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First Flight Prose

1. A letter to God
2. Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom
3. Two Stories About Flying
4. From the Diary of Anne Frank
5. Glimpses of India
6. Mijbil the Otter
7. Madam Rides the Bus
8. The Sermon at Benares
9. The Proposal (Play)
1. Dust of Snow
2. Fire and Ice
3. A tiger in the Zoo
4. How to Tell Wild Animals
5. The Ball Poem
6. Amanda!
7. The Trees
8. Fog
9. The Tale of Custard the Dragon
10. For Anne Gregory
1. A triumph of Surgery
2. The Thief's Story
3. The Midnight Visitor
4. A Question of Trust
5. Footprints Without Feet
6. The making of a Scientist
7. The necklace
8. Bholi
9. The Book That Saved the Earth

Q.1. Read the following passage carefully: -
(1) Power foods are foods that provide rich levels of nutrients like fibre,
potassium and minerals. With people becoming increasingly health
conscious today, a lot of finess trainers encourage their clients to include
these foods in their daily diet to increase muscle development. There are
various ways of incorporating power foods in your daily diet. Of course, the
key to enjoying power foods is proper preparation of these foods, the use
of season-fresh foods, and indentifying your choice of flavour among power

(2) Some of the recommended power food combinations are those that are
prepared in our kitchens on a regular basis. Take for instance, the
combination of chickpeas and onions. This combination is a powerful
source of iron which is required by the body to transport oxygen to its
various parts. Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, fatigue, brain fog and
tiredness. A study by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry says
that sulphur compounds in onion and garlic help in the absorption of iron
and zinc from chickpeas. The combination is a hit with teenagers who need
to be diligent about getting iron in their diet. A quick way to prepare this
power food is to make a chickpea salad with chopped onions, chaat
masala and cilantro.

(3) Another favourite combination with power food takers is yoghurt and
bananas. This makes for a perfect snack after a rough game of football.
Exercising bums glucose and thus lowers blood sugar. Yoghurt is packed
with proteins that help preserve muscle mass, and bananas are packed
with carbohydrates that help in refuelling energy and preventing muscle
soreness. A quick and easy recipe with bananas is a banana smoothie
topped with cool yoghurt.
(4) Among beverages, green tea is the best source of catechins that are
effective in halting oxidative damage to cells. According to researchers at
the Purdue University, adding a dash of lemon juice to green tea makes
the catechins even more easily absorbable by the body. So, the next time
you have instead of are friends serve them rounds of iced green tea with
mint and lemon juice.
Unseen passage with questions and answers
(a) What are power foods ?
(b) What are the rules regarding the partaking of power foods ?
(c) What is the advantage of including onions and garlic in our diet ?
(d) Suggest a quick recipe with chickpea and onions.
(e) Why is yoghurt and bananas, an enriching power food ?
(f) Why is green tea a recommended power food ?
(g) . What is the advantage of combining green tea with lemon juice ?
(h) What is the key to enjoying power foods in a wholesome way ?

Q.2. Read the following passage carefully:

These days, it is not unusual to see people listening to music or using their
electronic gadgets while crossing busy roads or travelling on public
transports, regardless of the risks involved. I have often wondered why
they take such risks : is it because they want to exude a sense of
independence, or is it that they want to tell the world to stop bothering them
? Or is it that they just want to show how cool they are ? Whether it is a
workman or an executive, earphones have become an inseparable part of
our lives, sometimes even leading to tragicomic situations.

The other day, an electrician had come to our house to fix something. We
told him in detail what needed to be done. But after he left, I found that the
man had done almost nothing. It later turned out that he could not hear our
directions clearly because he had an earphone on. Hundreds of such
earphones addicts commute by the Delhi Metro every day. While one
should not begrudge anyone their moments of privacy or their love for
music, the fact is ‘iPod oblivion’ can sometimes be very dangerous.

Recently, I was travelling with my wife on the Delhi Metro. Since the train
was approaching the last station, there weren’t too many passengers. In
our compartment, other than us, there were only two women sitting cm the
other side of the aisle. And then suddenly, I spotted a duffel bag. The bomb
scare lasted for several minutes. Then suddenly, a youth emerged from
nowhere and picked up the bag. When we tried to stop him, he looked at
us, surprised. Then he took off his earpieces, lifted the bag, and told us
that the bag belonged to him and that he was going to get off at the next

We were stunned but recovered in time to ask him where he was all this
while. His answer : he was in the compartment, leaning against the door
totally immersed in the music. He had no clue about what was going on
around him. When he got off, earplugs in his hand, we could hear strains of
the song.

(A) Read the above passage and answer the questions that follow: -
(i) What reasons does the author offer for the people taking risks on the
road ?
(ii) Why didn’t the electrician carry out the work properly ?
(iii) Why were the people in the Metro doubtful about the bag ?
(iv) Why were the passengers stunned ?
(v) Explain the term ‘earphone addicts’?

(B) Find words from the paragraph indicated which are similar in
meaning to the words given below: -
(i) inspite of (para 1)
(ii) absorbed (para 4)
(iii) picked (para 3)

Q.3. Read the passage given below and answer the

questions/complete the statements that follow: -
Long, long ago, in a big forest, there were many trees. Among the cluster
of trees, there was a very tall pine tree. He was so tall that he could talk to
the stars in the sky. He could easily look over the heads of the other trees.
One day late in the evening, the pine tree saw a ragged, skinny girl
approaching him. He could see her only because of his height. The little girl
was in tears. The pine tree bent as much as he could and asked her :
“What is the matter ? Why are you dying ?”
The little girl, still sobbing, replied, “I was gathering flowers for a garland for
goddess Durga, who I believe, would help my parents to overcome their
poverty and I have lost my way”. The pine tree said to the little girl, “It is
late in the evening. It will not be possible for you to return to your house,
which is at the other end of the forest. Sleep for the night at this place.” The
pine tree pointed out to an open cave-like place under him. The little girl
was frightened of wild animals. The girl quickly crept into the cave-like
place. The pine tree was happy and pleased with himself. He stood like a
soldier guarding the place. The little girl woke up in the morning and was
amazed to see the pine tree standing guard outside the cave. Then her
gaze travelled to the heap of flowers that she had gathered the previous
night. The flowers lay withering on the ground. The pine tree understood
what was going on in the girl’s mind. He wrapped his branches around the
nearby flower trees and shook them gently. The little girl’s eyes brightened.
But a great surprise awaited her. The pine tree brought out a bag full of
gold coins which had been lying for years in the hole in its trunk and gave it
to the girl. With teary eyes she thanked her benefactor and went away.

(A) Answer the following questions : -

(a) Why was the girl crying ?
(b) Where did the pine tree want the little girl to sleep for the night ?
(c) Why was the little girl disappointed when she looked at the flowers and
what did the tree do to make her happy ?
(d) What lesson does this short story teach us ?

(B) Do as directed : -
(e) What is meant by the word ‘cluster’ ? (Para 1)
(i) group (ii) team (iii) class (iv) party
(f) What is meant by the word ‘approaching’ ? (Para 1)
(i) calling (ii) touching (iii) coming close (iv) running towards
(g) What is meant by the word ‘wild’ ? (Para 2)
(i) cunning (ii) dirty (iii) unpolished (iv) dangerous
(h) What is meant by the word ‘ withering ‘ ? (Para 2)
(i) dead (ii) shrunk (iii) colourless (iv) unhappy

1.It was a rainy day. Traffic (a)………… busy on the road. A (b)………….
hit a car badly in the market. Five commuters were badly injured while one
person (c)……………………..on the spot. The injured persons were taken
to the nearest hospital. The local people were of great help.
(a) (i) will be (ii) was (iii) is (iv) has been
(b) (i) speeding bus (ii) speeded bus (iii) sped up bus (iv) speed
(c) (i) was died (ii) had died (iii) died (iv) is died

2.For opening a bank A/C you (a)……………….. to select a bank of your

choice. You (b)……………… to visit the bank and contact the Customer
Care Officer there. Thereafter you should meet the concerned Authority.
You (c)………………… to submit the required documents. Don’t forget to
visit the bank for collecting the passbook and ATM card.
(a) (i) require (ii) are required (iii) will require (iv) have to require
(b) (i) will (ii) should (iii) need (iv) are
(c) (i) must (ii) shall (iii) are required (iv) should

3.Last week the Annual Function of our school (a)……………….. The

Mayor of the town (b)……………………….. to grace the occasion as the
chief guest. The function (c)……………………. by the Principal while the
Mayor, the chief guest distributed the prize to the winners.
(a) (i) is celebrated (ii) had been celebrated (iii) was
celebrated (iv) shall be celebrated

(b) (i) was invited (ii) has been invited (iii) is invited (iv) shall be invited

(c) (i) is inaugurated (ii) was inaugurated (iii) will be inaugurated (iv)
has been inaugurated

1. Most UFO sightings occur (a)……………. (at, in, on, during) the night,
either late in the evening or in the early hours of the
morning, (b)……………….. (As, While,When, Often) they take place
on a dark moonless night when the person (c)…………….. (are, is,
were, was) alone on a country road. This eerie atmosphere is
perfect (d) ………………………… (of, for, off, on) playing tricks on a
person’s imagination. Police and newspaper officers are often
swamped (e)………………… (in, for, with, among) calls when
something strange is seen in the skies, (f)………………….. (How,
Then, Once, Before) an explanation is given, most people are happy
to accept it.
2. Climate change (a)……………… (is, was, will, has)
one (b)………………… (at, on, with, of) the most (c)………………..
(hot, hoted, hotly, hoting) contested environmental debates of our
time. (d)………………………. (Will, Can, Have, Has) the West
Antarctic ice sheet melt entirely? Will the Gulf Stream ocean
current (e)…………………. (was, be, is , are) disrupted? May be. May
be not. (f)………………….. (Neither, Either, Or, As) way, Antarctica is
a crucial element in this debate.
3. Sadao had taken this (a)………………. (in, into, at, of) his mind as he
did (b)……………………….. (nothing, everything, all, everywhere) his
father said, his father who (c)………………. (always, seldom, never,
ever) joked (d)………………… (and, or, else, nor)
played (e)………………………. (with, of, at, in) him
but (f)…………………. (whose, whom, who, what) spent infinite pains
upon him who was his only son.
4. So (a)…………………. (a, an, the, one) wizard said, “Oh, very
well. (b)………………(Go, went, gone, going) to the end of the lane
and turn (c)………………….. (on, in, around, from) three times and
look down the magic well and there you will (d)……………. (found,
finding, find) three pennies. Hurry (e)……………………… (up, at, on,
of).” So Roger Skunk went to the end of the lane
and (f)………………….. (turn, turned, turning, has turned) around
three times and there in the magic well were three pennies!
5. Human civilisations have been around (a)……………………. (at, on,
for, in) a paltry 12,000 years, barely a (b)………………(many, few,
some, each) seconds (c) …………………….(at, in, on, of) the
geological clock. In that short amount (d) ……………(of, on, with, at)
time, we’ve managed (e)………………………. (at, to, of, for) create
quite a ruckus, etching our dominance (f)…………………………. (at,
in, off, over) nature with our villages, towns, cities and megacities.
The rapid increase of human population has left us battling with other
species for limited resources.
6. Sadao Hoki’s house (a)……………… (was, is, will, can) built on a
spot of the Japanese coast (b)…………………(here, where,
everywhere, anywhere) (c)……………………. (like, as, same, similar)
a little boy he had (d)…………..(never, ever, often, seldom) played.
The low, square stone house was set (e)………………(on, upon, in,
at) rocks well (f).……………………(above, below, beneath, over) a
narrow beach that was outlined with bent pines. His father had taken
him often to the islands of those seas.
7. He smelled (a)…………………. (so, as, like, as) bad
that (b)…………………………. (all, every, none, each) of the other
little woodland creatures would play (c)……………………………..
(on, of, from, with) him. She looked at
him (d)…………………..(solemn, solemned, solemnly). She had
not (e)……………………. (forsee, forsaw, forseen, foreseeing) this.
Whenever he would go out to play,
Roger (f)…………………………………………………….. (remember,
remembered, remembering, will remember) the humiliations of his
own childhood. All of the other tiny animals would cry, “Uh-oh, here
comes Roger Stinky Skunk”.


It is truth that parents are e.g. truth true

more valuable then any other (a) …….. ……..

things in the world for a child. (b) …….. ……..

They are the more precious property. (c) …….. ……..

A child depend upon them all the (d) …….. ……..

He needs them at every steps (e) …….. ……..

because they takes care of him. (f) ……..

Under the care of their parents, (g) …….. ……..

a child feel secure. (h) …….. ……..

Freshly made tea is tasty but beneficial e.g. but and

if some simple rules are observing. (a) …….. ……..

It is best to keep her separately in a (b) …….. ……..

jar If kept Open, its aroma escape (c) …….. ……..

and it looses its taste and curative (d) …….. ……..

Stale tea should not he took. (e) …….. ……..

Tea is the excellent cure for colds. (f) …….. ……..

A cup of fresh tea stimulate (g) …….. ……..

concentration or improves capacity to work. (h) …….. ……..

One of the greatest problem facing e.g. Problem problems

the world today is the rapid increasing (a) ………… …………

pressure of populations on land (b) ………… …………

and land resources. Each second three babies (c) ………… …………

are born somewhere on the world. (d) ………… …………

Why is this enormous increase in population taken place? (e) ………… …………
Medical care help people to live longer. (f) ………… …………

People live longest and fewer children are dying, (g) ………… …………

so population of the world is shooting upon. (h) ………… …………

Rudyard Kipling was born on 1865 e.g. on in

in Bombay where his father was the Director for the

Bombay School of Art. (a) ……… ………

Rudyard Kipling was send to (b) ……… ………

England in the age of six to begin his (c) ……… ………

serious schooling. He stayed their for (d) ……… ………

ten years.Then he was brought back at Lahore (e) ……… ………

where his father was working as a curator (f) ……… ………

of a city museum. (g) ……… ………


You are Kavita Khanna, a resident of 50-C, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi. Write a letter to the
editor of ‘India Today’, magazine about the article on ‘Ban Poly Bags’ published in the latest

QUESTION 1 :-Write a letter to the editor of an National daily, making a plea

to the common people to switch over to solar energy to conserve electricity
and limit electricity bills.

Question 2. Read the following advertisement for products using solar

energy. Solar Power Systems For A Greener India

• Excellent Offers
• Solar Cookers
• Solar Lanterns
• Solar Heating/Cooking Systems
• Solar Water Heater
Raj Solar Sales and Service 45-Panchkwan Road New Delhi

Write a letter to the editor of an English daily, making a plea to the common
people to switch over to solar energy to conserve electricity and limit
electricity bills.

Question 3 Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, expressing your

opinion and views on the increased human dependence on technology.
Right from a small child to an adult, or even an old man, everyone wants
gadgets only-cell phone, I-pod, laptop, etc. This also has a negative effect
on social relationships. Using your own ideas and the unit, ‘Science’, vyrite
the letter in 100-120 words.

Question 4. You are Amit/ Amita. You happened to take part in a medical
camp organized by Health Club of your school in a remote village near
Delhi. You are surprised to find that most of the people there have no
awareness of basic health and hygiene. As a concerned citizen you decide
to take up their cause and organize camps to make the villagers aware of
the importance of hygiene. Taking ideas from the given notes and the unit
on ‘Health and Medicine’ alongwith your own ideas, write a letter to the
editor of a newspaper, in about 120 words, expressing your concern and
encouraging youngsters to take part in such campaigns.

• Causes of ill health

• Regular discussions and camps to be held
• A small dispensary to be setup
• Youngsters to volunteer



Lencho was a dedicated farmer. He was expecting a decent harvest. However, to his grief,
a hail storm came and destroyed his harvest completely. Lencho was very sad. However,
he had a strong belief in God. He was certain that God would help him. Also, he was an
extremely straightforward man. Although working for a long time on the farm, he knew
writing. Thus, he composed a letter to God. In the letter, he asked God to send him one
hundred pesos. At that point, he went to the post office and put his letter into the post box.

The postman removed the letter from the letter-box. He read the address on it and laughed
very much. Also, he rushed to the postmaster and demonstrated to him that strange letter.
Moreover, the postmaster also laughed in the same way when he saw the address of God.
However, on reading the letter, he got very serious. He lauded this man who had
unquestioned faith in God and decided to help him in terms of money. He asked the
employees of the post office to give charity. Moreover, he gave a part of-of his salary too.
However, they were able to collect only a little more than 50 pesos as requested for by
Lencho. The postmaster put the money in an envelope. It was addressed to Lencho.

On Sunday, Lencho once again came to the post-office. He asked if there was a letter for
him. The postmaster took out the letter and handed it to Lencho. Lencho was not surprised
after seeing the money. But when he counted the money, he became angry on God. He was
sure that God could not have made a mistake. He took paper and ink and wrote one more
letter to God. Then he put it into the letter-box.

After Lencho had left the place, the postmaster and the employees read the letter. In it,
Lencho had complained to God that he had received only seventy pesos. Also, he requested
God to send him the rest of the money this time. However, he asked God not to send the
money through the mail. He wrote that the post-office employees were a bunch of crooks
and thus might have stolen the money.


Q 1 Why had Lencho kept looking towards the north-east?

Q2 What was needed for a good harvest?

Q3 Why were the raindrops like ‘new coins’ for Lencho?

Q4 How did these new coins ultimately bring disaster to his corn field?

Q5 What help did he ask for? Why did he need help?

Q6 Why did he write a letter to God?

Q7 Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money?

Q8 Why did he get angry? Who could not have made a mistake in Lencho’s eyes?

Q9 Why did Lencho describe the post office employees as ‘a bunch of crooks’?

Q10 How far would you agree that one’s positivity can bring in a spark of brightness
even in adverse circumstances?

Q11 What impression do you form about the postmaster after reading this story?

Q12 Why were Lencho and his family in distress?

Q13 Write the story of Lencho’s faith in God. ( 100-120 words)

Q14 Give the character sketch of the postmaster. (100-120 words )

Q15 The postmaster represents such people who still believe in helping others.
Mention those values of postmaster which you would like to emulate in yourself.

( Lencho- hard working or diligent, determined, innocent, laborious, theist, sensitive,


( post master- kind, generous, fun-loving, amiable, sensitive, compassionate,

considerate, courteous, unselfish or selfless, thoughtful and caring)

Proverbs- love and kindness are never wasted, only God helps the badly dressed,
when men speak of the future the God laughs, God never ends anything on a
negative; God always ends on a positive)

Idioms- lend a hand, stand up for, oil the wheels, on cloud nine, rain cats and dogs,
hard nut to crack.

The author was having a terrible day. But the falling of the snow on his head
lifted his mood instantly. He had already spent his day in a bad mood but the
rest of it was saved by the crow and the hemlock tree. Generally, hemlock tree
and crow are used for negative references but the poet used them beautifully to
portray that inauspicious things can bring joy and happiness too. One must not
take things for granted and should be open and accept whichever way the
nature chooses to bless us.


Q1 What did the crow do to the hemlock tree? What was there on the tree at that

Q2 Where is the poet at this moment?

Q3 What had given the poet ‘ a change of mood’?

Q4 What is the rhyming scheme of the poem?

Q5 How was some part of the day saved for the poet?

Q6 What does the poet want to convey through the poem?

Q7 What side of nature do ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent?

Q8 Why does the poet use such poetically uncommon bird and tree? What does it

Q9 What did the poet think of the day before the dust of snow fell on him?

Q10 Positive attitude in life can make the world a better place to live in. With reference
to the poem Dust of Snow express your views.( 100-120 words)

Q11 What is the central idea of the poem? (100-120 words)

( Poetic devices- Assonance, Alliteration, metaphor, symbolism)

Vocabulary- once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start
having positive results., pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power)

Words related to poem- bad omen, snowflakes, despairing mood, depressing,

sorrowful, optimist, pessimist, ruined)

Fire and Ice Summary

The poet is very much sure of the destruction of humanity on someday. He is talking about
the two different beliefs regarding the end of this world. These are on the basis of the sayings
of the people. The poet says that he is in favour of those people who say this world will end
in fire. This is because he has seen the effect and result of uncontrolled and unending desires
over the life of human beings. He finds that human evil desires are similar to the fire in its
nature. So this fire may become a big reason to destroy humankind and this world too.

On the other hand, the second belief in this regard says that ice is also sufficient for
destroying this world. Here the poet compares the nature of ice with hatred feelings of
humans with the other humans. As ice can make the body numb with its prolonged contact,
similarly hatred can also give the numbness to our mind and thoughts. And hence it can make
us insensitive and cruel. Such cruelty towards humanity will be more responsible for the
destruction of the world compared to the desire.

The speaker brings us all into the middle of the argument between two different categories
of the people. One who thinks that the world will come to a fiery end and other people who
think the world will freeze resulting to the end. Poet is possibly talking about the literal end
of the world. But he is also talking about the power that human beings have to destroy each

The poet experiences the romantic desire that he has taught the passion for emotions like
love and lust. These will probably have the power to turn the earth into a big fireball. But he
has also experienced the other extreme side. This is about colder emotions like hate which
have great destructive power. It is a common fact that love gets all the publicity, whereas
hate is the silent killer. It may not have the same effect as the fireball ending, but it will do
the trick.

Q1 What are the two popular views in the society regarding the destruction of the world?

Q2 What do fire and ice stand for?

Q3 What is the rhyming scheme of the poem?

Q4 ‘But if it had to perish twice’. Why does the poet use ‘if’ in the quotation?

Q5 What is enjambment? Why does the poet use this device in this poem?

Q6 Do you think that either of fire and ice has the power to ruin the world?

Q7 According to the poet, what do fire and ice represent?

Q8 How will the world end twice?

Q9 What is the underlying idea of the poem ‘FIRE AND ICE’?

Poetic devices- metaphor, antithesis, symbolism, enjambment

Fire – greed, cruelty, lust, conflict, fury(anger), intolerance

Ice – cruelty, rigidity, insensitivity, coldness, indifference, hatred

VOCABULARY:- envy, loathing, brutality, inhumanity, heartlessness, savagery

Summary of Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Long Walk to Freedom is the autobiography of Nelson Mandela, who was the former South
African President. This article is for Nelson Mandela long walk to freedom summary. This
chapter is the extracts from the “Long Walk to Freedom” book. It includes the description
of the inauguration ceremony and citations from his speech and about his journey to being a
freedom fighter. It says about the other countless people who fought for their freedom. In
South Africa, a brutal practice named “apartheid” was very popular in those days. It referred
to the discrimination between people on the basis of their race and colour. It was one of the
most brutal societies in which dark-skinned people were deprived of their basic rights. This
lesson gives us an overview of the struggles of Mandela for making the society with no
discrimination on the basis of their colour, caste, race, age or gender.

The people of South Africa sang two National Anthems as a symbol of that day. Mandela
recalled that the reason for this movement was that Black-skinned people were exploited by
the White people. He said that this type of suppression of people of South Africa is the origin
of many stars. People must learn to hate first, because if they hate then they can be taught to
love, as love comes from the opposite circumstances. He also says that a brave man is not
that who does not feel afraid but who conquers it.

In life, a man has two major obligations. First towards his family, to his parents, to his wife
and to his children and second on the other hand obligation towards his country, people and
the community. Everyone fulfils his duty as per his inclination and interest. But it was very
tough to fulfil in a country like South Africa. When Mandela became an adult then he
understood that his freedom was only an illusion. In fact, he was the slave of exploitation.
He also understood that not only he was a slave but his other family members were also.

According to him, Freedom is also mandatory for them who were suppressing others in the
past. They also have the right to have it because snatcher of other’s freedom is a prisoner of
the same. Thus, the oppressor is as much a prisoner as the oppressed. The oppressor too is
not free.



• Q1 What is Apartheid?
• Q2 Who became the first black president of South Africa?
• Q3 For how many centuries did the white rule in South Africa?
• Q4 What is the name of the party of Nelson Mandela?
• Q5 How many seats did they win in democratic election?
• Q6 Where and when did the inauguration ceremony take place?
• Q7 Who was Mandela’s daughter?
• Q8 Who sworn the first in the ceremony?
• Q9 Why were two national anthems sung?
• Q10 Can you say how 10 May is an Autumn Day in South Africa?
• Q11 What does Mandela mean by “ an extraordinary human disaster”?
• Q12 What ‘twin obligation’ does Mandela mention?
• Q13 Which does he think is natural, to love or to hate?
• Q14 What does courage mean to Mandela?
• Q15 What type of government was chosen in South Africa? How was it chosen?
• Q16 What were the difficulties faced by Nelson Mandela in achieving freedom
for his people?

VOCABULARY :- A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat,
determination, and hardwork. , The necessary dedication to follow through and to
keep on working will get you what you want!, If you focus on results, you will never
change; if you focus on change, you will get results.

Idioms:- go the extra mile, a mover and shaker- admirable, take someone under your
wings- look after, fight tooth and nail- to use a lot of effort to oppose someone or

Words;- determination, willpower, courageous, firmness, decisive, single-minded,

earnest, confident

A Triumph of Surgery Summary

James Alfred Wight is popular as James Herriot, and He was a British veterinary surgeon
and writer too. He has written this story A triumph of Surgery. The story starts when Mrs
Pumphrey, a rich lady takes her dog Tricky for a walk outside. A nearby veterinary doctor
saw the dog and is in a shock as the dog looks like a bloated sausage having leg at each
end. Then He advised her to stop giving him diet. But Mrs Pumphrey is not able to refuse
the dog. Soon Tricky fell sick and the doctor was called.

The narrator, Mr. Herriot somehow takes Tricki to his hospital for treatment, even knowing
the fact that Mrs. Pumphrey will never leave the dog. He took the dog along and puts a bed
for him in his surgery. For two days dog did not move much and also did not eat anything.
On the third day he wanted to go outside and there he started playing with the bigger dogs.
He also licked the bowls of other dogs to eat the remaining food.

His condition started improving rapidly. Also, he started fighting for his meals with other
dogs. After hearing this news Mrs. Pumphrey started sending eggs to the hospital as she
thought that Tricki needed energy foods after recovery. But Mr. Herriot and his partners
started eating those eggs as morning breakfast.

Also, for improving Trick’s blood, Mrs. Pumphrey started sending wine in bottles. But
again, Mr. Herriot consumed those. Not only this, when she started sending brandy in
bottles they consumed that also. After few days Doctor took a wise decision and called up
Mrs. Pumphrey as she was much worried, for taking Tricki back home. Tricki was very
happy to see his mistress and jumped into the car. Then Mrs. Pumphrey said that she won’t
be able to ever thank him for all this wonder. And she said that his surgery had been
successful as Tricki was now cured.

Conclusion of A Triumph of Surgery

The story signifies that the parents should not be indulgent which may harm their children.

Question 1: Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?

Question 2: What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?
Answer: Initially, Mrs Pumphrey thought that Tricki had become listless as he
seemed to have no energy. She assumed that he must be suffering from
malnutrition, so she started giving him some little extras between meals to build
him up, some malt and cod-liver oil and a bowl of Horlicks at night to make him
sleep. She would also indulge him in cream cakes and chocolates unnecessarily
and did not give him enough exercise. With all this pampering and indulgence,
Tricki became hugely fat, like a bloated sausage with a leg at each corner. It
was absolutely not a wise decision on the part of his mistress to overfeed him
that worsened his condition and made him more lazy and bulky. However,
seeing his plight Mrs Pumphrey was distraught and consulted a veterinary
surgeon, Dr. Herriot to help improve Tricki’s health condition.
Question 3: Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
Question 4: Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress?
Answer: There are some instances in the story that suggest Dr. Herriot was not
as rich as Tricki’s mistress, Mrs Pumphrey. This is evident from the fact that the
narrator could not provide a luxurious life such as a cosy bed stuffed with
favourite cushions, toys and rubber rings along with bowls for different meals of
the day, rather he made up a bed for Tricki in a warm loose box next to the one
where the other dogs slept. The doctor also could not afford an entire staff of
maids and caretakers just like Mrs Pumphrey to take care of the sole well-being
and maintenance of her pet, Tricki.
Question 5: How does he treat the dog?
Question 6: Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
Question 7: Why does Mrs Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of
Answer: Mrs Pumphrey thought that Tricki was seriously ill when she consulted
Dr. Herriot, but her pet recovered from his condition completely within a span of
two weeks. She was glad to see that he had been transformed into a flexible
and hard-muscled animal. When Dr. Herriot brought Tricki to Mrs Pumphrey, he
took a tremendous leap and sailed into his mistress’s lap. His revival without any
medicinal treatment was noteworthy and she declared that the dog’s recovery
was indeed “a triumph of surgery”, to express her gratitude and happiness to the
Question 8: What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary
surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?
Question 9: Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will
happen now?
Answer: Yes, Tricki was happy to return home as he loved his mistress dearly
and he missed the comfort of his lavish life. Although he didn’t have any friends
at home like in the hospital, but he seemed equally excited to meet his mistress
after two weeks. Given Tricki’s laziness, we hope that Mrs Pumphrey would be
careful about Tricki’s diet and health going forward and would try to engage her
pet to get some physical exercise as prescribed by Dr. Herriot earlier.
Question 10: This episode describes the silly behaviour of a rich woman who is
foolishly indulgent, perhaps because she is lonely. Do you think such people are
merely silly, or can their actions cause harm to others?
Question 11: Do you think there are also parents like Mrs Pumphrey?
The Thief’s Story Summary in English

Anil was 25 years old writer. He was living his life very carelessly. He was struggling to
write for earning the money to run his life. One day Anil was watching the wrestling match.
He mates Hari. Hari used his old formula to flatter the person. Anil impressed and promised
him that he would teach him how to write, add numbers and how to cook tasty food. Now
both were living together happily.

One day Hari saw that Anil had brought a bundle of notes. He saw him keep them under the
mattress. As Hari saw the bundle of notes, so his evil spirit aroused in his mind. He decided
to rob Anil that night. After taking dinner Anil slept calmly. Hari crept to the bed and slipped
his hand under the mattress. He got the notes and ran away from there. He left for the railway
station to board a train to Lucknow. But, he missed it. He wandered through the bazaars. It
was raining and Hari Singh was completely wet.

There was a conflict in his mind. He did not want to betray the faith of Anil. Moreover, Anil
was teaching him how to write and add numbers that could transform his life. So he left the
railway station. He came to the field and sat on the bench. Just then heavy rain was going
on. A chill wind was blowing. He felt guiltier as he had cheated an innocent person. His shirt
and pyjamas wedged to his body because it was wet due to the rain.

Hari Singh had a change of heart. He decided to return to Anil and keep the money under
the pillow. He reached the room and placed the money back. The next morning, he woke up
a bit late and Anil had already made his tea. Anil offered Hari Singh Rs. 50 saying he had
earned it. He told him he would now be paid regularly. Hari kept the note in his hand. He
realized that the note was still wet from the rain last night. Hari got to know that Anil had
come to know about his misdeed but there was no sadness, anger or guilt in his mind.

Conclusion of The Thief’s Story

The moral of the story is the human values and relations are important in life and such values
can change a person too.

Question 1. Why did Hari Singh approach Anil?

Question 2. Anil walked away. I followed casually’. Why do you think the
narrator followed Anil?
Answer: The narrator’s purpose of robbing Anil had not yet been served. He
followed Anil to gain his trust and look for an opportunity that may help him give
shape to his plans.

Question 3. Was Hari Singh successful in robbing Anil? Was Anil the only one
who was robbed or did Hari also rob himself of something?
Question 4. What did Anil and Hari agree upon to be the mode of payment?
Answer: When Anil stated his inability to pay Hari, Anil questioned Hari if he
could feed Hari. Hari realised that he had misjudged his target and moulded the
situation for his benefit. Anil then agreed to feed him if he knew how to cook.

Question 5. What made Hari Singh go back to Anil’s house?

Question 6. Did Hari like working for Anil? Give reasons in support of your
Answer: Yes, Hari liked working for Anil. He was happy to carry on the chores
for him and was grateful for the education he was receiving. He used to make
profit of about a rupee a day as well, which was a decent amount besides being

Question 7. Why was it difficult for Hari to rob Anil?

Question 8. State the events that took place on the night of the theft.
Answer: The night of robbery vitas quite eventful for Hari Singh. After stealing
Anil’s money and leaving Anil’s house, Hari went to the railway station but didn’t
board the train to Lucknow. He walked slowly through the bazaar as he did i ot
know anyone who would provide him shelter except Anil, for he didn’t have any
friends. He was forced to take shelter under the clock tower later when it started
raining heavily. That is where he realised the importance of education and
decided to go back to Anil.

Question 9. How was the morning after the night of the theft?
Answer: The morning after the night of the theft was just like a normal one. Hari
woke up late and Anil had made tea by then. Anil gave a fifty rupee note to Hari
and told him that he will now be paid regularly. Hari was aware that Anil knew
about the theft but he didn’t show anything.

Question 10. How do you think Anil may have come to know about the theft?
Answer: Anil may have come to know about the theft because of the dampness
of the notes because of rain. He was a kind but wise .man. It wouldn’t haye been
difficult for Anil to make out the series of events that would have taken place in
the night.

Question 11. Had Anil really forgiven Hari Singh? Support your answer with

Long Answer (Value Based) Type Questions

Question 1. Money can’t make a man as much as education can. Elucidate the
Question 2. Hari Singh didn’t board the express and returned to Amil. Why did
he return? On what values does this incidence put light on?

Two Stories about Flying Summary

The story of His First Flight is based on a young seagull who is afraid to fly because of
distrust on its wings. All his younger siblings can fly fearlessly despite their shorter wings.
On the other hand, the young bird cannot gather the courage to trust his wings. He always
becomes afraid when coming forward to the brink of the ledge and attempting to fly. His
mother and father come around calling him and threatening him starve on the ledge unless
he flies. Despite all the upbraiding and calling to him shrilly, he could not move. All-day
long he watches his parents fly with his siblings and teaching them how to skim the waves.

One day the whole family flies to a big plateau and on the opposite cliff, the seagull is sitting
hungry. He begs his mother to bring him some food. His mother picks a piece of fish and
flies across to him. Maddened by hunger, he jumped at the fish with a loud shout. He falls
outward and downward into space and he can feel his wings cutting through the air. The next
moment he is flying fearlessly and his siblings soaring and diving with him.

The narrator of the story, Black Aeroplane is a pilot who elaborates on his misjudgment and
how it creates problems. In the lesson, the pilot is flying from Paris to London and dreams
about the holiday with his family. He is flying over a city and thinks about the tasty breakfast
after landing. After crossing Paris he gets a look of the dark clouds, signifying the upcoming
storm. For the sake of safety, he should turn back to Paris but he decided otherwise. To fulfil
his dream of a holiday, he risks the life of passengers and heads the plane into the storm.
Everything gets dark and all the instruments stop working. He lost control of the plane and
the hope of their survival becomes bleak. The very less amount of fuel is left and the pilot
starts panicking in the situation. Suddenly he sees another plane flying next to him through
the storm. The pilot turns his plane to the north in order to follow the strange Aeroplane. The
pilot starts frightening again as the fuel is getting low. The anonymous pilot guides them out
of the storm and disappears. After landing, the pilot asks about the other plane but is left in
shock to know that there was no other plane in the sky, except his.

Conclusion of Two Stories about Flying

The first part of the story teaches us that the inner strength of the person is always helpful in
overcoming difficult situations, while the second part teaches us that we should not risk the
lives of others to fulfil our dreams.

Questions From His First Flight

Q1- Why young seagull was afraid to fly? Do you think all young birds are afraid to fly
first or are some birds more scared than others? Do you think a human baby also
finds it challenging to take its first steps?
Ans- The young seagull was afraid to take its first flight because it was the first time it
was flying. Doing something for the first time can be challenging so it can be assumed
all young birds must be afraid to make their first flights. Similarly, a human baby also
finds it to be challenging to take its first steps.

Q2- “They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly.” Why you think the seagull’s father
and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?
Ans- The young seagull was afraid to fly and take its first flight. Even after seeing its
brothers and sisters flying, and its parents helping them, it could not gather the
courage to fly. This was the reason its father and mother were calling to it shrilly and
scolding it.
Q3- “The sight of the food maddened him.” What this statement suggests?
What made the young seagull to finally fly?
Ans- The young seagull was very hungry and it was this hunger that ultimately made it
fly. Not being able to control its hunger, it dived at the food which was in its mother’s
beak and his hunger overpowered his fear of the sea. The natural reaction of its body
was only to fly.
Q4- Have you ever experienced something similar, where your parents were
encouraging you to do something that you were too scared to try?
Ans- You need to give this answer based on your experience in which you can mention
your own perspective.
Q5- It seems a natural act in the case of a bird flying, and a foregone conclusion that it
should succeed. In the examples that you gave in an answer to the previous
question above, was your success guaranteed, or was it important for you to try,
regardless of the possibility of failure?
Ans- This answer will also require your own perspective and skills to describe your

Questions From Black Aeroplane

Q1- Describe in detail the narrator’s experience as he flew the Aeroplane into the
Ans- Once the narrator flew in the storm, everything went black. Along with with the
compass, the other instruments, including the radio, were also dead. The narrator saw
another Aeroplane and its pilot waved at him in the dark clouds. The narrator was
happy to find help in that situation.
Q2- Why the woman in the control center was looking at the narrator strangely?
Ans- The narrator asked the woman in the control center about the identity of the
other pilot. She was looking at him strangely because there was no one else flying the
plane in that storm.

Q3- “I’ll take the risk.”Explain the risk? Why the narrator was ready to take it?
Ans- The risk mentioned was flying through the black storm clouds. The narrator took
this risk of flying because he was missing home. He wanted to be with his family. He
wanted to go home and enjoy a good English breakfast.
Q4- Why the narrator says, “I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old
Ans- The narrator was happy to walk away from old Dakota because of the horrible
experience that he had in the storm.
Q5- According to you who helped the narrator to reach safely? Discuss the answer
among yourselves and give reasons for your answer.
sAns- There are chances that it might be the narrator only who helped himself through
the storm. In the storm, he might be seeing himself in the other plane.

Q1 Why did it become impossible for the narrator to see?
Q2 Why was the aeroplane twisting in the air?
Q3 From where did the narrator expect an answer?
Q4 Where was the pilot of Dakota plane flying to?
Q5 Why did he not go back to Paris?
Q6 Why was the young seagull alone at the ledge?
Q7 What made the young seagull finally fly?
Q8 “I’ll take risk” what is the risk here?
Q9 What was the young seagull’s mother doing before him?
Q10 Why did the narrator go to the control centre immediately?

VOCABULARY :- Do the thing you fear and keep on doing it; that is the quickest and
surest way ever to conquer fear., Fear defeats more people than any other one thing
in the world., keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others.

Idioms:- make your blood run cold, heart missed a beat, shook like a leaf, quaking in
my boots

Words:- dread, fright, panic, terror, trepidation, scared, gathered courage ,summon
up courage.

Julie: When is the fancy- dress competition in your school?
Mona: It is after two weeks.
Julie: Are you taking part in it?
Mona: Yes, I am taking part as an engine driver.
Julie: Why have you chosen that?
Mona: So that I can reach late.
Julie asked Mona when the fancy dress competition in her school was. To
thatMona replied that (a) ____________ Julie enquired whether (b)
____________ Mona said that she was taking part as an engine driver. Julie
asked why (c) ____________ She answered (d) ____________.

A Tiger in the Zoo Summary

This poem is showing the pitiful condition of the tiger in the zoo. It shows the poor condition
of the tiger in a cage. In a zoo, the tiger walks in the limited space provided to it in the cage.
He can take a few steps. There are stripes on his body which are easily noticeable. His paws
are soft like velvet. He does not make any noise while walking on his ‘pads of velvet’.
Usually, the tiger is silent but in anger.

Poet suggests that the cage is not the proper place for the tiger, as it is not its natural habitat.
Thus, the tiger in the cage is a victim of human cruelty. Generally, tigers are found sitting
under some bushes or long grass near some water bodies. So that the tiger can see its prey
like deer coming there to drink water, and consequently can slide silently through the grass
and kill them. The poet wants to convey to all humankind that the tiger should be there in
the forest and not in a cage.

Further, the poet gave a suggestion that the tiger should be sitting at the jungle’s edge near
the village. It may terrorize the people passing that way by showing its sharp teeth, baring
its claws and producing a roaring sound of anger.

Poet has deep sympathy due to the unpleasant situation of the tiger who is imprisoned in a
cell made of concrete. Tiger is unable to come out due to the strong bars fixed at the concrete
cell. So, the tiger’s strength is locked behind the bars. All such circumstanced are making
tiger having no interest in the visitors. And, he keeps on stalking in the limited space of the

The poet is trying to make realize the people about a tiger who is sitting in the cage and
feeling unpleasant and restless. Tiger is still showing no interest in the sound created by the
patrolling cars of the zoo authorities. The poet is showing him staring at the shining stars
with his brilliant eyes. The poet is raising a moral issue here and he intends to present a
strong case against the cruelty of humans for the animals kept in cages.

Conclusion of A Tiger in the Zoo In this poem, the poet is conveying an important
message that wild animals should be in their natural habitat.


The poet is talking about a little boy who has lost his ball. He was playing with
his ball. The ball skipped from his hand and went into the nearby water body.
The poet says that this sight of the boy losing his favorite ball made him think
about the boy and his reaction to this situation. He further says that the boy was
helplessly looking into the water where his ball had gone. He was sad and was
trembling with fear. He got so immersed in his sorrow that he kept standing near
the harbour for a very long time and kept on looking for his ball. The poet says
that he could console him that he may get new balls or he could also give him
some money to buy another ball. But he stops himself from doing so because he
thinks that the money may bring a new ball but will not bring the memories and
feelings attached to the lost ball. He further says that the time has come for the
boy to learn his responsibilities. Here the poet wants to say that now the boy will
learn the toughest lesson of life. The lesson of accepting the harsh realities of
life that one day we will lose our loved ones and our loved things.

VOCABULARY:- trip down memory lane, bear in mind, out of sight, down
in the dumps- unhappy,depressed, to feel blue

Clip someone’s wings, box in, fence in, bad trip- unpleasant situation

The Ball Poem Extra Questions

Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Question 1.
What is the boy now, who has lost his ball, What, what is he to do? I saw it go
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then Merrily over – there it is in the water!
No use to say – ‘O there are other balls’:
(a) What has happened to the boy?
(b) Why does the poet say ‘No use to say – ‘O there are other balls’?
(c) Which word means ‘happily’?
(d) Where did the ball go?
Question 2.
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy As he stands rigid, trembling, staring
down All his young days into the harbour where His ball went. I would not
intrude on him, A dlime, another ball, is worthless.
(a) Where had the boy’s ball gone?
(b) How has the loss affected the boy?
(c) Why was ‘he’ trembling, staring down?
(d) What does the poet mean by ‘first responsibility’?
Question 3.
He senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions. People will take
Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.
(a) What does the boy understand?
(b) What does the word ‘balls’ signify?
(c) What is meant by the word ‘possessions’?
(d) What does “In a world of possessions mean?”
Question 4.
He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,
The epistemology of loss, how to stand up
Knowing what every man must one day know
And most know many days, how to stand up.
(a) What is the boy learning?
(b) Why are boy’s eyes desperate?
(c) What do you mean by ‘epistemology of loss’?
(d) What every man needs to know one day?

Question 1. Why is it important for everyone to experience loss and to stand up

after it?
Answer: It is important for everyone to experience loss and to stand up after it
in order to be strong and to get on with life. One needs to stay strong no matter
how much it hurts inside. Staying strong is the only way to survive. Moreover,
one needs to learn to accept and let go and not cling to something that they can
never have. One should understand that the past is gone and it will never come
back. Experiencing loss sometimes helps us to grow up and face hardships, like
loss. This helps us in breaking all the boundaries into freedom.


Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Question 1.
He stalks in his vivid stripes,
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.
(a) Why the tiger could walk only a few steps?
(b) How does the tiger move in the cage?
(c) What are the two qualities of the animal under reference?
(d) Why is he in quiet rage?
Question 2.
He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass,
Near the water hole,
Where plump deer pass.
(a) Who is ‘He’ here?
(b) Where should he be lurking?
(c) Where should he be sliding?
(d) Who would pass through the water hole?
Question 3.
He should be snarling around houses At the jungle’s edge,
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorising the village!
(a) What does the poet try to suggest through these lines?
(b) How does the tiger scare the people?
(c) Why does ‘he’ snarl?
(d) How does ‘he’ show his presence?
Question 4.
But he’s locked in a concrete cell,
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
(a) What does the phrase ‘his strength behind the bar’ suggests?
(b) Why does the tiger ignore the visitors?
(c) What is the tiger doing in the cage?
(d) What does the expression ‘stalking the length of the cage’ imply?
Question 5.
He hears the last voice at night,
The patrolling cars,
And stares With his brilliant eyes
At the brilliant stars.
(a) What kind of voices does the tiger hear?
(b) Where does the tiger look at in the night?
(c) What do you mean by ‘patrolling’?
(d) What is the effect of the repeated use of the word ‘brilliant’?

Question 1.
Love for freedom is the natural instinct of every living being. Comment.
It is rightly said that love for freedom is the natural instinct of every living being.
Everyone loves freedom and does not want to live in confinement. Similarly, the
tiger also longed for freedom. He was so fed up being caged that he even
ignored the visitors. He took to and fro steps in the cage as if trying to while
away the time. The tiger wanted to escape this captivity.
God has made all living beings equally and thus, the animals too have the right
to freedom. They should not be caged. It is their right to enjoy their natural
habitat i.e. the forest and run freely in the wild. We should, thus, respect their
freedom and should not put them in the zoo.

• Question 2.
Is it right to confine wild animals into cages? Why or why not?
Wild animals are meant to live in the wild. They are not meant to be caged
and displayed in the zoos. We all know that the majestic species of tiger is
on the verge of extinction. There used to be a time when they used to
roam proudly and freely in the jungle. They are not meant to live a life in
confinement. They also have the right to freedom like all other living
beings. Confinement leads to depression and misery. Moreover, their
offsprings lose the hunting capabilities as they are not trained to hunt in
the wild. As a result, they would not be able to feed themselves.
Furthermore confining wild animals disturbs the whole ecological balance.
We should, thus, let the animals run free in the wild. They beloijg to the
forest and not to the cage.

• EXTRA QUESTIONS:- Q1 How does the tiger create terror for the

• Q2 Describe the tiger in cage.

• Q3 Describe the tiger in the wild.

• Q4 Why does the tiger express his rage quietly?

• Q5 What does the poet convey through the poem ‘ A TIGER IN THE

• Q6 What is the central idea of THE BALL POEM?

• Q7 Why did the boy feel so sad at the loss of his ball?

• Q8 ‘ Money is external’ What does the poet mean by this expression?

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