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1 Find the slopes of nts of the parabola yesse

which are passing through the point 1,41

Ads 2 V2

2 find the lengths of the tangents from the point 2,1 to the
parabola 92 42
Ans 352 and 355

3 find the shortest distance between the parabola a

4y and
N 29 6


4 Find the equation of common tangent of the parabolas

42 322 and 22 1081
As 2n 39 36 0

5 Find the common tangents of 92 162 and 22 12 8

As 1 2 4 or y n 4

6 Find the common tangent for y 8n and ay 1

Ans y n 2

7 Find the angle between the tangents drawn from the point 1,2131
to the parabola y 4x
1 A circle radius r is intersecting the parabola aso
of y uan
at the points A and B in the first quadrant If AB is
the diameter of the circle and if the circle touches the
n axis find the slope of AB interms of a and r

9 If the tangents to a parabola at 11,21 and at 14,31 intersects

at 1 2,61 find the slope of the directrix

01 Let A B C and D be four concyclic points on the

parabola y uan Then prove that the point whose
ordinate is the A M of the ordinates of A B C D lies
on the axis of the parabola

1 the tangents from a point p to a parabola touch

the parabola at A and B such that PA 4 PB 3
AB 5 then find the length of latus rectum of the
Ans 52
121 If S is the focus of 12 42 and 4,3 then
find the point P on the parabola such that SP PA is
Ans 4,3
131 A parabola is touching a axis at 11,0 and y axis at
10,21 then find the equation of its directrix
Ans 7 29 0

141 Find the locus of the mid point of the chord of 12 162
that subtends 90 at the vertex
Ads 92 82 128

51 The parabolas y 8 N i and 22 12 y a where C1

C2 are arbitrary constants touch each other Find the locus

of their point of contact

11 NY 24

61 If the line n 2y 4 0 intersect the parabola y 4a

at A and B find the mid point of AB Hence find length
of AB

7 If three real and distinct chords of the circle n y 16

which are passing through the point 14,0 are bisected

by the parabola y 4ax then find the range of a

Ans a c 10,1

if Find the image of the parabola y 4x with respect to the line

22 Y 1 0

Ant 1622 24mg 99 762 689 84 0

1 Find the equatinffite normal to the parabola
y 6N Gy 10 0 which is parallel to 2x y 5 0

As y 2N 18

21 Find the shortest distance between the curves 92 42

and 22 92 249 128 0

Ans 455 4

If 9 22 3 is tangent to 12 2421 then find the
distance from this time to it's parallel normal
Ad 1555

4 Find the locus mid point of normal chord of the

parabola y sn

Ans y 4ny 1612 128 0

5 Find the locus of point of intersection

of perpendicular
normals of the parabola y 12n

Ad y 3N 27

6 Let A 4,41 be one end of the focal chord AB of 12 42

The normal at B intersects the parabola again at a point c
If the circumcircle of AABC intersects the parabola at
a point D differentfrom A B C find the coordinates
of D
Ad 36 121
71 Let the normals at P and Q on
y 12n intersect at
a point it on the parabola The tangents at P and Q
are intersecting at a point T Then find the locus Circum
centre of APQT
Ans 242 3 x 9

8 Find the equation of the largest circle passing through the

focus of y use and touching the parabola at two
distinct points
Ans N 51492 16

9 find the radius the largest circle which touches the

parabola 92 122 internally exactly at one pointand
whose centre ties on the x axis
Ans 8 6

If the normals at the points A B and C are

of 42 42
concurrent at 16,21 then find the equation of circumcircle
Ans 92 821 9 0

find the radii

of the smallest and largest circles
which touch the parabola y 4n at one end of
latus rectum and also touches the x axis
Ad 41212
121 If be drawn to the parabola 2 2 819 2
three normals can

from the point c 2,41 then find the smallest integral value
of h
Ans 4 7

13 If tangent other than the y axis

of y base
is normal to n 4by where ato b 0 then prove
that a 862

14 If the parabolas y sx and y 4 a k have a common

normal other than the a axis then find all possible values

of K
Ans KE 2,0

151 Find the minimum value of 111 1274 3 Fat Tuna

where 1 2,41 and na 0
And 3 212

61 find the minimum area of the circle that touches both

the parabolas y 12 1 and y n 1

As 9

7 A
ray of light from point P 4,1 moving parallel to
x and gets reflected
axis on a parbolic mirror whose
equation is 19 312 412 1 Then find the equation of
the reflected ray
Ad 421
31 9 0

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