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Little Ollie was too adorable,and I couldn’t get enough of him. I felt fortunate to be an honorary
uncle. Especially since Cornelius and I hadn’t really been overly close until we’d been sent to
Timber Valley last fall. It was crazy to think that had been over a year ago and that Cornelius and
Matthew had been mated for almost a year now. That was still hard to believe at times.

And yet, I was still single and hadn’t gotten any inkling of my own One being anywhere near. I was
younger than Cornelius, and younger than many other unmated warlocks in the coven. But that
didn’t mean I wasn’t lonely. I was.

A wet slap to my face brought me out of my musings, and I looked at Ollie, who had crawled over
to me and was now standing next to me.

“When did he start standing?” I asked as I looked over at Cornelius. We were both on the floor in
his and Matthew’s suite. I’d come to play with Ollie, hoping it would cheer me up.

“He can’t stand long,” Cornelius said just as Ollie’s little legs gave out and he plopped down on his
diapered behind. I reached over and picked him up, kissing the top of his head before I set him on
the floor between my open legs.

“I can’t believe how fast he’s growing,” I said. I handed Ollie the blocks that he was reaching for
and got a happy squeal in return.

“They tend to do that, I’m told. You want to tell me what’s up with you? You were just so lost in
thought you didn’t even feel Ollie pull up on your arm.”
I sighed and looked at my friend. “I’m lonely. I joined this coven because I’m not good at being
without one. After what happened at my last one—the year I spent not belonging anywhere—it
was difficult.”

It had been. I’d enjoyed being a firefighter well enough, but I’d only been with that crew for two
years before we’d been called to a massive fire that killed almost half of the crew in our firehouse.
I’d teleported away, and to this day, I still felt guilty about not being able to save my fellow

Because I was supposed to have perished in the fire with them, I’d had to leave the area in order
to avoid being spotted. Spending the next year covertly looking for a new coven wasn’t exactly

“Hmm, maybe you could travel to other packs and search? I know…why are you shaking your

I chuckled. I should have probably waited to see what all Cornelius had to say before I started
shutting his suggestion down.

“Sorry. I…it’s just that I don’t know what good it would do. I’d been close to several dozen in the
year I was searching for a new coven.”

“Ahh, yes. But you must remember, it’s possible that your One wasn’t of age yet. If that were the
case, you wouldn’t have sensed him or her.”

“Him. You know I’ve only ever been with men.”

I glared at Cornelius as he laughed loudly. “It would be tragic but funny if you were paired with a
female, then.”

If it weren’t for Ollie between my legs, happily still playing with his blocks, I would have sent a
burst of energy his way, knocking him backward. But I didn’t because there was no way that I
would risk the baby getting knocked over and hurt.

“I’m sorry. You know it is funny though. But I don’t think that fate would be that cruel.”

I still scowled but nodded. I sure hoped not. As it was, Thomas had paired Cornelius with Matthew,
and warlocks and fae didn’t normally mate. But seeing my friend with his pint-sized fae, I had to
agree with the pairing. They were madly in love and had a beautiful baby boy.

“You did bring up a valid point though. What if when I was through those areas, my One wasn’t yet
eighteen? Or even born yet?”

That was a possibility as well. I’d been with the Amherst coven for almost five decades now. It was
possible that my One was under fifty. Or even sixty. I didn’t care how old he was—and I was
determined he was going to be a he. Thomas wouldn’t be that cruel to me. Would he?
“Okay, so now what? You going to ask Arthur for time off to go travel? I don’t think anyone is out
right now.”

I shook my head. “Even if I wanted to, I can’t. Winston’s One is pregnant, and I can’t leave. There’s
nobody else to cover for me.”

I smiled when Cornelius’s eyes widened. “When? I hadn’t heard she was pregnant again.”

“Yeah, they’re going to make the announcement at tonight’s party. I only know because I work
with Winston and he’s needed some time off to take care of Amy.”

“That’s amazing. I can’t wait to congratulate them.”

Ollie took that moment to chuck his blocks off to the right before he started crawling over to his
dad. I smiled even though my heart was twinging at the sight. I was thankful that I was an
honorary uncle and Cornelius and Matthew let me see Ollie as often as I wanted. As he’d gotten
older, I’d shown up more frequently, and both of Ollie’s daddies had put babysitting time to good

“So, are you two considering any more?” I asked.

Cornelius picked up Ollie and snuggled him to his chest when he crawled into his lap. “Not anytime
soon, no. When Matthew was in labor, he swore up and down that he didn’t want any more. Now
that Ollie is a bit older, he’s started mentioning that he’d be up for another in a few years. Until
then, no plans.”

That made me happy, and I smiled at my friend. He was an amazing dad, and he loved Ollie just as
much as he did his One. Just then, Matthew came into the suite, and I watched as he rushed to
Cornelius and Ollie. That was definitely my cue to leave. I had things to do before the Christmas
party anyway.

“Where are you going? Don’t let me run you off. I have cookies that I dropped on the table by the
door,” Matthew said.

“I’m going to get out of here and let you two spend time with your son without me hovering
around,” I told them.

“You don’t have to leave,” Cornelius argued.

“I have things to do in my office before the party. I need to double-check everything and make
sure all of the cameras are working.”

I was up and walking toward the door before I realized Cornelius was following me. When his hand
landed on my shoulder, I stopped and turned.

“You okay? You don’t have to leave.”

“I’m fine, but thanks for asking. And I would feel better if I made sure all of the security measures
are in place and working properly before the party tonight. Besides, Matthew has been gone for
hours, working in the kitchen. You two should enjoy some time together with your son. I’ll see you
tonight.” I smiled, glanced at the bowl of cookies—swiping one on my way out—and left. I didn’t
tell Cornelius that I’d already double-checked everything. And in some cases, triple-checked.

Sure, we were a coven of powerful warlocks, but again—we were a coven of warlocks. We had to
be safe. We needed to make sure we were always on our guard because there were threats from
those that didn’t like things that were different. And we were different.

I took a bite of the Christmas cookie as I walked through the hallway toward the stairs. I moaned
when the flavors exploded on my tongue. There was a hint of cinnamon in the icing, but the cookie
itself was all sugar. That told me that Grantham had spent the afternoon baking cookies—one of
the only things he did bake—and I made my first stop the kitchen to see if I could snatch a few
more for later.

I had no intentions of actually attending the Christmas party. Winston was going to be attending
with Amy, and that left me to watch over the grounds, making sure there were no lost travelers
looking for their own parties. It wasn’t exactly a hardship. I didn’t mind the coven or the members,
but the addition of Christmas parties was more for the human Ones of some of our coven
members and their children. There were only just a few, and I didn’t begrudge a good party, but
when you’ve lived for almost two hundred years, parties were just parties.

After I’d made it to the ground floor, I turned and made a beeline for the kitchen in search of not
only Grantham but his delicious cookies as well.

“I was wondering when I’d see you.” Grantham glanced up at me before his focus returned to the
cookies on the island he was decorating with a bag of icing. “Let me guess. You’re not going to be
at the party, and you wanted to see if you could get some cookies.”

“Nailed it on the first try. I’m going to be in my office watching cameras this evening. So can I get a
few cookies?”

Grantham’s blue eyes met mine, and I took a deep breath, letting it out when I could tell he caved.

“I set some aside for you. There are some candies in there as well.” Grantham indicated the far
side of the kitchen with a nod of his head. I smiled and hurried around the island, stopping to place
a quick kiss on his cheek on my way by.

“Thanks, Gran. You’re the best.”

“Yeah, yeah. You know, it wouldn’t kill you to be at the party. You’ll never meet your One if you
don’t socialize.”

I grabbed a cookie that looked ready to eat and shoved half of it in my mouth while holding my
own bowl of cookies and other goodies. I quickly chewed and swallowed before I could respond.
“What do you mean? There’s just our coven going to be here. I’ve met everyone and already know
they’re not my One.”

Grantham’s eyes widened as he looked up at me, icing gushing out of the bag and all over the
cookie. “Fates be,” Grantham said as he quickly set the bag aside and grabbed for a paper towel.

“What are you doing?” I asked before shoving the rest of my half-eaten cookie in my mouth and
trying to help. I wish I hadn’t because what Grantham said next had me choking on the thing.

“Master Arthur is welcoming several new members into the coven tonight. I thought you knew?”
Grantham said. He picked up the ruined cookie and the one beside it, carefully placing them on
the paper towel before he grabbed another to wipe off the piping bag.

Once I finally got the piece of cookie dislodged from my throat, I cleared it and gratefully took the
glass of water Grantham was holding out to me. I drank it down, cleared my throat again, and
stood there with a what the fates look on my face.

“Okay. I could have sworn you said Master Arthur is welcoming new coven members? Tonight? At
the Christmas party?”

“He is. You’re the head of security. Weren’t you at the meeting last week?”

I shook my head. “No. I was in Honey Creek helping Master Edison. He’s decided that since the den
is growing so much, better security measures were needed. I wasn’t going to argue with the man,
so I went. Winston was here all week.”

“Hmm. Have you not talked since then? You work together.” Grantham gave me a look that said
there was no way I didn’t know what was going on. But in actuality, I had no clue.

“No. Winston has had the week off. Amy isn’t feeling the best, so I’ve been covering all of the
shifts alone during the day.”

“What about Jason?”

“He’s working nights, and I make sure he knows I’m available twenty-four seven.”

Grantham’s eyes grew. “Oh my fates. Amy’s pregnant again, isn’t she? She is, right?”

I could only nod because it really wasn’t my announcement to make. “Shh, it’s not been shared yet
as far as I know.”

“Please. It’s not like the place isn’t full of warlocks that won’t be able to tell the same time they

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the ruined cookies when Grantham tried to throw them away. There
was nothing wrong with them, even if they had too much frosting on one and almost none on the
other. I simply smeared it around on the one and placed the second cookie on top, making a
sandwich with it, and took a bite. Yep, still tasted delicious.
“True, but she hasn’t left their suite in over a week from what I understand. Anyway, thanks for
the cookies. I need to go talk to Master Arthur. And apparently Winston.”

I didn’t wait for Grantham’s reply. I took my bowl of goodies and headed out of the kitchen.
Instead of going to my office first thing though, I went to Master Arthur’s. I was completely
unadvised, and that wasn’t a good thing.

I knocked on the doorframe and met my coven master’s eyes when he looked up from the paper
he’d been reading.

“Ahh, Balthazar. Come, come. Is something wrong? You look upset.”

I sat down in a chair and took a deep breath. It wasn’t Master Arthur’s fault I didn’t know what
was going on. It was mine. And specifically Winston’s. But I wasn’t upset with him. His mind was
solely on his One lately.

“I’ve just come from the kitchen, and Grantham told me there’s new members? I wasn’t aware
that we had new warlocks in the building.”

“No? The meeting was last week. Did Winston not tell you?”

I shook my head, and Master Arthur sighed.

“In all fairness, he’s been quite preoccupied. I’m not upset, much, but I have to assume they’ve
been checked out?”

“Yes. Jason did the background checks since he’s been working nights. Three are coming from
South Carolina. It’s one couple and their fully grown son. There are three others that aren’t yet
mated; they’re coming from Europe. They had started having trouble with both safety as well as
too many questions being asked. I’d thought you’d seen the files though.”

I shook my head again. I’d played catch-up in the week I’d been back, but I’d not seen any files on
new members. “No, sir. I’ll see if I can track them down though. I simply want to acquaint myself
with the new members.”

“Understandable. But so you know, Papa was the one that initially looked into them. They’re clear
and as safe as any others here.”

And that was all I needed to hear. Master Edison might not be the official coven master here
anymore, but his son was still here, as were a couple of his other family members. Even so, he
took the safety of all of us quite seriously, and I knew he wouldn’t have given the recommendation
if he had found anything amiss.

“Sounds good. I’ll go over the files so I can at least know their names and maybe get an idea of
what they look like. Thank you, sir.”
“No problem at all,” Master Arthur said as I stood up, ready to leave. “Oh, and, Balthazar?” Master
Arthur called out as I turned to leave. I stopped and faced my coven master again.

“Yes, sir?”

“I expect to see you at the party tonight as well. The alarms can be forwarded to your phone as
they are at night. It won’t hurt for you to be around to welcome everyone.”

“Yes, sir,” I said because I knew that wasn’t a request but an order. Everyone would be at the
Christmas party tonight apparently. Oh fun. Resigned to my fate, I turned once again and left the
office. I headed to mine, hoping to have files on the new coven members.

I was late,and my parents weren’t going to be happy with me. Honestly, it couldn’t have been
avoided. It wasn’t my fault that I’d not yet been to the coven and couldn’t teleport to it. I might
have been a warlock, but I was a weak one, unfortunately. Which was one of the reasons why my
parents and I had never belonged to a coven.

My mom was fully human, and my dad, although a warlock, his mother was human. And it
shouldn’t have mattered, but for some reason, it seemed that my magic was somehow lacking,
and the only reason we could think of was the fact that my mother and grandmother were both
human. I loved them both dearly, and neither deserved to be ostracized like they were. And by
proxy, so had my grandfather, father, and I was well.

And even if I’d been to the Amherst coven, it wasn’t a guarantee that I’d have been able to
teleport there. That was one of the things that usually came easiest—so I’d been told—but yet, it
was really hit or miss with me. I often would end up nowhere near where I’d intended.

It wasn’t that I was too young. I was just shy of a century, and by my age, it was common for
warlocks to have mastered their powers. My powers were just weak. They worked, but not at full
capacity. It was like running around with a fraction of your allotted energy all the time.

Which was why I was completely lost in the middle of nowhere in Massachusetts on Christmas
Eve. My car was so old it didn’t have any type of navigation in it. And unfortunately, my phone
wasn’t picking up any cell signal, so I was driving blind here. Literally because the snow had
decided to start really coming down.

I sighed because although I’d lived in snowy areas before, it had been a while, and I wasn’t at all
familiar with the roads here. The scenery was probably beautiful during the day when you could
see, but at night, during heavy snow, not so much.

I felt my car slide on the road, and then suddenly I was moving to the right. I let up off the gas, but
it was no use. Even at the slow speed I was going, I still ended up on the side of the road. I tried for
several minutes to go forward, then backward, then forward, but nothing. I was stuck, and I had
no idea where I was.

By my estimate, I should have been close. But I couldn’t see any sort of light off in the distance. I
saw nothing but snow, and that wasn’t good. I knew the estate was of a decent size, so if I was
close and it was clear, I would have seen the light from it in the distance.

A quick glance at my phone told me I still had no cell signal, and I tried to not let that get to me. I
needed to remain calm. If I tried to focus, I might be able to sense my parents’ auras and teleport
to them. Maybe. If they weren’t too far away. Or, I could end up in the middle of the surrounding
forest and then not be able to find my way back to my car where it was safer. I wouldn’t be able to
keep the vehicle running all night, but everything I owned was in the trunk, back seat, and beside
me. I wouldn’t freeze because one, I was inside out of the snow and cold. And two, I could pile all
of my clothing and bedding on top of me if needed. Or, I could try to move my car back onto the
road with my magic.
“Think, Grant,” I said out loud before I banged my head on the steering wheel several times.
“You’re never going to make it there if you don’t think rationally. Of course if you hadn’t…great.
Now I’m talking to myself.”

I rolled my eyes before closing them, concentrating on my energy and the desire and need to
move my car from the side of the road to back onto it. Although both were covered in snow, there
was quite a bit more off the road, so I knew that it had been plowed at some point. Too bad it
wasn’t in the very recent past.

I felt the car wobble and then move, and when I opened my eyes, I was once again on the road. I
hoped. I thought so anyway. I sighed in relief. I was hopefully back on the road enough that I could
continue on my way.

I put the car in drive and carefully applied pressure to the gas pedal and started moving forward
again. That was such an accomplishment that I felt my heart thump in my chest. What was wrong
with me? I was almost positive I wasn’t in danger of dying of exposure. I was inside a vehicle full of
clothing and linens. I could certainly bundle up if it came to it.

“Now to find the Whitmore Estate,” I said to myself. My directions had said to travel 3.7 miles
down Buffam Road and then the turnoff was on the left. But I wasn’t really seeing anything to the
left except darkness. Lots of darkness.

I was about to give up when my father suddenly appeared in the passenger seat of my car. “Holy
fates!” I shouted, and the car immediately jerked when I yanked on the wheel.

“You’re late. The party ended hours ago.”

I rolled my eyes at that. There was nothing I could do about that. It wasn’t my idea to join a coven.
I’d never belonged to one, and I didn’t quite understand why it was that my parents suddenly
wanted to join one.

“Well, as you can see, I can’t see with all of this snow, and I’m having difficulty finding the road
that leads to the estate.”

“It’s behind you by a couple of miles.”

Of course it was. “Very well. I don’t suppose you could help and simply—yeah, that,” I finished
when we were suddenly in front of a well-lit building. The door in front of me was opening, and I
cast a glance at my father as the garage door rose and I pulled in. My car hadn’t spent a single
night inside a garage in its life, and it seemed unusual that it would now, but oh well. Who was I to

“I didn’t intend to be late. The weather came up faster than expected, and I couldn’t see. Is the
coven master upset with me?”

“No. More worried than anything. And your mother is beside herself.”
I rolled my eyes again because that was certainly her. “It’ll never end, will it?”

“What? Your mother worrying? Doubtful. It’s just who she is. You’re our only child.”

“Dad, I’m ninety-six. I’m hardly a child.”

I wasn’t, and he knew it. As did my mother, but still, she tended to worry simply because I was
what was considered “defective.”

“She means well. Perhaps she’ll calm a bit now that we’re here and around more warlocks. I hope
you enjoy it here, and you know you don’t have to stay.”

Yeah, we both knew how well that would go over. Not at all. As it was, she was probably going to
have a fit when she realized that I’d happily accepted a single room that was reserved for unmated
warlocks. I was absolutely not going to live in a family suite with my parents. Nope, never going to

“Okay, so now that I’m here, now what? Grab my bag and find my room?”

“Your mother has already set up the other bedroom for you.”

And there it was. “Yeah, about that. When I talked to someone named Patrick earlier this week, I
accepted a single room. It’s on the second floor, the other side of the estate.”

The look of horror on my father’s face would have been comical if it weren’t warranted.

“Please say you’re kidding.”

I shook my head.

“Then you’ll just have to tell them you changed your mind.”

“Nope. I can always simply go back to South Carolina. At least it was warm down there.” It was
mean and wrong, but come on. I was well beyond living-with-my-parents age.

“That’s wrong, and you know it.”

“Actually—” We were interrupted, or saved was how I chose to look at it, by a knock on the
window. I looked at the tall man standing there, smiling. He had an equally tall man beside him,
both of them with welcoming looks on their faces.

“That’s Master Arthur and his One, Patrick.”

“Mmm, of course,” I said and carefully opened the door, wondering where my mother was. I was
surprised she wasn’t in the garage, fussing. She meant well, I knew she did, but she was also quite
overwhelming at times.
“Welcome. You must be Grant,” the one with darker hair said as he held out a hand. I placed mine
in it and gave it a firm shake.

“Yes, I am. Sorry I’m late. The weather isn’t what I’m used to.”

“No apologies needed. I’m Arthur, and this is my One, Patrick.”

I looked to the man with dirty-blond hair and smiled. When I held out my hand, he took it, shaking
it, but he seemed hesitant. I’d have to try to figure that out later.

“We’re glad you’re here. That’s all that’s important. Well, and that you’re safe. Your room is ready.
Did you want or need help with your things?” Patrick asked.

“I won’t say no. Thank you.” I offered the warmest smile I could because suddenly Patrick
seemed…not really less than welcoming, but off somewhat.

“Then let’s get your things to your room so you can relax. No doubt you’ve had a long day and
want nothing more than to lie down and recharge,” Master Arthur said.

“Yes, sir.” I wasn’t quite sure if sir was sufficient or not. I would need to see about asking Dad
when we were in private at some point in the very near future.

A quick glance at my car let me know that everything inside was already gone, and I was once
again reminded that I was lacking when it came to things such as that. I nodded at the coven
master and his One, not really sure which of them had helped.

“I can show you to your room if you’d like. Most of the coven is already off in their own areas after
the party. The kitchen is of course always open if you want something to eat or drink.”

“I’m good, thank you though. Umm, knowing where my room is would be most welcome.” I
glanced back at my dad and smiled, hoping he wasn’t too upset. I’d have to talk to him and Mom
in the morning, but right now, I honestly just wanted a hot shower and a horizontal surface and
about twelve hours of sleep. I’d settle for two of the three because I knew there was no way I was
going to get twelve hours of sleep. Mom would be pounding on my door first thing in the morning,
and by first thing in the morning, I meant before the sun was up.

“Good. Come with me, then,” Patrick said as he linked his arm with mine, tugging me along with
him. “I’ll see you in our room in a bit, love,” Patrick called over his shoulder as we walked off.
When we entered the house proper, I tried to not stumble over my own feet as I looked at the
gorgeousness that was the estate.

“Wow. This place is…beautiful.”

“It is. Do you enjoy architecture?”

“I love art and was an art teacher in South Carolina. But my true passion is art itself. I love to paint
and sculpt. I can certainly appreciate the detail that went into the woodwork in this place.”
Patrick’s smile grew. “It’s all original. We’ve been here quite some time. Of course people just
believe the estate has passed down through several generations at this point.”

“Of course,” I said in agreement. There was always the option of moving every so often. But it
wasn’t uncommon for others to simply reinvent themselves as a descendant of themselves. Now
that we were all immortal—how crazy was that—I’d imagine there would be even more that
would simply reinvent themselves. Moving to a new place every forty or so years became tedious.
I did my best to pay attention to where we were going. The staircase was another gorgeous

When we reached the first landing, Patrick gestured to the right. “The family suites are up on the
third floor. You just need to go left there, and the stairs are just past the wall. The rooms for the
unmated members are over here. Each has their own bathroom and a small kitchenette. But again,
the kitchen is welcome to any and everyone. We do have a chef. Grantham prepares three meals a
day. I can get the times for you if you’d like.”

“Yes, please. I appreciate the welcome. My parents—” I didn’t know if I should say this or not, but I
didn’t want my parents to have to continue on like they had. “They’ve never belonged to a coven
that I know of. Dad really appreciates the opportunity to be with others like him.”

“It’s really no hardship. We’ve lost some members in recent times.”

That caught my attention, and I jerked my head toward the coven master’s One. “I’m sorry to hear

“Oh no. No, nothing like that. They haven’t passed or anything. No, they’ve mated and moved
away for the most part. Some simply decided it was time for a change in scenery. That’s all. Here
we are,” Patrick said as we stopped at a door. He opened it, and it was only then that he finally
unlinked his arm with mine. When he gestured I should enter, I did and smiled at the sight before
me. My stuff was all there, carefully stacked against one wall. The room was very nice, clean, but
yet impersonal. That was something I knew I’d be able to change though.

“It’s great, thank you. I want to tell you how much I appreciate the offer of a single room.

“Yes, I’m aware. Sometimes it can be difficult to let our children have their own lives, I guess.
Arthur and I had three, and sadly, none live anywhere near us. William is in Europe with his One.
Alistair is in Montana—a place that’s quickly becoming an extension of our coven, it seems. And
George is in Georgia. He’s mated to the alpha of a pride, and so yeah. Ours are all gone.”

Wow, talk about open and friendly. “I’m sure you miss them. I love my parents, but I don’t
necessarily want to live with them anymore.”

That caused Patrick to chuckle. “Understandable. Well, if you need anything, feel free to wander
about. Our phones are always on though, so you’re welcome to text or call any time. You have
both numbers, yes?” Patrick asked as he held out a key. I took it and smiled.

“Yes, from this past week in your email. But I don’t have service out here.”
“You do at the house. We had a tower installed on the property. Your phone should be working
just fine now. Welcome to Whitmore Estate, Grant. We are happy you and your family are here. I
do hope you feel welcome.”

“Thank you, Patrick. I’m sure I will.”

“Good. See you in the morning. Remember, if you need anything, just give one of us a call. I’ll
show you around tomorrow morning.”

I nodded, and Patrick left, quietly closing the door behind him. The room wasn’t huge, but it was a
good size. The far side had the bed and what would be considered bedroom furniture. I walked
past the small couch and television to find my bag. There were two doors, and I opened the one
on the left, discovering the bathroom. It had a nice-sized shower but no tub. That was okay
though. The sink had plenty of counter space on either side, and the toilet was off in its own little
area. I had no complaints. Especially since there was a window that probably had a good view and
let in some natural light.

The closet was a large walk-in, and I wondered what I would do with so much room. I had enough
stuff to fill maybe half of it, but then again, I was young. So much younger than most likely the
majority of the other warlocks here. I’d worry about filling the closet tomorrow.

I walked to the door, checking to make sure it was locked before I crashed. I found it locked, so
Patrick must have flipped the lock on his way out. I grabbed my bag that had everything I’d need
and went in search of hot water. I hoped there was plenty because I wanted nothing more than to
let it rain down on me, hopefully relaxing my muscles after the day I’d had.

I was in luck, and by the time I dragged myself out of the shower and dried off, I crashed onto the
bed face-first. Sleep claimed me in mere moments.

I’d already spentthe night tossing and turning because my body had started vibrating late last
night after the Christmas party had ended. I’d felt it when I was in my office, checking the
monitors one last time. Unfortunately by the time I realized what was going on and rushed out of
my office, I saw nobody else around.

I knew there was only one person that was missing from the party, but I’d not yet seen the man.
But the fact that someone was banging on a door outside while shouting pissed me off. A quick
glance at the window told me it was early, so much so that not even the sun was up yet.

I sighed and threw my blankets back and climbed out of bed. I was wearing flannel pajama pants
and couldn’t be bothered to find a shirt. Whoever was making such a racket in the hallway needed
to stop. Now.

I stumbled my way to the door and flung it open. I wasn’t the only person now standing in the
hallway. Several other coven members were glaring at the same person. Clarice? What was her
name. That didn’t sound right.

“What are you doing?” I asked, coming fully into the hallway. That lady turned and looked at me,
her eyes widening.

“Sir, you’re indecent,” she said quickly, covering her eyes while looking down. I scowled as I
approached her. I knew she was human; I’d sensed that when I’d been introduced last night.

“Not really, but if you feel that way, don’t come to this side of the coven. This is for single
members. And it’s not even six in the morning. You’re disturbing everyone in this hallway. Care to
share why?” I asked. The vibrations in my body were humming now, and I had a bad feeling about
the entire situation.

“My son is in this room, and he won’t open up. He shouldn’t be here. We have a family suite.”

A man suddenly appeared behind her, and I turned my glare to him. He’d been by her side the
entire night last night, never leaving his wife’s side.

“I apologize. I was in the shower.”

“Yeah, well, keep her out of our hallway. Banging and shouting before the sun is up is
unacceptable,” I told him.

“Yes, Balthazar. It won’t happen again. I do apologize to everyone,” he said. “Come on, Clara.”
They were both suddenly gone, and I let my shoulders sag. I really hoped they weren’t going to be
a problem. I was going to have to talk to Master Arthur as it were. It wasn’t forbidden for family
members to be over on this side of the coven, but when they were a disturbance, that was
certainly an issue.
I gave the closed door one last look before I turned and found Fenwick standing in the hallway,
leaning against his closed door. He was directly across the hall from my room.

“I feel bad for the guy,” Fenwick said.


“How would you feel if your mother came banging on your bedroom door not even twelve hours
after you arrived in a new place. I mean, the guy has to be over twenty, or he wouldn’t have been
offered a room over here, right?”

I nodded. I was trying to remember how old he was. I thought around a century, but I couldn’t be
certain. “Well, we’ll just have to make sure he feels a bit more welcome. I can’t remember my
parents ever doing something like that. But then again, I didn’t have a human parent.” Both of
mine were warlocks. But was that the reason she was in our wing before 6:00 a.m.?

“My mom was really easygoing. But she’s a shifter and has half a dozen kids. I think she was just
happy to see us grow up enough and launch out of the house.” Fenwick smirked before he

“Go back to bed. I’ll make sure I have a talk with Master Arthur at a respectable hour.”

Fenwick yawned again as he waved while turning back to his door. He quickly disappeared inside
his room, and I was left alone in the hallway. I cast one last glance toward the room next door,
wondering what he was like.

I sighed, resigned to having to deal with Clara and her husband more than I was probably going to
want to since I was almost positive that their son was my One. Why else would my body be
vibrating like it was? He was the only new coven member I’d not met yesterday evening.

I went back to my own room, pushing the door behind me, and when it didn’t close all the way, I
used magic to push the door shut as I walked back to my own bed. It was Christmas morning, and
although we didn’t celebrate the holiday as a general rule, there were humans in the coven that
did—hence the party the evening before.

My plans for the day had just been derailed though. I fell back into my bed and wondered what
the man next door was like. Was he tall? Did he have his mother’s red hair, or was it dark like his
dad’s? Was his mother going to be an issue? We’d not had the best first encounter, but would that
affect any future relationship? My own parents were going to be ecstatic if my new neighbor
ended up being my One.

I sighed, before I pulled my blankets up and rolled over. The thought of my One being next door,
finally finding him, had my dick taking notice, and I pushed on it, pulling an involuntary moan from

Nope. No way was I doing anything like that. Between the vibrations in my body and the fact that
my dick was hard though, I’d say it was a good indicator that my One was definitely in the house
somewhere. A thought occurred to me, and I really hoped that my new neighbor was in his room
alone. It would be devastating if he wasn’t. It wasn’t forbidden that we couldn’t have guests in our
rooms, but it wouldn’t be a good thing to meet my One and immediately discover he wasn’t single.

That thought had my dick deflating, and I groaned. I wasn’t going to think about it. No, I was going
to try my best to go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Then I’d get up and join the others for
breakfast before talking to Master Arthur about our unwanted visitor.

As the head of security for the coven, I quickly thought about who was where in the house and
wondered if there were any empty family suites. I thought so. But were they near Clara
and…James? Jim? No, it was John. I looked over at the empty half of my bed and grabbed the
pillow, pulling it on top of my head with a groan.

I wasn’t going to think about it. Or him. I wasn’t. Not until I knew for certain.

Who was I kidding though? I knew my One was in the house somewhere, and the only logical place
was next door. The vibrations in my body had become stronger the closer I’d gone to the door.
The way the rooms were set up, there was a bathroom and closet between each bedroom, and I
couldn’t hear through the walls anyway.

Needing to breathe more than I was, I tossed the pillow beside me and sat up. I wasn’t going to be
able to go back to sleep. I’d struggled last night as it was, and now that I was awake, I knew it was

I reached over and picked up my phone, wondering what my dads were doing. They were awake
because they were…where had they gone off to? I was pretty sure it was Barcelona. And it was
already late morning there. But if I messaged them, would they rush here?

No, I wouldn’t message them because I didn’t want to have them here just yet. Not until after I’d
met my One and we’d had the chance to claim one another. Which would be…sometime in the
next week because we usually only had five or so days max to claim one another. Otherwise, the
vibrations in our bodies became too much.

It was possible to not. I’d known a few who didn’t claim one another, but the vibrations had
become chronic, and they lived with constant debilitating pain. Not something I would
recommend if avoidance was at all possible.

I sighed, threw my blankets back, and climbed out of bed. If nothing else, I would shower and get
ready for the day. Lying in bed would only cause me to do exactly what I didn’t want to do—think
about the man next door and wonder if he was truly my One.

I dropped my sleep pants and picked them up, dropping them in the hamper just inside the
bathroom on my way to the shower. I turned it on and, after a quick glance at my face, deemed it
okay to not bother shaving and climbed in under the steaming spray. It felt great against the cool
room, and I enjoyed standing under the hot water for a few minutes before I reached for the
bottle of shampoo.
Too soon, I was finished and dressed, leaving me with more time than I needed before anyone
would be up and around just yet. Sure, there were some that were probably up, but the chances
of them not being in their rooms were slim.

I conjured a cup of coffee as I sat down at my little table and pulled out my phone. There were no
notifications, and I wondered what the day was going to bring. It wasn’t yet six thirty, but it wasn’t
too early to be out and about, so after I drank my coffee, I left my room.

I turned right and stopped in front of the room next door, feeling the vibrations intensify in my
body, and that only increased my assurance that yes, my One was on the other side of the door.

Not wanting to wake him if he was still asleep, or disturb him just yet if he was awake, I turned
around and walked toward the stairs, intent on stopping in the kitchen before heading for the
offices to see if Master Arthur was awake yet.

I quickly descended the flight of stairs and turned right, heading to the hallway with the offices in
it. Master Arthur’s door was the first on the right, and it was still closed. I felt no presence inside
which told me that he and Patrick were still in their quarters, which was on the other side of the
house. What I needed wasn’t exactly urgent, so I chose to wait and headed to my own office and
start my day.

“Morning, Jason,” I said as I entered the room that was the security office.

“Hey. You’re up crazy early.”

“Yeah, well, one of the new members’ mother was pounding on his door about an hour ago and
woke several of us. There was no way I was going to be able to go back to sleep, so I got up and
here I am. Everything else okay?”

“Yeah. So, lady with long red hair?”

I nodded before going to the coffeepot, and after I put a pod in and a mug under, I pushed the

“So that’s where she went. We need to look at the camera in our hallway because it’s obviously
offline. I saw her leave the third floor and head toward that hallway, but that camera isn’t working
because it’s just showing the hallway. Unless you teleported here, it didn’t pick up you leaving
your room either,” Jason said.

That was concerning. Why was the camera not working? Only the hallways and entryways had
cameras, but that was for our safety. Entryways to ensure nobody made it inside the mansion.
That was a big if though, because there were sensors and cameras all around the property line and
along the fence.

“I’ll go check it out if you want to hang out here a bit longer. Are all of the others working?” I
asked as I peered over Jason’s shoulder at the wall of monitors.
“Yeah. I saw Grantham on the landing and then head to the kitchen, but I didn’t see him leave his
room. Matthew left his and Cornelius’s suite about the same time. I assume they’re in the kitchen.
Patrick has left their suite but went back in just moments later, so I’m not sure what that was
about actually. You’ll have to ask him if you’re really curious.” Jason pointed to the various
monitors, and I nodded in agreement. The coven was waking up, and members were emerging
here and there, just as always, but the camera in our wing wasn’t working as it should.

“Okay, I’ll call you in a few, after I get there and check things out. Be sure to answer,” I said.

Jason nodded, and I put my coffee down on the desk before I teleported to the hallway and stood
in front of the camera. I pulled out my phone and called Jason, who answered on the first ring.

“Can you see me?”

“Nope. You’re in front of the camera?”

“Yeah.” I conjured a stepladder and climbed up to look at the malfunctioning camera. Since I
needed both hands, I put the phone on speaker and floated it in front of me.

“The wiring okay?” Jason asked.

I looked at it, wiggling the wiring. “I think so.”

“What did you just do? The image flashed and now all I see is black. I think it’s your sweater?”

I pushed the connection back in all the way and moved to look into the lens.

“Can you see me now?”

“Yep. So wiring?”

I nodded. “It seems so. For whatever reason the wire had come loose, which makes no sense. The
camera isn’t ever messed with. And why couldn’t it just black out instead of freezing?” I sighed.
We were going to need a new camera. It wasn’t difficult to replace it. I was a warlock for fate’s
sake. But I was wondering why it suddenly decided to fritz out. Especially now when we had new
members join us. Were they related?

After I removed and sent the faulty camera to Fenwick’s office, I quickly installed the new one and
angled it exactly where we needed it with Jason’s help. When I climbed down from the ladder, I
bumped into Fenwick.


“Hmm, yes. The camera froze, which is concerning. The wiring was loose, and I can’t figure out
how or why.”

“Did you want help looking into it?”

“Yeah. The camera is on your desk; I sent it there just moments ago. Jason said this one is working
now, and all is good. I’ll add it to my list of things to discuss with Master Arthur this morning. And
it’s not even breakfast time yet.”

“Well, I’ll head to my office first, check things out, then join you. If everything is working as it
should now, we’ll have to figure out what happened to that camera. It’s a camera. It’s ten feet in
the air. What caused it to break?”

“Exactly. And no matter the reason, Master Arthur needs to know,” I added. Among other things.
My day just became even more interesting.

Fenwick and I each went our separate ways, and after I checked in with Jason and then sent him
on his way to his room, I locked the office and went to the dining hall in search of my coven
master. I found him exactly where I thought he’d be: at his usual table. Only he wasn’t alone. No,
of course he had Clara and her husband with him as well as several other new members.

I approached their table with purpose in my stride, and when I arrived, I crossed my arms and sent
Clara a glare. At least she blushed and looked down. Good. Hopefully she learned that it wasn’t
appropriate to bang on doors at five in the morning.

“Is there something wrong, Balthazar?” Master Arthur asked. I turned my gaze from my
unexpected wake-up call and softened my features as I looked at my coven master. I wasn’t upset
with him for any reason.

“Actually, several things, sir. I don’t know which to start with though.”

“Very well. Here or my office?”

I thought about it, and most of what I had to discussed would definitely be considered private, at
least for now. “Your office might be the best choice, sir,” I told him. Master Arthur nodded and
stood. When Patrick raised an eyebrow at me in question, I nodded. Yes, he should be there as
well. He quickly stood, and then the pair were gone. I looked to Clara and her husband, raising an
eyebrow at them.

“Us too?”

“Well, since your wife is one of the issues I need to discuss with him, yes. I cannot remember your
name though.”

“John,” he told me.

“John,” I repeated back. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. Reminding myself that
these were my One’s parents did the trick though, and I was completely relaxed when they stood
up. “Shall we?”

“Lead the way. I’m not sure I remember where Master Arthur’s office is.”
I teleported us there, more than ready to get things started. Master Arthur and Patrick were
already waiting, and I did my best to smile at the pair.

“Okay, it’s too early for a meeting that involves so many. Care to tell me what’s going on?” Arthur

I looked at Clara in question, and when she seemed overly interested in the carpet and nothing
else, I rolled my eyes. “I understand that John and Clara are new here, but she needs to be aware
that it isn’t acceptable to pound on the door of another member at five in the morning.”

“I told you, my son was in that room! He should be—”

“Silence,” Master Arthur said, stopping her before she could go on. “Okay, we’ve discussed this
already last night and this morning, Clara. Your son is an unmated warlock in this coven. He’s
entitled to his own room.”

She looked as if she were about to argue, but John pulled his One’s arm back down to her side, not
letting it go when she tried to pull it away.

“I apologize, Master Arthur. I’ll have another discussion with Clara. It won’t happen again, and we
are both sorry about this morning.”

“I realize you’ve not lived in a coven before, but there are separate rooms for reasons. The main
one is privacy. Since your son is ninety-six, he’s well within his rights to ask for separate quarters,”
Patrick said. “Things are different here, and he’s perfectly safe, so no need to worry.”

“Yes, thank you,” John said.

We discussed a few more things regarding boundaries as well as acceptable behavior before the
pair left. Patrick cringed when they were finally gone.

“I feel bad for Grant. I hope he doesn’t cave and move into their suite to appease her,” Patrick


“Yes, their son. He arrived late last night after getting lost in the snowstorm. As you know, I put
him in the room next to yours. Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. I think…I’m almost positive he’s my One,” I told them and watched as Patrick’s mouth
dropped open while Master Arthur’s curved into a wicked smile.

Wasit possible to die of embarrassment? It was. I was certain of it. I knew, I just knew my mother
would do something to embarrass me. Unfortunately, I’d been so exhausted that I’d slept through
the banging and yelling this morning before the sun was even up. But I’d heard about it from more
than one person. And I’d already been dubbed “the warlock with the crazy mother.”

Yep, that was me. But if the shoe fit, it fit. On top of all of that, when I was downstairs in the dining
hall, something happened that I never expected. My body started vibrating. With as weak as my
powers were, I never expected to get a One. I didn’t think I would be granted such a thing. I’d
looked for a human to fall in love with over the years, but nobody had ever caught my attention
for more than a few dates.

I was now hiding in the corner of the dining area, alone. I didn’t know what to do as of yet. I
definitely needed to find the coven master’s office and apologize, but how did one actually do
that? Could I just say “Hey, sorry about the ruckus my overbearing mother caused this morning
while I was comatose from fifteen hours of driving.”

“You look like you could use a friend right about now. I’m Matthew. You’re new here, right? You’re
the one who didn’t make the party last night?”

And that there was another thing. “Yeah. I got caught in the snowstorm. I’m Grant,” I said to the
teenager as he sat down with me. He was cute with his curly hair and blue eyes, but not really my

“Oh, that’s no fun. I love the snow, but I can’t drive. Thankfully, I don’t have to because Cornelius
drives me wherever I want to go.”

“You can’t drive? Oh, are you not old enough yet?” I asked. Perhaps he was younger than I
thought. I’d taken him for seventeen, maybe.

“Actually, I’ve only lived here for about a year, and I’m sure Cornelius would be more than happy
to teach me to drive, but I haven’t really felt the need to learn.”

There was that name again. “Who’s Cornelius? Is he like a teacher here or something?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. No, he’s the coven’s accountant. He’s my mate though.”

My eyes widened. No way was this kid old enough to be mated.

“Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Even Cornelius thought I was a teenager the first time he saw
me. I’m a fae. We’re short and always look like we’re in our early twenties at most.”

Matthew chuckled while I processed everything. When he pushed his hair up off his ears, I saw just
how pointed they were. Okay, he definitely wasn’t human. or even a warlock for that matter. “I’ve
never met a fae before. Are there more of you around?”
“Every once in a while. We have our own realm, and we don’t come here often. When we do, it’s
only when Thomas comes to us to ask who is ready for a mate. I was one of the lucky ones last

I couldn’t do more than nod because just about everything Matthew just said to me put my mind
into overdrive.

“There you are; I’ve been looking for you. Are you ready to head to Timber Valley? I’m sure Aspen
is driving Forest crazy at this point.”

I looked up at the tall warlock that approached. He had an adorable little baby in his arms, and
when he leaned down and kissed Matthew, I devised that this was Cornelius. That meant the baby
was most likely theirs.

“I’m ready. I was just saying hello to Grant here,” Matthew said as he reached out for the baby,
who readily leaned down and went willingly into Matthew’s arms. “This is my mate, Cornelius, and
this little guy is our son, Ollie,” Matthew said. He hugged the baby before kissing him on top of his
dark head.

“It’s nice to meet you. I apologize. I didn’t mean to take your One from you.” Even I knew that
Cornelius was a powerful warlock, and not only was I lacking, my mother had alienated several
coven members this morning. It had been the talk of the dining hall when I entered a bit ago.

“It’s nice to meet you, Grant. Are you getting settled in?”

I nodded because I honestly hadn’t done more than fall into my bed the night before, then shower
and dress this morning.

“This place is larger than anywhere I’ve ever been. I was wondering if you could answer a question
for me before you left though. I don’t mean to keep you but it was late last night and I can’t
remember where the coven master’s office is.”

“No rush. Aspen will wait for us. I can show you where Master Arthur’s office is if you’d like. He
has an open-door policy, so unless he’s in a meeting, his office is always open to members of the
coven at any time. Of course, unless it’s evening. Then he can be found either in here or his
quarters with his One, Patrick.”

“Oh no, I don’t want to disturb him, then. I just feel…well, I need to talk to him and apologize as
well as try to set things straight.”

“Ah, yes. Your mother this morning. I’m sure it’s already been mentioned more than once, but I’ll
show you where the office is. When you came down the stairs, you should have gone right and the
hallways for the offices are there. Master Arthur’s is in the second hallway, first office on the

Yep, like I’d remember that. But I wasn’t going to say anything, so I simply nodded. “Thank you. I
won’t keep you, then. I appreciate it.” I got up from where I’d been sitting for the past hour. Plus I
was hiding, and I knew it. Sometimes hiding in plain sight was the best one could do.
“We can show you where the office is before we go,” Matthew said as he started walking beside
me. I could only smile. It wouldn’t do to offend someone else. I already knew my mom had already
caused enough issues this morning.

“Thank you,” I said. I left the dining area with the other three just to my left. It was a bit nerve-
racking, but quick enough, I’d found the staircase and walked around it, seeing the two hallways
that Cornelius had mentioned. I went to the second one and found the first office door wide open.
I tried my best to smile as I approached, but when Patrick spotted me before Master Arthur, I felt
like a deer caught in someone’s headlights.

“Grant, come in. We were just talking about you.”

That was never a good thing. Why were they talking about me? What was going on? Was I in
trouble? Were my parents?

“Thank you,” I remembered to call over my shoulder before I walked into the office. If I hadn’t
been so nervous about meeting the coven master and his One again, I would have picked up on
the fact that my body was vibrating. I stumbled, and strong arms quickly wrapped around me,
pulling my attention away from the pair in front of me and to the deep brown eyes of the man
that had caught me. I just stood there, staring, unable to do anything else.

“Well, I guess it’s obvious he recognizes what Balthazar is to him,” I heard someone say. It was
only then that I pulled my eyes away from the warlock that was still holding me and looked back
toward the already mated pair. Patrick was now sitting in Master Arthur’s lap, the coven master’s
arms wrapped protectively around his One’s waist.

I finally had enough thought to stand upright and push way from the warlock that was still holding
me. “Umm, thank you for allowing me to see you. I needed to apologize for my mother’s actions
this morning. Please don’t send them away. They’ve never had a coven that was accepting of
them. I’m more than happy to leave so they can stay.” It was the arms wrapping around me from
behind and to my left, squeezing enough to whoosh the air out of my lungs, that had my mouth
quieting. I looked over into those brown eyes that looked…pissed.

“You are not leaving. If anyone leaves, it will be your mother because she’s pissed off everyone in
the hallway anywhere near our rooms.”

My mouth opened and closed as I tried to turn and push against the very solid chest against my

“Balthazar, let him go,” Master Arthur said. When I was finally freed, I took several steps to the
right, putting distance between me and Balthazar. That was my One’s name. I sent him a quick
glance before I looked back at the coven master.

“Please. I’ll talk to her. She’s—”

Master Arthur held up a hand, effectively silencing me. “That won’t be necessary. It’s already been
addressed, and your parents are welcome here. I do have some questions though, so if you would
please sit,” he said and gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. I nodded, cast another glance at
Balthazar, and sat down in the one closest to me. When Balthazar sat next to me, I threw a glare at
him, wondering what he was doing. “Balthazar. Why don’t you give us a few?”

It wasn’t a request, and everyone in the room knew it. I was thankful when he got up from the
chair and left the office. I tried and failed to not look, and when I turned back around, there was a
smirk on Patrick’s face.

“Don’t worry. I can guarantee he hasn’t gone far. Besides, his office is just down the hallway.”

I nodded, wondering if I’d get the chance to see his office, to get to know my One. I knew that my
body was reacting unlike it ever had before, so I wasn’t quite sure what to make of things.

“Tell us about your parents, please. Not everything, just why they’ve never been in a coven as you

I thought about it for a few moments before slowly nodding. “Mom as you know is human. As is
my grandmother—Dad’s mom. Because of it, we’ve never been welcome into one.”

Patrick gasped, drawing my attention. I tried to smile, reassuring him that we’d done okay, but I
was sure I’d failed.

“Where are your grandparents? Are they still with us?”

I smiled. “They are. They’re happily settled in the Florida Keys for now. Enjoying their retirement
years. Which is ridiculous because they don’t look a day over forty.”

We all snorted at that because it was a perk of being a paranormal being. We didn’t age much
after thirty-five or forty.

“Well, if they wish to be in a coven, they’re welcome here as well,” Master Arthur said. I was
shocked. He was so open and welcoming. Not what I expected at all.

“Thank you. I’ll mention it to them next time I talk to them.”

We sat there for a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I wasn’t quite sure what they expected
from me, and when I figured that meant it was time for me to depart, I started to get up, but
Patrick stopped me.

“Can you explain you to me? I… Last night I sensed something…” Patrick asked.

“Off about me?” I supplied when Patrick sat there, searching for words.

“I mean no offense.”

I shook my head. “None taken. My powers just don’t seem to work. I can sense them, but can’t
really use them. We’ve only ever come to the conclusion that it has something to do with the fact
that Dad is only half warlock and therefore I’m only a quarter one.”
“There are no halves or quarters. One either is or isn’t. That’s why there are no hybrids when a
warlock mates with a shifter,” Master Arthur said.

“Does that happen?” I asked. Master Arthur chuckled while Patrick buried his face in his neck.

“Yes, it certainly does. You’ve met Matthew and Cornelius, yes? They were with you when you
arrived here at the office,” Arthur said.

“Yes, but Matthew said he was fae. Aren’t they similar to warlocks? I’m sorry, I don’t know much
about them. I honestly mean no disrespect.”

“None taken. Do you not know who founded this coven, then?”

I shook my head. Was I in trouble? Should I have looked into who owned the Whitmore Estate?

“My father and my papa. They’re the ones who first founded this coven. Many of the members
here are descendants of those that were with them when they came over from England.”

“Okay. I didn’t know. I apologize.”

“Don’t. You haven’t been raised in a coven. Ever. What do you know about warlocks in general?
Our origin, powers, things like that?”

I shook my head. “Almost nothing. Just what my dad and grandfather could share with me. When
my powers never really manifested, they pretty much stopped trying to coach me.”

Patrick gasped, and Master Arthur looked horrified along with him.

“Okay, so you haven’t been coached?” Arthur asked.

I shook my head.

“What are the extent of your powers?” Patrick added.

“If I concentrate really hard, I can move some things; other times I can make things appear from
the other room. That’s about it though. I can sometimes dress myself. But most of the time, it’s
just easier to do it like normal people.” I shrugged. It was true. I usually had to undress and fix
clothing, and it was just quicker to dress like humans did. And shifters. You know…those without
powers that could do it with a thought.

“Okay, first, we’re going to get you some training and see if we can’t figure out what’s going on
with your powers. I can sense them as well, but I’m not quite sure what’s going on with them.
Would you mind meeting with my papa? You’ll have to meet him eventually anyway. He was here
last night but went back to Montana after the party. He wanted to be with my younger brothers,
their mates, and kids.”

“Umm, sure. What can he do to help though?” I asked, completely unaware.

“Oh, right. My papa is Edison Whitmore. He’s the founder of this coven.”

“Okay.” I still didn’t see what good it would do to meet with him, so I simply agreed and nodded.

“That name means nothing to you?” Patrick asked.

I shook my head. “Should it? You said he was the founder of the coven. I assume he’s started
another one in Montana?”

“Not really, no, but sort of. There are some warlocks out there. But they’re all family. Edison
Whitmore is the original warlock. He’s the very first one,” Patrick told me.

I looked blankly at them.

“The one that was created by a goddess. The other original ones were turned from humans that
had been deemed worthy. Then we descended down from them,” Master Arthur said.

I sat there and stared. Blinked. And stared some more. That was why Master Arthur had power
emanating from him. That was why I could feel his power.

“Umm. Yeah. That’s…I’m not sure what to say.”

“Nothing is needed. But I have questions, and he’s probably the best to get answers.”

I had to agree. If anyone could supply answers, it was probably the original warlock. But how old
was this guy. Seriously.

“We’ve overwhelmed him, love,” Patrick said before kissing Master Arthur on the cheek. “Do you
have any questions for us? Maybe about Balthazar?”

It took too long to think about the man that had held me too briefly in his arms. I could only shake
my head. I had questions, sure. But I was going to ask my One, not the coven master and his One.

“My parents? They’re okay here? You’re sure?” I asked, changing the subject. My dad had been so
happy about finally finding a coven that seemed accepting. I’d hate for them to be tossed out the
day after they arrived.

“Absolutely. Your dad was going to talk to your mother, and she had already said she wouldn’t do
it again,” Master Arthur said before he gave me what I’d classify as a pained smile. “About you and

“Yes. He’s my One, but…I’m not sure,” I said. Would he want a warlock that was broken? One that
couldn’t conjure simple things?

“What aren’t you sure of?” Master Arthur asked.

“So much. But I’d like to talk to him before I say anything else.”
“Fair enough. But what I was getting at was lodging. We can add on to the estate, but as of now,
the only empty mated suite is right next to your parents. You would share a wall with their

That was…horrible. Absolutely a no. I shook my head. No. Absolutely not. If I moved in next door,
I’d never be able to keep her away.

“Yeah, as I said, we can add on. And we’ve thought about some smaller houses on the grounds.
But we both obviously understand if you and Balthazar don’t want to move into that suite.”

“No. Absolutely not. If we choose to claim one another, can we not stay in the room we’re in? Or
well, one of them? At least until something else is available?”

Master Arthur and Patrick looked at one another before they returned their focus to me.

“Do you not know how mating works between warlocks?” Master Arthur asked.

I shook my head.

“Oh fates,” Patrick said as he seemed to deflate. I had a feeling I was about to learn and I wasn’t
necessarily going to like what I heard.

I was pacingbut couldn’t seem to help myself. My One was inside Master Arthur’s office. My One.
I’d finally met him. He was gorgeous. He had dark hair like his dad. Actually, he completely favored
his father, and I had a difficult time seeing any of his mother in him. His dark hair, eyes, and tan
complexion were the complete opposite of his mother.

“You okay?” Fenwick asked as he came down the hallway and stopped beside me.

“As good as can be expected. Did you find anything out about the camera?”

“Sorry, no. For some reason the wiring connection came loose. It’s possible it got bumped when
someone was dusting in the corner. Or cleaning the camera.”

That was something I’d not thought about, but it made sense. Master Arthur didn’t seem too
concerned since it was the first ever broken security camera. I’d be meticulous about ensuring no
others ended up the same. If they did, then there was something else going on in the coven. For
now though, if Master Arthur wasn’t concerned, I could relax a little. I had other things to worry
about anyway. Like the fact that my One was in that office and he’d felt utterly perfect in my arms.

The humming in my body had quieted when I’d wrapped Grant up in my embrace. I couldn’t wait
to learn all I could about him. What did he like and dislike? Was he a morning person? Night owl?
Did he like coffee, or was he one of those who didn’t?

“Earth to Balthazar,” Fenwick said while snapping his fingers in front of my face. The sparks so
close to my eyes had me jerking back in surprise before I glared at him.

“Was that necessary?”

“Yes. You weren’t hearing me. I asked if you needed anything else?”

“No. Sorry. I’m a bit distracted. I’ll look into the camera more, and the others. But I don’t need
anything else.”

“You sure?” Fenwick asked, looking anything but sure.


“Okay. Is there a reason why you’re pacing in the hallway outside Arthur and Patrick’s office?”

“Yes,” I said in answer. I wasn’t going to say more until after I’d talked to Grant. He’d been a bit
standoffish, and I needed to know what was up with that.

“All right, then. I’ll just be on my way,” Fenwick said. I spared him a glance and a slight nod before
watching him walk away.
I was just about to start pacing in the hallway again when the door in front of me opened, and
there stood my One. Grant. His name was Grant, and it suited him.

“Hi,” I said and wanted to slap myself. Hi? Really? That was all I had to say to the warlock that was
my everything?

“Hello. Umm, I’m Grant,” he said as he held out his hand. I looked at it and then his face again
before I reached for the hand that was stretched out in front of me. When our palms met, I
wanted to yank Grant to me and back into my arms.

“Oh good. Balthazar, take Grant upstairs and talk to him; get to know him. Ask questions and stuff
like that. Don’t just jump the man without talking first,” Master Arthur said.

I heard Patrick growling at his One from inside the office, and then he was shoving Arthur out of
the way.

“Don’t listen to him. Jump him if you want. But talk too,” Patrick said as he sent a playful glare
toward Arthur.

“I need to figure out the camera issue first,” I said. I felt a tug on my hand and realized that I still
had it wrapped around Grant’s. Reluctantly I let it go, missing the warmth from the contact

“No, you need to go talk to your One. You two need to discuss some things. And Papa and Dad will
be here in about a week, I figure. Maybe a little longer. Anyway, Grant has some things to discuss
with you, and I’m sure you have plenty to tell him as well. Use either room. We’ll figure something
out soon enough,” Arthur said before he pushed Patrick out of the doorway and then closed his
office door, effectively dismissing both of us.

I looked back at my One, wondering what all we needed to talk about. We were both warlocks.
We knew how fated mates worked. We both knew we’d need to claim one another within a week,
otherwise the vibrations in our bodies would become too painful.

“Yeah, so…your room or mine? Mine is still basically packed, and everything is in boxes, just so you

“Mine, then?” I asked, indicating the end of the hallway where the staircase was. Grant nodded
and started walking. I followed, staying beside my One along the way.

“So we’re supposed to talk,” Grant said as we started climbing the stairs.

“I guess. We can, but you’re my One. I’m not going to reject you or anything like that,” I told him.
Grant gave me a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes, and that was a bit concerning.

“You say that now. There are some things I think we should discuss before we claim one another.”

“Does it have to do with your mother? I’ll admit she’s not my favorite person at the moment, but I
“There you are. I’ve been waiting. Where have you been?”

Speak of the devil. Clara was waiting on the landing, at the beginning of our hallway, but not in it. I
really had hoped to talk to my One before I had to face his mother again.

“Mom, I’ll talk to you later, okay? I need to discuss some things with Balthazar first.”

I watched the confusion cross Clara’s face before she shook her head. “No, come along. We’ll get
your things and start moving them into our suite. There is no need for you to disturb him any more
than you already have.” Clara wrapped a hand around Grant’s arm and started pulling. There was
absolutely no way I was going to let her pull my One away from me, mother or not.

“Grant hasn’t disturbed me. That was you, Clara. Now if you would kindly let him go, he and I have
some things to discuss,” I said, sending a little zap toward her, causing her to gasp and
immediately let go of Grant.

My One looked at me with wide eyes before he quickly turned his head away from his mother,
hiding the smile he was fighting.

“You did not just magic me.”

“Nope. If I were to magic you, I’d do this,” I said before I teleported her to her own door. I’d gone
over room assignments and knew exactly which suite was hers and John’s.

I quickly grabbed Grant’s arm, tugging him along with me into our hallway and then halfway down
it, stopping at my door. I opened it as we approached, and it wasn’t until I had Grant safely inside
that I let go of his arm.

I turned, looking at my One, watching him take in my living space.

“Oh wow,” Grant said as he slowly observed my personal space.

“Is that a good wow or a bad one?” I asked.

Grant looked at me with a crooked smile. “You’re a neat freak, and I’m going to drive you
absolutely batty.”

“What? No. You could never.”

Grant snorted while shaking his head. He walked into the room, stopping next to the table I had
beside the couch and rearranging the remotes there. I followed behind him, placing them back in
order according to size. When I looked up, Grant was smiling at me.

“Yeah, so that right there? That’s what I mean. You have everything in its place. I don’t. If I
remember to pick my clothes up off the floor, it’s a good day. Usually they stay there until I run
out and need to do laundry. Even then, I’ve definitely been known to pick things up off the floor
and wear them again before washing them.”
I was shocked. No, surely not. “Okay. I have no problems with doing your laundry. We’re going to
claim one another, so it makes sense that we share things like that.”

“Uh-huh. You say that now. I give it a week before you’re pulling your hair out and ready to boot
me out the door.”

“Never. You’re my One. How could you say things like that?”

“Because I know me, and I can already tell there is no way I’ll fit into your space.” Grant sighed as
he sat down on the bench at the foot of my bed.

I walked over and joined him, enjoying the bright sunshine that was filtering into the room. The
snow had stopped, and the sun was reflecting off it, amplifying the light. It was nice.

“Aside from the fact that you think you don’t fit into my space, do you have any questions?
Concerns? Anything?”

Grant looked at me and shook his head. “I think you’re hot. But that’s superficial, and I’m pretty
sure all mates are attracted to one another. And honestly? Up until about twenty minutes ago, I
didn’t even really know how mating worked between warlocks.”

I was surprised. I reached over, holding out my hand palm up, and was relieved when Grant took
it, lacing our fingers together. He brought his other hand over and gently ran a finger across the
back of my hand.

“What’s going on in that mind of yours? And for the record? I think you’re sexy too. But that’s not
really important. Not like other things are.”

“I agree. Did you know that we’ve never belonged to a coven before now?” Grant asked, meeting
my eyes.

I shook my head.

“Yeah. Mom is a human, as you know, so we’ve always been shunned. My grandmother is as well.”

“That doesn’t make sense. There are plenty of warlocks that are mated to humans. Shifters too.”
But that certainly explained some of Clara’s behavior. That and the fact that she was a human. She
acted like…well, a human mother. An overprotective one.

“Nope. No covens for us. And I don’t really know much about mating. I know the logistics of it and
obviously how it works, but I’m not even sure I’m powerful enough to imprint on you.”

I flinched. What did he mean by that? “I don’t understand.”

Grant brought our hands up to his mouth and kissed mine before he let it go and turned toward
me, resting one bent leg on the bench and his hands clasped together in his lap.
“Master Arthur said he’d ask his dad questions about me because he’s the original warlock.”

I shook my head. “His papa is. Edison was the carrier. Wallace is their dad. He’s a tiger shifter and
an alpha at that. Master Edison was the one that carried all of their sons.” I’d shocked my One, I
could tell. And not just a little either. “You okay?” I asked, concerned when Grant continued to just
sit there.

“Yeah, okay, so you’re saying that the very first original warlock, the powerful one, is the one that
carried the kids?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Why does that surprise you? We don’t know how we’re going to present until we
meet our One.”

Grant still had a confused look on his face.

“I’m…so what are you?”

“I’m not sure. When we get around to claiming one another, we’ll know then,” I told him.


“Do you…you said you knew how it worked.” This really wasn’t a conversation I ever expected to
be having with my One. Especially since he was almost a century old.

“I do. We fuck and imprint. Right?”

I jerked. He made it sound impersonal and ugly.

“No. We make love and imprint on each other. Then we’ll need to discuss children because
whomever ends up being the omega in our relationship will go through their first fertile period
shortly afterward. Usually within a few days. If children aren’t wanted, we’ll need to use condoms
and hope they work. The fates like to get their way though, and I’ve not heard of most birth
control methods working for us.”

Grant sat there, looking at the floor. “So who is going to carry the kids? Let me guess. You expect
me to since I’m the weaker warlock.”

What was going on? “No. If I’m the one that has slick, I’ll be the one carrying them. Same goes for
you. It’s something we don’t really get a choice in. Are you implying that warlocks like Master
Edison are weak because they carried children?”

Grant’s eyes rounded. “No! But I’m the weaker warlock between us. You know that. And what the
hell is slick?”

“You don’t know what slick is?” I asked. It was my turn to be shocked.

“No. I mean, I know it’s a brand of lube. But either of us could just as easily go out and purchase
“Grant.” I reached for his hands, taking them when he didn’t want to offer them. “One of us will
produce slick. Naturally. That is the warlock that will be the omega. The one that will carry the

Grant’s eyes grew until I was concerned they were going to pop out of the sockets. “I…seriously?
One of us will have slick. As in…like self-lubricating?”

I nodded. “Did you not grow up near any other paranormals at all?”

“Just my parents and grandparents. And they’re both male-female pairings.”

That set off a flag for some reason. “They’re fated mates, right? I mean, they have to be in order
for you to be here. Your dad is a warlock and therefore he’d not be able to impregnate anyone
else.” Right? I’d never heard of a warlock getting a female pregnant that wasn’t his fated One.

“Yes. They are. But we lived together, isolated, moving around every decade or so since none of us

Okay, that made sense. Especially since they didn’t have the support of a coven.

“What did you mean about your power?”

“My magic is almost nonexistent.” Grant sighed, his shoulders sagging.

“We’ll work on that. We obviously have things to discuss.” I took a deep breath, wondering how
Grant was going to answer the next question. “Are you even gay?”

“Bi actually. But I’ve never bottomed, and it’s not something I’m interested in doing, so if that’s
what you want from me, you’ll need to find another mate.”

I pulled my hands away from Grant’s and stared at my One. “That’s not how it works. We don’t get
to choose. Bottom or top, it matters not to me. I’m more than willing to switch, but the omega in
the relationship will be the one that has to bottom when we claim one another. That’s how it is.
And the omega is the one that carries the children.”

Grant sneered. “You’re saying if that’s you, you’re going to be happy doing that?”

“Yes,” I said through gritted teeth. Why was he being such an asshole? Not fifteen minutes ago he
was easygoing and tickled that I magicked his mother back to her own suite. “Are you always an
ass? I’m trying to answer questions that you should have known about, should have been told
when you were younger.”

Grant sighed. “Look, I’m not trying to be difficult. Honestly. But I was raised by two women, both
of them human. My dad and grandfather are warlocks, but when what little of my powers
presented and were weak, they never really showed much interest. I have my art, my mom leaves
me alone for the most part, and that’s all I need.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to remain calm. I really was. “Okay. So let’s get
comfortable. I think we have a lot to talk about before we can do anything at all. But you’re my
One, and there is no find another one. We only get one. Period.” I got up and reached for Grant.
He took my offered hand, and I led us away from the bed and to the couch. “Would you like
something to drink?” I asked.

“Coffee would be great. I take it black.”

I smiled and conjured two cups of black coffee, handing one to Grant before I sat down to explain
everything to my One I could about warlocks, Ones, claiming, children, everything. I knew I needed
to explain about Master Edison as well. It seemed that my One being raised in a human world
without a coven was going to cause quite a bit of confusion. I didn’t mind though. Grant was worth
it. And as long as both of us could function, claiming one another could wait as long as needed.

I didn’t knowa single thing. Balthazar spent hours explaining things to me. He was patient, and for
that I was grateful. We spent as much time together as we could, but we’d not yet done more
than hold hands. That was five days ago, and I was almost certain that the vibrations in his body
were much more intense than they were in mine.

Mine were getting uncomfortable when we weren’t together, but I knew that Balthazar was a
much more practiced warlock—meaning he’d mastered his powers unlike me—and therefore the
vibrations in his body had to be getting downright painful.

“Bal?” I called out as I opened the door that he’d created between our two rooms. It was perfect
actually. He’d put a door in the back of my closet, opening to his dining area. We’d had to move
his small table to be able to enter, but that wasn’t a problem at all.

I didn’t pick up any sounds in the room, and that had me worried. Where could he have been?
Sure I’d needed time to process everything he’d explained to me, but only a day. The next four I
spent trying to get as close to my One as I could. I’d be the first to admit that I reacted poorly to
some of what I thought was going to happen, but I’d spent the better part of a day thinking about
everything that Bal had told me.

I was more than ready to be his and have him be mine. But I was beginning to think that he had
changed his mind. It had been five days. He’d only held my hand and kissed the top of my head.
When I’d tried for more, he pulled away.

“Balthazar?” I said quietly as I came into his room. It was drastically different than mine because
everything was in its place. His things had a spot. Mine…well, they were in my room. That was
about the extent of it. I was an artist. If things were cleaned up, it usually meant I wasn’t creating. I
often got lost for days in projects. “Balthazar?” I called out again as I moved farther into the room.

The bed was unmade, and that was unlike the neat warlock. The room was empty, but the
bathroom door was closed. I walked over toward it, and the vibrations in my body intensified. My
One was in the bathroom. Did I say anything, or did I go back to my room?

As I was about to knock on the door, I heard a moan through the door. Only…it wasn’t a moan of
pleasure. No, it was one of pain. We were fated for each other, and Balthazar was mine for
eternity. Mine to care for, to take care of, see to in times of need. So I tried the knob and sighed in
relief when it turned.

“Balthazar?” I called out through the crack in the door.

“Grant?” a pained reply came, so I pushed the door open and was met with a sight I could have
done without. I rushed to Balthazar, who was on the tile floor, drenched in sweat.

“Bal! Oh fates. What’s wrong? What do I need to do? Should I get Master Arthur?” I asked as I
rushed to his side and knelt on the floor beside him. I wasn’t sure where to put my hands, so I
settled for placing them on his bare chest.
“No,” Bal gasped out. He grabbed my wrist, surprisingly strong for what I expected with the pain
he was obviously in.

“No? Okay. Let me get you back to bed. You’ll be more comfortable there,” I said. I wished I could
just use magic, but even after having talked to Master Arthur more than once, I knew I wasn’t
even ready to try. I’d practiced using my magic all of once this week. That was it and still nothing. I
carefully pulled Balthazar into a sitting position, plastering his chest to mine, and he moaned
before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me off-balance and onto his lap.

Seconds later, we were in Bal’s bed, and he flopped backward and sighed. I looked at him in
wonder. How could he do that? I got it, he was powerful and he’d mastered his powers probably
before I’d even been born, but still.

“Okay, now what?” I asked, uncertain.

“Need you. I’m so sorry. Thought I could—”

“Shh,” I said as I grabbed the bottom of my sweater and pulled it off and over my head. I guess I
should have just come over in my pajamas instead of getting dressed for my One. Luckily I’d not
put on my shoes. “Give me…oomph.” I fell over onto Balthazar’s chest as I tried to reach behind
me and pull my socks off. Bal’s arms wrapped around me again, and he moaned. When he buried
his face in my neck and started nibbling, I was the one to moan.

“Need you. Touching helps.”

“As soon as I can get us both naked, we’ll be doing a lot of touching.” I tilted my head to the side,
giving Bal more room. He didn’t disappoint when he started trailing kisses down my neck, and
when he got to my shoulder, he bit. Hard. I jerked in his arms while my hips pushed down into his.

“Oh yeah. That feels…ungh.”

What was left of our clothing was instantly gone and I was suddenly lying on top of Balthazar,
completely naked. His skin was hot and slick, and if his body didn’t feel absolutely perfect against
mine, I’d probably stop and yell at him for being too damn stubborn for his own good. I didn’t
though. I needed him like I needed air.

His hands moved from my shoulders to my head, and I looked down into his eyes for seconds
before I lowered my head, touching his lips with mine for the first time. Bal quickly took control of
the kiss and thrust his tongue into my mouth. I tasted toothpaste and wondered how he’d
managed to brush his teeth if he’d been in so much pain.

Balthazar’s hands moved to the back of my head, holding me in place. He didn’t have to worry
because I had no intentions of going anywhere. It had taken days for me to even get to kiss him,
let alone get naked with the sexy man. There was no way I was going to be moving anytime soon.
Except to continue grinding my dick against his. But I wanted to do more than grind. I wanted to
look, touch with my hands, and I definitely wanted to get that thing in my mouth sometime in the
very near future.
“Grant,” Bal grunted out seconds before his hands landed on my ass, and he held me in place. I
wanted to whine. I’d been so close, and it had been embarrassingly long since I’d been with

“Wha…why’d you stop? I was almost there.”

I looked down into Bal’s eyes, and they were just as glassy as I was sure mine were. “I’m not…we

I felt Bal’s hands wrap around my ass, and when one finger ran down my crease and then easily
slipped inside me, I groaned before realizing what exactly that meant.

“You are so slick. Need in here,” Bal said as he continued to thrust a finger in and out of my body.

“Fuck…what?” I groaned when realization hit me. Of course I was the one with slick. My forehead
hit Balthazar’s chest as I felt him push two fingers into me before pulling them out and adding a
third. I hissed at the stretch but knew I’d be in more pain if he didn’t stretch me.

“Next time, you fuck me,” Bal said before he pulled his fingers free. I wanted to complain and was
just looking up at him to do so when I watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked
the slick off them. My eyes widened at the look of bliss on his face.

“Bal?” I whispered.

“You taste sweet. Seriously. I’ll never get enough of you. But I meant it. We’re equal in this, okay?
Next time, we’ll use lube and you’ll be inside me.”

I nodded because I couldn’t do anything else. What could one say to their other half when he was
being so sweet and understanding?

“Sit up,” Balthazar instructed, and I did just that. I pushed up on his chest, sitting on his groin. I
rose up on my legs enough to maneuver his cock—that was such a beautiful thing—behind me and
then reached around to guide it to my stretched opening. I’d never been on this end of things, but
I knew to take things slow.

With a little bit of pressure, Bal’s thick head popped through my opening, and he groaned while I
closed my eyes. Holy fates, that…mmm. I kept gently pushing back and down, burying his cock in
me inch by inch. When my ass finally touched his thighs, I sighed in relief. I felt so full, and it was a
completely foreign feeling for me.

When Balthazar gently ran his hands up and down my thighs, I looked at him and smiled.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I should ask you that. You were the one in pain.”

“It’s better. It’s always better when you’re near. And when we touch, it calms.”
I sighed. My pain hadn’t gotten unbearable. It had moments where it was uncomfortable, but
nothing beyond that.

“Don’t do this again, Bal. I don’t like seeing you in pain,” I said before I leaned down to kiss him.
The move pulled his cock halfway out of me, and when our lips met, Balthazar grabbed my hips
the same time he pushed up into me. We groaned into each other’s mouths. “Oh fates,” I said,
pushing upright again.

“No, come back here,” Bal said, reaching for me. But I grabbed his hands and redirected them to
my hard and leaking cock that was deep red and in need of attention. When he wrapped his hands
around it, I started to move, rolling my hips back and forth above him.

Balthazar grunted and squeezed my cock almost painfully before he loosened his grip. “Oh that’s

“Nice? Really? Nice is all you have to say?” I teased. I moaned when I found the perfect angle, and
I felt his thick cockhead rub against my prostate. I rolled my hips with a purpose at that point,
needing to come as well as bring Bal pleasure at the same time.

“Want to…claim you,” Bal grumbled out.

“Want that too,” I said as I put my hands on his abs and started grinding against him faster and
harder. I was getting so close. My nipples tightened into hard points, and I felt a tingle in my balls
that told me I was going to come embarrassingly fast.


“Shh,” I said before I leaned down and somehow found the strength to pull Bal into a sitting
position. My lips crashed against his as I felt my balls pull tight and up into my body. I screamed
into his mouth as I felt my cock swell before flooding our stomachs with my cum.

Balthazar jerked and then groaned as I felt a sudden surge of warmth in my ass and then a searing
pain on my chest, right over my heart. Not knowing if it would work or not, I gave it a try and
thought about my One, thought about claiming him, opening my mind, heart, and soul to him,
letting him in. When Balthazar gasped as he broke from our kiss, I looked into his eyes.

I was still staring into them when I felt our bond snap into place. Instant feelings of love, warmth,
satisfaction, and contentment flooded my mind, and I realized that it was Balthazar’s feelings
about me and the fact that we’d just claimed one another.

I smiled when Balthazar groaned and then fell backward. I sensed exhaustion through our bond
and realized that he’d been hiding his pain from me for days now and that it had simply worn him
out physically and mentally.

I glanced at the mark on his chest smugly before I glared at my One. “Don’t you ever hide your
pain from me again, Bal. I was more than ready to claim you the day after I met you, you know.” I
pointed a finger at him, but it was no use. I couldn’t stay mad. And I wasn’t truly mad anyway.
More worried than anything.

“I’m sorry. You don’t have to worry about me doing it again because we’ve claimed each other
now. I won’t ever feel that again. Nor will you. How are you feeling?” Bal asked as he ran his hands
gently up and down my sides.

“Hmm, better now. But I’m getting that you’re tired. Do you want to shower and then take a
nap?” I asked. I’d been awake for all of a couple of hours as it was still early morning, but I knew
that the pain had zapped Balthazar’s energy.

“We can. Or I can clean us, and then we could get right to the nap.”

“Mmm, that sounds like a better deal,” I said. I was very satisfied at the moment, and Bal was
finally naked with me. How could things get better?

I carefully pulled up and away, dislodging Bal’s softening cock from my hole, and immediately felt
a gush of fluid and started to rethink my idea of just letting him clean us up.

“Umm, maybe…”

“Nope, I got it,” Bal said, and then I suddenly felt cleaner and the evidence of my release was now
gone from our stomachs. I went to move to the side, but Balthazar pulled me back down on top of
him before he rolled us, putting him directly on top of me. I smiled as I looked up at him, and he
winked before he leaned down and gently kissed me.

This kiss was nothing like the frantic ones we’d share only a little while ago. It was sweet, slow,
tender, and had me moaning in no time. Sadly, the kiss ended all too soon when Bal’s burst of
energy left him.

“I’m sorry. I need just a little time to recharge.”

“Don’t apologize. We have the rest of our lives,” I said as I rolled to Balthazar, who had moved off
to the side.

“Just a bit. Give me an hour or two and I’ll be good as new,” Bal said before he passed out. I was
worried, but after a quick check on him through our bond, I realized that he had simply fallen
asleep from exhaustion. Unable to help myself, I peeked around a bit more and discovered that
he’d thought about me a great deal over the past several days and that he thought he was doing
what was best: allowing me time to figure things out since in essence this was all basically new to

I didn’t go further into his thoughts, memories, or anything else and simply curled up with my One.
Silly warlock. Why would he think him suffering was an acceptable thing? Seriously. Who would
ever wish that on their other half? I certainly wouldn’t, and it was an issue I was going to bring up
so it didn’t happen again.
I looked over at Balthazar and smiled. He was finally mine, and I was his. I belonged somewhere
now, and I had found my One in our new coven. Never did I think that was a possibility, but I
believed that the fates knew what they were doing—I’d been told that there were four actually.

Happy, sated, and content, I let the warmth of my One, being in his strong arms wrapped around
me, and Bal’s even breathing lull me into sleep with him.

Consciousness slowly came backto me, and I realized that there was a warm and naked body
plastered to my front. I tightened my arms around Grant’s body and cracked an eye open when I
didn’t hear a sound from him.

His hair was sticking up, but his face was relaxed in sleep. I’d done all I could to stay away from
Grant for as long as I could, but the pain had become too much. I’d been warned it would, and I’d
thought I could handle it—and maybe with help I could have—but that was a moot point now.
Grant and I had claimed one another.

I remembered every moment of our claiming somehow, and for that I was thankful. Deciding it
was time to get more acquainted with Grant’s body—and what better way to wake him than by
exploring him with my mouth—I leaned in and started with his collarbone before moving to his

“Mmm, that’s nice.” I smiled with my lips still on Grant’s warm shoulder.

“Yeah? I regret not doing this earlier. I was a bit preoccupied though,” I said before moving my
hand from his back to his ribs and then down to his hip.

“About that,” Grant said, and I froze. When I looked at him, his eyes were now open and were
blazing at me. That wasn’t a good thing. I could sense his…frustration through our bond. He wasn’t
upset, so I took that as a positive. But why was he frustrated?

“You shouldn’t have kept that from me. I had no way of knowing. Never again, Bal. Okay?”

I nodded. He’d taken to calling me Bal two days after I’d met him. Balthazar was too much of a
mouthful to shout out when he became frustrated, he’d said. And I’d admit he wasn’t the only one
who’d been frustrated over the past five days.

I’d gone through more lube in the past five days than I’d used in the past year. I loved spending
days with my One, but by the time Grant went back to his own room, I was so sexually frustrated
that it only took a few strokes before I was coming. Then I’d catch my breath and do it all over
again. Then again in the shower and at times once more after I’d crawled between my sheets at

“Never again, promise. We’ll never be frustrated again.” Grant looked like he was about to argue,
so I put a finger on his lips, stopping him. “And I won’t keep things from you. You can search now;
my thoughts and memories are fully open to you. I’m hiding nothing, and I never will,” I said.

Grant smiled at me, and I moved in for another kiss but was interrupted by a knocking at our door.
And it was our door now. At least for the time being. I groaned and Grant growled.

“Really? Who would be knocking? They know we’ve found each other.”
“Yes, but they also know we’ve not claimed each other. Master Arthur knew how painful the
vibrations have been getting. Did he not talk to you?”

Grant shook his head. Huh, that was interesting. Whoever was at the door knocked again, so I
peeked outside quickly and groaned. Why now?

“Okay, we have to get up,” I said and quickly got out of bed, dressing myself with a thought and
then doing the same for Grant. There was no way I was going to answer the door to my dads with
me and my One naked.

“Come in,” I called out as I opened the door and stood there, just beyond the bed. Grant
scrambled out of bed, grumbling about being tangled in the covers with his clothing, but he
stopped talking and squeaked when he saw my dads approaching.

“Balthazar, we’ve obviously interrupted. We were told you were in your room, but we weren’t told
you had company. We can meet you downstairs in the dining room when you’ve…finished
whatever this is,” my father said. I rolled my eyes and watched as his narrowed.

“Knock it off, Father. There will be no…finishing as you’ve said. Grant is my One, and we’ve just
claimed each other,” I told them. Dad shrieked and launched himself at us, completely bypassing
me and going straight for Grant.

I smiled as I watched Grant look at me over Dad’s shoulder, begging for help. “Sweetheart, say
hello to my dad, Enoch. And the stuffy one is Leonardo,” I said, rolling my eyes again.

“Oh, Grant, he’s just… Oh, look at these cheekbones. And the bone structure. Your babies will be
gorgeous,” Dad said, and Grant looked to me pleadingly again before he smiled at my carrier.

“It’s good to meet you, Enoch.”

“Oh, it’s perfect timing we’ve come to visit,” Dad said before he grabbed Grant again and pulled
him in for another tight hug.

“Enoch, love, let the poor man go. You’re starting to irritate our son,” Father said. I shook my
head. But when Dad let Grant go, I did pull my One into my arms and held him against my side. He
was mine, and they’d interrupted what was probably going to be an immensely satisfying morning.

“Shall we make an appearance in the dining room with my parents?” I asked, looking at Grant with
a pleading look.

“Sure. We can introduce them to my parents,” Grant said before cringing. I joined him. Damn.
Clara and I did not get along, and John, well, he was overly protective of his wife when around me.
Grant and I had had meals with them in the dining room a couple of times the last few days, but
after my use of magic against Clara, Grant’s dad didn’t care for me much either.

“Oh? Are your parents here as well? Did you join the coven recently?” Father asked.
“Yes, they did. We’ve had several new additions,” I said.

“Well, I’d say we planned a visit perfectly, then. Perhaps we could extend our stay longer. What
with you two being mated now. You’re bound to have a little warlock sometime in April,” Dad said.

Grant stumbled, and I knew why before he reached out to me through our bond.

“We’re going to have a baby, aren’t we? But we just met.”

“We don’t have to. You haven’t had your fertile period yet. We can use condoms. I’m okay with
that.” And I would be. I wanted a child desperately, but I was okay with waiting until Grant was on
the same page.

Grant was quiet as we walked down the hallway, and when we reached the stairs, he started
chatting again.

“No. I want a son. I want a little you. I think it would be not only interesting since you’re so crazy
about order, but a little funny to watch you try to keep everything neat and tidy. I’d love to have
that with you.”

I smiled. He had me there. I’d denied it when I first met him, but he was right. I loved things to be
in their place, and when there was a mess, I was quick to clean it up and right things. It settled
something inside me. But the fact that Grant said he wanted a son…that made me smile.

“…always been into art?” I heard Dad ask and realized he was talking to Grant as we descended
the stairs.

“Yes. Like most kids, I loved to color and play with clay. My mom was a teacher when she met my
dad, and she always supported my love of the arts. I took that and ran, and now it’s what I do.
Well, what I used to do.” Grant grinned up at me before returning his attention to Dad. “We’ve
only been here for less than a week. I haven’t gotten the chance to look into setting up a studio
anywhere, let alone unpack.”

“You haven’t unpacked?” I asked, surprised.

“Why would I? I met you the morning after I got here. I figured we’d be moving soon.”

I nodded. We would if there was a family suite that wasn’t literally next door to John and Clara.
And speaking of my One’s parents, John spotted us as we entered the dining room, and he traced
our movements across the room. Grant noticed his parents and started walking toward the table
they were sitting at. It was time for things to become interesting.

“Grant,” John said but didn’t make a move to rise from his seat beside his wife.

“Dad? Father? I want to introduce you to John and Clara. They’re Grant’s parents,” I said as I
indicated my One’s parents. They both looked shocked, but it was Clara who recovered first and
stood up.
“You forgot to tell them who your parents are though, silly,” Grant said as he elbowed me in the
ribs. I cringed a bit because he’d gotten me just right, and it twinged a little.

“The friendly one is Enoch, and the taller one is Leonardo,” Grant told his parents. I watched as
Clara and John exchanged pleasantries with my parents and then settled in at the table with my
dads. I was shocked to say the least. Dad I understood. He was easygoing and loved everyone. But
Father, he was usually much more reserved and took time to open up to people. A lot like me, so
I’d heard.

“We’ll be back,” I told the group and pulled Grant with me toward Master Arthur’s table. He was
there with Patrick as well as Master Edison and Wallace.

“Where are we going?”

“Well, I figured we needed to let Master Arthur know we’ve claimed one another. And I see that
Master Edison is here. He’ll want to talk to you.”

“Yeah, but shouldn’t we…you know. Protect your dads from my mom? I mean, can you imagine
her with your father?” Grant asked, and I stopped in my tracks before looking back at the table.
Just then, my father laughed loudly at something that Clara had obviously said, and I shook my
head. I was in the twilight zone, I swear.

“Yeah, I think they’re fine. Scary as it may be,” I said and laced Grant’s fingers with mine and
pulled him with me the rest of the way to the table with our coven master and his One and
fathers. Yeah, this was probably going to be an interesting lunch.

“Balthazar, Grant, welcome. I can sense that congratulations are in order,” Master Arthur said as
he stood when we approached the table.

“Yes, sir. Thank you,” I said.

“Yes, thanks so much. You’ve been incredibly helpful these past few days,” Grant added. I could
sense his unease as he looked toward Master Edison, and I understood. Master Arthur was just as
powerful, but there was something extra about his carrier dad. He was the first, the original
warlock, and that meant everything.

“Grant, you haven’t met Master Edison and his One, Wallace, yet,” I said as I gestured to first
Edison and then Wallace.

“No, they’ve not been here yet,” Grant said as he offered me a smile.

“Shh, it’s okay. They’d never harm you.”

“I know. It’s just…wow.”

Grant turned to Master Edison and Wallace just then and offered a smile while holding out his
hand. “It’s nice to meet you both. Your coven is not only gorgeous, but the people are warm and
welcoming. That’s refreshing.”
“It’s as it should be. The fact that you found your forever One is only a bonus. I’m Edison, and
despite what they all say, please call me Edison,” Master Edison said as he held out a hand to
Grant. He hesitantly took it and then gasped, quickly pulling his hand away as if he’d been

I reached for Grant, worried, but didn’t sense that he’d been harmed. “He’s okay,” Master Edison
told me. “That’s interesting, and it will explain some questions that Arthur has said you have,”
Master Edison said as he looked at Grant.

“I don’t suppose you’d be willing to share with me?” Grant asked, but he took a step back and
leaned into my side. I was more than happy to wrap an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into
me as close as I could get him.

“Join us for lunch? We didn’t see you at breakfast, and that’s no surprise really,” Patrick said.

“We really should get back to our parents,” I said and looked toward the table they were at. Only
they weren’t there. “Umm, Grant? Where did our parents go?” I asked, concerned.

“They’re at the…table,” he said as he started to point to where we’d left them just minutes ago,
only they were gone, and Grant looked at me with concern in his eyes. “Where did they go?”

“I’m not sure,” I said as I looked around the dining room. They weren’t anywhere in sight, and that
had me worried. I pulled out my phone and quickly shot off a text to my dad, asking where they’d
gone off to. The bouncing dots appeared almost immediately, telling me they were with John and
Clara and they’d see us for supper if we were so inclined.

Grant looked at me, his eyes large and rounded. “Should we rescue them?” he asked.

“I’m not sure. I mean, we’re mated. They’re kind of family, right? I understand why your parents
don’t care for me, but that doesn’t mean that’ll transfer to my parents,” I said, trying to reason out
why my dads had run off with Grant’s parents. Actually, no. I could definitely see the appeal for
Dad. But Father? I wasn’t so sure.

“Okay, now that you no longer have parents to have lunch with, join us and we’ll talk,” Master
Edison said. Grant and I turned and looked at the four faces that were staring at us.

“I feel as if I’m about to go on trial,” Grant told me through our bond.

“You’re not the only one. Let’s get something to eat, and then we’ll make excuses to leave. They
won’t deny us since we’ve only just claimed each other,”I said. I was almost certain that was true,
but I could have been mistaken.

What I did know was that Grant’s first ever fertile period was going to hit within the next few days,
and I’d been around enough warlocks to know that the first one was much more intense than any
subsequent ones. I was more than ready for it. For taking care of Grant and all of his needs. I only
hoped we had time to discuss certain desires before then. Like the fact that we’d been interrupted
by my dads and I’d not yet had the opportunity to taste my One. Or feel him buried deep in my
body. I wanted both, and I wanted them soon.

I’d always enjoyed sex, and I loved it both ways. I meant it when I’d told Grant that, and it wasn’t
just because he was my One.

“What are you thinking about? I’m getting arousal feelings from you.”

That was enough to have me thinking about my dads off somewhere with Grant’s parents. That
killed any and all thoughts. I did not want to be sitting at the table with my One, my coven master,
and former coven master while aroused. Especially since Wallace was a shifter and could no doubt
scent it. Nope, I was not going to have anything like that being passed through a mate bond.

“Nothing. I’m now thinking about our parents off somewhere together.”

“Mood killer,”Grant teased.

“That was the point. Wallace is a shifter. He can scent arousal.”

Grant gave me a worried look, and I leaned in and kissed his forehead before I looked to the
others at the table.

“So, Master Edison. What was it you wanted to talk about? What’s going on with Grant?” I asked,
more than ready to get lunch over so I could get back to our room with my One.

Nothing could have preparedme for my first fertile period. I’d known a few shifters and knew their
omegas went into heat, but I’d been told that a warlock’s fertile period was more intense. I
believed it. I had very few memories of those five days. Five. Days. Which wasn’t that long. If
you’re a shifter. But I wasn’t. I was a warlock, and our fertile periods were like heats only

Balthazar, bless him, he’d been more than willing to share those particular memories with me, and
I could no longer look at my One. The things we’d done, I’d begged for. Never in my life had I ever
even thought of doing something so…kinky.

That was three weeks ago. I’d actively avoided him as best as I could since I woke up in his bed,
both of us covered in cum, slick, and reeking of sex. I’d immediately slipped away and into the
shower, washing away the smell as best as I could. But Balthazar had joined me in the shower
and…well, we ended up getting dirty again before we were clean enough to leave our rooms.

When we did, it was just one shock after another, and after this morning, I wasn’t sure I’d be able
to handle another.

“All right, knock it off. You and I are going to talk and not just about the fact that you’re avoiding

I cringed. How had I not heard Bal come up behind me? I was supposed to be able to sense him,
right? I mean, I could in my mind. I took a deep breath and turned, looking at the man I was going
to spend the rest of eternity with.

“What would you like to talk about?” I asked, walking toward the door that led to the hallway. It
was time for supper, and I’d not eaten much today. Only I never made it to the door. Nope, I
suddenly found myself on the bed, facedown, with Bal on top of me, pressing me into the

“Dammit, Bal. It’s time to eat.”

“You really want to go to the dining room? We could eat here and talk. Or better yet, we could
hunt down Constantine, and he can confirm what we both already know.” Bal gently kissed the
back of my neck, and I shivered at the sensation as well as the words he’d just said before.

“Let me roll at least,” I said, pushing up so I could get comfortable on my back. When I’d situated
under my One, he patiently waited for me to nod before he lay on top of me, pinning me back to
the bed.

“Okay, you’re rolled. Now, why are you avoiding me?”

I took a deep breath and finally met Balthazar’s gaze, but I struggled with how to talk to him.
“Sweetheart, there’s nothing you can’t say to me. We’re mated. We have no secrets, and although
I know things are new with us, I want you to feel comfortable with everything.”

I sighed but nodded. Where did I even begin? “Umm, so I was wondering… It’s just that…” I cleared
my throat, steeled myself, and looked back at Balthazar. “Did what happened during my fertile
period turn you off?” There, I’d said it. Well, asked it at least.

“No, why would you think that?” Balthazar looked as lost as I felt.

“Because we haven’t had sex since then. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy all of the blow jobs and hand
jobs, but it’s not the same. I swear, I have no clue where any of what I wanted to do during my
fertile period came from. I’ve never, in my life, done anything beyond basic vanilla sex before.”

Balthazar smirked. Actually smirked!

“Yeah, I’m quite aware of that. And if you want to continue on with vanilla, okay. But what
happens when you have another fertile period? Am I supposed to let you suffer because you only
want vanilla?”

My eyes rounded before I narrowed them in a glare. “You wouldn’t! I didn’t ask to be the omega in
this relationship!” I growled out before pushing against his chest, trying to get up. Balthazar easily
grabbed my hands, holding them above my head with his hands, pinning me in place.

“True. Neither of us had a choice, but we do have options about other things. I’ve already told you,
I’m more than willing to be on the receiving end. In fact, most warlocks are. My ass is yours
anytime you want it. Now, next issue.”

I continued to glare at Balthazar. There was no way it was just as easy as that. “You talk as if that
solves the issue.”

“It does. That one at least. Whenever you’re ready, sweetheart.”

I counted to five before I smiled at him. “Okay. Now. I want your ass right now,” I said, calling his

“Very well. Do I at least get some romance? Or is this going to be a punishment fuck?” Balthazar
asked while climbing off me. I watched as he pulled his sweater over his head and tossed it on the
bench at the foot of the bed. I pushed up, resting on my arms behind me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, confused.

“Grant, you said now. I’m getting naked. Fucking works better that way.” Balthazar pulled off his
right shoe and then sock before tossing the shoe on the floor and his sock on the bench with his

“Stop. What…no.” I sat up and reached for Balthazar. He froze, standing there holding up his left
foot, reaching for his shoe. He slowly lowered his foot back to the floor before looking at me.
“Stop? You said—”

“I know what I said, you dolt, but I…not like this. Like you said, romance needs to be involved, and
there will be no punishment fucks. Ever. That’s not us.” Holy fates, were things always going to be
like this with him? “Can you get dressed?” I asked, indicating his half-naked self.

With a smile on his face, Balthazar was once again dressed. Instead of lying back on top of me, he
sat at the foot of the bed, crossing his legs in front of him. I realized then that he hadn’t put his
shoes back on. Wait…he’d only taken one off. Damn warlock and his seamless powers.

“Okay. What is going on? I meant what I said. I’m completely yours. In every way.”

I was still trying to wrap my mind around that. “Okay. I believe you.” Balthazar looked like he was
going to argue, so I shook my head. “I do. It’ll take some time to fully sink in though.”

“You know, I’d have thought you’d be all over it. You yourself said that you’ve never bottomed
before. But yet—”

“Yeah, I know. I find my One, get claimed, and suddenly I can’t get enough of you being buried
inside me. I never knew it would feel so damn good. And it does.” I licked my lips as I looked down
Balthazar’s body. I knew exactly what he looked like under his clothing. “I plan on getting your dick
in me as soon as I can this evening too.”

Balthazar’s smile was mischievous. “I’d do anything to please you, Grant. You should know that

I felt guilty because he was right. He’d suffered because he thought I needed time. I sighed,
deflated, and flopped back on the bed before I growled and sat up.

“What’s really bothering you?”

“You mean, besides the fact that I’ve suddenly discovered I’m a complete bottom, and you and I
both know I’m pregnant? Isn’t that enough?” It was a lot. A month ago I didn’t even know
Balthazar, let alone think I’d be pregnant already.

“Okay, first, you’re not a total bottom. You’ve just discovered the joys of prostate stimulation. And
I’d say shame on your past lovers, but I can’t. I’m too smug to do so. It makes me preen knowing
that only I have ever been in there and only I have ever brought you that kind of pleasure.”

I thought about it and growled before I launched myself at Balthazar. I knew that no matter what,
he’d never let anything happen to either of us. When he fell backward, instead of falling off the
end of the bed, we landed at the head, facing the right direction.

“You…what am I going to do with you? You’re so well put together, and yet you’re this amazing
and open mate. You’re so adventurous, and I’d never have expected that by looking at you.”

“Appearances aren’t everything, love. And I’m only this way with you because you’re my forever.”
Balthazar reached up and ran his fingers down the side of my face. I couldn’t resist and leaned in
for a kiss. I kept it short because I really did want to eat something. I wasn’t feeling bad, but I was
overwhelmed, and so much had happened since I’d arrived. “Come back,” Balthazar said as he
pulled me back down for another kiss. My stomach growling had him smiling against my lips. He
let me go, and I pushed up before I rolled to my side and laid my head on his shoulder. Balthazar
wrapped his arm tightly around my shoulders and pulled me to his chest.

“How are you feeling? We should go feed you. Are you up for that?”

“I am.” My stomach growled again, making me smile and Bal chuckle.

“But how are you feeling? You mentioned knowing you’re pregnant. You can sense the baby’s
aura? Are you nauseous? Tired?”

“I can hear it, yes. And I took a pregnancy test this morning just because. But I’m feeling fine. Just
a bit overwhelmed.”

“Where did you get a pregnancy test?”

I pushed up and rested my chin on my hand so I could raise an eyebrow at Bal. “Matthew. We’ve
been mated for three weeks now. It makes sense that I’ll be needing pregnancy tests.”

“Not when we can sense the baby.”

“Well, I don’t exactly have full use of my powers. In fact, I have almost no use of them, so I wasn’t
sure I’d be able to or not. Matthew and I were talking one day, and he suddenly handed me a bag
that was filled with several boxes.” I reached over and ran a finger down the center of Bal’s chest,
wishing the sweater was gone. I loved his bare chest, and I’d slept on it any chance I got. I just felt
like I was finally home when I was in his arms. My stomach growled again, and I buried my face in
Bal’s chest.

“Okay, that’s the third time your stomach complained. Let’s go feed you. We can come back and
talk more after we say hello to everyone. Eventually they’ll start knocking on the door if we don’t
start getting out more.”

I griped because he was probably right. We’d spent very little time out of the room since we’d
claimed each other. Sadly, we hadn’t spent a whole lot of time naked. But I knew just about
everything there was to know about Balthazar and he me.

“Come on,” Balthazar said just before kissing my forehead, and then we were standing at our
door. I really wished I were so lucky to have such powers.

“What’s for dinner tonight?” I asked, curious.

“No clue. We’ll find out in just moments though,” Bal said. He took my hand, and when he brought
it up and kissed the back of it, I realized we were now standing just outside the dining room.
Dining area? Maybe it should be a dining hall. It was massive. As in, it could easily be cleared out
and used as a ballroom. In fact, I think that at one point that’s exactly what it was.
“What’s that scent?” I asked.

“Mmm, smells like barbecue. I guess we’re having ribs tonight. I can’t think of anything else that
Grantham makes that he uses barbecue sauce for.”

“Ribs? I could go for some ribs. Especially if there was cornbread to go with it. And maybe some
fried okra.”

“Okay, I have a question,” I asked as we entered the dining room. Several others stared at us, and I
grabbed Balthazar’s hand, pulling myself close to him and all but latching on to his arm.

“Ignore them.”

“How? They’re staring.”

“They’re staring because we’ve been holed up in our rooms for three weeks. Rooms that are on
their side of the mansion, remember? And they can all sense that you’re pregnant, love.”

“They didn’t hear us during my fertile period, did they?”I looked around and noticed that most of
them had gone back to eating. We were indeed having ribs, and my mouth started watering.

“No, love. The rooms are all soundproofed for those reasons.” Balthazar handed me a plate, and I
released his right arm. “We should talk to Master Arthur though. We’re going to need more room
now that you’re pregnant,” Balthazar whispered.

I looked around and spotted the coven master. He was sitting at his table, chatting with
Balthazar’s parents.

“Yeah, okay. But do you want to live right next to my parents? You and Mom don’t exactly get

Balthazar groaned, and I looked up from the side dishes I’d been adding to my plate.

“I know. But I didn’t hurt her, and she deserved it.”

“I’m not even going to argue. Not an ounce, because you’re right. And it was funny. But she holds
a grudge, and she’ll eventually get her way.”

“Not in this,” Balthazar said, and I turned to look at what he was staring at. He was watching my
parents walk into the dining room. Mom pointed at us, narrowing her eyes, before she pulled Dad
over to Master Arthur’s table.

“Shall we?” Balthazar asked. I nodded since my plate was as full as it was going to get. We walked
across the dining room, headed for the table that Matthew and Cornelius were sitting at.
Matthew’s eyes lit up when he saw us approach.

“It’s so good to see you. And congratulations!” the little fae said.
“Thank you, we’re excited. But things have been…interesting. We’ll get out more. Promise,” I said.

“We will. We needed time to adjust. Frankly, I’m surprised my dads are still here.”

Matthew and Cornelius glanced at each other until Ollie squealed, and then Matthew looked
down at their son.

“Yeah, about that,” Cornelius said.

“What? I have a feeling what you’re about to say isn’t going to be good,” Bal said. Cornelius
rubbed the back of his neck before he glanced over to where our parents were all sitting.

“They’ve petitioned to join the coven, and Master Arthur granted it.”

“What?” Bal said.

“Yeah. But that’s not the most interesting thing.”

“What could be more interesting than that?”

“Oh holy fates,” I said before Cornelius could respond. I grabbed Balthazar’s arm and looked at
him in horror.

“What? What could possibly be that bad?”

“Bal, the only place that’s open to put them is right next to my parents,” I said and watched as the
meaning of my words sunk in.

My parents were livingnext door to Grant’s. Right. Next. Door. They’d had no interest in joining
this coven when I did almost five decades ago. But now they were suddenly moving in? It made no
sense. I tried to figure it out, but I couldn’t. Why now? Why…Grant and the baby. They had to have
assumed that because I’d met my One that we would be having a baby. That was the only reason I
could come up with.

Grant and I finished our supper with Cornelius and Matthew, and then we went back to their suite
to hang out for a bit. It was fun to watch Grant with Ollie, who was most definitely furniture
surfing at this point. And he was fast.

I could hardly wait until our little guy was doing the same. Just thinking about Grant having our
baby made my heart pound. I’d get to watch all of his milestones. Rolling over, sitting up, first
words, first steps, and then later learning to use his magic.

We spent almost an hour with them before we went back to our own rooms, and I sat on the
couch watching Grant stand in the middle of the room, slowly looking around.

“Something wrong?”

“Hmm, not really, no. But there’s no more family suits, right?”


“We’re warlocks. Well, you’re more one than I am.” I got up and crossed to Grant, intending on
shutting that train of thought down immediately.


“No, hear me out,” he said and held up a hand. “You have powers. Something that no matter how
hard I concentrate, I just can’t seem to grasp. I feel them, but I can’t reach them. It makes no
sense. But that’s not even the point.”

“Then what is?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around Grant’s back.

“You have powers that can do things. All kinds of things. Why can’t we make this into a family
suite? There seems to be more single rooms than there are places for mated couples. And really,
do my parents—or yours for that matter—really need a three bedroom?”

I smiled. He had a point to a certain extent.

“I know that we can simply magic things and they happen. But on certain things, especially adding
entire wings and remodeling an entire building, we still have to have permits registered and have a
believable allotted time for construction. Sure, we can do things without it, but if we ever get
caught, things can get messy.”
Grant deflated. “Fine. So we’re going to rearrange and put the crib and everything in here

Grant had a point, and I agreed with him completely. I held up a finger and teleported to just
outside Master Arthur’s office. The door was closed, and I didn’t sense him there, so I popped back
into our room. Grant still standing where I’d left him.

“Okay, we’ll talk with Master Arthur tomorrow about turning these two rooms into a smaller
family suite. I think we need an entire new wing with the way everyone’s finding their Ones.”

“I won’t say I disagree.” Grant walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist before laying
his head on my shoulder. “I don’t mind sharing the space with our son. But looking at all of Ollie’s

“Yeah. Babies tend to take over everywhere. We’ll have breakfast with Master Arthur in the
morning and discuss things. We have a little over three months before you’ll be due. We have

I kissed the side of Grant’s head before I started walking with him still wrapped around me.

“What are you doing?”

“Moving us toward the bed. You said you wanted your dick in my ass. I’ve been looking forward to
it.” I was also a bit worried because it had been a long time since I’d been on the receiving end,
and Grant wasn’t exactly small. In actuality, we were about the same size. But he had slick, and I
didn’t. And no amount of lube would ever be the same as actual slick.

“Yes, but I was being an ass. I really want—”

Knocking at the door stopped Grant from telling me what he wanted. I already knew, but I was
hoping to hear the words from him. I was also hoping that we would end up flipping sometime
very soon because despite my unease, I did want everything with him.

I sensed the auras of Master Arthur and Patrick on the other side of the door and gave Grant a
quick squeeze before I walked over to the door.

“We won’t have to worry about breakfast tomorrow I guess,” I told him as I approached the door. I
opened it and smiled at Arthur and Patrick.

“Master Arthur, Patrick. Did you want to come in?” I asked, stepping back and holding out an arm.

“We’re not interrupting, are we?”

“Not at all,” Grant said as he walked up to me. I grinned when he wrapped his hand around mine.

“Would you like to come in? Or we could go downstairs?” I suggested.

“Yes, my office might be better suited,” Master Arthur said.

“Very well, then,” I said. “Walk or…”

“Walk is fine. I’m sure we can find something to chat about along the way,” Arthur said while
looking at Grant.

“Did I do something, Master Arthur?” Grant asked, and I suddenly got a feel of unease from him.

“Not at all. You’ve had quite the introduction to our coven and have been otherwise occupied
since you arrived. I simply wanted to know if you were getting settled in and if there was anything
you needed.”

“Oh. Umm…I’m not really settled, but we’ve been otherwise occupied as you said.” Grant’s cheeks
turned a nice shade of red, and I had to hide my smile.

“Aside from Balthazar taking the majority of your attention, everything else is going well?” Arthur

“Define well. I actually have some questions, and you might be the person to answer them. Or
maybe it might be that you should be around when they’re asked?” Grant said, confusing me.
What was he getting at? Was he upset about being here?

“I’m always available to any of the coven members if they have questions, concerns, issues,
anything really. Did you want to ask here or in the office?” Arthur said, and I looked away from
Grant and realized we’d arrived at Master Arthur’s office. Patrick opened the door and entered,
leaving the rest of us outside.

“Inside is preferred. And I promise, it’s nothing bad. Just curious about some things,” Grant said.

We entered the office, Patrick settling in one of the chairs in front of the desk, so I tugged Grant
over to the couch and sat down and waited.

“So…settling in? As well as can be expected, that is?”

“Yes. Bal has been amazing, and his room was already set up, so we spend our time there mostly,”
Grant said as he gave me a smile. I returned it and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling
him into my side.

“We do have questions about the room situation though,” I added.

“Yes. We’re working on that. The request for permits has been put in. The idea is an entire new
wing of three-bedroom suites. It’s something we’ve discussed for a while now. I’d like even the
single warlocks to have more of an apartment-like place to call their own,” Master Arthur said.

“I know that even though I didn’t require a lot of room, something like that wouldn’t have been
turned down,” I said.
“No. And it is something that we’ve honestly been discussing. I’d like to go ahead and internally
remodel the wing you’re in. There are enough empty rooms that it shouldn’t be an issue to make
that wing all two-bedroom places without expanding the exterior of the structure.”

This was all good. Especially since our coven seemed to be expanding.

“We realize it seems unfair to have older mated couples in the larger family suites when they no
longer have children, yet couples such as you and Grant are in a single room with a baby on the
way,” Patrick added.

“It’s okay. The baby will be small for a while, and even though their stuff ends up everywhere, they
themselves don’t take up a lot of space. At least from what I’ve seen,” Grant said.

“True. But you should have a proper space for your growing family. Some will need to move
rooms, but it’s never been an issue before. It only takes moments, so I believe that helps,” Arthur
said. I had to agree. Moving was no fun when you had to do it like Grant did. Packing, loading,
unloading, unpacking; it was tedious and tiring. But for warlocks, it was done in an instant, and we
never seemed to mind.

“When we know for sure—but we’re good with where we’re at—I’ll go ahead and get things
squared away in our space then,” I told them.

“You’re good. The two of you are in the seventh and eighth rooms on your side. We’ll need to
move out every other person if they’re occupied, but I don’t foresee it being an issue.”

This was good; great actually. Grant and I only required a two bedroom for now. We’d discuss
more children in a couple of years. For now, just having a dedicated space for the baby would be a

“What other questions did you have? You mentioned that I might need to be here when they were

Grant looked nervous, and I knew I had questions, so I went first. “I have one regarding my
parents,” I said, drawing attention to me.

“Yes, I was waiting for that. They asked to relocate here now that you seem settled finally. I had no
reason to deny them. They’ve not caused any issues with their previous coven. Does it bother you
they’re here?” Master Arthur asked.

I shook my head. “No. But it seems so unlikely that they’d become inseparable with Grant’s
parents so quickly. It’s just not in Father.” I looked at my One and winced. “No offence, love. But
your mother is not what I’d normally call my father’s cup of tea.”

Patrick snorted, and Grant started laughing. “Oh, you’re so like him it’s not even funny. Don’t ever
change, Bal. Don’t,” Grant said as he patted my leg.

“My biggest question is my mother actually. I know she’s very much a free spirit and is probably a
lot to take in, but I think we might be heading to the intervention stage. She’s not aggressively
hostile, but she avoids us and always glares.” Grant sighed as he hung his head. “She’s trying to
guilt me for choosing my One over her. She still can’t understand that at almost a century old, I
don’t want to live with her and my father. I don’t get it. I had my own place in South Carolina. I’ve
not lived with them for decades.”

“Okay, we’ll talk with your parents,” Master Arthur said. Patrick immediately disappeared and
moments later was back with Grant’s parents. Two more chairs appeared, and Master Arthur
turned his attention to my in-laws. Granted I’d not gotten off on the most friendly of terms with
them, but John really needed to discuss things with his wife. And she needed to learn that mated
couples live together. Period.

“John, Clara, please have a seat. We’d like to discuss the ongoing issues you seem to be having
with Balthazar and Grant’s mating,” Master Arthur said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have no issue with them claiming one another,” John
said, and then everyone in the room looked to Clara.

Grant sighed. “Dad, it’s not really you. Mom really doesn’t seem to like Balthazar, and it’s causing
stress. Something I don’t really need at the moment.”

“Clara?” John said, looking at his wife.

“I don’t like him. He’s keeping Grant from us, and he uses magic against me.”

I sputtered and Grant groaned. Master Arthur and the others looked to me in accusation, so I
narrowed my eyes at her.

“The only one keeping Grant from you is yourself, Clara. Perhaps you’ve forgotten what it was like
to be newly mated? All couples get a month adjustment period. Always. And I did not technically
use magic against you. You wouldn’t let go of Grant’s arm, and I did zap your hand to get you to do
so. But perhaps you’d like to tell the others why?”

“You sent me away from my baby,” Clara said, pointing a finger at me.

“Mom, stop. He sent you to your room when you wouldn’t stop badgering me about moving my
stuff into your suite. Why the fuck would I want to live with you and Dad when I have my own
One? Hmm? Besides, I haven’t lived with you two for about seventy years.” Grant collapsed back
on the couch, and I turned to see to him.

“Love? You okay?” I asked, concerned.

“Yeah, just frustrated.” Grant sat back up and looked at his parents, who were quietly arguing.
“Mom, Dad, I love you both, but I haven’t lived with you two since I got my first apartment. I’m not
quite sure what’s going on, but this has got to stop. I’m mated. Bal and I are going to be dads—we
need our own space. And if you don’t knock it off, I’ll do everything I can to get Bal to move away. I
can’t have you acting like this. You were never this bad,” Grant said.

“What do you mean, son?”

“Dad, you know she’s been a mother hen my entire life. All of a sudden, she’s become…”

“Insufferable,” I provided. When Grant looked at me, I shrugged. It was true though.

“Clara? Is this true?”

She was quiet for so long I didn’t think she was going to answer.

“He’s taking my only baby away. Can’t you see?”

I rolled my eyes, and Grant growled. “I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if I
were older,” Grant said. He leaned into my side, and I once again wrapped an arm around him.

“Clara, Balthazar is doing no such thing,” Master Arthur said.

“Clara, I’m not taking Grant away. We found one another. That was bound to happen. It’s how
things work.” I glanced at John, and he was staring at his wife with a shocked expression on his

“Master Arthur, if you would excuse us, please? I think Clara and I need to discuss things,” John

“Of course,” Arthur said and then John and Clara were gone, leaving the four of us in the room.

Patrick looked at me and smiled. “Did you really magic her?” Master Arthur tried to hide his grin
but failed.

“I did. I zapped her hand when she wouldn’t let go of Grant, and then when she started arguing, I
placed her in front of her own suite. You have to understand,” I said, hoping I wasn’t about to get
into trouble, “we’d not yet claimed one another, and she was insistent that Grant move his things
into her suite.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know she would cause problems. She’s always hovered, but now that we’re
here, it’s become really bad, and all it’s doing is pushing me away. I want to spend time with Bal, I
want to plan for our child, and I want to look for studio space still.”

I leaned in and kissed Grant’s temple. “We’ll figure out something for a studio for you. We might
even be able to use your room you were given as one.”

“I might have an idea. Meet me after breakfast tomorrow?” Patrick asked. Grant nodded, and I felt
a sliver of happiness from him. The last thing my One needed right now was more stress, and
maybe if we could get him back into an art studio, that might help relax and calm his mind. Of
course, I knew of a few other ways to do that very thing as well. Just not in Master Arthur’s office.

“It’s going to take some adjustment time, but I’m sure everything will work out as it should,”
Master Arthur said encouragingly. I just hoped he was right because we’d both been thrown into a
mess recently with our parents.


Each dayI spent with Bal, the further I fell for him. He obviously knew how much dealing with my
parents—specifically my mother—stressed me out. And Mom had only gotten worse since Bal and
I had claimed one another. I couldn’t figure it out though. Why would she want me to not have my
own lifelong love?

After we left Master Arthur’s office, Balthazar took me back to our room and made slow, sweet
love to me well into the night. When we finally fell asleep, my entire body felt limp, and I was
completely relaxed. I woke with him plastered to my back, his arm wrapped protectively around
my waist and the sun shining in the room. We needed curtains. Or at least blinds or something. I
didn’t mind the light—loved it actually. But I hated the fact that our bed was next to an eastward-
facing window.

“You’re off in your own world. Grant? Tune in, Grant.”

I blinked a few times and smiled at Matthew. “Sorry. I was lost in thought.”

“I’ll say. What had you so lost in your own mind? Unless it’s sex. Then I don’t need to know.”

I shook my head. “Believe it or not, no. I was thinking about blinds.” It was true, even if it was only
a half-truth.

“Okay, you expect me to believe that you were smiling like you were, staring off into space, and
only thinking about blinds? Really?”

“Who said the only thing I was thinking about was blinds?” I smirked, and Matthew smiled.

“Now that I believe. But I don’t understand why you’re thinking about blinds. Your food is getting
cold. And the fact that Cornelius has Ollie right now so I can have a hot meal, I’m definitely taking
advantage of. But you’re making me feel bad here.”

I looked at Matthew’s plate, then mine. He’d eaten over half of his food while I’d only had a few
bites. “Don’t wait on me. Eat up.”

“That’s what I said to him,” Cornelius said from beside Matthew. He was holding their son, who
had finished his own breakfast and was happily sitting in his dad’s lap.

“Blinds? What about them? We don’t have any,” Balthazar said from beside me just as I picked up
a piece of toast and took a bite.

“I know. We need some though since our bed is next to an east-facing window. The sun isn’t super
bright in the mornings just now, but come summer, I’d imagine it will be. Not waking to it blinding
me would be nice.”
Balthazar’s face softened. “I’m sorry, love. It’s never been an issue before as I’m usually up earlier
than the sun. We’ll pick out blinds when we get back to the room,” Bal said.

I nodded and watched as he took a drink of coffee. My mouth watered, and I’d love to have a
drink as well, but I was trying to be good and avoid it as much as I could. I did drink tea every so
often, but it wasn’t the same. Bal saw me watching him and held out his mug for me. I was oh so
tempted, but I declined. Instead, I picked up my juice and took a drink.

“You know, you’re lucky you’re not sick. I had morning sickness that lasted all day and half of the
pregnancy. It was horrible,” Matthew said, pointing his fork at me.

“I’m not going to complain that I seem to be a lucky one that doesn’t feel nauseous. There is no
worse feeling.” I cut into my sausage patty and took a bite, enjoying the burst of flavor on my

Matthew shook his head. I’d rather just throw up and get things over with, but at times even that
didn’t work because you just felt nauseous again immediately afterward.

“So what are your plans after breakfast?” Matthew asked.

“Oh, I’m meeting Patrick. He mentioned he might have an idea for a studio space for me. Which
would be great because I need to do something. My muse is strong right now, and I would love to
unpack my supplies and start painting and sculpting again. Not only that, but the store I sell
through emailed and asked if I had anything new.”

“What did you tell them?”

“That I’ve been busy getting settled in.”

Bal suddenly leaned over and kissed my cheek before he went back to talking to Cornelius as if it
were a thing he always did. Maybe it would be. We were just getting to the point where we were
venturing out more. He was going to go back to work soon and that meant I’d need to figure
something out for myself. Like painting. And sculpting.

“Do you need help unpacking?”

“Not yet, no. Our rooms are going to be remodeled later today, and I didn’t really have anywhere
to put my supplies, so they’re just sitting there in boxes. If wherever Patrick has in mind works, I’ll
carry everything down and—”

“You’ll do no such thing. I’ll send the boxes there for you if you wish, but you’re pregnant. You’re
not to lift all of those boxes,” Bal said. I looked at him, and when he raised an eyebrow at me, I

“I’ll accept that.”

“Good.” Balthazar kissed my nose before he picked up his conversation with Cornelius.
“Has he always been like this?” I asked Matthew while pointing a thumb toward Balthazar.

Matthew shrugged. “I don’t know him that well, and I’ve never seen him with anyone, so I can’t

That made sense.

“I’m only like this with you, love. You’re special, and I want you to know that. To show you that.”

I smiled and nodded, taking another bite of my eggs. They were cold now, but I didn’t care. They
were delicious, and I was hungry. I could tell it made Bal happy to have me eating, so I did. It
wasn’t a hardship since Grantham’s food was delicious. I’d never lived anywhere where there was
a cook or chef on staff. It was interesting. And since my magic was basically a dud, I had to learn to
cook. I could, but it wasn’t my favorite thing, and I tended to get lost in my art and not eat.

“You finished?” Balthazar asked suddenly. I looked down at my plate and smiled because it was

“Yes, but I can—” I stopped when the plate and everything else suddenly disappeared. I glanced at
Balthazar and narrowed my eyes.

“I’m capable of cleaning up.”

“Yes, but now you can go see what Patrick wanted. He’s been finished for a while now and is just

I glanced at the coven master’s One and saw that he was indeed just sitting there at the table,
looking at his phone. I didn’t see Master Arthur anywhere, and I felt bad.

“Darn. You should have said something earlier,” I said as I got up. I leaned down and kissed Bal’s
cheek before I left.

“Did you want me to go with?” Bal called out. I shook my head and waved over my shoulder,
hurrying to Patrick. I felt bad for keeping him waiting as long as I had.

“Patrick, I’m so sorry.”

“What for?” Patrick asked as he pressed the side button on his phone, turning the screen off.

“Have you been waiting long?”

“No, and you shouldn’t apologize. I’m not upset. In fact, I’m thrilled to be getting out of the
meeting that Arthur is currently attending. I’m not exactly a fan of Alpha Douche, and he wanted
to talk about using our lands for pack functions. Arthur has told him no many times, but he’s
become insistent.”

“Alpha Douche?” I asked, surprised.

Patrick rolled his eyes but linked his arm with mine. “It’s actually Alpha Donner, but I call him
Alpha Douche because he’s a douche canoe. I don’t care for the man. He lives north of us, but his
lands are secure and they’re small. He moved in about five years ago, but he really needs to just go
back north to Canada.”

“Is he a threat?” I was concerned because not only was I all but worthless, especially against a
shifter, but there were children in the coven, and I had one on the way.

“Naw, don’t worry about him. Arthur took his dads and Alistair with him. We really shouldn’t be
hearing from him again.” Arthur stopped, and after he let go of my arm, he spun around. “Okay,
what do you think?”

I looked around, surprised by the fact that we’d obviously walked to somewhere else in the estate
while I hadn’t even paid attention. But the place was gorgeous. It was perfect actually. We were in
an atrium, but it was still very much attached to the house. There were plants everywhere, and
there was a cozy seating area at one end while the other was simply filled with various plants. I
looked to Patrick with questions though.

“It’s obviously someone’s space.”

“Yes, mine. But I don’t mind sharing. We can put a wall up here,” Patrick said as he indicated the
center of the room. “Put a door for you to access this half, and move any plants you don’t want. If
you like them but don’t want to take care of them, I don’t mind continuing to do so if it’s okay I’m
in your space.”

I absolutely couldn’t believe it. I nodded in agreement. I was being offered everything I could ever
want, and it was all still sinking in a bit.

“Love? You okay?”

“Yep. Just like you, this place and these people are perfect.”


“I’m good. Just a bit emotional. I’ll be back soon.”

“I’m in my office. Have Patrick show you if you don’t remember where it is.”


I looked around in awe. I’d never dreamed of having a place like this. Ever.

“You sure you don’t mind? This room…” I took the dozen steps it required to get to the glass wall
and looked out at the snow that covered the grounds. “It’s perfect for painting. The natural light is
amazing. Even with the snow. How is the glass roof not covered?”

“It’s heated. The glass is triple layer, but it’s heated and the snow melts. In the summer, we have a
tint screen that rolls out on the top if it gets too hot. So it’ll work?”
“Yeah. It’s perfect. The floors are stone, which will be easier to clean up messes. If you’re sure, I’d
love a small section. I don’t need half though. This place is…it’s amazing. Thank you so much,” I

I was trying to not get emotional, but the men in this coven had been kinder to not only my
parents, but me as well, than anyone we’d ever known. They didn’t need to accept three more
into the coven. But they had.

“You’re welcome. I don’t mind sharing. And we can build you an actual studio out back later this
summer if you wish.”

I nodded because that sounded wonderful. But I needed to be realistic. I was going to have a new
baby this summer, and I would imagine my time and energy to paint and sculpt would be next to

“Let’s see what summer brings?” I said, hoping I didn’t offend Patrick.

His face showed shock, which surprised me in turn. “Of course. You’re due in mid-April. You might
not want to paint by summer. But if you do, you’re more than welcome here.”

“Thank you. I can’t believe how amazing you all have been. My family…they’ve never had anything
like this.”

“Mmm, yes. That’s something else we’re looking into. Your grandmother is a human like your
mother, correct?”

“Yes. My grandparents are in the Florida Keys right now. They have a small cottage there on the
beach. They’re enjoying their golden years, as it were.”

Patrick snorted at that, and I was the first to laugh about it. Like Patrick, my grandparents didn’t
look a day over thirty-five, maybe forty tops. But I knew that Patrick was close to seven hundred, if
not a bit over. Didn’t matter though. He still looked thirty-five and had that boy-next-door look to
him. But I knew that he was incredibly powerful, and I completely respected that.

“And they’ve not ever belonged to a coven?” Patrick asked. He pulled me over to the couch, and I
sighed with how plush and soft it actually was. You really sunk down into the cushions.

“From what I’ve heard, my grandfather was, but when he met my grandmother, there were some
issues because she was human. They left and that’s pretty much what I know. My father was born,
and although they’d approached a couple of covens over time, they were always turned away.” It
was completely unfair. We didn’t choose who our fated One was. We didn’t have a say in the
matter. They were our perfect match for a reason.

“Okay. I might have a few questions for your dad. Or maybe your grandfather.”

“Umm, okay.” I wasn’t sure why, but we had nothing to hide. Not a thing at all.
“Good. Now, let’s get you back to your One. I’m sure Balthazar has been chatting in your head by

I smiled. “He has a bit, yes. He said he’s in his office, so if you could point me in the right direction,
I’d appreciate it.”

“I can, yes. Would you care to walk? Or travel via warlock express?”

I couldn’t help it; I laughed. And laughed some more. Patrick joined me, and when we finally
sobered, I cleared my throat. “I’ll be first to admit that via the warlock express is great, I suck at
most things involving powers. If you wouldn’t mind showing me?”

“Mmm, yes. That’s something else we’re looking into. Come. I’ll show you where your guy is, and
then you two can go about your day. Your new suite should be finished in just a bit, and then you
can unpack. Have Balthazar bring your stuff down here. I’ll have everything set up for you by

“I know I keep saying it, but thank you. You don’t have to be this kind. It means so much.”

“It takes nothing to be kind, Grant. And no matter what one’s origins are, they still deserve to be
treated equal and fair. Trust me when I say we’re happy to have you and your family here.”

I smiled because I couldn’t do more. I was too emotional. I had to believe Patrick because I
couldn’t do otherwise. But with all of the issues my mother had been causing, I was surprised they
were still happy to have us here. I adored her, but she could be a bit much. And lately, she’d been
more so.

Patrick led me through the house and down a hallway, stopping outside an open doorway.

“I believe you’re missing this gentleman here?” Patrick said, causing Bal and a man with blond hair
to turn their heads and look at us.

“I am, yes. Thank you, Patrick.” Balthazar got up from his seat and walked over to us.

“It was my pleasure. See you two later,” Patrick said before he walked off.

“Well? What did you think? You said you were emotional. That’s a good thing hopefully?”

“I think it’s a pregnancy thing, actually. But the atrium is perfect, and I’m going to love painting
and sculpting out there.”

“Good. Matthew and Cornelius asked if we wanted to hang out with them while our room was
basically being shuffled. I told them it was up to you.”

I nodded while smiling. I already loved Ollie. He was the cutest little guy, and Matthew was
becoming what I hoped was a friend in the short time I’d been here. I’d not spent a lot of time
with him, but hopefully that would change now that Bal and I had seemed to settle out a bit.
“That would be great. Ollie is a doll, and Matthew is interesting. I’ve never met a fae before, and
he’s nothing like I’d pictured them being.”

“See you later, Winston,” Balthazar said before he wrapped his arms around me, and we were
gone. We reappeared in front of a door that looked similar to ours, but I knew it belonged to
Cornelius and Matthew because we could hear Ollie squealing just on the other side of it.

“That’s going to be us soon, isn’t it?” I said but wasn’t really asking.

“Yeah, and it’s an amazing thought.”

Balthazar leaned in and kissed me just as the door opened beside us.


“You seem distracted,”Winston said.

“A little. It feels a little odd being back at work now after so much time off.”

“Balthazar, you’ve been back for over a week.”

I did my best to give Winston the stink eye. “I’m aware of that. But unlike you—who’s been mated
for a decade—I’ve been mated for just shy of six weeks. And Grant is pregnant. My mind is several
different places now.” And it was. Our rooms had been renovated, and we’d arranged everything.
Grant and I had unpacked his stuff, and it was an adjustment for both of us. I’d realized just how
much he’d compromised when he’d mixed his things with mine. When compared, my room was
very…boring. Grant’s things were colorful, vibrant, and fun.

“Ahh, yes. Those first months of being mated. Let me tell you that when you’ve been mated a
while, have a nine-year-old, a five-year-old, and a newborn, things are crazy and you’ll happily hide
away for a few hours.”

“Go home, Winston. Amy could probably use your help.” I still couldn’t figure out how it was that
they’d kept Amy’s pregnancy a secret for well over a month before announcing it. Or maybe they
hadn’t; they’d just didn’t bother to make an announcement until the Christmas party. Either way, I
was happy for Winston and Amy. Even if her parents were here at the moment.

Winston shook his head. “I would actually love to. But Amy’s parents are here visiting because of
the baby.”

I tried to not flinch. I knew that Amy’s parents weren’t exactly against their daughter being mated
to Winston—they couldn’t as they were fated mates—but they weren’t happy with the fact that
Amy had chosen to live here in the coven with Winston instead of trying to convince her warlock
to move to their clowder.

“How’s that going?” I asked, curious.

“Well, I’ve seemed to have redeemed myself a bit since this one was a lynx shifter and not a
warlock like the first two. Although, they do love the boys as much as they do Amber.”

“That’s good,” I said absently. Thinking about Winston and his in-laws reminded me that I needed
to talk to mine. And my parents because things were strained between me and Grant’s parents
and mine well…I needed to know what was going on.

“You sure it’s okay if I go back to my suite?”

“Absolutely. There are a couple of things I need to see to, and then I’m going to go hunt down
Grant. I have all of the alarms forwarded to my phone, so I’ll know if anything is going on. Go enjoy
your little princess. And let your in-laws take care of her while you snuggle up with Amy for the

Winston sighed. “That sounds wonderful. I’ll have to see if I can make it happen. If you’re sure?”
Winston said as he stood up.

“Yes. Absolutely. Get out of here. And maybe don’t worry about coming back for a couple more
weeks. Your little one is only two weeks old.”

“Yeah, but—”

“But nothing. Fenwick is watching things too. He doesn’t have a mate. Go. Enjoy family time.”

“Thanks, Balthazar,” Winston said, and then he was gone. I couldn’t figure out why he was here at
all, except maybe to get away from Amy’s parents. And that reminded me that I needed to go
have a talk with mine.

We weren’t exactly close anymore, but we had a good relationship, and I had questions, so I
double-checked the alarms, sent Fen a message, and then popped over to my parents’ door. I took
a deep breath before I knocked and waited. When the door opened, I stepped inside and followed
the sound of Dad’s voice.

“Hey, Dad,” I said as he came into view. He was in their living room, rearranging pillows.

“Hi, sweetie. What do you think? Blue? Or orange?” Dad asked as he changed the color of the
throw pillows that were on the black couch.

“Umm, blue?” I was not the person to be asking this, and he knew it. My entire place had been
muted earth tones before Grant had moved in. Now the place looked like a color explosion

“Hmm, maybe? I asked your father, and he said brown.”

I chuckled because that had crossed my mind as well. “Where is Father?”

“He—” Dad stopped when my father walked into the room.

“Enoch, he’s not going to give you the answer you want either. Leave the boy alone and just put
multiple colored pillows on the couch like you want.” Father leaned in and quickly kissed Dad
before he looked at me. “This is a surprise.”

“So was learning that the two of you petitioned to join this coven. Want to explain?” I asked,
crossing my arms over my chest. “And while you’re at it, please explain why it is that you and
Grant’s parents are immediately best friends.” I sent Father a stern look, letting him know that I
wanted answers.

“How about we go grab a cup of coffee?” Father said. I nodded in agreement because coffee
sounded good right about now.
We popped into the dining hall, which was completely empty. There was always coffee available
against the wall that would soon be filled with different selections of food. I followed Father over
to the tall silver pot and poured myself a mug.

“Is Dad not joining us?” I asked, noticing his absence.

“If you wish. I assumed you wanted to discuss things with me though.”

He was right. I did. “Very well. If I decide I have questions for him, I’ll go ask. But you are correct.
My most pressing questions are for you.”

“And I’ll answer any questions you have. Let’s have a seat,” Father said as he gestured over at the
various tables.

I walked to a table by a window and sat down. The ground was still covered in snow, and it even
looked cold outside. Today was cloudy and a bit dreary looking.

“Okay, I think my most pressing question is why are you here? Last I talked to you, the two of you
were traveling and were in Spain. What’s changed?”

Father looked surprised. And maybe I should have been a little more amicable, but I needed to
know what was going on.

“You just cut to the point, don’t you?”

I smiled. “You always said it was best to simply ask questions and that there was no point in
skirting around subjects.”

“True. Very well. The reason we’re here is simply that we hadn’t seen you in quite some time. Your
dad missed you and wanted to come visit.”

There was more to it. There had to have been. I’d lived here for almost half a century, and they’d
only visited three times. I’d always gone to Europe to see them.

“And?” I hedged.

“And what? That’s it. Imagine our surprise when we arrive that we discover you’re now mated.
Although, your dad was upset you hadn’t shared that news.” Father took a drink of his coffee and
looked pointedly at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

“We’d just claimed one another. And I was going to let you know. I just hadn’t gotten around to it.
Grant and his parents didn’t arrive until December twenty-fourth.”

“Yes, we know that now. And Enoch hasn’t said anything simply because he knows that now as
well. How are things going with you and Grant? Are you enjoying being mated?”
I smiled because I most definitely was enjoying having someone to share my life with. “Yes. Grant,
although unexpected, is most certainly a blessing. And I’m over the moon about the baby and
can’t wait to see if he’s more like me or Grant. His mother though…”

“Ahh, yes. Clara. She’s quite eccentric and can be a lot to take.”

I snorted. That was an understatement. “At the least. So why is it that you and Dad are suddenly
best friends with John and Clara?”

“What do you mean?” Father asked before taking another drink of coffee. I, on the other hand,
wasn’t really interested in coffee anymore and sat there slowly spinning my mug around.

“You go everywhere together it seems. You’re always eating with one another, and it’s a

“Balthazar,” Father said but stopped there. He and I simply sat there, staring at one another. “Let
me explain something, all right?”

I nodded.

“I find it quite comical that you and Clara don’t get along.”

I looked at Father in question.

“You don’t see it.” Father smiled and shook his head, further confusing me. “Clara, for all of her
quirkiness, is a lot like your dad. And Grant appears to be just like his mother.”

I looked at Father as if he’d lost his mind. He had. That must have been it.

“No, it’s true. Let me explain. You don’t remember Enoch when he and I first met. You wouldn’t
because you weren’t born yet. He was so much like Clara then.” Father sighed before he looked
out the window and stared off into the dim scenery.


“Your dad…over the centuries has toned down his personality a great deal in order to fit in with
your birth coven. Tell me, why did you leave?” Father asked as he met my gaze.

I leaned back in the chair, forgetting my coffee cup, and crossed my arms over my stomach. “I left
because Master Antonio wasn’t someone I could see myself remaining loyal to. I couldn’t
understand some of his reasoning and certainly didn’t support some of his decisions.”

“But you do Master Arthur?”

“Yes. And before him, Master Edison. When I found this coven, I had no idea that Master Edison
was the original warlock. It’s not something they advertise.”
“No, it wouldn’t be. And I happen to agree with your opinion on Master Antonio. It’s one of the
reasons why Enoch and I have traveled so much in recent years. I saw how your dad was around
him and those in his circle. Enoch became shuttered, and I didn’t like that.”

That was something I’d witnessed more than once, and ultimately one of the reasons I’d left.
Master Antonio had taken over the coven when his father had died, and he was…his ways were
drastically different than his father’s. I’d left within months of him becoming coven master.

“And now? Is Dad happier?”

“He’s been happier since we’ve been traveling. Sure, we’ve been to all the places already, but they
change so much over the decades.”

I smirked. That was true. And I couldn’t wait to take Grant to some of my favorite cities. At this
point, we were just waiting for our little one to arrive and get on a solid sleeping schedule.

“That still doesn’t tell me why you’ve joined this coven,” I said, getting back to my earlier question.

“Because you’re here. And the fact that you’re now mated is a bonus. Your dad and I, we would
love to be able to spend time with you and get to know Grant and the baby when he arrives. And
hopefully others. Will there be more children?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure. That decision will be entirely up to Grant. If he only wants one, then one
it is. If he wants seven, then that’s how many we’ll have. He’d not really understood mating in its
entirety and the fact that he’s carrying them, it was a shock. He’s come to terms with it now, and I
hope for more, but it’s his choice.” Because I truly would do whatever I could to make Grant
happy. I was already excited for our child and couldn’t wait to accept him into this world. If my
love wanted several more, then I’d gladly do everything I could to make that dream come true.

“As it should be. We strive to make our other half as happy as possible. Your dad and I wish we
could have had more children. It just wasn’t done in our coven back then with same-sex pairings.”

I understood that. I’d grown up around mostly single-children families, but we were still spaced
out in age. I thought back to Father’s earlier statement and wondered just how accurate it was. As
Grant’s One, I certainly saw things differently.

“Okay, so saying that Grant is a lot like his mother, that still doesn’t say why you and Dad are
suddenly best friends with his parents.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. We’re friendly with them for sure. It’s a priority for us to remain on good
terms with them. Despite her differences, Clara is going to be in our lives from here on out. You
and her son are mated. She’s going to be at gatherings, parties, and she’s going to be in your life. If
would make things easier if you and her just got along.”

I sighed because it was true. It wasn’t like I hadn’t tried though. “I have tried. And despite what
she says, I didn’t magic her. She was trying to keep Grant from me before we claimed each other. I
did use magic to remove her hand as she wouldn’t let him go. And then I teleported her back to
her own suite. But that’s the extent of what I’ve done to the woman.”
I thought about Grant and was thankful that he wasn’t upset with what I’d done. In fact, he’d
agreed that his mother was being overly aggressive in her insistence that he move into their suite.
Neither one of us could figure that out as of yet, and Grant had said that his dad hadn’t known. It
was news to him.

“You have to be careful with humans, son. They don’t always take kindly to magic being used
around them.”

I started to argue that Clara was mated to a warlock, but Father beat me to it. “She’s mated to
one, yes. And has been for almost a century. But that doesn’t mean that she still doesn’t feel less
than when around warlocks. You have to see it from her side. She’s fully human. She won’t ever be
able to do anything that we can. She’s never lived in a coven. There is a reason they came here,
but until they share exactly what that is, we have no way of knowing.”

I agreed. And Grant didn’t know exactly why his parents had chosen to join a coven other than his
father wanted to. He came along because he felt something told him he needed to. He’d since said
he believed that the fates were pushing him this way—to me.

“Maybe it’s as simple as the fates told them to?” I said, picking up my own cup of coffee and, after
reheating it, took a drink.

“I agree that all things happen for a reason. We wouldn’t believe in fated mates if that weren’t the

“Grant told me that he initially wasn’t going to come with his parents but that something told him
he needed to. We’ve talked about it a few times and both agree. It was the fates telling him he
needed to come here because I was here.”

“That’s a very real possibility. In fact, I’d say it’s most likely. You asked earlier why your dad and I
were here. We did want to visit you. But we also felt compelled to do so, which is why we came
without warning.”

“You’ve always been welcome, Father. I’ve never said don’t come.”

“I know that. But we didn’t want you to feel that we were moving in on your coven.”

I laughed at that because that’s exactly what they’d done. I didn’t mind though. I truly didn’t. I
wanted them to be in my life. In Grant’s and the baby’s lives. I wanted us to be a family, just not
live together in the same suite.

“So how are you going to fix things with Clara? You need to because if you don’t, it will cause
issues with your One down the road.”

I sighed because I knew he was right. I just didn’t know how to go about doing so. Clara didn’t like
me, and I couldn’t figure out a valid reason why.
“I’ll work on it. Maybe Grant has some insight for me. And if all else fails, I’ll ask John,” I told


“There you are. Everything sorted?” Dad asked after he appeared beside us.

“Everything’s perfect, Dad. And now that you’re here, I’m going to go see Grant’s new studio. I’d
love it if the two of you would join us for supper here in the dining hall,” I suggested.

“Oh, we’d love to spend more time with the two of you. How’s Grant feeling?” Dad asked. He
leaned against Father, who scooted back and pulled Dad onto his lap. That was something I’d not
seen before, but it made me smile.

“Grant is feeling great. He’s had no sickness, and he’s been full of energy. We’re both incredibly
excited about the baby.”

Dad sighed before he looked to Father with love and possibly a little bit of longing? I’d never really
thought about it, but I guess it wasn’t impossible for them to have more children, but would they
want to? Some spaced them incredibly far apart while others had them in close groups.

“Okay, you two enjoy making lovey eyes at one another. I’m going to go find my One and see if I
can’t talk him into a nap.”

“I thought you said he was feeling well?” Father asked.

“Don’t be obtuse. He’s not planning on actually sleeping, Leonardo,” Dad said before playfully
swatting at Father’s shoulder. I chuckled as realization hit. Yep, I had no intentions of actually
sleeping, but I had every intention of getting naked with my love.


“You ready?”I was feeling nervous, so I started rubbing my baby bump. That was something I’d
noticed I’d taken to doing. I was definitely showing. My stomach had a nice bump to it, and I was
loving it. And I was anxious to get to Constantine’s office for our ultrasound. I’d met him twice in
the two months I’d been at the coven, and he seemed nice enough, if not a bit stuffier than Bal.

“Love, we’re not scheduled to be there for two more hours,” Balthazar said and offered me a
loving smile. “How about a walk outside? Would that make you feel better?”

I glanced out the window. It was snowing again. “But it’s snowing.”

Balthazar smiled at me.

“Yes, but it’s only snow. And I’m sure Matthew would be all for joining us. He loves to make snow
angels and snowmen.”

I had to think about that. It was tempting but not what I was after just now, so I shook my head.
“How about we go to the atrium? We can sit and relax there?” I suggested. I loved Patrick’s
atrium, and the fact that it was open to everyone in the coven at all times made it more amazing.
He wasn’t secretive or possessive about his space, and that was a bonus.

“All right,” Balthazar said, and I mentally did a fist stab in the air. “You know, if you wanted out of
the suite, you could have left at any time,” Balthazar said as we walked to the door.

“Yes, but you’re here.” I looked at the warlock as if he weren’t making sense because to me he
wasn’t. He was here. I wasn’t going to leave because I was spending time with him.

“True. But what do you do when I’m not here?”

“I go to my studio and work. That reminds me, I need to check on a painting. It should be dry, and I
need to get it crated up so I can ship it out next week.”

We’d reached the top of the stairs, and I was thankful that I had just a tiny bump and could still
see my feet. It helped that I was tall as well. I was six two, two inches shorter than Balthazar, but
my height was going to help with how I carried our children. I wouldn’t show nearly as much as
someone who was say…Matthew’s size.

I’d seen a few pictures of the little fae when he was pregnant, and although he was still absolutely
adorable, I felt bad for him. He looked miserable, and I’d heard that he’d had a difficult pregnancy
from the start and pretty much all the way through. Luckily for us, our pregnancies were only four
and a half months long. Half of that of humans.

“I lost you,” Balthazar said. I looked over at him and noticed we were at the top of the stairs.

“Huh? Oh, I was thinking about Matthew and how he went into labor right here.”
“You have plenty of time, love. Two months left to go, and I’m hoping you don’t go into labor in
the same spot.”

“You and me both.”

“Shall we?” Balthazar asked, holding his hand out, palm up. I placed mine in his, and we walked
down the stairs together. We chatted about the new suite and how we wanted to rearrange the
furniture in order to set up a space for the baby. When we reached the bottom of the stairs,
Balthazar turned left to take us through the kitchen and into the back of the house where the
atrium was.

“Oh perfect timing. I was just about to message you,” Master Arthur said as we entered the
kitchen. He had a cart full of cups as well as drinks and what looked like snack foods.

“Here we are. Did you need help, Master Arthur?” Balthazar asked, a confused look on his face.

“Master Arthur? Why are you using a cart?” I asked.

“Because we have it, and Grantham complains that we’re all getting lazy in our ability to do things
without magic,” Arthur said, sending a look to the coven chef.

“Hey, if the shoe fits. But really, everyone should work on being a bit more practical instead of so
reliant on their magic. What if something were to happen—fates forbid—and the use of magic
wasn’t an option anymore?”

I had to agree with that. But then again, I was a warlock that didn’t have the use of his powers.
And poor Matthew, he’d not used his powers while pregnant because it was a common thing for
fae to have powers go haywire while pregnant.

“Yes, well, if it comes to that, we’ll all suffer. Luckily for us, though, we won’t starve as you’re here
and you know how to cook. Thanks for the refreshments and snacks, Grantham,” Arthur said. He
looked at us and jerked his head to the back of the house, so Bal and I followed our coven master,
who appeared to be headed to where we were going anyway. When we arrived in the atrium, I
was surprised to see not only Patrick, but Master Edison and Wallace as well.

“You okay, love?”

“Fine. I didn’t know Master Edison was back.”

“He pops in every so often, but as there are no young grandchildren or great-grandchildren here,
he spends most of his time in Montana with them.”

I nodded at that. It made sense. When Patrick smiled at our approach, I let go of Bal’s hand when
Patrick reached for me.

“How are you doing? You’re feeling good?”

“I am, yes. I can feel the baby moving around, but other than that, I feel great.”

Patrick sighed. “Those pregnancies are the best. They were always hit or miss for me. I was either
really sick or, like you, not an issue in sight. Come, we wanted to talk to you and Balthazar.” Patrick
pulled me along with him, letting go of my arm when we reached the plush couches. I often found
myself out here sitting in them, talking to Patrick instead of painting like I should be. And I was
behind on a sculpture, but I simply wasn’t feeling it at the moment, so I was putting it off until

“Grant, it’s good to see you again. You as well, Balthazar,” Master Edison said.

“Thank you. You as well, Master Edison, Wallace,” Bal said but looked at them, confused. I felt the
same way. Was something wrong and they were going to give us bad news? What was this about?

“It’s not bad news,” Master Edison said as if he was able to read my thoughts. Maybe he could? I
wasn’t sure what all he could and couldn’t do. “You had a worried look on your face. We’re just
waiting for Constantine, and then we’ll discuss some things.”

I reached for Bal’s hand, needing that connection with him. I smiled when he brought his right
hand up to my face and ran a finger gently down my cheek before leaning in and giving me a soft
kiss. “Everything will be all right,” Bal whispered to me. I gave him a small nod, letting him know I
believed what he was saying. I had to believe that Master Edison wouldn’t lie to us and that things
were going to be okay.

When Constantine came striding in, his long legs eating up the distance between the French doors
and where we were, I felt both relief as well as trepidation.

“Okay, I’m ready. I was looking over the notes you’d given me, and I believe I can make the best
medical suggestion in this case.”

And that right there did nothing to calm my fears. Something was wrong. Something with the
baby? But how? Sure we were warlocks who could not only sense the baby’s aura already but hear
the heartbeat as well. But were we missing something?

“That didn’t help calm him at all,” Wallace said. I looked to the tiger shifter and wondered if he
knew that from my scent or the rise in my heartbeat?

“Let’s get to it, then, because we’re doing nothing to calm his fears,” Edison said. “When you
joined the coven, Patrick and then Arthur both noticed something different about you when they
touched you while shaking your hand.”

“Yes.” I remembered that vividly because Patrick actually gasped while Arthur was able to hide his

“I could tell there was something not quite right when I first met you, but I didn’t know exactly
what it was. And I apologize for not getting back sooner. I had questions that needed answered,
and the only one who could give answers is on her own timeline.”
I was trying to understand but didn’t have quite enough information yet.

“You’ve never had full use of your powers, correct? They feel just out of reach?”

“Yes,” I whispered because that’s exactly how it felt. It was frustrating, and no matter how hard I
tried to let my magic out, I couldn’t. I’d only ever been able to do very little things—like move
items—every so often. And the few times I’d ever tried to teleport somewhere else were scary. So
much so, I gave up. It was simply easier and less frustrating than continued failure.

“Grant, I had to ask to be sure, but as I suspected, your magic was bound inside you when you
were a baby,” Edison told me.

“What?” Balthazar asked as I just sat there. Was that possible? What did that even mean?

“Are you okay?” Constantine asked, suddenly beside me. I turned toward the sound of his voice
and stared. I slowly nodded but then changed my mind and shook my head.

“I could detect that your magic was bound inside you when I met you. That’s why you can feel it
but not use it.”


“That’s what took so long, and I do apologize. I had to ask, and the only person I could think of to
go to was the goddess that created me.” Edison smiled before he rolled his eyes, and that was
something I didn’t expect to ever see someone such as him do.

“The goddess?” Balthazar asked, just as shocked as I was.

“Yes. She’s on her own timeline, and I can only ask for her and wait. She arrives whenever she sees

“Is he actually saying he talks to a goddess? And that she created him?”I asked Balthazar.

“I believe so, yes.”

Okay then. That was interesting. Since having joined the coven, I’d learned that Edison was the
original warlock, but I’d never really thought about how he became such.

“Okay, so you talked to a goddess and she told you Grant’s magic was bound inside him?” Bal
asked. I leaned into his side, needing his comfort.

“What does that mean? Can we undo it?” I asked, finally finding my own voice.

“We can, yes. And I know how to do it. But there is a risk, both to you and your unborn child,”
Edison told us.

“What?” I asked quietly the same time Balthazar yelled, “Absolutely not.”
“Shh. Let me explain, please.”

When Balthazar and I both calmed, and after he’d pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly
around me, he finally gave Edison a nod.

“There is no danger in unbinding the magic. But Grant will essentially be a novice. He’ll be no
better in controlling his powers than a teenager is. And with him being pregnant, those powers
will be amplified.”

Balthazar let out a deep breath and sat back, leaning against the couch.

“What does that mean? I don’t understand,” I said, looking first to Edison, then to Balthazar.

“You won’t have control of your powers, love. It can and often takes warlocks to the half-century
mark to begin mastering their powers. And when warlocks are pregnant, their powers are usually
stronger because of the baby.”

“So what? I’ll hurt the baby somehow?” I asked as I looked around the room at the others. Did
they think I would hurt our baby? “Wait. How did this happen? How do powers get bound?”

“It’s done by someone who doesn’t want one to have use of powers. It must be done by another
that is a magic wielder,” Edison said.

“So another warlock?” I asked.

“Or a witch or fae. Demons could do it as well, but there aren’t any in this realm. They can mate
with humans or shifters, but their mate would go back with them to their realm. They cannot
survive here for extended periods of time.”

“Okay, but do you know who did this to me?” I pushed on Bal’s hands, freeing myself. When he let
go, I slid to the couch beside him again. I felt the need to sit facing Edison head-on, not looking at
him from the side.

“It was Master Dorian.”

That name meant nothing to me, and I shook my head, not understanding the significance.

“He was the coven master of your grandfather’s coven. The one your father was born into,” Edison
said. I looked at the others in the room, not understanding why the man would do such a thing.

“Why? I’d done nothing to him. It was my understanding that we didn’t even live in the coven
when I was born. My grandparents and parents had already been kicked out.”

“I’m sorry. I cannot answer that question. It could have been greed, jealousy, revenge. I’m not
sure. The goddess didn’t stick around long to answer many questions. Since Dorian has passed on,
we can’t ask him.”
I flopped back onto the couch and placed a protective hand on my stomach. “We can fix it
though?” I asked.

“Yes, but it is my recommendation that we wait until after the baby is born. We have no idea what
will happen,” Constantine said from beside me. I looked at the coven doctor and glared.

“You only say that because it’s not you who’s been robbed of your powers your entire life,” I

“You’re right. I haven’t. But you must understand that warlocks slowly come into their powers
over time. We have no way of knowing how yours will return. If you suddenly have the full powers
of a century-old warlock but have no clue as to how to control them, you could be a threat to not
only your unborn child, but yourself or Balthazar as well.”

I wanted to argue. I’d even opened my mouth to reply to the doctor, but I couldn’t. He was right.
He made an exceptionally valid point.

“My father and grandfather aren’t nearly as powerful as some of the warlocks in the coven,” I said

“No, but you are mated to Balthazar, and he is from an old line. When you two claimed one
another, your powers meshed and you would have become more powerful.”

“I don’t understand. I don’t have powers. And if that’s the case, why hasn’t Balthazar lost ability?”

“You do have magic. You simply cannot access it. That doesn’t change who you are or what your
family line is.”

“So you unbind it and then what?” I looked to Balthazar while waiting for an answer.

“We can’t be certain. You’ve never used magic before. I’ve heard you can move things every so
often, but that’s basically the extent. Even that shouldn’t be possible with magic that’s bound.”

I shrugged. “I have to concentrate really hard. And it only works if I don’t try for several days.”

“Then I must insist on waiting until after the baby is born,” Constantine said.

When I went to stand up, I suddenly found myself in Balthazar’s lap again, his arms wrapped
tightly around me.

“Just listen, love,” Bal said close to my ear before he feathered a kiss below it.

“Your powers are bound, and yet you can focus on them. You can store them up and use them just
a tiny bit. That sounds like a powerful warlock. I’ve only met John once or twice, and he doesn’t
seem that powerful though.”

“Is that because my grandmother is human?” I asked.

“It’s possible, but it shouldn’t have mattered. It could just be that because John wasn’t around a
coven for several centuries, he’s lost some of his ability,” Edison said.

I was overwhelmed. I didn’t know what to do, and I looked to Master Arthur and Patrick, who had
sat there the entire time, listening. “Master Arthur?” His brown eyes met mine, as did Patrick’s
green ones.

“Yes, Grant?”

“I don’t want to cause issues or hurt anyone. And I’m not sure how this is done.” I blindly reached
for Balthazar’s hand, needing that connection with him now more than ever. Could I have my
powers back?

“I know it’s not what you want to hear, but I too recommend waiting until after the baby is born.
When I was pregnant with each of ours, my magic was crazy strong. Yes, part of that is because of
Arthur. But I can speak firsthand as to how much the magic amplifies while pregnant,” Patrick said.

“As can I. I have to agree with Constantine. It would be best to wait two more months until after
you have the baby,” Edison told me.

“All right. But then what?”

“Then we teach you how to use your powers. Every one of us in this room will help,” Arthur said.

I looked over at Balthazar. “What do you think?”

“Master Edison has never led us wrong. I just want what’s best for you and our baby. If that’s
waiting a couple more months, then that’s what I’d say choose.”

I thought about it for a few moments, and in the end, it came down to the baby. I didn’t want
anything to happen to him. Or Balthazar. I wouldn’t recover if I’d hurt one of them, even

“Okay. We’ll wait, then. The baby is due in April. So I assume we should wait a little while after?”

“I’ll be here for the birth, and we can see what’s what then. Sound good?” Edison asked.

I nodded. I had so much to think about. I might be able to have powers. It was possible that I
wouldn’t feel like I was defective. And honestly, that terrified me as well.


I wasn’tsure how to do more for Grant than I already was. After we’d gotten the news from
Master Edison, we’d agreed that neither of us were up for the ultrasound with Constantine, so we
came back to our suite, and once we were in comfortable sweats and T-shirts, we cuddled up in
our bed. That was a couple of hours ago, and we were still lying in our bed, Grant’s back to my

“What about Elijah?” Grant asked. He held his hand out, and I watched as he spelled the name in
the air with his finger. I reached out and placed my hand over his and watched as his finger left a
glowing light in the air.

“Elijah Alvarez?”

“Okay, maybe not. Hmm, maybe something different.”

“Mason?” I suggested. It was a name that I knew he had been thinking about but for some reason
wouldn’t ever suggest.

“Hmm. Mason Alvarez. I like that. What do you think?” Grant asked. He rolled onto his back,
staying in my arms.

“I think that I want you to be happy, and I like the name just fine. Or did you want to use your last
name? I didn’t even think about that. Elijah Tyler sounds nice,” I said.

Grant shook his head. “No. I like Mason Alvarez. And I was thinking…” Grant reached up and ran a
finger down my cheek, rubbing over the stubble.

“What were you thinking, love?”

“That I love you,” Grant said, and my heart hurt for him. We’d not said those words out loud. We’d
both thought them, even if only subconsciously. But now I was kicking myself for not saying it

“I love you too. More than anything. I hope you know that.” I leaned in and pressed my lips to
Grant’s. After a few seconds, I pulled back and he sighed, causing me to smile.

“I know. I have for some time, and I’ve wanted to tell you for a while, but I’ve been too
overwhelmed with everything else going on, and it just never seemed like the right time.”

I gave Grant another gentle kiss before I ran my fingers through his hair, wrapping my hand
around the back of his neck and gently massaging it, getting the moan from him I was going for.
“You never need regret not saying it sooner. I knew, just as you did. But I too didn’t want to add to
your stress, and now I feel as if I should have told you anyway. Perhaps it would have helped you
feel more grounded, more secure in things.”
“What’s done is done. Feel free to tell me as often as you want from here on out,” Grant said
before he pushed on my shoulder. I went onto my back easily, and when Grant crawled on top of
me, I sighed as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

“So I’ve heard that you’re this powerful warlock and stuff,” Grant said before he leaned down
toward me. I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he went for my neck. I gladly turned my
head, giving him as much room as possible, and when he nibbled on the tendon on the side of my
neck, I moaned. “Love that sound.”

We both did. I loved to hear it from him and he from me. Grant leaned to the side and ran his
hand down my body, stopping at the waistband of my sweats. I raised an eyebrow in question but
didn’t need to ask what his intent was because he quickly pushed the front of my sweats down
before running a finger gently up my soft cock.

“You have something in mind, love?”

“Mmm, I do. If you’re still willing, I’d like to make love to you. Before I can’t.”

“You always can, so why would you say that?”

Grant pushed up a bit and looked down his body before returning his gaze to mine. “Because even
though I’m tall, I’d think that eventually my stomach is going to get in the way and I won’t be able

Realization hit. “Oh. Well, I’m sure there are ways. But if you want, you’re more than welcome to
make love to me. I’m more than willing.”

Grant’s smile made my nervousness calm. It had been a very long time since I’d been on the
receiving end of things, but I knew that Grant was well practiced at what we were about to do and
that he would make my body sing. I just had to trust in my One, and I did. With my entire being.

“You’re sure?”

“Absolutely.” With a thought, I had us both naked and the lube was beside me on the bed.

“That is so damn convenient,” Grant said as he got up on his knees. “Roll over.”

I did as instructed and rolled to my stomach. When Grant pushed a knee between my legs, I
opened them, allowing him the room he desired. Grant settled between my legs, and I expected
him to reached for the lube, but instead I felt warm, wet lips on the small of my back, causing me
to flinch at the unexpected sensation.

“You okay?” Grant asked.

“Yeah. Wasn’t expecting that, but I’m certainly not complaining.”

I sighed as Grant trailed gentle kisses up my spine. When he reached my neck, he gently lay on top
of me, his small bump nestled in the curve of my lower back. I felt his cock bump against my balls,
and I moaned. That was certainly something I’d not ever considered, but I was getting ideas to
save for later.

While Grant kissed my neck, he pushed his hips down into me, giving me just a bit of pressure and
stimulation but not enough to do more than turn me on.

“Your back is so amazing,” Grant said as he kissed his way down my spine. “But not nearly as
magnificent as your ass. I’ve been dreaming about you like this,” Grant said.

“You mean mister total bottom now?”

“Yep. I never thought I’d love receiving, but I can’t get enough of you. But this,” Grant said as he
tugged on my hips. I lifted my ass and got my knees under me, completely exposing myself to my
One. “This I’ve been dreaming about doing.”

I wasn’t quite sure what Grant was meaning until I felt him grab my ass and pull my cheeks apart.
When he gently blew across my opening, I sucked in a breath which turned to a moan with the
first swipe of his tongue. I’d done this to Grant—I couldn’t not taste all of him—but never
expected this in return.

“Oh fudge…” I groaned out when his tongue pushed against my hole. I was so sensitive there, and
the fact that Grant was the one doing it made my eyes close and my body turn to liquid.

“You okay?” Grant asked.

“Don’t stop,” I whined into the pillow. Grant chuckled before he blew on my now wet ass, and the
sensation caused me to shiver. I was a goner, and I already knew it. I felt Grant’s tongue probe at
my entrance, and I relaxed as best as I could. When I felt gentle suction, I reached for my cock and
moaned when I wrapped a hand around it.

“You may play, but no coming until I’m buried in you.”

I groaned at Grant’s rule but agreed just the same. “Fine. But you’d better get on with it, then,” I
told him. Whereas his mouth and tongue were busy lavishing attention to my opening, mine was
not otherwise occupied and I vocally let Grant know just how wonderful his ministrations felt.

When a finger entered along with his tongue, I pushed my ass back, hoping to get it farther inside.
I’d never felt like this, never felt so needy before.

“More,” I moaned.

“In a bit. You’re tight, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

That was frustrating to me, and I willed my body to relax and open up to Grant. I wanted him
buried inside me months ago, but I could be a bit more patient.
One finger became two, and when he finally gently stroked them over my prostate, I saw spots
and stopped stroking my dick. Instead I squeezed it at the base, trying to keep myself from

“Fa…mmm. Love, gonna come if you don’t hurry,” I warned. Grant chuckled.

“You’ll come either way. Just a bit longer. One more finger,”Grant told me through our bond just
as a third finger entered my body and I really felt the sting.

“Fuck! Shit!” I shouted and pulled forward and out of his grasp.

“You okay?” Grant asked, suddenly crawling up my body that was once again lying flat on the bed,
my orgasm that was so close now a thing of the past.

“Okay, yes. Go slow. I agree.”

“Bal? Have you ever done this before?”

“Yes, but it’s been decades. I’ve not even played with toys much.”

“How is that possible? You and I totally got our freak on while I was having my fertile period.”
Grant sat up, and I turned my upper body. When he lifted a leg, I completely rolled so I could look
at him.

“Yes, but those were things that you wanted to do. Trust me, I had no issues fucking your mouth
while you thrust back onto a dildo suctioned to the wall.”

Grant groaned.

“Nor sliding into your warm, slick hole alongside that same dildo.”

Grant whimpered. “I need that again.”

“Mmm. You’ll get that again. Lie down,” I told him. Grant scrambled to lie on his back on the bed.
He had no idea what exactly I had planned, but I was sure we were both going to enjoy it very

With a thought, I held what had become Grant’s favorite dildo. It was an exact copy of my own
cock, and after I sucked on it a few times—causing him to growl—I gently rubbed it at his very slick
opening. When I pushed forward, it easily slipped in, causing Grant to moan.


I smiled at him, relishing in the fact that I brought him such pleasure. Once the dildo was in place, I
slicked up my fingers with lube, and after a few swipes on his cock, I then reached around behind
me. With a little bit of magic, I moved the dildo in and out of Grant slow enough to keep him
occupied, but not fast enough for him to come. It worked because he moaned and pushed his
head back into the pillow below him.
Once I’d gotten three well-lubed fingers in me and they moved in and out without discomfort, I
climbed on top of Grant’s hips and pulled his leaking cock upright. That got his attention, and he
gave me a questioning look.

“What—” Grant’s eyes widened as I positioned his cock at my hole and slowly applied pressure
until the head popped through. Already I felt full and it was only just the head of his cock. I stared
at Grant as I slowly sunk down, moving just enough to inch by glorious inch accept Grant’s cock
into my body finally.

“Holy shit, I’m going to come. It’s too much,” Grant said, and before I could respond, I felt a
sudden gush of warmth inside my channel, bringing a huge smile to my face. I didn’t care. We
were fated for one another, and we could and would always be able to go multiple rounds with
each other.

Grant’s cum added more lube to my channel, and I sunk the rest of the way down onto his cock
while he was still spurting inside me.

“How? Ungh,” Grant groaned and suddenly pushed upward, pulling a gasp from me.

“Fuck!” I said and grabbed my cock and started stoking frantically while Grant pushed up into my
body over and over. He looked amazing with his cheeks and neck flushed red.

“You feel so damn amazing.” Grant panted, and when he fell to the bed and didn’t push up again, I
sunk down and started rolling my hips back and forth above him. The angle had the head of his
cock rubbing against my prostate perfectly, and I gasped before I started moving faster.

Not needing the extra stimulation, I let go of my own cock and grabbed my thighs for support and
really started rolling against him. The swell of Grant’s stomach pushed on my balls, and after only
a minute or two, I felt my balls pull up even tighter before they tingled, signaling my own release.

“Ungh!” I groaned out loud and long as my cock swelled and then cum burst from the end of it,
painting Grant’s stomach. The second burst had enough momentum to hit him on the chin, and I
grinned about the prospect of licking that off him.

My hips slowed, and I thought enough to stop the dildo from moving in and out of Grant’s hole
before I sat there, panting. Only when I looked at Grant, and when I searched through our bond, I
realized that he needed to come again, so I pulled up, dislodging his cock from my hole, and I
smiled when I felt Grant’s cum start dripping from me. That was something I’d not felt in quite
some time but wanted to regularly with him.

I moved between his legs and pulled the dildo out, replacing it with my own cock in one smooth

“Please. Need you so much.”

“You never need to beg, love. I’ll always give you what you need,” I said as I started thrusting my
hips back and forth, pushing my cock in and out of Grant’s body. I held on to his right leg with my
left arm and wrapped my right hand around his cock, stroking it in rhythm to my thrusts. It only
took a minute for Grant’s body to clamp down on my cock, massaging it as he shouted and more
cum spurted from his cock and onto his stomach and chest.

When he started whimpering—and not in a good way—I stopped my thrusts and let go of his cock.
I smiled at the blissed-out look on Grant’s face, and it took only a quick peek at him through our
bond for me to realize that he’d dozed off. I’d worn my love out, and that made me happy.

He was perfectly content and completely relaxed, letting me know that he was fine. I checked in
on the aura of our son, and he too was okay. He’d not been disturbed during our lovemaking.

Since Grant was dozing, I chose to use magic to clean our combined releases from his body before
I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to clean myself. Deciding a shower was probably
the best course of action, I turned the water on, and when steam started billowing over the top, I
climbed in and under the spray.

I had already cleaned and was rinsing myself when I felt Grant wake up from his quick nap, and
moments later, the cool breeze of him opening the shower door let me know he was joining me.

“You should have woken me.”

“Mmm, I wanted you to sleep. You were completely relaxed, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

Grant’s arms wrapped around my chest from behind, and I grabbed ahold of his hands, keeping
him in place, before I spun us, placing him in the water. I was going to show him again just how
much I loved him.


“You ready?”

I looked at Constantine and nodded. We were in what was considered his offices, and I was lying
on the exam table, my stomach showing and the clear blue gel smeared all over it. It was quickly
cooling, and I shivered at the sensation.

“Are you cold?” Bal asked.

“Not really. I got a chill from the gel though. I’m okay,” I told Balthazar. I leaned toward him,
hoping for a kiss, and he didn’t disappoint.

We both looked toward Constantine, and I had to wonder just how old he was. I’d not met many
warlocks, but Constantine was one that had silver hair at his temples as well as threaded
throughout the rest. Most warlocks didn’t age past their early thirties. But the doctor looked to be
well into what humans would consider their late forties.

“Okay, if you’re ready,” Constantine said.

I nodded, and Bal said yes. We were. We’d both been able to sense the baby, Bal more easily than
I could, but I could still sense the little tyke.

Constantine pushed several keys on the keyboard and then brought the wand to my stomach,
placing it low and on my right side. Immediately the room was filled with the swish swishing of
little Mason’s heartbeat, bringing a smile to my face that I couldn’t control even if I wanted to.

“There he is. That’s your baby’s heartbeat. It sounds really good.” Constantine smiled at us before
he looked back at the monitor. He moved the wand to the center of my stomach, angled it upward
toward my sternum, and then the heartbeat became louder.

After pushing a few more keys on his keyboard, Constantine turned the monitor and showed us
our first images of the baby.

“It’s not as perfect as holding him in your arms, but I do have a nice 4D ultrasound machine, and
I’d say you two will have to wait until he’s born to see who he most resembles.”

I gasped when I saw the image on the monitor. There he was. That was our baby. We’d done that.
We’d created a life together. I lay there, not really hearing what Constantine was saying but never
taking my eyes off the screen. I watched as he looked at the baby from one side, then the other,
and measure the head, arms, legs, and torso. I was fascinated by the images on the screen, and it
took Balthazar chuckling and giving my shoulder a gentle shake for me to come out of my zone
and look at the other two in the room.

“I guess that gives me an answer as to whether or not he’s excited about the baby,” Constantine
“Yes. We’re both incredibly happy and can’t wait to meet him.”

“That’s always good to hear. I estimate you’re due around April fourteenth. Give or take. Early
usually seems to be the case, so expect him anytime after the seventh.”

Wow. Anytime after the seventh. That meant we had just over six weeks left. It wasn’t like we
couldn’t be ready for the baby in an instant, I just hadn’t decided on what I wanted as a theme for
the nursery. Balthazar wasn’t much help as he deferred to me and said I could choose whichever I

Constantine wiped off my stomach, pulled my sweats up a bit, and reached for my shirt, but I beat
him to it and tugged it down. It was cool in the room, and I was getting chilled again.

Balthazar helped me sit up, and by the time I was upright, Constantine was holding out a long strip
of paper. When I took it from him, I saw that it was a strip of ultrasound pictures.

“Thank you. I’ll have to frame one of these and put it in our suite.”

“You’re welcome. I believe Matthew did the same.”

The mention of the little fae brought a smile to my face. Matthew was adorable and a complete
sweetheart. I couldn’t wait to show him the pictures, showing off our baby. That reminded me
that we would need to see about something with our parents soon too because we couldn’t go on
like we were. Mom had become indifferent instead of aggressive, and it needed to stop. This was
home for all of us, and we needed to get along.

I glanced at Bal, knowing he’d already apologized to Mom, but yet she was holding a grudge.
Perhaps it was time to call my grandparents and get them involved. They adored Mom and she
them. Maybe they could talk some sense into her since it was obvious that Dad couldn’t, and
neither could I so far.

“Okay, so here’s the general rundown. Sex is a go until it’s uncomfortable or hurts.” Constantine
held up a finger, looking at both Bal and me. I nodded. “If you have sharp cramps or start leaking
fluids that you feel you shouldn’t, get here immediately.” Constantine held up a second finger,
then a third. “You have my cell number. Call anytime, day or night.”

“We can do that,” Balthazar said, and I nodded again before my gaze returned to the images of
our baby. I couldn’t wait to meet him.

“Good. Now, you’re coming into the home stretch. Take naps if you’re tired. Eat smaller meals if
you get heartburn. Watch for swelling, and you’re going to suddenly pop here in just a few weeks
at most.”

“Really?” I asked. That grabbed my attention. I’d figured I wouldn’t show too terribly much.

“Yes. You’re tall, but you’re also slender, and the baby measures on the larger size. You need to be
sure to dress in comfortable clothes.”
That wouldn’t be a problem because I already did. I’d started wearing my sweats more days than
not, and the shirts of mine that had become snug were moved to the back of the closet. If I
wanted something bigger, I grabbed one of Bal’s older T-shirts. They were comfortable, and I loved
how they felt against my skin.

“Will do. Sweats are my friend. I even have some elastic-waist cargo pants that are a lot like
pajama pants.”

That had Constantine chuckling. “Whatever works. I want to see you back in two weeks, earlier if
you feel you need to. And of course you can always just stop by. You’re the only pregnant warlock
in the coven right now. Although I have some babies and kids for checkups here and there.”

And that right there told me that we needed more activity in this place—not that I didn’t already
know that. Because I did. We needed to figure out how to get more people in it, how to find more
mates. Ollie and Mason would be close enough in age that they’d grow up together. But would it
be just the two of them?

I glanced at Bal and wondered if he would want more children and how soon? Of course, I hadn’t
had this one yet, and like Matthew, it was possible I’d completely change my mind by the time the
baby was here. One never could tell.

“Very good. Now, I’ll see you when?” Constantine asked.

“Two weeks,” I replied as I slid off the exam table.

“Yes. Unless…?”

“Pain, fluids, just feel completely wonk.”

“Wonk?” Bal asked.

“Yep. Just off.”

“It’s a good description. Now, you two go have fun. Enjoy your last few weeks of sleep and eating
without being interrupted.”

Constantine sighed, and I wondered again how old he was. He wasn’t mated, and I was curious if
he wanted one. He seemed quite proper, and I figured he needed someone who was his complete
opposite, only I kept imagining him with someone just as prim as he was—and that caused me to

“Good. Have a great afternoon, you two,” Constantine said as Balthazar led me out of the room.

“Where to next?” Bal asked.

“Our suite? I wanted to look at nursery ideas again. It seems so much more real now, you know?” I
said as I glanced again at the strip of images that showed Mason’s button nose and chubby cheeks.
He was so adorable, and I longed to hold him in my arms so I could simply stare at him in wonder.

“Then to our suite—” Balthazar instantly had us in our living room. “—we go.”

I sighed. I hoped to be able to do that soon. Just a couple more months and I’d hopefully have my
powers unbound and I’d get to start mastering them. I could hardly wait. Until then, Balthazar was
more than willing to do things like that for me, and he’d been nothing but supportive and

“So, nursery themes,” Balthazar said.

Yes, nursery themes indeed. I smiled and walked over to the table where we had a tablet stored.
After I picked it up, I looked over my shoulder at Bal and winked before I moved to the couch to
get comfortable. It was time to discuss what we wanted and how we wanted to decorate. Simple?
Bright? Muted? Forest scene? Seaside? The possibilities were endless. Especially when you were a
warlock. Even if my magic couldn’t be used just yet.

“You’re quiet,” Bal said as he joined me.

I smiled at him before I leaned in and gave him the best hug I could while we were both sitting. It
was a bit awkward, but I got it done. “I’m a bit in awe really,” I said and held up the pictures. “This
is our baby. Ours. We did this.”

“We did indeed. I take it that’s still sinking in a bit?” Bal smiled as he wrapped an arm around my
shoulders, pulling me into his side.

“I guess. I mean, I’ve been feeling him move inside me for a while now. And although I couldn’t
sense his aura as quickly as you could, I still knew. But now, seeing him, it’s different. It seems
more real.”

“It’s real, love. He’s real. And we’re almost ready for him.”

“We are. Now to decide on which theme for the nursery.” I set the pictures aside on the table and
woke up the tablet. I had several ideas saved to a board, so I went there and opened the nursery
themes board I had.

“You’ve given this some thought.”

“I have. My muse hasn’t been overly active lately in terms of doing things productive that people
want to buy. All I really want to paint and sculpt is the winter scenes outside.” I sighed, thinking
about how productive I used to be. Of course, that was before I had someone in my life. Balthazar
was so much more important than any painting or sculpture, and I felt truly blessed to have been
gifted him as a One.

“Do we need a trip to the seaside? We can take a camera and maybe get you some inspiration.”
That was a thought. I’d always just sat in front of the actual ocean before. I’d never needed
pictures to look back on as reference.

“That might not be a bad idea.”

“And have you thought about looking for a place to consign your work here? You’d said before
that the beach scenes sold so well because the majority of the people purchasing them were
putting them in their beach houses, which all had that vibe.”

“Yeah. It’s out of place to have a deep, rich fall color palette in a beach house. They’re all light and
airy muted tones.” I flipped to the beach-theme nursery images to show Balthazar. True, these
were nursery pictures for a baby, but it was the same concept.

“Oh that’s cute. Look at that little lighthouse-shaped bookcase. Love, why are you undecided
about the nursery theme? This is adorable.”

It was. “It doesn’t fit in here. There’s no ocean near us.”

“Does that matter? This is our house, and we can decorate it however we wish. If you want a
seaside-themed nursery, then that’s what we’ll have. Personally, I think it’s adorable and feel it’s
important that Mason is surrounded by something that reminds you of home.”

Florida and then South Carolina were my only two homes, and both places we lived on the beach.
And now Massachusetts, where the ocean was almost a two-hour drive. Sure, Balthazar could
have us there instantly, but the ocean was just different up here. It was cold and dark, whereas it
was bright and sunny in the south.

“It is a cute idea for the nursery. But what about you? We could do a theme from your homeland.”

Balthazar snorted. “We could if you wanted really bright, bold colors in the room. And maybe
some intricate tiles as trim. And maybe some bulls or matadors?”

I winced because that didn’t sound appealing to me. “Okay, so either you’re just saying that to get
me to agree with the lighthouse theme or…”

“There isn’t much I can think about that would work. Trust me, Spain is a beautiful country, and
the architecture is certainly something to appreciate, I’m just drawing a blank when it comes to
something that would be cute and work for a nursery theme.”

I hedged about it because I truly wanted the seaside theme. We could paint a lighthouse on the
wall and have an actual light affixed at the top. I’d found rugs that would be soft and plush to play
on when he was older. And I could work some of the sand, shells, and driftwood I’d brought with
me into the decor.

“Are you sure? I mean absolutely sure? I have so many ideas about this theme, but it just felt out
of place here.”
“Love, I’m positive. It’s really cute, and that bookcase could hold all of his books we’ll read to him
on the top shelves and some of his blocks and toys on the bottom. And there’s a cute treasure
chest–styled toy box for when he’s a little older.”

I wanted to, so I bit my lip and nodded. We had a theme.

“Great. Let’s go,” Balthazar said and immediately jumped up from the couch. I fell to the side
when he was gone as I’d been leaning against him. I laughed, and he gasped in shock. “Shoot. Are
you okay?”

“Fine. Help me up and we’ll go decorate. Well, you will as I can’t use my powers yet.” I held out a
hand to Bal, and he tugged, pulling me up and off the couch. When I was standing next to him, I
leaned in and kissed him before I took a step back and reached for the tablet that was on the

“You’ll have use of your powers soon enough,” Bal said with certainty.

I wanted to believe him. And I had no doubt that Master Edison could unbind my powers. But
what worried me was the fact that once that was complete, we had no clue what we’d be facing.
Would I have full powers that I couldn’t control? Would they slowly manifest like they did with
younger warlocks? Would I unintentionally hurt Balthazar or Mason? I placed a hand on my
stomach and sighed when Bal wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him.

“It’ll be okay. Trust in Master Edison if nobody else. He’s the most powerful warlock. He won’t
allow you to hurt anyone.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. Bal was right. I was worrying over things I had no control over and
didn’t yet know what we’d be facing.

“Okay. Now, let’s see about the nursery,” I said cheerfully and lifted the tablet I’d brought along to
show him ideas and suggestions. It was time to have some fun.


To sayI was apprehensive would be an understatement. We were about to have supper with all
four of our parents. And actually, I wasn’t at all worried about having mine over. Neither was
Grant. They’d been by several times now and had even had a couple of meals with us. My dads
adored Grant and made a huge effort to let both of us know.

But Clara, we were still trying to get through to her. Still trying to figure out why it was that she
was still holding a grudge. I was going to apologize once more, but if that wasn’t good enough, I
was going to say something because her attitude toward me was hurting Grant, and that was

“You do realize I’m not the greatest cook, right?” Grant said, coming up behind me.

“Yes. What about it? As Grantham said, we’d all be in trouble if we ever lost our powers. I’ll be the
first to admit I can’t cook. I can handle basics, like scrambled eggs, toast, sandwiches, and
sometimes pasta. But that’s it.”

Grant looked at the food that was on the counter in our small kitchen before he glared at me. “Are
we serving raw meat? And uncooked sides?”

“Nope,” I said, and for dramatics, I snapped my fingers. Instantly the food was prepared to
perfection, and I winked at Grant. I was about to see if I could get him to let me give him a blow
job, but someone chose that moment to knock on our door. Damn. That would have been the
perfect way to relax Grant.

“You want to come with me?” I asked.

“No. You can answer the door, and I’ll carry all of this to the table.”

I sighed. It was most likely all four of our parents since they lived right next door to each other. As I
walked to the door, I sensed four auras, so my suspicions were correct. Instead of just opening the
door from across the room—something Dad had informed me was rude—I actually went to the
door and opened it. At the same time, I moved the food from the counter to the table, helping
Grant. I smiled when I heard him grumble from the other room.

“Welcome. Come in,” I said. I gave Dad a hug when he opened his arms to me. I might be almost
two hundred, but I’d always hug my parents when and if they wanted.

“Is Grant not here?” Clara asked by way of greeting. I started repeating that I would not roll my
eyes. I wouldn’t.

“Yes. He’s in the kitchen. It’s good to see you, Clara,” I said, hoping to, who knew what—appease
her perhaps?

“Really? He’s in the kitchen while you’re not? He’s already pregnant—”
“Mother. Enough,” Grant said as I closed the door. I counted to three before I turned. John was
giving Clara a confused look, Dad looked hurt, and Father was glaring.

“Food is ready,” I said. My hope was to break the tension that was brewing in the room. I walked
to Grant and right into his open arms.

“You okay, love?” I asked Grant.

“Yep. This shit is ending right now, tonight.”

“I’ve tried. I’ve apologized several times,” I told him.

“I know.”

“Bal was in the kitchen with me until he came to answer the door. In fact, he’s the one who
prepared everything. I’ve lounged around all day, reading pregnancy books.”

“Oh, you don’t need to read anything of the sort. If you have any questions, just ask. After all, I had
you,” Clara said.

“Very well. So my omega line has turned from silver to pink. Should I be concerned?” Grant asked,
and I looked at my dads instead of at Grant’s mother.

“Oh, well, I’m sure it’s fine. As you know I don’t have one of those.”

“I’m aware. Which is why I was reading,” Grant said before he turned and walked toward the
kitchen and dining room. Yep, this was going to be an interesting evening.

“Shall we?” I asked as I gestured for everyone to follow Grant. Clara was first to follow, then John,
followed by Father. Dad, on the other hand, held back and gave me a concerned look.

“Grant doesn’t have an omega line.”

“He doesn’t, no. Clara isn’t paying very close attention to things, and that just proves it. Let Father
know that everything is okay. I think Grant said that more to prove a point that she couldn’t
answer every question he had since he is a male and she female.”

“Oh good.” Dad looked so relieved. I could understand his concern though. Grant had a lot of
twinges and quick pains lately, and I didn’t want him to go into labor too early, so I was checking
on him frequently.

We followed behind, and when we entered the dining room, Grant was glaring at his mother while
John looked like he wanted the room to swallow him up.

“Please be seated,” I said. I was trying hard to be cordial, but it was difficult at times.
We sat, had a somewhat pleasant meal of lamb chops, steamed asparagus, spinach salad, and
fresh rolls that I’d gotten from Matthew. For dessert we had chocolate lava cakes, something that
Grant had been craving.

Supper wasn’t too terrible, and I think that was because Clara was busy eating. At least she
enjoyed the food. It was after dinner when we left the dining room and went to the living room
with coffee and tea to discuss things that tensions went through the roof.

We had a couch and two love seats in the shape of a U in our place, with an oversized ottoman in
the center that we used as a coffee table. There were actual end tables to our sides, but we were
trying to make sure the place was as child-friendly as possible already.

I was sitting on the couch with Grant, my arm behind him along the back of the couch. Dad and
Father were to our right while John and Clara were to our left.

I was counting, doing my best to remain as calm as possible. We were a family, and like humans,
in-laws were sometimes out-laws, and there were no guarantees. I just really hoped we could get
past our differences. For Grant’s sake, and that of our relationship.

We all glanced at one another, and I knew that my hesitation was that I simply didn’t know where
to start.

“Should I apologize again?” I asked.

“You already have. More than once.”

“We need an icebreaker. This is becoming awkward.”

“I got this,” Grant said and then focused on his parents.

“So, Mom.” Grant waited for Clara to finish taking a sip of her tea. Something that she suddenly
seemed intent on draining completely.

“Yes?” she finally responded.

“I’ll just get to the point. Something has to give. You’re being unreasonable,” Grant said.

“I’m being unreasonable? What about him?” she said, pointing to me. Here we go.

“I’ve apologized, Clara. More than once. But you were in the wrong. You cannot come between
fated mates,” I said.

“Wait. You what?” John asked. “You said he hadn’t apologized.”

I sensed the shock coming from not only Grant, but my parents as well. How could he not know his
wife was lying? Clara at least looked embarrassed.
“He has. I was with him once when he apologized. And she’s making it out to be worse than it was.
Bal used magic to remove her hand from my arm when she wouldn’t let go and then popped her
to your suite. That’s it,” Grant told his father.

“Clara? Is that true?” John asked.

“I…” Clara quickly picked up her tea and took another sip. When she set it back down, she nodded
as she continued to stare at the mug on the ottoman.

“What? Why would you do that?” John asked.

“Because it’s bad enough that we had to join a coven. But now Grant is never going to leave since
he’s mated to him.”

I was shocked, but that was nothing compared to the immense pain I felt coming from Grant. I
looked to my dads, and without even having to say anything, they offered sympathetic smiles, and
then they were gone. I dropped my arm to Grant’s waist and gave him a squeeze, offering support.

“Okay, Clara, first things first. What is it that you have against Balthazar? He’s our son’s One. Our
only son’s forever mate. Why are you being so hateful toward him?” John asked.

“He’s taking Grant away. Like you said, he’s our only one. He’s going to have his own life now, and
then what? I left all my friends behind. I live in a fancy house that’s a prison. I’m surrounded by
warlocks who are powerful. Me. Lowly human me. And I had no say in it. Just we’re moving to

And there it was. I was shocked, Grant was shocked and hurt, and John was…I wasn’t sure. I
sensed surprise from him, but there was something else. Regret perhaps?

“That still doesn’t say why she’s being a bitch to you,” Grant said.

“Love, at this point, I’m not worried. There’s so much going on, and I can definitely see her side of
things. Especially if that’s actually how things happened.”

“I can’t say because I wasn’t there. When they mentioned it to me, they were united, and both
seemed equally happy. But it’s possible that Mom was just happy because Dad was.”

I watched as John and Clara quietly argued on the other love seat. After a few heated words, John
looked to us and offered a pinched smile. “We’ll be going now. Thank you for supper. It was
excellent. We have some things to discuss, and then we’ll be back to talk.”

Grant nor I got a chance to say anything else as they were suddenly gone. That wasn’t uncommon
for warlocks, but it wasn’t expected just then. We sat there for a few minutes, in shock and taking
in the silence.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Grant said.

“Yeah. It explains some things, like why she’s upset about being here. But I didn’t realize she was
upset about moving here. She just seemed fixated on keeping you close.”

“Oh! That’s it,” Grant said.

“What’s it?”

“She was fixated on it. Because I’m familiar.” Grant turned on the couch and smiled at me. He
seemed excited.

“Well, you’re her son.”

“Yes, and I think she was okay with joining a coven when she thought she’d have me to cling to.
But fate intervened right away. Here I found you. So now my focus is on us and the family we’re
building. She’s lost the option of clinging to me, and she knows it.”

I thought about that for a moment, and it sounded reasonable. “But that still doesn’t explain why
she’s been the way she has with me.”

Grant shrugged. “I’m not sure. It’s possible that she thinks that if she dislikes you enough, I’ll dump

I flinched. That wasn’t possible. “That can’t—”

“I know that. You know that. But she might not realize that. She’s human. And yeah, she’s always
felt the pull toward Dad, but she’s not a paranormal. She doesn’t feel it on the level we do. She’s
broken me and ex-boyfriends up before.”


“They weren’t you, and it was just easier to dump them than it was to listen to her complaints.”

That made sense, but it didn’t explain why she thought she could maybe break us up. It just didn’t
work that way.

“Okay. I’ll accept that. But now I wonder what we do about it. Because I hate that there’s so much
stress added to you when we’re around one another.” I reached for Grant, and with a hand on the
back of his head, I pulled his to mine, placing my forehead on his. I closed my eyes, just taking in
the fact that we were together, and he had relaxed considerably.

“What do you think is going to happen?” Grant asked.

“I’m not sure, love. They’re your parents, and you know them so much better than I do. I would
never ask you to move somewhere you were that uncomfortable being.”

Grant sighed and then flopped back on the couch. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow when he
gazed up at me.
“I don’t know. I’ve been so tangled up in you since I arrived. I’ve only talked to them a handful of
times, and then it was stressful because of how Mom was acting.”

That was true. Clara and I started off on the complete wrong foot. She’d woken up several of us in
the hallway by beating on the door, and things just spiraled from there. I had to offer some leeway
though. She’d not lived in a coven for almost a century. And from what I’d heard, she never really
had because Dorian hadn’t been accepting of her and John being together—fated mates or not.

“Should we go talk to them?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. Probably not.” Grant sat up and rubbed his stomach. I felt a twinge in mine and
instantly became worried. “I’m fine. I just should have asked for help. My stomach is getting a bit
big for doing sit-ups.”

“Then ask, love. Come on. I know what you need. What we both need,” I said as I stood up and
held out both of my hands, palm up. Grant placed his in mine, and I helped him stand. When he
looked at me and raised his eyebrows, I smirked before I had us on the beach.

“Wait. What?” Grant asked, looking around. “Where are we?”

“The South Pacific. I thought you could use some beach time. Besides, it’s cold at home, and you
love the beach. And we can collect some more shells for the nursery.”

“But you could just use magic to get them.”

“Yes. But it will mean more if we collect them. Come on, let’s go for a walk. Then we can soak up
some sun before we head home to the dreary weather in Massachusetts.”

“Is anyone here?” Grant asked.

“Nope. Completely deserted. And we’re the only ones here right now. The island is completely
ours for the moment.”

I hoped I was doing the right thing. I knew Grant loved the beach and the relaxation that it
brought. We could collect shells and enjoy some time away from everything at the coven. It would
all be there waiting for us tomorrow.

“You’re sure nobody is here? What about those satellites that take pictures? What if one of them
catches us?”

“It could, if it was over us at the moment. Don’t worry so much. This was meant to relax you.”

“A blow job would have done that,” Grant grumbled as he walked off.

“Who said you wouldn’t get one while we’re sunbathing?” I said and smiled when Grant stopped
and turned back toward me. He looked to his right, at the surf, then back to me.

“Really? You’d do that?”

“Why wouldn’t I? I’d do anything for you. And I was going to suggest one earlier before everyone
knocked on the door.” I closed the distance between us, and when I reached Grant, I grabbed the
bottom of his sweater and pulled it up and off his body. His skin was gorgeous, and I’d never get
enough of it, especially when he was glowing with pregnancy.


“Oh yeah,” I said and dropped the sweater to the sand. In under a minute I had us undressed, and
I dropped to my knees in front of Grant, more than happy to get his hard cock in my mouth again.


I was impatient.I discovered I loved being pregnant, but I was more than ready for Mason to be
here. Only, I had two more weeks to go. And I had a feeling that they were going to be a very long
two weeks.

Deciding I’d cleaned the nursery as much as I was going to—and Bal was just going to fix it when
he got home anyway—I left my little slice of home and left our suite.

I still smiled at the top of the landing, thankful that I’d not yet gone into labor and at the top of the
stairs at that. Only, I wouldn’t mind if it meant I could hold Mason.

I’d started having regular contractions, but that was the only change. That and there was no
mistaking the fact that I was pregnant. So much for my height helping to hide the large belly.

I walked down the stairs, holding on to the bannister because I couldn’t always see my feet and
my center of gravity had shifted.

When I reached the bottom of the staircase, I turned left, wanting to go to my studio. Perhaps I
could paint for a bit. When Bal had realized that I sculpted with sharp tools at times, he said paints
were okay, as long as they were odorless and I had plenty of fresh air. He axed cleaning the
brushes with turpentine, and I couldn’t argue. Besides, he’d done a much better job at cleaning
them for me than I’d ever been able to do.

“Hey, Grant. How are you feeling?” Patrick asked. He was in the atrium, watering his many plants.

“I’m good. Anxious though. I’m ready to meet this guy.” I rubbed my belly and smiled.

“I remember those days. Although I don’t miss the sleepless nights.”

“Yeah, that’s not something either of us are looking forward to, but we both agree, he’ll be worth

“That he will. Are you headed to your studio?” Patrick asked as he moved from one plant to
another with the sprayer.

“I was thinking about it. Bal is at work. Something about changing cameras?”

That had Patrick’s stance stiffening a bit before he relaxed again. “Yes. For some reason we’re
losing a bunch of the security cameras. And there was an entire section of a far fence that was
completely offline.”

I felt as if Patrick wasn’t telling me something, but it wasn’t really my place to question the coven
master’s One, so I kept quiet.

“Okay, Bal didn’t say anything about cameras out there. Just the ones in here.”
Patrick moved to the next plant, and I took a step back to allow him room. “The cameras are all
being replaced and upgraded. He’s trying to get everything done before you have the baby.
Although, Fenwick has pretty much taken over the monitoring of things with his crew.”

Fenwick. I’d heard that name before. I was positive I’d even met the warlock. But I wasn’t putting
two and two together just now. Was it possible to have pregnancy brain before you had the baby?
But it was called pregnancy brain. Not postpartum brain. That meant during, correct?

“Fenwick is the head of our tech department. He’s our computer guy, the one who keeps all things
electronic working smoothly.”

“Scruffy? Blue eyes? Dark, floppy hair that always looks perfect?” I asked. “About my height?”

“Yeah, that’s him. We’d be lost without him and his team. There are six of them, something we
hope to get for the rest of our coven. Especially Balthazar’s department.”


“Yes, security. We’re up to four, but we’d like to have a few more. That way personnel aren’t
stretched so thin.”

That made sense. I had absolutely no idea what it took to run a coven, nor really exactly how many
were part of this one, but I knew our security was of utmost importance. We were different. It was
one of the reasons why it wasn’t really a hardship for me to not live in one before. I fit in. Dad had
to be incredibly careful when using his magic.

“I’m going to go see if I can get Grantham to let me have a snack. I’m pretty sure I ate lunch, but
my stomach is telling me it’s hungry,” I said after my stomach growled in protest.

“Oh yes, do that. You don’t want to skip meals. Deliveries aren’t too terrible, but you’ll want to
keep up your energy. Any changes in anything?” Patrick asked.

“No. Well, some contractions, but they’re not too strong or painful. At this point, they’re a bit
annoying actually.”

“Be sure to keep Constantine informed. We’re so fortunate to have him. It’s too bad his parents
passed before the fates decided everyone should get immortality. William was a good man, and an
amazing doctor.”

“Thanks, I will. He’s made sure I had his number, and he said because it was getting close to my
due date that he would be sure to remain here.”

“He travels to conferences to keep up to date on new medicines and procedures. We would be
lost without him.”

“Hopefully you won’t have to find out what that’s like.”

“Yes, hopefully. You run off and get something to snack on. If Balthazar finds out I kept you from a
snack, I’ll get a glare I’m sure.”

I was about to argue, but my stomach grumbled again, and I smiled instead. “Okay, I’m going,” I
said with a laugh. I waved to Patrick, who went back to watering his plants.

When I left the atrium, I went directly to the kitchen, but I was almost plowed over by a running

“Quick,” Matthew said as he grabbed me, and then we were suddenly in his and Cornelius’s suite.

“Hey, I wanted a snack,” I complained.

“Yeah? What did you want?”

“Anything. I’m just hungry.”

“Come,” Matthew said as he tugged me with him. When we reached the table, there were several
sandwiches and mixed fruit chunks spread out. My mouth watered, and I didn’t have to be told to
sit down. I pulled out a chair and picked up a sandwich, taking a big bite. I moaned at the salami-
and-cheese combo. It was perfect.

“Nailed it, yes.” Matthew fist-pumped in the air before he sat and joined me. “I remember those
days. You need to eat, but you take like three bites and then you’re full. But then an hour later
you’re starving again,” Matthew said from across from me as he picked up his own sandwich.

“Pretty much. Want to tell me why you were running? Or who you were running from?”

Matthew finished chewing, and after he swallowed, he took a drink of his water before he gave
me a devilish grin. “Grantham.”

“The chef?” I set my sandwich down and looked at Matthew.

“Yes.” Matthew rolled his eyes before he sighed. “I was supposed to start working in the kitchen
with him. And I do, sometimes.”

“Okay. But why were you running from him, then?”

“Because I might have magicked his spices, and that might make them go boom. On a small scale,”
Matthew was quick to add.

“You magicked his spices?”

“Yes. He’s too uptight about using magic for things. Like, he never uses it. Ever. And I was thinking
that if mishaps started occurring, he might use magic every so often to fix things. But nope. He
doesn’t. He just grumbles, throws things away, and starts over.”

“I’m not following. Then why run?”

“Because I might have taken things a little far this last time.”

I placed my hands on the table and waited. I wanted to know what exactly Matthew had done.
When he didn’t continue, I complained.

“Come on. You can’t leave me hanging like that.”

“Okay. I made the pot of gumbo explode. It hit the ceiling and everything else in the kitchen. And
the lid embedded itself in the ceiling.”

Matthew cringed, and I sat there with my mouth open.

“And that’s not all.”


Matthew shook his head. “The cornbread did the same. The oven was actually crumpled. I’d never
seen anything like that before. Ever.”

“Crumpled? Seriously?”

“Yeah. Thankfully, Grantham wasn’t in the kitchen. But he came out of the pantry because of the
noise. He was upset and grumbling about the kitchen having gremlins. Then I had to go and open
my mouth.”

“What did you say?”

“I might have said something along the lines of damn, it wasn’t supposed to be that powerful—
just like the other small mishaps.”

Matthew’s eyes widened. “Grantham’s face. It turned red. As in, very red. Then he screeched and
it didn’t sound human. I swear, it didn’t. Then he started charging for me, and I took off. That’s
when I ran into you.”

It only took about two seconds for me to start laughing. The look on Matthew’s face was just so
damn adorable. And he looked honestly worried.

“It’s not funny, you know,” Matthew groused.

I couldn’t help it. I continued laughing. “Oh yes it is.”

“Grant? Love? Are you okay? There was an explosion?”

I continued laughing, letting it flow through our bond. “Fine. I’m with Matthew, who happens to
be the reason for the explosion.”
Balthazar was suddenly standing beside me, Cornelius was with him, Ollie in his arms. “Dada-
dada,” Ollie said, reaching for Matthew, who seemed to melt as he held out his arms for their son.

“You sure you’re okay?” Bal asked as he knelt beside me.

“Yep. I’m perfectly fine. I wasn’t in the kitchen yet. In fact, I didn’t even hear anything,” I said,
looking at Matthew, who was kissing Ollie’s nose.

Bal gave me a thorough look. “Okay, let’s…I need to be sure.”

“I understand. I’m sure Matthew and Cornelius have some things to talk about.”

“Yes, they do. And then they’ll be talking to Master Arthur.”

That didn’t sound like fun at all. I picked up my sandwich—because it was good, I was pregnant,
and I was still hungry—then stood up, standing so close to Bal that we were touching from my
shoulder to my thigh.

“We’re going to go,” I said. Matthew gave me a pleading look, and I offered a smile. “Thanks for
the sandwich,” I said, holding it up.

“You’re welcome. But you don’t need to rush off,” Matthew said.

“Yeah, I do. Bal needs to check me over, and I don’t want to make him wait.”

“I’m sorry to have worried you. I didn’t intend for things to be quite so explosive.” Matthew
hugged Ollie before he put him down. He was a month shy of a year old and was a master at
surfing the furniture. He walked short distances, but then fell, so he preferred to just hang on to
something stationary. I couldn’t say I blamed him one bit.

“You know where I’ll be if you need me, Cornelius,” Bal said, and then we were suddenly in our
own suite.

I smiled at Bal. “I’m fine. Promise. I honestly wasn’t even in the kitchen. I was headed there

“Yes. Patrick said you were going to see about a snack.” Bal looked at the sandwich that was in my
hand, and I held it up before taking a bite.

“I’m trying to get past your idea of a snack. That’s more like a light lunch.”

“Or a late one,” I said around a mouthful of food. “I can’t remember eating lunch, and I’m hungry.”

Bal sighed before he tugged me to the table and pulled out a chair. I took the hint and sat down,
taking another bite of the sandwich as I did.
“You need a keeper, love.” Bal placed a plate in front of me, and it was loaded with mixed fruit
cubes, just like there was at Matthew’s. When I met my warlock’s gaze, he was holding out a fork,
and I took it, placing my sandwich down on a napkin that was in front of me.

“I have a keeper though. You.” I speared a piece of watermelon and groaned when I bit down on
it. It was juicy, sweet, and refreshing. Just what I wanted.

“True. You have me, and I’ll certainly watch over you as much as I can. But for the next week, I
have to be at work. I need to help oversee the security upgrade.”

That reminded me of Patrick and how he seemed on edge when talking about it. “Is everything
okay?” I asked, knowing Bal couldn’t or wouldn’t lie to me.

“We’re not sure. There was a huge section of cameras that was destroyed, and the fence they
were aimed at was cut.”

Food forgotten, I dropped my fork and reached for Bal. He grabbed my hand and gave it a
squeeze. “I don’t tell you this to worry you. Just to inform you. But I need you to promise me that
you won’t leave the estate. Not unless you’re with one of my dads or your dad.”

“But Dad isn’t here.”

Bal gave me a confused look. “What do you mean? Where did he go?”

“He took Mom to the Florida Keys. He thought it might help her to be away for a bit. They’re
staying with my grandparents.”

Bal grumbled, and I felt the frustration he was feeling go through him. “How did I not know that?”

I shrugged. “They just left yesterday. If you’ve been dealing with cameras and cut fence, I’d
imagine that you were informed, but it didn’t really input as top priority. I mentioned it last week.
You said—”

“That might be a nice change for her. Damn. I remember. Shit. I guess I’ve been more distracted
than I realized. I need you safe, and the cameras being destroyed would be one thing, but the
fence being cut is another altogether.”

“Do you have any leads?”

“We’re almost positive it’s Alpha Donner. He wasn’t happy when Master Arthur told him he
couldn’t use our property for pack functions. That particular section of fencing isn’t far from his
lands. His property is too small for the size of his pack, and he needs to move back to Canada, but
he won’t. We’re almost positive he has his eyes on our lands.”

Damn pregnancy brain. I was trying to remember that conversation with Patrick. I knew he had
mentioned the man. “Didn’t Master Arthur take Master Edison with him though? I thought Patrick
said that.”
“Mmhmm. And Alistair, and even George. The man is clueless though. It was expected. Some
aren’t exactly taking to immortality well. It’s turned some into raging assholes. Others think that
means they can’t be killed, even though that’s not the case at all.”

I snorted but picked up my fork again. I knew I needed to eat, and the fruit was a bit more
appealing than the sandwich now. I forked a bite of pineapple and popped it in my mouth. It was
the perfect amount of tart and sweet, and I could make myself sick on it if there were more of it.

“Same as always, right? We can still be killed, but as long as we’re not stupid, we’ll live on and

“Yeah. I feel bad for those like Constantine. He lost his parents months before the change. I don’t
always understand certain aspects of things, but I have to believe they’re done for a reason.”

I had to agree. Why was someone like Dorian able to bind my magic? Why did people like Donner
think they could just take what they wanted from others? It just didn’t make sense. But like
humans, we all had our bad apples, which was apparent.

Bal helped me eat the fruit, and then I showed him what I’d done in the nursery, and I had been
right. He moved some things around and straightened up others. Totally expected, and it didn’t
really bother me. I loved him, quirks and all.


It was still cringingwhen I thought about what Matthew did a week ago. Nobody was hurt, but
things had gone beyond the harmless level. Grantham could have been injured if he’d been in the
kitchen. Then again, so could Matthew. Or Grant. Thinking about what could have happened to my
One…it was better to not.

Cornelius flipped out about what had happened, and he all but grounded Matthew. He wasn’t
allowed to leave their suites for several weeks, both Cornelius’s and Master Arthur’s stipulation.
Matthew was only allowed to leave their suite if he was with Cornelius. Thus far, they’d not joined
the others in the dining hall. Which was probably a good thing because Grantham was still upset.

“You feeling okay?” Fenwick asked. I focused on him and nodded.

“Fine, why?”

“You’re rubbing your stomach. You’ve been doing it all morning.”

“Yeah. Just some twinges. Grant is having contractions, and they’ve gotten stronger over the past

“Should you be here, then? I mean, isn’t he due soon?”

I nodded. “Yes to all. He’s due in six days. But he’s with my parents, so he’s not alone. And we’re
warlocks, remember? We can instantly be wherever we need to be.” I went back to scouting out
the next spot to affix the camera to the branch of the tree. Fenwick and I were working on that,
while others were repairing the fence.

“You know, this would be so much easier if we didn’t have to try to ensure they were completely
invisible from the ground.”

I agreed completely. “I understand why Master Arthur wants them to be hidden yet still be able to
see the fencing. The second set inside the fence line will help, I think. If nothing else, it’ll serve as a
first line of notification.”

We knew it had been Alpha Donner and his pack. We’d not only caught several of them on camera
before they’d found all of them, but we’d brought a few of the shifters in the coven out and they
were able to scent the area; it reeked of wolf.

“It will. And because they have to cut the fence to get to the ones inside, we’ll be alerted right
away. I’ve set it up to where it will go directly to not only Master Arthur’s phone but mine and
yours as well. But since you have a little one coming soon, I can show you how to turn it off. We
also need to add it to Richie’s and Jason’s phones.”

“Makes sense,” I said as I affixed the last camera outside the fence area with magic. Fenwick did
his thing on his laptop, and when he gave me a thumbs-up, I grinned. Now we could go back to the
estate, and I could be with Grant. He was getting tired of me checking in with him every time I felt
a twinge from his contractions.

Instantly, Fenwick and I were back at the estate, in the computer tech room that was his
workplace. It looked somewhat like mine, only he had more of everything: monitors, computers,
routers, all of it. He also had more guys working with him, which was nice. I couldn’t complain
though because we were now up to four with the promise of two more soon.

“I’ve got this. You go check on your One, and if need be, rescue him from your parents.”

I grinned. “He’s good with them. And his parents are anxiously awaiting news.”

Fenwick gave me a forced smile. Yeah, everyone knew how Clara did not take well to living in the
coven, and after a visit to John’s parents in Florida, the couple had decided to move down there
permanently. Master Arthur had made sure to let them know they could always visit, and that if
they ever chose to move back at any time, they would be welcome.

I said my goodbyes to everyone in the office and stepped outside into the hallway to check in with

“How are you feeling, love?”

“Good. The contractions are getting steadily stronger and closer. Enoch says it won’t be long now.
Sometime within the next twenty-four hours.”

And why hadn’t they thought to mention that to me before now?

“Are you in our suite?”

“Yes. It’s where I’m most comfortable, and being in Mason’s room seems to help me stay

I popped into our suite, specifically Mason’s room, and was met by a smiling Grant.

“I had a feeling that would bring you instantly.”

“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” I asked as I closed the distance between us. I knelt down next
to Grant, my hands immediately going to his stomach.

“I’m good. Your dads just left about ten minutes ago. They said they’d be back in just a bit with
lunch. We weren’t sure when to expect you.”

“I’m finished for the day. And after what you just told me, most likely the next month. Unless
Alpha Donner completely loses his marbles and attacks the coven.” I could sense that that wasn’t
probably the best thing to say to Grant, especially in his condition. “But I don’t see that as
happening. We have too many cameras in place that he can’t get to without us first knowing. And
he can’t jam their frequency either thanks to Fenwick and a little magic.” I leaned in, kissing first
Grant’s stomach and then reaching up to him, hoping for the same.
“That’s reassuring. Why doesn’t he just find somewhere else to run?” Grant asked.

“His pack is too big for their amount of lands. Since Master Edison has had the estate since the
1800s, our property is larger than many others. This isn’t the first time that another pack, or coven
even, have tried to do something similar. I’m sure it won’t be the last.”

I got up from the floor and held out my hands to Grant, offering to help him up. He placed his
hands in mine, and when he had his feet on the floor and gave me a nod, I pulled my love up and
hugged him to me.

“You know, when I got that chair, I didn’t realize it was going to be so difficult to get out of when

I felt Mason kick, and then Grant groaned as I felt a sharper twinge.

“You okay?” I asked. He had his eyes closed and was breathing slow and deep. When he finally
opened his eyes, I offered a reassuring smile. “Not okay, then?”

“They’re getting stronger. Maybe we should let Constantine know? He’s here, right?”

“He is. I saw him just earlier before I went out to install cameras. But if we’re letting him know,
why didn’t you tell me? I don’t seem to feel every one of your contractions.”

Grant sighed and put his forehead on my chest. “Because I didn’t want you pacing around,
worrying. Enoch was here with me, and he’s been through this. I would have called out if I needed

I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about that. I wanted him to feel that this was important to me as
well. But Grant and Mason’s safety, and that of the rest of the coven, was important. Winston was
still dealing with a new infant in his family, so we were down a man. Soon to be two it appeared.

Grant squeezed the sides of my shirt, and I felt him start taking deeper breaths. I decided that it
was certainly time to get things on the road, so I waited until his contraction stopped and he
sagged against me. When he did, I wrapped my arms a little tighter around him and instantly had
us in Constantine’s office. The older warlock seemed shocked at our sudden appearance but was
quickly up and out of his seat.

“Is it time? How close are the contractions?”

“They’re less than a minute, and he’s having to breathe through them and doesn’t seem willing to
talk while they’re happening.”

“Then it’s time. Let’s get him next door to the delivery room.”

I helped Constantine get Grant to the room that actually wasn’t next door, but was two doors
down. I helped Grant walk, and when we made it to the bed, he gave me a pained smile. “Thanks,
Bal. I might need help getting up there.”
“Not just yet. If you wouldn’t mind changing him, please?” Constantine said. I looked to him but
didn’t understand what he needed to be changed into, I waited until the doctor turned back
toward us and I could get his attention without interrupting his preparation.

“What should he change into?”

“Oh. Sorry. Yes. Just a shirt, and only briefs down below as I’ll cover him up with a blanket in just a

“So pants and socks off. Got it.” I dropped to my knee in front of Grant and reached for the waist
of his sweats.

“I wish you were down there for much different reasons, Bal. I miss that.”

“I will suck you off just as soon as you have the energy, love. Just say when.”

I pulled his sweats down, and when I reached his feet, I grabbed the top of his sock, taking it with
when he lifted his first foot, then the other.

“Okay, up you go,” I said as I helped Grant climb up onto the table. Once he was settled,
Constantine draped a blue blanket on his lower body.

“Okay, Grant, I need you to lift up a bit so we can raise your shirt up and out of the way.”

Constantine and I were able to push Grant’s shirt up, and then Constantine went to the sink to
prepare for the delivery.

“Do you think we should let your dads know? They were supposed to be coming back with lunch in
just a little while.”

“Only you would be thinking about them when you’re about to deliver a baby. I can text them if
you really want me to.”

“How about we wait until after the little one is here and everyone is settled and recovering?”
Constantine said as he walked back to us. “I’ve just called for Master Edison, and he’ll of course tell
Master Arthur, who will let them know I’m sure.”

“Oh. I’d forgotten he’d said he would be here,” Grant said.

“He’s going to assist with the baby while I tend to you and your recovery. It’s common among
warlocks. And Master Edison has helped assist in the delivery of many babies, myself included.”

I watched the wheels spin as that statement sunk in. It was a bit comical when realization hit. It
wasn’t common for coven masters to act as midwife, but Master Edison wasn’t your average
coven master either.

Before anything could be asked, Grant groaned again, and I reached for him.
“He’s fine. Just another contraction,” Constantine said before he placed a gentle hand on Grant’s
shoulder. “They’re incredibly strong, Grant. Has your water broken?” Constantine waited patiently
for the contraction to end, and I knew when it did because his grip on my hand lessened.

“No. I would know, right?”

“Definitely. A huge gush of water shouldn’t happen from back there,” Constantine said before he

“Oh, yeah. Then no. Definitely not.”

“Good,” Constantine said as he went to answer the door. I hadn’t heard a knock, but then again, I
was completely focused on Grant.

I swapped hands that Grant was holding and ran my other down the side of his face. “I love you,
and you are beyond amazing,” I said. I felt he needed to hear it. Always, but now more than ever.

“You going to get mushy on me, Bal?”

If I hadn’t seen Grant’s wink before he gasped and started breathing deeply again, I would have
thought he was serious. I always tried to be mushy with him. He was truly my everything.

The twinge in my own stomach was stronger this time around, and I was curious as to when this
was all going to happen. Grant suddenly calling out had me concerned at first.

“Yep, I’d definitely know,” Grant said through gritted teeth, and then he started panting. I didn’t
know what was going on until Master Edison spoke.

“Your water broke. Don’t worry about it. I’ll have it cleaned up in a moment,” Master Edison said. I
watched, not fully understanding what all was happening until it finally clicked when I heard

Constantine looked at Edison before nodding. “Ready?”

“Yes,” Edison said as he stood across from him, next to Grant’s hip.

“And how about you, Grant? Are you ready to meet your baby?”

“Yes,” Grant whispered. I nodded when they looked to me, and then I watched, fascinated, as
Constantine ran his hands slowly down Grant’s stomach, stopping when they reached his hips.
Grant audibly sighed. “Oh that’s nice,” he moaned out.

I raised an eyebrow in question. I knew that Constantine had used magic because I saw the green

“I couldn’t remove the pain too early. I need to know that the baby is indeed ready to be born. The
water breaking was a strong indicator.”
“What else is there to indicate it’s time?”

“Well, with shifters and fae, they have an omega line, and it opens over several hours. With
warlocks, we don’t have one and we can only go by contractions. Or a water breaking.”

I cringed because that didn’t sound fun at all. Nor did it sound like it wouldn’t be messy. And I
hadn’t really thought about Matthew having an omega line. I thought those were left to shifters.

“Okay, we’re ready when you two are,” Constantine said, breaking into my thoughts.

“We’re ready,” I said and looked to Grant, who was smiling.

“Good. You’ll feel some tugging, Grant, but that’s the extent, okay?”

“All right.”

It only took moments, not even a minute really, and I never took my eyes off Grant’s. I wanted
that connection with him. I needed him to know he was my center focus at that moment and that I
completely trusted the other two to take care of both him and our son.

When a sudden loud cry sounded in the room, I looked toward the other two warlocks and
gasped. In Edison’s hands was our son. Our crying, upset-to-be-out-in-the-cold son.

“He has a very healthy set of lungs,” Master Edison said. I had to agree. I looked back to Grant and
saw that he had tears in his eyes. I understood. It was an incredibly emotional moment.

“Would you care to cut the cord, Balthazar?”

I turned again at the sound of Constantine’s voice, and he was holding a deep purple cord that I
knew had connected Mason to Grant for the past four-plus months.

I nodded, and where Constantine indicated between two clamps, I held out my hand and with a
touch of magic—and blue light—I severed the connection between Grant and Mason before
focusing back on my One.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Great, if not a little tired. I actually don’t feel much of anything though.”

“Would you like to meet your son?” Edison said as he held out his arms. In them was a still-fussy,
although quieter Mason, who was now wrapped in a blue blanket.

“Go ahead,” Grant said, and I reached for our son. When Master Edison placed him in my arms for
the first time, my breath caught and I felt my vision become blurry. I blinked several times as I
turned back to Grant and leaned down, sharing our son with him.

“He’s beautiful. I can’t believe we did this. Well, I can because you’re gorgeous.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, you know. I think he has your nose,” Grant said as he reached out and
touched Mason’s tiny nose. At the gentle contact, Mason stopped crying, and with a few
shuddering breaths, he closed his eyes and seemed to doze off.

“You want to hold him?” I asked.

“Yes, but can it wait until I can sit up a bit? Besides, I’ve been holding him for months already.”

“That’s not the same, and you know it. I love you. You’re incredible,” I said as I leaned over and
gently kissed Grant’s forehead.

“Love you too.”



“Okay,Grant, you’ll feel some more movement from me removing the placenta, but that should be
it. Then I’ll close the incision, and you’ll be good to go in just a few minutes.”

I pulled my attention away from Bal and Mason long enough to look at the doctor. He was staring
at me, and I offered a smile and nod to him. He immediately returned his focus to my stomach,
and I turned mine back to Bal.

He looked so perfect with a baby in his arms. It was still sinking in that I had a family. I had found
my forever One, and now we had a son. And honestly, I couldn’t wait to have more with him. At
least one more. Maybe two? I’d discovered that Master Edison had had five, and Master Arthur
three. And one of the warlocks that worked with Bal had just had a third with his One. It wasn’t
limited to one, and that was something I liked knowing.

“All right. You’re all set. If you want to sit up so you can hold the baby, I can raise the head of the
bed,” Constantine said.

“Really? I’m good?” I asked, leaning up a bit to look down my body.

“Yes, and you’re basically healed. But I wouldn’t recommend doing crunches or anything too
strenuous. The magic has healed you, but things are still going to be tender.”

“Understandable. Can I sit up? I would like to hold Mason.”

“Is that his name?” Edison asked.

“It is. We went through several, and it’s possible we’ll use the others at a later date. But for now,
we’ve decided on Mason,” I told Edison. “We have, right?” I asked, looking at Balthazar. The head
of the bed started to rise, and it felt weird, but moments later the feeling passed.

“Yes. We agreed on Mason. And Mason it is,” Bal said before he carefully placed our son in my
arms. “Here he is. He’s absolutely perfect, Grant,” Bal told me.

I looked down at our sleeping newborn and couldn’t stop the smile from coming. Or the tears. He
absolutely was. He was tiny and perfect, and he was ours. We’d made him.

“He’s precious,” I whispered. I looked up at Constantine and Edison. “Thank you for your
assistance. Doc, would you like to hold him?”

“I will at a later time. Thank you though. We’ll be in my office if you need us. You two spend some
time bonding with your son.”

“Thank you, Constantine,” Bal said. “You too, Master Edison.”

“It was my pleasure. He’s a good-looking boy. All that dark hair,” Constantine said. He walked out
the door, and we both looked at Edison.

“Your magic hasn’t shifted, which was what I wanted to be sure of. When you’re ready, when
you’ve recovered and get into a routine, I’ll unbind it for you. But we can talk about that at
another time. I just wanted to be sure nothing happened when you gave birth. You just never
know with the magic that’s used to deliver our babies.”

“Is a couple of weeks too late? I’m not sure what the next few weeks are going to be like.”

“There is no time limit, Grant. I’ll unbind your powers whenever you like. And I’ll be here with
Arthur and Balthazar to help you learn to control them. I have nothing pressing in Montana. You
two get to know your little guy, and we’ll take things a day at a time.”

“Thank you, Master Edison,” Bal said. I nodded in agreement. When Mason made a small noise, I
turned my attention back to our son to check on him. It wasn’t like I really knew what to do. I’d
read every pregnancy book I could find though, and I was sure I could figure it out. With Bal’s help,
bottle prep should be a breeze.

When Bal sat down beside me, I tried to scoot over, giving him more room. “You don’t need to

“Yes I do. And there is room for two if I do.” I carefully placed Mason on the bed between us and
pushed up on my arms, moving myself to the right a bit before I reached and picked Mason back
up. “See? Room. Now get over here so we can stare at our perfect little us.”

“He is perfect, isn’t he?”

“Can you believe we did this? I wonder every so often why fate would pair us, but maybe it was
because we have beautiful little babies together.”

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t we be paired together?”

I rolled my eyes. “We’re as different as night and day. You’re very scheduled, everything has its
place, and I’m—”

“Not. But you are perfect for me. You help me see that things don’t need to be so organized, or
structured. I’ve never been happier since you’ve come into my life.”

I couldn’t help it; my eyes filled again. It had been a very emotional day, and I was blaming it on
hormones. Completely.

“I love you too, Bal. You put up with my absentmindedness, and you don’t seem to mind that my
powers are locked up.”

Bal reached for me, pulling my face to his. When he pressed his forehead to mine, I closed my
eyes, the tears falling down my cheeks.
“I would love you even if you didn’t have powers. You’re my perfect other half.”

I sighed, pulled my head away, and rested it on Bal’s shoulder. Wanting him to be able to see
Mason easier, I gently pulled my legs up, wondering if I was going to experience pain of any sort,
and when I didn’t, I sent up a silent thank-you. I carefully placed Mason on my legs, and after I
realized he wasn’t going to slide down or off, I reached for Bal’s hand and laced our fingers

“Tell me about your day,” I said as I stared at Mason, who was still sleeping. He looked like a blue
burrito with the blanket and hat that was on his head. I thought it was cute and wondered where
it had come from because I couldn’t remember purchasing it. It must have been something that
Edison had somewhere. Or maybe Constantine and I just hadn’t noticed. Either way, I needed to
remember to thank them again.

“Well, if you really want to know about my day, I’ll tell you. But nothing really matters until just
moments ago, the love of my life made me a dad for the first time.”

And I was crying again. I’d done pretty good with not being overly emotional. Until the last few
weeks. Things had just seemed to start becoming too much, and I’d become a mess.

“I love you,” I said just before yawing.

“You tired? You should take a nap. You haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

“Hmm, that would be nice. But I don’t want to miss anything. What if he wakes up?”

“Then I’ll wake you. Ollie didn’t do much of anything except eat, sleep, and mess in his diaper for
the first couple of months. Mason isn’t even an hour old. He’s not going to do much, love. Sleep.
You deserve it.”

I sighed because all of a sudden I was incredibly sleepy. It was as if my body had finally realized it
could relax, and I couldn’t put it off any longer. I yawned again and carefully handed Mason to Bal
and turned on my side, facing them. Only I couldn’t get comfortable.

“Here,” Bal said and got up off the bed.

I was about to protest until he placed Mason on the bed and then lowed the head of the bed. At
the same time, the lights in the room dimmed, and Bal quickly climbed back on the bed, turning
toward me and Mason. There really wasn’t room on the bed with the baby between us, but I
couldn’t quite bear to be apart from them just yet. Granted, they wouldn’t be far, but still. I’d just
given birth, and although I was exhausted, I still wanted to see to my baby and One.

“Sleep, love. We’ll be here when you’ve rested,” Bal said. He reached over and ran a finger down
the side of my face, the touch as light as a feather running across my skin.

I closed my eyes and let the pull of slumber overtake me. I’d been having contractions for weeks,
but the strong ones had hit two days ago, and I’d not slept well for close to a month. The pull of
rest without a ball of baby protruding from my stomach was too much to deny.
I came to and found the bed beside me empty but saw Bal holding Mason in a comfortable-looking
chair right next to the bed.

“What time is it?” I croaked. I needed water for sure.

“Almost suppertime. Are you up for eating?”

“Supper? Really?” I asked, sitting up in a hurry, not thinking about the fact that I’d just had a C-
section a few hours ago. “Why didn’t you wake me? Has he been sleeping the entire time?”

“Because you needed sleep, and he’s woken up long enough to complain about a wet diaper. He
hasn’t eaten yet though. Constantine said it wasn’t unusual for a newborn. But we can try a bottle
now if you’d like. Did you want to try feeding him?”

“I can. Unless you want to.”

“How about this. Since we have four grandparents that are chomping at the bit to meet this little
fella, why don’t we let Constantine know we’re going to head back to our place. Then I can let our
parents know that they can come meet Mason. Sound good?”

“Yeah. My parents are here?”

“They are. Master Arthur said they arrived about the time Constantine was delivering Mason.
They’ve been hanging out with my parents. We could head back to our suite, and while the
grandparents fuss over Mason, we could enjoy a celebratory dinner? Grantham has promised
coconut shrimp for us.”

I groaned because I wanted shrimp so bad. I’d missed the fresh seafood that I used to be able to
get half a block from my house on the beach.

“I’m assuming that’s acceptable?”

“You would be correct. That sounds like heaven.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do. Here, let me help you up,” Bal said as he stood and held out an arm to
me. I slid to the side of the bed, grabbing onto his arm, and pulled myself up.

“I don’t seem to have any pain. And I can’t believe how flat my stomach is already. I barely look
pregnant anymore.”

“Yeah, I think they said by tomorrow morning your stomach should look like it did before you got

I sighed. That would be a welcome sight. I missed standing up to pee. “I need to go to the
bathroom. Is that allowed?” I asked. I stood up and Bal stepped back, Mason still securely in his
left arm.
“I’m sure it is. It’s just on the right as we leave here. I can’t see why you couldn’t go pee. But
Constantine’s office is right there, and we can ask to make certain.”

I had to remember that Bal hadn’t done this before either. We were both going through all of this
for the first time.

We walked across the room, Bal opening the door for me before he held his arm out for me to
grab ahold of if needed.

“There you are,” Constantine said as he came out of his office, closing the door behind him.

“I’m sorry to keep you so long,” I said. I just realized that he’d probably had to be in his office this
entire time, and there I was, napping the afternoon away.

“Think nothing of it. I’ve done quite a bit of catching up on reading that I’d wanted to get to for
some time. And I’d discussed some things with both Master Arthur and Master Edison. How are
you feeling? Any twinges? Stiffness? Anything of the sort?”

“No, but I need to pee. Is that allowed?” I asked and tried to concentrate on anything other than
my bladder.

“Of course. Right here,” Constantine said as he opened the door to his immediate left. I smiled as I
rushed past and quickly closed the door behind me. It wasn’t quite the bathroom I expected for a
clinic wing, but then again, nothing in the estate was. This was a nice, full bath, complete with a
soaking tub. I hurried to the toilet, and after raising the seat, I pushed down the front of my
sweats and realized that I could see my dick again!

I wanted to shout for joy about that, but I was too busy trying to keep quiet about how good it felt
to empty my once again full-to-capacity bladder. It had been awhile since that had happened too.

When I’d finally finished, I flushed, closed the toilet, and washed my hands. I dried them on the
paper towels that were hanging on the wall and tossed it in the trash before I left the bathroom.

The hallway was empty, but I heard Bal and Constantine talking just down the hall and found them
in Constantine’s office he’d been coming out of just moments ago.

“All better?” the doctor asked.

“Absolutely. It’s been some time since my bladder was that full.”

Constantine chuckled. “Understandable. Okay, post-delivery overview. I was just going over it with
Balthazar, but I’ll tell you too. First—and most important—sex when you feel comfortable about

I felt my cheeks flush at the mention of sex with Bal so openly.

“It’s a fact of life, Grant, and we’re paranormals. We have a higher sex drive when it comes to our
other half.”
Bal handed me Mason, and when I looked at our son, I saw that his eyes were open and he was
staring up at me with his dark eyes. Definitely brown.

“Anyway, moving on. Sleep when he does, change him with every bottle, and when he feels wet or
he’s dirtied his diaper in between. He should drink between two and four ounces of formula every
four hours. The first few days it’ll probably be closer to two.”

“Okay. Is it odd that he’s still not had a bottle?”

“No. But you can offer one when you get to your suite. I’d do so before the grandparents arrive
though. Things will be calmer for him.”

“That I can agree on. Thank you for everything, Constantine,” I told the older warlock.

“It’s what I’m here for. And I truly enjoy helping others. If you need me for anything, let me know.
I’m only a call away. But if you feel any sharp pains, dizziness, sudden gushes of any fluid, let me
know immediately. Aside from possibly being tired, you should feel like you did before being
pregnant by tomorrow morning.”

“Okay. Got it. I’ll be honest and say that I might not remember everything, but I’ll try.”

Constantine chuckled. “That’s why I told Balthazar, and I also gave him a printout to put on your
refrigerator. Enjoy your dinner.”

“Thanks, Constantine. We will. Hopefully this little guy will let us,” Balthazar said.

“That’s what the grandparents are for. Let them fuss and help. But—and I meant that but—don’t
let them overwhelm you. I’ve seen that too many times. Don’t let them take over. They’re there to
help, to lighten your stress and burden, not do everything for you. And some parents tend to do
just that. Be firm and set boundaries.”

That was sound advice, and I understood it completely. I knew that even if Constantine didn’t
realize it, he was probably describing my mother to a tee. She wouldn’t mean any harm by it—she
never truly did—but she had that way about her. The overbearing way.

After we said goodbye to Constantine, Bal had us in our own suite in a blink, and I looked around
the room through different eyes. When I’d left several hours ago, I’d been pregnant. Now I was
back, but I could once again bend down and touch my toes because I’d given birth a little over five
hours ago.

“What do you think? Our room or his?” Bal asked as he held up the bottle.

“Shouldn’t he be in his room? All of his things are there.”

“I can easily add things to ours if you’d prefer to not get up several times a night with him. We
have a bassinette for him, and it’s easy enough to bring a changing table in. There’s room.”
That sounded perfect, and I knew from the stories Matthew had told me that in a few days the
interrupted sleep cycles would catch up with us and we wouldn’t want to get up and go to the
other room to change and feed him. “That works,” I said, agreeing.

Bal and I went to our room, and after I got comfortable, he handed me the bottle, and then he
changed Mason’s diaper. When he passed me the baby, I cradled him in my arms, and when I
rubbed the nipple across his lips, he opened and immediately started suckling.

“Oh look. He’s drinking it.” I had a feeling that there would be many fascinating and awe-filled
moments over the next little while. Everything was new with Mason, and we were both going to
be experiencing it for the first time.

“He is,” Bal said. I looked at him and smiled. “I’m proud of you, Grant. You’ve dealt with so much
in the past five months, and look at you. We have a beautiful, perfect son because of you.”

“You’re going to make me cry again. Not fair,” I said as I blinked, trying to stop the flow of tears
again. Damn hormones.

“Cry, love. There’s nothing wrong with it. Giving birth is a beautiful thing, and you’ve just done
that. And now look at him. He’s right where he should be. In your arms, being cared for. You’re
going to be so amazing at this. I know it.”

“Damn you,” I said as my vision completely blurred, and I couldn’t do anything about it because
my arms were full of baby and a bottle.

“Oh, love, I don’t mean to make you cry. But it’s all true. You’re amazing, and I couldn’t have asked
for a more perfect other half for myself. You truly make life complete.”


I was a dad.Actually, I’d been an expectant dad for several months, but I was actually a dad now.
Grant had given birth to the most beautiful baby boy, and I was already enamored with our little
one. And Grant. My One. He was so amazing.

I knew he hadn’t been sleeping well for the past several weeks, and what little sleep he did get
wasn’t good sleep. I wasn’t surprised that once the adrenaline of going into labor and delivering
had worn off, he’d crashed and slept for several hours.

I’d spent that time talking to Constantine and taking care of Mason and watching over my sleeping
love. He deserved it.

Now we were in our suite, and Mason was taking his first bottle. I knew that our parents were
excited and more than ready to meet Mason, but like Constantine said, we needed this time to
bond with Mason. We needed to get into a routine. I knew it would take time, but our lives had
irrevocably changed in a moment. That moment, though, had been months ago when we’d first

“I can call down for supper whenever you’d like me to,” I told Grant. He was smiling down at
Mason as he drank. Realizing I should probably be taking pictures, I pulled out my phone and
quickly snapped several shots.

“You did not just take a picture of me with my messy hair.” Grant gave me a half glare. It didn’t
work though because his eyes were still watery, and it only made him look even more adorable.

“I absolutely did. You look perfect. Even with your hair standing up like it is. I love this look on

“What? Tired new dad?”

“Mmm, I guess if that’s what it is. I was thinking more along the lines of amazing and perfect

“You’re going to make me cry again if you keep that up.” Grant handed me the bottle that was
only half-empty, but when I looked at Mason, he was once again asleep. Grant carefully put him
on his shoulder and started patting his back. I wasn’t confident that he’d get anything from him,
but we needed to try.

“I don’t mean to make you cry. I’m simply telling you how I feel about you. Are you hungry? You
didn’t get lunch.”

“Neither did you. And yes, I’m very hungry.”

I smiled, and after I pulled up the message app, typed out a message to Grantham. I got an almost
immediate reply, and I grinned.
“Grantham wants to know if it’s okay if he delivers the meal in person.”

“Why wouldn’t it? He’s gone out of his way to make something special for us.”

“Yes. But we have a new baby. I’m sure he’s just anxious to see him. And he’s mentioned he’d like
to congratulate us.”

“Oh. Yeah, it’s okay. I have no issues with people meeting Mason. I just want to sleep when he
does. Matthew stressed that enough times.”

“Constantine said it as well. And it was in all of the books,” I said as I typed out the reply. Just
moments later, there was a loud knock on the door, and I looked at Grant, confused.

“I bet it’s my parents. It’s time to let them know they can come meet their grandson anyway.”

“Did he burp?” I asked. I got up and started across the room.

“No. But I didn’t expect him to any more than you did,” Grant said loud enough for me to hear
from across the room. I left our bedroom and quickly walked to the front door and opened it. I’d
only sensed one aura on the other side and was surprised to see Grantham on the other side

“Too quick?” he asked. He pushed a cart in front of him, and I stepped out of the way, allowing
him to enter.

“Not at all. We both missed lunch, and Grant’s favorite is shrimp, as you know.” I closed the door
and followed Grantham to the dining area.

“I want to try to make something special for all of the new couples. Especially when they have a
baby. It’s a big deal. And I figured that since it was Grant who gave birth, his favorite would be
what was on the menu.”

We stopped next to the table, and Grantham pushed on the wheels just as Grant walked up to us.

“And I appreciate it. Sadly, I’m not willing to have another every time I can talk you into coconut

“Oh look at him. He’s too precious,” Grantham said, his hands reaching out before he clasped
them together and brought them down to his stomach.

“Do you want to hold him?” Grant asked. Grantham shook his head.

“No. Thank you though. I’m not very comfortable around babies. I find them fascinating, and I love
to look at them from afar, but I think until I have my own, I’m not going to truly be comfortable
holding one. But he’s so beautiful. His eyes are brown I guess?” Grantham asked, looking between
the two of us.
“Yes, they’re dark. They almost look black, so we figured they were brown. And the fact that we
both have brown eyes is a good indicator,” I said.

“It is. Well, I’m not taking more of your time. Here’s your shrimp and all of the goodies to go with
it. Enjoy, you two, and congratulations to both of you.” Grantham waved, and then he was gone. I
looked at Grant and found him staring at the spot that Grantham had just been.

“Do you find him quirky?”

“Absolutely. But he’s an amazing chef, and my mouth is watering just thinking about these
shrimps. Here, put Mason down and we’ll eat,” I said. I pulled the bassinette over and placed it
near us.

“Where? Never mind. I know where and how. Should we call our parents?”

“Nope. I’m being greedy and keeping you and the baby to myself for a little while longer. Mason
has been changed, fed, and is sleeping. Let’s enjoy our meal, and then we can discuss letting them
in. Because when we do, we’ll have to kick them out in order for us to go to bed.”

Grant sighed, his shoulders falling. “I know. And it’s not that I don’t want any of them here
because I do, but I’m kind of dreading the first meeting with my mother since she and Dad left to
go visit my grandparents. I’ve talked to her several times, but I’m still trying to get past what
happened. Why didn’t she just say something?”

“I don’t know, love.” I reached over and gave Grant’s shoulder a gentle squeeze as he placed
Mason in the bassinette. When he stood back up, I reached for him and pulled him into my arms.
He came willingly, and I hugged him tight.

“Love you.”

“I love you too. You ready to eat? I know I’m hungry and looking forward to being able to eat more
than four bites of anything before I’m full.”

I chuckled at Grant. I didn’t understand from his perspective, but I had to agree. It would be
frustrating, and I knew he was more than ready to eat. I gave him a quick kiss before I took a step
to the side and pulled out his chair for him. He sat, and then I started pulling silver-dome-covered
plates off the tray.

I smiled at it, and I did understand the reasoning behind it. There were some shifters in our coven,
and that meant that not everyone could simply magic things they wanted.

Grant and I uncovered everything, and I smiled as Grant devoured coconut shrimp, salad, hush
puppies, fresh fruit, and to drink, Grantham had given us a nice bottle of sparkling wine. It was
another of Grant’s favorites, and now that he was no longer pregnant, he was enjoying a glass of
All too soon the meal was gone, Grant looking like he was ready for another nap, and with a
thought, I had everything, including a nice thank-you note, sent back to the kitchen. It was already
clean but waiting on the cart because I wasn’t positive where it all went.

“You ready for another nap?” I asked.

“Mmm, yeah, actually. But I’m afraid that if I nap again, I won’t be able to go to sleep tonight.”

“I have no doubt that you will, but if you’re really concerned, we can call our parents.”

Grant glanced between Mason’s bassinette and me before he nodded. “Let’s do that. I want them
to meet him, and I don’t want Mom to drive your dads crazy.”

I snorted. There was no way that would happen, but I wasn’t going to mention it. I knew that they
got along with Clara just fine. It was actually me that she seemed to still have an issue with.
Hopefully that would end soon enough.

“Very well. Why don’t you take Mason and go sit on the couch? I’ll message them and then wait at
the door.”

“Are you sure? Maybe you should have Mason?” Grant suggested. I shook my head, and after I got
up from my chair at the table, I pushed it in. Grant was rising from his, and I reached for his chair
when he stood. He moved over to the bassinette as I pushed his chair in, and when he picked
Mason up, I sent the portable bed to the living room, next to the couch.

“They’ll be here instantly. So be sure.”

“I am,” Grant said as he walked off.

I watched him staring down at our son, and I knew that feeling well. It was one of awe and still a
bit of disbelief.

I took my time texting my father. It was probably wrong of me, but I also mentioned how I didn’t
want them to be here until bedtime and that tomorrow was another day and they would be
welcome back. Father surprised me by replying, letting me know they would be there just as soon
as they finished eating.

I looked at the clock and realized that we’d eaten a bit earlier than the rest of the coven. My sense
of time had all but vanished, and I was okay with that. My focus for the next several weeks was
going to be completely on Grant and Mason.

I walked into the living room, and my heart melted when I got there. Grant was snuggling Mason,
and he just looked so at home with our son in his arms. When he noticed me, he looked to my
side, then the other.

“Where are they?”

“Eating. We got our meal early. Father said they’d be here as soon as they finished eating. So I
figure we have twenty minutes, tops. I figure that now that they know we’re up for visitors, they’ll
eat fast.”

“Oh yeah. I see Mom doing that. Or suddenly she’ll have lost her appetite.”

I could certainly see that about Clara. I sat down with Grant and kicked off my shoes before I
turned sideways on the couch and pushed my left leg behind him. “Come cuddle.”

“But Mason.”

“Yeah. Keep him on your chest, and you lie on mine.”

“Oh.” Grant turned and did just that. I had the perfect view of our son, and Grant was within
kissing distance. It was comfortable, and I could see it quickly becoming a favorite of mine. That
was exactly how our parents found us around a half hour later. I couldn’t be bothered to get up
because I was too enamored with staring at our sleeping son and One to disturb either of them to
get up and answer the door.

They all came rushing into the suite—some more sedately than others—and when I held up a
finger to my lips, at least they immediately stopped and made an honest effort to be as quiet as

“I know we shouldn’t be quiet around the baby all the time, but Grant is exhausted. He’s had a
rough couple of days,” I whispered.

“He has. He didn’t want you to worry though,” Dad said as he crouched beside us for a second and
then stood up, standing back to allow room for Clara.

“Oh, he’s darling. What did you name him? Did you pick one?”

“Mason,” Grant grumbled in response.

“Oh, he’s awake. Does that mean I can hold the baby?” Clara asked.

“Wash your hands first,” Grant said as he turned his head to look at our parents, who were all
standing in front of the couch. “You know, any other time it would be okay to wake up to the four
of you standing over me.”

“It would anytime, love. I’m surprised you didn’t scream. I might have. Can you imagine waking up
to them standing like that beside our bed?”

“Thank you for putting that terror thought in my mind.”

Clara came back seconds later, arms outstretched, and Grant moved Mason a bit so she could get
her arms under him. “Oh, he’s precious. I know I already said that, but he is. And so big. Did they
say how much he weighs?” Clara asked.
“Oh, no. I didn’t even think to ask,” Grant said.

“Actually, while you were napping, Constantine brought that info in for me. He weighed nine
pounds and eight ounces. He’s nineteen inches long.”

“Aww,” she said as she sat down on one of the love seats. Grant sat up, so I did the same, vowing
I’d cuddle him again soon. Dad joined Clara on the love seat, and the rest of us watched as they
fussed over Mason. They quietly talked about what each of us were like when we were born,
about when we hit milestones, and how he looked like an equal split of both of us.

Clara readily handed Mason to Dad to hold, who, after a time, passed him to John, and John finally
passed him to Father. They all gushed, and I couldn’t ever remember my father looking like he did
then. I guess perhaps that was because he’d never yet had a grandson.

They stayed for a couple of hours, talking about the baby, all taking turns several times to hold him
and ensuring us that they would gladly help in any way they could over the next several weeks if

My biggest surprise came when Grant was once again holding our baby, and Clara came over to
stand in front of me.

“You’re so good to and for my son. I’m glad he has you in his life. I know we didn’t get off on the
right foot, and I accept responsibility. You two make beautiful babies, and I figure if that’s the case,
you can’t be all bad,” Clara said, and then she winked at me before touching my arm.

I was so flabbergasted that I couldn’t respond in time. They were gone moments later, and I
turned to Grant, completely shocked.

“She’s trying.”

“She is. And I will too. Not only is it the right thing to do, but I want her in our lives. In Mason’s.”

“Me too,” Grant said. He hugged Mason up to his face, placing a gentle kiss on his hat. I walked to
him, and when I gently pulled his face up, I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss, our son between us.


Baland I quickly learned that it was so very good to have four grandparents who were more than
willing to help out with Mason. After the first two days, our little guy showed us just how well his
lungs worked. And he wanted fed every three and a half hours. Which meant Bal and I were
sleeping in three-hour shifts. That wasn’t nearly enough to function as an adult.

But because we had our parents around, that became a lifesaver, and we were able to let them
take over during the day while we fell into our bed, exhausted.

Mom and Bal slowly got to know one another over the first month of Mason’s life, something I
was grateful for, and it made my heart happy to know that my mom was finally opening up to him.
It would have made for centuries of tension and awkwardness if they didn’t, and it looked as if
things were going to work out just fine.

I smiled, thinking about how much Mom lit up when she held Mason, and that had me grateful
that we were able to do that. Not every paranormal parent got to meet their grandchildren before
recently. Now that we’d all been granted immortality with the help of the Fates and the goddess—
saying things like that was still strange—even though some of us didn’t find our fated One at a
young age, we should be able to have large families as had been originally intended.

“How are you feeling?” Balthazar asked.

“Nervous,” I replied automatically. Mason was back at the estate with Enoch and my mom. He was
perfectly fine and safe if anything should happen to go wrong, which Edison had assured me it

I happened to be standing in the middle of the forest, somewhere on the estate grounds. With me
were Master Edison, Master Arthur, Balthazar, my dad, Leonardo, and Constantine. Aside from my
dad, all were very powerful warlocks and were all here to offer support and assist me in any way
as needed.

“Why are you nervous? We’d never let anything happen to you.”

I wrapped my arms around Bal’s waist and buried my face in his neck. “Actually, I’m more worried
about hurting you. Or someone else.” I gave his neck a quick kiss when his arms tightened around
my waist. “What if I can’t control my powers?”

“Then we’ll figure it out. Master Edison can help. He and Arthur have helped more young warlocks
than I can count when it comes to mastering control over their powers.”

That was reassuring, and I took a step back so I could look at Bal and offer what I hoped was a
convincing smile. I took a deep breath, held it for a few moments, and let it out, hoping to take the
majority of the tension with it. It didn’t work.
But it was time, and I was the one who had decided that a month after Mason was born, I wanted
to do this. Now that we were here, preparing to do this, I wasn’t so sure anymore. But I wanted to
at least give it a try, so I took a step toward the others, who were standing together talking.

“There’s no need to be nervous,” Master Edison said as I approached. I leaned into Bal’s side a bit
harder, needing the contact and support from him.

“Rationally, I understand that. But it’s hard to actually implement it.”

“It won’t hurt, and I won’t let anything happen to the others. Okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

I was still nervous, and probably would be until I realized what it was that was going to happen. I’d
never be able to go on if I inadvertently did something to harm Bal or one of the others here.

“It will be okay,” Bal said. He leaned over and kissed my temple before he let go of me and joined
the others off to the side. He stood between our dads, and I gave them a cheesy grin and thumbs-
up before turning back to Edison.

“Okay, I’m ready.”

“You sure? We can wait longer if you wish. There’s no time limit on this.”

“I’m positive. That’s part of being a grown-up, right? Facing the uncertainties that life throws at
you? This is definitely one of those, and we can’t know what it’ll be like until we do it.”

“Very true. But I promise, nothing will happen to anyone. Yourself included.”

“I believe you. Shall we, then?”

“Absolutely,” Edison said.

We faced one another, and after I gave the others one last look, I turned back to the ancient
warlock in front of me.

“I love you, Bal. More than I will ever be able to say.”

“I love you as well. And how about you simply show me just how much later?”

I smirked because that there had me relaxing.

“I needed that, and you can count on it.”

We’d only had sex twice since Mason was born a little over a month ago. It wasn’t from lack of
interest but lack of stamina. We were both simply tired and trying to get into a routine. We were
getting there. Bal had gone back to work, and I had started taking Mason with me to my studio.
My muse had certainly shifted, but that was okay. I was going to go with it.
“Okay, Grant. I need you to focus on me,” Edison said. I stared into his blue eyes and took another
deep breath.

“Good. Now, you will be surrounded by light. It won’t hurt you, and you shouldn’t feel pain. At
most, you should sense your aura vibrations become stronger. That’s your magic waking up after
being released. But I need you to focus on me and those vibrations, okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

After another calming breath, I gave a small nod, and then I was suddenly surrounded by light. Not
just any light, but a bright pinkish one. I felt it dance along my skin, and I couldn’t help but smile
because it felt so amazing, unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

My chest felt warm, my arms, legs, fingers, and toes started tingling, and then they too were
burning. But it only lasted for a moment before everything calmed and the pretty pink light was
gone. I blinked a few times, and Edison’s face came back into focus, but that wasn’t what held my
attention. No, the strong hum coursing throughout my body was. It was coming and going in
waves, and I didn’t know what it meant.

“What’s that feeling? It’s pulsing, like a heartbeat.”

“That’s your magic. It’s wanting out. Can you turn around for me?”

I did as told and looked at the forest. It was gorgeous and green everywhere. But last year’s fallen
leaves were still on the ground.

“That log over there, do you see it?” Edison asked as he pointed off to my left.

“The one between the two trees at about eleven o’clock?”

“That’s the one. I want you to look at it, to focus on it.”

“Okay.” It was part of a large branch that had obviously fallen some time ago. It wasn’t overly
large, but it was probably bigger than what a human could easily lift.

“Now, feel the magic in your body. You sense it in your chest. It’s there, it’s pulsing, ready to come
out and let its presence be known.”


“Now think about it traveling from your chest and through your arms and then into your hands
and fingers. Then let it out. Let it go touch the log. Let it—”

Edison stopped when the log suddenly exploded, sending debris flying backward everywhere into
the forest. The sound alone had me flinching, and that probably wasn’t the best thing since when
that happened, my focus shifted to the tree that had been just to the right of the log. The tree also
exploded, and that made me scream.
“Shh, focus. It’s okay. Pull the magic back. Pull it back from your fingers. Feel it travel up them and
your arms. Let it return to your center and be safely stored there.”

I did exactly as Master Edison said and thought about the power coursing through my body. It was
such a new feeling, and it was certainly a welcome one. When I felt it once again center in my
chest and start pulsing there, I looked at the other warlock and nodded.

“Okay, good. Now I want you to simply raise your hand and look at the other tree that is beside
the one you decimated.”

I cringed at that. I felt terrible about what had happened to the tree. “Okay,” I said, waiting.

“Okay, now with your power still centered in your chest, I want you to raise your hand toward the
tree and stare at it.”

“What am I supposed to be doing after that?” I asked, curious.

“Nothing. Just looking at it without making it explode.”

Okay. I could do that, right? Surely, I could. I looked to the tree and slowly raised my hand. When
nothing happened, I quickly lowered my arm and looked to Edison.

“Excellent.” He waved to the others, and they quickly came rushing over. I found myself wrapped
in Bal’s arms and picked up, which was funny since I was only an inch shorter than he was.

“You’re amazing,” he whispered.

“Really? It’s amazing that I made a tree explode? That was scary. And I feel terrible about the tree.
What if something happened to one of you?”

“We’re all fine and perfectly safe. But it appears that he has full powers,” Master Arthur said.

“Indeed he does. Which means we’ll have to spend a lot of time learning control before we can
move on to mastering abilities. Because without control, you can’t have the other,” Master Edison

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked. Bal had put me down, and I hesitantly wrapped an arm around his

“Not at all. But we’ll work on it with you. There are many trees in this forest that have met the
same fate over the centuries when teenagers have first come into their own powers,” Master
Arthur told me. That was a bit reassuring, but it didn’t change the fact that I did feel bad about
what had happened.

“How do you feel?” Constantine asked. When I met his gaze, it was one of professional concern.
“Not bad. I’d only gotten a very small vibration feeling when Bal and I claimed one another. Now I
feel a strong pulse on my claiming mark. And throughout the rest of my body, actually.”

“That’s good. And how it should be. We’ll help you learn to control the magic, and the pulsing
that’s coursing through your body will lessen. It should always be there, but it’ll just be quiet until
you call for it,” Constantine told me.

“Good. Because I’d think this would become exhausting like labor contractions did after a few

“That’s a good comparison. And accurate,” Master Edison said.

I looked to my dad, who was still standing next to Leonardo, and raised an eyebrow at him. “What
do you think, Dad?” I asked.

“I think it’s wonderful. I’m not sure I’ve ever exploded a tree though, so I’m not sure where that
amount of energy comes from.”

“From our line,” Leonardo said. Dad looked at him in question.

“When you are claimed by your One, your auras join. Grant inherited some of Balthazar’s powers
when he was claimed by him. The same goes for Balthazar. He gained powers from your line.”

“But ours aren’t that strong.”

“They’re stronger than you think. Not living in a coven will do that. As will not using the powers on
a regular basis. Like anything, you need to practice,” Master Edison said. “It’s the same with
shifters. The more frequently they shift, the quicker it is.”

“Okay, so now what? I have all of this power inside me, and I’m not sure what to do with it.”

“Now we work on you learning to control how much comes out and when. It’s as simple as that,”
Edison told me. I wished I felt the same.

“All right. So I come out here to practice? It seems like the most logical place since I can’t hurt the
estate or others.”

“Here is a good place, yes. We have several that we tend to use when teaching teenagers. And in
all honesty, going back to Honey Creek with Papa and Dad for a bit might not be a bad idea,”
Master Arthur said.

I wasn’t quite following, but I didn’t have to wait long. “That’s a good suggestion. Elliot is excellent
at teaching others to master powers. He’s done wonders with Arin, and already he’s almost
completely mastered everything,” Edison told me.

It took a few moments of running through the many names that had been thrown at me since I’d
joined the coven, but if memory served, Arin and Elliot were two of Master Edison’s younger sons.
“And Honey Creek is quite isolated. As is the lake. It helps that all of the park rangers are shifters in
the den and pack. Of course, you shouldn’t feel as if that’s what you must do. We’ve taught
hundreds of warlocks to master their powers here,” Edison added.

I looked at Bal in question. I wasn’t sure I wanted to leave him for however long it took to get
control of my magic enough that I didn’t explode things.

“We don’t have to make a decision now. But no matter what you want, I’ll support you fully, and
Mason and I will be there with you every step of the way.”

My heart melted again for my warlock. How was it I’d been so blessed? “I’m not sure what I want
to do. I don’t want to take you away from the coven, but I don’t want to hurt someone either.”
That was my biggest fear. That I would hurt someone in the coven.

“I have faith in you. Already you’re showing that you can keep the magic inside. It’s not wildly
coming out, and you even wrapped your arm around me without making me explode.”

I glared at Bal. That wasn’t funny at all. Not even a little.

“We can start here, and if at any time you want to get away, you can. Things are different in the
den. There are individual houses in both the den and pack that you, Balthazar, and Mason can stay
in. That was the only reason why I suggested possibly going to Montana. You seem concerned
about being around others, and there it would be possible to be around only your One and son,
and Balthazar would be able to protect Mason always,” Edison said.

And that made so much sense. I hadn’t realized that was the case, and now Montana was so much
more appealing. Except for the fact that I’d be pulling Balthazar away from the coven, away from
his job.

“That does sound ideal,” I said but looked to Bal again in question.

“One day at a time, love. Let’s take our time and think about it.”

I nodded, agreeing. It was definitely something I wanted to talk about later. When I moved to
Amherst, I only had myself to think about. But now I had Bal and Mason. Granted, they’d be going
with me, but again, Bal had a life here.

“Good. Now that’s settled, why don’t we see about pulling those powers back enough to where
you move objects instead of explode them,” Edison said. I nodded while Bal chuckled. A glare from
me and a throat clearing from Leonardo had Balthazar grabbing me suddenly. I squeaked, but that
turned to a moan when his mouth suddenly covered mine, and my mating mark started throbbing
stronger. The feeling went directly to my dick, and I suddenly understood firsthand what it was
that Balthazar felt every time he’d been turned on by me.

It was a glorious feeling, and when we finally broke apart, I was definitely indecent, but I didn’t
care. “I love you, and I think it’s amazing that you can explode trees. That means that you have
your magic, and you can finally start feeling as if you’re completely whole.”
I couldn’t stay mad because he was right. For so long, I’d felt defective, and even though Bal had
assured me that there was nothing wrong with me at all, I still always felt as if something was
missing. It was my magic. And now I had it and I couldn’t wait to learn how to us it.

“Okay then. Shall we get started?” I asked as I looked at the other five warlocks that were standing
in front of Bal and me. They were all strong, powerful, and confident, and I was sure that with
practice and patience, I’d be able to use my magic in no time.


“Bal?”I called out, wondering where he was. We were in Honey Creek, and I absolutely loved it
here. A few weeks after Master Edison unbound my powers for me, we decided to move out to
Montana for a little while. It had turned out to be an amazing decision.

I discovered that the stress of not being around so many others in one building with me was the
ticket to freeing my mind and taking control of my magic. Alpha War had been most welcoming,
and I quickly found that not only was life with the den enjoyable, but they were amazingly family

And there were so many children. I understood why Master Edison and Wallace spent so much
time in Montana. They had new grandchildren and a great-grandchild to spoil.

“Bal?” I called again.

“Here,” he said, walking out of the hallway. He had Mason in his arms, and I smiled at the pair. I’d
never get tired of seeing our son in his dad’s arms. Bal was a perfect dad, and Mason loved
spending time with him.

“How’s my sweet boy? Hmm?” I asked as I reached for Mason. He gave me a toothy grin and


“That’s right. Daddy. And who is that?” I asked, pointing to Bal.


Bal’s smile was so big it was contagious. I’d been working with Mason for a while, and he’d finally
started calling Bal “Papa” early last week. He knew a handful of words, but unfortunately for us, he
only knew one volume. Loud. Then again, he’d been loud since the day he was born.

“Do you want to take us? Or do you want me to?” Bal asked.

“Do you mind? I’d feel better about it if you popped us over to Alpha War’s.”

“If that’s what you wish. You’ve been doing so good though, and although it’s only been a year,
your magic is almost completely in your control. Although there have been a few instances lately.
But I just assume it’s the excitement over Mason’s birthday.”

I wasn’t so sure, but I’d admit that I was exciting. Today was Mason’s first birthday, and we were
having a party for him at Alpha War’s house. Since Mason was only one and wouldn’t remember a
thing about it, it was more a get-together for the adults, and we were going to let the kids all run
and play in the backyard while we enjoyed adult conversation.
You know…like which cartoon is better. Or which brand of diapers did each of us like best. Or
formula. Or how soon did they recommend having kids after the first.

Although if you asked Arik, everyone knew that his answer was every single heat cycle. He and
War had an entire brood. They already had four with a fifth on the way.

“Where did you go?” Bal asked the same time Mason patted my cheek, only he didn’t yet know
how to softly pat someone’s cheek, and it always ended up being a slap. It wouldn’t have hurt
nearly as much if his hand was dry. But it wasn’t. He’d been chewing on his fingers, and that meant
his hand was slobbery, and it connected just right. I flinched, and Bal immediately reached for

“Mason, no,” Bal said. He looked at our son, and it melted my heart to see Bal being stern with
him. “What have I told you, bud? You can’t hit like that. It hurts. You don’t want to hurt Daddy, do

Mason just looked at Bal, and I smiled at the pair. Mason was a miniature version of Balthazar. He
looked just like him although he seemed to be a bit more free-spirited than Bal was, according to

When Mason popped this thumb in his mouth and placed his head on Bal’s shoulder, that was it,
and Bal cradled Mason’s head with his right hand.

“This boy. I swear, he’s going to be trouble.”

“Would you have it any other way?” I asked.

“Probably not. Life would be boring otherwise. Actually, my life was pretty dull before you came
into it.”

“Well, I for one am glad to be the one adding excitement to your life,” I told him. I leaned over and
gave Bal a quick kiss, and then I ran my fingers through Mason’s hair before kissing his cheek.

“You ready to go, then? Your cheek doesn’t look bad.”

“He didn’t mean it to be mean.”

“I know. We need to teach him to be gentle though.”

And Bal was the perfect person to do that. I of course would help, but I had a feeling that with the
connection Mason seemed to have with Bal, he’d always learn quicker if Bal was the one
instructing him. I was the one that Mason came to when he wanted comfort or to be fed. Bal, on
the other hand, Mason seemed to enjoy playing with him more. He mimicked his papa, and I’d
seen how he tracked Bal’s movements.

“I’m ready if you are.”

Bal smiled, and then we were suddenly standing on the back deck at War and Arik’s house. The
yard was already a flurry of activity with the alpha pair’s children and cousins. But they weren’t the
only children in the yard. No, the others in the den who had children, they were all there as well.
And every last one of them were climbing all over a giant Siberian tiger and a massive polar bear.

“Okay, the tiger is Wallace. That much I know. But which polar bear is that, do you think?”

“I think it’s Jules, actually,” Bal said as he set Mason down on the grass, and we watched as our
son quickly ran over to join the others.

“It is,” Arik said as he came up behind us, his hands cradling his rounded stomach.

“You know what I don’t get?” Arik raised an eyebrow at me, pointedly glanced down at my
stomach, and looked back at me. I gave him what I hoped was a pleading look, and he smiled.


“I wonder why they’re all climbing on Wallace and Jules when they have that amazing bouncy
house right there? I mean, those things are so much fun,” I said, taking a step in that direction.

“They are, but you probably shouldn’t be jumping in it, you know,” Arik said.

“Why not?” Bal asked. I glared at Arik but smiled at my One.

“He’s right. It’s for the kids. Not us.” I hoped he’d accept my excuse, but it didn’t seem like it.

“What? That’s crazy. Come on. I’ll go in it with you. There’s really no sense in not using the thing
since they went to the trouble to get it.”

Arik grabbed my arm and held me back while Bal tried to tug me with him to it.

“Arik? Really, he should be able to have fun too.”

“Yeah, but he should probably refrain. For now,” Arik argued. I should have known that with him
being a shifter he’d be able to scent things before others could.

“No, come on,” Bal said, tugging harder on my arm. I pulled back and suddenly found myself the
recipient of Bal’s confused look. “Grant?”

I sighed, sent Arik another glare, and then tried to smile at Balthazar. It wasn’t too difficult, but I
wasn’t quite sure this was something he was ready for. We’d not talked about having another
child so soon, and Arik’s reaction had just confirmed my suspicions.

“Arik’s right. I probably shouldn’t be jumping in the bouncy house right now. My powers are a little
strong at times lately, and although I do seem to have complete control over them, I wouldn’t
want to hurt anyone here.”

“Your powers are fine. And there’s no valid reason why we can’t enjoy the bouncy house.”
“There is actually.” I took a deep breath and reached for Bal’s other hand. When he grabbed mine,
I gave his a squeeze and decided to just rip the bandage off as it were. “Do you remember early
last week?”

“I remember last week. What about it?”

“Early last week. Remember the couch? And the shower? And the back deck?”

Both of Bal’s eyebrows went up.

“Yeah. So I didn’t realize what was going on. Not until I started feeling nauseous two days ago.
Then this morning I peed on a stick and got two lines. And just now, Arik looked down at my
stomach when he first walked up to me.”

“Grant? Are you saying what I think you are?” Bal asked with a hopeful look on his face.

“If you think I’m telling you I’m pregnant again, then yes.”

“You’re pregnant?” Matthew shouted from behind us. I hadn’t realized they were here yet. But
the damage had been done because suddenly everyone was moving toward us, and I wanted to
hide under a rock if at all possible.

“I’m sorry, Bal. I know we didn’t discuss more kids yet.”

“What? Don’t be. I love the idea of Mason having at least one sibling to grow up with,” Bal said. He
pulled me into his arms, and then his mouth was on mine. When he pushed his tongue into my
mouth, I moaned. I couldn’t help it. It was my reaction to him anytime he kissed me.

“So you’re not mad, then? I didn’t realize that was a fertile period. I just thought I was horny
because you’re so damn sexy.”

Bal snorted, but we were quickly asked a bunch of questions from multiple directions. When I
found my mom wrapped tightly around me, and Enoch a little more gently to my side, I smiled at
Bal, who was now standing next to Leonardo and my dad, who was holding Mason. I’d been truly
blessed when Dad decided that he should join a coven.

Things hadn’t fully worked out like any of us expected, but Mom and Dad were spending more and
more time in Amherst now, and I fully expected them to eventually move back. Especially since Bal
and I had Mason and soon would have another little one.

“All the babies,” Enoch said, and Mom nodded her head against my chest. I wasn’t sure about all
the babies, but at least two. For now.
About the Author
Thank you so much for reading Balthazar and Grant’s story. Up next in this series is Constantine’s



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