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Conversation Topics

1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘conversation’?

2) People say conversation is an art. Do you think so?
3) What topics of conversation do you enjoy most?
4) Do you like listening to other people’s conversations?
5) Have you ever overheard a conversation you wish you hadn’t?
6) Who in life do you find it difficult to strike up a conversation with?
7) What common conversation starters do you use?
8) Will you ever run out of dreams?
9) Oscar Wilde said: "Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the
unimaginative." What does this mean? Do you agree with him?
10) A Chinese proverb says: "A single conversation across the table with a wise
person is worth a month's study of books." Do you agree?

1) Are you good at small talk and making conversation?

2) When was the last time you had a really, really interesting conversation?
3) Do you like intelligent conversation?
4) What do you think of your English conversation classes and study books?
5) How do you feel when people interrupt you in the middle of an important
6) If you were a fly on the wall, which conversation in history would you like to
listen to?
7) What do you do when you hear your name pop up in other people’s
8) Are you OK at everyday conversation in English?
9) Someone once said: "Conversation is an exercise of the mind; gossip is merely
an exercise of the tongue." What does this mean? Do you agree?
10) Robert C. Gallagher said: "Anyone who thinks the art of conversation is dead
ought to tell a child to go to bed." What does this mean? Do you agree?

1) What do you know about the Pyramids in Egypt?

2) Why were the Pyramids built?
3) Why do you think the Pyramids were built in the shape of pyramids?
4) What do you know about other pyramids around the world?
5) What would you think if Egypt sold the Pyramids to a rich country, which
relocated them?
6) Do you think the Pyramids will be covered in advertising one day?
7) Would you like to spend a night alone inside one of the Pyramids?
8) Does a real pyramid have three or four sides?
9) Would you like to be an archaeologist working at the Pyramids?
10) What do you think Egyptians feel about their Pyramids?
What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘Pyramids’?

2) How were the Pyramids built?
3) What do you think of the idea of building a giant pyramid for a king who died?
4) Do you think the Pyramids were built with alien technology?
5) Do you think the Pyramids are the most important architectural sites in the
6) Would you rather see the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids?
7) What would you do if you could spend a whole day at the Pyramids?
8) How do you think the Pyramids have survived for thousands of years?
9) What do you think conditions were like for builders building the Pyramids?
10) What would you think if a McDonalds opened inside one of the Pyramids?

1) What is pronunciation?
2) What pronunciation problems do learners of your language have?
3) What are the differences between stress and intonation? Is one more important
to you?
4) Can you easily pronounce all of the sounds in English?
5) Do you have problems with linking different sounds?
6) Do you have more problems with hearing English pronunciation or using it in
your own speech?
7) What’s the best pronunciation you’ve ever had?
8) Do people ever tell you your pronunciation is good?
9) Do you know any good websites to practice pronunciation?
10) What advice would you give to other students who want to improve their

1) What comes to mind when you hear the term ‘natural disasters’?
2) What are natural disasters?
3) Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?
4) What was the last natural disaster you saw on TV?
5) Have you ever prepared for a natural disaster?
6) Are there often natural disasters in your country?
7) Do you think natural disasters are happening more frequently in the world
8) What’s the worst natural disaster in your opinion?
9) Do you think the world should be more concerned about natural disasters or
10) What’s the best natural disaster movie you’ve ever seen?

1) Have you ever seen a UFO?

2) What are your early memories of UFOs? Were you scared?
3) Do you think UFOs would come to Earth to attack us, make friends with us, to
get some natural resources, or another reason?
4) Why are people so fascinated by UFOs?
5) Do you think governments should spend lots more money looking for signs of
UFOs in the universe?
6) What do you think when people report UFO sightings?
7) Do you have any good UFO stories?
8) Do you think it’s possible there are UFOs and the world’s governments are
keeping it a secret?
9) Would you accept an offer from aliens of a ride in their UFO?
10) How would our world change if we received regular visits from UFOs?
2) What do the letters UFO stand for?
3) After a UFO has been identified, is it then an IFO?
4) Do you think UFOs exist, out there, somewhere?
5) What would you do if a UFO landed in a park near your house?
6) What do you think UFOs look like? Are they the flying saucers you see in
7) What would the world do if it knew a UFO would arrive on Earth in the middle of
next month?
8) What’s your favourite movie or book about UFOs?
9) What do you think is inside a UFO?
10) Do you hope there are UFOs and they will visit Earth one day?

1) Are you into cars?

2) Do you think cars are good value for money?
3) Do you think the world would be a better place without cars?
4) Have you ever been in a car accident?
5) How different do you think cars of the future will be?
6) Should governments restrict engine sizes to protect the environment?
7) What do you think of drivers who decorate their cars with soft toys?
8) Which country produces the best cars?
9) Do you like sitting in a car, either as a driver or passenger?
10) Why do so many people care so much about their car?

1) What’s your favourite car?

2) Do you need a car?
3) Do people need cars that go way above national speed limits?
4) Have you seen the Pixar/Disney movie Cars?
5) If you were a car, what car would you like to be?
6) What features and functions of a car do you need most?
7) Do you prefer driving gas guzzlers or fuel efficient cars?
8) Do you think it is fair to call a car a dangerous weapon?
9) Do you think the car a person drives is an extension of his/her personality?
10) Where do cars rank in the list of most important inventions?

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