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TRIGRAM H4 Emlyn Domus - Interrogation Questions

1. What is your family structure like?

If it's to learn about it and use it to be mean to me, I'm not telling you

2. Do you have strong emotions?

I think I do!

3. What do you think of TRIGRAM’s system?

I don't think I like it much.

4. How do you define “Evil”?

This sounds too philosophical of a question to ask a 12 y.o.

5. What is a skill you excel at?

I'm super good at a lot of stuff, obviously. If I had to pick one though.. I know I
learn languages pretty easily. Does that count?

6. If you could leave TRIGRAM, where would you go?

I think I'd go see my mamy.

7. What are your relationships with the other prisoners like?

Great! I like a lot of them! Some are weird though.. But it's ok, they're nice with me,
most of them.

8. Do you prefer honesty or kindness?

Kindness !!

9. Do you think it is important to make your parents proud?

Always a bit mean, aren't you?

10. How do you see yourself?

As someone who will do super great things in life, maybe probably!

11. How was your life before you committed murder?

It was really hard, some days I didn't want to get up, but I'm super strong. I worked
a lot anyway! Every time! Impressive, right?

12. What is your fondest memory?

I think the ones I prefer are when my mother and my mamy are there and both are
happy without help to feel that way, but I wouldn't be able to pick one specifically.

13. Do you think there should be restrictions on who you love?

If it's love like for couples then yes (for example I know ages are important for
those) but if it's friends I don't think so.

14. What is something you deem "unforgivable"?

I can't say it is forgivable or it isn't if I don't have any context about who did the
action and their circumstances.

15. Do you think your murder was avoidable?

I didn't think much when it happened.

16. If you could discard any emotion, which would you choose?

Is exhaustion an emotion? I don't think so.. Well, one you'd feel too easily when
you're tired then.

17. What is a trait you dislike in other people?

When they act as if they're better than me.

18. What are your hobbies?

Well, I read books when I have free time, mostly ones with detectives! I also like
doing jigsaw puzzles.
Otherwise I do ballet, I sing, I play some instruments,... But they don't really count
as hobbies, do they?

19. Do you believe it is okay to lie?

If it's to make the situation better, then yes.

20. What is your ideal self like?

One that they would pick.

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