all tp road(1)_Part7

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Faculty of Civil engineering

TP5: Aggregate Grading

I. Objective
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the distribution of aggregate particles
by size within a given sample. This information can then be used to determine
compliance with design and production requirements.
II. Equipment

Coarse aggregate sample Sieves Balancer Plastic packing

III. Procedure
1. First, we must have an aggregate sample from 7 to 9 kg
2. Installing the sieves, the sieve is between 9.5mm-12.5mm.
3. Put the aggregate sample into the sieve, then shake it until the small diameter of
the aggregate fall down.
4. Note that we only collect the sample in the sieve of diameter 9.5mm.
5. Repeat this process until we get 5 samples, and each sample is 1.2kg.
6. Leave each sample aggregate in a plastic bag.

IV. Conclusion
After we have done this experiment, we take only the aggregate that stays in the
sieve 9.5mm to put in 5 bags of plastic, each sample weight 1.2kg. Moreover, we
collect those samples in order to prepare for the next experimental.

Institute of Technology of Cambodia Faculty of Civil engineering

TP6: Aggregate bulk density and specific gravity

I. Objective
The purpose of this experiment is to defined the aggregate bulk density and specific
II. Theory
The ductility of asphalt materials is defined by tensioning the bitumen in the constant
Vitesse 5cm/min ± 5% and temperature is 25±0.5 degrees Celsius
III. Equipment

Coarse aggregate sample Dry Towel Specific gravity apparatus

Balancer Heating machine Glass and cylinder Stainless steel bowl

IV. Procedure
• Aggregate bulk density
1. Weigh the glass and cylinder (for putting the sample)
2. Insert the aggregate sample into the cylinder and trim the surface
3. Weigh the aggregate sample cylinder, and glass plate.
4. Repeat the process until we get 5 samples.
• Aggregate Specific Gravity
1. Fill the water in the water bath.
2. Drain the excess water.
3. Bring all the aggregate to saturate surface dry (SSD).

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