tools used to implement the project along with testing and result analysis.

Chapter 6: “Conclusion and Recommendations”- This is the final chapter that concludes
the project and talks about the future scopes of this project.

Chapter 2: Background Study and Literature Review

In recent years, online government services have witnessed a surge in popularity, fueled
by the rising demand for personalized and efficient interactions with government
agencies. This shift towards digitalization has been significantly facilitated by the
integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) into the realm of public
administration. The overarching objective of this project is to harness the vast and readily
accessible wealth of government service data to create a unified, user-friendly system that
caters to the diverse needs of citizens. At the heart of this endeavor is the ambition to
offer citizens a seamless experience by understanding and responding to their specific
requirements through their online activity. By leveraging machine learning algorithms,
this system can analyze user behavior and preferences to recommend the most relevant
government services. Whether it's applying for permits, accessing public healthcare
resources, or seeking information on tax matters, citizens will benefit from a personalized
and efficient service delivery. The potential impact of such a system is profound. It not
only streamlines and simplifies citizens' interactions with government entities but also
optimizes resource allocation and enhances government efficiency. Ultimately, this
project embodies the transformative power of technology in modernizing public
administration, making government services more accessible, responsive, and

A government service recommendation system is an information filtering system that

helps to narrow down the amount of information to only those government services that
are interesting and relevant to the citizen. The recommendation system is useful in
filtering a wide range of government services, from applying for a driver's license to
paying taxes. However, filtering the right government service to the citizen is a
challenging issue. Currently, there are traditional information retrieval techniques of
recommendation which are Content-based filtering, Collaborative filtering, and Hybrid
filtering which can be used for online government service recommendation. S. Li
analyzes the performance of these techniques applied to online government services by
comparing the results of traditional techniques with different inputs. Nepal to launch
all-in-one app for government services for citizens [1].

Chapter 3: System Analysis
3.1 System Analysis
3.1.2 Requirement Analysis
Functional Requirements:
● The system must be able to redirect the end user to the right destination.
● The system must be able to updated with government updates on services.
● The system must be able to create, read, update and delete the post.

Figure 2: Use Case Diagram of OurSarkar

Non-Functional Requirements:
● The system should be easy to use and navigate, with clear instructions and
user-friendly interfaces.
● The system should be easy to understand to process the request.
● The system must be trustworthy, and the suggestions must be precise and pertinent
to the user's preferences.

3.1.2 Feasibility Study

i. Technical Feasibility
The technical resource needed to build this system are easily available. The
required resources for our system are mentioned below:

Requirements: HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap5, Java, Spring Boot, MySQL

ii. Operational Feasibility

Our method ensures that all of the objectives are met and that we continue to work
on the scope to solve the difficulties that occur on the traditional systems. Any
individual is anticipated to put the technology into use and use it to their advantage.

iii. Economic Feasibility

The resources that are used to develop this project are the software and the
programs that are available in the internet as open source. Only the programming
language are implemented and we can assure you that this system is economically
and technically feasible to be implemented.

iv. Schedule Feasibility

Table 1:Gantt Chart

Activity/Time 20th 26th 14th june 26th 9th July

April April june




Coding and Testing



3.1.3 Data Modeling

Figure 3:Class Diagram for OurSarkar system

Figure 4 : Activity Diagram for OurSarkar system

Chapter 4: System Design
4.1 E-Governance Model
In the design of our government service platform, we have implemented a Broadcasting
Model, which is a one-to-many communication approach. This model aims to make all
online government services readily available to citizens through a centralized web
application. Here are the key points highlighting how our platform aligns with the
Broadcasting Model:
i. Centralized Access: Our platform places emphasis on centralized access to a wide range
of government services. By offering a single web application, citizens can easily navigate
and access various government services without the need to visit multiple websites or
ii. Efficient Dissemination: The Broadcasting Model ensures efficient dissemination of
government information and services to citizens. We provide a user-friendly web
application that acts as a gateway to all online services, making it convenient for citizens
to find and utilize the resources they need.
iii. User-Friendly Web App: We have developed a user-friendly web application that is
designed to be accessible and intuitive. Citizens can easily browse through available
government services, submit applications, access information, and even track the status of
their requests.
iv. Streamlined Services: By offering a centralized platform, we aim to streamline
government services, reducing the complexity of interacting with different agencies or
departments. This approach enhances the citizen experience and simplifies the process of
accessing government resources.
v. Timely Updates: The Broadcasting Model enables us to provide timely updates and
notifications to citizens. Whether it's news, announcements, or changes in government
services, our platform ensures that citizens are well-informed about the latest
vi. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Our web application is designed to be accessible to all
citizens, regardless of their abilities or technical expertise. We prioritize inclusivity to
ensure that government services are available to a wide range of users.

vii. Feedback Mechanism: While the Broadcasting Model primarily focuses on delivering
information and services to citizens, we also incorporate feedback mechanisms. Citizens
can provide input, suggestions, and comments through the platform, allowing for
continuous improvement and responsiveness to citizen needs.
In summary, our platform's implementation of the Broadcasting Model aims to provide
citizens with a convenient and efficient way to access a wide array of government
services through a user-friendly web application, enhancing transparency, accessibility,
and citizen engagement with the government.

Figure 5:BroadCasting model

4.2 Design

Figure 6:Component Diagram

Figure 7:Deployment Diagram

Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing
5.1 Implementation
OurSarkar System was implemented using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap5 as frontend, Java and
Spring Boot was used as a backend programming. For Database, MySQL was used and
IntelliJ was used as IDE. As, Spring Boot has embedded tomcat Server no any other local
server needed to be configured. I have used Spring Boot version 3.0.6. As planned in the
designed phase, WATERFALL model was used as the development methodology.

i. Java
Java is used a programming language for backend programming in this project.
Java Version: Java 17
ii. HTML
In our system, HTML is used for creating webpages.
Version: HTML 5.
iii. CSS
CSS is used for designing the HTML pages and to layout the HTML documents.
Version: CSS 3.
iv. MySQL
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. It is used to store the
information of admin as well as users.

Excepted Outcome
6. Pan Card Registration/Login
Nagarik App
Cricket Association Of Nepal
Department of Passport
Nepal Government Official
NRB Foreign Exchange Rate
Driving License


[1] S.Li, "southasiamonitor," Government Services, vol. 7,

no. 12, p. 54, 2020.


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