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To the editor.

I‘ve read the article regarding the citizenship test and although i agree that the
test needs some refinement, i think that there should still be a test analysing if
people qualify to be citizens of our country.
I do believe that newcomers should acquire some basic knowledge about the
country‘s history and culture. And the presence of such knowledge can be
proved only by a test. Of course, the questions that this test contains shouldn‘t
be that difficult that even native people can‘t answer. Knowing the culture of
the people surrounding you will be very beneficial.That will lead to more
welcoming attitude from the host nation because this proves dedication and
interest. It can create strong bonds and new friendships. It can also bring a
sense of belonging which is crucial when changing the environment that you
work and live in.
Despite these benefits, the imperfections of the test must be addressed. There
have been complaints about the favorism towards male candidates. What
gender someone is shouldn‘t define their worth as a citizen. Another thing i can
mention is as i addressed earlier the test needs improvement in the questions
making. Some of them are so poorly devised that even a person that has been
living here their whole life doesn‘t know the answer.
In addition i believe that the citizenship system definitely needs an
improvement but shouldn‘t be removed completely. The effects of loss of
national identity are a clear example of why we should keep the test especially
with how fast the migration is growing.
Yours faithfully,
Iva Ivanova

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