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Research based essay

Unique number: 645537

Compulsory: Yes

Due date: 13 April 2023

Technology use in education,can affect students learning both positively and negatively,this often
results in preparing students for the future,providing students with more valid knowledge,limited
outcomes and increasing laziness.

The learning children do in school Prepares them for the future.Technology use has evolved
tremendously throughout the years,and will continue to do so.By learning to use technology at a
young age,children are developing skills and knowledge that is essential in todays world.This also
develops students self controll which includes managing time and dedicating themselves on their
studies since they cannot have face to face studies with their tuitors.The use of technology allows
students to study at their own pace in order for them to manage their studies,since no child is the
same.Online students are also motivated by the learning system to learn and study hard,because
learning to use the system enhances their self esteem and it becomes interesting then they want to
know more,increasing their skills in technology use on education.

Additional resources for students,study videos,portable technologies,study apps and interactive

activities provide students with a nearly endless supply of information and resources.The use of
educational technologies including online classes,accessing books and articles via e readers influnce
constant learning to students.It is important for students to be able to aquire information on the
internet all by themselves.The use of technology increases a learners ability to obtain skills and
knowledge.Technology use is changing from time to time,in my mind i believe it is our future
world.There is nothing we can search and not find on the internet today,im talking about any
information about anything that exists in this world we live in.Today im able to do my studies online
while im still at home,this showed me that with the internet we can still accomplish good things and
achieve our dreams in life without having to leave our homes and families.

Online learning can make a student feel less connected to his or her studies,and that may results in a
lack of students interaction with their studies.Students may not dedicate themselves in their studies
because of the ubsense of face to face learning with their tuitors we can say it is less effective.Students
who do not actively engage with their studies will eventually fail their modules,this can lead them into
commiting plagiarism since most of the information of online learning is found on the
internet.Maintaining self motivation for online courses is another problem students are facing.Students
who lack self motivation and independence had reduced succes rates as compared to their counter
parts[Sarkar, 2012].Learners who lack self control have a tendency of submiting their assignments late
or not completing their assignments at all.
Technology use provide students with a lot of information which is easily acceceble and this decreases
their level of thinking.Online students aquire a lot of information they need on the internet within
seconds,that makes them to not learn more effectively.This also increases laziness bacause when you
know you can do your essay at the last minute by just looking it up online,you will not use creativity to
make your work different and unique from others.The use of technology requires students to be highly
addictive of it like participating in group studies and brainstorming with other students.This makes
students want to stay isolated and work on their own.The Laziness of students towards technology use
for learning leads to distruction,the are so many inappropriate things online that can attract
students.When students spend too much time using technology they can come accross such things and
easily access them wasting the school data bundles supplied for students learning.Such distructions
affects students'learning and can be too dangerous.

The use of technology can affect students'learning in many ways,both positively and negatively.It is all
about how an individual commit themselves in their studies.


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