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OPINION Circulating biomarkers to assess cardiovascular
function in critically ill
Dirk van Lier and Peter Pickkers

Purpose of review
Circulatory shock is one of the most common reasons for ICU admission. Mortality rates in excess of 40%
necessitate the rapid identification of high-risk patients, as well as the early assessment of effects of initiated
treatments. There is an unmet medical need for circulating biomarkers that may improve patient
stratification, predict responses to treatment interventions and may even be a target for novel therapies,
enabling a better biological rationale to personalize therapy.
Recent findings
Apart from established biomarkers such as lactate, ScvO2 or NT-pro-BNP, novel biomarkers, including
adrenomedullin, angiopoietins, angiotensin I/II ratios, renin and DPP3 show promise, as they are all
associated with well defined, therapeutically addressable molecular pathways that are dysregulated during
circulatory shock. Although some of the therapies related to these biomarkers are still in preclinical stages
of development, they may represent personalized treatment opportunities for patients in circulatory shock.
From a molecular perspective, shock represents a highly heterologous syndrome, in which multiple unique
pathways are dysregulated. Assessment of the status of these pathways with circulating biomarkers may
provide a unique opportunity to detect specific phenotypes and implement personalized medicine in the
treatment of circulatory shock.
biomarkers, circulatory shock, personalized medicine

INTRODUCTION and metabolomics have substantially improved the

Cardiovascular failure is a common reason for knowledge on molecular mechanisms involved in

admission to the ICU and observed in approxi- the development of different shock syndromes [4 ].
mately one out of three patients while in the ICU Subsequently, multiple potential biomarkers are
[1]. ICU patients display marked variability in the being discovered [5], aimed to serve a wide range of
severity of cardiovascular failure, associated with purposes as a diagnostic tool, to monitor treatment
different dysregulated molecular pathways. Shock, effects, for prognostication or as an enrichment strat-
defined as circulatory failure to an extent that sig- egy to increase the chances of a beneficial effect of a
nificantly impairs cellular oxygen utilization, repre- specific intervention [6]. Despite these recent develop-
sents the most severe end of the clinical spectrum ments, it is acknowledged that treatment strategies
[1]. The development of circulatory shock is inde- for circulatory shock have remained virtually
pendently associated with adverse outcomes, with unchanged for decades. Up to now, treatment consists
mortality rates in excess of 40% [2,3]. of supportive therapies, including fluid resuscitation
Traditionally, shock syndromes are classified and inotropic/vasopressor therapy, as well as organ-
using four broad, nonexclusive categories based on
primary causative mechanisms; hypovolemic, cardio-
Department of Intensive Care Medicine and Radboud Center for Infec-
genic, obstructive or distributive [1]. Although these tious Diseases (RCI), Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The
categories provide a framework to enable basic treat- Netherlands
ment decisions, they fail to address the complexity Correspondence to Peter Pickkers, MD, PhD, Radboud University Medi-
and major heterogeneity of (patho)physiological cal Center, Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10, 6525 GA, Nijmegen, The
pathways involved in the development of different Netherlands. E-mail:
shock syndromes [4 ]. In addition, recent develop- Curr Opin Crit Care 2021, 27:261–268
ments of assays able to measure genomics, proteomics DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000829

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Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cardiopulmonary monitoring

practice [7]. Because of the strong relationship

KEY POINTS between hyperlactatemia, lactate kinetics and circu-
 Biomarkers have the potential to improve risk latory failure in critically ill patients, hyperlactate-
stratification, reduce patient heterogeneity and provide mia is even included in the definition of circulatory
an early prediction of treatment responses in circulatory shock [1]. Ever since a lactate guided resuscitation
shock patients. strategy was shown to improve treatment outcome
in septic shock patients, routine assessment of lac-
 An increasing amount of biomarker studies demonstrate
that multiple signalling pathways are altered during tate until normalization is advised by the surviving
circulatory shock, substantiating evidence that from a sepsis campaign [8]. Although the potential of lac-
(patho)physiological perspective, shock represents a tate as an early-goal-directed-therapy (EGDT) bio-
highly heterologous syndrome, rather than a single marker is now broadly recognized, recently
disease entity. performed randomized controlled trials that per-
 New biomarkers are emerging, some associated with formed a head-to-head comparison of the EGDT
therapeutically addressable molecular pathways known potential of lactate to other measures of circulatory
to be dysregulated during circulatory shock. These function yielded conflicting results [7]. In early
biomarkers may represent a unique opportunity to sepsis patients, therapy aimed to decrease lactate
implement personalized medicine in the treatment of levels by at least 10% during the 6-hour study pro-
circulatory shock. tocol, compared with a strategy aiming to normalize
central venous oxygenation (ScvO2), resulted in a
borderline significant lower mortality in the lactate
driven treatment group [9]. In another trial involv-
support interventions such as mechanical ventilation ing septic shock patients, a EGDT strategy aimed to
and renal replacement therapy [1]. Moreover, normalize peripheral capillary refill time (CRT)
although many novel biomarkers appear promising resulted in a faster resolution of organ dysfunction
in initial studies, a large proportion of these biomark- and lower mortality compared with a strategy aimed
ers may ultimately fail to impact clinical treatment
at a 20% 2-hourly reduction of lactate [10 ,11].
decisions [5]. These discrepancies imply that the gap Although these studies thus effectively demonstrate
between the expanding fundamental knowledge on that EGDT strategies using biomarkers can improve
circulating biomarkers and their clinical application is treatment outcome, they also show that lactate does
only widening. not necessarily outperform more readily available
In this review, we discuss recent developments treatment targets such as bedside clinical symptoms.
in the use of circulating biomarkers to assess cardio-
vascular dysfunction in critically ill patients. We
also provide an in-depth review on the molecular N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide
pathways associated with these biomarkers, as well Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal (NT)-
as the potential of targeted therapeutics aimed to pro-BNP are released from cardiomyocytes following
modulate dysregulations of these pathways. Lastly, increases in ventricular wall stress due to pressure
we discuss barriers complicating the use of biomark- overload [12]. Elevated plasma levels of BNP and NT-
ers in (standard) clinical practice, and provide sug- pro-BNP are well established biomarkers in heart
gestions to overcome them. failure patients, able to diagnose cardiac dysfunction
as the primary cause of pulmonary congestion [13].
ESTABLISHED BIOMARKERS OF Contrary, in critically ill patients in circulatory shock,
CARDIOVASCULAR INSUFFICIENCY NT-pro-BNP levels appear to be elevated regardless of
the presence of cardiac dysfunction, as no clear asso-
Although many circulating biomarkers associated
ciations with new left or right ventricular dysfunc-
with cardiovascular dysfunction in the critically ill
tion are observed [13,14]. Although these findings
have only been developed recently, a few notable
suggest a limited potential of brain natriuretic pep-
examples have already been embedded in clinical
tides as diagnostic biomarkers of new ventricular
decision making. Below, we briefly discuss the ratio-
dysfunction during circulatory shock, both BNP
nale behind the use of these biomarkers, as well as
and NT-pro-BNP may provide useful prognostic
recent developments that have an implication on
information. In different noncardiogenic shock
their continued implementation in clinical care.
causes, levels of both BNP and NT-pro-BNP were
predictive of short-term mortality, independent of
Lactate conventional risk scores like acute physiology and
Lactate represents the most extensively used and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II scores
studied goal-directed biomarker in clinical care [15,16].

262 Volume 27  Number 3  June 2021

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Biomarkers to assess cardiovascular function van Lier and Pickkers

Cardiac troponins predictive capacity [18]. During septic shock, tro-

Troponins are well established as the criterion lab- ponin levels correlate moderately with levels of left
oratory diagnostic for acute coronary syndrome, ventricular diastolic dysfunction as well as right
due to their high sensitivity and specificity for ventricular systolic dysfunction, while the correla-
myocardial injury [17]. During critical illness, tion with left ventricular systolic dysfunction is
patients with preexisting atherosclerotic stenosis only minor [19]. High troponin levels in the criti-
may be unable to cope with increased cardiac oxy- cally ill should therefore prompt clinicians to per-
gen demands observed during circulatory shock, form a more detailed cardiac function assessment
leading to myocardial injury [13]. Patients also than echocardiographic assessment of left ventric-
often develop other causes of critical illness induced ular function alone.
myocardial injury, including stress cardiomyopa-
thy, septic cardiomyopathy, cardiac trauma, as well
as through the cardiotoxic side effects of different NOVEL BIOMARKERS OF
implemented therapeutics [13,17]. Up to 15–30% CARDIOVASCULAR INSUFFICIENCY
of noncardiac ICU patients develop elevated tropo- The amount of available biomarkers associated with
nin levels during ICU admission [13]. In these cardiovascular failure in critically ill patients is
patients, admission troponin levels are indepen- increasing. Below, we discuss notable examples of
dently associated with short-term mortality recently developed biomarkers, the unique biologi-
[13,18]. In contrast to the prognostic capacity of cal pathways associated with them, as well as the
admission troponin levels, serial measurements of effect of potential therapeutics targeted at these
troponin in sepsis and septic shock do not improve pathways. An overview is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Overview on biomarker studies that were recently performed in circulatory shock patients, including the associated
dysregulated molecular mechanisms, as well as therapeutics able to correct them.
Investigated biomarker Predictive of Pathophysiological rationale Associated therapeutics

ADM Mortality [20,21] ADM release represents a compensatory ADM administration (66)
Vasopressor therapy [21] response aimed at restoring Nonneutralizing ADM
AKI [21,22] endothelial barrier function, that falls antibodies [25]
short during refractory shock [23,24]
Angiopoietin II and the Mortality [26,27] Angiopoietin II release is triggered by Angiopoietin II antibodies/
Angiopoietin I/II ratio Microcirculatory dysfunction [28] inflammatory mediators, and inhibitors [30,31]
subsequently increases endothelial
permeability at the cell-cell junction
level [29,30]
Angiotensin I/II-ratio Mortality [32 ] During circulatory shock, endothelial Angiotensin II [34,32 ]
&& &&

Vasopressor therapy [32 ] ACE function markedly decreases,


leading to reduced Ang II formation.

The ratio of angiotensin I/II is thus a
measure of failing ACE function [33]
Renin Mortality [35 ] Renin is released to enhance angiotensin Angiotensin II [34,35 ]
&& &&

Vasopressor therapy [35 ] II production. High renin during


Beneficial response to circulatory shock thus represents an

angiotensin-II therapy [35 ] angiotensin II response that is

insufficient to maintain adequate

vascular tone [33]
DPP3 Mortality [36,37 ,38] High circulating DPP3 is caused by DPP3-neutralizing antibodies

Ventricular dysfunction [37 ,38] uncontrolled release of cytosolic DPP3 [37 ,39]
&& &&

Vasopressor dependency [36,38] into the circulation following cell Angiotensin II [40]
AKI [38] death. This further deteriorates
vascular tone by inhibiting
compensatory angiotensin-II responses
Free cortisol Mortality [41 ] High cortisol during refractory shock Hydrocortisone [41 ]
& &

Shock resolution [41 ] represents relative adrenal


Shock recurrence [41 ] insufficiency, meaning rises in cortisol


concentrations are insufficient to

control for concurrent inflammatory
responses [42,43]

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADM, adrenomedullin; AKI, acute kidney injury; DPP3, dipeptidyl peptidase 3.

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Cardiopulmonary monitoring

ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION these results might suggest that ADM plays a detri-
The vascular endothelium is increasingly recognized mental role during circulatory failure, high ADM
as a full-fledged organ essential for the maintenance levels likely represent a failing compensatory
of cardiovascular homeostasis, especially in criti- response, aimed at attenuating the endothelial bar-
cally ill patients [44 ]. The single cell layer of endo- rier compromise present during circulatory shock
thelium marks the border between the intravascular [21]. A nonneutralizing antibody called Adrecizu-
and interstitial space [44 ]. Endothelial signalling mab, which enhances ADM’s endothelial barrier
function is essential to regulate the diffusion of stabilizing effects by trapping it into the circulation
molecules through paracellular and transcellular [25], is currently under phase-2 investigation as a
transport mechanisms [45,46]. Through different treatment option for septic shock [56]. In this trial,
signalling pathways, the endothelium also acts as patients that may be more amendable to therapy
a key regulator of local vascular tone, local and with Adrecizumab, were selected using predefined
systemic inflammatory signalling, as well as haemo- ADM cutoff-values, implementing a bedside ADM-
stasis and angiogenesis [46–48]. When tissue is biomarker assay [56].
injured, release of danger-associated molecular pat-
terns (DAMPs) and subsequent inflammatory
responses lead to barrier compromise at the endo-
thelial cell-cell junction level, which allows for the The angiopoietin/Tie-2 signalling axis represents a
efflux of inflammatory signal molecules (e.g. cyto- unique regulatory pathway involved in endothelial
kines and prostaglandins), as well as leukocyte infil- inflammation, vascular haemostasis, vascular tone
tration into tissues [47]. On one hand, local and, most importantly, endothelial barrier function
endothelial barrier compromise may be viewed as [29,30]. Tie-2, the main effector receptor of this
a physiological response, required to combat patho- system, is almost exclusively expressed on endothe-
gens residing in the tissues, as well as for the repair of lial cells. Activation of the Tie-2 receptor promotes
damaged tissues. On the other hand, excessive sys- endothelial barrier stability at the cell-cell junction
temic damage to the endothelial barrier induced by level as well as strengthening of the actin cytoskele-
inflammatory responses can also cause large ton [30]. Angiopoietin 1 (Angpt-1) serves as the
amounts of intravascular fluids to leak into tissues, main agonist of the Tie-2 receptor, while the effects
leading to oedema formation, substantially contrib- of Angiopoietin 2 (Angpt-2) are highly context
uting to tissue hypoxia and the development of dependent [30]. Under noninflammatory condi-
shock [49,50]. Biomarkers are widely recognized as tions, Angpt-2 acts a weak agonist of the Angpt-I/
a tool to identify the presence of systemic endothe- Tie-2 axis [30]. During inflammation, Angpt-2 is
lial cell dysfunction [23]. secreted by endothelial cells in response to inflam-
matory cytokines [29]. In this context, increased
Angpt-2 levels act as a Tie-2 antagonist, leading to
Adrenomedullin compromise of the endothelial barrier [30]. During
Adrenomedullin (ADM) is a key hormone involved inflammation, Angpt-2, as well as Angpt-1/Angpt-2
in the regulation of vascular tone and endothelial ratios, thus serve as a measure of endothelial barrier
barrier function [23]. The main effects of ADM function. During septic shock, both Angpt-2 levels
include endothelial barrier stabilization (through and Angpt-1/Angpt-2 ratios are associated with dis-
regulation of the endothelial actin myosin cytoskel- ease severity and short-term mortality, with Angpt-
eton) and vasodilatation (through binding with its 1/Angpt-2 ratios being the superior outcome predic-
target receptors on both endothelial cells and vas- tor in comparative studies [57,58,26]. High baseline
cular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) [23,51]. Circu- Angpt-2 levels are also independently associated
lating ADM levels are associated with clinical with short-term mortality in cardiogenic shock
outcome in a range of shock syndromes, including patients [27]. During sepsis, Angpt-2 levels are
acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock, as well as inversely related to nitric oxide dependent micro-
septic shock [20,52,53,54,22]. In septic shock vascular reactivity [28]. Moreover, Angpt-2 levels
patients, ADM levels are associated with disease also strongly correlate with pro-inflammatory cyto-
severity, vasopressor/inotrope dependency, the kines, most notably TNF-a and IL-6 [26]. Angpt-2
necessity for renal replacement therapy and mortal- inhibition has already demonstrated beneficial ther-
ity [20,52,53,55]. Of interest, in patients with high apeutic effects in murine models of acute inflamma-
admission ADM levels, a decrease in ADM concen- tion, sepsis and acute lung injury [30]. In these
trations following the first 24 h of ICU treatment is studies, treatment with Angpt-2 neutralizing anti-
associated with a markedly reduced risk of organ bodies improved endothelial barrier function and
failure, as well as 28-day mortality [21]. Although attenuated endothelial inflammation, leading to

264 Volume 27  Number 3  June 2021

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Biomarkers to assess cardiovascular function van Lier and Pickkers

increased survival [30]. Interestingly, in another found that patients with higher admission Ang I/II
recently performed study, dual inhibition of ratio’s received higher norepinephrine-equivalent
Angpt-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor doses [32 ]. In the placebo group, patients with
(VEGF) also improved outcome in a murine sepsis low Ang I/II ratios had markedly improved chances
model [31]. As inhibition of VEGF alone failed to of survival [hazard ratio 0.56 (95% confidence inter-
improve outcome in another preclinical sepsis val, 95% CI 0.35–0.88] compared to patients with
model [59], it remains to be determined whether high Ang I/II ratios [32 ]. These results provide a
this dual inhibition strategy provides additional biological rationale for interventions aimed at cor-
outcome benefits compared to therapeutics that rection of high Ang I/II ratios as a novel EGDT strat-
only inhibit Angpt-2. egy, including the use of angiotensin II as an
alternative vasopressor.
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) Renin is a key enzyme of the RAAS that facilitates the
plays a vital role in the regulation of cardiovascular conversion of biologically inactive angiotensinogen
system homeostasis [60]. Angiotensin II (Ang-II) to angiotensin I [60]. Renin is released by juxtaglo-
serves as the main effector molecule of this system, merular cells in the kidney in response to sympa-
by raising blood pressure through an increase in thetic nerve activation or decreased sodium delivery
sympathetic tone, endogenous catecholamine and to the distal tubule [60]. Ang-II acts as a direct nega-
vasopressin release, as well as through direct stimu- tive feedback on renin release through activation of
lation of VSMCs [60,61]. Moreover, Ang-II responses the Ang-II type 1 receptor. Contrary, when there is
are essential to maintain glomerular filtration during insufficient activation of the Ang-II type 1 receptor,
periods of reduced renal perfusion, by causing selec- renin concentrations are putatively increased [33]. A
tive vasoconstriction of efferent glomerular arterioles different sub-study of the ATHOS-3 trial shows that
[62]. During shock, upregulation of Ang-II is a physi- Ang-II therapy caused a marked reduction in renin
ologic and potentially life-saving response aimed at concentrations compared with placebo (54.3% vs.
maintaining adequate tissue perfusion [61,63]. The 14.1%, P < 0.0001) [35 ]. Interestingly, while the
landmark ATHOS-3 trial has reinvigorated interest in ATHOS-3 trial was underpowered to detect mortality
Ang-II as an alternative vasopressor therapy for cate- differences [34], in patients with high baseline renin
cholamine-resistant vasodilatory shock (CRVS) measurements, a clear survival benefit of Ang-II ther-
patients [51]. In this trial, CRVS patients who received apy was found; hazard ratio 0.56 (95% CI 0.35–0.88)
Ang-II as an additional vasopressor exhibited a sub- [35 ]. Renin measurements may thus serve as a novel
sequently reduced risk of hypotension as well as population enrichment strategy, identifying CRVS
reduced catecholamine requirement, compared with patients for whom treatment with Ang-II is more
patients receiving placebo [34]. Two recently pub- likely to improve clinical outcome.
lished ancillary biomarker analyses of the ATHOS-3
trial investigated whether baseline measurements of Dipeptidyl peptidase 3
different RAAS-effector metabolites would be able to
Dipeptidyl peptidase 3 (DPP3) is a ubiquitous, pri-
identify patients with worse outcome, as well as
marily cytosolic enzyme involved in the degradation
patients more amendable to Ang-II therapy. The
of several important signal molecules relevant for the
results of these studies as well as their biological
regulation of vascular tone, most notably angioten-
rationale are explained in detail in the next sections.
sin II [23]. Whereas levels of circulating (c)DPP3 are
low in healthy volunteers [65], high cDPP3 concen-
Angiotensin I/II ratios trations are found in sepsis, septic shock, cardiogenic
Angiotensin I (Ang-I) is the first effector peptide of shock as well as in burn victims exhibiting vasodila-
the RAAS, which only becomes biologically active tory shock syndrome [65,36,37 ,38]. High cDPP3
after it is cleaved to Ang-II by angiotensin-converting levels are associated with higher organ dysfunction
enzyme (ACE) [33]. The ratio of Ang I/II is thus a scores, the development of myocardial dysfunction,
measure of ACE function [33]. Circulatory shock is refractory shock, acute kidney injury and increased
associated with endothelial injury, with markedly short-term mortality [65,36,37 ,38]. Interestingly, a
decreased endothelium-bound ACE activity, leading decrease of cDPP3 following conventional treatment
to a decreased capacity to convert Ang-I to Ang-II was associated with less subsequent organ support
[64]. Thus, the Ang I/II ratio may be elevated in requirements and lower mortality in all of these
circulatory shock and predict impaired clinical out- conditions [36]. On the basis of these clinical associ-
come. In a sub-study of the ATHOS-3 trial, it was ations combined with the known short half-life and

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Cardiopulmonary monitoring

primary cytosolic localization of DPP3 [65,66], high the use of corticosteroids as a therapeutic in circula-
levels of cDPP3 likely represent a state of ongoing cell tory shock remains a controversial issue [42,43]. In a
death (necrosis) [36] and release of cytosolic DPP3 recently performed ancillary study of a randomized
into the circulation [23]. As the uncontrolled release controlled trial that investigated hydrocortisone
of DPP3 into the circulation is able to effectively therapy in septic shock, baseline levels of free corti-
cleave Ang-II, DPP3 might represent a novel factor sol were associated with an increased risk for subse-
contributing to the deterioration of vascular tone in quent mortality; odds ratio (OR) 1.13 (95% CI 1.00–
different shock conditions by incapacitating the 1.27). However, after adjustment for disease sever-
vasopressor effects of endogenous Ang-II [67]. ity, free cortisol levels were not related to efficacy of
Although limited, there are also studies investigating hydrocortisone therapy, making it unlikely that
DPP3-inhibition. Administration of a neutralizing cortisol measurements have potential as a popula-
DPP3 antibody in a murine acute heart-failure model tion enrichment strategy for corticoid therapy in
normalized left ventricular function, an effect which septic shock [41 ].
was sustained after 24 h and 14 days [37 ]. Following
these findings, a DPP3 inhibiting antibody is cur-
rently being developed for clinical use [23,37 ].
A major limiting factor preventing the implementa-
ADRENERGIC INSUFFICIENCY tion of many novel biomarkers in clinical care is their
ultimate inability to meaningfully direct clinical
Cortisol decision making. Some fail to improve outcome pre-
Activation of the pituitary-adrenal axis and its most diction compared to other, already well established
important effector molecule cortisol is essential for risk-scores or conventional biomarkers. Of others, the
mounting an adequate stress-response during criti- molecular mechanisms associated with high levels of
cal illness [68]. Despite the large increase in gluco- a biomarker are either to heterogenic, or not suffi-
corticoid secretion observed in different shock ciently known. Even when these molecular pathways
syndromes, a significant number of critically ill have been fully elucidated, if no specific therapeutic
patients have relative adrenal insufficiency [68]. intervention putatively able to correct these path-
Despite numerous randomized controlled trials, ways is available, the chance that measurement of a

Novel biomarker

Improves detecon of a
Potenal as a disease enty compared to
diagnosc biomarker established diagnosc

no Potenal as a
Potenal as a
populaon enrichment
strafying biomarker
Improves outcome predicon
Potenal as a
yes in addion to established yes yes
prognosc biomarker
risk-scores or biomarkers?
Idenficaon of
Specific therapeucs able to
dysregulaon of this pathway
no yes no correct a dysregulated
reduces heterogeneity of a
pathway available?
clinical syndrome?

Associated with a specific no

molecular pathway?

This biomarker is unlikely to

no significantly impact
clinical decision making

FIGURE 1. Flowchart summarizing notable factors that are required for the successful implementation of novel biomarkers into
clinical practice for diagnosis, prognostication, stratification and/or population enrichment.

266 Volume 27  Number 3  June 2021

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