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Chapter One
Seth Advertisement Learn more
(T-minus one week until Las Vegas)

She bounces before me, her tits rising that little bit higher every time she pushes
off the ground. It turns out, Olivia is very competitive. Jackson had bet her a
hundred dollars she couldn't land a hit on me. Determined to prove him wrong, she
dons a pair of gloves and climbs into the boxing ring with me. Her gorgeous green
eyes flare at me from underneath her thick, dark eyelashes and she smiles playfully
before pouncing at me. Swiftly, I step out of the way and tap her shoulder. She
whips around to face me and her dark hair follows suit, whirling around her sexily
before gliding across the top of her breasts. I drag my gaze from her chest to her
face. Olivia's playful expression is now pinched in frustration. She actually
thought this would be easy...Jackson and Darryl laugh on the sidelines, pissing her
off even more.

"You underestimate me." I chuckle at her, bringing back her smile.

God, I love making her smile.


She pounces at me again and I sidestep, like last time and I keep my fists up even
though I don't intend to use them on her.

"Are you running from me, Seth?" she teases, trying to get a reaction out of me.
"Are you scared I'll hurt you?"

I can't stop the laugh that rumbles through my chest. "I'm terrified." She arches
an eyebrow.
"I'm terrified you'll hurt yourself in an attempt to hurt me."

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Olivia shakes her head, narrowing her eyes. She lunges forward, sending a very nice
jab to my mid-section, but I flick my hips backward and her fist doesn't connect.
She has me on the back foot now and she smiles as she springs forward. I hear
Jackson swear under his breath, but I'm not sweating it.

He isn't going to lose a cent to Olivia and if she's not careful, she's going to
get me in full force the second we're out of this ring. I wrap my arms around hers,

pinning them to her side and I smile down at her as her tiny body struggles against

I feel my cock twitch and I try to calm myself by keeping my eyes on her face and
not on the voluptuous mounds that press firmly against my chest. I don't know how
she does it, but when I'm around her it's like I'm an out of control teenager who's
never had sex with a girl before.

"That's not fair." She growls, dropping her head against my chest and relaxing her

Jackson pulls on the thick ropes of the ring, whooping and cheering as I bury my
nose in her hair and kiss her head.

"Maybe next time," I tell her, letting her go.

"Maybe." She steps back and holds her gloves out to me. "Can you help me out of

Those seven words stir something wild inside of me-and I have no idea why. I narrow
it down to the fact it's been a while since we've had sex, thanks to Darryl and his
rules. I don't think I can take another minute without putting my hands on her...or
in her.

I glide my tongue across my bottom lip to moistening it, and Olivia watches
closely. The sudden pink hue in her cheeks doesn't pass me by and I know she wants
me as bad as I want her. I tug at the tape on my hands and un-wrap them with ease
as Jackson and Darryl leave the boxing section and enter the training room, ready
to start the rest of my training session. I'm not going in there just yet. I'm
taking my girl to the shower and I'm going to take care of her.
I look at O, and her eyes lock onto mine as I pull on her gloves, freeing her
hands. She catches her bottom lip between her teeth and inches closer, looking up
at me through dark lashes. She's all but begging me to take her.

I tug her hand and pull her over to the edge of the ring. I stretch open the ropes,
allowing her to slip through with ease and I follow closely behind her.

"Seth? Where are you going?" Darryl calls after me and I smile at him over my

"I'll be out in a minute."

He swears under his breath. "I put rules in place to help you, not me." Olivia
glances over her shoulder at me and I nod for her to keep walking.
Despite Darryl's protest, I follow her to the female shower room. Inside, we enter
a stall and lock it behind us. When we're alone in the gym, we shower in the open,
but when there are other people around we shower in the stalls
-even if it's only Jackson and Darryl outside. I like that most about Olivia.

She respects herself and me. The girls I'm normally around were usually quick to
flash their tits to anyone that walked by, but not my Olivia.

She's first to shed her clothing and I watch closely as she pulls her sports bra
over her head, exposing her hard, pink nipples. It takes all of my strength to

remain leaning against the wall and not to descend hungrily upon her, taking her
hard, alluring peaks in my mouth. My gaze drops from her breasts to her hips as her
fingers curl around her tiny, black shorts. I watch as she drags them down her long
legs. My stare flits over her body, unsure what to focus on first. I enjoy all of
it-every pore, every hair follicle and freckle. It's mine.

She reaches for the cold tap and turns on the shower. Her entire body tenses as she
stands directly under the cool stream.

"You're having a cold shower?" I ask, unable to hold the snicker.

She shudders, letting the cold streams run down her body and making my blood burn.

"Well, yeah, how else am I going to make it through the day?"

Goosebumps erupt over the surface of her skin, forcing her nipples to pebble.

Ready to join her, I roughly tug my pants down and immediately I see her eyes drop
to my length. I'm so hard it aches all over, but I don't attempt to hide it from
her. Her eyes flick to mine as she reaches for the shower handle and nudges it,
making it that extra degree colder.

It's pointless for me to have a shower now, when I get out I'll have to start my
other half of training, but I want to please her-to satisfy her-before she leaves
here today. I saunter over to her and even over the roar of the shower I hear her
breath catch in her throat. She trembles ever so slightly as I reach around her,
inching the shower hotter and hotter, until steam begins to fill the stall around
us. I want her hot and flustered. I want her to beg me to fuck her and to make her
come. I lean in close, pressing every inch of my body against hers until her back
is pressed firmly against the cold concrete. I lower my mouth to her neck, licking
her slowly.

"Please, Seth," she moans in my ear. Fucking hell.

I pull back to look her in the eyes and rest my forehead against hers. Water
streams over our heads, trailing down our skin and flowing off the sharp edges of
our faces. Her green irises burn at me from underneath her dark lashes and they're
begging me to devour her as her hands glide up the ridges of my arms and over my
shoulders before stopping around my neck. Slowly, she moves her mouth toward mine
and when her supple, pink lips press against me, I lose it. I need to have her and
no rules are going to stop me. I force my tongue between her lips and she willingly
opens her mouth. She roughly rakes her fingers through my hair, urging me harder
against her and I slide my hands down the curve of her hips, gripping her bare ass.
She moans into my mouth as she hitches a delicious thigh around my hip. My cock
presses eagerly against her warm, slick slit and there's no way I'm going to stop

"Do it," she gasps against my lips, flexing her hips toward me. "Please, just do

"You want it?" I ask her, smiling. "You want to feel me inside you?" "Yes," she
breathes, catching my lip between her teeth. "Now."
I reach down and position myself right where I want to be and I enter her slowly,
knowing that if I go too fast this will all be over before it even begins.

She feels so good-beyond good-and a low, guttural moan releases itself from my
throat. I feel the walls of her soft pussy squeeze the very tip of my cock and it
pulses in response. It's been too long since I've indulged in her.

"Seth?" A familiar deep voice echoes around the room and Olivia releases my lip as
her body goes rigid.

I shut my eyes briefly, begging God-or whoever the fuck was listening-to make
Darryl go away.

"There's an MMAC promoter here. He wants to talk to the owner and the manager of
the gym about advertising." Darryl calls over the roar of the shower and Olivia
bites her bottom lip against a giggle as a pink hue flashes

across her cheeks. "So both of you animals need to put some clothes on and get out

With a heavy exhale I reach around her, turning the hot tap off and submerging us
both in cold water. The water connects with my flesh and Olivia and I jump,
pressing ourselves harder against each other as the water washes our heated session
down the drain, taking my erection with it. Well, it was fun while it lasted. A
wide smile spreads over Olivia's lips and her hands shoot up to cover it as giggles
erupt from her. I guess we're going to have to wait.

We emerge from the shower room, our fingers tightly laced together and when we
enter the main room, Darryl gives us a quick once over with a small shake of his
head. Olivia's fingers tighten around mine and I glance down at her. She looks up
at me briefly, flashing me an uneasy, embarrassed smile. In response, I give her my
best 'we didn't do anything wrong' smile and she nods ever so slightly. Fuck Darryl
for making her feel so uncomfortable.

"Seth Marc?"

My gaze falls onto the tall guy in the suit who called my name. He quickly moves
toward us, giving Olivia an overt twice over that makes me clench my jaw. He
reminds me of Mason-blue eyes, golden hair, and clearly interested in
my girl. The man extends his hand to me and I reluctantly pull away from Olivia to
shake it.

"I'm Mike Sullivan. It's nice to finally meet you, Seth." When he's finished with
me, he moves on to Olivia.
"You must be Miss James." He greets her, pulling her hand into his and giving it a
long, slow shake.

My eyes flick onto Darryl, who's regarding me with clear warning in his eyes and I
frown at him. He needs to relax. I'm not going to hurt this guy for

shaking Olivia's hand, but if he looks at her like that again I can't make any

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, dropping her hand. "I wanted to talk to you
both about your advertising campaign. Now, I know this gym is Seth Marc's official
gym, but the MMAC wants the whole world to know that. Outside in the truck I have
one billboard, two banners, six life-sized cut outs, and hundreds of flyers. All I
need from you two is a signature and we'll start setting it all up today."

"I don't think Seth needs big pictures of himself everywhere." Jackson snickers,
strolling over from the training room.

Beside me, Olivia laughs once. "Jackson's right," she says, lacing her fingers with
mine again. "Seth's ego is high enough."

I roll my eyes as everyone chuckles at my expense. I don't have a high ego.

I'm just confident. I know what I want and how to get it, that's all. Sue me.

hands Olivia a clipboard and a pen and she signs it. I do the same, and Mike exits
the gym to tell the guys to bring in the stuff.

Olivia turns to me. "I have to go help Mom with a few things around the house, but
I'll see you tomorrow?"

She seems almost disappointed and I smile. She hates leaving me for entire nights
at a time, but we made the decision to not sleep at each other's houses...fucking


She glances sideways at Darryl and then back at me before reaching up and planting
a soft kiss on my cheek. My eyes narrow as she turns away. What the fuck was that?
If I'm not seeing her until tomorrow there's no way she's getting away with a pussy
kiss like that one. If I'm going to stay away, I need a kiss that will keep me
sated. I snatch at her, my fingers wrapping around her tiny elbow, and I force her
back to me. She doesn't have time to

react before I slam my mouth against hers. Instantly, she melts against me, running
her hands around my neck and into the base of my hair. I lick her lip and with a
small smile, she opens her mouth to me. Blood rushes to my head as her tongue
slides against mine, massaging me with confidence, like no one is watching.

Keeping in mind that people are in fact watching, I pull away with the smallest nip
to her bottom lip and lean into her ear.

"If you need me later, call me."

Her hands slide down my neck and across my chest before gliding up and down my
arms. Her touch electrifies me...the things I would do right now if no one was

"I always need you," she replies, her voice barely a whisper. "But we're doing this
for Darryl."

She kisses my cheek and turns away from me. I place my hands on my hips and
unashamedly watch her back, her ass, and her legs as she walks away.

She's mine...and I can't even have her.

Mike comes back through the door as Olivia exits and he glances over his shoulder
at her ass for a second too long. I've never been jealous before, but there's no
doubt in my mind that the possessive anger twisting deep in my chest is exactly
that. I step forward, but Darryl's voice stops me in my tracks.

"Seth, don't."

Mike approaches me, oblivious to my aggressive stance and I clench my jaw.

There's a small smile on his lips and I want to smash it through his skull. I
imagine smacking him around a little bit, until he's crying and begging me to leave
him alone. And then I'll hit him some more.

"Do you like to box, Mike?" I ask, my fingers flexing involuntarily at my sides.

Beside me, I hear Jackson chuckle and swear under his breath.

Mike glances awkwardly around the gym and his Adam's apple bobbles up and down as
he swallows hard. "Uh, sure. When I have time."

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It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

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My lips twitch as he gives me the exact answer I want. "Do you want to spar with


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"Seth," Darryl warns me again, but I pretend I don't hear him. There's no harm in a
little friendly sparring, right?

Mike checks his watch. "Uh, I guess we have a little time."

I pivot on my heel and saunter over to the ring, trying my hardest not to appear
too eager to box this fucking guy into the ground.

"Seth, you have a full half of training to get through and you've already sparred
today," Darryl says, following closely behind me.


I ignore him again. He isn't going to talk me out of this. I'll only hit him twice-
once for giving Olivia a creepy twice over right in front of me and once for
shamelessly looking at her ass, again right in front of me.

Mike sheds his jacket and Jackson helps him into a pair of gloves. I grab my own
gloves and slip them on as Darryl leans into me.

"Seth, you're wasting energy. Who cares if he looked at your girl, she's beautiful,
it's going to happen," he says, his voice hushed so Mike doesn't hear.

"I know that," I reply. "But if someone is going to look at my girl while I'm
holding her hand and he can clearly see she's mine, then there are consequences."
To me, disrespect doesn't come any clearer than that.

"Do you hear yourself? You sound crazy."

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I laugh once. Sometimes I wonder if Darryl knows me at all. "I am crazy, Darryl.

Now, you either let me smack this guy or I'm going home to Olivia to break your
rule six times in a row."

His thick, dark eyebrows rise to his hairline. "Six times? Really, Seth?" Darryl
pinches his thin nose. "You're a piece of work, you know that?"

"You love it." I smile, sliding into the ring.

"Two hits. That's it."

I nod and he hands me my head gear, but I don't take it. This guy won't get a hit
on me.

"Wear your gear," Darryl demands, but I shake my head. I shrug him off. "Don't need
He swears under his breath, dropping the head gear and mouth guard before storming
away. Poor Darryl, he's always putting up with my shit. I bring my attention to the
ring and watch as Jackson holds open the ropes while Mike climbs in. He has his
full gear on and I smile because he's definitely going to need it. I put my fists
up and he follows suit. I've never seen a more unintimidating opponent in my life.

I take my steps slow, inching closer to him and analyzing his face. His blue eyes
are narrowed in on me, determined to get at least one hit. Abruptly, I launch
forward, catching him off-guard and slamming my gloved fist into his stomach. Air
flies from his lungs and he hunches over with a loud grunt. I step back, giving him
time to catch his breath. His face turns red as he struggles to refill his lungs
and I smile. I actually fucking smile at his pain. Jackson is on the sideline
laughing his ass off and slapping the ring with the palms of his hands.


loves this because he'd do the exact same thing for Selena-hell-Jackson would have
punched Mike's teeth through his head if his eyes lingered on his girl's face for a
second too long. He's protective-borderline controlling
-and that's not just in general, but when it comes to sex as well. I've seen his
bedroom, the weird straps and chains and scares the shit out of me. I'm
all for taking control in the bedroom and getting what I want, but Jackson...he
needs it. If he isn't in control he can't handle it and he can't finish.

Mike straightens his posture and brings his fists back up to his face. "I didn't
see that coming..." He groans.

That was the point. I smile, lurching forward again. I swing my fist and it
connects with the side of his face. With a grunt, his head is tossed to the side
and he falls flat on his ass. Well... that was quicker than I expected. I pull my
gloves off and toss them across the ring. Despite my disgust with Mike, I extend my
hand and help him to his feet. I'm not a total asshole. He cringes, shaking his
head and clasping his stomach.

"I guess this is the reason why I'm on the promoting side of the MMAC," he jokes
with a nervous chuckle.

"Yep." I drop his hand and turn from him. For a second, I wish he was a fighter.

Then I could go against him and punish him to my full potential. He's lucky I hit
him with my full-pad gloves on.

I slip from the ring, letting Mike gather his broken pride in peace. Then he needed
to get back to work so he can finish quickly and get the hell out of my gym. I
can't promise I'll go so easy on him next time.

Chapter Two
(T-minus six days until Las Vegas)

I tap my fingers along my arm, waiting for my alarm to go off. I've been up for a
while, and if I'm being honest, I don't think I had much sleep last night. Since
the gym with Seth (more specifically, the shower room), my brain and my body have
been conspiring against me. My brain refuses to dish out any rational thoughts or
responses and the only thing I've managed to think about is Seth's hard body and
hard...everything else. As for my body, I can't keep still. It

constantly has
me moving and squirming, working with

less-than-wholesome thoughts my brain comes up with. My alarm blares its annoying

beep and I roll over and slapping the stop button.

Can girls get blue balls? I roll my eyes at myself, there I go again. In a huff, I
sit up and push the blanket down my legs. I rake my fingers through my hair and
then over my face. Seth told me to call him if I need him (and boy,

do I need him) but I can't, for Darryl's sake. Darryl wants one last shot at
training Seth his way before the MMAC officials start dictating the way he trains
Seth. I don't want to be the one to take that away from him. Besides, it's only
three more weeks until his fight and then Seth and I can do whatever the hell we
want to each other. Oh, the endless possibilities. Vividly in my mind, I run my
tongue up his chest, feeling all of his muscles tremble beneath my mouth. A soft
knock taps on my bedroom door, startling me from my thoughts. I shake my head. I
barely made it two seconds before I started thinking about him again. I slide from
my bed and stretch my hands up to the ceiling, arching my back like a cat.

"Come in." I yawn, dropping my arms and pulling my tiny shirt down.

It does nothing to really cover my belly button and if I lift my arms any higher,
I'm sure the bottoms of my breasts will pop out. Mom's face peers around the edge
of my door and she smiles warmly at me. "I made breakfast."

As she finishes her sentence, the delightful smell of butter and fresh toast
filters into my nostrils, making my stomach grumble. I smile back at her.

"You didn't have to do that."

Mom is slowly coming back to herself. After the unexpected death of my father eight
weeks ago, things got pretty hectic with Mom. With every passing day she began to
break-just a chip at a time-until she emotionally broke down.

For her, I moved back in. The thought of her alone in the family home with all of
the photos and memories of her dead husband crushed me. It isn't all selfless;
moving back in also helped Seth keep his hands off me, although there's been more
than one occasion where he's forced himself on me with my mother in the next room.

"I'll make my bed and be right out."

With a swift nod, she closes the door. I pull my hair over one shoulder and tap my
index finger on my bare hip as I glance around the room. Maybe today is the day I
take all of my things out of their boxes. All of my big

items, like my fridge, bed, and couches are currently sitting in a storage shed
somewhere, but everything else is packed in boxes and stacked in this room. There's
no space for anything and I have no idea where to start. I exhale and shrug my
shoulders. I'll deal with the boxes tomorrow, I think for the fifth consecutive day
in a row.

I stroll from my room, enjoying the feel of the cool tiles on the base of my warm
feet as I enter the dining room and drop into a chair. Mom definitely went
overboard this morning-fruit salad, yogurt, toast with melted butter, pancakes, and
various cereals.

"Expecting company?" I ask, reaching for a bowl.

"No, but I figured we could take our time and chat, you know, like we used to when
you were younger."

Although I have things to do, I scoop fruit salad into my bowl anyway. "Sounds

A wide smile curls her lips and she pulls two pieces of buttered toast onto her

"So, how are things with the gym?"

I almost flinch. Mom never talks about the gym, in fact, whenever Seth and I
discuss it, she leaves the room.

"Good," I say cautiously. "They're putting Seth's billboards up today." "And how
are things with him?"
I put a piece of fresh, juicy apple in my mouth. "Great. He's training for his
first pro fight in Vegas."

As I finish my sentence, there's a knock at the front door and Mom rises to her

"I hope that's the delivery man with the new set of curtains I ordered online.

They were meant to be here two days ago."

She disappears around the corner and I hear the front door open. The deep voice
that rumbles through the house and sticks to me like humid air on a hot summer's
night is definitely not the voice of a delivery man, but the voice of the man that
has kept me sexually frustrated for the past few weeks. Mom comes back into the
kitchen and sure enough, Seth is trailing behind her. I abruptly close my lips
around a slice of mango to stop from gasping out loud. He still has that affect on
me...Seth has one of those faces that make your heart

stutter and stop before picking up speed at an erratic pace. His gaze falls onto me
and then drops to my tiny shirt. He flicks the thin toothpick over his bottom lip
before they curl into a lopsided smirk and I subtly cross my arms over my chest as
my nipples harden. Suddenly, I feel very exposed in my short top and tiny satin

"Look who has joined us for breakfast," Mom deadpans.

She's never happy with Seth's random appearances, even when he brings her flowers
on Saturdays.

"Don't worry about her," I tell him, laughing. "She's just upset you're not a pair
of curtains."

Seth chuckles as he lowers himself into the seat next to me.

"Are you hungry, Seth?" Mom asks. "I've made more than enough food."

Seth's eyes scan the table and I know he's fighting the urge to respond with an
obvious, smart ass comment. Instead of antagonizing my mom this early in the
morning, Seth removes his toothpick and says. "A little more fruit wouldn't hurt."

I slide my bowl over to Seth and grab another one, filling it with fruit for
The kettle clicks in the kitchen and Mom turns her back to us to prepare a coffee.
The moment her back is turned, I feel Seth's rough hand on my inner

thigh sliding higher and higher until the very tips of his fingers brush against my
warm center. White-hot arousal surges through me and I almost choke on my mango.
Mom glances over her shoulder, but Seth doesn't remove his hand as

he brings a glass of water to his mouth and I hear him quietly chuckle into his

"Chew your fruit, Olivia," she tells me, turning back to her coffee.

Seth's finger curls around the hem of my shorts and stops abruptly when he realizes
I'm not wearing underwear. He lowers his glass.


The boxes in my room have blocked my underwear drawer and I used my last pair of
available clean ones yesterday. Truth be told, when I decided to skip on underwear
last night after my shower, I wasn't expecting Seth to show up at breakfast and try
to stroke me while my mother's back is turned. I glance sideways at Seth and he's
staring at me, his eyes thinned into lusty slits. His tongue flicks out to moisten
his bottom lip and I find myself staring at it, watching it closely. If I could
just feel that tongue between my legs for five minutes-

"What are your plans today?" he asks me, his eyes flaring.

I look at his eyes. Fuck. I wasn't planning on seeing Seth until late this
afternoon so I made plans to go down to Mason's office to pick up my last paycheck
from months ago.

"Uh..." I drop my sight to my bowl and shovel fruit into my mouth. Seth grows weary
as I chew and swallow, buying myself more time. "I was planning on going down to
Mason's office and picking up a few of my things." I tell him like it's no big

Seth frowns, taking his hand away from me and I feel strangely bare without his
fingers there. "A few of your things?"

I swallow hard, hoping it doesn't betray the anxious feeling I have inside. "Yes,
I've been ignoring him for the last eight weeks, just like you wanted me to, but I
need my last paycheck and there's a photo of Dad I had on my desk that I would like

Mom glances over her shoulder at us, eavesdropping. I really don't want to have
this conversation around her. I know how Seth feels about Mason. We've had this
discussion a million times before, and according to him, he isn't worried I'll
sleep with Mason, he's worried Mason will sleep with me
-like that makes any sense. I slide my chair back.

"I'm going to get dressed, Mom, and then I'll come back and have some more food."

I slip past Seth, and as I stroll up the hallway, I hear his chair screech against
the floor. I squeeze my eyes shut briefly. Here we go. I enter my room and Seth
follows closely behind, shutting the door behind him. I walk straight over to my
drawers and pull out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt while he pushes my boxes aside
and searches in the mess of fabrics for a pair of underwear and a bra.
I wait patiently as he pushes past all of my lacy pretties and eventually throws me
a black, cotton pair of underwear. I try not to smile at the fact that he chose the
least revealing pair of underwear that I own.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2)

A Ruthless Proposition

A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2)

Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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Too Consumed (Consumed #2) - Page 3/43 Fucking Seth.


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He leans against the wall, his leg bent at the knee and watches as I clip my bra
around my stomach and pull my shirt off over my head. I quickly pull the bra up and
slip my arms under the straps, adjusting it so it sits comfortably.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asks.

"No, Seth, you don't need to come with me. Darryl will be pissed if you're late for

He crosses his arms. "And if Mason wants you to go back and work for him?"

I slip my shorts down, ignoring the way Seth's eyes rake me.

"I'll tell him no thank you, I already have a job and it allows me to stare at a
certain sweaty, sexy man that I'm particularly fond of all day."
His lips twitch and he pushes off the wall, sauntering closer to me. I feel my
insides ripple with every step and my entire body tightens. I just want him to

touch me, for Christ's sake! Is that so hard?! "That does sound like a good job."

He smiles, sliding his hands onto the nape of my neck. "The best," I say, pressing
my lips to his.
He groans, sliding a hand down my neck, down my navel and into my underwear. My
breath hitches as his rough fingers press against my warmth and instantly, my new
underwear is soaked. He pulls back, his eyes smoldering at me.

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"What are the odds of your mother walking in while I take care of you?" My, my,
there is a God after all.

There's a soft rap of knuckles on the door and Seth exhales, removing his hand and
stepping back. Calm down girls, false alarm. There isn't a God.

"Olivia, I also made smoothies." Mom's voice calls through the wood. Smoothies?
Now? I choke on a laugh as I pull a new shirt over my head.

"Thanks, Mom!"

God, she can be so awkward sometimes. I push my legs into my jeans, pull them up
and button them. I reach for a hair tie off of my dresser and pull my hair up into
a messy bun as I step past Seth and stroll from the room. Seth follows me, a little
too closely for me to think straight and when we sit back in our seats, he leans
across and kisses my cheek. I don't want to smile, but I can't help it and I end up
grinning from ear to ear like the freaking Cheshire cat.

Mom regards us curiously from across the table. "So I take it you two are still
going okay?"

Seth laughs, slinging an arm over my shoulder. "Don't look too down, Mrs. James.
I'm not going anywhere."
Mom sips at her coffee, narrowing her eyes at him over the rim of her cup.

Mom plays all 'cranky' and 'hard-to-please' when it comes to Seth, but deep down
she loves him. She has to...because Dad did.

"Okay," I sigh, after twenty minutes of silent eating. "I have to go down to
Mason's office and pick up a few things. When I come back, we can work on the
garden, if you want."

Mom nods eagerly and a smile curls at her lips. "That would be wonderful. I bought
these pink petunias and they'll look gorgeous in the front garden."

Dad always wanted to put pink petunias in the front garden, but Mom hated the
thought of the pink clashing with her yellows. Now that he's gone, she wants to put
the pink in the front...maybe it's to honor his memory, or maybe it's because she
feels guilty. Either way, I'm glad the thought of putting them in the front garden
makes her happy. I push out from my chair and Seth follows suit.

"I'll walk you to your car." He tells me-not offers. "Sure."

I slip into a pair of sandals by the door and pull my car keys off the hook. Seth
holds the door open for me and I step out onto the patio. The morning air is

refreshing and the golden, low-lying sun warms my skin while the cool breeze skims
across it.

"You don't have to go, you know. I could go down for you after training."

I laugh once at Seth wracking his brain to come up with anything to stop me from
going down there. "Yeah, I can see that ending well."

His fingers lace with mine and we walk hand in hand down the crunchy, pebble path.
Tension radiates off of him in waves-I can see it in the way he walks and feel it
in the extra-tight grip he has on my hand.

"Look, Seth, I know how you feel about Mason, but you need to relax. I'm going to
be there five minutes tops."

His eyes search mine and after a couple long seconds, he drags in a deep inhale,
expelling it from his nose. "Fine, but call me when you're done. Maybe we can grab

"What about Darryl and training?"

Darryl has Seth training three times a day on most days now. It leaves little time
for us to spend time together-that's probably all part of Darryl's sick plan, too.

He shrugs. "Don't worry about that, I'll sort it out."

I reach up and plant a quick kiss on his lips. Before I pull away, his fingers
unexpectedly dig into the small of my back and he pulls me hard against him.

His mouth drops to my neck and he pulls the skin between his full lips, sucking
hard and eliciting an unintentional moan from me. The skin begins to sting and

then it hits me, and I pull away abruptly. Seth releases me with an amused quirk of
his lips and I take a few steps back.

"Are you kidding me?" I gasp, clenching my neck.

He runs his tongue over his bottom lip, like I'm the most delicious thing he has
ever tasted. "What?"

"What?" I mock him, making him smile at me. It's one of those 'I'll do whatever the
fuck I want and you can't do a damn thing about' kind of smiles. It's the kind of
smile that penetrates fabric and licks you right where your thighs meet, and it's
because of that smile I can't be mad at him for wanting to leave his mark right
where Mason will see it.

"You are such an animal," I protest, unsure how to react to him and his blatant

"Thank you."

I glare at him, but it's a confused glare that battles against a smile. "It wasn't
a compliment."

He flicks an eyebrow. "I disagree."

I whirl around on my heel, push through the side gate and onto the driveway.
Seth leans against the small, white gate and watches me as I get in my car, clip in
my seatbelt, and start her up. Before I put it in reverse and leave, I wind down my
window. "Are you going to the gym now?" I ask out of curiosity.

If I need anything from him later, it'll be easier for me if I know where he is.

He smiles, running his fingers through his hair. "I will in a little bit. I thought
I'd hang around here and annoy your Mom for a little while longer.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "See you."

I back down the driveway and he waves once before I turn the corner and zoom away.

It feels weird driving to Mason's office. It has been such a long time since I've
been anywhere near it. I purposely avoid it for fear of running into him. We ended
things on bad terms...and considering I'm still doing the things that caused us to
fight in the first place I don't think this is going to be easy. I pull up out
front, happy there's a parking space available. I check my neck in the rear-view
mirror and I sigh in relief when I see the love bite fading. I take a few moments
to group my thoughts. I don't know why I feel so nervous-then again, maybe it's not
nerves...maybe it's guilt. I feel guilty because I was such a shit employee. I was
a great employee before a certain someone came along. I arrived at work at the
right times and never skipped days...then I met Seth and he turned my world upside
down. I let him consume me, I let him take over every aspect of my life and I loved
it. I love the way he makes me feel...taking a chance with him was worth more to me
than working a nine to five job.

I let my head fall back against the headrest and take two deep breaths. Might as
well get this over and done with. I unclip my belt and climb out of the car.

Ten minutes, I tell myself. Ten minutes and then I'm out of there.

"Olivia?" Mason's voice rings through my ears and I turn abruptly, almost falling
against my car. I'm so not prepared for this.

He's about to enter his office with a small coffee in his hand and I wave
sheepishly at him. I force my legs one in front of the other and manage to walk
around my car and step onto the sidewalk. I can't say I wasn't hoping he'd be out
and I'd only have to deal with his receptionist...shit happens, I guess.

"Hey, Mason...I came to grab a few of my things," I say, nervously fingering the
hem of my shirt.

He looks nice in his light grey suit with a bright blue tie, tied right to the top
button. He smiles and I think it's both genuine and forced, if that's even
possible. "Sure, come on in."

My sandals slap the concrete as I follow him into his office. My gaze drags over
the familiar surroundings before settling on my old desk. An uncomfortable twinge
of nostalgia rolls through me and I ball my hands into anxious fists.

Maybe I do miss working here...

"Fae, this is Olivia. She's your predecessor," Mason informs her with a playful

I look at the tiny girl behind the desk. Fae is a suitable name for her appearance.
She's tiny, with golden hair and a small, pointy nose-like Tinkerbell. She glances
up at me through her short bangs.

"Don't worry," I tell her, rubbing my moist palms on my jeans. "If you're showing
up on time-or at all-then you're already doing better than me."

She curls a stray hair over one ear sheepishly and chuckles, clearly nervous about
my sudden arrival.

"Any patients?" Mason asks her and Fae shakes her head. "Not for another half
Mason signals for me to follow him into his office and I smile at Fae before
slipping into the room and closing the door behind me. Without looking at Mason, I
drop into the seat across from his desk. Thankfully, he sits in his chair behind
the table and not on the edge of his desk, like he used to.

"How've you been?" he asks, not making eye contact and I wonder if he actually

I entwine my fingers, not relaxed enough to lean back against the chair. "Good,
I've been good. How about you?"

He shrugs. "I'm doing all right."

An awkward silence fills the room and I watch him until he finally lifts his azure
eyes from his desk to my face. "How's your mom?"

I cringe inwardly at the stilted conversation unfolding between us, but I power
through it, hoping it ends up where I get my stuff and leave.

"She's doing better now that I've moved back in with her." "Oh, good."
He leans back in his chair, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm really sorry
to hear about your father...when I read it in the newspaper, I couldn't believe

"Thanks, it was a shock...but we're dealing with it." He nods. "And Seth? Are you
two still-"
"Yes, Seth and I are still very much...together."

Mason shakes his head slightly and I frown. Why'd he think I came here? To beg for
my job back? To tell him I was wrong and I should've chosen him over Seth?

"I only came to collect my things, Mason."

"And that's it? No apology? Nothing? You've been avoiding my calls for the last
eight weeks, but I get the feeling that has nothing to do with you."

I exhale. He's right. Mason didn't do anything to me. I was the one who wronged
him. "Sorry, I've been busy managing the gym and you know how Seth is, especially
with you...I-"

"Seth is but an over-confident playboy, Olivia. I'm not scared of him. He can't
tell you who you can and who you can't talk to. I may have been your boss, but I
was also you're friend-I am your friend."

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth. Mason can't be my friend. I can't exactly
see us going for coffee or going shopping together-at least not without
jeopardizing my relationship with Seth. Mason also has-had- romantically feelings
towards me, making any kind of relationship with him
unattainable. I had to close this chapter of my life. In order to move forward with
Seth, Mason and my old life has to go.

"Mason, I'm sorry I chose Seth over my job and I'm sorry I abandoned you and this
practice, but so far that decision has led me to where I am now...and I like where
I am."

Disappointment flashes across his features and it frustrates me. Why can't he ever
make things easy for me? What more does he want me to say?

"I hate seeing you do this to yourself," he admits, sending sharp arrows of
frustration right into the pit of my stomach. "Your relationship with Seth is a
ticking time bomb. You know it, I know it-everyone knows it. You're wasting your

I scoff, "I'm wasting my time with Seth? No. I'm wasting my time here with you.

Every millisecond I'm with him is time well spent. He makes me happy, Mason, the
happiest anyone has ever made me. Doesn't that matter to you? You claim to be my
friend yet you only take your own happiness into consideration, not mine. I know
exactly what kind of person Seth is. I know what he's done and how he is, but that
doesn't make me love him any less."

Mason pinches the bridge of his nose briefly before pushing up from his chair.

He turns and opens the cupboard above his head. Reaching inside, he pulls out a
small green box and shuts the door. Before handing it to me, he taps his fingers on
the side of it, like he wants to say something else. Deciding against it, his brows
furrow and he slides the box across his desk. "There are your things. The picture
of your dad, a few of your receipts, your paycheck and a lip gloss."

I grab the box and pull myself to my feet. I take one step towards the door and
Mason's voice stops me in my tracks.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition
A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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"I'll be waiting for you to tell me that I'm right, and you will, eventually."
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I snap my head to look him dead in the eyes. His eyes are light, almost apologetic
and I glare at him. "Don't hold your breath."

I storm the last few steps toward the door and pull it open. Without a glance in
Fae's direction, I march from the office and out into the street. I dodge around an
old woman pushing a shopping cart and unlock my car before dropping into the
driver's seat and slamming the door.

"Asshole!" I shout, slapping the steering wheel with the palm of my hand.

How am I supposed to have a positive outlook on my relationship when everyone else

is so damn negative? All I want is for someone to be happy for me-like Dad was or
Selena is. I can't give everyone what they want. I can't make everyone happy so
what the fuck am I meant to do? How can I be happy when people refuse to let me? I
drag a slow inhale through my nose and expel it at the same speed. I pull my phone
from my pocket and decide to skip a
phone call to Seth. If he finds out Mason upset me, he'll probably come down here
and do God knows what, so I send him a text instead.

TO: SETH. TIME: 8:00 A.M.

Done. On my way home to help Mom.

I'll call you later. Love you.


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I drop my phone into a cup holder and put my keys in the ignition. As I pull away
from my old workplace, I can't help but feel a little relief under the huge pile of
worry and guilt. I've officially closed the 'Mason' chapter of my's
finished. Never will I ever have to see his judging eyes or hear his unwanted
comments. Closing that chapter in my life was surprisingly easy... maybe it's
because I know every new chapter I start from here on out will bring new
opportunities, new memories, and new endings, and hopefully, all of them will
feature Seth.

Chapter Three Seth


Done. On my way home to help Mom. I'll call you later.

Love you. xx
"Fucking Mason," I growl, slipping my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.

I lean against my car and keep my eyes trained on the darkened concrete at my feet
as Jackson saunters up beside me.

"What's up?" he asks, leaning against the car beside me. "Mason," I tell him,
refusing to bring my eyes to his face.
Although Olivia never hinted that Mason has upset her in her text message, I know
he did. Mason had a habit of running his mouth where it wasn't wanted.
Jackson stiffens beside me. "What'd he do?"

"I don't know." I cringe. Jesus-fucking-Christ. I sound like an idiot. I pull my

keys from my pocket and push off of the car. I should go see her-fuck it, I'll go
see him. Jackson snags my arm, his grip hard and strong.

"Don't be an idiot." He snickers, reading my mind. "You don't even know if he's
done anything."

"I don't have to, Mason's a dick."

Jackson releases me and his eyes thin as he laughs to himself. "Look at you all
smitten and protective. I never thought I'd see the day."

I roll my eyes as he crosses his jean-clad legs over each other and flicks his
eyebrows suggestively at me. "It seems you're no longer looking to lease, my
friend, you're looking to buy."

I fold my arms over my chest, forgetting I want to get in my car and drive to
Mason's. "So what if I am?"

I haven't told Jackson about my plans to ask Olivia to marry me...or that I've
already bought her a ring. I'll tell him eventually, when I know when I'm going to
ask her. I can't risk him telling Selena, she can't keep her mouth shut even if you
pay her to. Jackson flashes his palms at me. "No disrespect, man. I just never
thought I'd see the day."

"Yeah, well, things change." "So it seems."

I don't bother pointing out that he and Selena also seem to be getting pretty
serious. My guess is, he either hasn't shown her what he's really like or she's
just as damaged as he is. I don't blame Jackson for being the way he is. After the
childhood and teenage years he's had I'm surprised he has stuck with Selena for so
long. His first real relationship was fucking unhealthy. Poor kid

was only sixteen and the woman-twenty-three. She was into some dark shit sexually
and he ate it all up, thinking that was how things worked. If he puts Selena
through any of the shit he had to go through, I can't see their relationship
stretching past the three month line. I've fought the urge to ask him if he's shown
Selena any of, but prying into Jackson's sex life is something I prefer
to avoid.

"Let it go, bro," Jackson says, interrupting my train of thought. He takes my

brooding over his past as thoughts of Olivia and Mason. "Call her, make her feel
better and forget the rest."

I frown. Am I seriously getting relationship advice from Jackson? The same guy who
has had as many serious relationships as me? How the fuck did that happen? I guess
it isn't too farfetched. He's been coaching me on women since high school and now
that I think about it...maybe that's a bad idea considering his relationships all
consist of one night stands and consensual, sexual abuse. The thought of tying
Olivia up and giving it to her arouses me, but I'd never do it with half of the
shit Jackson uses.

"Call her and then get dressed. Training begins in ten."

With a slap on the back, he strolls away from me and I retrieve my phone from my
pocket, dialing Olivia's number immediately.
It rings for a while before she answers. "Hey."

Her voice is happy and high, but I hear the way it falls flat on the last syllable.

"Hey yourself." I clear my throat, trying to find the right question to ask without
looking like I'm demanding information from her. "How'd it go?" Nailed it.

She sighs, pausing for a few seconds. "It started off okay...but you know Mason and
how he feels about you."

The thought makes me smile. "That I do. Are you all right?" "Surprisingly, yes."
She laughs nervously. "Onwards and upwards, right?" "Right." I stuff my free hand
into the front pocket of my jeans.
"I just got home and Mom is all dressed up and ready to garden, so I have to go,
but I'll see you later? We'll go out for lunch?"

I smile, happy she isn't going to blow me off on account of Mason. "Absolutely."

"Okay, see you then."

She hangs up, leaving me smiling at my own reflection in the gym windows. I can't
wait for lunch. I can't wait to see her milky skin and plump, pink lips.

Seeing her is what I look forward to most in my day. Most people look forward to
their favorite TV shows or their favorite meals, not me. I look forward to the same
time every morning when I step through the gym doors and I know I'll see her. I
look forward to seeing her cute wave and wide smile when she sees me, scanning the
room for her. I love her, and it's the sweetest feeling in the world. I slip my
phone into my pocket, open the back door to my car, and pull out my gym bag.
Training is going to drag on because I'm desperate for lunchtime to roll around. I
want to see her...I need to see her.

I open my eyes and glance sleepily around my room. In between tossing and turning,
I didn't get much sleep. Last night-and almost every other night- I was plagued
with images of Olivia that deterred me from sleep. Much to my

brain's delight, tonight in my dreams, she was naked, desperate and begging for me.
After I left her house yesterday, I couldn't shake the look of her in that tiny
fucking shirt and tiny shorts-not to mention the fact that she wasn't wearing
underwear. There I go, torturing myself again.

I groan, throwing off my blankets. I haven't felt this wound up since the night she
wanted me to take her on her couch and I refused. I swing my legs over the edge of
the bed and push myself onto my feet, running my hands over my face. I stroll
toward the bathroom because the only thing that is going to help the 'tenting'
issue I'm currently having in my pants is a cold shower.

I drop my pants and open the shower door. I turn on the cold tap, stepping well out
of the way of the cold stream. As the cold water crashes against the floor tiles
and splashes onto my skin, I decide a little bit of warmth wouldn't hurt...or at
least I thought it wouldn't. The warmer the water became, the harder I got, and the
harder I got, the tighter I wound.

I reach for the body wash and squeeze a large amount into my hand. I ignore my cock
that so eagerly juts out in front of me and begin lathering soap over every inch of
my body, purposely leaving my length for last. When I have no choice but to wash
it, I curl my hand around the shaft, washing as quickly as I can without causing
myself too much grief. I almost got away with it too, until my index finger slides
over the over-sensitive head, sending an overwhelming bolt of arousal through me.
Without a second thought, I grab the tip of my cock and squeeze it firmly. A heavy,
pleasured sigh leaves my lips and I feel my eyes become half lidded. I start out
slowly, almost at a teasing pace and rest my free hand heavily against the glass.

"Fuck..." I groan, my voice barely above a whisper.

I know I shouldn't tease myself and I know very well that if I go any faster
there's no way I'm going to stop. Images of Olivia trickle into my mind as my hands
run up and down my dick, picking up speed. Almost immediately I edge myself to the
brink of orgasm, but before I fall over, I tear my hand away, squeezing my eyes
shut as my balls threaten to explode. I can't break Darryl's rule...and if I'm
going to break it, I'm not going to waste it alone, masturbating in my shower. Not
when I have Olivia, who wants me as desperately as I want her. Familiar, immoral
thoughts of Olivia filter through my mind at the thought of her name. I think about
yesterday and how badly she wanted me in the shower room and how close I came to
filling her completely. My hand twitches towards my cock, but before it makes
contact, I bite the bullet and slap the hot tap, drenching myself in cold water. I

my teeth against the freezing temperature, and when I'm certain my boner won't come
back, I shut the water off and step out of the shower. I reach for a towel and
quickly run it over my body before wrapping it low on my hips.

My skin is still damp as I march through my room and throw on a white tank top and
slip into a pair of shorts, tossing my towel to the side. I glance over my shoulder
at the clock on my wall. Fuck. How long was I in there?

I'm running late and I don't think I can handle the five minute planks as a
punishment today. Darryl makes me do them whenever I'm late and I don't care who
you are, they fucking hurt. I slip into a pair of ankle socks and tear from the

I stroll through my kitchen, swinging by the fridge and claiming a yogurt from
inside. As I pass the bench, I reach across and grab a granola and nut bar from the
fruit basket. I hate training on an empty stomach. I tear the lid off the yogurt
tub and drink it, pouring the sour Greek yogurt down my throat. The nutritionist
the MMAC assigned to me would have a fit if she knew how little food I'm consuming
this morning and the fact that I've yet to take one of their protein shakes.

As I reach the front door, I slip into my shoes, step outside, and lock my door
behind me.

The drive to the gym passes by quickly and I pull awkwardly into a space. I'm sure
my wheels are over one side of the line, but I don't bother rectifying it-not while
I'm busy staring at the giant billboard of me bolted to the top of the gym.

It's much bigger that I expected... This is real.

This is happening.


I exhale and close my eyes. I'm a pro MMAC fighter with huge billboards of myself
spread all over America...I deserve it. I fought my ass off to make

this happen, so why does this whole sport suddenly feel so new to me? I open my
eyes and look up at the billboard. I've never been the kind of person who loves
themselves, despite what other people might say about me
-and looking at my picture-topless with my fists up, all taped and dirty, makes me
cringe. I never want to do a photo shoot again. I've never felt more feminine in my
life than I

did that day. One shoot is more than enough. They better re-use that same photo for
the rest of my career.

I slip from the car and shut the door, pressing the buttons on my keys to lock it.

I saunter toward the gym, still tired, even after my shower. I hate skipping
breakfast. I need meat, I need eggs, and I need a million other things just to keep
me running all day. Going off the way I feel now, I'll be lucky to make it to

As I approach the door, I notice three men in brightly colored overalls installing
our new security system and cameras. Olivia fought me a little on the cameras.

She insisted they were unnecessary-and they were-until the grocery store down the
road was broken into.

I reach out to push the gym door open, but a buzzing in my pocket forces me to
withdraw my hand and retrieve my cellphone from my pocket. Jackson's name flashes
across the screen and I contemplate answering it. He's undoubtedly going to chew my
ass off because I'm running a little late. I hit answer and bring it to my ear.

"I'm here now," I say.

"Hey, man." Jackson clears his throat, ignoring my greeting. "I'm not going to make
it to the gym today. Selena and I got into it this morning because I almost punched
her father in the mouth."

A laugh rumbles through my chest. "You almost punched her father?"

He growls. "You should meet the fucking guy. He's a fucking dickbag and he treats
her like shit. No wonder she has so many issues."

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition
A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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I don't comment. I've never really spent time alone with Selena. I don't know if
she has any deep seated issues-hell, I don't even know what her favorite color is.
I do, however, know she likes to dress pretty and drink hard.


"Anyway, bro, you still prepared for me to move in today?"

"Uh-" Shit. I forgot I asked Jackson to move in three weeks ago. I've been so busy
it slipped my mind.

"Yeah," I lie, pretending I didn't forget. "All set."

"Cool. I'm gonna go find Selena. She's run off and isn't answering her phone.

I'll talk to you later."


He hangs up and I slip my phone back into my pocket. I have no idea how Jackson and
Selena are going to work if he already wants to smash her father.

On second thought, I can't believe Jackson even agreed to meet her father.

Maybe he's becoming just as whipped as I apparently am. My thoughts fall to Rick,
Olivia's dad. He liked me, but it wasn't like that in the beginning. Although he
played all happy in front of Olivia, when she left he'd turn his sights on me,
demanding I keep my eyes on her face and not...everywhere else. Once I told Rick I
wasn't going to hurt her and he grew to believe me, things were fine. He was the
only one I talked to about marrying Olivia...I'd never been so scared or anxious in
my life, but I got his blessing and that's all that matters.

I push through the doors and into the gym. The strange smell I usually notice first
is masked by frangipani-or lavender-some kind of girly scent. Olivia has been
trying to 'freshen' the gym for weeks now and this smell is definitely not working
for me. I scan the room. In the far corner by the boxing ring, Darryl is taking a
phone call-one he doesn't seem too pleased with, and my sparring partners are
stretching on the mat beside him. They have it easy today. I don't think I have it
in me to knock anyone out. I glance around the rest of the gym-two chubby men
stroll lazily on the treadmills and a woman is going hard out on the elliptical. I
frown, confused why Olivia isn't here. I want to see her before I train...I feel
stupid just thinking that, we aren't inseparable...I just...I don't know. I guess
that's what it's like being in love. You need to see that person everyday-every
second. If you don't, you feel kind of empty...kind of incomplete.

Jesus-fucking-christ. Listen to me! I sound like a pussy...but it's true. I feel

incomplete...or at least I do until my gaze settles on a pair of bare thighs
flowing endlessly out of tiny, black shorts as she bends over a rowing machine.

It's her and I'm willing to bet my entire pro season earnings on it. I've seen her
from this glorious angle too many times to not be certain.

Suddenly pleased with how my morning is turning out, I draw nearer, my eyes zeroing
in on the small gap between her thighs. Over and over I have to remind myself that
we're in public. My fingers twitch, desperate to act of their own accord and slip
between her legs. Instead, I rest my hand on the small of her back. Her skin is
soft and warm under my palm and I feel her body go rigid as she slowly turns her
head. When she makes eye contact with me, her green orbs brighten and she
straightens herself before throwing her arms around my neck.

"You scared me!" She says, squeezing me against her.

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I wrap my arms around her waist and she pulls away, but I don't let her go. "Did
you see the billboard?"

I feel my face pull together. "I did...they don't have any smaller ones?" She half
frowns, half smiles. "I'm sure they do, but I ordered the biggest." "Of course you
Her lips curl into a mocking smirk. "Are you embarrassed, Mr. Marc?" "Do I look
embarrassed? Sorry, I was going for humble."
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about." She shrugs. "I think it's sexy."

"Well, I think your shorts are sexy and I deem them inappropriate for the
workplace." She rolls her eyes and the palms of my hands find their way down her
back, stopping on her firm ass. "Your ass is a hazard."

She giggles at my lame line, catching her plump bottom lip between her teeth as her
hands grip my hands, dragging them up to rest on her hips. "There are times and
places for everything."

"I agree." I lower my mouth to her ear and I feel her tense against me. "I've never
done it in a gym."

"Seth, people are watching."

My lips twitch upwards at the sound of her breathless voice. "Let them."

I pull back, sliding my hands up the contour of her perfect body, before slipping
them to either side of her neck. Her eyes are heavy, her plump lips parted to let
through a slow, controlled breath and it exposes her teeth slightly, so flawless
and white.


A husky male voice draws my attention to the door and I watch cautiously as a tall,
lean, and over-excited guy struts towards us. I feel Olivia's gaze drag from my
face to his and she takes a step back. I drop my hands to my sides and watch
curiously as he pulls Olivia into a hug. It isn't a seedy hug-it resembles the kind
of hug a brother would give a sister, but the gleam in his eye is unsettling.

"Brad, this is my boyfriend, Seth. Seth, this is Brad. He's a friend of my

brother's," she says after they rattle off a very brief catch up and condolences
for Rick.

Brad flicks his fingers through the front of his copper hair before extending the
same hand to me. I glance at it briefly before putting my hand in his.

"You're the guy on the billboard out front?"

I fight the urge to cringe, taking my hand back. I should be proud of it, not
ashamed. "Yep."

"Cool, bro, that's admirable. How hard you hit?"

I shrug. "Get in the ring and I'll show you."

Brad laughs nervously and O steps beside me, resting a hand on my arm. "I'll pass,
thanks. Maybe next time," Brad says.
I analyze his face as he turns his attention to Olivia, flicking it awkwardly to me
a few times-thick, bushy eyebrows, a slender nose and bright yellow- green
eyes...his catlike features unnerve me.

"Anyway, I'm scouting for a new gym and I thought I'd pop in here and give it a go.
I like the environment and the people." He flicks his eyebrows at Olivia.

"Maybe I'll stick around."

I cross my arms and Olivia leans into me, laughing like he said something funny. I
didn't hear anything remotely funny come from his thin lips. Am I missing some kind
of personal joke?

"Come, I'll show you the gym." Olivia hooks her elbow around Brad's and glances at
me over her shoulder. "I'll talk to you soon," she says, her voice broken with a
giggle. "You're late and Darryl is pissed."

I watch as she walks with Brad around the gym, laughing and blushing as she points
out equipment and doors. Every now and then, their eyes flit to me before returning
to their conversation. It's bothering me more than it should.

I've never felt jealousy before I became interested in Olivia. I don't do jealousy.

I'm a detached, hit it and quit it kind of guy-or at least I used to be. I don't
like the way jealousy affects me. I hate the anger it stirs-I hate the fact that it
makes me want to throw Olivia on the floor and take her in front of everyone just
to make a statement. I exhale. I sound like a fucking psycho... and I am when it
comes to her.

"Seth!" Darryl shouts, drawing my attention. He slips his phone into his pocket.

"You're late. Shirt off, gloves on, let's go!"

Reluctantly, I stroll over to the boxing ring and pull my shirt over my head. I
keep my head down and focus on wrapping my hands correctly instead of obsessively
watching Olivia and Brad waltz around the gym.

Darryl brings my gloves and head gear. I take my gloves, but ignore the other item
in his hand.

"This isn't the amateurs anymore, Seth, you have to wear your gear. You can't
afford to get hurt in training. Not to mention you have interviews and press
conferences coming up-"

"I don't want the head gear. He's not going to touch me."

Darryl drops the head gear with a sigh. "You're too damn cocky for your own good."

I can't help the smile that tugs at my lips. I like Darryl, mostly because he
reminds me of my father. Okay, that comparison isn't accurate. There's a big
difference between Dad and Darryl. Darryl tells me how proud he is of me on a
regular basis. Dad, however, has only said it twice. Once when I was six and I went
to the dentist's for the first time and the second time on his death bed-'I'm proud
of your determination, but I'm not proud of your choices.' Fair call, I've made
some pretty shitty choices. Before Mom went off the tracks, I drank way too much,
partied way too hard, and I slept with way too many girls.
I have no reasons for it. Growing up, my home life was perfect, well, almost
perfect. Maddi, my sister, was the 'golden child.' My parents bent over backwards
for her. Maddi had always wanted to be a lawyer like Mom and my parents (being huge
on success) nurtured her as much as they could. When they asked me what I wanted to
be, my answer was always different. One week it was a race car driver. The next, a
cage fighter. Hell, I even think I told them I wanted to be a mob boss at one
point. My point is, I was never treated equally to my sister. When I told Dad about
my plans to be a

professional MMA fighter, he was hesitant until I went off in a long speech about
discipline and determination. When he saw how serious and passionate I was, he
agreed to be a part of it. He studied long and hard on the art of MMA and ended up
knowing more than me, teaching me things I didn't know. Quickly, Dad and I grew
close and it was like the last seventeen years of our tense relationship didn't

I loved it. I loved seeing him smile at me, his eyes gleaming with pride. Sadly,
our easy relationship was short-lived. Being a surgeon and having to deal with
death regularly, my Dad attended habitual therapy sessions. One night, he invited
me to go with him. He wanted me to see what he had to deal with, how determined and
passionate he was about his job, considering he never spoke about work outside of
his therapy sessions.

"It's too stressful," he'd always say when I asked.

The office was nearing close time...and Dad and I were sitting in the waiting room.
There was no receptionist, apparently typical for that time of night, so he sent me
to find Mason. I strolled around the practice before I entered his office.

I don't regret a lot of things in my life because at the time I've done them, it
was exactly what I wanted, but I do regret the events that followed. The events
that followed me entering Mason's office destroyed any relationship I'd built with
my father. I don't blame Mason's wife-even though she should have been a little
more respectful of her marriage-I only blame myself. I was young, horny, and
stupid. So fucking stupid.

My lungs burn as air is forced from them and I hunch over, blowing air from my
cheeks. What the fuck? I straighten myself and my spar partner, Dave, locks eyes
with me. He seems almost scared that he touched me. Fuck knows why, he's at least
three times the size of me.

"Nice shot," I groan, running my hands over my face. I need to wake up.
"Pay attention," Darryl orders from the sidelines. "Keep your hands up."

I bring my fists up and loosen my posture. He isn't going to get another hit on me.
That I guarantee.

"Hello stranger," she purrs, stepping closer. "Looking for Dr. Peterson?"

My eyes rake the woman before me in a tight, red dress and the highest pair of
heels I've ever seen. If there was a picture beside trophy wife on, it'd be a picture of her. She drags her long, blonde hair over
one shoulder, her hips swaying as she saunters toward me. There's a curve on the
corner of her lips-a confident curve-like she knows what's going to happen before I
even open my mouth.

"Mason is out right now-and he skipped on dinner with his wife again." I don't talk
to her, only watch as she pouts sarcastically.
"So you can imagine how pissed off and..." her gaze drags down the length of my
body before returning to my face. I barely acknowledge my cock twitching in my
pants. "Unsatisfied I am."

I swallow hard as her hands press against my chest and glide downward until her
finger curls around the hem of my jeans.

"Although young, you look like you can satisfy me..." Her eyebrow quirks, silently
asking me for my name. "Seth," I tell her.
She smiles the kind of smile that should have sent me running. She smiles a wide,
wolfish and hungry smile that tugs at my nerves...among many other things.

"Seth..." she says in a husky whisper, bringing her mouth closer to mine. I smell
the alcohol on her breath and I know I should leave...but I don't. She sucks my
bottom lip between hers and I keep my eyes open, locked on her espresso black
irises as she pops the button on my jeans. "That's a sexy name."

My nerves skyrocket at the thought of Dad walking through the door any second now
and I grab her small wrists in my hands. "Don't."

Her over-plucked brow cocks. "Don't?" Her eyes flare. "You say it, but I know you
don't mean it."

She kisses my chin, before slowly dropping to her knees. I look down at her as she
glances up at me through hooded eyes and releases me from my jeans.

"Do you like to feel good, Seth? Because I'm going to make you feel real good and
then you're going to return the favor."

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition
A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1)

Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways #1) It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3) Best books of all time - Read Novels Online
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Read novel online romance

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I know I shouldn't do it. I know it's wrong and beyond fucked up, but I'm too hard
to walk away. I figure, if I do this quickly and then get back to Dad
-no harm done.


Her lips wrap around me, coating my bare skin in slick, wet saliva. A groan slips
from my throat and her fingers dig into my legs as she takes me all the way to the
back of her throat. I grit my teeth against a shiver threatening to overcome me and
grab a fistful of her soft hair, forcing her to move faster and harder. She moans,
almost sending me over the edge, but I'm not done. Not until I make her feel as
good as she's making me feel. All rational thoughts fly out the window the moment
her warm tongue wraps around the tip and a dark hunger is released inside of me. I
force the woman roughly to

her feet. She drags an index finger along her bottom lip and I grip her hips as she
wraps her arms around my neck. I push her backwards, passing the couches and going
straight to Mason's desk. As she slides onto the table, I pull back and reach for
the wallet in my back pocket. While she tugs her pathetic excuse for underwear down
her legs, I find a condom and slip the wallet back into my pocket. I waste no time
in ripping the foil and rolling it on. Within seconds I'm between her thighs and
pushing my way inside her. No thoughts fill my mind-nothing that will bring me back
to my senses, anyway. I avoid kissing her mouth in respect of her marriage-I almost

How fucking thoughtful of me.

I'm relieved she doesn't mind me avoiding her lips. She isn't looking for romance
or passion...a quick fuck to get back at her husband is all she wants.

Mason's wife falls back, lying flat on his desk, her eyes closed. I tighten my grip
on her hips, pulling her into me with every thrust.

"Oh fuck, yes," she moans and I feel her tighten around me.

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, trying to hold back my own groans of pleasure
as she wraps her legs around my hips, squeezing me closer to her. I feel my release
gaining momentum and getting nearer as she digs her fingers into the wood, turning
them white.

"Faster, shit," she cries and her legs begin to spasm.

Her fast breathing turn into gasps for air and her walls clamp down on me. The
pressure on my cock sends me over the edge and I lean over her, my own hands
turning white and bloodless under the pressure as my knees threaten to buckle. I
feel myself pulse inside of her as I release and I grit my teeth against moaning
out loud.

Fucking hell.

I take a few slow, deep breaths and draw myself to full height. Almost immediately,
I feel a regretful sickness creep through my stomach and cling to all of my vital
organs. What have I done?

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I slip off the condom and drop it into the bin. Raking my fingers through my hair,
Mason's wife bends down for her underwear and I follow suit, buttoning my own
jeans. As luck would have it, before I get the button done, the door opens and I

"Honey, this is-"

Holy shit. Fuck.

Mason's words are cut off as he takes in the scene before him. His wife finishes
adjusting her red thong and pulls down her dress, covering the red marks my fingers
made when I squeezed her flesh.

"Seth?" There's no mistaking the complete disgust in Dad's voice and I flinch.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"I'll tell you what's going on," the woman says as she grabs her handbag. "Seth
here was showing me a good time-a great time. This is the last time you neglect me,
Mason. I want a divorce."

She reaches into her bag and retrieves a packet of cigarettes. She plucks one out,
puts it between her lips and ignites it with a tacky diamante lighter. With a
sultry wink in my direction, she says. "Thanks, handsome." And then she pushes past
Dad and her husband-ex-husband. Mason starts toward me, hate as clear as day in the
blue depths of his eyes and I'm not going to fight him. I'm going to let him punch
me in the face. Fuck knows I deserve it, but before he reaches me, Dad dives
between us. "Go after your wife, Mason. I'll deal with Seth."

I frown, knowing that whatever mental shit Dad dishes out will be a million times
worse than what Mason could ever do to me physically.

Mason whips around on his heel and storms from his office, shouting after his wife.

"Dad, it's not my-"

My words are cut off by a harsh slap to my cheek and it tosses my head to the side.
I feel my nostrils flare and I clench my jaw against the urge to hit him back as I
slowly turn to face him.

"It's not my fault," I almost growl at him.

"It's not your fault? Did she tie you down and force you to put your dick in her?"

I grit my teeth. "No."

"No, she didn't. It's your fault just as much as it is hers." He pinches the bridge
of his nose. "I thought you changed, Seth, but you're still the same disgraceful
embarrassment you were months ago and I'm finished with you."

The look on Dad's face-the look of pure resentment and disappointment seeps through
my pores, flows through my bloodstream and penetrates my heart. The last few months
I've worked so hard to make him proud...only to destroy it.

Pain flashes across my mouth as my lip is crushed against my teeth and it splits.

Shit. I zoned out again.

"Seth! What the fuck are you doing?" Darryl's voice pierces me and I lick my lip.

Blood. I fucking hate the taste of blood. I lunge forward, slamming my gloved hand
into Dave's stomach. He hunches over and I grab his head, driving my knee into his
face. With a grunt, he falls onto his hands and knees. As soon as I'm done, Darryl
launches himself into the ring, clutching his stopwatch to stop

it from swinging around his neck. I press my glove against my lip and look at it.
There isn't too much blood, thank God, which means there isn't too much damage...I

"Are you awake? You're as disoriented as a kidnapped prostitute on heroin."

"I'm awake," I tell him, rolling my head from side to side. "I just didn't get much
sleep last night."

"Why? Are you ill?" "No."

He puts his hands on his hips. "Then why aren't you sleeping?"

Choosing to avoid the flashback of me disappointing my father, I say. "Because I'm

wound too tightly, Darryl. I can't go months without sex. I'm not in the amateur
league anymore. My fights aren't a week or two apart... they're months apart and I
can't handle it."

Surprisingly, Darryl laughs. "You can't sleep because you're horny? You're letting
your sparring partners get through your guard because you want to fuck your
girlfriend?" He pinches the bridge of his nose (a typical Darryl reaction) and
exhales. "If having sex is going to keep you on the top of your game and alert,
then fine, do it. But if you come back tomorrow and you don't give me two hundred
percent, I'm going to kick your ass myself, got it?"

I roll my eyes. Darryl's good at what he does and definitely knows his way around a
cage, but he could never beat me.

"Go it?"

"Yeah, I got it."

"Good." He turns from me to face the other sparrers. "Next."

As my next sparrer prepares his gloves, I scan the gym for Olivia. I spot her
leaning against a training room door. Her long, slender fingers reach up and
tighten her ponytail and she flicks it over one shoulder.

She's perfect.

I think back to my recent flashback and grit my teeth as a pang of guilt crushes my
stomach. The fact Olivia willing touches what too many other girls have touched
makes me sick. I should be special for she is special for me.

If I could go back and do everything again, I'd have waited for her because no one
makes me feel as good as she does. Olivia doesn't make me feel dirty, like I did
when I was with other girls. When we have sex, she doesn't make me feel like I'm
doing something wrong and that's what drew me to her. She makes me feel good, she
makes me feel like a better person-the person I should have been for my father. I
watch her laugh and playfully slap Brad on the arm, and even from here I can see
the pink flush that burns at her cheeks. Brad grabs her shoulders and pulls her
into him before his eyes flick to me.

Oh hell no.

I tear my gloves off and drop them to the floor as my new sparrer steps in. I stalk
across the ring and the floor shakes with every step I take.

"What the hell are you doing? Put your gloves back on," Darryl demands.

"More important things to do," I tell him, not breaking my visual on Brad and

"More important things-Seth..."

I ignore him as I slip between the ropes and onto the stable gym floor. Brad
retracts his arms from Olivia and an uncomfortable cringe creeps over his face.

When she turns to see me coming for her, she shakes her head at me, like I'm
seconds away from overreacting.

"Seth, what are you-ah!" I grab her hips and lift her, throwing her over my
shoulder. "Put me down-Brad, give me a second. Seth, stop."

I don't stop. I keep carrying her until we're in her office. I storm across the
room and drop her into her office chair, gripping the arms of it so it doesn't roll

"Feel better now?" She laughs and I feel my eyebrows draw together. Is this funny?

"He isn't coming here, O. Tell him we're full," I demand in a tone so dark she
can't possibly mistake it for a question.

Her soft hands glide up my arms, softening my frustrated edge. "You don't trust

I stare into her beautiful green eyes, unwavering. "I trust you-it's everybody else
I don't trust."

"Seth..." She sighs, running a hand over her face, defeated. "Brad is gay. He isn't
into me, he's into you."

I frown and her hands rise to her mouth as her body vibrates with laughter.

Gay? No...I've seen and met plenty of gay guys. They were all the same- confident,
over the top, and feminine. Brad has a husky voice, he doesn't walk funny, and I
didn't see him purse his lips once. I drop to my knees, keeping my hands on the

"You look shocked." Her chest hiccups with a remaining giggle. "I am. He doesn't
look gay..."
"What do you mean he doesn't look gay? Gays aren't all the same."

But I'm certain they are. I've seen so many and all their personalities have been
as indistinguishable as the last.

I put my hands on my hips and sink to the floor before her. "Now I feel like a

Olivia slides closer and slips her hands around my neck. Her green eyes flare at me
from underneath her dark lashes and the corners of her lips jerk. "Well, it's a
good thing he's into dicks, isn't it?"

I don't want to laugh, but my lips pull wider anyway and my chest rumbles. I slip
my hands underneath her, pulling her off the chair and onto my lap. She molds
perfectly to me and my body is anything but immune to her covered breasts that
press against my chest.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one?" I ask, lowering my mouth to
"I've been waiting to say it since the moment Brad walked in and you looked like
you wanted to kill him."

O's tongue flicks out and brushes the cut on my bottom lip. She cringes, her eyes
glossing over with sympathy. "Does it hurt?"

"Not anymore."

My hands snake underneath her tight tank top and up the warm skin of her back as
her own fingers brush the back of my neck before slipping into my hair.

She rolls her hips forward, sliding further onto me and my breathing deepens.

My whole body tightens and clenches as she urges her mouth on mine, pressing
slightly on my cut as she dips her tongue inside, eliciting a moan from me.

"Darryl gave me the green light..." I tell her, pulling back and resting my
forehead against hers. "Tell me to stop or I'm going to take you right now."

Her eyelids drop minutely and she leans in close, her lips grazing my earlobe.

"Whatever you do," she breathes, "don't stop."

I tear my hands from her shirt and bury them in her hair, roughly tugging her
backwards. She gasps and our eyes connect. My blood burns as her irises flare,
sending my body buzzing before she crushes her mouth to mine. I drop an arm and
wrap it around her waist, urging her onto her back. In one fluid movement, she
hitches a thigh round my hip as I pin her body against the wooden floor and press
myself right between her thighs. She groans and flexes her hips into mine. The
movement is almost enough to have me coming in my pants. I pull her shirt up and
tug her bra down so her voluptuous mounds flow

over the useless cups. I suck a hard nipple into my mouth and she lifts her hips. I
curl my fingers around the hem of her shorts and she sucks in a sharp breath. I can
feel the heat radiating from her and I want to be in her-deep in her-until I lose
sense of where I am, until I can't think straight.

Knock. Knock.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I groan with a mouth full of breast.

I release her and she groans, disappointed. I look up at her face. Her eyes are
closed, trying to compose herself. She swallows hard before opening her eyes
blinking at me. How hard is it to have five goddamn seconds to myself?

"What?" I call out, unable to mask my frustration.

"When I said you can have sex, I didn't mean now," Darryl shouts, his voice
vibrating through the wood and killing the heat between Olivia's legs. "Get out
here. You still have a full training session to get through, not to mention the
five minute planks for being late."

With a defeated sigh, Olivia shifts underneath me and conceals her pink nipples
behind her white bra.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition
A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1)

Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways #1) It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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"I'll be out in a minute," I call, pushing myself off of her. Advertisement

I pull on the hem of her shirt, covering her firm stomach. Now I finally have the
green light, I want to spend every waking minute with her. Not only having sex, but
reconnecting in other ways, and knowing I can reach out and touch her without
having to worry if I work myself up would be nice. I've
decided she isn't staying with her mom tonight, no way. I want her with me, in my
house and in my bed. All alone.


Jackson is moving in today...meaning the chance of isolation and freedom to make

Olivia as loud as I want her to be is slim to none-Jesus-and I haven't even told
Olivia he's moving in.

I sigh and sit up. I rake my fingers through my hair, making a mental note to get a
haircut. "I should probably mention Jackson is moving in."

Her eyes widen and she pushes herself up on her elbows. "When?"

"Today, and I was thinking we could have a barbeque-just you, me, Selena and
Jackson," I lied. I wasn't thinking that. I just created a reason to have her agree
to coming over tonight before her mom has a chance to rope her into dinner.

Olivia sits up and tightens her ponytail, smiling slightly. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Above the waist I'm okay, why?"

Her lips twitch. "It doesn't seem like your style. I expected you to suggest an
orgy before a double date."

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"Firstly, I don't have a style and it's not a double date. It's a couple of friends
hanging out and eating a shit ton of food..." I hook my finger under the hem of her
shorts and tug her toward me. Her hands fly up and press against my chest to stop
herself from slamming into my body. I smile as I picture her naked, digging her
fingernails into my bare skin. "To increase stamina for a sleepless night," I

She takes a step back and I remove my finger from her shorts as she runs a hand
over her face. "Shit, I can't."

The balloon of indecent excitement in my chest deflates. "You can't?" "No, I

promised Mom we'd Skype with Chase tonight."
"What time?" "Eight p.m."

"Come to dinner at six and then you can Skype with Chase afterwards."

She ponders for a little while, pulling the corner of her lip between her teeth.
"Fine, do you need me to get anything? What are we eating?"
"You don't need to get anything, I have lots of steak."

Olivia blinks at me a few times before reaching for her blue backpack that sits on
the desk. "I'll go pick up some Selena-friendly food. She only eats lamb,

chicken, or meats that have been processed enough times they actually count as a
chemical." She rolls her eyes and mimics Selena's voice. "The bigger the animal,
the bigger the bloat."

Whatever the hell that means. A few more knocks sound on the door and I walk
towards it before pulling it open.

"We were only talking," Olivia states, shifting her weight and folding her arms.

Darryl's eyes zero in on her leg and I follow his line of sight. I smile widely
when I spot one half of her shorts pushed up her thigh.

"Apparently," he deadpans.

Olivia glances down and abruptly flattens her shorts.

"Anyway, I have the MMAC breathing down my neck. They're not happy with your times
and they're extremely close to replacing me with some juiced up gorilla who knows
more about supplements than techniques."

I shrug my shoulders in an attempt to come off unbothered, but inside, I feel sorry
for Darryl. I've fucked him around a lot since I met Olivia. When Darryl and I
first started working, I'd hired him only to piss off my dad-but we grew close and
now I wouldn't dream of replacing him. Without hesitation, he gave up his life in
Seattle and uprooted his wife and three

children to move to Portland with me. He believed in me-believes in me- and I don't
know what I'd do or where'd I'd be without him.

Olivia strolls past, planting a quick kiss on my cheek. "See you soon." We watch as
she rounds the corner and disappears down the stairs. "I'm going to marry her," I
say aloud without thought or warning.
Darryl's lips curl into a wide, proud smile and it illumines his dark features.
"Good, you'd be stupid not to."
I nod my head in subtle agreement and lean against the door frame. Darryl analyzes
me for a second before speaking. "You know, the 'no sex' rule isn't only to help
your performance levels, but to also help your relationship."
I frown, confused.

"C'mon, everyone knows what kind of guy you were. With this rule in place, it gives
you time to explore other aspects of your relationship. Love isn't only expressed
through words or sex. It's communicated through actions- selfless actions-as easy
as listening to her talk about her day or washing her hair.

Love isn't about staying together and having sex. It's about staying together and
growing together, for a lifetime." Darryl chuckles. "That probably went in one ear
and out the other, though, right?"

I shake my head. It's advice like that that is going to help me throughout this
relationship. "No, I think I'll hold on to that piece of advice."

He rubs the back of his neck and averts his gaze, happy, but uncomfortable.

Neither of us is used to conversations like this. "Let's go, we've got training to

Before he turns, I stop him.

"Thank you," I say, crossing my arms. "...for putting up with all of my bullshit. I
know I'm hard to handle and I know I can be a dick, so thanks for dealing with it
better than Dad did."

Darryl's features hardened. "With all due respect, your dad was an idiot. You were
just a boy-one that made bad decisions-but a boy, nonetheless. If he spent more
time showing you instead of telling you, maybe things would have been different."

"Maybe, but I wouldn't change anything."

I had a love/hate relationship with Dad-predominately hate, but he was still my

father-something I don't think he could handle at any stage in my life.

Olivia, however, knew exactly what kind of person I was when we met, God knows I
told her a million times, but she still wanted me. I like being around her, she
soothes me. Being in the amateur tournament was stressful, beyond stressful. Before
every fight, Dad's words would ring through my mind.

"When have you succeeded at anything in life? Ever? You're dedicated, sure, but
you're also stupid. You always get your own way and this...fighting thing is no
different. I'll watch your fights, but only to see you ruin it for yourself. You
always do."

Every time I fought in the amateur comp, it was a 'win or die' situation. It was
win or prove my father right and I refuse to admit that I'm the loser he believed I
was. There isn't a submission in the world that can force me to tap out. If you get
me in a hold, you better be prepared to snap a bone or kill me because I will not
surrender. Call me stubborn, I know I am. Call me competitive or spoiled, I'm those
things too, but what I am not, is weak. I'll never give up on

anything that I want and now that I'm pro, the stakes are higher-the fights,
meaner. There's a lot more stress on my mind and my body than ever before, but I'm

I think.

Chapter Four
I pull up outside the small grocery store by the gym and I sit in my car for a few
long seconds because I have no idea what Seth has in his fridge... doubling up
would be pointless. With a heavy sigh, I open the door, drag myself from the seat
and slam the door behind me. I'm happy being here by myself. The last time I went
to a grocery store with Seth and his nutritionist, Mina, I swear I was going to
have a mental breakdown. The looks I received from her every time I suggested
something not 'organic' were ridiculous. It seems a fighter's diet is extremely
strict. Did you know there are different kinds of carbs and fats? I didn't.
Thankfully, Selena doesn't care if something is organic or grown purely from
chemicals. She's not one to care what she puts into her body and yet, her body
remains perfect.

My thoughts of healthy foods and perfect bodies distract me until I'm standing
outside the store's Deli section.

"Twenty-nine." The woman's high voice commands my attention and I glance down at
the number in my hand.

Oh, that's me. I step forward, hand her the ticket, and order a few chicken
drumsticks and a rack of lamb ribs. Everything is coated in a thick layer of

smoky barbeque sauce and it makes my mouth water. My mouth isn't the only thing
lacking in moisture...I'm still not able to shake the way Seth's hot mouth felt
when it enveloped my nipple...his tongue glides with perfect pressure over my hard
peak, sending an abundance of electrified tingles between my legs...


My eyes shoot open. I'm still in the store, standing right by the freezer section
with a small basket filled with items...items I don't remember grabbing because I
was too caught up in the way Seth handled me. And when he pulled my hair so firmly,
oh my Go-

"Olivia?" the familiar voice said again.

I whip around on my heel and immediately meet Blade's boyish face and bright eyes.
A thick, uncomfortable feeling twists my stomach and I'm almost positive that it's
hate. I think I'm angry just looking at him...


He adjusts his black t-shirt and steps forward, pulling me and the basket I jam
between our bodies into him.

"How are you?" he asks when he releases me.

I haven't seen Blade since my father's funeral. He was so uncharacteristically cool

about Seth and I being in love.

"I'm good, thanks. How are you?"

I don't really care how he is, not like I did before I met Seth. I only ask out of
courtesy and because I don't want to cause a scene.

"I'm okay." His eyes drink me in, eyeing my small, black shorts closely. "You look

I shift my basket, dropping it subtly to hide my bare legs. Blade has seen me naked
too many times for me to feel insecure in front of him, but I don't want him to
look at me like that anymore. I'm not his. There's only one set of eyes I want
skimming over my flesh and they're brown with beautiful rivers of golden honey, not

"How's Seth? Still treating you well?"

I can hear the hope in his voice and it makes me feel off. How dare he? "Like a
princess," I reply, forcing a fake smile just to get at him.
Blade inches closer and I step back until the skin of my shoulders presses against
the fridge's cold glass.

He lowers his voice, smiling uncomfortably. "I've been thinking about you a lot
lately...I miss you."

He presses a hand against the glass beside my head and if I push any harder on the
fridge, I'll go through it.

"Blade, don't."

"I'm not doing anything, I just want to talk." His sentence finishes with a small
exhale and I pick up the scent something close to it.

"Are you drunk?" He doesn't look drunk. His eyes are alert and his skin free of a
clammy sweat.

"I had a little bit, but I'm not drunk."

I step away. "Goodbye." He slides in front of me. "I just want to talk, Olly."
I grit my teeth. I hate that nickname. "We have nothing to talk about. As far as
I'm concerned, we're strangers."

His eyebrows raise and he steps back, running his hand over his face. I don't have
to ask to know that I've pissed him off.

"Strangers? We were together for six years, we were each other's first, and we've
met each other's families, but now we're strangers? What the fuck happened to you?"

"It's not me-it never was me. It was you. You did this to yourself, and newsflash-
I've moved on. I love someone else. If you see me walking around, don't talk to me.
We're strangers now-not because of me, and it's not even because of Seth. It's
because of you."

I push past him, but before I storm away, I turn to him. "In light of it all,
though, I guess I do have to thank you..."

"For what?" he barks out, his head snapping in my direction.

"If it wasn't for you, I never would have been given the chance to meet
thank you."

He narrows his baby blues at me and the fear they used to provoke in me ceases to
exist. I've beaten him and he no longer affects me. My system is immune to him.

"You're so very welcome," he deadpans, almost growling.

I turn again and march toward the checkout without double checking the contents in
my basket. He shouldn't be so mad. He knows how the saying goes, 'treat her right,
or someone else will,' and that is exactly what happened.
I leave the food in the car and step into the gym. Finally, I can breathe easier. I
hadn't expected to see Blade again...but now that I have, I can say the feelings I
had are completely gone. Non-existent. I'm glad I ran into Blade, actually. I feel
it finally closed the 'Blade' chapter of my life. First Mason, now Blade. I'm
erasing them from my life only to make more room for Seth.

I pull my phone from my pocket and glance at the time. I was at the store for a
little over an hour. The gym is still relatively clean and quiet, so I stroll
toward the training room, hoping to replace Blade's face, that hovers at the front
of my mind, with Seth's.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition
A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1)

Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways #1) It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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I push through the door and my gaze immediately zeroes onto Seth's form.
He's face down on the floor, holding himself up on his elbows and the tips of

his feet-boarding? Fencing? No...planking! Yes, that's what it's called. Planking.
I tried it once and barely made eight seconds.

I stroll over to Darryl, who's sitting comfortably in a chair next to Seth. He

glances up at me and smiles, exposing his white teeth.

"What's his time?" I ask.

"Eleven minutes so far, four more to go."

Darryl crosses his legs and places the stopwatch on his grey, sweatpant-clad thigh.
I step closer to Seth, watching his muscles tremble as he fights to keep himself
up. I hear his breathing come out in controlled breaths and he keeps his head down,
ignoring my presence. Normally, I'm okay with Seth focusing more on the training
session than me, but after seeing Blade, I want to touch Seth. I want to talk to
him and laugh with him-I want to do anything to rid the memory of my ex-boyfriend.

"Switch to high plank," Darryl commands, and with a small exhale, Seth pushes
himself off of his elbows and onto the palms of his hands, holding himself higher
off the ground. Seth keeps his head straight, not looking at anything but the far
wall. I circle him until I stand in front of him, blocking his eye contact with the
wall. He glances up at my face and his lips curl into a heart-stopping

smile. The urge to be close to him overwhelms me and I sit down before sliding
myself directly underneath his large body

"Here we go," I hear Darryl sigh under his breath, but I ignore him, focused only
on the brown irises that glow lovingly at me.

Seth watches my face as I trail the tips of my fingertips over the rock hard
muscles in his arms. The hard masses coated in a thin, arousing layer of sweat
tremble and my eyes flick from his arms to his face.

"You know, when I pictured you underneath me for the first time in weeks, this
isn't exactly what I had in mind," he says, his voice strained.

I hear Darryl's chair scratch a few times on the floor as he moves away from us,
giving us the privacy we desperately need. I laugh, turning my head to look away
from him. He lowers himself and plants a kiss on my cheek, sending warm butterflies
through my stomach. I bite my bottom lip against more giggles as his lips playfully
travel my jaw and onto my neck.

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"Seth, high planks," Darryl commands and Seth exhales, straightening his arms.

I turn my head to look at him. Even during training sessions he looks amazing.

His skin doesn't turn pink like mine does when I'm overworked, his shines and the
golden rivers in his eyes turn a beautiful sun gold. He's so perfect I want kick
him or squeeze him until he pops. Not out of hate, but out of love
-pure, endless, exciting love.

"Three more minutes and we'll go to my place to help Jackson."

"Will Selena be there, too?" It's been so long since I've seen her. She's been
taking introduction classes in everything because it turns out being a police
officer wasn't for her. On her first day in class, she got to watch them fire guns
and she discovered she doesn't like loud noises. I mentally roll my eyes every time
I think about it. On the plus side, since she's been with Jackson, her drinking and
smoking habits have been cut in half. Nothing makes you feel like more of an
alcoholic than when Selena declines a drink from you. I don't know how he did it.
I've tried to get Selena to cut down on drinking since high school, but she's very
stubborn. After a while, I gave up. She's her own person and although I wouldn't
want her doing anything to hurt herself, I'm not her mother.

She can do whatever she wants and all I can do is offer some sound advice from the

"I don't know..." Seth answers. "If Jackson finds her and they make up, then

"Wait. Finds her? What happened and why hasn't she called me?" "She's probably too
pissed off to talk to anyone."
No, that can't be it. Selena has always called me when something in her life hasn't
gone her way. She's called me crying because she kicked her toe. She's called me
crying because her Nan died and she's called me crying because her driver's license
photo makes her 'look like a man.' My point is she always calls me. I pull my phone
from my pocket and dial Selena's number, bringing it to my ear. After four rings,
she answers.


I frown, she seems fine. I keep my eyes on Seth's chest, but I'm oblivious to the
rock hard body hovering above me.

"Sel, are you okay?"

She sighs. "I am now...I've had a very long morning." "Vent to me, it'll make you
feel better."
"Jackson met Dad."

My brows furrow. "And what happened?"

"You know how Dad is and how much he expects from me. Jackson couldn't handle it,
accusing my Dad of being a controlling asshole." Selena laughs once. "Which is
hilarious coming from him."

Now I'm confused. Jackson is controlling? There's so much Selena has obviously
neglected to tell me...and it kind of hurts. As for her dad, he's a strict man, but
I've never really seen him try and control Selena. Then again, she refuses to say
much about her dad and he's hardly home. I've seen him easily only twenty times
since I've known Selena. He can't be too bad if she still lives there and refuses
to move out. I don't know, I can't give her advice about a problem she's never
shared with me.

"Will you be at Seth's today? Jackson is moving and we were hoping to have a

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Good, we can talk then. I miss you..."

Selena chuckles. "We saw each other two weeks ago, but if it makes you feel better,
I miss you, too."

I roll my eyes. "See you later, dick." "Love you!"

I hang up and slip my phone back into my pocket. "Is she coming?" Seth asks.

His full lips curl. "Did she tell you Jackson almost punched her dad?" I feel my
eyebrows rise into my hair line. "No."
He nods. "Yeah, he did." "Why?"
"According to Jackson, her dad is an asshole. Jackson isn't one to lose control
easily, so her dad must've said something really messed up to have pissed him off."

My eyebrows drag together. I've never seen Jackson as the aggressive type
-at least, not like Seth. Seth can switch his moods at the drop of a hat and the
gleam of hate he gets in his eyes whenever someone's gaze lingers too long in my
direction is well as thrilling.

"I never expected Jackson to do something like that." "He's unpredictable, that's
for sure."
"Time!" Darryl calls from a distance.

I hear his chair creak and then the glass door open and close, leaving Seth and I
alone. Seth's eyes flick between my eyes and my mouth in a way that makes my heart
flutter and my stomach clench. He lowers himself, bending his arms at the elbows.

"I have food in the car," I mutter as his lips graze mine, knowing if I let him
kiss me I wouldn't-couldn't-stop there.

I smile as he moves across my face and kisses the top of my head. "Then we should

Houses whip past me as I glance over my forearm and out the window. I don't pay
attention to any of them, or at least I don't until the familiar houses on Seth's
streets whirls into view. It's been a while since I've been to Seth's house and the
thought of being so close to him with a bed nearby is exciting. Seth demanded we
take his car and leave mine at the gym. Regardless of my protesting, I did what he
wanted. You know, the usual.

As we pull into Seth's driveway, I spot a huge moving truck at the front.

"He's here already?" I'm pouting. I thought Seth and I could have some alone time
before anyone else showed up. Do you know how frustrating it is to have someone
like Seth around you all the time but you can't touch them? All I want to do is to
touch him-hell, I even want to lick him, but I can't- not yesterday, not today, and
probably not tomorrow, either.

"Looks like it." Seth glances sideways at me and chuckles under his breath. "It's
okay, we have forever to do other things."
I feel my eyes widen a fraction as an unflinching Seth scans the driveway in front
of us. Does he even know what he said?


He wants to be with me forever... I love Seth and I can't really picture my life
without him, and he loves me too, God knows he says it enough, but I didn't know
he's actually thinking about he even capable of forever?

Seth shuts the engine off and slips from the car. He's at my side before I get my
door open and flashes me a confident, yet slightly tired smile. That's what I like
most about Seth. He's a gentleman-well, almost. He's the kind of gentleman that
opens doors for you and then slaps you firmly on the ass as you pass by, all with
an unapologetic smile plastered on his face.

I slide from the car and he closes the door behind me. Seth's fingers entwine with
mine and he pulls me alongside him all the way to the front door. He turns the
handle and we enter the house. Boxes litter the hallway and fill the

living room. I stop walking when I hear a giggle come from behind a tall tower of

"I got here early, bro." Jackson's voice calls out. "I moved all of the boxes by
myself...and, uh, you might want to give us a few minutes."

I angle my head to peer around a box, but I can't locate their exact position.

When I hear a quiet moan, I snap upright. Oh. They need a few minutes because
they're doing that.

"That's cool. I'm going to have a shower, anyway." With a shrug of his shoulders,
Seth pulls me into the kitchen, up the stairs, and into his room. I feel better
once inside. The last thing I want is to see Selena's or Jackson's junk.
Don't they have any shame? First my couch and now God. I would never have
sex anywhere there'd be a chance I'd get caught. No way in hell.

"So you have that to look forward to now," I tell him.

Seth strolls into the bathroom and I follow. I lean against the wooden beam of the
door when I get to it.

"It's nothing new. Jackson and I have lived together before...the shit I've seen."

Seth shakes his head before he pulls his white tank top over it. My gaze flicks
over his hard chest, following the sharp flow of muscles down to his 'V' shape. I
wait for his hands to curl around his shorts and pull them down, but when they
don't, I glance back to his face.

"What have you seen?" I ask, pretending I wasn't just ogling the hell out of him.

"Selena hasn't said anything?"

I'm really starting to wonder who her best friend is here. Why does Seth know
everything and I'm learning things second hand through him? I shake

my head.

"Jackson is a very...difficult person to please." I frown and Seth continues.


"Yeah, he's into certain things. Public sex, being in control, toys-" "Toys?"
"He calls them toys, I call them weapons of torture."

I feel my face scrunch up. "And Selena...she likes that sort of thing?"

I watch as Seth opens the shower door and flicks on the water. When he steps back,
his fingers curl around his shorts and he pushes them down his legs. My eyes flick
over him, taking in every line, every shape and every shade. To be so perfect
should be illegal and the punishment? Fifty tongue lashings to every perfect mound
of muscle...what the hell is wrong with me? Reluctantly, I drag my eyes back to his

"I don't know, I haven't asked-personally, I don't really care about their sex
life. I am, however, extremely interested in ours." His lips twitch. "Are you
joining me or are you just going to keep pretending you're not eye- fucking the
shit out of me?"

My mouth drops and an offended gust of air falls out. "I'm not eye-fucking you, I'm
admiring your physique. You're welcome."

He rolls his eyes and steps closer. I unintentionally hold my breath as his index
finger hooks onto the collar of my tank top and he pulls me into the bathroom,
shutting and locking the door behind me. I swallow hard as his rough hands slide
under my shirt and up the contour of my body. I lift my hands to help him get the
shirt off as the room quickly fills with steam.

His rough hands skim across the skin along my waist and hook onto my bra.

"The look but don't touch rule doesn't apply to us anymore." He smiles. "So it
I feel my bra loosen and my chest become heavier as my breasts support themselves.
I pull my bra down my arms and drop it onto the floor as Seth's fingers snake into
my hair to release my locks from their tie. When he's done, I slide my shorts down
the length of my legs and step out of them. I look at Seth and his eyes darken. A
hot flush rolls through me, igniting a fire underneath my skin. It pulsates and
flares, burning relentlessly and refusing to settle. I don't want it to stop and
there's only one thing that can stop the fire tearing through me and it's right in
front of me.

Seth opens the shower door for me and I slip inside, immediately immersing myself
in the hot stream. I step out of the way when Seth enters so he can have some
water. I watch as he angles his head down, letting the streams crash into his head
and shoulders and flowing down the length of his glorious body.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition
A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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Too Consumed (Consumed #2) - Page 9/43 "Can I have some soap?" he asks.
I grab the bottle of body wash that sits on the top shelf and extend it to him. He
doesn't take it.

"Put some in your hands."

Doing as he says, I squeeze a large amount into my hand and put the bottle back.
Seth steps out of the water, his eyes still closed as small droplets run across his
eyelids. Without another word, I reach out to him, coating his chest in a thin
layer of soap. I can't hear his heavy breathing under the crashing flow of water,
but I can see his parted lips, and under my hands his

chest moves in a slow, deep rhythm. I massage his large, wide chest with my finger
tips before flattening my palm and moving lower towards his alluringly stomach. I
catch the inside corner of my bottom lip between my teeth as I trace the shallow
grooves between each muscle and my body grows warmer every second my skin lingers
on his.

"I've missed your hands..." he mutters as he slumps into himself, completely

relaxing under my touch.

My hands continue to roam him, trailing between bumps of muscle and up his long
arms. I'm not sure how long I wash him for...minutes.



Who knows. What I do know though, is that I feel completely at peace here with him.

Droplets of water slide over his mouth and glisten like crystals as they reflect
the light. The drops pool together, continuing their journey down his chin, and

meander over his throat, past his collarbones...I need to put my mouth on those

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"Tell me, Olivia..." The way he speaks sends vibrations through my bloodstream and
directly between my legs. I look at his face-he's watching me closely. "Did you
touch yourself when you couldn't have me?"

I never let my eyesight waver from his and I wait patiently for him to smile
-or do anything to tell me he's joking. Nothing happens. His eyes remain on mine,
waiting for an honest answer. I ignore his large friend pointing at me and focus
solely on his face.

"Yes." Or at least I tried to. I never got very far because I wanted him to touch
me. I tried to picture my hands as his, but they just weren't thick enough...or
rough enough. His lips curl slightly and he steps forward.

"You're naughty." He chuckles darkly. "Show me."

I swallow hard. "Show you what?" I ask, playing dumb.

I know exactly what he wants me to show him, I'm just buying myself more time to
make up mind.

"Show me how you touch yourself when you're thinking about me." I step back and my
bare ass cheeks press against the glass. "I can't."
Touching myself is something I've only done in private time and sharing that with
someone else seems...odd. He inches closer and snatches my wrist. I gasp as he
pushes my own hand between my thighs and moves my fingers

slowly against my soft flesh, under his guidance. Almost instantly, I notice an
increase in my breathing and my arousal meter tips over the edge.

Seth brings his mouth closer to mine and his warm breath collides with my face.

"I want you to do it," I tell him as I slip my hand from his, making his hard
fingers press firmly against my clit.

It's exactly what I want-rough and thick. The mere thought of his fingers touching
me causes my breath to hitch and my knees to almost buckle. I press the palms of my
hands against the glass, keeping my eyes on Seth's. He leans in close, and I flex
my hips against his hand.

"I'm not going to rub you," he states. "But I am going to taste you."

His tongue flicks out and runs across the base of my ear lobe before tracing
sensually along my jaw. My blood burns as my skin erupts with goosebumps. I roll my
head to the side, giving him more flesh to lick as he lowers himself, nipping and
sucking at my skin. His strong arm surrounds my waist as his mouth travels over my
collarbone, down my chest, and over one of my nipples.

I try to dig my fingers into the glass, but end up balling my fists instead as my
heads falls back. My chest is heavy, filled with steam, but it's not the only
reason I'm breathing so deeply.

I rake my teeth over my bottom lip as his hand glides smoothly between my legs,
circling slowly. Keeping my hips still is impossible, but I manage to roll it to a
slow, almost non-existent pace. I've wanted him to touch me for so long and now
that it's happening, I don't want it to end-not yet. I close my eyes

while his mouth brushes over my belly button, across my hip and down to my thigh. A
light moan slips from my lips as his hand curls around my knee and he hitches it
over his shoulder. I open my eyes and glance down. He's staring hotly up at me, his
eyes halved into lusty slits. Seth opens his mouth and my eyes grow heavier as he
sensually slides his tongue directly over my center.

"Ohhh..." I moan, letting my head fall back against the glass. "Seth..."

The coarse feeling of his facial hair tickles me everywhere, forcing the sensation
to build up quickly. My fingers slide across my own hips and into his hair, urging
him harder onto me. His teeth move to my clit, biting and nipping. I pull his hair
a little too roughly, causing him to moan and I feel it vibrate over every inch of
my excited body. Sliding one hand from his hair, I guide it between my thighs and I
feel the edge of his lips pressed eagerly against my smooth skin. He moves his
mouth slightly, allowing me to feel his tongue dart in and out of me.

"Holy shit..." I moan.

My legs start to shake as my orgasm builds rapidly, and as it's about to tip over
the edge, Seth slips out from underneath my leg and grabs my hand, forcing both of
our fingers onto my clit. He presses his whole body against mine, forcing my back
hard against the glass. His mouth slams against mine, absorbing all of my panting
as our fingers quickly rub my sensitive flesh, sending shockwaves of pleasure
through me. I jolt forward, moans sounding deep in my chest as I taste my own
excitement on Seth's tongue. His mouth doesn't let up until my legs quiver
uncontrollably and my moans have subsided

to deep slow breaths. He sucks my bottom lip between his and slides his hands up my
side and around to my backside, pulling me hard against him.

"You will rub yourself for me next time."

I've never seen Seth so demanding sexually before and it's exciting. I'm ready to
go again. I nod my head, pressing my mouth to his and tasting myself for the second

He pulls away and plants a soft kiss on my nose. "Let's get out and help Jackson

"Wait. What about you?" I gesture to his obvious arousal and he smiles, stepping
away from me and underneath the flow of the shower before turning the hot water
off. His muscles tense as the cooler water runs over his body, taking his erection
with it.

"You don't want to have sex?" I ask, confused and disappointed. I want to have sex
with him. Now.
"I want to have sex, but not in the shower and not when people are downstairs.

When I take you again, I want you to be free to be as loud as you want, and trust
me, when that time comes, you will be loud."

He turns the shower off and I follow him. As we step out onto the bath mat, he
hands me a towel and I run it over my body, drying every droplet and wrapping it
around my chest.

I lean against the shower and watch Seth towel off. He runs the cloth up his arm
and over his black tattoo-a tattoo I still have no idea what it represents,

but it sure is beautiful. It isn't tribal, that I know for sure, but the swirls and
patterns would have you believe it is. The closer I look, the more the patterns
look sharp and angry, but as they pass over the shoulder, the curves become more
subtle and peaceful. My gaze drops to the one running across his hip. 'If you can
make it through the night, there's a brighter day.'

I remember the first time I saw it. It was the very first time I saw Seth fight and
win. "When did you get that one?" I ask out of nowhere.

Seth glances down and then goes back to running the towel through his hair. "When I
was sixteen."
I gape at him. "Sixteen?"

"Yeah. I went through a bit of a dark period..." He chuckles. "And I thought I was

I shift my weight onto my other leg. "Do you regret it?"

"No. I'd never get a tattoo I'd end up regretting. They all mean something to me."

"All of them? Even that?" I ask, nodding my head toward his shoulder. He glances at
his shoulder. "Especially that."
I arch a brow and he sighs as he wraps the towel low on his hips. "You're probably
going to think it's stupid."
"It's tattooed on your skin so it obviously means a lot to you and I won't think
something that means so much is stupid."

"I started my shoulder tattoo when I was seventeen." He points to his upper bicep
and I make no comment on the absurdity of an underage teenager getting a tattoo.
"One day Dad and I got into a huge fight about responsibility-or lack thereof. I
got pissed off and being the spiteful asshole that I am, I went and got a tattoo.
In the beginning it didn't really mean anything, just a bunch of angry lines...I
would sit in the chair not saying a word and the guy would tattoo anything on me,
going purely off my silence." His finger follows the tattoo up to his shoulder.
"Over time, we started talking and I began opening up to him about my father and
how he wasn't impressed with any decision I ever made, even if it was a good one.
The tattoo guy-Declan-was fucking brilliant. He helped me through a lot of things."

My gaze follows Seth's finger as he traces his tattoo and then I see it. On his
bicep is a bird...just sitting there with its wings at its sides-you can't see it
clearly, it's made up of shapes and swirls, not concrete lines. As the tattoo
progresses, there's another bird that stretches over his shoulder and onto his
chest, wings spread and full of confidence. Now that I see them, I can't unsee
them. They're as clear as day and I can't believe I didn't see it before.

"When my Dad died, I had the tattoo completed." His finger strokes the confident
bird. "It might be a shit thing to say, but I think I'm a happier person because of

He gives me a tight smile and drops his hands to adjust his towel.

"I can't believe I didn't notice the birds before..." I say, changing the subject.
I know how Seth doesn't like to linger on topics about his Dad for too long-not
without getting pissed off, anyway.

"That's the whole point. I know they're there and what they mean, but to everyone
else, I'm just another douchebag with a tribal tattoo. Just the way I like it."

I laugh, sauntering closer. "You have a lot of hidden secrets, don't you?"
"Experiences, yes. Secrets, no."
His arms surround me and the crisp clean scent of his skin filters in through my
nostrils. I press my tongue against the roof of my mouth to avoid licking him.

"C'mon. Let's help Jackson and then eat."

A single, burning hot tear rolls down my cheek and I swipe it away, blinking
rapidly. Why does it hurt so damn much?

"Stupid onions." I sniffle, dicing the last portion.

When I'm done, I drop the knife and dab my eyes with my tank top. I quickly scoop
up the onions and drop them in with the rest of the salad before tossing it all
together. I grab the bowl, a pair of tongs, and a small

bottle of French dressing before strolling out the back door and onto Seth's back
porch. It's a low and spacious concrete deck surrounded by small, sweet smelling
bushes and long concrete columns. His backyard is large, filled with tiny fruit
trees and huge terracotta pots. Up on the hill at the back is a big pool house with
a large swimming pool to match.

Helping Jackson with his boxes took hours, but he's almost set up now. I came
across a few boxes he refused to let me open for sake of my own 'innocence'

which both Seth and Selena found hilarious. Of course, that led to Jackson and

Seth bringing up the strip club and how I reacted when Vivian, the stripper,
grinded on me and sucked my lip into her mouth. Selena protested the fact I'd never
gone to a strip club with her, but I think I convinced her that I legitimately had
no idea we were even going. Thankfully, nobody mentioned the incident with Don and
I think all those involved appreciated it.

I look around the backyard. The low lying sun coats everything in a golden light
that makes my stomach flutter. Sometimes, it's the simple things that are
breathtaking. Seth is truly living the life here and I feel bad that he has to
leave his palace to visit me in Mom and Dad's house. I place the salad in the
middle of the table and drop into the seat across from Selena. Apparently, Seth has
to sit at the head of his table, just like my dad did at ours. It feels really I'm home. Jackson ignores the salad and dives straight into his steak,
making a big spectacle of it.

"Man, these steaks are killer!"

Selena frowns at him with a small smile on the corner of her lips. I haven't really
spoken to her yet. We haven't had time alone, but looking at her this afternoon,
I'd say she is one hundred percent happy with Jackson and he seems happy with her.
I try to picture him pissed off and controlling, but I can't.

He's too laid back and young to be so...difficult. The only strange thing about
them is that they still claim they're just friends when I thought they

were planning on dating after Seth's amateur tournament.

"I promise you, it's legitimately the best thing you've ever eaten." Jackson
groans, sucking his finger.

I grip my glass of red wine and bring it to my lips, taking a sip. Seth's chesty
chuckle draws everyone's attention and he leans back in his chair, completely
relaxed as he drags an index finger across his bottom lip. His dark eyes flick to
me and his mouth curls into a cocky, unapologetic smile. "I don't know about that,"
he says.

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Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

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Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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Wine catches in my throat and I choke, spluttering like an idiot.


"Oh come on, you two!" Selena groans. "We're eating dinner."

Jackson laughs, throwing his head back and exposing a mouth full of food. I feel my
cheeks burn. I'm glad someone is finding it so hilarious. Seth raises his glass of
water to me before taking a mouthful and I scowl at him, but he doesn't care. He
says and does whatever he wants. There's no censoring him...and maybe that's why
I'm so into him. He's unpredictable-exciting. My scowl quickly melts into a grin
and I bite my lip as I scoop salad onto my plate and mix it with my grilled
chicken. I can't be mad about that, I suppose. It was a compliment, a naughty
compliment I'd rather he not repeat, but one nonetheless.

"Relax, Selena." Seth laughs, sitting forward in his seat. "My words have nothing
on what you and Jackson were doing on the living room floor when we got home."

"Maybe not, but after the shower you and Olivia took, I'd say we're even,"

Jackson chimes in with a flick of his eyebrows.

Great. They heard it. I sit my glass down and scoop salad into my mouth, doing
anything to prevent myself from being dragged into the conversation. Selena
giggles, beaming widely at me and suddenly I'm trying hard not to smile.

"What do you want me to say?" I ask her through chewed food. "Sorry?" She flashes
me her palms, biting back a smile. "Nothing."
After that, dinner conversation flowed from naughty to naughtier. All of them are
talking about things they've seen in movies or strip clubs-not all of them
appealing or sexy, either. Here's an interesting fact I learned, Jackson's favorite
sex position is 'doggy style.' It turns out he's really into ass slapping and hair
pulling. Selena giggles the whole time, agreeing with everything he said. Seth,
however, refused to state his favorite, claiming he's easily pleased and they all
work just fine. I refused to add any personal preferences to the conversation.

Selena knows almost everything about me and I'm glad she didn't spill any of my
likes and dislikes over the dinner table.

When Selena and Jackson turn to each other for a quick make out session, Seth leans
closer to me. "They've been drinking since early this afternoon, just go with it."

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Drinking since this afternoon? There's the Selena I know and lov-am used to.

I stab the last piece of chicken with my fork and put it into my mouth before
dropping the fork back to my plate and pushing it aside. My stomach is heavy and I
contemplate cutting my shorts to make more room for my food baby.
As soon as I finish, Seth and Jackson rise from the table and gather the plates,
leaving Selena and I alone. She jumps from her chair and gestures for

me to follow her into the backyard. I slide from my chair and follow her. It isn't
until I follow her past the pool house, into the pool yard and she pulls a
cigarette from her bra that I realize she's come all the way out here to have a

She lights her cigarette and inhales deeply. She expels the smoke with a relaxed
sigh and looks at me. I feel my brow arched and accusing.

"Jackson doesn't like it when I smoke," she says with a small smile. "So you hide
from him?"
"I don't hide...okay, yeah, I hide. He's difficult to deal with and I'd rather not
frustrate him."

Am I the only who doesn't know who Jackson is? "Did he almost punch your dad?" I
ask out of nowhere.
She shakes her head, almost disappointedly. " was fucked up. He doesn't
understand how Dad is. You know how he is, he's an asshole, he's strict and he
expects a lot from me."

"Yeah, but you've never really cared what he wanted you to do or become."

She shrugs, swaying slightly. "Maybe it's sinking in now. I'm turning twenty-
fucking-four and I still act like I'm seventeen. I want to grow up now and I think
I'm ready, but I don't know what I want. I don't know if I want to live with Dad
anymore. I want to travel. I'm not sure if I want to be with Jackson in the long
run...I just don't know." She rattles off her sentences in a random order, but I
manage to keep up. Having a conversation with Selena about growing up is something
I never thought I'd share with her. Until recently, she was completely happy with
her carefree life. What's changed?

"You don't know if you want to be with Jackson?"

She drags an inhale through her cigarette, making the red ember at the end burn
brightly. "I really like him." She exhales. "But he isn't a long term kind

of guy...and it's not like I'm the only one he's had sex with in the past few

"What? He cheated on yo-"

"It's not cheating, O. We're not together and at the time it happened, I was there
too, but it felt different."

I cringe. Of course she was referring to a threesome. I bite my tongue and ask her
what she means by different. I don't want to hear the dirty details of their sex
life, but I am her best friend and she needs to get things off her chest, which
means I have to step up to the plate.

"Normally, when I do those kinds of things I'm okay with it...but the other week,
when it happened I felt...almost disgusted."

"Was it the other girl?"

"No, the other girl was perfect, practically a ten." "Then what was the problem?"
Selena shrugs. "I think I was jealous... I didn't want to share him."
"Awww!" I squeal, balling my hands into fists like an excited child. "You like him!

Like, like-like him."

She shakes her head again, like she's not happy about it. "I don't want to like

She runs her hand over her face and I step closer to her, no longer caring about
the cigarette smoke that engulfs me. "Why not? What happened?"

"He's too..." I hear her voice shake and she clears his throat. "He's difficult,
O.I can't even begin to explain it to you. You won't make sense of it." "Try me."

She blows air out of her cheeks. "He's very demanding, always needing things done a
certain way and with sex, he needs hard and fast, pain and pleasure, all of that
shit. He's damaged-so fucking damaged, and I know I shouldn't bother with him, but
I can't walk away."

"If you're not happy, then leave."

"I am happy, I'm beyond happy with him, but he's not the kind of guy you're meant
to fall for. He's the one you fuck once or twice and then move on. He isn't the one
you settle down with."

"So what if he isn't? You should at least try to communicate your feelings with

Selena laughs once. "You're really cute, but Jackson isn't Seth. He isn't all
badass with the boys and then cute and cuddly behind closed doors with his girl.
Jackson is hard through and through and I wouldn't bring anything deep and
meaningful up with him. I don't want to scare him away."

I open my mouth to tell her to take the plunge, but a swinging gate cuts me off.

Selena drops her cigarette and stamps it out as she flicks her hair around her
shoulders. From her back pocket she pulls a small bottle of mint mouth spray and
sprays it on her tongue. I watch her, curiously as she runs her tongue over her
teeth and shifts her weight onto her other leg like we're just standing here
contemplating getting into the pool.

"I was going to suggest we watch a movie, but skinny dipping sounds much more fun,"
Jackson announces, pulling his tight shirt over his head and exposing his rippling
stomach. Selena giggles, pulling off her own shirt. She's looking a little softer
these days, more curvy. It's amazing what a few extra pounds can do to your sex
appeal. Her body is banging and Jackson appreciates it, too. Even in the faint glow
of the pool light I can see his eyes greedily drinking in her features as she slips
her little black skirt down her legs.

"Keep the underwear on," I beg as Jackson's fingers curl around Selena's underwear
and he tugs her closer to him. "For my sake."

Suddenly, glowing lights inside rocks surrounding the edge of the pool flick on and
I no longer have to rely on the dim light at the bottom of the pool as my main
source of light. I glance around the yard, taking in all of the features I missed
in the dark. The pool is a standard, jelly bean shape surrounded with dark rocks,
giving off the perfect 'lagoon' effect. My gaze follows the pool from the pool
house steps, across the water, over the spa and onto a gorgeous, wide sunbed
underneath a beautiful, dark rock-like canopy.
Jackson and Selena stroll hand in hand over to the steps and lower themselves into
the water. They laugh and talk and whisper while I sit down on the edge, dipping my
feet into the cool water.

"You managed to get them to keep their clothes on. Well done." Seth chuckles,
sitting down next to me and dipping his legs into the pool.

Selena giggles as Jackson pulls her into him. I look over just in time to see his
tongue flick out and lick her bottom lip.

I laugh. "I get the feeling it isn't going to last too long."

Seth's ankle hooks around mine and I glance down at our legs. I like Seth in
shorts. I like seeing the definition in his claves-so thick and perfectly shaped.

I look back to Selena and Jackson. To me, they're the perfect couple. Both
beautiful, both fun and carefree...I watch as Jackson's mouth sinks over Selena's
throat and she gasps, wincing...and both unashamed of taking on an audience. I
didn't think anything of it until Selena's black underwear floats by Seth and I.

"Time to go." I groan, pulling my feet from the water.

With a lazy laugh, Seth rises and follows. He walks closely behind me as I flee
from the pool yard and return to the barbeque area. I grab my phone off the table
and check the time. Quarter past seven.

"I should probably go now..." I tell him with a small pout.

I want to stay with him, to finally sleep in his arms again, but I can't. Not
tonight. With a small nod, Seth goes inside and retrieves his car keys off the
bench. I follow him through the house, stepping over empty boxes and scrunched
newspapers, before finally exiting out the front door. As we walk up the path, Seth
threads his fingers through mine. "You'll stay with me tomorrow night?"

I can't help but smile up at him. Like I needed and invitation. "Absolutely."

We approach his white Range Rover and he opens my door for me. "Always the
gentleman," I say, slipping past him and sliding into my seat.

"A gentleman, you say?" "Through and through."

His lips curve into his trademark smile. "We'll have to change that."

He closes my door and circles the car, climbing in behind the driver's seat.

"Why do you want to change that?" I ask him out of curiosity. Being a gentleman is
a good thing.

"It doesn't fit me, I'm anything but gentle."

"I disagree. You're very gentle..." I think about my words. "...when you want to

"Yeah, well, don't tell anyone. I punch faces for a living, remember." He smiles at
me as he starts the car. "Being gentle doesn't do much to help my intimidation

He reverses out of the driveway and I watch his face. The small, happy twitch in
his lips sends my heart fluttering. To think I make him so happy with my mere


The girl who refused to leave a shitty long term relationship with her cheating
boyfriend, the girl whose sexual experience dwindles at two, the girl who ignored
her work responsibilities the moment someone attractive was interested in her, and
the girl who's too plain when put up against Seth's looks and out-going
personality. Strangely, he sees me as his equal... like I'm just as intense and
attractive as he is.

"You didn't tell me what your favorite sex position is, by the way," he says,
moistening his bottom lip with his tongue.

"I like them all."

"All of them? You don't have a specific favorite?" I shrug. "You don't."
"I do, but I sure as shit wasn't going to share it Selena and Jackson." I fold my
arms. "Okay, so what is it?"
He glances sideways at me and then back to the road. "You wanna know?" "Yes."
"You really wanna know?"

I slap my palms onto my legs, impatient with his torture. "Seth, come on!" "With
you, it's missionary."
A laugh forces its way up my throat and I cover my face with my hands.
"Yeah, missionary." He seems almost offended. "What's wrong with that?"

I tuck my hair behind one ear and pull my hands away from my face. "Nothing is
wrong with it. I just assumed you'd have a favorite that's a little more...dirty."

"Don't get me wrong, I like the others just as much, but with you missionary is my
favorite. I like being close to you."

My chest stops hiccupping with giggles as an almost shy expression crosses Seth's

"I like being close to your lips...I like to feel your breath on my face or in my
ear and I like it when your hands glide over my arms and shoulders."

He glances at me again, biting back a smile. "Anyway, that's my reasoning. What's

your favorite?"
I purse my lips as I contemplate telling him or not. I don't want to because my
position isn't the same as his and there's no way I can come up with a reason as
sweet as that. Truth is, the position I like the best is purely for animalistic
reasons. I like having Seth underneath me and between my legs. I like taking
control of him for a change.

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Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

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He laughs once and slaps the steering wheel. "I knew you weren't going to tell me,
I'm such a sucker! I guess we're going to have to do them all."

"All of them?" I squeeze my thighs tighter at the thought. He nods. "I'll decide
which one drives you crazy the most." I roll my eyes. "Of course you'd turn this
into a challenge."

"Hell, yes, and it just might be my favorite challenge yet."

The car rolls to a stop in front of my house and I linger in my seat a little
longer before I unclip my belt. I hate leaving Seth and I hate sleeping without

"Don't worry about your car. I'll pick it up for you tomorrow morning and bring it
back before you start work."

I smile, remembering that my work is managing my father's old gym with my current
professional fighter boyfriend. My life was so different a few months ago...who
would've thought I'd be here now.

"You don't have to. I can catch a bus to the gym or walk."

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"Fuck that. Your car will be here waiting for you when you're ready to leave."

I nod, not wanting to upset Mr. Bossyboots. I lean across the center console and
kiss him on his lips. "Thank you."

He kisses me back. "I'll see you in the morning. Tell your brother I said hi." "I
will." I grab my backpack off the floor between my feet and exit the car.

Before I close the door, I turn to Seth and say, "It's sitting on you, by the way."

He arches an eyebrow. "Hm?"

I casually sling my backpack over my shoulder. "My favorite's sitting

on you."

His lips part as I close the door and step onto the sidewalk. Without looking back,
I open the gate, walk up the path, and enter the house. My body buzzes

at the thought of sexually frustrating him, and if that isn't going to keep him up
tonight, then I don't know what will.

Chapter Five
Holy fucking hell. I have half a mind to turn my car around, kick her door down and
force her to ride me...I can't imagine her mother or her brother appreciating that
very much, though. I smile to myself. What a sexy little minx.

She did it on purpose, too; undoubtedly because I chose not to have sex in the
shower tonight which, by the way, was a fucking hard decision, especially after I
already had her taste on my tongue. I didn't avoid having sex with her purely
because I wanted to rock her world without demeaning her in front of Jackson and
Selena who, let's face it, love to torment her every chance they get. I also didn't
have sex with her because I wanted to show her that I'm more than happy taking care
of her without wanting anything in return...girl's love that shit, right?

"I like being close to your lips...I like to feel your breath on my face or in my
ear and I like it when your hands glide over my arms and shoulders."

To think the whole time I was thinking romantically, Olivia's train of thought was
the complete opposite of mine-naughty. I never intended to say that to her. It just
flowed so easily from me, without thought and it wasn't the first time today I'd
said something I never intended to. I told her this afternoon that we'd have
forever to do other things. What the hell was I thinking? Olivia and I haven't
really spoken about the future. I'm certain I want to marry her and be with her
forever, but I know she doesn't expect that from me and I don't want to come

off too strong. Will I ever have the balls to ask her what she wants? Will I ever
have the balls to ask her to marry me? I've come close to asking a million times,
but I pussy out at the last minute. It's not like me. I'm very upfront. I say what
I want and ignore the consequences, but I can't fuck this up. It needs to be
perfect. It needs to be everything she's ever wanted. When I said 'forever,' I felt
her eyes on me-analyzing me. I wanted to look at her, to read her expression, but I
didn't for sake of being scared to see her

displeased. I felt the disbelief in her posture. It was an uncertain hunch, like
she was unsure if I'm for real or not.

I am.

I've never been more certain of anything in my life. I need Olivia. I need her to
wear the ring I give her, carry my last name, and live in the house I buy for us
and our family, if we have one. I haven't asked her yet because I'm scared.

What if she says no? What if this relationship is only fun-temporary? I can't
handle that. I can't take no for an answer and I won't. To be without her isn't an
option. I run my hand over my face. There I go sounding like a fucking serial
killer again. I can't help it, though. In my mind it's her or nothing.

I open my door with caution, unsure of what I'm walking into. Knowing Jackson, he'd
start in the pool and finish somewhere between the kitchen and the front door,
doing God knows what. I slip inside and close the door behind me. The house is
quiet. There are no moans-or screams-it's silent, as if everyone is in bed. With a
sigh of relief, I kick off my shoes and pinch the bridge of my nose, hoping to fend
off some of my tiredness until I get into bed.
"Hey man, you're back."

I stop in my tracks, slowly turning my head toward my living room. Jackson is

sitting on the couch shirtless, but with pants on-thank fuck-and a cold beer in his
hand. I scan the living room, looking for Selena. I wait a few seconds before I
respond, expecting her to pop out from somewhere. She doesn't.

"She's sleeping," Jackson says, sipping on his beer.

I notice the way his jaw clenches and on Jackson, that's never a good sign. I
wasn't gone longer than an hour, but I guess that's plenty of time for them to fuck
and fight.

I stroll into the living room and drop into the armchair, crossing my legs at the
ankles. I never ask Jackson what happened. Usually, I wait until he finds the right

"I think I fucked up..."

I don't say anything, not yet. "She called me again."

My chest tightens and I sit forward in my chair. "Amelia?"

He nods, taking another large sip at his beer. "She hasn't called me in months, not
since I moved to Portland...I wasn't expecting her to call me ever again."

"What did she want?"

"I don't know. I told Selena to check my phone, thinking it was you, and she asked
me who Amelia was."

He shakes his head. "I couldn't tell her, Seth. I don't ever want her knowing who
Amelia is...what she did-what I did."

I nod. Amelia was Jackson's first love. The woman who literally chewed him up and
spat him back out. She's a real piece of work-a sadistic, controlling whore who
loves nothing more than to fuck with people's minds. Feelings, love and
her it's one big game.

"Always playing games," I scoff, crossing my arms.

"You should have seen Selena's face..." Jackson rakes a hand through his hair.

"She went to bed straight after that?" "Yeah..."

I frown. "And you haven't gone up yet?"

He shakes his head, his eyes flicking to his mobile phone. Motherfucker. He's
waiting for Amelia to call back. Fuck no! She'll never talk to him again, not if I
have anything to do with it. I launch myself out of my armchair, grab Jackson's
phone and throw it, sending it crashing against my wall and falling into bits and
pieces on the carpet.

"Fuck that shit, Jacks. What are you doing sitting down here and waiting for her to
call you back? Don't you remember what state you were in the last time you let her
sink her claws into you?"

I do. I remember it clearly. He was fucked up on everything, drugs and alcohol-he

was borderlining a trip to the mental hospital, that's how fucked up he was. No way
am I going to let him go through that shit again.
Jackson barely bats an eyelid as I tower over him.

"Put the goddamn beer down and get your ass upstairs before you do anymore damage."

Jackson may not admit it-ever-(and I can't believe I'm admitting it) but Selena is
good for him. She's a lot like him in a way and can certainly take a lot of his
shit. I thought Jackson was moving on from Amelia, the grown-ass woman who ruined
his teenage years.

Obviously not.

I can't say what happened between them exactly because I don't know. Jackson
refuses to tell anyone the full story.
"I don't want to go up there." "Why?"
"Because I can't look her in the face, I can't explain what just happened."

"Then don't, but don't sit down here leaving her alone all night upstairs with her
own thoughts. You know how girls are, they over-think things."

He drops his head.

"Look at me," I demand, my voice coming out a lot more aggressive than I really
feel. He hesitates before dragging his green gaze to mine. "When you

first met Selena I told you to stay away because I didn't want your fucked up
issues to ruin my chances with Olivia and somehow, I get the feeling you not going
upstairs right now will do just that. You might be having fun and Selena might not
mean much to you, but Olivia means the world to me and I won't let you fuck it up."

He grits his teeth before raking the top row across his bottom lip. "You're wrong."


"Selena means a lot to me..."

I feel my face straighten out in surprise. There isn't much that can surprise me
anymore, I've seen it all...but this I didn't see coming. "Then prove it."

With a heavy sigh, Jackson rises to his feet and slams back the rest of his beer.
He hands the empty bottle to me and I take it.

"You owe me a phone." "Gladly."

I don't move until he disappears through the kitchen. When he's gone, I stroll from
the living room into the kitchen. I drop the empty beer bottle into the bin and
flick out the lights before sauntering up the stairs in the darkness. When I reach
the top, I hear quiet murmurs of conversation coming from their room. I hope he
tells her and I hope she takes it well-whatever 'it' is, and if he doesn't tell
her, I hope one day he'll reveal his story, if not to me, then at least to someone
he loves.

(T-minus five days until Vegas)

"Roll into him, get away from his legs!" Darryl orders and I follow, rolling my
hips and getting out of Jackson's submission. I push off of him, my chest burning
heavily. Coming mainly from boxing, my ground work isn't too great and it takes a
lot out of me once I'm down. My main goal in any fight is to keep standing, be
quick, and never give my back to the opponent. I get that once you're on the ground
it's difficult to defend yourself when they're on top and punching you in the face,
but the last thing you should do is roll over and give them your back. Rear naked
chokes fucking suck and will have you tapping out like a bitch within seconds.
Unfortunately for me, my first opponent is world wrestling champion, Junior Moset,
known for his killer ground game and hardcore submissions.

"Good." Darryl exhales, putting his stopwatch down and stepping onto the mat.

We turned one of the training rooms into a private room for me, complete with my
very own cage and training mats. The MMAC had issues with the way I trained and
would prefer me to follow some of their methods-mats, ropes, gloves-everything.

"Now I'll show you how to prevent a rear naked choke," he says, sitting on the mat.
He nods his head to Jackson and he slides in behind Darryl. "Most rear naked chokes
will come in from behind."

He shifts backwards and Jackson wraps his legs around Darryl's waist, attempting to
hold him across the chest.

"What we don't want is for your opponent to connect his hands, because it won't
take long for him to wrap that arm around your neck. As one hand comes over the
shoulder and the other underneath the opposite arm, push your shoulders up and keep
your chin down. Then, grab the upper and clamp down on the second so he has no
mobility. When you've done that, drive to the underhook side and put the back of
your head on the floor."

I watch as Darryl plays it out with Jackson.

"As that happens, let go of his arm and wriggle until your shoulders and hips are
firmly on the ground. As you get out-and any good grappler will do this

-your opponent is going to try and roll on top. When he does," Darryl slides out
from underneath his opponent, establishing a half guard. "Go either half guard or
full guard, keep him away with your legs, and work on getting yourself back to your

Darryl jumps to his feet. "Try it."

I drop into a seated position on the mat as Jackson wraps his legs around my waist.
As his hands come around to choke me from behind, I grab his arm, clamp down, and
drive myself to the side. I follow Darryl's orders step by step until I'm on my
back and keeping my opponent away with my feet.

"Great," Darryl cheers. "A few more techniques and hopefully we can perfect your
ground work before the fight."

I climb to my feet and Darryl slaps me on the back as Jackson hands me a bottle of
water. He smiles at me-a genuine smile-and I assume he and Selena made up last
night. They were gone before I got up this morning. I stroll

over to the windows and hit the button so I can see out into the gym. We're doing
pretty well today-especially for this early in the morning. Classes are cranking,
we have boxers, runners, cyclists, and rowers all doing their thing. It's good to
see Rick's gym thriving without him. He'd be very proud if he was here with us now.
The elevated, happy feeling I've got in the pit of my stomach drops the moment I
see him step through the door. My stare rakes over his bald head and seedy face.

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To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)

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Too Consumed (Consumed #2) - Page 12/43

"What the fuck?" I swear, dropping my water bottle to the ground and tearing my
door open.


I hear Jackson and Darryl curse and call my name, but I don't stop. No way in hell
can I ignore that piece of shit walking around my gym.

"Don!" I shout, drawing the attention of a few gym goers.

Him and his two boys turn slightly and they all smirk at me. I clench my fists. I
can take them all, right now.

"Well, well, Mr. Professional Fighter. Long time no see." I grit my teeth together
at the sound of Don's voice.

"Seth, don't do it," Jackson tells me. "Let someone else deal with him."

I ignore him. Don is my problem, not anyone else's. He's heading for the stairs to
the office, too and there's no way in hell I'll let him within ten feet of Olivia.
I march right up to him, slipping in between him and the stairs. My entire body is
clenched and ready to go. Don looks the same-bald head and an angular face with a
jaw made of glass. I know because I almost shattered it the last time we fought. I
came close to breaking his arm, too.

"I thought I'd come down and check out the gym set up of Portland's favorite
fighter." His smile widens. "That's a mighty cute billboard you've got outside,

Jackson laughs. "Mighty cute? Jesus Christ." Don's amused expression doesn't
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"What do you want, Don?" Darryl chimes in, but I don't take my eyes off of the bald
asshole in front of me.
"I want to speak to the manager. My friends and I are looking for a new place to
train." He turns to his friends. "What was her name? Pretty face, big, green eyes
and a killer rack..." He snaps back to me with a click of his fingers.

"Olivia, yeah, that's it. She's the manager, isn't she?"

I start forward, but Jackson slips in front of me, barely pressing his hands
against my chest. "Don't do it."

"You've worked too hard, Seth," Darryl adds.

Don straightens his grey t-shirt and smiles wryly. "Isn't that nice?"

He attempts to step around me, but my arms shoot out and I shove him backwards.
With a growl he launches forward, but Darryl grabs him, forcing him a few steps
back and into his friends. Jackson's heels are digging into the ground, his
shoulders pressing against me as he fights to keep me back from Don.

"Seth?" I hear her voice before I see her green eyes peer up at me from around my
waist. "What's going on?"

Jackson steps away, knowing I'd never bowl Olivia over to get to Don. I glance down
at her and there's a worried expression on her face.

"There's the girl I wanted to see." Don chuckles, licking his lips.

Darryl steps back, but keeps his position between Don and I. Olivia's face falls
and her eyebrows draw together. Slowly, she turns around and when she sees him, her
shoulders square. "What are you doing here?"

He steps closer and Darryl doesn't budge. "I've come to scout a new gym.

Some welcoming committee you have here. Do you treat all potential customers like

"You're not welcome here."

I step closer to her, pressing my front against her back and planting my hand on
her hip for support.

Don nods slowly, clearly pissed off. What did he expect? Does he seriously think
we'll open our doors to him?

"I see how it is."

"Get out of here, Don," Darryl demands, his fingers flexing at his sides.

Don runs his hand over his bald head. "Fine." He looks Olivia dead in the eyes.

"I'll talk to you when your dogs aren't around."

I step around Olivia, my chest rumbling with anger. I don't know what happened
next. There's a whole lot of shouting and people grabbing at me, and all I see is
Don's face through a red haze. There are too many hands on me to count and I know
more people have come to prevent me from smashing Don into a million pieces. Don is
torn from the gym and I storm across the floor, ignoring all of the scared stares.
I head straight for my training room, hearing smaller footsteps slap the floor
behind me. He pisses me off and I fucking hate that I know I deserve all of it.
Everything he's doing to me and Olivia is my fault.
I can't even remember his girlfriend's name...that's what's really messed up. I
always blamed her for what happened. I'd always tell myself the she was the one
that was unfaithful, not me-which is true, in a way. I mean, I sure as shit I
didn't force her to have sex with me. I can assure you she decided that on her own.
I feel shit about it now, because I can't help but wonder if the girl I took from
Don was his Olivia. What if she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life
with, but she turned out to be unfaithful? I'm not going to call her a whore or a
slut because, well, what does that say about me? It wasn't her fault, not entirely.

Anyway, screw that. Don has done way too much shit for me to feel sorry for him now
though, and every time I see his face, I can't help but think of his

intentions with Olivia. I'd die before I'd let his unnerving gaze rest upon her
naked perfection-and the fucking nerve of him showing up here to talk to her!

I grab a fifty kilo boxing bag off the floor and throw it, desperately needing
something to take off the edge. I want to fight and I want to fight right now. I

pace the room, not once looking at Olivia, who steps away from the door and makes
her way slowly over to me.

I feel her tension rolling off of her in waves and when I finally lift my eyes to
her face, I can see she's trying desperately to hide it. My heart beats rapidly in
my chest, sending adrenaline and anger through my veins. There's an ache there too,
an ache that's trying desperately to cut off air to my lungs. I breathe quick and
deep through my nose to prevent myself from really going off.

"I was so close to throwing it all away," I tell her. "One hit is all it would've
taken and I was willing to do it." I shake my head. "Why does he get to me so

"Don is irritating...he makes everyone want to kick him, it's just who he is."

I can't help the twitch that pulls at my lips. "I thought that if I beat him, he'd
go away."

"He's a cockroach. He isn't ever going away," Darryl says, scratching the top of
his dark hair. I didn't notice him come in behind Olivia. "He'll probably be right
behind you for the rest of your life and you need to deal with it-not with your
fists, but with your brain."

Jackson casually slings his arm around a dummy and says, "You have what he wants
and he isn't going to stop until he's higher than you-problem is, he'll never be
higher than you."

"What do you want me to do?"

Olivia shrugs, her long dark hair sprawling further across her shoulders. "It's
simple. Ignore him and walk away. A person like Don doesn't like to be ignored.

He craves the thrill of attention. Don't give it to him."

The ache in my chest dulls, lessening my anger as well. I don't think I've had so
much support in my life. It feels good.

"Okay." I breathe. "I'm in the pros now...I need to think about my career."

Darryl claps, making the stopwatch around his neck jolt. "Now that's sorted, we've
got training to do. Grappling, let's get into it."

After seeing Don, training flew by and Darryl seemed to be impressed with my

'aggressive' approach. It helped to picture Don's head on Jackson's body, although

I don't think Jackson appreciated it much. Especially when I hit too hard and split
his lip. Olivia watched all of the ground training, but fled the room once we took
it into the cage.

Later, she resurfaced to tell me she's going home and she'll meet me at my house
later tonight. I walked her to her car just to be safe, even though she told me it
was unnecessary.

"Ready to go?" Darryl asks, shutting off the training room lights and pulling me
from my thoughts of this afternoon.

It's late, the sun barely high enough to produce proper lighting. All I want is to
go home, have a shower, and spend the rest of the night in bed with Olivia.

"Yeah," I grab my shirt and pull it on over my head.

My arms felt weak. We spent the whole day in the gym working on improving
techniques and all I want is to rest.

We stroll from the room and give the main area a once over before slipping out the
door and locking it behind us.

"Tomorrow six a.m." I nod. "Got it."

I fish for my keys out of my pocket and out of nowhere a hard fist drives into my
kidney, throwing me forward.

"What the f-"

I grunt as another fist clips the side of my cheek, causing my brain to roll in my
head. In defense, I launch forward, ducking an arm and slamming someone in the
ribs. Before I can throw another, a fist connects with my mouth and it starts to
burn as an old cut splits against my teeth. Thick arms seize mine, pulling me
upright to face the man in front of me. My eyes scan over a bald head and dark,
green eyes.

"You motherfucker," he growls. His arm snaps out and slams into my ribs, forcing
the air out. "You think you can disrespect me?"

Another hit to my ribs has me hunching in pain. Fuck. It hurts to breathe. Don
grabs a fistful of my hair and I spit blood at him. What a pussy, attacking me in
the parking lot unexpectedly.

"Hey, Seth, tomor-" I keep my eyes on Don as he whips around to see Darryl standing
there. Darryl's car keys crash to the concrete and all emotion drains

from his face. He has a cold look in his eyes, like he's out for blood. He starts
for Don and when he reaches him, Don throws a right hook that Darryl ducks before
his fist connects with Don's jaw. Don stumbles under the force of Darryl's punch-
stunned that a man Darryl's age can rock him with one punch.

Suddenly, I'm released and I waste no time diving forward to help Darryl. Don's
friends push Don out of the way, concealing him behind their back and they come
down hard on Darryl and I.
Darryl holds his own, fending off two guys as I take on the last. He's slow
compared to me, and even with the pain searing through my chest, I out punch him a
million to one. I grab his head and drag it down before I slam my knee into his
nose. I feel warm, sticky blood seep down my leg and I let the guy go as he
stumbles backwards clenching his face. Darryl is curled up on the ground next to me
as two guys kick him with all the force they have. I launch for them, but Don joins
the fight again, coming out of nowhere and thrusting himself into me. I stumble
backwards as he grabs the collar of my

shirt and swings. I just managed to duck it as he drops my shirt and delivers
another strong hit to my ribs. Pain flares and my knees buckle. I fall to the
ground, groaning and clenching my sides.

"Learn some fucking respect," he growls before whistling to his dogs and storming

Moaning, I drag myself to my feet, cradling my ribs. I didn't see that coming and
I'm too hurt to be pissed off right now, but tomorrow, when my brain isn't swelling
against my skull, he's a fucking dead man. I watch as Darryl pulls himself to his
feet, his face already bruising.

"Are you all right?" I ask, spitting blood onto the concrete.

"Don't worry about me." He coughs and winces, clenching his stomach. "I'm not the
one with an interview next week-look at the size of the cut on your lip."

I run my tongue along it, feeling the tenderness immediately. Darryl reaches out
and begins poking and prodding me, making sure nothing is broken and thankfully,
nothing feels broken. Weak assholes couldn't even do a decent job

"He's going to fucki-"

"Don't do anything, Seth." Darryl exhales, running his hands over his face. All
pain drains from my body. "You're not serious?"
"We have to deal with this professionally, police and everything. You can't risk
losing your career over this."

"What if I was with Olivia tonight? What if she got hurt instead of you?" His
eyebrows furrow. "You're my main concern, not her."
"Fuck that," I snap.

I'm too tired and too battered for this shit. Dropping my gaze, I shove my hands in
my pocket, angrily digging for my keys. When I get them, I turn from Darryl and
storm to my car.

Wincing, I slide in and slam the door before turning my car on and zooming away.
The aches of my body fade away as I try to come up with something to tell Olivia. I
don't want her to come over tonight. I don't want her to see me like this.

Chapter Six Olivia

"Come on!" Chase laughs, tilting his head back. "It's not that bad."

I hold the photo of him at fourteen closer to the computer and point at his
horrible undercut.

"Look at it! How can you look at that and think it looks good?" Chase laughs again,
this time running a hand over his tired face.
Our Skype session with Chase ended early last night because he was called out on
duty at the last minute, so we rescheduled for tonight. I smile, looking at my
brother. The buzz cut suits his strong face-much better than his undercut did.

"How's Seth?" he asks, genuinely interested.

"Good." I bite back a smile. "I'm staying at his place tonight."

His face scrunches and he flicks his hand at me. "I don't want to know."

Growing up, my brother and I told each other everything. Even though we had our own
friends at school, we'd always come home and hang out with each other, sharing
gossip about the other kids. We continued to share secrets and information up until
we both became sexually active...after that, it got real awkward-especially when
Chase started sleeping with a few of my friends.

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To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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Too Consumed (Consumed #2) - Page 13/43

In the hidden pocket in my dress, my phone buzzed. I know it's either Seth or
Darryl. They're closing the gym early tonight and they said they'd call to

let me know when it's all locked up. I slip my phone from my pocket and glance at
the screen-'Darryl'-thought so.


Taking the phone call as a heads up, I let it ring out, knowing it's nothing

"Is that Seth? Do you need to go?"

I shake my head. "No, it's Seth's coach, Darryl. He said he'd call me when the gym
is all locked up."

"Sweet. How's the gym going, anyway?"

I smile widely. "It's going great, actually. We've tripled our sign ups."
My phone buzzes again, drawing my attention and I frown. "Give me a second." I grab
my phone.


"Olivia..." He sighs in a tone that sends dread spiraling into the pit of my
stomach. "I'm heading over to Seth's now...I think you should meet me there."

I'm staring at the top of the desk and seeing nothing but Seth's face.

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"Oli-" Mom steps out of the kitchen and I silence her with a flash of my palm.

"Is everything okay?" I ask slowly, wondering what the hell could have happened in
the gym.

"Not really, no." Piece by piece, he rattles off what Don had done to them. Mom and
Chase watch me and I can see their mouths move as they ask questions, but I can't
hear them. By the end of it, my hands are shaking and my vision glazes over in a
red haze. Don jumped them in the parking lot? Seth is hurt?

"I'm on my way."

I hang up and leap from my chair, raking my fingers through my hair. "O?" Chase
asks, his face hard. "What's going on?"

"Uh," I shake my head, unable to repeat what Darryl told me.

"Liv?" he says, using his nickname for me. It's been so long since I've heard it
and it immediately clears my head. O, Olly, Liv, sometimes it's hard to keep up.

"Seth is hurt."

Mom gasps, her fingers reaching up to bridge her lips. "I have to go."
I slip my phone into my pocket and run into the kitchen, grabbing my keys off the

"I'll call you later," I tell Mom without looking over my shoulder. "You too,

I slam the door behind me and my heart begins to race as it all sinks in. I look at
my phone. Why hasn't he called me?

I practically jump into my car and speed away, going way over the speed limit.

In the cup holder my phone buzzes and despite the risk, I grab it and read the


Going to bed early tonight. Tired. Sorry.

I drop my phone and press down harder on the accelerator. I shake my head, upset
that he neglected to mention he's hurt in his vague text message. I know he doesn't
want to see me, but I'm not turning around, not when I know he's hurt.

I make it to Seth's house in record time. His car is there-and so are Darryl's and
Jackson's. I park on a small angle along the road and barely wait before I turn my
car off to get out. Unintentionally, I slam my door and my heart

beats harder. Anxiety claws at my chest because I know he doesn't want to see me
right now and I can only imagine how bad his pride hurts. My palms begin to sweat
and I rub them together, praying that what I'm about to walk into isn't going to be
anything more than a busted lip.

I shake the thought from my mind. If it were me, he'd never leave my side. The
round door knob fits perfectly into the palm of my hand and I turn the handle
slowly before slipping into the hallway. Jackson is on me in an instant. His hair
is disheveled and I swear I can feel the stress radiating off of him in intense
surges. "Heads up, he's in a really bad mood right now. We've checked him out.
There are no broken bones or fractured ribs, but he's a little bruised."

I slip past Jackson with a nod, ignoring both Selena and Darryl that sit on the
couch, staring at nothing. I look at Seth. He keeps his gaze on the floor in front
of him, not looking at me once, although I know he knows I'm here. My heart swells
in my chest as I scan his body. I see tiny droplets on his skin from a recent
shower and even though he's in pain...I still feel the familiar desire flood my
system. That desire quickly molds to anger as my eyes rests on his bruised ribs.

"Can you guys leave us alone for a minute?" I ask, never taking my eyes off Seth.

He tilts his head up and his dark eyes flick to my face. At this angle, I can see
the cut high on his cheek bone and the one on his lip has been reopened.

When I hear the back sliding door close, I step forward, never dropping eye contact
with him. "Are you all right?" I ask, first and foremost.

His jaw clenches. "I think we both know I've seen better days."

I ignore his attitude. I can't hold it against him, I'd feel the same if I was in
his shoes. Trying a different approach, I step closer and take his hand in mine. I
tug on it and he pushes himself to his feet, gritting his teeth against the pain of

the bruising. I pull him along-through the kitchen up the stairs and into his room.
I want privacy. I want to talk to him and take care of him...because he

is mine to take care of.

I close the door and wait until Seth has lowered himself on the bed. I flick the
light off and kick off my shoes before sliding onto the bed next to him. Out of
instinct, I reach out to him, running the open palm of my hand up his damp, hard
body. The fresh scent of washed skin fills me and I slide closer, desperately
needing to comfort him. As my hand passes over the side of his ribcage he flinches
and I pull my hand back, gritting my teeth against a new bout of anger. After a few
seconds, I touch him again, purposefully avoiding his tender ribs.

I run my hand over his chest and he grabs my wrist, pulling it up to his mouth and
kissing the tips of my fingers. I feel the uneven swells on his lip and my chest
almost constricts.

"You didn't fight back?" I ask as he let my hand go and I move back to sliding it
over his stomach.

"Of course I fought back," he growls and it sends vibrations up my arms and through
the rest of my body. "It didn't matter. They caught me off guard."
I scowl, trying to picture how it all went down. I noticed Darryl looking a little
beat up when I walked in, as well. Don attacked them both? I'm so mad words can't
even begin to describe it.

"How could Don do such a thing?"

Seth scoffs, "It's been a long time coming, O. I'm surprised it didn't happen
sooner. These are the consequences of being an asshole."

"Asshole or not, you don't deserve to be beaten. He has to pay for what he did.

We need to get him back, somehow."

Seth shifts on the bed, turning his body toward me. "He will pay for what he did,
but he will pay legally, not physically."

I hear the skeptical tone in his voice and I know he wishes it was the other way
around, but there's no way Darryl or Jackson is going to let Seth get revenge on

Seth's large arms surround me and he pulls me into him, holding me slightly against
his body. I close my eyes briefly as his thumb strokes my shoulder.

"Why didn't you call me?"

I feel his body tense and he lets out a slow exhale. "Because I didn't want you to
see me like this...this isn't how a man should look-all bloodied and bruised." He
shakes his head. "I should have come out on top, if not for me, then at least for

"I don't think any less of you. In my eyes, you're still amazing-beyond amazing. I
love you. You should've called me instead of lying through text."

"I didn't lie to you."

"You didn't have to. You're guilty by omission."

His chest fills with air and he expels it with a defeated sigh. "You're right. I
should have called you."

Satisfied, I pull away from him and he rolls flat on his back. I rest my head on my
hand and I don't say another word as I let my fingers trail his torso, feeling
every line and muscle. His skin is soft and smooth, and my fingers glide over the
surface easily, as if he were coated in baby oil. It bothers Seth to know he can't
get back at Don, but I can. I can't get back at him physically, of course.

There's no way I can go toe to toe with Don, even on a good day, but I don't have
to lay a finger on him to bring him to his knees. Darryl knows we recently had
cameras installed in and around our gym. I know he's going to use them against Don
legally, but I want to be the one to tell him. I want to see Don's heart crash and
watch everything he's worked so hard for become an unattainable dream.

I don't know how long I waited for Seth's breathing to even, but it eventually does
and in the dim lighting seeping through the bathroom door, I can see Seth's face.
It's the perfect picture of calm. I drag the tips of my fingers from his chest down
to his obliques. My fingers slide over the impressions and grooves and I feel his
muscles contract briefly before completely relaxing under my touch. It sends a
flustering heat through me and I can't help myself. I run my finger along the band
of his shorts, tucking the tip of my index finger under the fabric. A deep, sleepy
moan falls from Seth's lips and it sends an electrical current through me-igniting
my skin from my head to my toes. The urge to slip my hand in or to take him in my
mouth while he sleeps is strong-so strong I don't realize I'm digging my fingers
into his skin to stop myself from going further. Seth sighs, shifting his body in
my direction. Oh, crap. I slip my hand

away from him and roll out of the way before he can pin me beneath his large body.
Believe me, there's nothing more I want right now than to be pinned between Seth
and a comfortable mattress, but I have revenge to dish out.

I know when Seth finds out what I'm about to do he's going to flip, but hopefully
he sees that I did it for him... well, kind of. I'm also doing it for me. Nothing
will make me happier than knowing Don will never be in the same circles as Seth and
I. He needs to be knocked down a peg or two and I'll happily be the person to do

I slip off the bed and tip-toe to my shoes, putting them on one by one. I
straighten myself and waste no time in opening the door and running from the room.
As soon as I close his door behind me, adrenaline flares through my system, pumping
hard and fast and kicking my heartbeat up a notch. I don't know much about Seth's
sleeping pattern so I have to get out of here before he notices I'm gone. I speed
walk through the house and out into the backyard.

Jackson, Darryl, and Selena are chilling in the barbeque area, not saying a word.

"Where's Don, Darryl?" I demand, placing my hands firmly on my hips.

Darryl frowns, confused. Then, his eyes widen and he leaps from his chair. "Are you
insane?" he demands in a whisper. "You're going to go see Don?" I shake my head.
"I'm not going to see him. I'm going to destroy him."
He steps closer. "You don't want to do that, Olivia. Seth will flip the fuck out
and come looking for you."

"Where is he?" I ask, emphasizing my words.

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to send you to Don on your own."

"I'll go with her," Jackson offers, pushing himself off of a chair next to Selena.

"Jackson, you saw what they did to Seth. You're not going," Selena protests.

Jackson ignores her, keeping his eyes on Darryl. With a frustrated exhale, Selena
pulls a cigarette from her pocket and ignites it, inhaling deeply.

Jackson's eyes shift, zeroing in on her. Selena's green eyes settle on his face,
almost like she's challenging him. Without hesitating, he yanks the cigarette from
her lips before crushing it beneath his sneaker. Selena rolls her eyes, expelling
the smoke before glancing at me. I guess she wasn't kidding when she said Jackson
hates her smoking.

There's a warning in Jackson's eyes before he turns them on Darryl. "I know where
he is. C'mon, O."

Jackson grabs my arm and pulls me forward, but Darryl steps in front of us,
blocking the door. "If Seth wakes up and finds you gone, he's going to come down
here looking for you. What do you expect me to tell him?"

I shrug. "Tell him the truth. I won't hide anything from him."
Darryl laughs once, running his hands over his face and pinching the bridge of his
nose. "Tell him the truth? Are you insane? If I tell him the truth, the

only thing standing between him and you and Don is me, and I don't know if you've
noticed or not, but I've already been treated like a fucking boxing bag today."

Sighing, I step closer to Darryl. "You can go home. You don't have to have any part
in this."

He blinks at me.

"Please, Darryl, move. I need to do this."

He exhales, shaking his head. "He'll be at his gym on Weir Road. He has a night
time training schedule on Tuesdays."

Before I can say thank you I've already pushed past him and headed out the door
with Jackson in tow.

I drive fast, occasionally noticing Jackson wipe the palms of his hands over his
jeans from time to time.

"Are you scared of Don?" I ask, gripping the steering wheel out of my own fear.

He snorts, like I've said something ridiculous. "Don couldn't provoke fear in me
even if he was a hundred feet tall and fifty feet wide."

My brows furrow.

"Seth, however," he shakes his head. "is a different situation entirely."

I chew my bottom lip. I've seen Seth angry before, but I haven't seen him as angry
as this will undoubtedly make him. Strangely though, I don't feel bad about it, and
if I get out of this okay, then no harm done.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition

A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2)

Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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"No. I want to see Don's smug face fall when you tell him. I'll risk pissing off
Seth for that."

I clench the steering wheel again. "You really think he'll flip out?" "Oh yeah, he
is going to go mental."
Nervously, I unhand the steering wheel and slip my index finger into my mouth and
begin to chew at the nail.

"Maybe I should crash at Selena's tonight...after this I can't imagine I'm going to
be too welcome," he thinks aloud.

Eager to change the subject away from Seth freaking out, I ask, "Speaking of you
and Selena, what's the deal?"

He counters instantly, "What's she told you?"

"Nothing, that's the thing...she usually tells me everything, but lately, nothing.

I'm trying to decide if it's because she's too happy or too unhappy."

Jackson runs his fingers through his hair. "Maybe it's because you're both grownups
now and don't need to share gossip like a pair of giggling teenagers."

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I glance sideways at him.

"Sorry." He exhales. "I've told Selena things about me that I'd prefer she never
repeats-even to you."
I wonder what's so bad about Jackson's past that has him so damaged? Seth claimed
his own life was complicated, but besides a dead father, drunken mother, and a
sister who ran away to Vegas with her wannabe rock star boyfriend, his life isn't
too bad.

"There was a girl..." I prompt him, my eyes flick to him. I see him tense.

"No, there was a woman. 'Girl' implies there was some kind of vulnerability or
innocence about her."

There's a lot of emotion to his tone, not love or longing, but hate...disgust. He
swallows hard, as if trying to get rid of a bad taste.

"Was she-"

"Look, you're cool and all, but I don't want to discuss what I went through with
that whore. I haven't even told Seth the whole story and we've been friends
forever." He flexes his fingers. "I promised myself I'd keep my hands to myself
when I see Don tonight, but I can't if you're going to try and get in my head. As
for Selena, if she was unhappy, she'd leave."

'If she was unhappy, she'd leave.' That's true. I've known Selena long enough to
know she doesn't do anything she doesn't want to.

"Third building on your right," Jackson mumbles, causing my heart to shoot into my

Suddenly, this feels like a bad idea. Images of Seth filter into my mind with his
discolored ribs and busted's enough to clear my head and allow me to group
my thoughts.

Don hurt Seth.

Don is going to continue to hurt Seth until he takes everything from him.

I slam my foot on the brakes and the car jolts to a stop, sending Jackson and I
shooting forward before our seatbelts catch us.

"What the fuck?" Jackson grunts.

Without hesitating, I unclip my seatbelt and fumble to get my keys out of the
ignition. Anger courses through me as I think about Don and how he's using me as a
pawn in his game to get revenge on Seth. I keep moving erratically, knowing if I
slow down now, my anger will fade. I need to act while it is still white hot.

"Let's go," I grumble at Jackson as I shoot myself out of the car.

Without closing my door, I storm across the small parking lot and towards the
modern gym in front of me. Jackson falls into step beside me.

"No fighting," I clarify. He agrees, "No fighting."

I slam my hands into the glass doors, pushing them open to let me through. I ignore
the stares from late night gym goers and enter the main room. I eagerly scan the
room for a tall, bald dickbag. When I spot him standing by the boxing, ring
chatting and laughing with a massive guy who has a fresh swollen eye, I lose it.
Inside, a pressure begins to build in my stomach before spilling over and filling
my chest. I want to scream and cry. I want to kick him until he can't move...but I
can't do any of that. That's what he wants... and I will never give him the
satisfaction of getting what he wants.
Instead of raging and mauling him to death with my claws, I plaster a wide smile on
my face and stroll casually toward them. The hulk-like man slaps Don on the
shoulder and nods in my direction. When Don's slimy gaze falls onto me, my skin
crawls like a bucket of baby spiders have been poured over every single inch of my

"Olivia," he purrs, leaving a bad taste in the back of my throat. "What a nice

He smirks, turning his attention to Jackson. "I see you only brought one of your
dogs. The others weren't feeling up for the trip?"

I step forward, desperately wanting to slap him or spit on him, but Jackson's
finger hooks around the thin strap of my dress and pulls me backwards. I let out a
slow, steady breath. "Something like that," I reply bluntly. "Tell me, what's the
next event you've got coming up?"

He shrugs. "I have a fight scheduled."

I smile. "It's not in Vegas, though, is it?"

An electrical current flows through me as Don's smirk fades and just like that I'm
addicted to hurting him.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about me. I'll get to Vegas one day and I'll
go through your boy to get there."

I stick my hands into my dress pockets. "See, that's where you're wrong. Seth will
make sure you never fight again."

Don chuckles and looks over his shoulder at his friend, who also happens to find
what I said hilarious.

"I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but the only way Seth is going to stop me
from fighting is if he breaks both my legs."

I shrug. "Or if he has proof you hurt him and his coach and turns it in to the

Don folds his arms over his chest in an attempt to come off as intimidating. I
analyze his face, watching familiar emotions flicker over it. Disbelief shows
first, followed by fear, then frustration before his lips finally curl upwards in a
smug grin.

"Nice try, but you can't scare me."

Jackson lets my dress go and I take it as an indication to go in for the kill. I

step forward. "I'm not trying to scare you, Don. Everything you and your friends
did was caught on camera."

His smug smile falters, straightening into an impassive line. "You're fucking
lying," he growls.

I shake my head, smiling ever-so slightly. "Afraid not."

Don watches me closely for a few seconds and when he realizes I'm not fucking
around, his eyes become glossy with various emotions. I can tell his brain is
confused, unsure which feeling it wants the rest of the body to feel first.
I know I shouldn't be enjoying this as much as I am, but I can't help it and the
exciting, addicting feeling of seeing Don weak spurs me on.

"Look for a new career, because this one is closed to you."

It's like flipping on a switch-one second he's dark and brooding and the next he's
bright and alive, punching the massive guy behind him and dropping him to his
knees. The force behind the hit jolts me back to my senses. Holy. Shit.

He turns his dark eyes on me. "If he uses those tapes I swear to God I'll kill

I swallow hard, taking a few small steps backwards and it isn't until Jackson's
hand plants firmly on my back that I stop. "You've made your bed. Lie in it."

Don's arms shoot out and he grabs my forearms, squeezing me with unnecessary force.
I gasp and grit my teeth against squeezing my eyes shut. I won't appear weak in
front of him.

"Let her go, asshole," Jackson demands, keeping his hand on my back for

Don ignores him, his dark, green stare remaining solely on my face. "I'm warning
you," he almost whispers. "Don't fuck with me!" The rest of his sentence comes out
in a mighty roar and it's so loud my head spins with a mild case of shell shock. He
shoves me backwards and I don't stumble as Jackson's hand stabilizes me. Jackson
launches himself forward, stepping in front of me. I can feel panic rising in my
chest at the thought of Don and Jackson getting into a fight right now. I grab
Jackson's arm and tug him backwards.

"No fighting," I shout and he glances over his shoulder at me, clearly frustrated
that I still want this meeting fist free. No longer interested in us, Don tears
around the gym, punching and throwing things like we don't exist.

"Let's go," Jackson demands, grabbing my elbow and pulling me towards the exit.
People stare at us like we're criminals while others cower like we're

going to kill them and when we pass a mother and her young boy no older than
twelve. I stop. The mother grabs her son and pulls him into her.

"If you use it-" Don shouts but we don't look over our shoulder. "If you fucking
use it-look out!"

"Sorry," I mutter before Jackson nudges me out of the gym.

I inhale the cool air, filling my lungs to maximum point and my hands begin to
shake. I flex and shake them a few times in an attempt to get them to stop, but it
doesn't work. I pull my car keys out of my pocket and hand them to Jackson, who's
as calm as the eye of a storm. "Can you drive?"

He nods, takes the keys, and heads for the car.

I follow him and climb into the passenger seat. He drives me back to Seth's house,
neither of us saying a word about what happened tonight. I use the tips of my
fingers to massage my temples, hoping to gain some composure. My heart is racing,
not because of what I did, but because I know Seth will be up and waiting for me
when I get home. I don't know what he's going to do, or what he's going to say, but
I do know what I did tonight satisfied me and I won't apologize for it.
Chapter Seven
With a groan, I roll off my stomach and aching ribs and onto my back. Sleeping is
definitely going to suck for the next few days. I run my hands over the mattress in
search of Olivia's warmth.


Slowly, I open my eyes and stretch further, feeling only the cool bed. "Olivia?" I
grumble, my voice husky with sleep.

What the hell? I push myself up into a sitting position ignoring the pain in my
chest and the throbbing headache behind my eyes. I slide off the bed and waver
uneasily on my feet before I slowly make my way out of the room.

Downstairs, the lights are on and I can hear voices speak in low, cautious tones. I
stroll through the kitchen and into the lounge room, frowning as my gaze settles on
Selena and Darryl. Selena's eyes widen and she quickly averts

her gaze before adjusting her dress and shifting uncomfortably on the couch. I look
at Darryl and he analyzes my bruises at first, before his eyes flit to mine.

"Where's Olivia?" I ask and I swear I see Selena flinch out of the corner of my

"She's out," Darryl replies.

Selena rises to her feet, drawing my gaze as she steps around the couch before
trotting into the backyard. Alarm bells begin to ring as she closes the door behind

I lean against the wall. "Where'd she go?"

"Her and Jackson..." he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck,"... went
to see Don."

I push off the wall as powerful anger rages through me, making my throat curl
tightly around my words. Surely I heard that wrong. "What did you say?"

"She went to see Don..."

My jaw clamps down and I grit my teeth together. I let out a slow exhale, trying
not to completely flip the fuck out. "And you let her go?"

"I didn't have a choice. It was me against Olivia and Jackson."

"And you let him take her?" I'm shouting now, unable to keep my cool. "Are you
fucking kidding me? How long have they been gone?"

I pivot on my heel and storm into the kitchen, searching for my keys. I have to go
and get her. Darryl strolls in behind me. "Don't waste your time looking for your
keys. Jackson took them so you couldn't follow them."

"What the fuck!" Needing to take my anger out on something, I grab the fruit bowl
off the bench and throw it across the kitchen. A familiar tightness overcomes my
chest and my breathing deepens. I can feel panic rising inside me, but I can't calm
down. Not until I see Olivia. Olivia...why the hell would she go and find Don? Is
she out of her mind?

"Seth, calm down."

I laugh once. "Calm down? You want me to calm down? Look at me. I'm fucking bruised
and beaten because of that asshole and I wake up to find my girlfriend has gone to
pay him a visit. Sure, I'll calm down when she's here and safe with me. You want to
hope for your sake there isn't a fucking scratch on her."

"You know what? I don't need this shit. I'm sore too, and I have a family that I
need to spend time with before I have to get up early to train your

ungrateful ass again."

Darryl turns and storms from the room. A few seconds later, I hear the front door
slam shut. A growl tears from my chest and I grip the edge of the bench, squeezing
as hard as I can. I can't just sit around and wait, I need to do something-
anything. Freeing the bench from my grip, I turn from the kitchen and march up the
stairs. I flick my bedroom light on and head straight for the boxing bag hanging in
the middle of my room. A nauseating pain cramps my stomach and I want to be
sick...tossing the hanging gloves to the floor, I swing

my fists into the bag, clenching my jaw against the pain every time I connect. If I
don't punch or fuck until I'm exhausted, there's no getting rid of the anxiety. It
lingers, gnawing at me until I completely lose my mind and I'm worried if I don't
calm myself enough before Olivia makes it back (if she makes it back) I'm going to
both say and do something stupid.

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To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1)

Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2) Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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When my arms refuse to connect with as much force as I intend, I stop punching.
Forty minutes I stood here punching this bag and still no Olivia. I squeeze my eyes
shut and roll my head from side to side. I'll have a shower and if she's not back
by then, I'll walk-fuck it-I'll run to her.


After I've washed my body, I lean my head against the tiles, hoping any second now
she'll come through that door. When I hear the bathroom door click shut, relief
washes over me. The relief fades just as quickly as it came when I remember why I'm
feeling so shitty in the first place. Olivia left me while I was sleeping to go see
my enemy...

I shut the shower off and stand for a little while longer, letting the excess water
run off of me. When I'm done, I step out and she immediately hands me a towel.
Without looking at her, I grab the towel and run it over my face. I have no idea
what I'm going to say yet and I'm buying time, trying to talk myself out of saying
something stupid. I drop the towel and wrap it low on my hips, and

finally, I look at her and she almost flinches. She fingers the small black buttons
that run up the front of her dress.

"Don hurt you-and Darryl. I had to do something," she says without any prompting
from me.
"So you thought you'd go and handle it without me?"

She nods. "Yes."

I grit my teeth and they ache slightly. I'm doing that way too much tonight. "Do
you know how worried I've been?"

"I thought you were sleeping." She lowers her voice. "I'm capable of handling

I almost laugh and she scowls at me, no longer intimidated. She thinks she's
capable of handling herself against a fighter who would love nothing more than to
get back at me? Yeah fucking right.

"What are you, one hundred and thirty pounds? I could lift your entire body weight
on my fucking big toe, yet here you are walking around like you can't be touched."

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Her thin, well-shaped eyebrows pull together. "Don hurt you." "Yes!" I snap. "He
hurt me. Let me deal with it."
She steps toward me and digs her skinny index finger into my chest. "You can't
control me, Seth."

"I can't control you? You think this is about controlling you?" "Isn't it?"
I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying for the one millionth time to control
myself... and I fail. "This is about you!" I yell and she takes a defensive step
back, swallowing hard. "Ever since I met you, you do stupid things that put you in
danger! You have no consideration for anybody-you're selfish!"

"I'm selfish?" she scoffs. "I am far from selfish!"

She turns from me and attempts to leave the bathroom, but I grab her by the elbow
and pull her back, slamming the door shut.

"I'm not finished," I warn, holding her tightly against me.

"Well, I am."

She tries to pull her small frame away from me and gets nowhere. There's no way I'm
letting her go. Not yet. I drop my hand and grip her hips, lifting her and placing
her on the counter. I slip between her legs and anchor her hips so she can't get

Her eyes flare with anger and it stirs something wicked inside me. "I'm warning
you, let me go."

I almost smile. "What are you going to do, Olivia?" She claims she can handle
herself and I want her to show me. She struggles against me and nothing

happens. "You can't do anything to help yourself and that's why you need me.

We are together. We're meant to make decisions together. Isn't that what a
relationship is? I mean, shit, you were the one in a relationship, so tell me why
I'm the one giving you the advice?"

"Seth, let me go."

I squeeze her harder. "No."

She shuffles her hips forward abruptly, trying to slip off the counter. I grip her
legs and yank her hips forward, forcing her thighs to wrap tightly around me.

She gasps and presses a hand against my wet chest, arching her back in an attempt
to lean away from me.

"I'm not letting you go until you tell me I'm right. You know I am."

She straightens her spine, bringing her delicious body closer to mine and getting
right in my face. "No."

So fucking stubborn.

Her warm breath caresses my face and I look at her perfect lips. I lurch forward,
slamming my mouth to hers. Her hands immediately slide around my neck, pressing me
harder against her. I reach under her dress and roughly pull her panties to the
side. She gasps against my mouth, dragging my bottom lip between her lips. I can
see it in her face, she's pissed off, but she can't possibly be as pissed off as I

I grasp the fabric of her dress and pull it open, sending buttons scattering along
with my thoughts and exposing her body to me.

"What the fuc-"I lace my fingers in her hair and force her mouth back to mine.

Her ankles lock around me, pulling me closer-so close I can feel the heat radiate
from her.

"Tell me I'm right," I demand against her mouth.

She bites down on my swollen lip, not giving a shit that it's sore. "No."

Her quick, shallow breaths hit my skin as she lowers her mouth to my neck and licks
my clean flesh. I feel her hands grip my towel and a second later it falls to the
floor. Cool air clings to my skin, spurring me closer to her. Her lips suck and nip
at my neck while her fingers wrap around my extremely hard length. She guides it
toward her opening-right where she wants me. I feel her wetness on the tip of my
cock and I can't help myself. I groan, thrusting deep and hard.

Olivia cries out, sending white hot arousal through my body, forcing me to go hard
and fast .I look at her face. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is agape as she
pants heavily. I grab her low on the hips, forcing her to move against me.

"I'll fuck you until you tell me I'm right," I rasp, dropping my mouth to her
collar bone.

I run my hands up her back before I entwine them in the base of her hair. I pull
hard, tilting her head backwards and she moans loudly, my name sharp on her lips.
Who would've thought my sweet Olivia likes it rough? I drag

my lips over her collar bone and up her neck. Every time I move inside her, I get
closer and closer to release. I can feel her tightening around me and it's making
it harder to hold on. I yank her bra down, letting her tits spill over the cups and
I take

one in my mouth. She presses her chest deeper into my mouth all while digging her
nails into my flesh.

I pull away. "You fucking like that, don't you?"

She rakes her teeth over her bottom lip, shaking her head. "No, I'm just humoring

I smile a little before pulling out and thrusting all of the way back in. She
inhales sharply and grips me tighter. I pull her off the counter, grabbing her
backside in large handfuls and whirl around on my heel, bracing her hard against
the bathroom wall. Gravity forces her to settle fully onto my length and I clench
my jaw as my body hums with intense sexual energy. Olivia leans back, showing off
her perfect breasts that bounce every time my hips collide with hers. My fantasies
of Olivia never do her justice. Her soft, pliable body is perfection from the
strands of chocolate hair on her head to the hot fuck noises she makes as I thrust
into her. I pull back from her and slip out. She groans, her eyes closing briefly
and I bite the inside of my lip against a smirk. She's frustrated, although she'll
never admit it. With a trembling breath, I propel myself back into her.

"Seth!" Her cry echoes around the bathroom, bouncing off the tiles and hitting me
right in the sweet spot.

I moan, dropping my mouth to her neck as her hand reaches out and she turns the
door handle.

"Bed. Now," she demands in a husky pant.

I crush her against me, pulling her away from the wall and out into the bedroom.
She rakes her fingers through my hair, harshly tugging on it and forcing my mouth
to hers. Fuck the bed. I want her on the couch. My legs move quickly and I drop her
onto the white fabric. Her eyes snap to mine and I know she's going to protest.
Before she gets the chance, I grab her

waist and flip her around. She rests over the back of the couch and glances at me
over her shoulder with an uncertain look...the sight alone is enough to make me
come. I kneel on the edge of the couch, lining myself exactly where I want to be. I
grab her hip with one hand and her ass with the other, squeezing with enough
pressure to let her know I'm not going to be gentle. She started this. If she wants
rough, she's going to get rough. I'm going to fuck her hard until she comes and is
begging for me to forgive her. She's a tiny woman but it isn't like she's made from
glass. I enter her with a harsh thrust and she cries out at once. I watch her
reactions every time the tip of me reaches maximum point, enjoying the way she
claws at the couch as her body lurches from the impact.

Her fingers dig into the fabric in an effort to keep herself steady. There are no
pauses as I rear back and rock forward again, sheathing myself all the way to the

"More," she mewls, grinding backwards on me. "Harder."

With a growl, I pump her faster and harder. Every time, I pull back, she slams
herself back onto me and I feel her muscles grip me tighter. The firmer she gets,
the closer I come to, well, coming. I grit my teeth and slip my hand off her hip
and around her stomach before gliding the tips of my fingers between her legs and
into the creases of her sweet pussy.

"Oh, God," she moans, her body speeding up in its movements.

I feel her legs begin to tremble and I know she's close. As I circle her, I pound
her harder and harder until she can't breathe, until she's trying to crawl away
from me. One more thrust has her clenching me tightly and melting down with me deep
inside her. The sound of her being taken away into bliss with my name a husky rasp
on her lips is enough to send me over the edge and I sink over her, pressing my
body against her back and unconsciously sinking my teeth into her shoulder as a
powerful release surges from me.

We rest in a piled heap on the couch until one of us has enough energy to move.
When my arousal wears off, the ache in my body comes back full force.

Shit. I should've taken it a little easier. Without a word, Olivia slips out from
underneath me and storms to the bathroom, shutting the door with a small slam
behind her. I guess she's still pissed off that I called her selfish. I get it, it
was a little harsh and I don't believe she's selfish, not like I am, anyway. She's
done lots of selfless things for me, neglecting her job, for one. But when I called
her selfish, I meant in terms of her decisions. She doesn't think about how her
decisions affect anyone else-getting involved with me affected Mason and her mom.
Going to dinner with Brent affected me- seeing Don affected me. She doesn't think
and that's the one thing that bugs me above all else. I have every right to be mad,
not her.

I push myself off the couch and stroll over to my wardrobe, not wanting to shower
for the third time tonight. I grab a pair of sweat pants and slide them on before
strolling to bed and climbing in. I lie flat on my back, choosing the least painful
position for the best chance at getting some sleep. A few minutes later, Olivia
emerges from the bathroom, her hair damp and sticking to her clean skin. Helping
herself, she pulls a tank top from my wardrobe and a pair of black

sweatpants, matching mine. Her eyes flick over to me as she pulls the white top
over her head and covers her bare breasts. My gaze falls onto her shoulder, where
I'd bitten her. It's a little red; I didn't cut the skin, but it might bruise.

"Did I hurt you?" I ask, trying to keep the detached tone in my voice. "No."
Her response is clipped and blunt and I can't help a small smile. She can't stay
mad at me forever and I've already forgiven her. Hell, my heart forgave her the
moment she stepped into the bathroom, but my dick refused to. It wanted to punish
her, to make her got what it wanted and now I know I have to apologize
for calling her selfish, but my damn pride won't let me. I can't. If I apologize,
it means I won't do it again and that I can't guarantee. I can't guarantee I'm not
going to say it again or say something even worse next time because that's what I
do. According to Dad, I take every good thing I get and destroy it. I don't deserve
good. I deserve nothing

because I don't appreciate anything. Some inspiring, fatherly words right there.

Olivia stalks toward the door with a frustrated sway in her hips. She flicks off
the light, plunging the room into total darkness. I wait a few seconds before I
feel the mattress sink slightly. I know she's got her back to me and instinctively,
I reach out for her. Before I touch her, I quickly pull my hand back. All I want
from her is a 'sorry I left without saying anything.' Is that so hard?

I wait for a very long time...just waiting for her to sigh and apologize. Nothing.
And it isn't until she mutters for someone to clean their machine and shifts in my
direction that I realize I'm not going to get one, at least, not while she's
sleeping, anyway.

Allowing myself one last feel of her skin before I drift off, I slip my hand
underneath her shirt and run the palm of my hand down the side of her waist and
over the rise of her hip. A soft sigh of relief escapes her and her body relaxes
even more as she falls deeper into sleep. I pull my hand back and sling it over my
head, covering my eyes.

Why are we both so fucking stubborn?

Chapter Eight
(T-minus four days until Las Vegas)

I stretch, spreading my legs and arching my back before I open my eyes. As they
flutter open, I take in my surroundings and the sleeping giant next to me.

He has an arm slung over his face and I can just see the cut on his lower lip.
Dread rolls through me as I recall last night. It wasn't a dream.
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Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
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I watch Seth for a little while longer, trying to find the right way to apologize.
I know I'm the one in the wrong. I know I should've told him my plans and I
definitely shouldn't have ignored him until I fell asleep last night, but what he
said hurt me. I'm not selfish...I can't be, not to him. I've given up so much for
him. I chose him over my job. I chose working at the gym over my writing. I haven't
opened a Word document since we got together. I don't have time.

Between Mom, Seth, and the gym, I can't do the things I want to do, but I'm happy
with that. Is that selfish? Is being there for him selfish? I grit my teeth.


Seth shifts, moving his arm and rolling onto his side. His face contorts in pain
before straightening itself out. My muscles relax from a cramp I didn't know I had.
The thought of Seth waking up and being as angry as he was last night terrifies me.
The dark, murderous look in his eyes when he stepped out of the shower last night
is something I never want to see again. The sex was really good though, I can't
complain about that. I didn't anticipate it happening, but he was so angry and
intense and I wanted him to take it out on me, to punish me for leaving him. I
reach out and run the tip of my finger over the back of his hand-the same hand that
had gripped me so tightly last night as he fucked me hard and fast, sending endless
amounts of electrical currents pulsing through me. I pull my hand back and squeeze
my thighs together and wince at the tenderness. I'm a little sore, last night
was... passionate, to say the least.

I sigh. Seth is used to getting his way and I know he expects me to cave in and
apologize first...but I need him to know I won't take him talking to me like that.
I am his equal, not a child-even though my actions say otherwise.

I leave the bed and cringe at the ache in the muscles between my legs. Today is not
going to be comfortable, that's for sure. I tip-toe from the room and down the
stairs. Surprisingly, Selena is here eating breakfast at the counter. When we got
home last night, Selena and Jackson left to stay at her house... Had they come
back? Had they heard Seth and I last night?

"Morning." Selena smiles tightly, licking her spoon. "How'd it go?"

I run my hands over my face and lean on the breakfast bar. "We argued." And had
epic sex. "We haven't really spoken since then..."

"Yeah, Jackson demanded we come back this morning so he can talk to Seth."

She flicks her head toward the backyard. "He's been sitting out there for over an
hour now."

I look out the glass door and see Jackson sitting there on the chair, his face
tired and worried.

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"He didn't sleep last night," she adds. "Poor guy...It's my fault."
I hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and my entire body goes rigid.

Seth is either going to ignore us, which I can handle, or he's going to lose his
mind and kick the shit out of Jackson.
I don't turn around to look at him as he steps into the kitchen and Selena drops
her gaze to her bowl.

"Good morning, Selena," he says coolly and I hear the fridge door open. "Uh," she
mutters, confused. "Good Morning."
I frown, looking over my shoulder and watch as he pulls a small bottle of milk from
the fridge. He opens it and takes a long sip. When he puts it back, his eyes flick
to me.

"I see waking up without you is becoming a routine."

My eyes narrow in on him and Selena shifts uncomfortably in her seat. He waits for
a response, watching me unapologetically. He's not in the least bit uncomfortable
about arguing in front of other people. Realizing I have no response for him, he
strolls past me, running a hand over his chest and through his already disheveled
hair as he steps outside and closes the door behind him.

"Well, that was awkward," Selena mutters and bites her bottom lip as I glare at

We watch as Jackson rises from his chair. His lips move fast as he explains last
night to Seth. With every word, Seth's features darken and his hand shoots out,
gripping Jackson by the collar and pulling him into him. Selena and I gasp,
frightened a fight is about to break out. How the hell are we meant to stop that?

Jackson remains cool and neutral-not scared, not worried-nothing. It's like he's
been through this a million times. Seth drops Jackson and storms back into the
house. Selena looks away again, pretending she wasn't watching the interaction
between the two boys. I don't look away. As Seth's dark gaze settles on me, I stare
right back-sadly, getting a little heated by the intensity in his face. He marches
past, keeping eye contact until he passes me and heads back up the stairs. When
he's gone, I pull a sour face.

"Wow, there really is a wedge between you two right now." I sigh. "You have no
"Why don't you talk to him?"

"Because it'll end up in an argument. He wants me to apologize..." She quirks an

eyebrow. "So do it. It's your fault."
Offended, I blow a gust of air out of my cheeks. "Geez, tell it like it is much?
I'm not going to apologize first. He called me selfish."

Granted, when I say it aloud it sounds childish and stupid, and the look on
Selena's face tells me I'm not far from the truth.

"I can't apologize first. Not to Seth." She doesn't understand what he's like. He
thrives off power-he loves getting exactly what he wants. That's why he smiled at
me last night before I switched the lights out. He expects it from me, but he won't
get it until we're on equal ground-until he engages me in a loving conversation.

She gives me another one of those 'you're a moron' looks and I turn away from her.

"Do you have any clothes here? I need to borrow some," I call over my shoulder.

"Yeah, in a bag on Jackson's floor," she replies when I'm halfway up the stairs.

"Apologize, O. It's your fault."

I roll my eyes and finish climbing the stairs. I sneak into Jackson's room and find
Selena's bright purple suitcase open on the floor. Thankfully, Selena has been
wearing jeans and shorts more often since being with Jackson, so when I fish
through her clothes, I easily find a pair of jeans and a light cotton shirt to wear
to work. I take the clothes to Seth's room and fortunately for me, he's in the
shower. I get changed, managing to only just pull the shirt over

my head as he enters the bedroom. I fight hard against the urge to let my eyes roam
his body. I want to. I want to push him onto the couch and lick him everywhere,
tasting his clean skin on my tongue as he entwines his fingers in my hair, pulling
until my scalp burns.

"Olivia?" His rough voice snaps me back to attention and I realize I'm staring.

Goddamn it!

"What?" My voice comes out a lot more frustrated than I expected it to and I feel
like an idiot.

"Are you ready?" I take in his fully clothed body, embarrassed that I completely
zoned out thinking about all of the things I'd do to him.

"Yep, let's go." I whirl on my heel and stroll from the room.

In the car, neither of us speaks. It's stupid, really. We aren't mad anymore, but
we've started a war we want the other to finish. Seth knows I'm competitive, like I
know he's competitive, and I can only see this game ending badly, but I can't
swallow my pride.

Not yet.

I flinch away from the training room window as Seth slams his fist too hard into
his partner's ribs. I see his flesh ripple and his ribs bend, reacting to Seth's
force. The guy drops to his knees and Darryl bangs on the cage, throwing his
clipboard across the room. Gritting my teeth, I push open the training room door.
Seth knows to keep the windows blacked while he's sparring, I don't want to see it-
not unless I have to.

"You're injured!" Darryl shouts. "If you keep going full strength, it's going to
take longer to heal, do you understand?"

On the sideline, Jackson shakes his head at me, warning me off, but I'm not going

"Will you take it easy?" I demand, approaching the ring and crossing my arms.

Seth turns his sweat-coated body in my direction, instantly making my breathing

quicken. His chest moves quickly and his eyes are dark, like fresh coal.

"I can't keep hiring spar partners because you break your old ones. They're humans,
not toys!"

He watches me for a little while, his intense eyes never relenting, before he turns
away. When his partner catches his breath and rises to his feet, they square off
again. To further my point, I stay rooted in my spot and watch them circle each
other. The guy launches forward and Seth sidesteps him, driving his fists twice
into his partner's side and the other straight into his face. My insides clench,
sending waves of fear curling through me.

Like a tree cut from the base, he sways minutely before crashing to the ground with
a loud thud. Seth casually turns to face me and I swallow down the sickness I feel
in the pit of my stomach as he approaches the edge of the cage.

He crouches, getting as close to eye level as he can.

"When you're ready, I'm going to need a new one, and if it's not too much to ask,
get me one that can actually take a punch."

And just like that I'm transported back to the first time I met Seth. What a
spoiled, aggressive asshole! I completely forgot what a major dick he can be.

"Do it yourself."

I storm from the training room, slapping the button to blacken the windows before I
exit. I don't look over my shoulder, even when I hear him snap my name. Perhaps our
game has gone too far. We're pushing each other now, deepening a disagreement that
could have been resolved before we got up this morning, and unless this ends today,
who knows what it's going to do to us in the long run.

I leave the gym in a huff. The good thing about being your own boss is you can
leave whenever you want. Although I don't think Seth will appreciate it too much-or
maybe he'll be relieved I left.

I pull into Mom's driveway and turn my car off. I linger for a moment, thinking
about Seth and how he's acting. To be annoyed with me because I went behind his
back and refuse to apologize is one thing-it's almost harmless-but to physically
hurt someone else to get back at me is not okay and now I have a whole new reason
to be mad.

I exit my car and enter through the small, white picket gate. Beneath my feet,
pebbles crunch and grind together. I like the sound. It reminds me of home...of
Dad. I pull my key from the back pocket and unlock the door. Even though Mom is
home, I'd hate to wake her if she's napping. As the front door opens and I step
inside, she shifts on the couch, drawing a tissue to her face. I quickly shut the
door behind me and step toward her.

"Sorry," she sniffles. "I wasn't expecting you to be home this early."

I drop into the couch beside her, pulling her into me. She rests against me,
patting her red face with a tissue. I often see her cry...and it never gets any
easier. I purposefully avoid the home video playing on the TV and I hear Chase and
I sing in the background.

"Happy birthday dear Daddy, happy birthday to youuuu!"

His young laugh fills my ears and my eyes begin to well. I never thought I'd hear
it again, and it's a marvelous sound, but it's still too soon for me. I'm not ready
to hear him, not when I've only just been able to stomach looking at photos of him.
I swallow and my chest hiccups as I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth.

"Sorry," Mom apologizes, shutting off the TV. "I thought I'd be okay seeing him by

"Dad died, it's never going to be okay...and that's okay."

She wraps one arm around me and it feels bony. Mom has lost a lot of weight since
Dad's funeral. She's never been a big girl, but she sure as hell

been as tiny as she is now. I hold her for a little while longer. I think I almost
fall asleep and before I fully drift off, I'm jolted awake as Mom shifts away from

"Are you hungry? I have chicken wraps in the fridge."

Stifling a yawn, I shake my head. "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I'm
probably going to take a quick nap."

Her eyes widen. "Seth, that's right. I'm so sorry, darling. I completely forgot.
How is he? Is he okay?"
I lick my bottom lip against a smile. For someone who seems to be so indifferent
about him, she sure is worried.

"He's fine-more than fine. He's still his usual asshole-ish self." "What happened?"
I don't want to go into details with Mom so I give her the simplest, quickest
version I can. "Seth has a long history with another fighter and last night it came
back to bite him in the ass." I roll my eyes unintentionally and Mom frowns.

"You're not happy?"

"I'm happy Seth is okay...after I saw him last night and he fell asleep, I went to
see the other guy."

"The one that hurt Seth?"

I nod. "I told him that we had the whole thing on camera, he lost his mind, and
when I got back to Seth's, he was mad and we fought and then went to sleep.

When we woke up, we were still mad at each other and we have been all morning."

She pinches her earlobe and the pretty pearl earring between her thumb and index
finger. "You didn't apologize?"

"Apologize? Mom, he called me selfish."

"You left him while he was asleep to go and see the guy that hurt's not
exactly selfless. Why'd you do it?"

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Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)

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I shifted in my seat. "Because..." My voice sounds whiny and juvenile, and I hate
it. "Don is an ass and I wanted to hurt him like he hurt Seth."


"You didn't think that maybe Seth would've liked to be the one to bring Daniel's-"

"Don's," I correct her.

"Right-I'm sure Seth would've liked to be the one to bring Don's world down-being
as arrogant and self-important as he is." Mom bites back a smile.

"I hate to say it, honey, but you're the one who owes the apology here."
Mom on team Seth, who would have thought? I sink lower on the couch, instantly
feeling like an idiot. "How do you know when you're right and they're not?"

She chuckles, slapping my arm. "Oh, darling. Lesson one on men, they always think
they're right-especially the fighter types. You want to come out on top?

Don't sweat the small stuff. Let them think they're right. Like your father, Seth
is going to say stupid, hurtful things to you at one time or another, nobody is
perfect. Even the good ones have their moments, but at the end of the day, if they
can make you feel loved beyond anything else, if they show you just how much you
mean to them, then the other things are just bumps in an otherwise smooth

I nod my head. I never thought Mom could ever give me advice I'd agree with.

She's grown so much since Dad's death. I don't even know how to explain it.

We have conversations without arguing-actual full length conversations. I can't

remember the last time we've been so close.

I'll go see Seth at lunch time and apologize for taking the satisfaction of seeing
Don crumble. I can't give it back to him, but hopefully the apology is enough.

Mom leaves the couch and enters the kitchen, allowing me to lie down and stretch
out. My eyes become heavy and I yawn countless times before finally falling asleep.

Three strong knocks rap on the door and my eyes shoot open. It's almost dark, the
living room is two shades from being pitch black. I push myself off the couch and
climb sleepily to my feet. My stomach growls and churns because I haven't eaten
today. Instead of making me hungry, it puts me off the mere thought of food.

There's another knock against the wood and I shuffle slowly towards it. I flick the
light switch on and pull the door open. On the other side of the screen stands Seth
in a white shirt that clings tightly to his chest and arms. My heart rate instantly
skyrockets. Not out of fear or intimidation, but out of pure unwholesome desires-
oh, and the thought of having to apologize to him. He's going to make it as painful
as possible.
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"You're happy to see me, don't deny it." He lowers his gaze to my breasts. "Or at
least your nipples are."

Ignoring my less than impressed expression, he opens the screen and holds it, all
while looking at me like I'm the most amusing thing on the planet.

"You've been asleep this whole time?"

I shrug. "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." But of course he knows that.

Seth's amused expression fades, turning serious. "I won't have us fighting for a
second longer, Olivia." His voice is commanding, like he's ordering me to stop
being mad at him. "All you have to do is tell me I'm-"

"You're right," I interrupt him. "I shouldn't have gone to Don, or at the very
least, I should have told you." I step forward. "And you shouldn't have hurt that
guy to get back at me. That was cruel. Promise me you won't do that again."

He shakes his head. "I can't promise you that." "Seth-"

He leans forward an inch. "I'm not going to promise you something I can't keep.

I can promise you I'll always be here for you or that I'll never be unfaithful to
you, but I can't promise I won't hurt you in other ways. It's what I do, it's who I
am. I have strange outlets and it's how I deal with things."

I hug myself as the cool air brushes along my skin. "But those people do nothing to

"They signed a contract agreeing to be my punching bag wherever and however I

please. If they don't like it, they can always leave."

The fact he's being so careless is beyond me and quite frankly, it pricks at my
frustration levels.

"You know who I am. I've been nothing but honest with you from the start. I won't
change, not now. Not ever."

"I don't want you to change."

"Then what do you want? What can I say-or do-or give you to make you happy?"

I don't want to tell him what will make me happy. I want him to automatically know-
which has to be the stupidest thing I've ever thought because even I don't know
what I want-I want him. I want us to be happy and not act like children.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore. You win."

His face softens in a way that makes me want to squeeze him.

"I love why do I feel like shit right now?" He steps forward and
playfully strokes my arm with his index finger. "Maybe it's the huge puppy dog eyes
you're giving me."

My lips curl into a smile. "Does it make you feel bad?" I ask, flicking my

Seth laughs once. "Yes, actually, it does."

I step aside and Seth crosses the threshold and into the house. Before we settle in
for night, I shut all of the curtains and checked all of the rooms.

Strange. Mom isn't here. I stroll into the kitchen where Seth casually sits on the
counter, drinking a big glass of cool water.

"Your Mom left you a note." He hides his over-confident smile behind his glass as
he takes another mouthful.

Sprawled in elegant handwriting on the whiteboard stuck to the fridge, there's a

message from Mom.


Will be out late tonight. Going on a dinner cruise with your Aunt Kate, remember?

See you tomorrow morning. P.S.Who bit you? Never mind.'

I cringe, slipping my fingers under my cotton shirt and over the flesh Seth sank
his teeth into last night. "Well, that has to be the most awkward note I've ever

Seth laughs, slipping off the counter and coming up behind me. I feel the hard
front of his body graze faintly across my back and my breath hitches as his fingers
curl around the edges of my hair and he pulls it across one shoulder. I take my
fingers from the bite and almost immediately, Seth's lips sensually brush over it.

"I'm sorry I bit you," he murmurs deeply, sending shivers cascading down my spine.
There's something about his low, husky voice that gets me every. Single.


"Don't be sorry," I breathe, my fingers trembling to touch him. "I liked it."

And I did. No word of a lie. The frisson of energy his teeth sent through me as we
both came was intoxicating and something I'd let him do over and over again.

"This is much better." I sigh, relaxing against him. "I don't like fighting with

He smiles against my skin. "Me either, but I don't regret it." "You don't?"
"No. I learned a lot of new things about you." I turn around. "Like what?"

"You're passionate. You're stubborn, and you like it when I fuck you hard." I
almost choke, feeling my cheeks heat immediately. "I do not."
My breath hitches as he comes at me, one hand snatches my wrists and the other
swiftly grabs a handful of my ass. He slams me hard against the fridge and
electrical currents flow through me, pooling in the most sensitive places as he
pins my arms above my head. Embarrassingly, my breathing quickens and I soak my

"Told you," he says.

He doesn't smile-there's no victory to his expression, only darkness- sweet,

arousing, darkness...and I want all of it to myself. Forever.

His mouth finds my neck and he roughly sucks and nips at me, and I grind my hips
against him with urgency. I can feel him hard against his jeans and pressing
eagerly into mine. I'm ready for him to rip my clothes off and take me on the
countertop right now...or at least I am until his phone rings.

He pulls it from his back pocket and slips it onto the counter, all without taking
his mouth from me. I'm more than happy to ignore it. I want all of his attention on
me-where it counts. I hook my finger around the hem of his jeans and almost get the
button undone when his phone rings again. He pulls away with a

frustrated groan, and keeping my arms pinned above me, he grabs his phone. When he
reads the screen he hesitates for a moment.
"California," he mutters, answering it and putting it to his ear. "Hello? Yes.

Visits?" He pauses as the person speaks on the other end. "How is she?" A longer
pause. "Okay. I'll be there the day after tomorrow."

He hangs up and frees my wrists. I wait for him to speak as he rakes his fingers
through his hair and expels an exhale from his lips. "We're going to California."

"We? As in me and you?"

He arches a brow. "No, me and the fridge-of course you and me."

I roll my eyes playfully at his sarcasm. "What about the gym? Who's going

He silences me, pressing a finger against my lips, and bringing the phone back to
his ear. I swat him away and he smiles, tucking his fingers into my jean pocket and
tugging me closer. I laugh once as I push off of him and slip away from his hold.

"Jackson, it's me-everything's fine. I need you to book two tickets to California
for tomorrow afternoon. Yes-and look after the gym for a few days..." Seth frowns.
"Because I'm going to California." He laughs. "Thanks."

I smile. I'm glad they're on good terms again. He slaps his phone against the palm
of his hand. "Jackson has got the gym and Selena will probably help."

"What about your training?"

Seth leans against the kitchen counter crossing his legs at the ankles. "I'm not
going to be able to sort that out over the phone." He groans. "I have to go."

My insides deflate. "Go? You can't go. You were just-we were-I was- really?"

He chuckles, pushing himself off of the counter and circling me in his arms. "I'll
make it up to you, I promise. When we're in California, I'll do whatever you want
me to do to you."

The thought of going to California to see Seth's mother suddenly becomes tolerable.
"Deal, but you better bring your A game."

His hand slips under the fabric of my shirt and around to the small of my back.

"Don't I always?"

I smile. He sure does.

Seth plants a quick kiss on my lips and stalks from the house, locking and closing
my front door behind him. I drop into the couch with a heavy sigh. The thought of
seeing Vanessa again makes me nervous...the last time I saw her, Seth was carrying
her passed out from the police station. She's had finer moments, I'm sure, and I
hope she's better, for his sake. I think it'd do him some good to have his mom

Chapter Nine
Talking to Darryl about skipping on training for a few days is something that had
to be done to his face. He isn't going to like it, but the truth is, I'm fucking

sore. My body aches, my ribs hurt, my face hurts, and I have a constant headache
that's driving me insane.


I can't wait to climb into bed and fall asleep. Unfortunately, Darryl lives on the
other side of town and I have to venture through a million and one traffic lights,
meaning I'm going to be driving for at least forty minutes there and back-not to
mention the long, long conversation I'm going to have with Darryl following my

I roll to a stop outside Darryl's nice family home. It's small, but it gives off a
loving vibe. It doesn't feel cold or emit an unwelcome feeling like my house does
or the ones I grew up in. My parents were hardly home-dinners were always frozen
instead of fresh, leaving the kitchen feeling sterile. There was no warmth of a
freshly cooked meal floating in the air...not that it matters now, I guess. I
didn't really mind, it was all I knew.

When I walked in on Olivia's family dinner months ago, before Rick died, I knew I'd
missed out on so much, but my kids will never have to. That I can guarantee.

I shake my head, ignoring the thoughts. I'm only twenty-four. No need for kids yet-
not until I've accomplished everything I need to. I don't want to be a fighter when
I have kids. I don't want to drag Olivia to events and parties when she's pregnant.
I smile at the thought of a small, round belly protruding from her t-shirts. A firm
knock on my window forces the way too domesticated thoughts from my head. I'm
beginning to wonder exactly who is the female in

this relationship...Darryl steps away from my door as I open it and I try hard not
to laugh at his 'best dad in the world' pajamas and fail.

"Ha. Ha," he deadpans. "It's hilarious."

He shifts his shirt, pulling it around his shoulders more. "When you have kids,
you'll see how much strength it takes to actually use the gifts your kids buy you
and then I'll be laughing at you."

The corner of his mouth curls upwards and I know he enjoys it more than he lets on.
"Anyway, you never visit me at home, not since the night you almost slept with
Olivia and your mom was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning."

I swing my legs over the edge of my chair and rest my feet on the step. I remember
that night. During the weeks Olivia and I couldn't have sex I remembered that night
over and over, torturing myself. Had I known all of the things I said was going to
end up being a waste of hot air, I would've taken her right then and there, and I
know it would have been the sweetest victory ever-had the hospital not called for
the third time that week, that is.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition
A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)

It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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I shifted in my seat. "Because..." My voice sounds whiny and juvenile, and I hate
it. "Don is an ass and I wanted to hurt him like he hurt Seth."

"You didn't think that maybe Seth would've liked to be the one to bring Daniel's-"

"Don's," I correct her.

"Right-I'm sure Seth would've liked to be the one to bring Don's world down-being
as arrogant and self-important as he is." Mom bites back a smile.

"I hate to say it, honey, but you're the one who owes the apology here."

Mom on team Seth, who would have thought? I sink lower on the couch, instantly
feeling like an idiot. "How do you know when you're right and they're not?"

She chuckles, slapping my arm. "Oh, darling. Lesson one on men, they always think
they're right-especially the fighter types. You want to come out on top?

Don't sweat the small stuff. Let them think they're right. Like your father, Seth
is going to say stupid, hurtful things to you at one time or another, nobody is
perfect. Even the good ones have their moments, but at the end of the day, if they
can make you feel loved beyond anything else, if they show you just how much you
mean to them, then the other things are just bumps in an otherwise smooth

I nod my head. I never thought Mom could ever give me advice I'd agree with.

She's grown so much since Dad's death. I don't even know how to explain it.

We have conversations without arguing-actual full length conversations. I can't

remember the last time we've been so close.

I'll go see Seth at lunch time and apologize for taking the satisfaction of seeing
Don crumble. I can't give it back to him, but hopefully the apology is enough.
Mom leaves the couch and enters the kitchen, allowing me to lie down and stretch
out. My eyes become heavy and I yawn countless times before finally falling asleep.

Three strong knocks rap on the door and my eyes shoot open. It's almost dark, the
living room is two shades from being pitch black. I push myself off the couch and
climb sleepily to my feet. My stomach growls and churns because I haven't eaten
today. Instead of making me hungry, it puts me off the mere thought of food.

There's another knock against the wood and I shuffle slowly towards it. I flick the
light switch on and pull the door open. On the other side of the screen stands Seth
in a white shirt that clings tightly to his chest and arms.

My heart rate instantly skyrockets. Not out of fear or intimidation, but out of
pure unwholesome desires-oh, and the thought of having to apologize to him. He's
going to make it as painful as possible.

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"You're happy to see me, don't deny it." He lowers his gaze to my breasts. "Or at
least your nipples are."

Ignoring my less than impressed expression, he opens the screen and holds it, all
while looking at me like I'm the most amusing thing on the planet.

"You've been asleep this whole time?"

I shrug. "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." But of course he knows that.

Seth's amused expression fades, turning serious. "I won't have us fighting for a
second longer, Olivia." His voice is commanding, like he's ordering me to stop
being mad at him. "All you have to do is tell me I'm-"

"You're right," I interrupt him. "I shouldn't have gone to Don, or at the very
least, I should have told you." I step forward. "And you shouldn't have hurt that
guy to get back at me. That was cruel. Promise me you won't do that again."

He shakes his head. "I can't promise you that." "Seth-"

He leans forward an inch. "I'm not going to promise you something I can't keep.

I can promise you I'll always be here for you or that I'll never be unfaithful to
you, but I can't promise I won't hurt you in other ways. It's what I do, it's who I
am. I have strange outlets and it's how I deal with things."

I hug myself as the cool air brushes along my skin. "But those people do nothing to

"They signed a contract agreeing to be my punching bag wherever and however I

please. If they don't like it, they can always leave."

The fact he's being so careless is beyond me and quite frankly, it pricks at my
frustration levels.

"You know who I am. I've been nothing but honest with you from the start. I won't
change, not now. Not ever."

"I don't want you to change."

"Then what do you want? What can I say-or do-or give you to make you happy?"
I don't want to tell him what will make me happy. I want him to automatically know-
which has to be the stupidest thing I've ever thought because even I don't know
what I want-I want him. I want us to be happy and not act like children.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore. You win."

His face softens in a way that makes me want to squeeze him.

"I love why do I feel like shit right now?" He steps forward and
playfully strokes my arm with his index finger. "Maybe it's the huge puppy dog eyes
you're giving me."

My lips curl into a smile. "Does it make you feel bad?" I ask, flicking my

Seth laughs once. "Yes, actually, it does."

I step aside and Seth crosses the threshold and into the house. Before we settle in
for night, I shut all of the curtains and checked all of the rooms.

Strange. Mom isn't here. I stroll into the kitchen where Seth casually sits on the
counter, drinking a big glass of cool water.

"Your Mom left you a note." He hides his over-confident smile behind his glass as
he takes another mouthful.

Sprawled in elegant handwriting on the whiteboard stuck to the fridge, there's a

message from Mom.


Will be out late tonight. Going on a dinner cruise with your Aunt Kate, remember?

See you tomorrow morning. P.S.Who bit you? Never mind.'

I cringe, slipping my fingers under my cotton shirt and over the flesh Seth sank
his teeth into last night. "Well, that has to be the most awkward note I've ever

Seth laughs, slipping off the counter and coming up behind me. I feel the hard
front of his body graze faintly across my back and my breath hitches as his fingers
curl around the edges of my hair and he pulls it across one shoulder. I take my
fingers from the bite and almost immediately, Seth's lips sensually brush over it.

"I'm sorry I bit you," he murmurs deeply, sending shivers cascading down my spine.
There's something about his low, husky voice that gets me every. Single.


"Don't be sorry," I breathe, my fingers trembling to touch him. "I liked it."

And I did. No word of a lie. The frisson of energy his teeth sent through me as we
both came was intoxicating and something I'd let him do over and over again.

"This is much better." I sigh, relaxing against him. "I don't like fighting with

He smiles against my skin. "Me either, but I don't regret it." "You don't?"
"No. I learned a lot of new things about you." I turn around. "Like what?"
"You're passionate. You're stubborn, and you like it when I fuck you hard." I
almost choke, feeling my cheeks heat immediately. "I do not."
My breath hitches as he comes at me, one hand snatches my wrists and the other
swiftly grabs a handful of my ass. He slams me hard against the fridge and
electrical currents flow through me, pooling in the most sensitive places as he
pins my arms above my head. Embarrassingly, my breathing quickens and I soak my

"Told you," he says.

He doesn't smile-there's no victory to his expression, only darkness- sweet,

arousing, darkness...and I want all of it to myself. Forever.

His mouth finds my neck and he roughly sucks and nips at me, and I grind my hips
against him with urgency. I can feel him hard against his jeans and

pressing eagerly into mine. I'm ready for him to rip my clothes off and take me on
the countertop right now...or at least I am until his phone rings.

He pulls it from his back pocket and slips it onto the counter, all without taking
his mouth from me. I'm more than happy to ignore it. I want all of his attention on
me-where it counts. I hook my finger around the hem of his jeans and almost get the
button undone when his phone rings again. He pulls away with a frustrated groan,
and keeping my arms pinned above me, he grabs his phone.

When he reads the screen he hesitates for a moment.

"California," he mutters, answering it and putting it to his ear. "Hello? Yes.

Visits?" He pauses as the person speaks on the other end. "How is she?" A longer
pause. "Okay. I'll be there the day after tomorrow."

He hangs up and frees my wrists. I wait for him to speak as he rakes his fingers
through his hair and expels an exhale from his lips. "We're going to California."

"We? As in me and you?"

He arches a brow. "No, me and the fridge-of course you and me."

I roll my eyes playfully at his sarcasm. "What about the gym? Who's going

He silences me, pressing a finger against my lips, and bringing the phone back to
his ear. I swat him away and he smiles, tucking his fingers into my jean pocket and
tugging me closer. I laugh once as I push off of him and slip away from his hold.

"Jackson, it's me-everything's fine. I need you to book two tickets to California
for tomorrow afternoon. Yes-and look after the gym for a few days..." Seth frowns.
"Because I'm going to California." He laughs. "Thanks."

I smile. I'm glad they're on good terms again. He slaps his phone against the palm
of his hand. "Jackson has got the gym and Selena will probably help."

"What about your training?"

Seth leans against the kitchen counter crossing his legs at the ankles. "I'm not
going to be able to sort that out over the phone." He groans. "I have to go."

My insides deflate. "Go? You can't go. You were just-we were-I was- really?"
He chuckles, pushing himself off of the counter and circling me in his arms. "I'll
make it up to you, I promise. When we're in California, I'll do whatever you want
me to do to you."

The thought of going to California to see Seth's mother suddenly becomes tolerable.
"Deal, but you better bring your A game."

His hand slips under the fabric of my shirt and around to the small of my back.

"Don't I always?"

I smile. He sure does.

Seth plants a quick kiss on my lips and stalks from the house, locking and closing
my front door behind him. I drop into the couch with a heavy sigh. The thought of
seeing Vanessa again makes me nervous...the last time I saw her, Seth was carrying
her passed out from the police station. She's had finer

moments, I'm sure, and I hope she's better, for his sake. I think it'd do him some
good to have his mom back.

Chapter Nine
Talking to Darryl about skipping on training for a few days is something that had
to be done to his face. He isn't going to like it, but the truth is, I'm fucking
sore. My body aches, my ribs hurt, my face hurts, and I have a constant headache
that's driving me insane.


I can't wait to climb into bed and fall asleep. Unfortunately, Darryl lives on the
other side of town and I have to venture through a million and one traffic lights,
meaning I'm going to be driving for at least forty minutes there and back-not to
mention the long, long conversation I'm going to have with Darryl following my

I roll to a stop outside Darryl's nice family home. It's small, but it gives off a
loving vibe. It doesn't feel cold or emit an unwelcome feeling like my house does
or the ones I grew up in. My parents were hardly home-dinners were always frozen
instead of fresh, leaving the kitchen feeling sterile. There was no warmth of a
freshly cooked meal floating in the air...not that it matters now, I guess. I
didn't really mind, it was all I knew.

When I walked in on Olivia's family dinner months ago, before Rick died, I knew I'd
missed out on so much, but my kids will never have to. That I can guarantee.

I shake my head, ignoring the thoughts. I'm only twenty-four. No need for kids yet-
not until I've accomplished everything I need to. I don't want to be a fighter when
I have kids. I don't want to drag Olivia to events and parties when she's pregnant.
I smile at the thought of a small, round belly protruding from her t-shirts. A firm
knock on my window forces the way too domesticated thoughts from my head. I'm
beginning to wonder exactly who is the female in this relationship...Darryl steps
away from my door as I open it and I try hard not to laugh at his 'best dad in the
world' pajamas and fail.

"Ha. Ha," he deadpans. "It's hilarious."

He shifts his shirt, pulling it around his shoulders more. "When you have kids,
you'll see how much strength it takes to actually use the gifts your kids buy you
and then I'll be laughing at you."

The corner of his mouth curls upwards and I know he enjoys it more than he lets on.
"Anyway, you never visit me at home, not since the night you almost slept with
Olivia and your mom was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning."

I swing my legs over the edge of my chair and rest my feet on the step. I remember
that night. During the weeks Olivia and I couldn't have sex I remembered that night
over and over, torturing myself. Had I known all of the things I said was going to
end up being a waste of hot air, I would've taken her right then and there, and I
know it would have been the sweetest victory ever-had the hospital not called for
the third time that week, that is.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition

A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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I'm not one to beat around the bush, so I tell him. "I'm taking a few days off

His eyebrows draw together and I brace myself for the speech sure to follow.
Surprisingly, they relax back to their natural curve. "Okay."

"Sure." He shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. "You need time to recover and
if you keep going as hard as you did today, it'll take too long." He paused.

"Are you and Olivia still fighting?"

I shake my head. "No, we made up. We're going to California tomorrow to see Mom."

Darryl's eyebrows pull closer to the middle of his forehead again. "Are you sure
that's a good idea so close to a fight? You know how your mother is. You've barely
been anxious since she left."

"I'm not letting her out, Darryl, I'm only going to see her to see if she's made
progress." And because every morning I wake up and she's not in the house, I feel
like the biggest asshole in the world. Support, that's all she needs, but I don't
have time to look after her and me, not now that I'm in the pros. When the season
ends, I'll contemplate signing her release. "And I want Mom and Olivia to spend
some time together."

"Has your mother even met Olivia?"

I nod, almost cringing at the memory. Mom had been drunk on both occasions-calling
Olivia by another girl's name. "I doubt she remembers, but yes."

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"As long as you rest, I don't see the harm in going to California. We're leaving
for Vegas in two days and tomorrow morning, we have a meeting with the authorities
and the MMAC to discuss suing Don and-"

"I don't want to sue him."

He inches closer to me. "You don't want to sue him?"

"I don't want his money. I want him out of fighting-for good. I don't want him to
have the balls to even look at a glove, ever again."

Darryl rubs his forehead with the tips of his fingers. "They're not going to go for
that, they've had their eyes on Don for a while. He's a good fighter, Seth, one
that the company can benefit from."

There's no contest and I won't budge. "Don will never fight in the MMAC again and I
won't tolerate anything less."

"And if they don't give you what you want?"

I shift my weight. "We were attacked outside our gym, unprovoked and unaware.
They'll give me exactly what I ask for."

Darryl shakes his head. "You've yet to have your first fight and you're already
threatening your employers."

I smile. "What can I say? I'm one of a kind." "That's for sure."
My phone buzzes with a text message and I pull it from my pocket to take a look.


Flights booked. You leave day after tomorrow @ 5 a.m.

I slip my phone back into my pocket. "What time is the meeting?" "Nine a.m."
"All right, I'll see you then."

He extends his hand to me and I put mine in his. His long fingers clasp mine in a
firm grip and he tugs me forward, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"See you tomorrow." He releases me. "Who knows, maybe you'll find the right time to
propose to Olivia in California."
I straighten myself in my chair and grip my door. "Maybe."

The thought alone sends dread spiraling through my stomach. I'm freaking out over a
question I'm sure she'll say yes to. A question...that's all it is. It's strange
how something as small as talking can have me paralyzed with fear. I close my door
and start my car. Chatting to Darryl didn't take as long as I expected. I can tell
he needs a break, he seems tired, and a day or two should be plenty of time to
refresh his body and mind. I didn't take it easy on him today-especially after last
night-and I still haven't apologized for getting pissed off at him, but I don't
have to. He won't accept an apology. They make him uncomfortable. He prefers to
forgive and forget with no heartfelt exchanges. That's just who he is.

I contemplate going back to Olivia's house. Knowing her mom is out until God knows
when is tempting...holding Olivia is tempting too, but I need sleep and I'd never
get my much needed sleep in a bed with someone like her-not until I exhaust every
opening and every position.

I pull out of Darryl's street, unsure where to go. I turn right, in the direction
of Olivia's house. Ignoring the 'don't text and drive' sign I pass, I retrieve my
phone from my pocket and send her a text message.


Go home or come to yours?

A few minutes later, she replies. And what a reply it is. I'd set the image she
just sent me as my wallpaper, but such naked perfection is only meant for me.

There's a caption too:

You decide.

In the picture, her dark hair is wet and it drapes down her glistening chest,
barely settling above her gorgeous, pink nipples. I want to see her bottom

half-I want to see water glisten on the other parts of her body. The parts I'd lick
over and over without hesitation. That is my idea of heaven. Now, I'm glad I turned
right instead of left toward my house. Dropping my gaze to my phone routinely, I
text back.


On my way. Don't you dare move.

I drop my phone into the center console and press a little harder on the
accelerator. I don't think I can get there fast enough.

(T-minus three days until Las Vegas)

I enter the gym with Darryl hot on my heels.

"I can't believe you're late-even after I told you we had a meeting this morning."

I hear the annoyance in his steps and I zone it out. I'm not that late-twenty
minutes, give or take a few. He follows me up the stairs, past the office and into
the meeting room-the only room in this entire building I haven't been in.

A long, varnished wooden table complete with big (and no doubt comfortable) chairs.
It's very corporate compared to the old school styling outside of this room. My
eyes drag over the men and woman sitting before me. They don't seem bothered that
I'm late. Then again, with 'suits' you can never really tell.

They have their poker faces perfected.

Darryl steps by me and into the room. "Gentlemen..." he clears his throat. "...and
The caramel haired woman with the large whiskey eyes nods at him, acknowledging his
correction. As Darryl goes back to addressing them, her eyes flick to me and I know
that look. Her eyes are glossy, her cheeks

slightly flushed. Lust. I've seen it a million times and it doesn't really come any
clearer than that. I think she's attractive. I like the way her hair is pulled back
into a loose bun and I like her tight business dress, but the look on her face
doesn't make my stomach clench. I don't want whiskey colored eyes looking at me
from underneath slack, aroused eyelids. I want green...I want long chocolate hair
and perky, natural breasts. Olivia. I want her, no one else.

"Where are we standing on the decision?" I ask.

Darryl steps to the side and I drop into the chair at the head of the table. "Well,
we've come to an agreement with Don's lawyers."
Thomas, MMAC's best lawyer replies, "They're willing to pay a substantial amount of
money to stop this from escalating."

I sit forward in my chair, resting my elbows on the table. "I don't want his

Thomas's thick, dark eyebrows furrow. "Your trainer told us-"

Darryl sighs, cutting him off and sitting in a spare chair. "Forget what I said.
Seth has his own idea about the outcome of this case."
Thomas knows exactly what I want and the stress on his face tells me he doesn't
want to go that way.

"What do you want, Seth?" the woman asks, slipping the end of her pen between her

She knows what she's doing and I'm sure many others have fallen for that whole 'sex
kitten' vibe. Shit. I would have months ago.

"I don't want a single dime from him. I want him gone. No more competitions, no
more training, and no more fights."

Thomas pulls his glasses down the bridge of his nose and off his face, before his
beady blue eyes zero in on me.

"With all due respect, Mr. Marc-"

"Seth," I correct him. Mr. Marc sounds weird.

"Seth, sorry. The MMAC is in need of good fighters. Don Russell is our number two
choice-second to you. He's an asset we'd like to possess when he's earned it."

"You want someone like him to represent the MMAC? Look at my face." I rise to my
feet and tug my shirt up, exposing my darkened ribs. "Look at my ribs.

He isn't a fighter. He's a fucking pussy."

The young guy next to Thomas shifts in his seat and leans closer to mutter
something into his ear. When he pulls away, Thomas clears his throat. "I understand
there was an incident in Boston during the amateur tournament... you hit Mr.
Russell in the face?"

I don't let my eyes waver from him. How does he know that? I thought the tapes were
gone? I lower myself back into my seat. "You're going to have to refresh my

As Thomas glances down, I steal a look at Darryl, whose face is locked on me.

He seems just as surprised.

"Mr. Russell's lawyers have informed us that you attacked him and his lady friend
at the Polaris gentlemen's club in Boston."

Lady friend? I think for a moment and it isn't until Darryl laughs once under his
breath I realize he's talking about Olivia.

"Lady friend? Is that what he called her?" I shake my head. "Don was sexually
harassing my girl. I didn't attack him for no reason. I was protecting her."

"Regardless of what she was to you-"

"Is," I interrupt. "Hm?"

"Is," I say again. "What she is to me. She's still mine."

I say it with a hell of a lot more possession than I intend.

"My mistake," he replies, worried he's overstepped a boundary. "Regardless of what

she is to you, you broke the rules and he looked the other way. Don's lawyers and
the MMAC are asking you to do the same, and they're offering you a substantial
amount of money for it."

I snap. "Rolling over and letting Don Russell fuck me in the ass is not something
I'm willing to do."

I won't budge. Never in a million years will I ever look weak in his eyes again.

He will learn to fucking fear me. Thomas and the MMAC lawyers watch me with
excitement. They enjoy the rivalry, but I don't want them getting any ideas about a
rematch. He doesn't deserve to be in the same ring as me.

Exhaling, Thomas shuts his folder. "We'll have to do another hearing with his
lawyers. You have rights and we don't want to take them away from you, but think
about it. Having Don in the MMAC will benefit you immensely."

I don't reply. I think I've said enough and I'm sick of repeating myself.

They trail out of the room, one after the other until there's no one left but
Darryl and I.

"He's right," Darryl announces after a few long seconds, leaning forward on his
elbows. "Having Don in the MMAC will be good for your career. Spectators love
rivals-it excites them."

"My rivals don't begin and end with Don. I've pissed off a lot of people-I piss off
Junior Moset all the time."
He shrugs. "That's not rivalry. That's a little cocky banter. As far as I know, you
haven't slept with his girlfriend. No one hates you like you Don hates you."

Darryl laughs loudly, making me smile. "And he hates you so fucking much."

I shift in my seat. "He has to go. I want to humiliate him-to break him into tiny
little pieces."

"And the ring is the perfect place to do it. You're in the pros now. Every fight
you're in will be broadcast to millions of viewers. You've beat Don before. Do it
again. Do it over and over until he begs you to leave him alone."

I lean back in my chair. I was right about them being comfortable, that's for sure.
"You don't understand. It isn't about beating him anymore. I've done that.

It's about closing old chapters and moving forward. I don't want Don in the MMAC
because I'm in the MMAC, which means Olivia will see him frequently.

She knows why Don hates me, and I don't want her to get hurt because of something I
did before I met her."

"So this is about Olivia?"

I begin to nod, but change my mind and start to shake my head. "It's about moving
forward. I've changed and I don't want to be associated with the person I used to

Darryl sighs. "They're not going to give you what you want. You know that, right?"

I know that and I fucking hate it.

"Call my lawyers and have them call the MMAC. They need to be reminded of the
rules. Don is out."

Chapter Ten
My car rolls to a stop outside Seth's house. Thankfully, neither Jackson nor
Selena's car is at the front and I'm hoping they've gone somewhere else for the
night. Seth has told me all about his lovely plan for us-dinner by the pool, wine,
and a swim. I'm excited. My blood flows rapidly through my veins, causing my head
to spin like I've already ingested alcohol. I didn't bring anything to swim in-I
did it on purpose, too. I've never swum naked before in my life, even when Selena
insisted it was cool and routinely did it in her pool.

For me, being naked in a swimming pool just isn't something that I'm into- not
until now, that is. I slip from the car and approach the front door. I tug on the
hem of my dress, hating that I chose to wear something so short and skipping on the
underwear. It barely hits mid-thigh and I feel the loose, flowing fabric sweep
across my backside. The dress is a nice royal blue and cuts low, exposing the sides
of my breasts. I bought the dress two days ago. A little while back, Seth and I
went shopping. He really liked the dress, but I insisted it was too 'out there.' I
went back the next day and bought it, hoping we'd have a secluded moment so I could
wear it for him. I decided to wear my hair up in a

messy bun tonight, too. If there's one thing I hate about swimming pools, it's
getting chlorine in my hair. It makes it go all dry and stringy-not sexy, at all.

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To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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I open the door and step inside. A delicious smell filters through my nose and my
mouth instantly waters. Whatever he's cooking, it smells amazing. I don't pay
attention to the dim lighting as I make my way toward the kitchen. My legs aren't
going off orders from my brain, but from my stomach. It wants to fill itself with
the delicious basil and tomato scent.

When I enter the kitchen, it's clean, only the warmth of a freshly cooked meal
lingers in the air. I scan the room and wait a few seconds. Still no Seth. As I'm
about to step toward the living room to sit and wait for him, I notice the back
door is open and I instinctively make my way towards it. I hear the sounds of
cutlery clashing against porcelain and a curse word fall from his lips. He's in the
pool yard, prepping our dinner. My heart flutters. I never expected Seth to be the
cooking type. I mean, he obviously has to make crazy meals to keep his nutrition
up, but cooking for two? It can't be something he's done before. I follow the
stepping stones up to the gate and peer through the bars. The mere sight of him
sends my heartbeat sky- rocketing-loose jeans and a tight tee-my favorite. I like
the way it stretches over his back, showing every line of

muscle. He adjusts the huge bowl of pasta, shifts a chair and moves a glass of
wine. He steps back and puts his hands on his hip, analyzing it. With a frustrated
'humph' he shifts the bowl back to its original position and pushes the second,
wide chair away. As he nods approval to himself, I open the gate

and it screeches. Slowly, he looks over his shoulder, his eyes immediately zeroing
in on my legs.

"Don't you look..." His lips twitch as he recognizes the dress. "...edible."

I feel my skin burn under his intense gaze and if it wasn't for my stomach
growling, I would have skipped the meal and gone straight for dessert.

"You cooked." I smile. "It smells amazing."


Seth's lips curl into a proud smirk and he turns his body around to face me front
on. "I did. I made one gigantic bowl of pasta for us to share."

He's looking at me like I should say something and I bite back a laugh. "Okay."

"Okay? I thought you'd be a little more excited than that." I scratch my head.
"Over a bowl of pasta?"
He laughs and the sound is so rough it sends goosebumps rippling over the surface
of my skin. There are no words to describe the way someone's laugh elevates you
higher than the clouds and no, Seth Rogen's laugh doesn't count,

no matter how glorious it is and no matter how many times you set it as your
notification tone and text yourself over and over just to hear it. I didn't do
that...okay I did, but it was only my message tone for two days before I realized
I'd crossed the 'sane' line and frolicked dangerously on the edge of

'bat-shit crazy.'

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It's strange how my body reacts to him. Last night, after I sent Seth the picture
of me fresh out of the shower, he came over and spent the night with me. We didn't
have sex...but he did spend most of the night with his face between my legs. Over
and over and over he made me come...I thought I'd be set on the orgasm front for a
few days, but seeing him now, laughing and trying being all romantic, moistens me.
I can feel it, slick and wet between my thighs.

"You've seen Lady and the Tramp, right?" he asks. "Sure."

"Well, girls love Lady and the Tramp." He's almost proud of himself.

I laugh once at his reference to the iconic movie, famous for the 'pasta kiss.'
"Says who?"
"Selena was watching it when I got home this afternoon. She said you two have
watched it a million times."

"Yeah," I agree. "When we were twelve."

Seth rolls his eyes and places himself in his seat. "Do you want to share a bowl of
pasta with me or not?"

"I'd love to." I stroll over to the empty chair and as I'm about to drop into it,
Seth clicks his tongue in a disapproving way. "That's not your seat."

I pause mid-squat. "Where do I sit?"

His thick fingers nonchalantly tap his knee. "Right here."

I quirk a brow. "Wait, who's the tramp here? I don't think a lady would sit on a
man's knee at the dinner table."
His eyes flare, apparently enjoying the banter. "Sit on my knee before I bend you
over it."

I comply because I know he's a man of his word. I slip onto his knees and he pulls
me right into his chest, inching the glass table closer to us. I inhale subtly as
his smell engulfs me. It's that clean, fresh out of the shower smell
-the kind of smell that filters through your nose and lingers at the back of your
throat, igniting your blood. You swallow hard in an attempt to quench the desire to
lick the flesh the scent emanates from, only you can't. Nothing extinguishes the
craving, not until the skin becomes slick with your saliva as your tongue glides
over it ever so smoothly.

He twirls his fork in the delicious chaos of pasta and sauce before bringing it to
my lips. I open my mouth and he puts it in. I glance backwards at him and

his eyes are locked on my mouth. They watch closely as my lips wrap around the food
and I pull it off the fork.

"Are you ready for California tomorrow?" I nod, chewing my food. "You?"
"Yeah." He spins the fork in the pasta, pulling a forkful out for himself.

I look around the pool yard. It really is beautiful. The lights are all on, giving
the pool a beautiful, forbidden glow. Right now, I feel like I'm in the jungle
somewhere, near a hidden location untouched by anyone else. The rocks that house
the lights look real. The blue water looks like it's glowing, and there's a chorus
of chirps from crickets that make it all that much more believable.

The pasta doesn't get finished, which makes Seth happy. It turns out he's a big fan
of reheated foods, not me. It's fresh or nothing. When he takes the leftovers to
put in the kitchen, I whip my dress over my head and unclip my bra. When he comes
back, I'm naked and waiting to get in the pool. As he opens the gate, he stops
abruptly, his eyes completely glued to my naked body. I bite back a smile as his
stare darkens and he pulls his t-shirt off in a single, fluid move. All of his hard
muscles and tattoos are exposed to me and I try hard not to faint into the pool.
Without saying a word, he stalks toward me-his naughty intent clear in his eyes and
he doesn't stop until his warm torso is pressed firmly against mine, sending white
hot arousal to every tip in my body-head, toes, fingers-you name it, it's there. My
body buzzes as his eyes remain locked on mine while his thick fingers travel down
my stomach before slipping right into my wetness. His free arm surrounds me,
pulling me tightly against him and he lowers his mouth to my ear.

"You're so fucking wet," he growls, firmly touching me.

His voice, low and husky, vibrates through my body and I almost shiver. I groan in
agreement and he chuckles darkly once under his breath. The sound sends a stronger
arousal, pure and unmatched by any other feeling, rocketing through my system.

"We shouldn't be doing this outside," I say, although I have no intention of


This time, I shiver as his mouth moves to my ear and the very edge of his plump lip
brushes against it. "We should and we will."'

The first stroke of his fingers causes me moan. It's loud, low and unbelievably
shameless. It's a sound I shouldn't have made outside, but my care-factor for being
seen or heard is suddenly below zero.

Freeing myself from his pull, I step backwards, making my way down the steps of the
pool. The warmish water laps at my ankles and then my shins. I move backwards,
maintaining eye contact with the beast waiting on the sidelines who's watching me
closely like I'm his next meal. When the water breaks against my shoulders I stop,
waiting for Seth to make his next move. There's a small smile on the corner of his
lips as he pulls his belt off and tosses it to the side. I catch my lip in between
my teeth as he pops the button on his jeans and drags down the zipper. I sink lower
in the water, up to my neck-until my hard breathing causes the surface to ripple.

In one swift movement, Seth is naked-all of him on show-and he likes it.

Quickly and with absolute purpose, he makes his descent into the water, barely
flinching at the cool temperature. When he's shoulder deep and a short distance
away from me, my body heats up and the water isn't enough to cool

me down. I'm certain if Seth doesn't put his hands on me right now, I'm going to

When he finally does reach me, I realize I've backed all the way up to the wall and
now my backside is pressing hard against the smooth pebbles. Seth lowers himself so
he's eye level with me and his hands grip the edge of the pool, either side of my

The glow of the pool darkens his features and I drag my gaze over his jet black
hair, dark eyes, the healing cut on his cheek and finally, a set of full lips-all
of them are only a few painful inches away from me. Thankfully, he decides to close
the distance and bring his mouth to mine. Surprisingly, the kiss is at a much
slower pace than what I was expecting-it's sensual and stokes the small flames
inside me. Without breaking the kiss, his hands drop

from the edge of the pool and slip onto the nape of my neck. As soon as they touch
my flesh, they begin their descent over my shoulders, down my arms, and circle my
waist. I inch closer to him, reveling in the sensation of his bare, rough hands on
my exposed skin. Even in the silky water his hands feel rough and invigorating.

A small quiver rolls down my spine and I feel his lips twitch before he pulls his
head back to look at me.

"I love the way you react to me." Ever so slowly, the hands that hold my waist
glide higher again, until his thumb brushes against the swell of my breast.


He nods once, smiling his beautiful smile. "Yeah."

Seth leans closer to me, bringing his gorgeous lips right by my ear. I listen
closely and he moans his own name, mimicking me, and a jolt of embarrassed energy
frissons through me. I shove him backwards.

"Seth!" I squeal, feeling my face heat up. "Don't!"

I can see it on his face-the way his playful expression leers at me-he loves the
reaction I'm giving him.

"Oh, Seth," he says in his best 'Olivia' voice. "I fucking love that. Do it again."

"Seth!" I try really hard to sound threatening and not amused by his taunting, but
it's just not working.

"You're the best I've ever had," he continues, boosting his ego sky high. "Harder.
He knows he's the best I've had and he loves it. I launch forward, wrapping my arms
around his neck and pulling him against me. "You need to stop before I drown you."

"You don't like hearing how sexy you sound?" His hands travel down to my backside
and he lifts me, forcing me to wrap my legs around his hips.

"It's not sexy-at least not when you repeat it back to me in that horrible tone."

"Horrible tone? I'm so good at impersonating you that I gave myself a boner."

I almost choke on a laugh and attempt to push off of him, only he squeezes me
harder against him and I can't get away.

"You are a piece of work, you know that? I sound nothing like that. You-"

His glorious lips cut me off and my eyes flutter shut on instinct. Such a typical
Seth move, thinking he can shut me up with his mouth. I'll show him

In a minute...

...when his mouth stops feeling so damn amazing.

My brain wants to contest Seth, to fight him for being so pert, but my lady parts
want other things and they know exactly how to silence my brain.

My hands whip through his hair, following the orders of my hormones instead of my
brain. They slide over his strong shoulders, the defined muscles of his back and
down his solid arms. He kisses me down my neck and continues on his familiar route
to my collarbone-I love it when he kisses my collarbone. At the apex of my thighs,
I can feel his length waiting patiently for us to get the show on the road. Any
second now...I don't think I can hold out for much longer.

I roll my head to the side and watch the water glisten on the dark marks of Seth's
tattoos. My arms surround his neck again, and I hold him close to me.

Underneath, I feel him lining himself up and no more than a second later, he shoves
himself inside of me. I gasp in euphoric shock as my body enlivens with erotic
sensations. Even though I knew it was coming, I forgot the

indescribable feeling that comes with being completely filled by him. He keeps his
mouth on my neck as he grips my ass, pulling our hips as close as possible.

He's so deep, striking all of the chords in the very back of my depths causing
bursts of heat to explode throughout my body.

"Fucking...hell..." He breathes against my skin before hanging his head back.

I watch him, completely mesmerized by his parted lips and his muscular chest that
heave with his strained breaths.

A wave of lust hits me with the full force of a tsunami behind it and without
thinking I lean forward and press my open mouth to his neck. I lick his skin and
feel his throat vibrate underneath my tongue.

"Bite me," Seth rasps and I don't hesitate. Not for a second.

I bite down on his neck and the growl that erupts from Seth sends heat shooting
through my veins in steady bursts. My muscles clench and I scream into his shoulder
as my stomach rolls with familiar waves, and I swear to God white lights blind my

When I come back to, I realize I'm pressed against the edge of the pool. I release
Seth, lean backwards and rest my elbows on the dark edges of the concrete. He holds
my hips and I look up at him as the water laps over our bodies as he thrusts into
me. His dark eyes are on my breasts before they flick to my face.

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A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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He half smiles, half catches his lip between his teeth. "So sexy." Advertisement
Seth draws his body closer to mine and my back grazes against the rocks with every
thrust, sending new waves of lust through me. He begins to groan and swear under
his breath with every second thrust. I can tell by his face and his erratic
movements that he's close.

"Fuck, baby," Seth grips my shoulder, pulling me off the edge of the pool and right
into him. I manage a sharp intake of air before he slams his mouth to mine and the
moment our tongues rush to entwine, he groans harshly, crushing me to him. His hips
move in an unsteady rhythm, his fingers digging roughly into my flesh. I hear his
growls soften and eventually die down to relieved moans and satiated sighs. As my
own waves of bliss begin to fade, the mere thought of snuggling up to Seth in bed
sounds like an amazing idea.

His mouth slips from mine and he nuzzles my neck, kissing it softly. When his grip
on me loosens, I slip away from him, planting my feet on the floor of the pool. I
attempt to pass him, to leave the water and gather my dress, but

before I get anywhere, he grabs my elbow and pulls me right back to him. His lips
part, drawing my gaze, and he purses them in thought.

"Are you okay?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah, I just-" He almost smiles, but behind the smile I see the frustration. "It
can wait."

I feel my brows draw together. "You sure?"

He seemed pretty conflicted a second ago, but now all traces of it are gone.
He releases me and I linger for a few seconds before continuing my way to the

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When I emerge from the water, the warm air is suddenly cool and unwanted. I glance
over my shoulder at Seth. He's completely submerged himself under the water and by
the time he resurfaces, I've already slipped my dress over my body. It clings to my
wet skin as I lean lazily against the fence with my hands tucked tightly underneath
my armpits in an effort to warm them.

I blink a few times in order to stay awake. My eyes threaten to shut and the only
thing keeping them open is the stunning mass of muscle that rises from the pool. I
swear my world goes slo-mo while I watch him roughly rake his fingers through his
hair, making it look all disheveled and sexy. That's not all that caught my
attention, either. My eyes roam his perfect form-like they did the first time I
ever laid eyes on him. 'My mouth goes dry and I want to run my lips over his moist
throat. I'm suddenly aware of a strange, searing heat across the back of my neck
and an electrical current I've never felt before tingles.' I smile. It's nice to
see nothing has changed. I don't think I'll ever get used to his unadulterated

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll take you for round two."

I push off the fence and lick my bottom lip. It feels cold and numb. I really hope
it's not blue. "We have to get up early tomorrow, remember?"

He shrugs. "If we miss it, we'll book another flight." He smiles a cocky smile.

"I'm sure it'll be worth it."

I bend over, pulling Seth's shirt off the ground and tossing it to him. "I've never
been on a plane before and I'm excited, so, if you make me miss it, I'm going to
kill you."

He ditches the shirt and reaches for his jeans, putting one leg in after the other.

He pulls them up and buttons them low on his hips. As he finishes, he extends his
hand to me and I take it. My skin warms up in his and I can't wait to get upstairs
and have his entire body heat radiate onto me.

In Seth's room, I dump the dress in the bathroom and quickly run a towel over my
body, drying up all of the little beads of water that are chilling me down to my

I drop the towel and stalk back into the bedroom, stopping halfway to the bed.

My eyes widen a fraction as they settle on Seth and all of his damp glory casually
lying in the bed.

"You're wet."
Wet is a little bit of an exaggeration. The air had almost dried him completely
before we got into the house, save for a small spattering of drops over his chest
and arms.

He flashes me another one of those smiles. "I believe that's my line."

I try not to smile, but I'm sure the awkward pout on my lips as I shake my head had
already given away the fact that I want to.

Seth chuckles as he rolls the sheets down to his naked hips. "Get in here."

I rapidly rush to the light switch and flick it off before diving into bed. Seth's
arms circle me, immediately drawing me into him and my chest flutters.

I like this.

I like the way we're connecting. When we were fighting and lying in the bed,
ignoring each other, I felt empty and I never want to feel like that again. With
Blade, I fell asleep alone and angry more times than I can count... that's not a
relationship. What we had was an inconvenient routine I couldn't shake and I'll be
damned if I let another relationship go down that path. When I'm in bed with Seth,
I want to touch him-to feel his skin against mine. I want to feel overwhelmed by
love-so overwhelmed that it exhausts me and I fall asleep in his arms. That is a
relationship. That is love.

Seth buries his face in my damp hair and kisses me. "I love you," he whispers and
it makes my heart stutter.

As silly as it sounds, I forget he loves me. It's hard to believe someone who walks
around commanding so much attention with his acute cockiness, hard muscles, and
tattoos would ever let someone like me to bring him to his knees-and make no
mistake, I bring him to his knees. I bring him to his knees, hard.

I shuffle backwards, pressing my body harder into his. "I love you, too."

In the silence that follows, I think about our trip to California. I've never been
on a plane before-I've always wanted to go on one, but believe it or not, I was a
very dedicated worker before Seth came along. I never took a day off for

anything. I don't know what happened...Seth stalked into my life and scrambled my
internal wiring. Since then, I haven't been the same and I'm okay with that. When
you meet someone who makes your entire body buzz with only a curl of their lips,
you can't escape it. You become drawn to it,

forgetting everything that's supposed to matter to you. Seth became my sun and I
gravitated around him-I still do, and like the sun, there's still so much to learn
about Seth. I know he's big and beautiful, but I also know he's fiery and
unpredictable. In California, I think I'm going to be seeing a lot more of the
fiery, negative Seth. He's always moody when it comes to his mother- or at least he
was when I first met him. He was always in the gym, punching out his frustrations.

His mother, Vanessa, is a very hard woman to read. I've only met her once and on
both occasions she was drunk off her ass, both confusing and frustrating me with
her violent mood swings, not to mention the fact she calls me by a different girl's
name every time I see her. A nervous feeling twists my stomach.

Vanessa's going to be mad Seth had her sent away...maybe I can sit out visiting
her? No. I can't do that. Seth will need my support and that's why I'm going...
For him.

The need for sleep fades and I find myself wide awake long after Seth's breathing
evens out and my body bears the weight of his arm. His breathing is slow and heavy,
sounding totally at peace. I wish the sudden bout of anxious nausea would go away
so I can sleep. The last thing I want is to look like crap visiting Seth's mom
tomorrow. I want her to like me-to think I'm worthy of her son. Hell, I'll even go
as far as to say I want her to be proud of Seth for finding

a girl like me. I'm not one to brag, but comparing myself to Cassie (the girl Seth
slept with before me), I'm a catch. Sure she was hot, but she's hardly the kind of
girl you can bring home to your Mama-not unless you want to be accused of hiring a
date from an expensive escort service.

Seth sighs sleepily, pulling me from my thoughts, and I stifle a yawn as sleep
slowly claims me. I shift forward, hoping to roll onto my stomach, but Seth's hand
clenches my stomach, holding me in place. I smile. Even in his sleep he has to have
me close.

I wish he'd ask me to marry him already. I know that's what he's been trying to do
for the past few weeks. Only one question makes a guy that nervous. Seth is
uncensored. He says what he wants when he wants and I find it cute that he's scared
of my response. I don't know why, surely he knows it's going to be yes-a million
times yes! I'm impatient. I want him to be all mine. I want his last name-to carry
his children-you name it, I want it.

And all he has to do is ask.

I lean lazily against his car and yawn as Seth pays the meter. Apparently, you can
leave your car at the airport, who knew? I'd never do it, not these days, anyway.
Seth, however, has no problems leaving his car. He doesn't have to, though. Jackson
offered to drop us off and pick us up, but Seth insisted we do it alone. Not
surprising, he's never been one to want help.

After he pays, we enter the airport, do all of the lame, time-consuming obligations
like waiting in line and checking in as well as waiting an hour and half before we
can even board the gigantic plane. As I sit in the plane awaiting take off, my
pulse quickens. It sped up when we arrived at the airport, it

quickened even more when we had our necessary IDs checked and it was violently
slamming against my ribs as we boarded the plane. Through it all, Seth rubbed my
lower back and gave me small squeezes of reassurance and it helped, a little.

Flying to another state is exhausting-the packing, the early morning, the driving,
the waiting-it's all too much. Beside me, Seth shifts closer, putting his hand on

"Relax," he tells me, giving a slight lopsided smirk. "There can't be two anxious
messes on the plane."

I study his face and the slow rise and fall of his chest. Neither betrayed any sign
of the anxiousness he apparently feels inside.

"You don't like flying?"

"God, no. I'd much rather have both my feet firmly planted on the ground, but
sometimes, we have to do things we hate." His smirk widens. "And this is one of
those things."
A tall, lanky stewardess with beautiful auburn hair slips by us and strolls into a
small room at the front of the plane.

"Try not to freak out or they'll throw you off the plane."

I lean into him, whispering. "What? They'll kick me off? Just like that?"

Seth is enjoying this. The amused expression on his face says so and he licks his
lips to hide a smile. "Yep, so behave."

I relax back into my seat and try to come off as uncaring and cool, but I can't
help tapping my fingertips along the hem of my skirt, occasionally touching my bare
thigh. Seth chose my outfit for today-a tight, black business skirt and a light
pink silk blouse with a frilly collar. I planned on saving this outfit for dinner
if we go out, but Seth couldn't wait that long to see me in it and demanded I wear
it today. I'd be happier in a pair of sweatpants and a plain tee. Isn't that what
people wear on planes? Comfortable clothes?

I drag in a deep inhale and reach to open the window. We aren't in the sky yet, but
I figure if I face my fear head on and watch our ascent, then I'll be ready for the
flight. Before my fingers curl around the handle of the blind, Seth whips across,
grabbing my wrist. I gasp as he pulls my hand away from it.

"Settle down, daredevil." He chuckles. "You might want to conquer your fears, but
I'm fine hiding from mine." He lets me go. "Please don't open the blind."

Am I trying to hide a skeptical smile? I think I am. "You're that scared? I'm sure
it's beautiful."

He nods his head, unashamed. "Yes, I am that scared. We're going to be very, very
high up-tens of thousands of feet-and I don't care how beautiful it is, it's a
sight I never want to see."

I'm itching to open the blinds now. I want to see the thoughts of the
fluffy white clouds are interrupted by the pilot's voice. I barely pay attention to
what he's saying. All I can focus on is the erratic pulse of my heart. A few
minutes and a dozen safety announcements later, we're racing down the runway and
officially on our way to California.

(T-minus two days until Las Vegas) My body is charged with excitement and a sense
of self-accomplishment as we drive away from the airport in an SUV Seth rented. I
went on an airplane for the first time! I don't care how childish I sound, it was
amazing and when Seth went to the toilet, I even peeked out the window.

Seamless. Serene. Surreal.

Those are the only words I have to describe what I saw. I want to see it again and
I want to take photos of it, to remember exactly how perfect it was. I pull down
the visor and check my hair in the mirror, not bad considering I was squishing it
against the headrest of a chair for a couple of hours.

I peek sideways at Seth, his eyes focus on the road and I notice his hands grip the
steering wheel off and on again, over and over.

"Nervous?" I ask, placing a hand on his jean-clad thigh.

He drops his hand from the steering wheel and takes my hand in his.
Strangely, the gesture sends a million and one flutters up my arm and directly into
my chest.

"I don't know." He moistens his lips and keeps his gaze out the front windscreen.
"This can go really well...or it can be a total fuck up."

"If it goes well?" I wonder aloud. "We'll take her home with us." "And if it's a
fuck up?"
He ponders for a second and his jaw clenches imperceptibly. "She stays."

I analyze his face. He doesn't like that idea and I can tell he's conflicted. He
wants to bring his mother home, but not until she's better and I pray for his sake
that she is.

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P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) A Ruthless Proposition
A Husband's Regret (Unwanted #2) Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1) Mine Till
Midnight (The Hathaways #1)
It Ends with Us

Married By Morning (The Hathaways #4)

A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland Saga #1) Whitney, My Love (Westmoreland Saga #2)
Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways #3)
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Table of Contents
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Seven Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Chapter Nine Chapter Ten

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