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Position Paper

Name of Delegate: Meeth V. Pirgal

Committee: Continuous Crisis Committee

Name of Country: State of Japan (日本国)

Agenda: The 2025 Iron Curtain and Cold War Tensions

In the face of increasing Cold War tensions and the emergence of an Iron Curtain dividing
nations, Japan finds itself at a critical juncture in global geopolitics. As delegates of this Model
United Nations session, it is imperative to navigate these complicated things with a focus on
diplomacy, cooperation, and the preservation of peace.

The year 2025 presents the never known challenges to international relations, primarily driven by
technological advancements in military capabilities. The increase of advanced weaponry,
including cyber warfare and space militarization, poses significant threats to global security.
These technologies not only enhance defensive capabilities but also raise the stakes of conflict
rise, as seen in recent regional disputes.

Japan recognizes the critical role of technological innovation in both defensive capabilities and
diplomacy. Embracing advancements in cyber security and space technology, Japan seeks to
tackle these tools for constructive purposes, such as international cooperation in disaster
management and sustainable development. By promoting transparency and responsible use of
technology, Japan aims to foster trust among nations and contribute to global peace imperatives

In addressing the agenda of the Iron Curtain and Cold War tensions in 2025, Japan proposes the
following solutions:

1. Enhanced Diplomatic Engagement: Strengthening diplomatic channels and promoting

dialogue among nations to decrease tensions and prevent misunderstandings.
2. Regulation of Advanced Technologies: Advocating for international agreements to
regulate the development and deployment of advanced military technologies, including
cyber weapons and space militarization.
3. Promotion of Multilateralism: Supporting the role of the United Nations and regional
organizations in conflict prevention, mediation, and peacebuilding efforts.


United Nations Charter. Retrieved from [UN Charter](


Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved from [Japan MFA](

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Retrieved from [Carnegie


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