Author(s) Declaration IJPSL

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**Kindly read all clauses carefully
**All authors must sign this declaration as a pre-publication requisite


1. I/We confirm that the manuscript has been read and accepted by all the undersigned authors and that
there is no other person who satisfies the criteria for authorship for this manuscript.

2. I/We hereby state that I/we are the sole owner of this manuscript and hereby declare its originality. This
contribution, made by me/us, is neither under consideration for publication nor is published elsewhere in
print/electronic form in English or any other language. I/We have not assigned the copyright to publish
this manuscript to any other journal.

3. I/We confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and all the
known concerns have been informed to the International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law (IJPSL).

4. I/We assign all the copyright of this manuscript to the International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law
(IJPSL) and its publisher, wherever required in any language/form including all media, and exclusive right
to use the matter for the life of the work. Published may assign its rights under this Agreement. I/We
confirm that I/we have taken permission from the copyright holder and acknowledged all the sources.

5. I/We represent that I/we have taken the permission from my/our University/Employer/Project
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the International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law (IJPSL).

6. The author(s) also state that my/our manuscript does not infringe on the right of others and does not
contain any libellous or unlawful statements. I/We also verify that all the changes have been made with
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7. Only I/we are responsible for the impact/outcomes of my/our publication decision and I/we will not ask
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8. In case of refusal of my/our publication by my/our University/Employer/Project

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9. In case of a paper by multi-authored article, I/corresponding author(s) have obtained permission to enter
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thoroughly read and agreed with the above warranties and authorization.

10. I/We accept that in case of any Copyright Infringement claim being filed and proven against my/our
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complete rights to remove my/our publication from the index immediately without prior notice and I/we
will neither ask for a refund nor pursue any legal action against said personalities or the International
Journal of Policy Sciences and Law (IJPSL), for the same.

11. I/We agree to indemnify the Editors/Publisher of the International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law
(IJPSL), against all claims or action arising from any breach of warranty on my/our behalf in this agreement.

12. I/We accept all the terms and conditions mentioned in the Author(s) Declaration, specified on the
website and/or introduced to me/us via email by the International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law
(IJPSL) regarding our manuscript.
NAME OF ALL THE AUTHOR(S): __________________________________________________________________________

SIGNATURE OF ALL/THE AUTHOR(S): ____________________________________________________________________

CONTACT NUMBER OF THE AUTHOR(S): ________________________________________________________________

UNIQUE MANUSCRIPT ID: ___________________________________

TITLE OF THE MANUSCRIPT: _____________________________________________________________________________

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