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English project
In Peru, biodiversity is one of the richest in the world, home
to a wide variety of unique and fascinating animal species.
However, this biological wealth is threatened by factors such
as deforestation, pollution, illegal hunting and climate
change, which has led many species to be in critical danger of
extinction. Among the endangered animals that will be
addressed in this project are the glasses bear, the pink dolphin
of the Amazon, the white peacock, among others. Each of
these species plays a crucial role in the ecosystem and their
disappearance would have serious consequences for
biodiversity and balance
Animals in
danger of
There are many animals in danger of
extinction due to many factors, but today
we will focus on those in our Peru.
In Peru there are many animals at risk and
today we will talk about some of them.
The white-winged guan is a medium-sized
bird with grayish plumage, a white wing
patch, reddish legs and beak, and a crest on
its head.
It lives in ravines of the dry forests of the
northern Peruvian coast.
The white-winged guan feeds on fruits,
seeds and insects.
The white-winged guan is endangered
primarily due to the loss and fragmentation
of its natural habitat, as well as illegal
hunting and trapping for the illegal bird
The hummingbird
The hummingbird is a small bird with a long,
thin beak for extracting nectar from
flowers. It has an agile and fast flight, and
its plumage is bright and iridescent, varying
in color depending on the species.
The hummingbird lives in the Peruvian
Amazon. Feeds mainly on flower nectar,
using its long, thin beak to extract it. It also
consumes small insects and spiders as an
additional source of protein. The
hummingbird faces threats of extinction due
to the loss and fragmentation of its habitat
due to deforestation and climate change, as
well as the use of pesticides and illegal
capture for the ornamental bird trade.
the spectacled
It is a species of medium-sized bear. Its
distinctive features include black fur with white
or yellow spots on the face that resemble
glasses. The spectacled bear is a species that
lives mainly in the Andes of several South
American countries, including Peru. They are
omnivorous animals that feed on a variety of
fruits, plants, insects and occasionally small
mammals. The spectacled bear is endangered
primarily due to the loss and fragmentation of
its natural habitat due to deforestation and
human expansion. In addition, it faces threats
such as illegal hunting and conflicts with
humans, which reduces its population and puts
its long-term survival at risk.
the pink
The pink dolphin, also known as the boto,
lives in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins
in South America.
Coloration: Variable pink skin.
Body: Robust, large head, long snout.
Size: Up to 2.5 meters and 150 kg.
Fins: Long pectorals, prominent dorsal fin.
Food: Fish, crustaceans and aquatic plants.
The construction of dams, canals and the
diversion of natural river courses are the
great threats to the survival of the pink

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