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The Beginnings of the Empire

Excerpt from the memory orb of Kyliisia,
First Oracle of Asaaran Ithiir (est. –5450 OC):
The coming of Isiithua hearkened the great-
ness that was Asaii Tthul, the Asaatth Empire.
The witch-queen shared her sorcery with her
great generals and warmasters. Armies of asaatthi
descended upon the other races with the wrath
of a people denied their birthright and confined
for centuries to the dark recesses of Scarn. Using
the gifts granted by the Serpent Queen, Isiithua
fell upon the surface tribes, destroying or en-
slaving them with ease. She then called forth
rain from the heavens, bringing life-giving wa-
ter to the surface of Scarn. In the years that
followed, the great sorcerers of the war became
queens of the myriad cities of Asaii Tthul.
It is in the cities, with their politics and
infrastructure, that the empire truly shines. I
was born in Asaaran Ithiir, the Serpentmount.
Perched high atop the tallest mountains of the
continent, asaatthi of this city watch over the
entirety of our empire. In the century between
the founding of the city and my birth into the
empire, the six great cities were erected, raised
through complex engineering assisted with pow-
erful sorceries. Each city is ruled by a descendant
of the first witch. Through the blessings of
Mormo and their own powerful witchery, each
of these queens enjoys great longevity.
Each of the six cities pursues a different
type of magic. Jor Ithiil specializes in climate
magic to protect its inhabitants from the bitter
cold. The residents of Ithiis Iilnaseetth are adept
at the enchantment of jewels and art. In Asaaran
Ithiir, the magic used for commerce and travel
is considered supreme.
Though asaatthi as a whole excel in the art
of wizardry, the citizens of my city stand as first
among equals. The Serpentmount serves as the
hub of the empire. The city itself is perched
beneath one of the greatest peaks in the Kelders,
encircled by a wall to keep out the lesser races.
This wall has no entrances, but at five points
equidistant around the wall are great gates that
transport travelers to the other five cities. From
here, our citizens can travel to literally any place
imaginable. Our city streets sprawl in all direc-
tions, sometimes ending in portals that lead to
distant parts of the city. The structures here
tend to be small and decorative, as asaatthi of
importance keep only façades in the city, each
of which holds little more than a meeting room,
a portal to the owner’s actual residence and
quarters for the lesser races who act as servants.
An asaatth’s true home is hollowed out in the

Filippo Riva (free product) 82.50

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