1713819071991 - Well testing (Admed Ali)

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Well Testing

Ahmed Ali
Importance of Production Data Analysis
Basic Definition & Concepts

• During a well test, a transient pressure response that is created by a temporary change in production rate is

• The well response is usually monitored during a relatively short period of time compared to the life of the

• In most cases, the flow rate is measured at surface while the pressure is recorded down-hole.
The Objectives of Well Test-Reservoir evaluation

• Deliverability (conductivity; kh)

• Design of well spacing
• Number of wells • Wellbore stimulation

• Properties (initial reservoir pressure)

• Potential energy of the reservoir

• Size (reservoir limits)

• Closed or open (with aquifer support) reservoir boundaries

• Near well conditions (skin, storage and turbulence)

The Objectives of Well Test-

• Reservoir management
• Monitoring performance and well conditions

• Reservoir description
• Fault, Barriers
• Estimation of bulk reservoir properties
• Other :

- kh  Transmissibility - Fracturing parameters (ω , λ )


- Effective permeability -Non-Darcy effect ( D ) by Multirate test

Types of Test

• Transient tests which are relatively short • Stabilized tests which are relatively long
term tests are used to define reservoir duration tests are used to define long
characteristics. term production performance.
– Drawdown Test – Reservoir limit test
– Build-up Test
– AOF (single point and multi
– Injection Test point)
– Falloff Test
– IPR (Inflow Performance
– Interference Test
– Drill Stem Test
Diffusivity Eq uation

No-Flow Outer
r3 Boundary

t1= 0.3 day r2

r1 Fluid at the farthest boundary
t2= 1 day starts moving toward the well
t3= 3 days
t4= 10 days

Radial Pressure Profiles

Constant Well Rate Constant Well Pressure
r4 r3 r2 r1 r1 r2 r3 r4

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
t5 t4 t3 t2 t1

Changing pwf Constant pwf

Diffusivity Eq uation
combine the law of conservation of mass and Darcy’s law for Transient Region
the isothermal flow of fluids of small and constant
compressibility pwf
1   p   c t p Late-Transient Region
 r   Region
r r  r  k t
• Constant Rate Solutions – At wellbore radius, usteady State Transient Region

qB  1688 ct rw2  

pi  pwf  70.6 ln  2s
kh   kt  
 Late-Transient Pseudosteady-State
• Pseudosteady-State Flow after reaching boundary ct re2
948 Region Region
qB 0.000527 kt  re  3 
pwf  pi  141.2  2
 ln   
kh  ct re  rw  4  log t
q 0.00708kh Semilogarithmic coordinates
J 
p  pwf  1  10.06 A  3 
B ln    s
 2 
 2  C A rw  4 
S emiLog Analysis ( H orner Plot for
• The Horner method is the solution
of the superposition of ONE rate
change. 162.6qB
2,000 k
• Plotting m(p) vs (t+Δt)/ Δt pws 2  pws1 (  m )h
m pi
 t p  t   t p  t 
log 10    log 10 
 

Pressure,  t  2  t  1
psi  t p  t 
 
 t  , p ws 2
 t p  t   2
  , pws1
 t 
 1
10,000 1,000 100 10 1

Horner time ratio

Wellbore S torage
q q Rate
pt Surface Rate
Bottomhole Rate

Area =Awb ( ft 2 )

0 Time

Line with slope

qsf pw pw
log Dp

= 1 cycle/cycle
wellbore completely filled wellbore with a rising or
with single-phase fluid falling liquid/gas interface Use any point (t, p)
on line to calculate C
Wellbore Storage log Dt

Pressure change Elapsed time

since start of flow
tp  logt  log qB 
p 
or shut in
Wellbore storage
 24C 
C  c wbVwb

For a fluid-filled wellbore, 24C

bbl/psi C
25.65 Awb
For a moving liquid/gas interface
with unchanging surface pressure, bbl/psi
Dimensionless V ariables
C e 2 =1060
D s
Infinite Acting

qB  94
p  pi  70.6 Ei 

rD 

kh   r
C e 2 =0.01  
khpi  p  1 
D s

Similarities of
curves make
 rw
  Ei 
khpi  
pD 

matching difficult
141.2qB 2  2  0.000
tD 
0.0002637 kt
ct rw2

1  rD 4
p D   Ei    
2  4t D 
p D  0.5lnt D  0.809  2 s 
0.01 100,000
tD /CD

 C De 2s 
S (3) s  0.5 ln  wellbore storage coefficient
 C 
 D 
K (1) 0 .8936C
CD 
C (2) ct hrw2
Dimensionless V ariables
• Plotting Δt . d(ΔP)/d(Δt) vs Δt and match on Bourdet type curves to get better match

CD e2s=106
WBS Transition Radial Flow

CD e2s=0.0
Early-Time Region Middle-Time Region

0.01 100,000
tD /CD

• q = 50 STB/D pwf = 2095 psia pr

• h = 15 ft  = 18.3% 100

Pressure change, psi

• B = 1.36 RB/STB ct = 17.9 x 106 psi1
•  = 0.563 cp rw = 0.25 ft 10


0.01 0.1 1 10 tr 100 1000

Equivalent time, hrs

k 1   pr  
htp r
kt r
s   ln  
2 
2  tp r 
 1688 c t rw  
 70.6 50 1.36 0.563 
   1  400  12.9 20  
 1514     ln 
2 
 1688 0.183 0.563 17.9  10 0.25   
2  14
 12.9 md
 7.23
S ingle Fault
• Radius of Investigation
1/ 2
 k t 
ri   
 948
ct 
• Doubling slope may
take one and half cycle
(30 times the initial

• May be masked by
additional boundaries
or buildup is short
Flow Regimes
PSS (Pseudo
steady state)
• Channel system follow parallel fault models

G WC movement

Gas potential [psi2/cp]



1E+6 build-up #25 (ref)

build-up #70
build-up #262
build-up #270
build-up #271
build-up #272
build-up #280

Early time: near wellbore Late time:
1E-3 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 1E+5
Time [hr]

• A single model does not match the late time response of all the derivatives
• Something is changing in the reservoir: GWC movement?





Length [ft]
Tested well

-2000 Composite Anchor #1

M =(k / m) inner /(k / m) outer =21 -4000

Mobility ratio:
High quality build ups available from permanent downhole gauge -6000

Interpretation Issues
a) Humping b) Skin with time

c) Incorrect Production History

Redius of investigation
1/ 2
 k t 
ri   
 948
ct 

200 ∗ 1
948 ∗ 0.25 ∗ 0.04 ∗ (2 −4)
)0.5 =324

Silty SANDSTONE: light greenish grey, mainly planar laminated, very-fine to fine grained
sand, moderate to well sorted, high calcareous at top and non-calcareous towards the base. 20 ∗ 1
Bioturbated at base (escape burrow). Possible glauconitic. =(
948 ∗ 0.13 ∗ 0.4 ∗ (3.6 −5)
Patrial Penetration
Linear Flow

Single Sealing Fault

H ydraulically Fractured w ell
• Most important factor is dimensionless fracture conductivity (CfD)
for pseudo
where kf is fracture permeability (md), w the fracture width (in.), k the formation radial flow
permeability (md) and xf the fracture half-length (in.).

• The time at which pseudo radial flow occurs can be calculated with reference
to the dimensionless time (tD =3)

Fracked Wells flow regimes
• These wells are characterized by highly transient behaviour

• Formation Perm is from radial flow, Fracture Conductivity from Bilinear Flow
(Finite conductivity) , Fracture Half length from Linear flow ( High
Conductivity FCD>300)

• Gas Non-darcy flow and high formation permeability can mask Fracture


Finite conductivity , Finite conductivity ,

Low Fcd high Fcd

Fractured G as Well Analysis

Linear Flow
Bilinear Flow
G as Eq uations

• Plotting Δt . d(ΔP)/d(Δt) vs Δt and match

on Bourdet type curves to get
Inflow Performance Relationship
reservoir pressure)

kh(Pav - Pwf)
qo = -----------------------------------
141.2  oBo.[ln(re/rw) - 3/4]

where: P = pressure (psi)

k = permeability (md)
h = height (ft)
re = drainage radius (ft)
rw = wellbore radius (ft)
O = fluid viscosity (cP)
Bo = formation volume factor (bbls/stb) dr

Productivity Index Pe = boundary pressure

Pwf = well flowing pressure
r Pr = pressure at r
re re = drainage radius
Pwf rw = wellbore radius


G as IPR Eq uations ( Ex-4)

̅ −Ψ
Ψ ̅ =

Rate dependent S kin

• Prosper calculates the gravel Pack pressure drop using Jones

equation where

G as IPR Eq uations

• High Pressure Region (Forcheimer)

• Low Pressure Region(Jones)

• Back Pressure Equation

Back Pressure Eq uation

• IPR Equation

• Solving Equation

• C stands for productivity

• N (0.5 turbulent -1 smooth)

Back Pressure Eq uation
• IPR Equation

• Solving Equation

• C stands for productivity

• N (0.5 turbulent -1 smooth)

Flow after flow Isochronal

Modified isochronal
G as IPR Eq uations
• Jones ( Low Pressure)
• Forcheimer ( High Pressure)

• Solving Equations
• Solving Equations

• Constants
• Constants
S kin M odels
• Damage Skin

• Perforation Skin
• Locke
• Mcloed
• Karakas and Tariq

• Partial Penetration

• Phase blockage

• Rate dependent skin

Perforations – Crushed Z one
• Crushed zone : During the jet penetration
process, some damage occurs to the rock
matrix surrounding the perforation tunnel.
from high-impact pressures that occur during
perforating. A damaged zone consists of
crushed and compacted grains

• That form a layer approximately 0.25 to 0.5 in.

around the perforation tunnel

• Damaged zones are of nonuniform thickness

and decrease down the length of the
perforation tunnel.

• Some evidence suggests big hole charges can

cause damaged zone layers that approach 1 in.
around the perforation tunnel.

• The permeability of the damaged zone can be

10 to 20% of the surrounding formation
Pressure draw dow n to a gas
condensate w ell
1. Condensate blockage is the build-up of liquid around the wellbore, reducing the
effective gas permeability and lowering well deliverability.

2. Condensate saturations in the near-well region can reach 50%, reducing the gas
permeability in the near-well region by a factor of 2 to 20.

3. Condensate blockage is only important when there is a significant pressure drop

between the deep reservoir and the well perforations, and when the well is on decline
(tubing-pressure limited).

4. Condensate blockage is more important at low kh. It is likely to be a major issue when
kh < ~ 1,000 md-ft. It is unlikely to be significant when kh > ~10,000 md-ft.

5. The primary relative permeability relationship affecting condensate blockage is krg as a Most of the drawdown occurs very
function of krg/kro in the near-well region. Saturation does not enter the calculation. close to the well
6. The impact of condensate blockage can be reduced by an increase in krg at high 0.35
I hour
velocities (capillary numbers, Nc) in the near-well region. Considerable evidence for this 0.30 1 day
10 days
effect exists from lab experiments and well tests. 0.25
20 days
30 days
40 days
50 days

condensate saturation
rb = f(CGR)  50 - 500 ft
100 days
200 days
300 days
400 days

æ1 ö
600 days

Krg b = f(CGR,rock,Nc ) 0.10 800 days

Sb =ç - 1÷ln (
r r )
1000 days
1200 days
0.05 2000 days

ç krgb ÷ b w 
è ø
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Nc = f(qg ,pw f ) = visc.x velocity/ distance from well (feet)

sb  
H orizontal Wells IPR
Ψ −Ψ At lower vertical
permeabilities, a slant well
• = h is optimum for productivity.

Clearly, other issues come
into play and a horizontal
well is often used to
• Joshi Equation minimise coning (water or
gas). It is possible to have
the best of both worlds if
the formation layers are
• where h = thickness, ft kh = horizontal permeability, md kv =
dipping. A horizontal well in
vertical permeability, md L = length of the horizontal well, ft reh a dipping formation is akin
= drainage radius of the horizontal well, ft rw = wellbore radius, to a slant well in a
ft Jh = productivity index horizontal formation.

Clean-up, water
encroachment Control &
• Prosper uses refined Models ( Kushuk and Goode) and (Babu Cleaning up for Scale is
and Odeh) to account for thick Reservoirs and distance to more challenging in
boundaries. It does not take into account pressure losses in Horizontal wells especially if
well itself. formation heterogeneities
• In Dp friction Horizontal IPR, prosper divides the horizontal
section into up to 20 sections, and a network algorithm solves
M ini-DS T
• The schematic presentation of the Straddle
Packer (SP) tool configuration and the flow
• − In the analyses of the pressure transients, an
analytical model for a partially completed well with
storage and skin is generally used. However, in cases
where the reservoir thickness is equal or less than the
SP interval, a fully completed well with storage and skin
should be used.

• The expected flow regimes are shown in a

diagnostic log-log plot
• − For a very short time during the early fluid flow, it
is expected to have radial flow due to thickness of the
isolated zone (kxy× hw). It is unlikely to observe this
flow regime in most tests because it is masked by the
tool storage effect in early time. The spherical flow
regime, which represents the geometric mean of
three directional permeability (kxyz) is the dominant
flow regime in early time with the straddle packer
configuration. The flow regime becomes radial once
the flow is restricted by top and bottom no-flow

M ini DS T results
S WT-S urface Well testing
DS T S tring
DS T S tring
Cased hole Bottom H ole sample
• Good only for under-saturated crude oils

• Advantage:
– Collect the desired sample directly
– Can maintain full pressure on sample
– Avoid the need for flow rate metering devices
– Eliminate potential errors in the recombination
• Disadvantages:
– Only small samples
– Depth control
– Not good for:
• viscous crudes
• wells with water cut
• wells producing free gas
– Seal failures (H2S, CO2)
– The sample needs reheating for waxy crudes as they will tend to
participate at walls while recovering to surface.

PVT Sampling 42
S urface Recombination S ample
• Advantages
• Relatively easy, convenient and less expensive.

• Avoids production loss during required shut-in period for 20 L

subsurface sampling

• No well intervention required.

• Large sample could be obtained under reasonably defined 1L


• Disadvantage
• Well must be conditioned and fully stabilized
Required Data:
• Stable flow rate (no heading or slugging) 1. Well head conditions: WHP, WHT, FLP
2. Test parameter: Sep. Pressure &
• Accurate and reliable metering is essential
• Error will lead to incorrect GOR and therefore wrong 3. Flow rates: Gas rate, Oil rate & Water
reservoir fluid. Rate.
4. Separator fluid properties: Sep. gas
• higher GOR oils will need very close attention to the metering gravity, Sep oil/condensate gravity
at the separator.

The gas and oil samples are recombined with test GOR to get
reservoir composition
PVT Sampling 43
Precautions for S urface S ampling
• Flowing stability can be checked by the following criteria:
• stabilised surface gas and oil flow rates
• stabilised well head pressure
• stabilised flowing bottom hole pressure Pwf

• The gas and liquid sample should be taken at the same time or the difference in time as small as possible

• Gas and liquid samples must be collected from the first stage of separation (high-pressure separator).

• Check the meters calibration

• Stop any chemical injection upstream the separator before the sampling start with sufficient time for chemical to be purged

• H2S are adsorbed by walls of the sampling champers, So, either:

• Wellsite measurements should be taken immediately after sampling.
• Fill the chamber with the gas to be sampled and allow some time for the walls to become saturated with the adsorbed gases before it is
evacuated and filled again with the sample. In this case considerably smaller losses can
• a non-reactive sample cylinder coated in the same material can be used.

• If liquid samples cannot be collected from the first stage separator; gas and liquid samples must be collected from the second stage
(low-pressure separator) and recombined to produce the high-pressure separator liquid sample.
S ampling Techniq ues Choice Diagram

For Volatile oil or gas condensate , Testing at low flow rates may cause slug flow and
Unrepresentative CGR’s, while At higher flow rates CGR goes down due to higher
drawdowns and condensate dropout
PVT Sampling
Factors affecting sampling Planning
• Dry gas
• Uniform composition (single phase) throughout the depletion of the reservoir.

• Representative sample can be obtained at any time during the reservoir life
• The sample can be collected at well head or any convenient place

• Wet gas
• Uniform composition (single phase) throughout the depletion of the reservoir, but yield some liquid in the separator
• Sample could be taken any time
• The sampling location is the separator

• Retrograde gas condensate

• As soon as the Pwf or Pres < Psat liquid phase starts to condense in the near well bore area and the reservoir
• Sample should be taken as early as possible
• Separator sampling is the preferred location
• Sampling in several wells should be considered if areal variation of the fluid properties exist
• Composition and physical properties of the fluid in unusually thick, steeply dipping reservoirs should be considered

• Oil reservoir
• GOR is used with the correlation to estimate the Psat
• If Pres > Psat Under-saturated (single phase), sampling will be very simple (subsurface sample)
• If Pres ≤ Psat saturated (two phase), well conditioning must be considered.

Well Conditioning
Best Practice:
• Well clean up should be as short as possible.
• Use the lowest rate that results in smooth
operation and most reliable measurements of the
surface products.
• Minimum drawdown
• GOR / CGR changes should be minimal at different
rates and through the test (1 day+)
• Less permeable reservoirs take longer time
• If the GOR is in error ±5% the dew/bubble point
may be ±100 psi

• Separator temperature and pressures should

remain as constant as possible to avoid changes in
the flow rates and consequently the GOR/CGR

PVT Sampling 47
Tight G as Type Curves
Arps Decline Curve Material Balance time
Diffusivity Equation Solutions

Diffusivity equations solutions look the same to Fetkovitch curves.

Unifying b exponent curves was needed to decrease uncertainty
Fetkovitch Type curves Blasingame Type Curves

1.2 0.07

1.7 20

Flow ing M aterial Balance

DP/Q vs QN

















y = -9.24068e-10x + 0.0093

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