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OPR Army Forge


Blood Brothers • 150pts Blood Brothers 3.3.1

Blood Elite Pathfinder [1] - 50pts 2x Blood Assault Brother [1] - 50pts

Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Tough 3 Quality 3+ Defense 3+

Fearless, Hero, Strider, Tough(3), Furious Fearless, Furious


CCW - A2 - - Energy Fist - A2 4 -

Master Heavy Pistol 12" A2 1 - Gravity Pistol 9" A2 - Rending

Special Rules

AP: Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking hits. Regeneration: When taking a wound, roll one die. On a 5+ it is ignored.

Defense: Gets +X to Defense rolls. Rending: Ignores Regeneration, and unmodified results of 6 to hit get AP(4).

Fearless: Whenever a unit where most models have this rule fails a morale test, Strider: May ignore the e�ects of di�icult terrain when moving, and only needs
roll one die. On a 4+ it counts as passed instead. 2+ to pass jumping rolls.

Furious: When charging, unmodified rolls of 6 to hit in melee deal one extra hit Tough: This model only rolls to check wound e�ects once it has taken at least X
(only the original hit counts as a 6 for special rules). wounds, and is only Knocked Out on rolls of 5+X or more.

Hero: Friendly units within 12” may take morale tests using the heroʼs Quality,
as long as the hero isnʼt Shaken.

1 of 1 6/1/2024, 8:58 PM

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