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H2 Interrogation Questions

1. What is your family structure like?

Getting personal, are we? I don’t think you need to know that.

2. Do you have strong emotions?

Doesn’t everyone, on occasion? I’m a bit prone to frustration, myself. Comes with
caring too much.

3. What do you think of TRIGRAM’s system?

It’s bizarre, to say the least. And its subjectivity is… troubling.

4. How do you define “Evil”?

That’s a tough one. Unabashed cruelty, maybe? It gets harder to define the more
specific you get.

5. What is a skill you excel at?

Ha… killing, I suppose?

6. If you could leave TRIGRAM, where would you go?

…Where indeed.

7. What are your relationships with the other prisoners like?

I like to think we get along well enough. Seo-Jun and I have developed some rapport,
and that Ritsu kid seems set on getting himself injured without supervision. The rest…
well, we’re likely to get along. We already have something in common, don’t we?

8. Do you prefer honesty or kindness?

Honesty would be the smart answer… wouldn’t it?

9. Do you think it is important to make your parents proud?

Depends on the parents, really. And even if it’s important, it’s not a priority.

10. How do you see yourself?

Hm… would you take an, “it’s complicated”?
11. How was your life before you committed murder?
By your definition or mine? Going by yours… peaceful, I suppose, if a bit directionless.

12. What is your fondest memory?

I’d tell you “none of your business,” but… truthfully, it’s hard to say anymore. It feels like
I’ve lost them.

13. Do you think there should be restrictions on who you love?

…Common sense? No one else should be restricting you but… that means your choices
are your own responsibility.

14. What is something you deem "unforgivable"?

Ha! You can’t get me that easily. Don’t want to go influencing your vote, do I? …It’s
probably in my best interest to keep my mouth shut.

15. Do you think your murder was avoidable?


16. If you could discard any emotion, which would you choose?
Odd thing, emotions. Troublesome as they are… it seems worse to throw them away.

17. What is a trait you dislike in other people?

Disloyalty… hypocrisy… maybe just… stubbornness. Though, that also has its virtue.

18. What are your hobbies?

Walking. Underrated hobby, walking. It really takes you places. Ha!

19. Do you believe it is okay to lie?

Personally, yes. At times, you just have to.

20. What is your ideal self like?

Hm… someone not worth lingering on.

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