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Intern Policy

Confidentiality Policy
Interns must maintain the confidentiality of all company information, including but not limited to:
Business strategies
Client information
Project details
Interns are not permitted to disclose confidential information to anyone outside the company,
including friends, family, or social media.

Work Hours and Attendance Policy

Interns are expected to work at a schedule of (9.30 am – 6.30 PM) including the short break & the
lunch break.
Interns must notify their manager in advance for any absences or schedule changes.
Interns are eligible to opt for a day leave per month during their internship program. If intern
exceeds his/her entitled leaves it would be considered as LOP
Excessive absences or tardiness may result in termination of the internship.

Dress Code Policy

Interns are expected to dress professionally and appropriately for a work environment.

Communication Policy
Interns must maintain open and professional communication with their manager and colleagues.
Interns are expected to respond to emails, phone calls and messages in a timely manner
Interns must communicate any issues, concerns, or questions to their manager as a first point of
contact in an escalation matrix. If not addressed can reach out to HR.

Task Assignments and Evaluation Policy

Interns will receive task assignments from their manager and must complete them to the best of
their ability
Interns will receive regular evaluations and feedback on their performance
Evaluation will be based on factors such as:
Quality of work

Safety Policy
Interns must report in case of any accidents or incidents to their manager immediately
Interns are expected to maintain a safe and clean work environment

Intellectual Property Policy

Interns assign all intellectual property rights to the company for work created during their internship
Interns must not use company intellectual property for personal gain or outside projects

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Policy

Interns must sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect company confidential information
The NDA will remain in effect even after the internship has ended

Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy

Interns must adhere to the company's code of conduct and ethics policy
Interns must conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner at all times

Social Media Policy

Interns must refrain from posting confidential or negative information about the company on social
Interns must not use social media to harass or bully colleagues or managers

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