all tp road(1)_Part10

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Faculty of Civil engineering

• Cement 4% of 1200g.
V. Procedure
In order to start the process of the experiment:
• Clean the equipment properly to get ready for the experiment.
• Heating the aggregate, sand, and mold in the oven.
• weighing the sample properly and recording the data above that I have
• After the sand and aggregate heat until it is warm enough for our experiment,
Insert it into the bowl with cement.
• Insert it into an asphalt mixer, turn on the machine to heat, and mix the sample
to get 135 degrees Celsius. After it rises to the temperature that we needed,
insert the hot bitumen in the proper amount mentioned above.
• Mix it in the machine at a temperature of 145-150 degrees Celsius for 30
• Use the scope to transfer the asphalt mix into the mold.
• Next, use the spatula, to rod vigorously 15 times around the perimeter of the
mold and 5 times over the interior.
• This process ensures a smoother specimen and eliminates any rock bridging.
• Take the paper pad cover below and above the face of the sample.
• Compact the mix carefully using the marshall compactor 75 times.
• Reverse the mold and apply the same number of blows ( 75 times)
• Use the extruder to remove each specimen by jacking the specimen up through
the hole.
• Keep the specimen as perpendicular as possible to prevent distortion.
VI. Conclusion
After finishing the marshall mix design process, we knew that it won't mix well
with the aggregate sample if the bitumen isn't truly firm, because the temperature of
the asphalt concrete is exceeded. Instead, we must carefully and effectively control
the asphalt mixer's temperature. In order to make the bitumen in the sample that we
processed for the experiment more sticky when it is compacted, we had to combine it
with sand and cement so that when we compact it it will stick with the sample than

Institute of Technology of Cambodia Faculty of Civil engineering

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