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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Faculty of Civil engineering

TP4: Ductility of Asphalt Materials

I. Objective
The purpose of this experiment is the ductility of asphalt materials.
II. Theory
The ductility of asphalt materials is defined by tensioning the bitumen in the constant
Vitesse 5cm/min ± 5% and temperature i5±0.5 degrees Celsius.
III. Equipment

Ductility mold Ductility machine Water Tank

Glycerin+ dextrin Knife Heating machine Glass

IV. Procedure
1. Install the mold on the pad (apply glycerin and dextrin
2. Heat the bitumen until there is enough liquid mixture for our experiment.
3. Filter the bitumen that passes through the 300um basket, and pour the hot bitumen
into the mold until full, making sure there are no bubbles.
4. . Let the bitumen cool down at room temperature for 30 to 40 minutes and then
soak it in a water tank at 25 + 0.1 ° C for 30 minutes.
5. Cut the excess bitumen at the top of the mold with a hot knife.
6. Leave the bitumen in the water tank for 85 to 95 minutes.

Institute of Technology of Cambodia Faculty of Civil engineering

7. Remove the pad and the sides of the mold and hang each other side to the puller
8. Pull the bitumen at uniform speed 5cm / min ± 5% and temperature 25 + 0.5 ° C
9. . If more than 100cm, the rubber does not separate, set it to 100cm.
V. Data calculations
The ductility of asphalt materials:
• First sample: 100cm
• Second sample: 100cm
• Third sample: 100cm

These three samples were taken over 100cm long, so we took it as 100 cm.

VI. Conclusion
After we performed the experiments, we observed that our asphalt materials are taken
over 100cm long to cut it off.
So, the value of the experiment, it can be used and it makes sure that our asphalt
materials can use in construction.

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