Arthur - Warlocks of Amherst 2.5 - Taylor R.

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“It’s good to have you back. Although I won’t say it’s a bit disappointing to see you return alone. I
had high hopes for Spain,” Father said to me. I had to agree though. I’d really hoped to find my
One while on travels in Spain. Sadly, nothing. Not even a twinge.

“Yes, it was most disappointing. Perhaps next time. There’s always Italy, I guess. Or Greece,” I said.

“True. We have some new families that have reached out, looking to join us. And there are those
few that have reached age while you were gone,” Father told me.

Ahh yes, how could I forget about them. Our coven was small, but I wasn’t overly interested in
finding my One in someone I’d watched grow up. It would be…odd.

“I’m not sure he’s into that idea, love,” Dad said. I smiled at my alpha father. He might not be a
warlock, but Wallace was a powerful tiger shifter, and he was much more perceptive than many
gave him credit for.

“It would be most uncomfortable,” I stated.

Father laughed, and Dad gave me a sympathetic look.

“Only until you sensed their aura. Then it wouldn’t matter anymore.”

I sure hoped he was right if that were the case. “Time will tell, I guess. How has everyone been? I
don’t mind traveling, but it can become tedious.”

“That’s understandable. Everyone is well. Your dad and I have discussed possibly moving the
I knew this was coming. We’d been here a long time, and there were those who had started to ask
questions again. Others were overly concerned about so many men living together without an
equal number of women.

“I’ll do whatever it is you need for support.” I would. Not only was I my fathers’ firstborn, but I
knew one day, I would be running the coven. It had already been discussed. Thankfully, there was
no rush.

“I’d expect nothing less. Now tell me, do you think it’s possible you’ll find your One in one of our
younger members?” Father asked.

I sat back and thought about the question. Did I? The only one I’d been even remotely drawn to
had been Patrick. He’d been beautiful and completely off-limits because he was entirely too
young. The last I’d seen of him, he was just turning fifteen and his parents had decided to move
away. “No. I’m sorry. It’s not to say I won’t be now. But the coven isn’t that overly large. Wouldn’t
I have sensed them by now?” I said instead.

“Yes. One would believe so. Perhaps you’ll have better luck with new members. There truly is no
rush on our part, you realize that, correct?” Father said. I looked at them both and nodded. They’d
been mated for several hundred years already, and although I wasn’t what some would consider
old by warlock standards, I was tired of being alone. I wanted someone for longer than a night.

“Yes. I understand. But I’m ready to start that part of my life if at all possible. I can be patient
though. It’s not as if I don’t have any choice in the matter.”

“I know it’s frustrating to wait. If I could help, I would. But Primrose has gone quiet,” Father said.

I smiled while shaking my head. If you were a goddess, you could ignore people, even warlocks
you’d created, whenever the mood struck.

“It’s quite all right. If you two will excuse me, I believe I’ll have a walk on the grounds before I
retire for the evening.” I got up from my seat and left the front room of the inn that we used as
our coven. It was where I’d been born several hundred years ago. We’d updated as well as added
to it over the centuries. But I understood Father and Dad’s concern with regards to our safety.

Above all, we had to remain safe. Granted, we were more powerful than humans and could easily
overpower them if needed, but that wasn’t the way we chose to live. We wanted to live alongside
them, peacefully.

I left the inn and headed toward what used to be one of my favorite spots. We had a small brook
that ran behind the main house, and there were several spots that were perfect for sitting and
reflecting. I’d done a lot of that. As their firstborn, I knew from a young age there were
expectations of me that any other children wouldn’t have. That was okay though. I only wanted to
make my fathers proud.

I sensed another presence before I arrived at the brook, but never did I expect to see the utterly
beautiful woman that was there. I knew who she was before she turned to look at me. Who else
would have a glow around her other than my father’s creator?
“Arthur, you’ve turned into such a handsome warlock. Please come.”

I bowed slightly, not quite sure what the proper etiquette was when talking to a goddess. I’d seen
her from afar before, but never had she come to talk to me personally.

“How may I be of service, Goddess?” I asked, still not looking up from where I was bowed.

“I see Edison has told you who I am. You may rise. There’s no need for such formality.”

I looked up at her and offered a small smile while tipping my head toward her. “Father has indeed
let us know who you were. But it’s difficult to not know when one has a certain glowing presence
about them.”

“Touché. Very well, then. I’ll get to my reason for being here.”

“If you require my services, Goddess, you only need say so.”

“Hmm, yes. Very much like Edison. I had hoped that Wallace would lighten him up a bit. I’ll have to
drop in and see him after we’re through. I’m here regarding your One, Arthur.”

She had my complete attention in an instant.

“My One. Are they okay?” I asked.

“He is. For now.”

“He?” He? I was being matched with a male? Personally, I thought that was wonderful news. But I
would have been just as happy with a female One. Possibly.

“He, yes. You need to go to Switzerland and claim your One. His parents, I’m afraid, there are
some issues with them, and they’re trying to force a pairing with a young female that simply isn’t
his. Sadly, it won’t end well with his parents, I’m afraid. They will need to be dealt with,

“Meaning I’m to kill my One’s parents?”

The goddess looked at me with a sad expression on her face. “No. That task isn’t yours to bear. But
your One will need you immensely after.”

“Very well. Am I to get more to go on other than Switzerland? Or do I just pop in from place to
place until I feel his presence?”

“Your One is at the northern point of the lake, where he’s been since his parents moved there
when he was younger. Go without haste. I’ll have your fathers following shortly.”

The clearing was suddenly inky when the goddess left, taking the light that was with her.
Switzerland. It was the middle of the winter, and I was headed to Switzerland. It was going to be
cold, so with a thought, I had myself bundled against what I knew would be breath-stealing

I teleported to Switzerland and found myself on the shore of a frozen lake. The lights of Zürich
were easy to see, and I figured I’d have a time of it locating my One. At least I knew two things: my
One was male, something I was thankful for as I found much more enjoyment with male relations
than I did those of females, and I knew my One was in Zürich. That was more than some had to go

A quick glance around, followed by a slight expense of magic to feel for others, told me that
everyone else had enough sense to not be out in the bitterly cold weather like I was. I teleported
to the edge of town, just outside where I could feel the aura of others. I didn’t want to take any
chances in someone seeing me, but now that I was here, there was a pressure in my chest,
pushing me to locate my One.

“Where are you?” I whispered as I started walking down the narrow street. I felt nothing from my
One, which told me I was on the wrong side of town. I had no real plan, other than to walk from
one end to the other and back until I located the man that was mine.

It wasn’t until I had reached over the halfway point that I started to sense something. More aptly
put, my aura started to vibrate. That was a sure sign that my One was somewhere nearby. I knew
he wasn’t in the direction I’d come, but was he ahead of me? Or to my left or right? Which way did
I need to go? I figured there was only one way to find out, so I continued on straight ahead.

A block later told me that I’d chosen poorly when the vibrations I’d started to feel had dissipated.
This caused me to turn around and backtrack to where I’d first started sensing them. He was here
somewhere. I knew it. The goddess had even said so. But now that I’d gotten a slight sense of him,
I was even more determined to locate my One.

I went back the direction I’d come from, and when I started sensing him again, I stopped. I’m sure I
looked like I’d gone mad, standing there in the middle of the street during the icy night, but I
needed to call upon my own senses and see what they were telling me.

When I concentrated and listened to my aura, it told me to go right. I started in that direction and
wanted to weep with joy when the vibrations became steadily stronger. My One was here. He was
in a house somewhere here, and I was getting closer to him.

I opened myself up to what was going on around me, and my senses took me down a dark
passageway. Not something I was overly concerned about since the vibrations just continued to
increase in strength.

I discovered that the walkway led me to a tavern, and I didn’t even hesitate to enter through the
door. I was met by the scent of stale ale and unwashed bodies, but I didn’t let that deter me. I
glanced around, looking for an open seat, and I finally located one off to the left side. I squeezed
into the chair and sat there, waiting.
He was here. My One was in this tavern somewhere. Was he behind the bar? In the back?
Upstairs? I wasn’t sure, but that wasn’t the biggest concern. Was he human? I should have
thought to ask the goddess.

What she had said was that my One was here, as he’d been since his parents had moved here. He
needed me, and his parents were going to be an issue. Issue in what way? Were they going to stop
us from being together?

I had more questions than answers, and I knew I wouldn’t get any answers until I located my One.
But how did I go about that? I didn’t even have a name to ask for. Darn goddesses and their
helpful yet unhelpful ways.

I ordered an ale when the young lady came and asked. Her gaze lingered just a little long for my
liking, and I kicked myself for not changing into something a little less nice before I rushed off in
search of my One. Nothing could be done about that now. I was simply here to locate my One and
see if I could determine how difficult it was going to be to convince him that we were meant to be

The door opening drew my attention, and I fought a smile when my fathers entered the tavern.
Very well. The goddess obviously had followed through and sent them along with me. Did that
mean they were the ones who would be dealing with my One’s parents? I still had more questions
than anything.

I was a bit surprised when they joined me at the small table, but I completely focused on Father
when he pursed his lips.

“Did she tell you who?” Father asked.


“Where?” he questioned.

“Only Zürich. I used my own senses to lead myself here to the tavern. My body is vibrating so
much it’s becoming painful. He’s here somewhere.”

“Want me to look upstairs?” Dad asked.

“No. I’ll locate him. Did she say anything to you at all?” I asked.

“Yes. It seems that we’ll be dealing with a familiar face,” Father said as he slowly stood up. I turned
in my seat, trying to see what he was doing, but I couldn’t without drawing more attention to our

“Be right back,” Father said, and then he rushed off into the crowd of people. I looked to Dad and
wondered how he dealt with Father at times.

“Should we be concerned?” I asked.

“Doubtful. Are you excited? You’re to have your One soon.”

I took a deep breath and wished I hadn’t. The stench in the room was overwhelming. “It’s an
exciting thought, yes. Do you think I’ll have an easy time of it?” I asked Dad. He might have been
an immensely powerful tiger shifter, but he was very levelheaded and often had been who I or my
brother, George, had gone to when we were in need of advice.

“I think you two will have no issues whatsoever,” Dad said and nudged his head in the direction
that Father had gone. I turned my head just in time to see a very familiar head of blond hair come
into view.

“Patrick,” I whispered. His eyes widened before they filled with a sadness that I couldn’t

My mother was determined to make my life miserable. My father left the only home I’d known a
decade ago. I was twenty-five now and more than old enough to strike out on my own, but Father
was much more powerful than I was—I was still mastering my powers—and he did as Mother

“Patrick, you need to clean the tables,” Mother said. I nodded in acknowledgement. It was all I
could do. I was stuck and had nowhere to go. I could try to leave again, but Father always found
me. When he did, there was pain. So it was just easier to not try to escape.

“Hello, Agnes. I can’t say I’m happy to see you again,” said a familiar voice. It couldn’t be though.

“Edison. You don’t belong here. We’ve done nothing to warrant such a visit,” Mother said.

“Oh, but I digress,” Master Edison said. He gave Mother a smile that didn’t reach his eyes before
he turned toward me. “Patrick, it is very good to see you again. Please go out front. Arthur and
Wallace are there. They’ll be most happy to see you.” This time when he smiled, it reached his
eyes and they crinkled at the corners.

“Yes, Master Edison,” I said. I didn’t even think twice about the fact that he’d told me to do
something and I simply followed instead of listening to what my mother had told me moments
before. My body felt funny, and I wasn’t quite sure what was happening. I didn’t care though. I
wanted away from Mother and Father. And Mary Elizabeth. I was not interested in marrying Mary
Elizabeth. I felt nothing for her.

I quickly left the kitchen and headed out into the main room. As always, it stank, but there was
nothing I could do about it. I did my best to clean myself every evening after I finally cleaned up
the last of the filth in the tavern, but I was sure I wasn’t doing much better than some of the
patrons in the room. At least I had magic I could secretly use to help.

It wasn’t too difficult to locate Wallace and Arthur. Wallace’s red hair stood out as well as his
height. Even sitting, he was taller than most everyone else in the room—myself included, and I
was tall. I was a warlock after all.

My body tingled more and more as I approached the father-and-son pair, and when I reached their
table, I made eye contact with the man of my teenage fantasies. Arthur Whitmore. He was out of
my league, and there was no way I’d ever be blessed with someone as amazing as him. Fate
wouldn’t pair us as we were too unlike. I wasn’t worthy of the son of Master Edison.

“Patrick,” Arthur whispered. I smiled, but I knew there was sadness in it. I’d spent years longing to
hear my name on his lips and knew I’d never have what I wanted most.

“Arthur. And Wallace. It’s good to see you both. Mas—err, Edison said to come out here. That the
two of you would be waiting.” I glanced between them, wondering if they had more information
than I did. I still wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but I was more than happy to be away from
my mother. One thing I did know: she wouldn’t cause a scene in the tavern.
“Son, I believe you and Patrick have some things to discuss?” Wallace said. I looked to the tiger
shifter before turning my attention to Arthur.

“Yes. Very much so,” Arthur said as he stood up, his eyes never leaving me. When he gestured for
me to precede him, I started walking, sparing Wallace one last glance before I left with Arthur.

I felt him directly behind me all the way to the door. When we made it outside, I took in a deep
breath of icy air that I knew would hurt my lungs. I didn’t care though. I wanted to cleanse my
nose of the stink from inside.

“Do you have a coat?” Arthur asked. I felt his hand on my back, and that did funny things to me.
Why was my body vibrating? Why did it become tingly in an arousing way when he touched me?
Why was my cock thickening in my hose?

“I do not, no. We live above the tavern. I put on multiple layers when I need to go to the market.”

I might have been mistaken, but I could have sworn that Arthur growled. He wrapped a hand
around my upper arm and pulled me away from the front of the tavern. When we were halfway
down the walkway, I was suddenly enveloped in warmth that I’d not felt while outside since the
past summer.

“There. That should suffice until we get you home. We’ll need to outfit you, but that’s not exactly
a hardship. Tell me, is there anything you need from your place? You said you lived upstairs.”

I stared in Arthur’s direction, but it was so dark I couldn’t make out his features. “I have nothing I
need, no. Am I not returning? I don’t understand what’s going on.” There were a few mementos I
had hidden under a floorboard, but with a thought, I’d be able to have them in my possession.

“Patrick. My beautiful Patrick. Do you not feel that? What’s between us?”

Beautiful? His Patrick? His? Was he saying what I thought he was?

“Arthur?” I said hesitantly.

“Yes, Patrick. Come. We have much to discuss.”

We had just left the walkway that connected the main road to our tavern when we were suddenly
facing my father.

“Patrick. Your mother is quite upset. Back to the tavern with you. None of this nonsense now. Your
union to Mary Elizabeth will be tomorrow.”

I jerked beside Arthur, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit that I moved a slight step closer to him,
hoping to avoid the pain I knew my father was going to cause.

“Henry. I wish I could say it’s good to see you, but I’d be lying if I did. If you will excuse us. Patrick
will be returning to England with me,” Arthur said.
I saw my father sneer and wondered the cause. Why would he act in such a way toward Arthur?
Master Edison had been nothing but welcoming when we lived there.

“Patrick will be marrying Mary Elizabeth. She will be able to give us many grandchildren, and it will
finally give us the union we need for the tavern.”

So that was it. Mary Elizabeth’s parents owned the building, and my parents were using me as a
bartering tool to what? Receive reduced rent? Free?

“Father, I don’t want—” I flinched when I suddenly felt a slap. Even though Father was several feet
away, I knew he’d used magic to inflict the blow.

“You’ll regret that,” Arthur said between clenched teeth as he pulled me behind him. “Patrick is
mine, my One, and you cannot come between us.”

I heard footsteps running down the narrow passage and was about to alert Arthur when I saw that
it was Master Edison, followed closely by Wallace. A quick peek over Arthur’s shoulder told me
that my father saw who had joined us.

“Arthur, take Patrick home. Get him settled, and we’ll see the two of you in about a week’s time. If
you need anything, let us know,” Master Edison said.

Arthur reached his arm back and wrapped it around me, and then we were gone. We were…I
wasn’t quite sure.

“Where are we?” I asked. We were inside somewhere; out of the cold.

“We’re at my home,” Arthur said.

Oh.“We’re at the inn? In England?”

“On the grounds, yes. I no longer have a room in the main building. I reside some distance back.
Several of us have chosen to live in small homes around the property. The coven has grown since
your family left us.”

The room was suddenly illumined by several candles, and I got my first good look of the place.
When we lived here, we were all in the main building, and I shared a two-room with my parents.
Arthur’s place wasn’t large, but it was just him, so how much room did he possibly need?

“Would you like a bath?” Arthur asked. I flinched, I knew I needed to bathe, but that was
something that my parents only allowed monthly, unfortunately. I ducked my head, shame filling
me. Of course he’d want me to wash away the stench from the day.

“Yes, please. The inn, which direction is it?”

“Forgive me, Patrick. That…I’m trying my best to do things properly. I only meant to ask if you’d
wish to bathe. I myself would love to as I’ve actually just come back from Spain earlier this evening
before heading to Switzerland in search of you.”

“Oh.” How did one respond to that? “The answer is still yes. I’d love to get clean. Mother didn’t
allow for use of powers, and Father went along with her wishes. I’ve done my best to clean up as
often as possible. And I did use my magic when I could. But I’m still learning the ways of it.” I
decided it was probably best to stop talking while I was ahead. A glance at Arthur showed him
smiling fondly at me.

“Well, here magic is very welcome and encouraged. As are baths. We can bathe nightly if you
wish. I have a large tub in the other room. Shall we?” Arthur asked while holding out his arm.
Surely he didn’t mean for us to bathe together. Did he? But…wait. He’d said I was his.


“We’ll discuss everything as we get clean. Then we’ll see where things go from there, okay?”

I could only nod because teenage me seemed to be in control—the teenage me that had first
found self-pleasure after seeing Arthur shirtless in the barn tending to the horses that were kept
there. I followed Arthur to the other room and saw it was a bedroom. There was a comfortable-
looking bed in one corner and a tall wardrobe against one wall, and on the other side of the room
was a large tub that was filled with steaming, fragrant water.

I took a deeper whiff and smiled. “Lavender.”

“Yes. It is quite calming, and I figured the more relaxed the both of us were, the better.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off Arthur as he started to undress. His warm outer coat came off first,
leaving him in his doublet and hose.

“Not that I mind you watching. But the bath works better if we’re both naked.”

I stood there staring but nodded and got to work undressing. I unfastened the warm outer coat I’d
been given and placed it on the chair with Arthur’s. I had just removed my shoes and was working
on my shirt when I happened to look up. I lost my breath.

Arthur was naked, and fates be, he was more stunning than I had imagined. And I’d imagined a lot.

“I’m pleased you like what you see as we’re going to be together for all of eternity.”

Together? He’d mentioned that before.

“Do you understand what’s happening, Patrick?” Arthur asked as he closed the distance between
us. When he was standing next to me, my body went crazy.

“What is that?” I whispered.

“By that you mean? The vibrations?”

I nodded.

“That’s your aura. It recognizes me as your One. You’re my One, Patrick, as I’m yours. That means
you and I belong together, and if you so choose, we’ll claim one another and then start our lives

Surely it wasn’t that easy. This was Arthur. The coven master’s son. The coven master who was the
very first created warlock. The only created one as far as any of us knew.

“Patrick?” Arthur reached out and placed a hand on my cheek. It worked because I was able to
focus, and I saw something I never thought I would in Arthur’s eyes: desire.

“I want that,” I said quietly.

Arthur closed his eyes briefly before opened them and focused on me. The intensity of his gaze
was enough to have me shiver in anticipation.

I was given no warning before Arthur cupped my face with both of his hands, and then he lowered
his lips the scant couple of inches that separated us. I gasped when the connection zapped us. I
suddenly found myself pulled tight to Arthur’s very naked and incredibly hard body. His arms
wrapped tightly around me while his tongue sought out mine. I hesitantly returned the movement
and was rewarded with a moan from the man in front of me.

His lips were softer than I imagined they would be, but when they pulled away from mine, I
wanted to protest. Until they started moving down my cheek toward my neck. I closed my eyes
and let my head fall backward, giving Arthur all of the room I could. He didn’t disappoint.

My sexual experiences were very limited, and I’d never been with a man, but I was quickly
realizing that Arthur was quite skilled when it came to lovemaking. The sudden surge of jealousy
was something new, something I didn’t quite know how to control.

“What just happened? You’re buzzing with energy and not in a good way,” Arthur said. He looked
at me with concern, and I could only shake my head. There was no way I wanted to admit that I
was feeling jealous about his past lovers. The man was over two hundred years old. I was twenty-
five. He’d had a long time to live before I was even born.

“Nothing. I’ll…I’ll calm down,” I said instead.

“I don’t believe you. What’s bothering you? The energy is dissipating, which tells me that you’re
calming down. Are you nervous about making love? We don’t have to claim one another yet. We
can wait until you’re more comfortable with me. I apologize for pushing. I’ve been looking for you
for quite some time though.”

I shook my head. “That’s not it. It’s silly and therefore nothing. I want this. Us. I know a little about
mates and Ones and how it works. Obviously I know it’s possible that one of us will get pregnant.
Master Edison had you, I’m told. And George. And I remember Oliver being pregnant before we
left. I think that might be one of the reasons why my parents wanted to leave.”

“They’ve had yet another son since then. Oliver and Fredrick that is. That makes eight for them,”
Arthur said and smiled fondly.

“That’s a lot of children. I’d love some, but maybe not quite that many,” I said absently. In reality,
I’d take as many as I could get. And if Arthur was the one I would be raising them with, I couldn’t

“We’ll have as many as we’re blessed with. And if at any time you’re finished having children, we’ll
stop. I won’t push, Patrick.”

“Do you know which of us will be…you know.”

Arthur shook his head. “I figured we were headed that direction just a few moments ago, but
something changed your aura, and I wanted to find out what.”

“It truly is nothing. You must be cold. How about that bath?” I said, hoping to redirect Arthur’s
attention to the steaming tub.

“All right. I’ll let it slide for now. But I want no secrets between us. Understood?”

I nodded. Arthur seemed to accept that and took a step back. He continued to back up, and when
he reached the tub, he sat on the side. My mouth went dry when he wrapped a hand around his
cock and started slowly stroking it.

“Undress, Patrick. Show me what’s been gifted to me.”

I couldn’t do anything but obey. I was already enchanted by my One.


Patrick was beautiful. His body—what of it I could see—was blemish-free and had a creamy quality
to it that I couldn’t wait to explore more. After he’d gotten over whatever it was that was
bothering him. I had a feeling it was most likely related to our age difference, or possibly the fact
that I was the coven master’s son. His eldest son, the one that would one day become coven
master. But Patrick was a perfect One. I could already see him in the role he was destined to fill.
He would be a perfect One to help me take care of the coven.

I could tell I’d surprised him when I started stroking my cock, but it was throbbing and I needed
relief. My own hand wasn’t my first choice, but I was beyond caring at this point. I’d been hard
since I first sensed Patrick’s aura, and my cock hadn’t let up since. It wouldn’t until well after we’d
claimed one another.

That had me thinking about Patrick, and I was curious if he’d been with many men. I didn’t want to
think about it, but I needed to know. Did he know how to please? Would he hit that spot inside me
perfectly, causing me to shout in satisfaction? Would he allow me to do the same? Thinking about
it caused my cock to jerk, and I moaned in pleasure and started stroking faster.

“Can I help with that?” Patrick asked. I opened my eyes, not realizing I’d closed them. I couldn’t
keep the gasp in. Patrick was even more beautiful naked. His cock was surrounded by a thatch of
dark blond curls that I wanted to tug on. Would he let me? His cock was sticking straight out,
pointed right to me, and I wanted to touch, to explore.

“Can I touch you?” I asked. I’d already pushed once. I didn’t want to ask for something he wasn’t
comfortable with giving.

“I’m yours, Arthur. You can do anything to me,” Patrick said. He placed a hand on my shoulder,
and the other reached down, touching the tip of my cock. I pulled the foreskin back, exposing the
head in hopes that he’d touch me there. When I felt his fingers gently rub across the head, I
moaned again.

“I need release, Patrick. I’ve been hard for so long.” I was being selfish, but I couldn’t quite find it
in myself to wait.

“What do you want me to do? Touch you? Kiss?” Patrick moved closer. “Suck? I’ve never done it.
Never been with a man. But I’ve had my cock sucked, and it felt heavenly.”

I growled at the thought of some woman pleasuring my One. I reached up and grabbed Patrick,
surprising him with the sudden move. I jerked him down to me, falling backward into the tub. “You
are mine. Understood? There will be no others. Especially not any women,” I said as I ground my
body up against Patrick’s. The water in the tub provided lubrication, allowing both of our bodies to
slide easily against one another.

“Same,” Patrick said and pushed his lips against mine. I reached around and grabbed his ass as I
forced my tongue into his mouth again. I pushed my hips up into his while my hands traveled to
his most intimate place, and I felt for the opening that I suddenly wanted to be inside. Needed to
be. The need to claim Patrick was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

When my fingers found his opening, I tugged on it gently, only just remembering he’d said he’d
never been with a man. That meant nobody had been there before. I would be the first. The only.

I gasped, breaking the kiss, when Patrick’s hand wrapped tightly around my cock and started
stroking. “Patrick. Yesss. Tighter,” I said. We were crooked in the tub, and it was highly
uncomfortable, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. Patrick was touching me, and it felt like bliss.

I looked up into those blue eyes and lost my heart. The fates had truly blessed me when they gave
me Patrick as my One. He stared back at me as his hand started moving faster, and when I pushed
a finger into his hole and found it slick, I came harder than I’d ever come in my life.

“Patrick!” I shouted as I shot creamy white seed all over my chest. I shoved a finger all the way
inside my One, wishing my cock and seed were in his warm wet heat instead of my finger. Patrick
kept stroking and was panting when my focus recentered on him. I had two fingers in his hole,
moving them in and out without even realizing it.

“Patrick, love. You’re…you okay with this?”

“More. I feel empty, Arthur. I need…will you put your cock in me? That’s how it works, right?”

I groaned again. “Yes, it is. I don’t want to hurt you. But I really want in there. I’m not sure I can go
slow though.”

“Fates no. I can take it. I need, Arthur!” Patrick said and twisted his hand against my overly
sensitive head. I flinched away, sinking completely under the lavender-scented water.

“Turn around and get on your knees. Hang on to the front of the tub there,” I said. I reluctantly
pulled my fingers out of his hole and stared at the shiny coating that was on them. I knew one of
us would produce slick; I just didn’t know if it would be me or Patrick. I’d honestly expected it to
be me, what with Father having been the carrier, but fate knew what they were doing.

I stared at Patrick’s ass, wondering if he’d freak out if I leaned in for a taste? I decided to wait until
we were a little more comfortable with one another before I broached that subject. Or asking him
to use our seed to coat his own cock and slide into my opening.

I repositioned myself, getting up on my knees behind Patrick, and pulled his right cheek, exposing
the hole that I desperately wanted inside with more than just a finger or two. But I knew he
needed to be stretched, so I ran my two fingers back down his crease, pushing when I reached the
opening. I silently moaned while Patrick did so aloud when my fingers were quickly swallowed by
his body.

“Such a beautiful sight. You’re taking my fingers beautifully. Will you take my cock just as well?” I
Patrick panted, and when I added a third finger, he whimpered. I would have thought he was in
pain, but he was wiggling around too much to be feeling anything but pleasure. I searched for that
magical spot, and when I found it, Patrick shouted and shot up, letting go of the front of the tub.

I smiled and wrapped my left arm around his chest, pulling his upper body as close to mine as I
could while still having my fingers buried in his ass.

“There it is. This spot here will bring you so much pleasure,” I whispered in his ear.

“Ung,” Patrick uttered. I smiled as he wrapped his hand around his cock and started stroking.
When the pink head popped out from the foreskin, I wished we were in a different position so I
could get a taste. I promised myself that I would be tasting all of my One in the next week and
continued to stretch him, preparing his body for my claiming.

“Are you going to come, Patrick? Let me see your passion. Let me feel it,” I said. I thrust three
fingers in and out of Patrick’s body, being sure to hit that magic spot inside every time. Patrick’s
hand sped up on his shaft, and I pulled my fingers free, quickly replacing them with my hard rod.

I slowly pushed forward, biting my lower lip hard enough to taste blood when my mushroom head
popped into Patrick’s warm heat. I didn’t stop and continued to push forward, hoping that Patrick
would forgive me for my haste. I needed my seed inside him and my mark on his skin.

“Arthur. More. That spot. Need,” Patrick said as he frantically stroked his length. I wrapped both
arms around his torso and shoved my hips forward, impaling him on my cock. Patrick screamed,
and I immediately felt remorse, until his scream turned to a moan and I felt something I knew only
too well. His channel was sporadically massaging me, and when I looked down his body, spurt
after spurt of seed shot in front of us, some landing in the water, some hitting the side of the tub,
more going beyond.

The sight caused me to groan, and I pulled my hips back and shoved back forward and almost
came a second time. There was no way I wasn’t going to give my One all of the satisfaction I could.
His channel was so hot and slick, it was ready for me, and I wanted the delights that I knew we
could have. Nothing could have prepared me for the level of intense pleasure that Patrick and I
would find together though.

I grabbed ahold of Patrick’s hips and held on to him as I thrust mine forward and backward. Patrick
fell forward, grabbing ahold of the front of the tub once again, and the new position allowed me
to go even further into him. I pushed in and held, enjoying the warm tight heat around my cock.

“By the fates. Never would have expected it to feel like this,” I said and pulled out and thrust back
in again.

“Arthur…” Patrick said, and I looked down at where our bodies were joined. As I pulled out, I saw
the slick on my length and groaned.

“So wet for me. Going to claim you. You’re mine, Patrick. Say it.” I pushed in and waited because I
was so close again.
“I’m yours, Arthur. Claim me, please,” Patrick said brokenly. I leaned over him, wrapping my arms
around his torso, and started kissing across his back from one shoulder to the other.

“Going to love you forever. You’re mine to love, to care for. To protect,” I said. I pulled my hips
back just slightly before pushing back in again.

“Yes. Please, Arthur.”

“Yes, Patrick. So beautiful.” I pulled his body upward, and once we were both upright, I turned
Patrick’s face toward mine. There were tears in those blue eyes that I knew would be in my
dreams from here on out. “Don’t cry, love.”

“Want you. Wanted you so much,” Patrick admitted. My hips stuttered. What was he saying?

“We’re it for each other,” I said before leaning forward and touching my lips to Patrick’s again. The
angle was awkward, and when our lips touched again, my body zinged and I felt my balls pull tight
to my body. I broke the kiss and buried my face in beside Patrick’s as my hips took on a mind of
their own and started thrusting in and out at a pace that I wasn’t aware of being capable of. My
body was vibrating painfully, and as an intense tingle went through my balls and then my shaft, I
grunted as I felt my seed explode from my slit.

I shouted through my release, imprinting on Patrick in the process. After I felt a searing burn on
my hip in the same spot, I smiled, knowing that it was Patrick imprinting on me in turn. When he
did, the vibrations coursing through my body became a soft hum, and I thanked the fates for
gifting me with a One that was so easy to claim, willing to be mine. I also felt our bond set in
between our minds and couldn’t wait to explore all of the fun that was going to be.

My thighs started shaking, so I used magic to lift us out of the water enough that I could get my
legs and feet under me. Patrick squeaked a bit, and I smiled at the adorableness of it.

“Going back,” I said as I leaned back, my cock still buried deep inside my One. Once I’d settled in
the tub—thankful for magic that kept the water hot—I pulled Patrick tight to me and ran my hands
up and down his chest and stomach.

“How are you feeling?” I asked. The pink head of his cock was poking above the water, and I
reached forward and wrapped my hand around his shaft and slowly stroked. “Do you need
another release? I want to pleasure you. Will you let me?”

Patrick moaned, and his head flopped back onto my shoulder. I smiled and went about stroking
him to completion again. It didn’t take much before I felt his channel milking another small orgasm
from me as he shot again into the water in front of us.

When we were both sated for the moment, I went back to exploring his body with my hands.
“You’re so beautiful. I can’t believe you’re my gift. I promise to cherish you always,” I said. Patrick
squirmed, unseating my rod from his hole, and I was going to protest until he laced his fingers with
“I dreamed about you. I figure we have no secrets now. I can feel you in my mind. So that’s true?
We’ll be able to talk to each other that way?” Patrick asked.

“Hmm, only one way to find out,”I said in my mind to him. Patrick gasped, telling me that he most
definitely heard me.

“I heard you.”

“Can you respond in kind?” I asked.

“I dreamed about you. When I was a teenager. I think that’s why my parents left. They saw me
lusting after you.”

I jerked at Patrick’s response.

“What? When?”

“Right before we left. The first time I…when I pleasured myself, I thought of you. I never thought
you’d be mine though.”

I held up our joined hands and brought them to Patrick’s chest and gave him a tight squeeze. “You
and I will never be apart. Love, about your parents.” There was no good way or time to have this

“Master Edison dealt with them, didn’t he?”

“I would imagine so, yes. Henry wasn’t going to let you go without a fight, and he’d hurt you.
That’s unacceptable.”

“It’s okay, you know. I know I should probably feel some sort of remorse, but I can’t. They weren’t
nice people.”

I hurt for my One because I knew that deep down he’d hoped for them to change, but sadly some
never did. Henry had once been deemed worthy of such an honor as being turned into a warlock,
but somewhere along the way, the power had corrupted him.

“I’m your family now. As are Father and Dad. And the rest of the coven. You’ll never be without
again,” I said before kissing Patrick’s temple. I was never letting him go. I’d been gifted a rare gem,
and I knew it.

Iwas mated. I had a One. And my One was the warlock of my dreams. The one I’d fantasized about
as a teenager. The one I’d often thought about when things with my parents became intense.

And he’d claimed me. And I him. And wouldn’t you know it, I was pregnant. There was no way I
wasn’t with the way I kept throwing up everything I put in my stomach. After Arthur and I claimed
each other, my fertile period set in sometime in the middle of the night. Most of the following
week was a blur of sex and Arthur. Needless to say, I was no longer shy about anything having to
do with intimacy with him.

We’d explored each other completely and thoroughly. Arthur I’d discovered was possessive yet
attentive, and I had no complaints about either. But the constant nausea I’d been experiencing
was getting to me. I’d been mated for three weeks now, and it had been three weeks of attention

from Arthur. Three weeks of falling asleep sexually satisfied and waking up with Arthur’s arms
wrapped around me and his cock pushing against my ass.

“You’re lost in thought. How are you feeling? Any better?”

My eyes widened before I ducked my head. “No, Master Edison. My stomach still won’t allow for
anything. Not even water.” And I was thirsty.

“I have a tea that will help. Sadly, it smells horrid, and I can’t seem to figure out a way to change
that. One of the roots in it is rancid-smelling when ground up and brewed.”

“I’m willing to try anything at this point,” I told my One’s father.

“Good. You should be able to keep down some soda bread after. And if you’re feeling better, later
I’d like for you to try some of the meat. It’s important for—”

I looked at Master Edison when he didn’t continue.

“It’s okay, Master Edison. I’ve already come to the conclusion that I’m pregnant. If the constant
loss of anything I eat or drink wasn’t enough, the fact that I can sense the aura of another inside
me would be a big indicator.”

“Patrick, please call me Edison. Or even better, Father? I’m more than just Master Edison to you.
You’re my son’s One. The other half of his soul.”

I nodded but wasn’t sure it would be an easy request to fill. “How is he?” Arthur asked as he
rushed into our place. I smiled lovingly at him. He was so good to me. Always fretting about me,
seeing to my needs. Every last one of them.

“I’m okay, Arthur. Please calm down. Father said he had a tea for me,” I said and smiled at Edison.
It wasn’t quite as difficult as I’d thought it would be.
“Tea? What does he need tea for? He’s sick. What’s—wait.” Arthur walked over to me and knelt
down in front of where I was lying on our bed. I’d not been able to get up for long this morning
before I threw up in the pot and went back to sleep.

“Is that…I sense something. Something that I sensed this morning but assumed was someone close
outside the house.”

Arthur looked to his father, and I reached out and squeezed his hand, drawing his attention back
to me.

“Listen, my love. Listen to our son’s aura talk to yours,” I said.

“Son? Your fertile period caught?” Arthur asked, and then he gathered me up in his arms and
pulled me onto his lap as he sat on our bed. I looked for Edison but saw that he’d left, giving us
some privacy.

“It did. I first sensed him this morning.”

“I thought you’d eaten something that didn’t agree with you. When I didn’t sense anything last
week, I’d assumed it didn’t work. We’re going to be parents?”

I smiled at Arthur. I’d just discovered that I could cause him great emotion, even for such a
powerful warlock. “Why are you crying? This should be a happy time,” I said as I reached out to
wipe the wetness from his cheeks.

“Oh my heart, I’m thrilled. Even without the baby, you’ve made me the happiest warlock. I love
you, Patrick. So very much. I know it’s quick, but I’ve loved you before you let me claim you.”

I smiled. Arthur had said that every day since he’d claimed me.

“I love you too. We’re going to have a baby in the spring. Isn’t that exciting? Do you think we’ll
have any issues with having another little one around here? You know, because there are so few

“Father will take care of it. He always does. He and Dad do so much to keep us all safe. And now
that I have you and our little one on the way, we’ll join him and Dad with helping to protect those
with us.”

My One was a good warlock. He had a huge heart that was always thinking of others. That might
be at least part of the reason I’d been so drawn to him when I was younger. That and the fact that
fate probably had something to do with it. He was my One after all.

“Knock-knock. Is it safe to come back in?” Edison said from the doorway.

“Yes,” I called out. When Edison came in, followed closely by Wallace, I smiled. Until I got a whiff
of the pot that was on the wooden tray.

“What in fate’s name is that stench?” Arthur said.

“That is what your One is going to drink to calm his stomach, so remember that in a couple of
months when he feels uncomfortable and asks for you to rub his back because it hurts. He’s going
to go through a lot of very uncomfortable things for your son.” Edison walked over to us and held
out a cup. I wrinkled my nose before I picked it up and looked up at him. “I’ve tried to alter the
taste, and when I do, the effectiveness is lessened. Drink up. I’ve found that if I hold my breath and
drink it really fast, it’s not nearly as difficult to get down as it is when I sip it.”

Determined to calm my stomach, I did exactly as instructed; I took a deep breath and guzzled the
horrid brown liquid down—then immediately proceeded to throw it back up all over Edison, who
didn’t get out of the way fast enough.

I would have felt bad about it except I couldn’t because my stomach was in such knots that I could
think of nothing else.

“Right, then. Perhaps you’ll do better by sipping it,” Edison said after Arthur had fussed over me as
he cleaned me up. I was once again in our bed, both pillows behind me, propping me slightly up
but not enough that the room started spinning again. That was another thing I was suddenly
experiencing. The room was now spinning whenever I tried to sit upright. Edison said it was most
likely due to lack of food and liquid.

“William will be here in just a few moments,” Edison said.

“It’s okay. How about some sips. And maybe some of the soda bread. A small piece,” I said.

Edison looked like he wanted to argue, but a pleading look to Arthur had my One bringing over a
fresh cup of the horrible-smelling liquid. “Just a small sip now,” he said as he held it out and
helped me take a drink. I swallowed a little bit and immediately reached for the bread Arthur had
in his other hand. A small bite of it helped to change the flavor on my tongue, and I sighed in relief
when the taste of the tea was gone.

“Another?” I asked after I’d swallowed the bread and it seemed to be willing to stay where it was.

“Just a few now. I don’t want what little progress we’re making to be undone,” Arthur said. I
smiled at him. So thoughtful. I didn’t either. I didn’t enjoy losing the contents of my stomach.

The system we set up—small sips of tea quickly followed by a bite of bread or something else that
was dry or bland—worked. I was able to start eating and drinking again, and in weeks I was able to
get up and out of bed without feeling sick.

I settled into life at the inn again, not realizing just how much I had missed it in the past ten years.
I enjoyed taking care of the chickens and collecting the eggs—even if I couldn’t eat the eggs while
pregnant. I’d tried on many occasions, and it simply wasn’t happening.

Arthur doted on me, always bringing me some small token: a flower that he said reminded him of
my eyes, a heart-shaped rock he found, a warm blanket made from soft wool. Each and every gift
meant something to me, as I knew they came from his heart and each had been thought out
before he presented them to me.
“You have to stop spoiling me so. Eventually we won’t have any room in here,” I said one spring
day when I was large with our son. I could no longer go outside, as it was spring and none of us
wanted to take any chances of someone from one of the nearby towns spotting me. It was rare we
had outsiders at the inn, and when they did show up, they were sent on their way because we
never had room available for travelers.

“I’ll never stop showing you how much you mean to me. These things are small tokens only. I don’t
know if I’ll ever be able to show how much you mean to me,” Arthur said before he brought my
hand up to his mouth, placing a kiss on the back of it.

“Do you know? I already know how much I mean to you. I feel it every moment of the day. Even at
night, when we’re lying in bed and you’re fretting about me. I love you too. Don’t worry though.
I’m okay.”

“This pregnancy has been difficult on you,” Arthur argued.

I snorted. “This pregnancy has been a dream, I’m told. Sick in the beginning of a pregnancy is
normal. Our son will be here soon—we both know it. William is hovering, as is Father.”

Arthur rolled his eyes at that because it was true. Edison, for all of his powers, was rushing back
and forth in the outer room of our place. We were as prepared as we could be for our son’s arrival.
It wasn’t uncommon for Edison to visit several times a day anymore, but it was William’s presence
with him that told us both that our little warlock would be making an appearance very soon.

“How are you feeling?” William asked as he entered our room. Speak of the doctor.

“I’m tired. And my back hurts something fierce,” I said as I smiled at William.

“That’s a good indicator. Has he been up recently? Perhaps a trip to the pot would help get things
going,” William said.

“Or maybe just a walk around outside? I’ve been cooped up inside for a month now. I’d love to see
the fresh spring flowers,” I argued.

“Soon,” Arthur told me. I sighed, willing our son to indicate he was ready to be brought into our

“Fine. To the pot it is. But I don’t need to use it. If that’s the only trip I’m to get though, I’ll take it.”
I flung the blanket back that Arthur kept tucking around me. It was still chilly, and I understood his
need to care for me. I felt the same toward him. Even if I was the one pregnant and ready to pop.

I didn’t make it far, only just up onto my feet before a searing pain ripped through me, and I
screamed while grabbing my stomach.

“It’s time,” William shouted. I found myself back in bed, Arthur next to my head, and not only was
William in the room, but Edison and Wallace were as well. I understood. It was always exciting
welcoming a new warlock into the coven, but our son was to be Wallace and Edison’s first

William’s hands glowed green as he passed them over my stomach, the pain immediately easing,
and I sighed in relief.

“Master Edison, do you want to deliver the baby?” William asked.

“I’ll assist. You’re the coven doctor, and you’ve delivered many babies over the centuries,” Edison
said. William smiled and nodded. Edison stood next to Arthur while William pulled my hose down
below my stomach. He placed an old blanket on my lower body, covering me, and I knew it would
only be moments before we heard our son take his first breaths.

“Okay, then. By the fates, I pray all goes as deemed,” William said before I felt a floating sensation.
The sounds in the room became muted, and then I felt tugging against my lower stomach before I
heard the most beautiful sound—the loud wail of our son letting everyone know he had arrived.

“William. Our little William,” I said as I looked down at the baby that was crying in the doctor’s

“William? I’m…” Our son’s namesake cleared his throat. “I’m deeply honored. He looks quite
healthy, and his lungs most certainly are in perfect order,” William said before he handed our son
to Edison, who then passed him to Arthur.

“He’s perfect,” Arthur said as he held our son for the first time. My attention was drawn to the
warlock who had become my world and had stolen my heart. He looked perfect holding a babe,
and I was honored to be the one to provide him with the son he was smiling at.

“He might want dressed, no?” I suggested. I felt a slight movement and looked down my body as
William and Edison dealt with the afterbirth and then took care of the incision they’d created to
deliver our son.

“He might. It is a bit chilly in here. I should have started a fire for you earlier,” Arthur said and
snapped his fingers, a fire coming to life in the hearth against the far wall.

“You fret so. I’m fine. But the little one might be cold, yes. Can I see?” I asked, craning my neck as
much as I could, trying to get a better look.

“Of course,” Arthur said and held our now dressed son down next to me. I thought I couldn’t love
someone as much as I did Arthur, but I was wrong. In that moment I gave a piece of my heart to
our son. He was a perfect miniature version of my heart. My love, my One.

“He’s perfect,” I said and ran a finger down his soft cheek.

“Just like his dad,” Arthur said.



Present Day

Something was going on with Patrick, but I couldn’t quite figure it out. We’d been together for
over five centuries, and I adored him as much now, if not more, than I did when I first learned he
was mine.

“Love? Where are you?”

“I’m in the atrium,” came an immediate reply. “Did you need me to join you?”

Did I? Always. But if Patrick was with his plants, I didn’t want to interrupt.

“No. I’ll see you in a bit.”

I sat at my desk, going over the last few weeks in my mind. Patrick, like always, was loving and
attentive. He was enjoying the new additions to the coven and was excited about the little ones
that seemed to be following our members finding their Ones.

“Grandpa Arthur, can I talk to you?”

I smiled at Julius. He was our youngest’s second oldest son. He’d found his One when Alistair had
sent the wolf Cameron to us.

“Of course. Let me guess. Cameron is pregnant again,” I said, guessing what he wanted to talk to
me about. Julius and Cameron had disappeared for about a week a month ago, and it made sense
since their precious little one was now a year old.

“Yeah. I wanted to let you know that when I told my dads, they asked if we were going to be
returning to the pride anytime soon.”

I had assumed this would eventually come to head. “Julius, you know that your grandfather and I
love you very much and that you will always be welcome here. But we also love your father, Louis,
and his One, Vincent. If your alpha father wants you to return to the pride and you want to go,
don’t feel as if you must stay here at the coven.” I got up from behind the desk and walked around
it to lean against the front.

“I like it here. Especially since there are so many warlocks. But Cameron doesn’t have a pack really,
and he’s comfortable running with the lions in Dad’s pride. I’m torn because I want to be here with
you and Grandpa, but I also want to be in Seattle with my dads.”

“Julius, you have to do what makes you and your One happiest. We’ve loved having you here to
visit as often as you do, and you will always have a room here if and when you want to visit. But
there is nothing that says you can’t split your time between several places. Alistair does, and it
works out for him and River well.”
Julius seemed to think about that for a moment before he nodded. “Thanks, Grandpa. I appreciate
it. I’m going to go talk to Cameron and see what he wants most. Madison won’t be shifting for
years yet, but I know Cameron would like her to grow up around other shifters.”

“Then there’s your answer. We only have just a few here. While you’re here, your brother Miles—
has he finished college yet? Do you know?”

“Just this last May, yes. He’s working at a hospital out in Seattle somewhere. Why?”

“No reason. Just thinking out loud, really. Give Madison kisses for me, would you?” I said.

“I will. You and Grandpa Patrick need to come and see her this afternoon if you can.”

“We will,” I said, making a mental note to be sure to stop by their suite to love on the little one
because it seemed that she was going to be heading off to Seattle soon.

It wasn’t far, not when you could be there in the blink of an eye. But our family was so busy and
had scattered. William and Stanley were in Europe with their own growing family. Alistair and
River were in Montana with Father, Dad, Elliot, Arin, and Arik and their immensely growing
families. Then Louis was all the way on the opposite coast in Seattle with his One, Vincent.
Patrick’s and my children were scattered and doing their own thing, and I missed them.

“Love, what’s wrong?”

I smiled.

“Nothing, my heart. Just thinking about the kids. Julius was here. Cameron is pregnant again.”

“Really?” Patrick asked, suddenly in the office with me.

“Hello, my love. How are you?” I asked, pulling him into my arms.

“You just saw me an hour ago at breakfast. But I’m fine. My orchids are thriving, and I can’t wait
until they bloom next year.”

I leaned in and went to kiss Patrick but froze when I picked up something I never thought I’d sense
again. Not from my One.

“Patrick?” I whispered and pulled my head back to look at my heart. There were tears in his
beautiful blue eyes and a smile on his face that couldn’t be compared to anything else.

“I’ve been waiting for you to sense him. My last fertile period. It’s finally happening again, Arthur.
Please tell me you’re not upset. I’ve wanted more children with you for so long, but the fates just
haven’t blessed us with one.”

My eyes widened, and I looked down at Patrick’s stomach. That was what felt off. There was…
“That long weekend we spent in our quarters—you were insatiable. You’re pregnant?”
I gently touched Patrick’s flat stomach, and when I did, I felt a pulse of energy that I knew was
coming from our unborn son. I pulled Patrick tightly to my chest and buried my face in his neck
and cried. We’d wanted more children for so long and had thought that we would only ever be
blessed with the three, but now fate had blessed us a fourth time.

“A baby?” I asked, looking at my Patrick. There were tears streaking down his face, and I reached
out and gently wiped them away with my thumbs.

“Yes. You’re pleased?”

“I didn’t need another child to be pleased, but I’m thrilled we’re to be parents again. I love you so
much. You are and will always be my heart. I can’t wait to share the news,” I said before I pulled
Patrick to me again and kissed him gently. A baby. We were going to have another baby.

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