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Emlyn Domus VD 1 - “Bataille ฅ^•‫^•ﻌ‬ฅ”

[Sounds of a stone door grinding open and shut]

Ardor: Ohoohoohoo… I’m so excited for this one… Ahem- hellooooo~?

[Emlyn descends the stairs and stops right at their end]

Emlyn: Hi hi, hellooo..?

Ardor: Aha! There you are! Prisoner H4… Emlyn, was it? Can I call you Emmy? Oh, aren’t
you just the most adorable little thing!

Emlyn: Oh, yeah, mmh, Emmy's fine! And I aaam pretty adorable but little? I'm still
growing.. And you're just a really big dog. Dogs? Well, you get what I mean. [He nods,
as if agreeing with himself] Mmh!

Ardor: Still growing… ACK, you’re too cute! Hey, how old are you again?

Emlyn: I’m twelve!

Ardor: Ah, even younger than the other girlie in your group! Just a babyyy~! You’re
awfully young to be a murderer, aren’t you?

Emlyn: Aaaw.. Isn't that right?! I'm just a kid, it can't only be my fault, no? Come on,
murder at twelve for no good reason?! It just can't be! Mmh? Don't you agreeee?

Ardor: What do you mean by, “only,” lil guy?

Emlyn: Well, hum.. Mmmmmh.. I mean.. What kind of kid would hurt someone else
without circumstances that cause it? Well, hurt that badly.. In another context, it simply
wouldn't have happened! Is what I mean.. I think.

Ardor: Ahaha! Aren’t you cute, makin’ excuses like that. I’m soooo sorry to say it, but
buddy, but you’re the only person you know down here! Accomplices or external
circumstances or anything like that aside, TRIGRAM finds you to be the one at fault!
Emlyn: …

Ardor: Aww, look at that big frowny face! Hey, c’mon, I’m sure you’re a really nice kiddo
even if you did end up murdering someone else. Your parents must’ve been so proud
of you! Well, before, y’know... Hehehe.

Emlyn: ..Mmph. Well, I am nice, super duper nice even! And my parents… [He pauses]
But still.. If your TRIGRAM thingy thinks I am the one to blame, and the only one, then
that just means it's wrong. Simple!

Ardor: …

Ardor: …If you say so kiddo! Poor you, stuck in such a faulty system… and you don’t
even have anyone else to help you out this time… What are you gonna do about it, hm?

Emlyn: Uh.. I don't know, it's not like there's much I- Ah-

[He pauses for a second, before sneezing into his elbow]

Emlyn: Woah- Punaise, uh.. What was I saying.. Uh- Right, right, right.. I don't think
there's much I can do right now! Or is there? Mmh?

Ardor: Well… You probably know about our trial system by now, right? So, why don’t
you try to beg for forgiveness? Even if you think we’re wrong, I bet you’d be so good at
it! I mean, look at those watery eyes~!

Emlyn: I'm not going to beg for forgiveness! That'd be ridiculous.. I don't do that sort of
stuff, it's not for people like me! And my eyes.. They're just watery ‘cause you're here!
..Well, not like.. You specifically- I meant because you're a dog. Dogs.

Ardor: Eh?

Emlyn: Um, I’m allergic to them.

Ardor: Oh.
[She fidgets in place, claws clicking on the ground]

Ardor: So then, you find my very existence unbearable? [Her voice pitches] Oh, how
awful!!! WAAAAHHHHHH!!!

Emlyn: I didn’t say anything like that! Aren’t you being a tiiiiny bit too dramatic here?

Ardor: Of course I am! That’s the fun part! And, respectfully, I think I am much less
dramatic than some of you humans with your desperate crimes of passion. C’mon,
kiddo! I bet you were crying soooo loud when you did it! Was it fear? Sadness? Rage?
[Muttering to herself] No, probably not that last one…

Emlyn: Hey, who said I was crying?! [He pauses] Well, perhaps maybe I was.. But still!
Why do you want to know that in the first place?!

Ardor: Haha, no need to get all defensive! I wanna know because it’s fun to see ‘em!
Those grand emotions of humans are what make life worth living, no? Or maybe, for
you and the others, they make life worth taking? Maybe I’d be able to forgive you, too,
if I could get a clearer look into your heart.

Emlyn: I don't see the point in you forgiving me.. I didn't do anything to you. [He wipes
his eyes with his sleeves] But since I don't really have a choice.. You'll see what you
want to see, maybe probably..

Ardor: Maybe probably definitely~! I always get what I want, hehe!

[Bells, rumbling sounds]

Ardor: Hehe… AHAHAHA!!! Riiiiight on time!!! This is my favorite part!!!

[She scampers around the room excitedly, dashing towards Emlyn and licking him
once before dashing away]

Emlyn: Eugh!!
Ardor: Hehehe, just a little good luck kiss! Oh, I’m just soooo excited- the anticipation
has me all worked up! I think I’m going to see something great here! Wouldn’t you
agree, hm?

Emlyn: Wah- Mais- Ah- Why'd you do that?!

[He wipes his face with his sleeves repeatedly]

Emlyn: That's just.. Ueeegh.. It's going to be all itchy and teary, why so meaaan..

Ardor: That’s exactly the idea! Gotta set the mood, right? [With exaggerated
sweetness] Oh… you poor little thing… All alone in a big scary prison with no one else
to push blame onto… Oh… You had no choice… Oh…

Ardor: Ahaha! Well, we’ll just have to see about that, won't we?! Now then… Prisoner
H4, Emlyn Domus… singgg yourrr sinsss!!!

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