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TRIGRAM T1 H3 Interrogation Questions

Trial 1 Interrogation Answers

1. What is your family structure like?

A: Me, my mother and my father. Both my father’s parents also live with us.

2. Do you have strong emotions?

A: No. Never did either, at least to my knowledge.

3. What do you think of TRIGRAM’s system?

A: I do not particularly care. I am more concerned with the ability of the warden
to make their decision based on more than impulsive feelings. By all means,
you do not seem to be the type that can actually understand those who are
different from you.

4. How do you define “Evil”?

A: “Evil” is being useless, if not only harmful to oneself and others, and not
doing something about it. As well as someone who refuses to change despite
knowing they should.

5. What is a skill you excel at?

A: I excel in any academic subject. I have also been told that I am good at
taking action.

6. If you could leave TRIGRAM, where would you go?

A: The police.

7. What are your relationships with the other prisoners like?

A: I do not talk very much with them. Most of them seem sketchy, or just

8. Do you prefer honesty or kindness?

A: Obviously someone who is honest. I assume this question defines “kindness”
as not telling people your honest opinion in fear of hurting them. I do not
support such an idea of kindness.
To be dishonest just to please someone inhibits their growth, and makes your
relationship one that is built on lies. Eventually, the person lied to will be even
more displeased, and rightfully so, than if you had just been honest.

9. Do you think it is important to make your parents proud?

A: No. Parents can be wrong on what you should do or who you should be after
One should strive to be proud of oneself first and foremost. Even if nobody
else is.

10. How do you see yourself?

A: I consider myself a child, who still needs to learn a lot about the world. I do
not think I am particularly smart, it is rather that the people I have the
misfortune of being surrounded with are not doing their best, and therefore
simply cannot keep up with someone who actually tries.
I want to make the most of my childhood years because I know that, if I fail to
do so, I will suffer greatly in the future. That is all.

11. How was your life before you committed murder?

A: I already told you I did not commit murder.

12. What is your fondest memory?

A: When I got accepted into my current school. It is all due to my intellectual
abilities that I am able to go to such a prestigious school.
If I am expelled or have to repeat a year thanks to this nonsense, you will take

13. Do you think there should be restrictions on who you love?

A: Yes, of course.

14. What is something you deem "unforgivable"?

A: What I described to be “evil” in answer No. 4:
Being useless, if not only harmful to oneself and others, and not doing
something about it. As well as someone who refuses to change despite
knowing they should.

15. Do you think your murder was avoidable?

A: I already told you I did not commit murder.

16. If you could discard any emotion, which would you choose?
A: Whatever emotions make people decide that not doing what they should
and or have to do was acceptable.

17. What is a trait you dislike in other people?

A: Irresponsibility

18. What are your hobbies?

A: Learning
19. Do you believe it is okay to lie?
A: Yes, if you have enough reason to assume that someone would stop you
from doing what you need to do, it only makes sense not to tell them of your
plans or actions.

And to be absolutely clear, when I say “doing what you need to do”, I am not
talking about (ethical) duties along the lines of “even if it hurts someone”.
Some people want to stop others from doing even harmless things just
because they deem them bad somehow, and then try to dictate how others live
their lives.

Despite that, I do believe it is for the best to tell the truth as often as possible. I
am simply acknowledging the existence of people who do not have your best
interest in mind, and thus will do immoral things even if you do what is right.

20. What is your ideal self like?

A: As in, who I want to become in the future, or who I would like to be now? Right
now, I am happy with who I am.

Link to MV: Kiara Tashiro T1 MV - Per Diem

Link to VD: TRIGRAM H3 First Trial VD - "The Warbler’s New Daughter"

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