cl12 1st comp(2023_24)__1

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Class XI(ISC)
Paper 1
(Three hours)
Maximum marks: 80
(Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only read1ng the paper.

They must NOT start writing during this time.)

Attempt all four questions.

The intended marks for questions or parts of question are given in brackets [].
(You are advised to spend not more than 45 minutes on Question 1,
55 minutes on Ouestion 2, 30 minutes on Question 3 and
50 minutes on Question 4).
(You should begin each answer on a fresh page.)

Question 1

Write a composition (in approximately 400-450 words) on any one of the following
subjects: [20]
(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of
matter, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and

() Last year, you visited your grandparents. There you participated in a local
festival. Describe the way people were dressed, the different cultural events and
the food sold in the stalls. What were your feelings as you returned from the

(ii) 'As you sow, so shall you reap.' Narrate an incident to bring out the truth of the

(ii) Advertisement should only present the truth. Argue for or against this idea.
(iv) Imagination
(v) If winter comes, spring cannot be far behind,' Present your reflections on this

(vi) Write an original short story that begins with the following words:
The old man was treading his way to his lonely home but as he drew near he was
startled to hear the sounds of laughter and familiar voices....

B -8 This paper consists of Four printed pages. Turn over

Question 2
() You are the Head Boy/ Hcad Girlofthe XYZ School and you have bcen asked to
deliver speech at the morning assembly on the topic - Waste Not, Want Not. Use
the following guidelines to write the speech: [15]
Greeting and address to the gathering importance of resources - careful use of
food - careful use of money - conserving clectricity - preserving the environment
for the next generation.
(i) As the President of the Student Council of the XYZ School, you have been asked
to organisea Children's Film Festival. The proceeds from the sale will be donated
to an animal shelter nearby. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words,
outlining the steps you would take to make this event a success. [10]
Question 3
Answer sections (), (ii) and (iii).
(1 In each of the following items, sentence I is complete, while sentence II is not.
Complete sentence II, making it as similar as possible to sentence I. Write
sentence II in each case.
(z) (i) The heavy showers of rain revived the plants.
(ii) The plants
Ans. (z) The plants were revived by the heavy showers of rain.
(a) () He is repairing my watch at the moment.
(ii) My
(b) () If you do not reach the venue early, you will not get the ticket.
(i) Unless
(c) () You have damaged my cell phone, Priya!" said Amar.
(1) Amar accused ...
(d) (i) This is the best dessert I have ever eaten.
(ii) No
(e) () Scarcely did the gates open when they all rushed in.
(i1) As sOon as

(ii) Fillineach blank with a suitable word. (Do not write the sentence.)
(a) Raman promised not to give tothe pressure.
(b) The teacher asked me to give the worksheets.
(c) He plans to set his own business.
(d) The rules for service have been set
(e) When his friends come home, he puts a fake accent.

B-8 (2)
() We've decided to put the mecting until Friday.
(g) They advised her not to look on what had alrcady happencd.
(h) If you look it carefully, you can sce the mark.
(i) Go the questions carefully before you write down the answers.
(i) In recent years, the price of petrol has gone by over fifty percent.

(i) Fillin the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the verb
given in brackets. Do not write the passage but write the verbs in the correct order. [5]
The other day we (1) (discuss) the setting up of a Debating Club in our
school, We (2) (talk) about the club and how many students (3) (be)
interested in it. Then we (4) (begin) to talk about the rules and regulations
(5) (govern) the club. None ofus could (6) (agree) and we began
(7) (argue). Finally, our English teacher (8) (have) to be informed
and she (9) (come) and (10) (break) up the meeting.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions (), (ii) and (iii) that
(1) Mrs. Knight's school, to which Katy Carr went, was a low, one-storey building,
and had a yard behind it, in which the girls played at recess. Next door to it was
Miss. Miller's school, equally large and popular, and with a yard behind it also.
Only a high board fence separated the two playgrounds; anda feud raged 5
constantly between the two schools as to the several merits of the respective
teachers and their methods of teaching.
(2) Mrs. Knight's had one great advantage over the other; it possessed a upon this
with a climbable roof, which commanded Miss Miller's premises, and
roof the girls used to sit in rows, turning up their noses at the foe in the next
find her things. Her
(3) One morning, Katy was late for school. She could not
algebra, as she expressed it, had gone and lost itself" and the string was off her
banging doors, till Aunt
sun-hat. She ran about searching for these articles and
Izzie was out of patience.
one cover,
(4) "As for your algebra," she said, if it is that very dirty book with only
Now, stand 15
you will find it under the kitchen table; and here is thehat-string.
stilland don't fidget! Youshan't stir till Ihave sewed it on properly."
only shifting
(5) It was not easy to do so, but Katy bore it as well as she could, she flew into
perpetually from one foot to the other. The minute she was released,
the kitchen, seized the algebra, and rushed like a whirlwind to the school.
(6) She ran as fast she could, but time ran faster, and before she was half-way there, 20
the town clock struck nine, and all hope was lost. She marched into school in a
very cross mood.

B-8 (3) Turn over

(7) Aday begun in this manncr is pretty sure to end badly, as most of us know. All
the morning through, things seemed to gowrong. Firstly, Katy made errors in her
grammar lessons. Then her hand shook so much when she wrote her composition, 25
S that the writing could hardly be read and Mrs. Knight said that she had to do it all
over again. This made Katy crosser than ever; the tears came into her eyes from
vexation, and she made a bolt for the yard as soon as the bell rang,climbing up all
alone to the wood-house roof, where she sat with her back to the school, trying to
get her face in order before the rest should come. 30

(8) Miss Miller's clock was about four minutes slower than Mrs. Knight's, so the
next playground was empty. It was a warm, breezy day, and as Katy sat there,
suddenly a gust of wind blew, and seizing her sun-hat, which was only half tied
on, whirled it across the roof. She clutched after it as it flew, but too late. Once,
twice, thrice it flapped and Katy saw it lying in a crumpled little heap in the 35
enemy's yard.
(9) This was horrible! Not merely losing the hat, but to lose it so! In another minute,
the Miller girls would be out. Was it to be endured? Never! Katy set her teeth, and
sliding rapidly down the roof, seized the fence, and with one bold leap, vaulted
intoMiss Miller's yard. 40

(i) (a) Given below are three words and phrases. Find the words which have a
similar meaning in the passage: [3]
(1) prolonged quarrel or dispute
(2) moving restlessly
(3) to accept something unpleasant
(b) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words
using the same word unchanged in form, but with a different meaning from
that which it carries in the passage: [3]
(1) articles (line 12)
(2) stir (line 16)
(3) rest (line 30)
(i) Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible.
(a) In what way was Miss. Miller's school similar to Mrs. Knight's school? [2]
(b) Describe the uniqueness of Katy Carr's school. [2]
(c) What made Katy late to school one day? [2]
(d) How did Aunt Izzie help her out? [2]

(ii) Summarise all the things that went wrong for Katy in school, ultimately forcing
her to jump into Miss Miller's playground (paragraphs 6 to 9). You are requested
to write the summary in the form of a connected passage in about 100 words.
Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalised. [6]

B-8 (4)
i. Class XII (ISC)
(Prescribed Textbooks)
Maximum Marks: 80
Time Allowed: Three Hours
(Candidates are allowed additional 15 mintes foronly reading the paper.
They must NOT start writing during this time.)

Answer all questions in Section Aand Section B.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
Question 1
Choose the correct options for the following questions: [10]
() How does Ferdinand describe the task given to him in Act IIScene 1?
(a) Hateful
(b) Tedious
(c) Enjoyable
(d) Both (a) and (b).

(i) What trick does Ariel perform to divide and create tension among Caliban,
Stephano, and Trinculo?
(a) Changes his voice to sound like Trinculo.
(b) Calls Caliban a liar.
(c) Takes the form ofa hound.
(d) Changes his voice to sound like Stephano.

(iii) What does Stephano mean by 'My man-monster hath drowned his tongue in sack'?
(a) The monster is tied in asack.
(b) The monster is too drunk to speak.
(c) The monster has put his tongue in a sack of sugar.
(d) None of the above.

B -9 This paper consists of Five printed pages. Turn over

Ariel do to lead the men astray and interrupt their plans to
(1v) What does
(a) Plays the tune
(b) Sets dogs at them
(c) Hangs clothes
(d) Uses charm

of an Hour, what is Mrs. Mallard's
In the short story, The Storyhusband's
(V) death?
reaction to the news of her
(a) She just stared.
(b) She went to her room.
(c) She cried.
(d) She refused to believe it.

Mrs. Mallard spreads her arms out. Why

(vi) In the short story, The Story of an Hour,
does she do so?

(a) To keep her balance.

(b) To welcome her future.

(c) Toenjoy the coolbreeze.

(d) To express her love for her husband.

second time?
(vii) In the short story, Fritz, what woke Jayanto up the
(a) Something struck him.
(b) He had a nightmare.
(c) Something walked over his chest.
(d) Someone called him.

(vii) In the poem, The Dolphins, the dolphins are in their element but
(a) They are not blessed.

(b) They are not free.

(c) The moon has disappeared.
(d) There is no hope.

B-9 (2)

(ix) In the pocm, The Darkling Thrush, "winter's dregs" refer to?
(a) Last portion or part of the wintcr.
(b) Coming winter.
(c) Winter night.
(d) None of the above.

(x) In the pocm, The Darkling Thrush, what is not true about the speaker?
(a) He appears to be gloomy.
(b) He sought the comfort of the househo ld fires.
(c) He is outside contemplating the bleak landscape.
(d) He heard a voice from among the leafless branches.

Question 2

Complete the following sentences by providing a reason for each: [10]

(1) In Act III Scene III of The Tempest, the Harpy told the three sinners that the
sea had thrown them on the uninhabited island because

(ii) In Act III Scene I Ferdinand does not feel the burden of his menial task

(ii) In Act IIIScene I Miranda disobeyed her father and crept out to meet
Ferdinand because

(iv) In Act IIIScene II Caliban instructs Stephano to first possess Prospero's

books because

(v) In the short story, The Story of an Hour, Richards hurried to give the news of
Brently Mallard's death to Mrs. Mallard because

B-9 Turn over


(vi) In the short story, Fritz, Shankar did not object to his friend's proposalof
going to Bundi because

(vi) In the short story, Fritz, Shankar asked the gardener to dig up the ground
near the trunk of the tree because

(vii) In the poem, The Darkling Thrush, the poet is not able to understand why the
thrush was singing a joyful song because

(x) In the poem, The Dolphins, the dolphin's heart has turned to stone because

(x) In the poem, The Dolphins, the speaker is in an unhappy and dejected mood


The Tempest: William Shakespeare
Question 3
(i) Referring closely to Act III Scene II of the play, describe the plot that
Caliban hatches to murder Prospero.
(ii) How does Ariel, in the form of a harpy, accuse and
warn Alonso, Sebastian,
and Antonio? How does his speech affect them?
(ii) (a) Referring closely to Act III Scene III of the play, describe the
reactions of the king and the courtiers when the banquet is laid out. [10]

(b) Vividly describe the meeting between Ferdinand and Miranda in

Act IIIScene I of the play. What opinion do you form of
Miranda? [10]

Question 4
() In the short story, Fritz, what made Shankar and Jayanto visit Bundi for a
holiday? [5]
(i) Comment on the ending of the short story, The Story of an Hour. [5]
(iüi) (a) The short story, The Story ofan Hour asserts the importance of the
freedom of women. Discuss. [10]

(b) Describe how memory plays an important role in Satyajit Ray's

short story, Fritz. [10]

Question 5
() What tells you that the dolphins in the waterpark are unhappy?

(ii) How does the poet bring a slight ray of hope in the bleak environment of the
poem, The Darkling Thrush? [5]

(ii) () The Dolphins, is a poem of protest against the slow destruction of

nature and natural creatures by man. Discuss. [10]

(6) Describe the gloomy landscape portrayed by the poet in the poem,
The Darkling Thrush. [10]

B-9 (5)
Class XII (ISC)
Time: Three hours Maximum marks: 70
Answers to this paper must be written on theanswer script provided separately.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the
Candidates are allowed additional 15 minnutes for only reading the paper. They must
NOT start writing during this time.
Please do not write anything on your question paper except your name and roll number.
Allsubsections of each question must be answered in the correct order.
Do not copy the questions on your answer script but copy the correct question number.
This paper is divided into three sections. Section A(15 marks),Section B(25 marks)
and Section C (30 marks).
Answer ALLquestios from Section Aand Section B.
Attempt ALL questions on any two games in Section C.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ J.

SECTION A [15 Marks]

(Atempt all questions from this Section)

Question l
() method of training is used by runner, swimmers and cyclists. [1]
(ii) First Olympic Games were organised in the city of [1]
(ii) developed Fartlek Training in 1937. [1]
(iv) Circuit training consists of strength exercises, which are completed one
exercise after another. [1]
() Isometric exercise is the one in which muscle length is [1]
(vi) allows the body to transit gradually from an exertional state to a resting
state. [1]
(a) Cooling down (b) Warming up
(c) Conditioning (d) Repetition
(vi) Which of the following is/are objectives of sports and ganmes towards the
development of an individual? [1]
(a) Physical Development (b) Mental Development
(c) Neither (a) nor (b) (d) Both (a) and (b)

B- 13 This paper consists of Five printed pages. Turn over

(viii) Which of the following is NOT a method of [1]
(a) Jogging (b) Striding
(c) Glutes (d) Wind sprints
players know
(ix) "Umpire gives a wrong decision during the match, the opponent
that the umpire's decision is wrong but even then, they bear with it. According
to you, which personneltrait is being demonstrated? [1]
(a) Attitude (b) Patience
(c) Helpfulness (d) Friendship

(x) Which of the following personal quality is NOT usually promoted through the
programmes of Physical Education? [1]
(a) Helpfulness (b) Intolerance
(c) Patience (d) Team Spirit

(xi) What is Limbering Down? EEEEE [1]

(xi) Mention the types of warming up?
(xiii) Mention any two major Static Stretching Exercises. [1]
(xiv) What is eccentric exercises? [1]
(xv) Give the meaning of the term 'Striding'.

(Attempt all questions from this Section.)

Question 2
Explain why sports training is important for any individual for getting highest
performance level.
Question 3 [2+3]
() What do you mean by continuous training method? Explain its advantages.
(ii) Explain Fartlek Training method. Discuss its advantages.

Question 4 [5]
() "Games and Sports are man's cultural heritage." Elaborate this statement.
(i) Write short notes on each of the following:
(a) Isometric exercises
(b) Isotonic exercises

B - 13 (2 )
Question 5
What do youmean by 'conditioning"? Explain any thrcc advantages of conditioning.
Question6 [5]
How do Games and Sports help in overall development of an individual? Explain.

SECTIONB[30 Marks]
(Selectany to games from this section)

Question 7
() Answer the following questions:
(a) Explain any three types of Kicking. [3]
(b) Ifa player deliberately kicks an opponent player during a match, what
will be the decision of the referee? [1]
(c) During a match, the ball hits the referee. What will be the decision of the
referee? [1]
(i) State any five offences for which an indirect free kick is awarded to the
opposing team.
(ii) (a) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram ofa football field with all its
measurements. [5]

(b) Explain the following terms:

(1) Throw-in
(2) Off- side

Question 8
(i) Answer the following questions:
(a) Explain any three Back Foot Shots. [3]
(b) A bowler delivers a ball which hits the stumps at the batting end but the
bails do not fall, what will be the decision of the umpire? (1]
(c) What willbe the decision of the umpire if a batsman does not cross the
crease while taking the second run? [1)

B- 13 (3) Turn over

(ii) Mention the duties of the third umpire. [S]
(iii) (a) Explain the various types ofbowling. [S]

(b) What do you mean by Drive'? Explain its types.


() (a) Write any three duties of a referee. [3]
(b) What willbe the decision of the referee, if the ball goes out of the

(c) If the ball is in flight on a shot for a field goal and an official blows his
whistle. What will be the decision of the referee? [1]
(ii) (a) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of a basketball court along with
its measurements. [5]

(b) Explain each of the following:

(1) Three point field goal area
(2) Technical foul

(ii) Explain any five fundamental skills of basketball.

Question 10
() (a) Explain the rules of rotational fault.
(b) What will be the decision of the referee if the ball touches the net and
falls into the opponent's court during service? [1)
(c) What is the maximum number of hits a team can have legally when the
volleyballis on their side?
() Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of a playing court with allthe dimensions. |!

B- 13 (4)
(ii) (a) Explain the following tern
(i) Tennis Service
(i) Overhead Pass
(b) Explain the various zones of a volleyball court.

Question 11
() (a) Mention the procedure for testing the speed of a shuttle. [3]
(b) As shuttlecock lands on the line of the court during a rally, what will be
the decision of the umpire?
(c) During a rally the player's racket touches the net, then what will be the
decision of the umpire?

(i) Explain each of the following: [5]

(1) Footwork
(2) Drop Shot

(iü) (a) State any five conditions when the service is considered to be a fault.

(b) Explain any five duties of an Umpire.

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