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The study will seek to analyze the current position, internal and external analysis of Ivy
collection by developing a SWOT analysis of the company. The author will also be
recommending a future strategy for the company. The aim of the study is to comprehend the
basic terminology which can be effective for ivy collection
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A renowned restaurant business named Ivy Collection which operates mainly in UK were
established in 1917 and are suitable for every occasion according to its former CEO. They always
try to ensure quality foods and a casual environment for everyone and their places are
accessible at all times.
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The Ivy collection has two sectors, one is their restaurants and the other one is cafes. Their
restaurants are currently owning 4.6% of the total restaurant market in U and had a revenue of
13.7 million pounds in 2019 and their main competitors are Le peep and Bartolotta restaurant.
Another area of their business in cafes which they started in 2015 and became popular very
fast. They had a 7.6% increase in growth revenue from 2018 to 2019.
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Two models will be used to conduct an internal analysis of the company which are, Cultural web
and Value chain analysis
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Cultural web of the company or the paradigm can be subdivided into different categories but in
the context of Ivy collection, the company has a historical perspective and hierarchy of power
distribution is followed in the company (Hsieh ET all, 2009). They even maintain effective
planning and tight schedules. There are supervisors clearly trained to become good leaders.
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Value chain analysis of the company may include efficient firm infrastructure and possess a
good HR management team, use technology in business like in payment and ordering
(Simatupand ET all, 2017). Procurements are from authentic sources, logistics are to be ensured
timely and effectively, operations management, marketing and services are maintained with the
strong brand name.
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External analysis of Ivy collection will be conducted using two methodologies which are,
Porter’s five forces and PESTEL analysis.
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Porter’s five forces can be used to also to comprehend the opportunities and threats that the
company may have on its path and the strengths to be build to tackle the weaknesses and take
advantage of the opportunities (Bruill, 2018). Here new entrants like Townsends and Kirin can
be a threat to the company and even supplier and consumer bargaining. The company is able to
handle internal rivalries but do possess some substitutional threats.
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The PESTEL analysis of the company clearly demonstrates their opportunities and threats and
political stability and economic growth of the industry that the company has been working on is
definitely their opportunities to be taken advantage of but Brexit movement may cause them
some money as they had a lot of zero hour workers (Pan ET all, 2019). They are even using
technological advancement which can also create opportunities and following CSR can also
create good impressions for the company.
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The company do possess some strengths like they serve quality food and have created a strong
brand name by that, they are available at all times and they do follow an effective marketing
strategy. Their weaknesses include too much zero hour workers and which is why lack of
experience among workers. Then there s also bad time management (Gurel and Tat, 2017).
Their opportunities include the increment of people depending on restaurants for lunch and
supper, people looking for a quiet place to work and eat and for the growth of the industry.
They even have some threats like this global pandemic and huge rivalries.
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Stakeholders Mapping of Ivy includes certain areas like keeping informed and investors,
reporters and policy makers fall in this area, then there comes managing closely which is
workforce, service and raw materials providers. Monitoring has also a significance and
supervisors, HR managing and quality services need to be monitored regularly (Souza and Alves,
2018). And finally keeping satisfied which includes definitely the customers and regular workers
because they are directly related to company growth.
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The SAF model clearly demonstrates the current strategy embraced by the company and what
they are undergoing for sustainability, acceptability and feasibility of the company. Their
sustainability approach includes providing value for money and quality services whereas their
acceptability includes embracing artistic sides and getting along with different requirements to
be flexible and thus expanding the business in different regions while developing new markets
(Raum, 2018).
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Strategies recommended for the company for further organizational growth will be to build
alliances with firms and delivery services for better raw materials and future services, build an
HR management team that will build a skilled workforce, attract consumers by marketing in
social media and arrange campaigns. They can also work towards meeting the corporate social
responsibilities which will create a good impression for them.
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The author has recommended the strategy for Ivy collection keeping in mind their current
position and SWOT analysis. Strategy recommended for Ivy will definitely create a shift in their
performance and they will embrace the new technological advancements in their corporate
strategy (Jordaney ET all, 2017). They will use the model to reach their destination which is
model revolution.
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Force field analysis is categorized into two sections which are driving forces and restraining
forces. The driving forces of the company may include things like dedication of employees and
managers, trying to build a strong brand name across the country, good leadership to achieve
goals (Smartt ET all, 2018). And the restraining forces of the company may include lack of
motivation, pressure from collogues and supervisors, competition in the marketplace.
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Ivy collection has a historical perspective which attracts many customers. The company can use
data from SWOT analysis to embrace new ideologies. Force field analysis and draft analysis can
also collaborate in decision making and building strategies. The company need to initiate these
methodologies for better outcomes.
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