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GIS and decision making

Article · January 1993


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4 authors, including:

Peter A. Kwaku Kyem

Central Connecticut State University


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Raster for
Multi-Criteria Decisions
l. RonaldEastman,Weigen Jin, Peter A. K' Kyem, and JamesToledano

1991).Over the past year,the Clark Labs have been involved

Abstract in an exploration of decision making proceduresfor land al-
Decisionsabout the allocation of land typically involve the
location problems on behalf of the United Nations Institute
evaluation of multiple criteria according to sevetal, often
for Trainins and Research.One of the difficulties we encoun-
conflicting, obiectives.With the advent of cts, we now have
tered was this lack of appropriatetools. As a result,we
the'oppoitunity for a more explicitly reasonedenvironmental
found the need to developa seriesof new programmodules
decision making process.However, cls fios been slow to de-
for the IDRISIgeographicanalysis software system (Eastman,
velop decision support tools, more typically relying on proce-
1993).Theseire deicribed in the following sectionsand will
dures outside the GIS software.In this paper the issuesof
be illustratedby meansof a hypotheticalcasestudy. A sec-
multi-criteria/multi- obiectivedecision making ate discussed'
ond difficultv we encounteredwas the broadly divergent use
along with an exploration of o nev, set of decision support
of decisiontbrminology(e.g.,seeRosenthal(1s85))that ex-
tooli appropriate for the large data-handling needs of taster Scienceand OperationsRe-
ists in the Decision/Management
GIS.A case study is used to illustrate these tools as devel'
searchfields.Accordingly,we have adoptedthe following set
oped for the IDRISIgeographic analysis softwore system'
of ooerational definitions which we feel are in keeping with
the ihrust of the Decision Scienceliterature and which are
lntroduction expressiveof the cIS decisionmaking context.
As a technology, GIS has evolved through three broad appli-
cation domains. The first, and that which lends it its name, Definitionsl
is the use of GIS as an information database-a means of co-
ordinating and accessing geographic data. The second' and Decision
more recent, is the use of cts as an analytical tool-a means A decision is a choice between alternatives. The alternatives
of specifying logical and mathematical relationships among mav reDresent different courses of action, different hypothe-
map layers (i.e., modeling) to yield new derivative maps. ses-about the character of a feature, different sets of features,
Building upon these two, we now see a third stage-the use and so on.
of cts as a decision support system-a means for deciding
how to act upon the analyses produced. Criterion
With these later stages,we see the system evolving to ac- A criterion is some basis for a decision that can be measured
commodate the addition of new information to augment that and evaluated. It is the evidence upon which a decision is
in the database.With cls as a database,we get nothing more
based. Criteria can be of two kinds: factors and constraints.
from the system than what went in in the first place. Admit-
tedly, we mav access those data in new and novel combina- Factors
tioni; but the fact remains that the svstem is little more than A factor is a criterion that enhancesor detractsfrom the suita-
an automated data bank. As tlls evoived to take on a nlore bilitv of a specificalternativefor the activitv under considera-
analytical focus, we see the development of special tools for tion. It is tht'reforemeasuredon a continuousscale.For
the addition of new infbrmation-knowledge of relationships example.a lbrestrv companYmav determine-thatthe steeperthe
and/or process. Derivative mapping and simulation modeling slope,the more costlv if is to transportwood. As a result,better
truly add new data to the databaseby combining existing areasfbr logging -o.,ld b" those on shallow slopes-the. shal-
lower the bi'itei. pactorsare aiso known as decision vorioblesin
data with knowledge of reiations alrd process. Finally, as GIS
the rnathematicalprogrammingliterature IFiering, 1986) and
evolves to accommodate decision making behavior, we will sfnrcluroi voriobie.sin the linear goal programmingliterature
witness the deveiopment of specialized tools tcl speciiy how (lgnizio,1985).
to act upon the outcomes of our analyticai models. It is to
this issue that the following paper is addressed, with special 'This section is taken substantiallv from Eastman el a1.(1993a)and
reference to raster GIS. Eastman et o1.(1g93b).Indeed, this paper is a modification and am-
Makine decisions about the allocation of land is one of plification of the ltrrmer of these to give a broader treatment of
the most fiindamental activities of resource development Multi-Criteria Evaluation as well as Multi-Objective decision
(FAO, 1976). With the development of GIS,we now have the making.
opportunity for a more explicitly reasoned Process of land-
u.seevaluaiion. However, despite the wide range of analytical PhotogrammetricEngineering& Remote Sensing,
tools these svstems provide, thev are t1'picallv weak in the V o l . 6 1 , N o . 5 , M a y 1 9 9 5 ,P P . 5 3 9 - 5 4 7 .
provision of decision support procedures (Honea ef o,1.,
o o s s - l - t r zI s b/ 6 1o 5 - 539 $ 3 0
. 0/0
The Clark Labs for Cartographic Technology and Geographic O 1s95 American Societyfor Photogrammetry
A n a l y s i s , C l a r k U n i v e r s i t v , W o r c e s t e r ,M A 0 1 6 1 0 . and RemoteSensing


Constraints selects the best regions for agriculture exemplifies the sec-
A constraint serves to limit the alternatives under considera- ond. In essence,the first kind of decision is one of classifica-
tion. A good example of a constraint would be the exclusion ilon while the second is one of selection.
from development of areas designated as wildlife reserves. An-
other might be the stipulation that no development can proceed 0bjective
on slopes exceeding a 30 percent gradient. In many casescon- Decision rules are structured in the context of a soecific ob-
straints will be expressed in the form of a Boolean (logical) jective. The nature of that objective, and how it iJ viewed by
map: areas excluded from consideration being coded with a 0
the decision makers (i.e., their motives), will serve as a
and those open for consideration being coded wlth a 1. How-
strong guiding force in the development of a specific deci-
e v e r , i n s o m e i n s t a n c e s t h e c o n s t r a i n t w i l l b e e x D r e s s e da s
some characteristic that the final solution must nossess. For ex- sion rule. An objective is thus a percpective that serves to
ample, we might require that the total area of lands selected for guide the stmcturing of decision rules., For example, we
d e v e l o p m e n t b e n o t l e s s t h a n 5 0 0 0 h e c t a r e s .C o n s t r a i n t s s u c h a s may have the stated obiective to determine areas suitable for
this are often called gools (lgnizio,19B5) or forget.s (Rosenthal, timber harvesting. However, our perspective may be one that
1 9 8 5 ) . R e g a r d l e s s ,b o t h f o r m s o f c o n s t r a i n t h a v e t h e s a m e u l t i - tries to minimize the impact of harvesting on recreational
mate meaning-to limit the alternatives under consideration. uses in the area. The choice of criteria to be used and the
weights to assign them would thus be quite different from
DecisionRule that of a group whose primary concern was profit maximiza-
The procedure by which criteria are combined to arrive at a tion. Objectives are thus very much concerned with issues of
particular evaluation, and by which evaluations are com- motive and social perspective.
pared and acted upon, is known as a decision rule. A deci-
sion rule might be as simple as a threshold applied to a Multi4ilteriaEvaluations
single criterion (such as, all regions with slopes less than 35 The actual process of applying the decision rule is called
percent will be zoned as suitable for development) or it may evaluation. To meet a specific objective, it is frequently the
be as complex as one involving the comparison of several case that several criteria will need to be evaluated. Such pro-
multi-criteria evaluations. cedures are called Multi-Criteria Evaluations. Another term
Decision rules typically contain procedures for combin- that is sometimes encountered for this is modeling. However,
ing criteria into a single composite index and a statement of this term is avoided here because the manner in which the
how alternatives are to be compared using this index. For ex- criteria are combined is very much influenced by the objec-
ample, we might define a composite suitability map for agri- tive of the decision, and thus explicitly influenced by per-
culture based on a weighted linear combination of informa- sonal perspectives.
tion on soils, slope, and distance from market. The rule Two of the most common procedures for multi-criteria
might further stale that the best 5000 hectares are to be se- evaluation are weighted linear combination and concor-
lected. This could be achieved by choosing that set of raster dance-discordance analysis (Voogd, 1983; Carver, 1991), In
cells, totaling 5000 hectares, in which the sum of suitabilities the former, each factor is multiplied by a weight and then
is maximized. It could equally be achieved by rank ordering summed to arrive at a final suitability index. In the latter,
the cells and taking enough of the highest ranked cells to each pair of alternatives is analyzed for the degree to which
produce a total of 5000 hectares. The former might be called one out ranks the other on the specified criteria. Unfortu-
a choice function (known as an obiective function or per- nately, concordance-discordance analysis is computationally
impractical when a large number of alternatives is present
forntance index in the mathematical programming litera-
ture-see Diamond and Wright (1989)) while the latter might (such as with raster data where every pixel is an alternative).
be called a choice heuristic. However, weighted linear combination is very straightfor-
ward in a raster GIS. Indeed, it is the derivation of the
Choice Function weights, within the context of the decision obiective, that
Choice functions provide a mathematicalmeans for comparing provides the major challenge. Accordingly, this will be ex-
alternatives. Becausethev involve some form of optimization amined in further detail.
( s t r c ha s m a x i m i z i n go r m i n i m i z i n gs o m em e a s r , r a h cl eh a r a c t e r -
istic),they theoreticallvrequirethat eachalternativebe evalu- Multi-0bjective
ated in turn. However,in someinstances,techniquesdo exist to
While many decisions we make are prompted by a single ob-
limit the evaluationonly to likely alternatives. For example,the jective, it also happens that we need to make decisions that
Simplex Method in linear programming(Fei.ring,1986)is specif'-
ically designedto avoid unnecessary evaluations. satisfy several objectives. These objectives may be comple-
mentary or conflicting (Carver, 1991, p. 322) in nature.
Choice Heuristic
Co m pl em ent o ry Ob j ect ive s
Choice heuristics specify a procedureto be followed rather than
a function to be evaluated.In somecases,they will producea With complementaryor non-conflictingobjectives,land areas
result identical to a choice function (such as the ranking exam- may satisfy more than one obiective.Desirableareaswill thus
ple above),while in other casesthey may simply provide a be those which serve these objectivestogetherin some specified
closeapproximation.Choiceheuristicsare commonly usedbe- rnanner.For example,we might wish to allocate a certain
causethey are often simpler to understandand easierto imple- amount of land for combined recreationand wildlife Dreserva-
ment. tion uses.Optimal areaswould thus be those that satiify both
of these objectivesto the maximum degreepossibie.
In general, two kinds of decision rules prevail-those in
which the decision rule involves the evaluation of alternative 'lt is important to note here that we are using a somewhatbroader
hypotheses about individual features, and those in which it definition of the term objectivethan would b"efound in the goal pro-
involves a decision about alternative features to include in a gramming literature (Ignizio, 1985).In goal programming,the term
set. For example, a decision about whether areas are prone to objectiveis synonymouswith the term obiectivefunction in mathe-
Iandslides or not is indicative of the first tvoe while one that matical programming and choicefuncdon used here.

g0 PE&RS

Conflicting Objectives where S is suitability, w, is the weight of factor l, and x, is

the criterion score of factor i.
With conflicting obiectives,objectives compete for the available
This procedure is not unfamiliar in cls and has a form
Iand becauseit can be used for one or the other, but not both.
For example, we may need to resolve the problem of allocating very similar to the nature of a regression equation. In cases
land for timber harvesting and wildlife preservation. Clearlir the whbre Boolean constraints also apply, the procedure can be
two cannot coexist. Exactly how thev compete, and on what ba- modified by multiplying the suitability calculated from the
sis one will win out over the other, will depend r.rpon the na- factors by the product of the constraints: i.e',
ture of the decision rule that is developed.
S : Z(w,x,)*Ilci Q)
In cases of complementary objectives, multi-objective deci-
sions can often be solved through a hierarchical extension of where c, is the criterion score of constraint I and II is the
the multi-criteria evaluation process. For example, we might oroduct.
assign a weight to each of the objectives and use these along All cIS software systems provide the basic tools for eval-
with the suitability maps developed for each to combine uating such a model. In addition, in IDRISI,a special module
them into a single suitability map indicating the degree to namea MCE has been developed to facilitate this process. The
which areas meet all of the objectives considered (Voogd, primarv issues, however, relate to the standardization of cri-
1983). However, with conflicting objectives the procedure is ieria siores and the development of the weights.
more involved.
With conflicting objectives it is sometimes possible to CriterionScotes
rank order the obiectives and reach a prioritized solution Because of the different scales upon which criteria are meas-
(Rosenthal, 1985). In these cases,the needs of higher ranked ured, it is necessary that factors be standardized before com-
objectives are satisfied before those of lower ranked objec- bination in Equations or 2, and that they be transformed, if
tives are dealt with. However, this is often not possible, and necessary, suCh that all factors maps are positively correlated
the most common solution to conflicting objectives is the de- with suitability." Voogd (1983, pp. 77-84) reviews a variety
velopment of a compromise solution. Undoubtedly, the most of procedures for standardization, typically using the mini-
commonly employed techniques for resolving conflicting ob- mum and maximum values as scaling points' The simplest is
jectives are those involving optimization of a choice function a linear scaling such as
such as linear programming (Fiering, 1986) or goal program-
x,: (R, -R,,,t,.)/(R,,",-fi,.',,)*m (3)
ming (lgnizio, 1s8s). In both, the concern is to develop an al-
location of the land that rnaximizes or minimizes an where R is the raw score and m is an an arbitrary multiplier.
objective function subject to a series of constraints. Through standardization, criterion scores will be ex-
pressed according to a consistent numeric range (e.g., 0-99'
Uncertainty b-zss. etc.l. In the case of tnRIsI, the STRETCH module is used
Clcarly, information is vital to the process of decision mak- to linearly scale all values to a 0 to 255, s-bit integer range.
ing. However, we rarelv have perfect information. This leads Thus, eaih factor will have an equivalent measurement basis
to uncertainty, for which two sources can be identified: doto- before any weights are applied.
bose and decision rule uncertainfy. Database uncertainty is
that which resides in our assessmentsof the criteria which CriterionWeights
are enumerated in the decision rule, Measurement error is Although a variety of techniques exist for the development
the primary (but not exclusive) source of such database un- of weights, one of the most promising would appear to be
certainty. Decision rule uncertainty is that which arises from that of pairwise comparisons developed by Saaty (1'977)in
the manner in which criteria are combined and evaluated to the context of a decision making process known as the Ana-
reach a decision. Both sources contribute to the risk that the lytical Hierarchy Process (nup). The first introduction of this
clecision reached will be incorrect. technique to a GIS appiication was that of Rao et 01. (1991),
When uncertainty is present, the decision rule will need although the procedure was deveioped outside the GIS soft-
to inc;orporatemodifications to the choice ftrnction or heuris- ware using a variety of analytical resources.
tic to actommodate the propagation of uncertainty through In the procedure for Multi-Criteria Evaluation using a
the rule and replace the fiord decision procedures of certain weighted linear combination outlined above, it is necessary
data with the so/ ones of uncertaintv. A variety of theoreti- that the weights sum to 1. In Saaty's technique (Saaty, 1977),
cai constructs have been developed to accommodate this un- weights of this nature can be derived by taking the principal
r;ertainty, including Bayesian trbbabillty Theory, Fuzzy Set eigenvector of a square reciprocal matrix of pairwise c-ompar-
Theory, and Dempster-Shafer Theory (Lee el al., tgBT; isons between the criteria. The comparisons concern the rel-
Stoms, 1987). In this paper, the issues of uncertainty and risk ative importance of the trvo criteria involved in determining
are not addressed because they l,r'ould detract from the main suitabiliiy for the stated obiective. Ratings are provided on a
issue of decision rule structurins for multi-criteria/multi-ob- nine-point continuous scale (Figure 1). For example, if one
lective problems. felt that proximity to roads was very strongly more important
than slofe gradient in determining suitability for industrial
Multi-Criteila Making
in GIS siting, one would enter a 7 on this scale. If the inverse were
As indicated above, the most prevalent procedure for multi- the case (slope gradient was very strongly more important
criteria evaluation is the weighted linear combination (Voogd, than proximitv to roads), one wottld enter ll7.
1983, p. 120). With a rveighted linear cornbination, factors In developing the weights, an individual or group com-
are combined by applying a weight to each followed bv a
strmmation of the resultsto vield a suitabilitv map: i.e., 'Thus, for example, if locationsnear a road were more advantageous
lbr industrialsiiing than thosefar awav,a distancemap would need
S : I'tr',x, (1) to bc transfbrmecl into crneexpressingproximitv.


zulting suitability map will have a range of values that matches

that of the standardizedfactor maps that were used. After all
1t9 1n 1t5 'lt3 1 f, 7 9 of the factors have been incorporated,the resulting suitabil-
extremely very strongly modeGtel equally modeEtel strongly very €xtremely ity map is then multiplied by each of the constraintsto ,,zero
out" unsuitable areas.In IDRISI,a special procedure named
lessimportant moreimpo(ant MCEhas been created to undertake all of these steps with
Figure1. The continuousratingscale used for the pair- maximum effrciency.
wise comparisonof factorsin the multicriteriaevalua- Once a suitability map has been prepared,it is common
tion. to undertake a final step of deciding wnitn ceils belong to
the set that meets a particular Iand allocation area target. For
e-xaaple, having developed a map of suitability for industrial
development,we may then wish to determine which areas
piues every possible pairing and enters the ratings into a constitute the besf 5000 hectaresthat may be allocated.
pairwise comparison matrix (Figure 2). Becausethe matrix is Oddly, this is an area where most raster iystems have diffi-
culty in achieving an exact solution. One iolution would be
-symmetrical, only the lower triangular half actually needs to to use a choice function where that set of cells is chosen
be filled in. The remaining cells are then simply the recipro-
cals of the lower triangular half (for example,becausethe which maximizes the sum of suitabilities. However. the
rating of slope gradient relative to road proximity is t/2, the number of combinations that would need to be evaluatedis
rating of road proximity relative to slope gradient will be Z). prohibitive in a raster cIS. As a result, we chose to use a
Note that, where empirical evidence exists about the relative simple choice heuristic-to rank order the cells and choose
efficacy of a pair of factors,this evidence can also be used. as many of the highest ranks as will be required to meet the
The procedure then requires that the principal eigenvec- area target. In IDRISI,a new module named RaNx was devel-
tor of the pairwise comparison matrix be computed to pro- oped to allow a rapid ranking of cells within an image, In
duce a bestfit set of weights (Figure 3). If no procedure is addition, it allows the use of a second image to resolve the
available to do this, a good approximation to this result can ranks of ties. The ranked map can then be ieclassified to ex-
be achieved by calculating the weights with each column tract the highest ranks to meet the area goal.
and then averagingover all columns. For example, if we take
the first column of figures,they sum to L.78. Dividing each Multi-0bjective
of the entries in the first column by 1.78 yields weights of Multi-objective decisionsare so common in environmental
0.56, 0.07, 0.1s, 0.11, and 0.02 (compareto the valuesin Fig- managementthat it is surprising that specific
-CIs. tools to address
ure 3). Repeating this for each column and averaging the them have not been developedwithin the few examples
weights over the columns usually gives a good approxima- one finds in the literature tend to concentrateon the use bf
tion to the values calculatedby the principal eigenvector.In linear programming tools outside the cIS, or are restricted to
the caseof IDPJSI, however, a special module named WEIGHT casesof complementaryobjectives.
has been developed to calculate the principal eigenvectordi-
rectly. Note that these weights will sum to one, as is re- Complementary0bjectives
quired by this weighted linear combination procedure. As indicated earlier, the caseof complementaryobjectives
Becausethe complete pairwise comparison matrix con- can be dealt with quite simply by means of a hierarchical ex-
tains multiple paths by which the relative importance of cri- tension of the multi-criteria evaluation process(e.g.,Carver,
teria can be assessed,it is also possible to determine the 1991). Here, a set of suitability maps, each derived in the
degreeof consistencythat has been used in developing the context of a specific oblective,serve as the factors for a new
ratings. Saaty (1977) indicates the procedure by which an in- evaluation in which the objectivesare themselvesweighted
dex of consistency, known as a consistency ratio, can be pro- and combined by linear summation. Becausethe logic"which
duced (Figure 3). The consistencyratio (cn) indicates the underlies this is multiple use, it also makes senseto multi-
probability that the matrix ratings were randomly generated. ply the result by all constraintsassociatedwith the compo-
Saaty indicates that matrices with Cn ratings greater than nent objectives.
O,1Oshould be re-evaluated.We have confirmed this by ob-
serving that re-evaluationonly produces significant changes Conflicting
in the weights when the CRexceeds0.1. As a result, the pro- With conflicting objectives,land can be allocated to one ob-
cedure accepts the weights when the CRis less than this jective but not more than one (although hrybrid models might
threshold. Otherwise, the WEIGHTprocedure analyzes the ma- combine complementaryand conflicting objectives).As was
trix to determine where logical inconsistenciesarise. It does indicated earlier, one possible solutionlies'with a prioritiza-
s_oby comparing direct pairwise comparison ratings with tion of objectives(Rosenthal,1985).After the obiecliveshave
those implied by the eigenvectorweights. Discrepincies indi- been rank ordered, the needs of higher ranked otjectives are
cate caseswhere the direct ratings are inconsistent with satisfied (through rank ordering of cells and reclassification
those derived from all indirect as well as direct ratings, and to meet areal goals)before those of lower ranked ones. This
thus caseswhere re-evaluationwould be productive in de- is done by_successivelysatisfying the needs of higher objec-
veloping a consensusweight set. tives and then removing (as a new constraint) areas taken
from considerationby all remaining objectives.A prioritized
solution is easily achieved with the use of the RaNk and nr-
Evaluation CLASSmodules in IDRISI.However, the instanceswhere a pri-
Once the criteria maps (factorsand constraints)have been oritized solution makes sense are rare. More often, a
developed,it is a fairly simple matter to multiply each factor compromise solution is required.
map (i.e., each raster cell within each map) by its weight and
then sum the results. Becausethe weightJ sum to 1, tlie re- _ Compromisesolutions to the multi-obiective problem
have most commonly been approachedthiough the use of


Proximity to Watet Proximityto Power Proximityto Proximityto Slope Gradient Proximityto Water
Roads Market
Proximityto Power
Proximityto Water
Proximityto Roads
Proximityto Power 1t8 1
Proximityto Market
Proximity to Roads 1t3 7 1
Proximityto Market 1t5 1n

Slope Gradient 1t8 1t3 1n 1n Consistency Ratio 0.08

Figure2. An exampleof a pairwisecomparisonmatrixforassessingthe Figure3. The weightsderivedby calculat-

comparativeimportanceof factors. of the pair-
ing the principaleigenvector
wise comparisonmatrix.The Consistency
Ratio indicatesthe probabilitythat the rat-
mathematicalprogramming tools outside the GtS(e.g',Dia-
mond and Wright, L9BB;Ianssenand Rietveld,1990;Camp-
bell ef aI., 1,s92).Mathematical programming solutions (such It should be noted that a 4S-degreeline between a pair
as linear or integer programming)can work quite well in in- of obiectivesassumesthat they are given equal weight in the
stanceswhere only a small number of alternativesare being resolution of conflicts. However, unequal weighting can be
addressed.However, in the caseof raster cIS, the massive given. Unequal weighting has the effect of-changingthe angle
data sets involved will typically exceedpresent-daycomput- 6t ttti. dividing line-.In fact, the tangent of that angle is
ing power. In addition, the conceptsand methodology of lin- equal to the ratio of the weights assignedto those objectives.
ear and integer programming are not particularly approach- It should also be noted that, just as it was necessaryto
able to a broad range of decision makers. As a result, we standardizecriteria for multi-criteria evaluation, it is also re-
have sought a solution to the problem of multi-obiective land quired for multi-obiective evaluation. The processinvolves a
allocation under conditions of conflicting objectivessuch matching of the histogramsfor the two suitability maps. In
that large raster datasetsmay be handled using procedures caseswhere the distributions are normal' conversion to stan-
that have an immediate intuitive appeal. dard scoreswould seem appropriate.However, in many
The orocedure we have developed is an extension of the casesthe distributions are not normal. In these cases,the
decision heuristic used for the alloiation of land with single matching of histogramsis most easily achievedby a non-par-
objective problems. This is best illustrated by the diagrams ametric iechnique known as histogram equalization.This is a
in Figure 4. Each of the suitability maps may be thought of standard option in many image processingsystems.How-
as anaxis in a multidimensional space.Here we consider ever, it is also the casethat the ranked suitability maps pro-
only two objectivesfor purposesof simple explanation. How- duced by the RANKmodule are also histogram equalized (i'e.,
ever, any number of objectivescan be used. a histogiam of a rank map is uniform).-This is fortuitous be-
Every raster cell in the image can be located within this causethe logic outlined in Figure 4 is best achievedby re-
decision spaceaccording to its suitability level on each of classificationof ranked suitability maps.
the objectives.To find the best x hectaresof land for Objec- As result of the above considerations,a new module
tive 1.,we simply need to move a decision line down from named MoLA (Multi-Objective Land Allocation) was devel-
the top (i.e., far right) of the Objective 1 suitability axis until oped to undertake the compromise solution to the multi-ob-
enough of the best raster cells are captured to meet our area jective problem. MOLAfirst asks for the names of the
target. We can do the same with the Obiective 2 suitability obiectivesand their relative weights. It then asks for the
axis to capture the most suitable land for it. As can be seen names of the ranked suitability maps for each and the areas
in Figure 4, this partitions the decision spaceinto four that should be allocated.It then iteratively reclassifiesthe
regions-areas best for Objective 1 and not suitable for Ob- ranked suitability maps to perform a first stageallocation,
iective 2, areasbest for Obiective 2 and not suitable for checks for conflicts, and then allocatesconflicts based on
Objective 1, areas,notsuitable for either, and areasjudged minimum-distance-to-ideal-pointrule using the weighted
best for both-i.e., areasofconflict. ranks.
To resolve these areasof conflict, a simple partitioning
of the affectedcells is used. As can be seen in Figure 4, the
decision spacecan also be partitioned into two further Valley
TheKathmandu StudY
regions.Thosecloser to the ideal point for Objective 1 and To illustrate these multi-criteria/multi-obiective procedures,
those closer to that for Objective 2. The ideal point tepre- we consider the hypothetical problem of developing a zoning
sents the best possible case-a cell that is maximally suited map to regulate expansion of the carpet industry within agri-
for one oblective and minimally suited for anything else' To culiural areasof the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal. The prob-
resolve the conflict zone, the line that divides these two lem is to zone 1500 hectaresof current agricultural land
regions is overlaid onto it and cells are then allocated to outside the ring road of Kathmandu for further expansion of
their closestideal point. Becausethe conflict regions will be the carpet indultry. In addition, 6000 hectareswill be zoned
divided between the obiectives,both obiectiveswill initially for speiial protection of agriculture. The problem clearly
be short on achieving their area goals.As a result, the pro- fallslnto the realm of multi-obiective/multi-criteria decision
cesswill be repeatedwith the decision lines being lowered problems. In this case,we have two obiectives:to protect
for both objectivesto gain more territory. The processof re- iands that are best for agriculture, while at the same time
solving conflicts and lowering the decision lines is iteratively finding other lands that are best suited for the carpet indus-
repeateduntil the exact area targetsare achieved. try. Betause land can be allocated to only one of these uses

PE&RS 543

N o
N o
o G
o u
o o

objective1 255
Figure4. The decisionspace formed by treatingsuitabilitiesfor each
objectiveas a separatedimension.(Left)The decisionlines isolatinS
the best regionsto meet areal goals for the objectives,in the case of o
two objectives,intersectto form four regions:two regionsof choicesde- o
sired by one objectiveand not the other (and thus not in conflict),a re-
gion of choicesnot desiredby either, and a conflictregionof choices o

desiredby both. (Right)This conflictregionis iterativelypartitionedbe- o

tween objectives by means of a minimum-distance-to-ideat-poi nt logic o
that partitionsthe decisionspacewith a line whoseangleis determined
by the relativeweightassignedto the objectives. =
Figure5. A flow diagramof the multi-critera/
at any one time, the obiectivesmust be viewed as conflict- cases of conflictingobjectivesas developed
ing-i,e., they may potentially compete for the same lands. in the rDRtSt
Furthermore, the evaluation of each of these objectivescan
be seen to require multiple criteria.
In the illustration that follows, a solution to the multi-
objective/multi-criteriaproblem is presentedas developed Standardizing the Factors
with a group of Nepalesegovernment officials as part of an Each of the constraintswas developedas a Boolean map
advanced seminar in cIS4.While the scenariowaJdeveloped while the factors were standardizedto a consistentrange of 0
purely for the purpose of demonstratingthe techniquesuied, to 255. In addition, all factor maps were developed such that
and while the result does not representan actual policv de- high values would indicate more suitable areas.^Thus,for ex-
cision, it is one that incorporatei substantialfield work and ample, the proximity to market factor was developed as a
the-perspectives of knowledgeable decision makers. The pro- cost distance surface (accountingfor variable road class fric-
cedure follows a logic in which each of the two obiectivei tions) and then inverted after scaling to form the proximity
are first dealt with as separatemulti-criteria evaluation prob- map._Standardizationwas achieved by undertaking a linear
lems. The result is two separatesuitability maps (one fol rescaling of values using the minimum and maximlum values
each objective)which are then compared to arrive at a single as the scaling end points. The only exception to this was the
solution that balancesthe needs of the two competing objec- slope gradient map where the scaling points were set at 0
tives. The steps (as summarized in Figure 5) are as follows : and L00-percent (becauseslopes greaterthan 100 percent
were ruled out by one of the constraints).Figure 6 illustrates
Evaluations these factor and constraint maps.
Establishing the Cfiteria: Factors and Constraints
T!e decision making group identified five factors as being
Establishing the Factor Weights
relevant to the -sitingof the carpet industry: proximity to wa-
The next stige was to estabiisha set of weights for each of
ter (for use in dying and the washing of carpets),proximity
the factors.In the nature of a focus group, the GISanalyst
to roads (to minimize road construction costs),proximity io
power, proximity to market, and slope gradient. For agricul- worked with the decision makers as a group to fill out a
pairwise comparison matrix. Each decision maker was asked
ture they identified three of the same factors:proximitv to
in turn to estimatea rating and then to indicate why he or
water (for irrigation),proximity to market,and slope giadi-
she felt that way. The group would then be asked if they
ent; and a fourth factor: soil capability. In both casesthey
agreed.Further discussionwould ensue,often with r.tgg"s-
identified the same constraints:either objective would be
tions for different ratings. Ultimately, if another person-made
constrainedto areasoutside the ring road surrounding Kath-
a strong casefor a different rating that seemedto have broad
mandu, existing agricultural lands, and slope gradienti less
support. the-original person who provided the rating would
than 100 percent.
be asked if they were willing to change(the final deiision
would in fact rest with the original rater). Consensuswas not
difficult to achieve using this procedure.It has been found
through repeatedexperimentationwith this technique that
the only caseswhere strong disagreementsarise would be
aThe seminar was hosted by UNITAR those in which new variablesweie eventually identified as
at the International Center for
Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Nepal, 28 September- needing^tobe incorporated.This is perhaps the greatest
2 October 1992. value of the pairwise comparison te;hnique-it Is very effec-


also have a range from 0 to 255. Figure 7 shows the result of

separatemulti-criteria evaluationsto derive suitability maps
foi the carpet and agricultural industries.

Solving Problem
Once-the multi-criteria suitability maps have been created for
each obiective,the multi-objective decision problem can be

Standardizing the Single-Objective Suitability Maps

The first stefwas to uie the RANKmodule to rank order the
cells in each of the two suitability maps. This preparesthe
data for use with the MoLA procedure and has the additional
effect of standardizingthe suitability maps using a non-para-
metric histogram equilization technique. Ranks were devel-
oped in desJendingorder (i'e., the best rank was 1). For both
oLjectives,tied ranls were resolved by examining the.other
rnit"bility map and ranking in reverse-order,tothe suitability
on that oihtt hup. This preservesthe basic logic-of the un--
correlated ideal points for conflicting obiectivesthat is used
in the resolution of conflicts.

Solving th e Multi-Ob i ective Ptobl em

The se*condstep was to submit the ranked suitability-maps
to the MoLA procedure.Mola asks for the names of the ob-
jectives,the ielative weight to assignto each. and the area to
6e allocated to each. The module then undertakesthe itera-
tive procedure of allocating the best ranked cells to each ob-
jective according to the areil goals, Iooking for conflicts, and
iesolving conflicts based on the weighted minimum-distance-
to-ideal-"pointlogic. Figure I shows the final result, achieved
after six iterations.

The result illustrated in Figure B is very satisfactory'Areas
selectedfor each objective are geographicallycoherent and
Figure6. (Reading left to right and from top to bottom) meaningful in termi of the criteriaspecified. The procedure
The proximityto water, road proximity,proximityto power, is also ilitubl" for use on large images (the analysesillus-
slopegradient,proximity to market,and soil capability trated here took only secondsto perform). Perhapsmost im--
factors, and the Booleanconstraints.With the factor oortantlv. in testing with decision makers in both Nepal and
maps, darker areas are those more suited to the objec- Lith.r".ri" who hav-ehad no formal training in multi-obiective
tive in question.The Booleanconstraintmap illustrates procedures,the logic was easily understood and acted as an
regionsthat cannotbe consideredin white (areaswithin excellent vehicle fbr discussion of the criteria and objectives
the urbanring road,forestedareas,and areason slopes involved and their relative strengths.
with gradientsgreater than 100 percent). Although we have not yet undertaken a systematic test-
ing of this decision heuristic, it is logical to expect that the
reJults should be very close to that which would be achieved
through linear programming.(assumingthat.a
tive in uncovering overlooked factors and reaching a consen- IargeXs this couldle solved). The rank/reclasslogic-that un-
sus_on weights through direct participation by decision deilies this processis one that is consistentwith finding ar-
maKers. eas in which the sum of suitabilities is maximized. Only in
Once the pairwise comparison matrices were filled out, the resolution of conflicts, where a local rather than global
the WEIGHTmodule was used to identify inconsistenciesand solution is used, would one expect that differencesmight oc-
to develop the best fit weights. cur. However, it should be noted that it was not our inten-
tion to duplicate the outcome of linear programming but, - -
undertaking the Multi-Criteria Evaluation rather, to provide a logically coherent-procedurethat would
Once the weights were established, the module MCE (for be comprehensibleto ihe maiority of decision makers'
Multi-Criteria Evaluation) was used to combine the factors An'other important feature of this heuristic is that, by
and constraints in the form of a weighted linear combination. specifically searching out areas of no conflict between the
The procedure is optimized for speed ald has the effect of o'blectivesi and by reiolving conflicts only in areaswhere the
multiplying each factor by its weight, adding the results, and land is suitable for all obie-tives, the cost of a mis-allocation
then iutceisively multiplying the result by each of the con- will be minimized. In essence,we are pursuing a least-risk
straints. Because the weights sum to 1.0, and the factors are solution by proceeding in this manner. Clearly, further re-
standardizedfrom 0 to 255, the resulting suitability maps search is needea for a-full evaluation of this procedure'


tory Procedures for Multi-Criteria Evaluation in GIS, proceed-

ings, Chinese Professionalsin GIS '92, NCGIA, SUNy Buffalo,
Buffalo, New York, pp.281-288.
Eastman,J.R.,P.A.K. Kyem, and J. Toledano,J., 1993a.A procedure
for Multi-Obj€ctive Decision Making in GIS Under Conditions of
Competing Objectives, Proceedings,EGIS'7J, pp. 438442.
Eastman,J.R.,P.A.K. Kyem., J. Toledano,and W. Iin, 1993b.GIS and
D^ecisionMaking,Yol. 4, Explorations in Geographic Information
System Technology, UNITAR, Geneva.
FAO, 1976.A Frameworkfor Land Evaluation, Soils Bulletin 32,
Figure7. (Left)Suitabilityfor the carpet industry.(Right) Food and Agricultural Organizationof the United Nations,
Suitabilityfor Agriculture.
Darkerareasare those more Rome.
suited to the objectivein question. Feiring, 8.R., 1986, Linear Programming: An Introduction, euantita-
live-Appiications in the Social Sciences,Vol. 60, Sage
Honea, R.8., K.A. Hake, and R.C. Durfee, 1991.IncorporatingGISs
into Decision Support Systems:Where Have We-Comefrom and
Where Do We Need to Go? GIS Applications in Natural Re-
-1t sources,(M. Heit and A. Shortreid, editors),GIS World, Inc.,
Fort Collins, Colorado.
.v I7
v Ignizio, J.P.,1S85.Introduction to Linear Goal programming,Vol. SO,
I Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciencls, Sage-
,t4 Publications,London.
Janssen,R., and P. Rietveld, 1990. Multicriteria Analysis and Geo_
,l\i t q*, graphical Information Systems:An Application t-oAgricultural
'I\ Land Use in the Netherlands, Geographical Informaion Systems
for-Urban and Regional planning [H.j. Sctrotten and f.C.H. Still-
Figure8. The final land allocation(shownas two Boolean well, editors),Kluwer AcademiCpublishers,The Netherlands,
imagesfor purposesof illustrationin blackand white). pp. 129-139.
(Left)The best 15OOhectaresallocatedto the carpet in- Lee, N.S., Y.L. Grize, and K. Dehnad, 1987. euantitative Models for
dustry.(Right)The best 6000 hectaresallocatedto agri- Reasoningunder Uncertainty in Knowledge-BasedExpert Sys-
culture. tems, lnternafional lournal of Intelligent Systems,2:L5_38.
Rao, M., S.V.C.Sastry,P.D. Yadar, K. Kharod, S.K. pathan, p.S.
Dhinwa, K.L. Majumdar, D. Sampat Kumar, V.N. patkar, and
V.K. Phatak, 7997. A Weighted Index Model
for (Jrban Suitabil_
ity As_sessment - A GIS Approach, Bombay Metropolitan Re-
Acknowledgments gional DevelopmentAuthoiity, Bombay,India.
The authors wish to acknowledgethe valuable assistanceof Rosenthal,R.E.,1985. Concepts,Theory and Techniques:principals
Sam Ratick, Kristin Schneider,and Hong fiang in the devel- of Multiobjective Optimizati on, Decision Sciences,t6(z'):135-152.
opment of these ideas and the thoughtful sugg:estions of the Saaty,T.L., 7977.A Scaling Method for priorities in Hierarchical
reviewers. Data sets used in the cas6study riEre prepared by Structures, /. Math. Psychology, 75.234-281,.
the United Nations Environment Programme Glo6al il"ronti" Stoms,D., 1987. Reasoningwith Uncertainty in Intelligent Geo-
Information Database(cnrnj in coopeiation with the Interna- graphic Information Systems,Proceediigs, GIS 'Bi, pp. 692-700.
tional Center for IntegratedMountain Development GCIMoD) Voogd, H., 1983. Multicilteria Evaluation
and the National Planning Commission of Nepal. Special for Urban and Regional
Planning, Pion, Ltd., London.
thanks are also extended to the United Nations Institute for (Received30 fune 1993; accepted7 September1993; revised g No-
Training and Researchfor partial financial assistancein un- vember 1993)
dertaking this work.
[. Ronald Eastman
,, Ronald ldsrrrldll
f. ^uudru Eastmanrs is rjiolessor
ProfessoroIof beograpny
in tne
the Graduate
References School gf peog_rap-hy at Clark University. H-eis also Director
of the Clark Labs-foi CartographicTechnology and Geo-
Carver,S.J.,1991. IntegratingMulti-Criteria Evaluation with Geo-
graphical Information Systems,International lournal of Geo- graphic Analysis, and author of the nnlsr ge-ographicinfor-
graphic al Informati on Systems, 5(3):321-33 9. mation _si1stery.
He has a Ph.D. from Boston University (f oaz)
Campbell,f.C., f. Radke,J.T. Gless,and R.M. Wirtshafter,R.M.,1992. 1n{ an M.A. from Queen's University (1978)and a B.A. from
An Application of Linear Programming and Geographic Informa- Bishop's University in Canada.His primary interestsare in
tion Systems:Cropland Allocation in Antigua, Environment and cIS,.Cartography (especially cognitive aspetts of cartographic
Planning A, 24:535-549. design), and Remotete Sensing.
Sensing. His
His current
currenl research
research focuses
fo""n""" on
Diamond, J.T.,and J.R.Wright, 1988.Design of an IntegratedSpatial {g"isr-ol making techniquesln crs and changeanalysis with
Information pystem for Multiobjectivs Landuse planning, Envi- digital image series.
ronmelt and Planning B: Planning and Design, 1,8:2\i-2j,4.
1989.Efficient Land Allocation, lournal of urban planning Weigen fin
and Development,71,s(z)i9t-96. Weign fin is a Ph.D. candidate in the GraduateSchool of Ge-
Eastman, J.R., 1993. IDRtSt:A Grid Bosed Geographic Analysis Sys- ography at Clark University. He has an M.S. in Land Re-
tem, Version 4.I, Clatk University Graduite'school of Ceogra- source Management(1g87i from the Institute of Soil and
phy, Worcester,Massachusetts. Forestry Sciences,Academia Sinica, and a B,S. in Geography
Eastman,I.R., W. Jin, P.A.K. Kyem, and f. Toledano, 1992.participa- (1984)from ZhongshanUniversity, China. His primar/inier'-


ests are in decision making under uncertainty in GISand wa- natural resourceand environmental management,particu-
ter resources. larly issuesconcerning the formulation of policies on rural
Peter A. Kwaku Kyem
Peter A. Kwaku Kyem is a Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate |ames Toledano
School of Geographyat Clark University. He has an M.A. in iames Toledano is a Ph.D. candidate in the GraduateSchool
Geography(1991) from Carleton University in Canada,a of Geographyat Clark University. He has an M.A. in Interna-
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Geomorphology(1987) tional bevelopment(1991)from Clark University and.a B.S'
frorn ITC, Netherlands,and a B.A. in Geography(1982)and a (1983) from Florida Atlantic University. His researchinter-
Diploma in Education (1982) from University of Cape,Coast, ests focus on sustainableGIStechnology transfer policy for
Gliana. His researchinterestsfocus on applications of cts in natural resourcesdevelopment in developing countries.

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