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Introduction Section 5.

1 • Newton formulated his Universal Law of Gravitation

• Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation: in 1666! He didn’t publish until 1687! Principia
Every mass particle attracts every other particle in – See
the universe with a force that varies as the product – Delay? Needed to invent calculus to justify calculations for
of the masses and inversely as the square of the extended bodies! Also, was reluctant to publish in general.
distance between them. F = - [G(mM)/r2] er (point masses only!)
F = - [G(mM)/r2] er G (Universal Gravitation Constant)
er : Points from m to M – G was first measured by Cavendish in 1798, using a torsion
balance (see text).
r = distance between m & M
– Modern measurements give:
Point masses are assumed
G = 6.6726 ± 0.0008 X 10-11 N·m2/kg2
- sign F is Attractive!
G is the oldest fundamental constant but the least precisely
known. Some others are: e, c, ħ, kB, me, mp, ,,,

4 Fundamental Forces of Nature Universal Law of Gravitation

Sources of forces: In order of decreasing strength F = - [G(mM)/r2] er
– Strictly valid only for point particles!
– If one or both masses are extended, we must make an
additional assumption: That the Gravitational field is linear
Then, we can use the Principle of Superposition to
compute the gravitational force on a particle due to many
← ⎜ 36 other particles by adding the vector sum of each force.
⎜orders of – The mathematics of this & of much of this chapter
← ⎜ magnitude! should remind you of electrostatic field calculations from
E&M! - Identical math!
• If you understand E&M (especially field & potential
Gravity is, BY FAR, the weakest of the four! calculations) you should have no trouble with this
NOTE: 10-36 = (10-6)6
F = - [G(mM)/r2] er (Point particles!) (1) F = - Gm∫[ρ(r’)dv’/r2]er (I)
– Consider a body with a continuous distribution of matter The integral is
with mass density ρ(r’) over the volume
– Divide the distribution up into small masses dm’ (at r’) of
V! er & r2 both
volume element dv’ dm’ = ρ(r’)dv’
– The force between a (“test”) point mass m & dm’ a
depend on r’!
distance r away is (from (1)): • In general, (I)
dF = - G[m(dm’)/r2] er = - G[m ρ(r’)dv’/r2] er (2) isn’t an easy Arbitrary
Origin →
– The total force between m & an extended body with integral! It should
volume V & mass M = ∫ρ(r’)dv’ Integrate (2)! remind you of the electrostatic force between a point
F = - Gm∫[ρ(r’)dv’/r2]er (3) charge & a continuous charge distribution!
The integral is over volume V! Note: The direction of the unit vector er • If both masses are extended, we need also to integrate
varies with r’ & needs to be integrated over also! Also, r2 depends on r’ over the volume of the 2nd mass!

Gravitational Field Gravitational Potential Section 5.2

F = - Gm∫[ρ(r’)dv’/r2]er Integral over volume V

• Start with the Gravitational Field
– Point mass: g ≡ - [GM/r2] er
• Gravitational Field ≡ Force per unit mass exerted on a
test particle in the field of mass M = ∫ρ(r’)dv’. g ≡ (F/m) – Extended body: g ≡ - G ∫[ρ(r’)dv’/r2]er
Analogous to E = (F/q)
• For a point mass: g ≡ - [GM/r2] er in Electrostatics! Integral over volume V
• These should remind you of expressions for the electric
• For an extended body: g ≡ - G∫[ρ(r’)dv’/r2]er
field (E) due to a point charge & due to an extended
Integral over volume V
charge distribution. Identical math, different physics!
Note: The direction of the unit vector er varies with r’ & needs to be integrated over
also! Also, r2 depends on r’! • Define: Gravitational Potential Φ: g ≡ -∇Φ
• g: Units = force per unit mass = acceleration! Near – Analogous to the definition of the electrostatic
the earth’s surface, |g| ≡ “Gravitational Acceleration potential from the electrostatic field E ≡ - ∇Φe
Constant” (|g| ≈ 9.8 m/s2 = 9.8 N/kg)
Potential of a Point Mass: Φ = -G(M/r)
Gravitational Potential Φ: g ≡ - ∇Φ (1)
• Note:
Dimensions of Φ : (force/unit mass) x (distance) or – Usually, we choose the 0 of Φ by requiring Φ → 0 as r → ∞
energy/unit mass.
• Volume Distribution of mass (M = ∫ρ(r’)dv’):
Φ = -G ∫[ρ(r’)dv’/r] Integral over volume V
For a point mass: g ≡ - [GM/r2] er (2)
Surface Distribution: (thin shell; M = ∫ρs(r’)da’)
⇒ Φ = Φ(r) (no angular dependence!)
Φ = -G ∫[ρs(r’)da’/r] Integral over surface S
⇒ ∇ = (d/dr) er or ∇ Φ = (dΦ/dr) er
Line Distribution: (one d; M = ∫ρ!(r’)ds’)
Comparing with (2) gives:
Φ = - G ∫[ρ!(r’)ds’/r] Integral over line Γ
Potential of a Point Mass: Φ = -G(M/r)

Physical significance of the gravitational potential Φ?

– It is the [work/unit mass (dW’) which must be done by an • Work/unit mass to move a body from position r1 to
outside agent on a body in a gravitational field to displace position r2 in a g field:
it a distance dr] = [force x displacement]:
W’ = ∫dW’ = ∫dΦ ≡ Φ(r2) - Φ(r1)
dW’ = -g•dr ≡ (∇Φ)•dr = ∑i(∂Φ/∂xi)dxi ≡ dΦ

• For a point mass m in a gravitational field

⇒ The work/unit mass to move a body from with a potential Φ, define:
position r1 to position r2 in a gravitational field =
the potential difference between the 2 points: Gravitational Potential Energy: U ≡ mΦ
W’= ∫dW’ = ∫dΦ ≡ Φ(r2) - Φ(r1)
Potential Energy Example 5.1
• Find the gravitational potential Φ inside & outside a spherical shell, of
• For a point mass m in a gravitational potential Φ mass M, mass density ρ, inner radius b, outer radius a. (Like a similar
electrostatic potential problem!)
Gravitational Potential Energy: U ≡ mΦ • This is an important & fundamental problem in gravitational theory!
• As usual, the force is the negative gradient of the
Spherical Coordinates
potential energy the force on m is F ≡ - ∇U
– Of course, using the expression for Φ for a point
mass, Φ = -G(M/r), leads EXACTLY to the force
given by the Universal Law of Gravitation (as it
should)! That is, we should get the expression:
F = - [G(mM)/r2] er Integral over volume V!

Φ = -G∫[ρ(r’)dv’/r]. Integrate over V. The difficulty, of course, is

properly setting up the integral! If properly set up, doing it is easy!

Summary of Results M ≡ (4π)ρ(a3 - b3) • These results are very important, especially
outside the shell those for R > a, Φ = -(GM)/R
R > a, Φ = -(GM)/R (1) This says: The potential at any point outside
The same as if M were a point mass at the origin! a spherically symmetric distribution of
completely inside the shell matter is independent of the size of the
R < b, Φ = -2πρG(a2 - b2) (2) distribution & is the same as that for a
Φ = constant, independent of position. point mass at the origin.
within the shell To calculate the potential for such a distribution we
b ≤ R ≤ a, Φ = -4πρG[a2- (b3/R) - R2] (3) can consider all mass to be concentrated at the center.
• Also, Φ is continuous!
If R → a, (1) & (3) are the same! If R → b, (2) & (3) are the same!
• Also, the results are very important for • Given the results for the potential Φ, we can compute
the GRAVITATIONAL FIELD g inside, outside &
within the spherical shell: g ≡ - ∇Φ
R < b, Φ = -2πρG(a2 - b2) • Φ depends on R only g is radially directed
g = g er = - (dΦ/dR)er [M ≡ (4π)ρ(a3 - b3)]
outside the shell R > a, g = - (GM)/R2
The potential is constant anywhere The same as if M were a point mass at the origin!
inside a spherical shell. completely inside the shell R < b, g = 0
The force on a test mass m Since Φ = constant, independent of position.
within the shell
inside the shell is 0!
b ≤ R ≤ a, g = (4π)ρG[(b3/R2) - R]

Example 5.2
• Plots of the
potential • Astronomical
Φ & the field g show that the
inside, outside & ← Φ = constant
orbital speed of
masses in spiral
within a Φ = -(GM)/R galaxies rotating
spherical shell. ↓ about their centers
is approximately
g ≡ - ∇Φ constant as a
g = - (dΦ/dR) g = - (GM)/R2 function of distance R from the galaxy center, as in the figure (for
↓ the Andromeda Galaxy). Show that this is inconsistent with the
galaxy having its mass concentrated at its center & can be explained

if the galaxy mass increases with distance R from the center.
• Solution: Assume that the galaxy mass M has a spherically Example 5.3
symmetric distribution ρ. We can solve the problem, despite the fact that • Consider a thin, uniform circular ring of radius a & mass M.
the radius R might be hundreds of light years! The orbital speed v of a A small mass m is placed in the plane of the ring.
small mass m in orbit at R about the galaxy center is found (Phys. I!) by
Q: Find a position of equilibrium & determine if it is stable.
setting the gravitational force = (mass) x (centripetal acceleration)
or: [(GMm)/R2] = [m(v2)/R]
v = (GM/R)½ (1)
or: v R-½ (2)
If (2) is true, v vs. R would
be like the dashed curve! For the
solid (expt.) curve to be consistent
with (1) requires M = M(R) R CONCLUSION: There
must be more matter in a galaxy than is observed (“dark matter” =
~90% of mass in the universe). At the forefront of research.

• Use the result for a Line Distribution:

Φ = - ρG∫dφ[1 + (r’/a)2 – 2(r’/a)cosφ]-½ (1)
(M = ∫ρ!(r’)ds’, Φ = - G∫[ρ!(r’)ds’/r]
• Consider positions close to the center
• Here, ρ! = const. = ρ M = 2πaρ
point (near r’ = 0): Expand (1) for
• The potential at the position of a
r’ << a & integrate term by term:
point mass m a distance r’ from
the ring center & a distance b from Φ(r’) -ρG∫dφ[1 + (r’/a)cosφ
the differential mass dM: + (r’/a)2(3cos2φ -1)+….]
Φ(r’) = -ρaG∫(dφ/b) (For those who know & care, the
integrand in this form is a series of Legendre Polynomials!)
φ = angle shown in the figure, limits: (0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π)
From the figure, b2 = a2 + (r’)2 – 2ar’cosφ Φ(r’) -(MG/a)[1 + (r’/a)2 +…]

Φ = - ρaG∫dφ[a2 + (r’)2 – 2ar’cosφ]-½ • The potential energy of mass m at r¢

= - ρG∫dφ[1 + (r’/a)2 – 2(r’/a)cosφ]-½ U(r’) = mΦ(r’) -m(MG/a)[1 + (r’/a)2 +…]
U(r’) = mΦ(r’) -m(MG/a)[1 + (r’/a)2 +…]
Poisson’s Equation Section 5.2

• The equilibrium position is given by • Comparison of properties of gravitational fields with similar
properties of electrostatic fields (Maxwell’s equations!)
(dU/dr’) = 0 = -m(MGr’)/(2a3)
• Consider an arbitrary surface
r’ = 0 is an equilibrium position! S, as in the figure. A point
This should be obvious by symmetry! mass m is placed inside.
• Stability (or not) is obtained from the • Define:
2nd derivative: (d2U/dr’2) 0 = -m(MG)/(2a3) <0 Gravitational Flux
Þ r’ = 0 is a position of unstable through S: Φm ≡ ∫S n•g da
equilibrium! = “amount of g passing
(“Not obvious”!) through surface S”
n ≡ Unit vector normal to S at differential area da.
g: gravitational field vector

• We’ve just shown that the Gravitational Flux

Φm ≡ ∫S n•g da
passing through an ARBITRARY SURFACE S
use g = -G(m/r2) er surrounding a mass m (anywhere inside!) is:
n•er = cosθ Φm = ∫S n•g da = - 4πGm (1)
n•g = -Gm(r-2cosθ)
Q: (1) should remind you of something?
so: Φm = -Gm ∫S (r-2cosθ)da
Yes, (1) should remind you of Gauss’s Law
da = r2sinθdθdφ ∫S (r-2cosθ)da = 4π for the electric flux passing though an
The integral is over the solid angle of the arbitrary surface and arbitrary surface surrounding a charge
has the value 4π steradians. q (the mathematics is identical!).

Φm= -4πGm (ARBITRARY S!) (1) = Gauss’s Law for Gravitation

(Gauss’s Law, Integral form!)
Φm = ∫S n•g da = - 4πGm • For a continuous mass distribution:
Gauss’s Law for Gravitation Φm = - 4πG∫V ρdv (1)
• Generalizations: Many masses in S: – But, also Φm = ∫S n•g da = - 4πG Menclosed (2)
– Discrete, point masses: m = ∑i mi – The Divergence Theorem from vector
Φm = - 4πG ∑i mi = - 4πG Menclosed calculus (Ch. 1, p. 42): (Physicists correctly
where Menclosed ≡ Total Mass enclosed by S. call it Gauss’s Theorem!): ∫S n•g da ≡ ∫V ( •g)dv (3)
– A continuous mass distribution of density ρ: (1), (2), (3) together: -4πG∫V ρ dv = ∫V ( •g)dv
m = ∫V ρdv (V = volume enclosed by S) surface S & volume V are arbitrary integrands are equal!
Φm = - 4πG∫V ρdv = - 4πG Menclosed (1) •g = -4πGρ
Note!! where Menclosed ≡ ∫V ρdv ≡ Total Mass enclosed by S. (Gauss’s Law for Gravitation, differential form!)
This is → → → If S is highly symmetric, we can use (1) to Should remind you of Gauss’s Law of electrostatics: •E = (ρc/ε)
important!! calculate the gravitational field g! Examples next!

Poisson’s Equation! Lines of Force & Equipotential Surfaces Sect. 5.3

• Start with Gauss’s Law for gravitation, differential form:
• Lines of Force (analogous to lines of force in electrostatics!)
•g = -4πGρ – A mass M produces a gravitational field g. Draw lines
• Use the definition of the gravitational potential: g ≡ - Φ outward from M such that their direction at every point is the
same as that of g. These lines extend from the surface of M
• Combine: •( Φ) = 4πGρ
to ∞ ≡ Lines of Force
2Ф = 4πGρ Poisson’s Equation! • Draw similar lines from every small part of the surface area of
M: These give the direction of the field g at any arbitrary point.
Poisson’s Equation is useful for finding the potential Φ (in • Also, by convention, the density of the lines of force (the # of
boundary value problems similar to those in electrostatics!) lines passing through a unit area to the lines) is proportional
to the magnitude of the force F (the field g) at that point.
• If ρ = 0 in the region where we want Φ, =02Ф
A lines of force picture is a convenient means to visualize the
Laplace’s Equation! vector property of the g field.
Equipotential Surfaces
• The gravitational potential Φ is defined at every point • Gravitational Field g ≡ - Φ
in space (except at the position of a point mass!). g has no component along an equipotential surface.
An equation Φ = Φ(x1,x2,x3) = constant The force F has no component along an equipotential surface.
defines a surface in 3d on which Every line of force must be normal (⊥) to every
equipotential surface.
Φ = constant
The field g does no work on a mass m moving
Equipotential Surface:
along an equipotential surface.
Any surface on which Φ = constant
• The gravitational potential Φ is a single valued function.
• The gravitational field is defined as g ≡ - Φ
No 2 equipotential surfaces can touch or intersect.
If Φ = constant, g (obviously!) = 0
• Equipotential surfaces for a single, point mass or for any mass with
g has no component along an equipotential surface! a spherically symmetric distribution are obviously spherical.

• Consider 2 equal point masses, M, separated, as in the figure.

When is the Potential Concept Useful? Sect. 5.4
Consider the potential at point P, a distances r1 & r2 from 2 masses.
• A discussion which (again!) borders on philosophy!
Equipotential surface is: Φ = -GM[(r1)-1 + (r2)-1] = constant
• Equipotential • As in E&M, the potential Ф in gravitation is a useful &
surfaces look powerful concept / technique!
like this → • Its use in some sense is really a mathematical convenience
to calculate the force on a body or the energy of a body.
• The main advantage of the potential method is that Ф is a
scalar (easier to deal with than a vector!).
• We make a decision about whether to use the force (field) method or
or the potential method in a calculation on case by case basis.
Example 5.4 Worked on the board! Sect. 5.5: A Simple Model of the Ocean Tides
• Consider a thin, • Tides are caused by the gravitational attraction of the ocean to
uniform disk, mass both the Moon & the Sun. This is a Complicated Problem!
M, radius a. – The physics of ocean tides was first discussed by Newton!
Density ρ =M/(πa2). – Instead of the full, complicated problem, we’ll look at a simple model!
– This model gets the Qualitative Physics correct.

• Find the force on a • A Major Complication!! The surface of the Earth is not an
point mass m on the axis.
inertial system! (& Newton’s 2nd Law is valid in inertial systems only!)
Motion in non-inertial systems in general is discussed in Ch. 10!
• Related Complications:
– Earth & Moon rotate about their center of mass + also orbit the Sun.
– The Earth is rotating + the Moon is orbiting the Earth.
– Assume: The water nearest the Moon is is ~ “pulled away” from the
Earth & the water farthest away is ~ “pushed towards” the Earth.
• Results, both by the potential method & by direct force calculation:
• Before discussing even the simple model in Sect. 5.5, we’ll first
Fz = 2πρG[z(a2 + z2)-½ - 1] (<0 ) discuss the general Qualitative Physics of the Tides.

Effect of the Moon’s Gravitational Attraction This Effect is Superimposed on the Earth’s Rotation
on the Earth’s Oceans
Viewed from a
outside the

Viewed from a
perspective at
the center of
the Earth:
Spring Tides & Neap Tides Spring Tides & Neap Tides
• The Sun also contributes to Earth’s • The Sun also contributes to Earth’s
tides. tides.
– When the Sun & Moon line up to produce – Neap Tides occur when the gravitational forces
higher tides, this is called Spring Tides. due to the Moon & the Sun partially cancel each

Neap Tide
Spring Tide

Question: During what phases of the Moon do

Tidal Friction
• This “sloshing” back & forth of Earth’s oceans
twice a day, due to the tides, actually slows down the It is known that tidal forces also affect galaxies
rotation speed of the Earth!
• Due to this effect, the day is lengthening by about
0.002 seconds per century!
Sect. 5.5: A Simple (Crude) Model of the Tides
• Inertial reference frame: x’, y’, z’
• First: Consider the effect of the Moon only. Mm = Moon mass
Later: Add in the effect of the Sun. ME = Earth mass
• Make some VERY simple (!) model assumptions: D = Distance from the Moon’s
– The Earth’s surface is completely covered with water(!) center to the Earth’s center.

– The Earth rotates, but neglect this at first; add it in later.

• Combine Newton’s 2nd Law with Newton’s
Universal Law of Gravitation to model tides. • Calculate:
– To apply Newton’s 2nd Law, we need an inertial reference frame! The gravitational effect of the Earth + the Moon on a
– Set up an inertial reference frame in the “background” space, small (test) mass m on the Earth’s surface.
as in the figure on the next page. R = Position vector of m from the Moon. r = Position vector of m
from the Earth’s center. The radius of the spherical Earth = r.
rm‘= Position vector of m from the inertial system origin.
rE‘= Position vector from the inertial system origin to Earth’s center

• Newton’s 2nd Law (in the inertial • Goal: Find the vector
frame) for mass m: acceleration (d2r/dt2) as
m(d2rm′/dt2) = (Ftotal )m measured in the non-inertial
= (FG)m-E + (FG)m-M (1) system with origin at the
(FG)m-E = Gravitational force between the mass m & Earth. Earth’s center.
(FG)m-M = Gravitational force between the mass m & Moon. From the figure:
(Ftotal )m = - G(mMEr-2)er - G(mMmR-2)eR (2) r = rm′- rE′ (d2r/dt2) = (d2rm′/dt2) – (d2rE′/dt2) (5)
• Newton’s 2nd Law (in the inertial frame) for the Earth ME • Combining Eqs. (1) - (5) & doing some algebra gives:
(attraction to the Moon): (d2r/dt2) = -(GMEr-2)er -(GMm)[(eRR-2) - (eDD-2)] (6)
ME(d2rE′/dt2) = (Ftotal)E (3) 1st term ≡ acceleration of m due to Earth’s gravitational force
(Ftotal)E = Gravitational force between the Moon & the Earth.
2nd 2 terms ≡ acceleration from the Tidal Force (responsible
(Ftotal)E = - G(MEMmD-2)eD (4)
for tides) = difference between the gravitational acceleration
All F’s & r’s are vectors. All e’s are unit vectors! (arrows, hats left off!) due to the Moon, felt at Earth’s center & that due to the Moon,
felt on Earth’s surface. These are what we are interested in!
• The effect of the tidal force at various points on the • The Tidal Force on a mass m on the Earth’s surface:
Earth: The figure shows a polar view, with polar axis = z-axis FT = -GmMm[(eRR-2) - (eDD-2)] (7)
& looks at the force at different points (a,b,c,d) on the Earth.
• Look at various points on the Earth’s surface:
←--------------------- D ----------------------→ ←------------ D -------------------→

←------------------ R --------------------→
• At point a: The farthest point on Earth from the Moon:
At a, eR, eD are (approximately) in the same direction,
• The tidal force on a mass m on the Earth’s surface (using
along the x-axis. R > D The 2nd term dominates & FT is
only the 2nd 2 terms from Newton’s 2nd Law, Eq. (6)):
along the + x-axis, as in the diagram.
(d2r/dt2) = -(GMEr-2)er -(GMm)[(eRR-2) - (eDD-2)]
FT = m (d2r/dt2) = - GmMm[(eRR-2) - (eDD-2)] (7)

• The Tidal Force on a mass m on the Earth’s surface:

• The magnitude of the tidal force on the x-axis:
FT = -GmMm[(eRR-2) - (eDD-2)] (7) FTx ≅ - GmMm[(R-2) - (D-2)]
←------------- D -------------------→ • On the x-axis @ a: ←----------- D -----------→

R = D +r
FTx -GmMm[(D+r)-2 - D-2)] ←------------ R --------------→
←------------ R --------------→ = -G(mMmD-2)[(1+{rD-1})-2 - 1]
Note that: |rD-1| ≈ 0.02 <<1
• At point b: The nearest point on Earth from the Moon: Expand (1+{rD-1})-2 in a Taylor’s series for small |rD-1|
At b, eR, eD are in (approximately) in the same direction, FTx -G(mMmD-2) [1- 2(r/D)+ 3(r/D)2 -....-1]
along the x-axis. R < D The 1st term dominates & FT is
or FTx + 2GmMmrD-3 (8)
along the + x-axis, as in the diagram. Also, r << D
• On the x-axis @ b: By the reasoning we just had, the force there
FT has approximately the same magnitude as at a, but it is (approx.) the same magnitude as in (8), but opposite in direction.
is in the opposite direction.
• The Tidal Force on a mass m on the Earth’s surface: • Summary of the (approximate) directions of
FT = -GmMm[(eRR-2) - (eDD-2)] (7) the tidal forces at points a, b, c, & d
←------------- D -------------------→

←-------------- R -------------------→
• At point c: eR is approximately parallel to eD x-components
of the 2 terms in FT approximately cancel because R D & the
x-components of eR & eD are approximately the same.
The y component of (7) at c, using eRy ≈ (rD-1) j is
FTy -G(mMm)rD-3 (Along the + y-axis, towards Earth’s center)
At point d: FTy has approximately the same magnitude as at d, but
it is along the negative y-axis, away from Earth’s center.

• The Tidal Force on a mass m on the Earth’s surface:

• The tidal force at an arbitrary point e for
FT = -GmMm[(eRR-2) - (eDD-2)] (7) arbitrary angle θ, using x = r cosθ, y = r sinθ

• At an arbitrary point e: The x & y components of (7) are

obtained by the replacements r → x in FTx (for points a & b) FTx 2G(mMm)(xD-3) = 2G(mMm)(r cosθ)D-3
& r → y in FTy (for points c & d):
FTy -G(mMm)(yD-3) = -G(mMm)(r sinθ)D-3
FTx 2G(mMm)(xD-3)
FTy -G(mMm)(yD-3)
Schematic Representation of Tidal Forces • This simple model of tidal forces predicts that
Is it obvious that the the water along the y-axis is shallower than along the
“bulges” are HIGHLY x-axis. Of course, the figure is greatly exaggerated!
exaggerated? • The Earth rotates about its axis once per day
2 high tides per day.

Example 5.5
• Calculate the maximum height change in the tides caused by
• This simple model of tidal forces has neglected
the Moon. Use the same simple model along with a solution
the effect of the Sun’s gravitational attraction! proposed by Newton himself! Imagine 2 wells; 1 in the direction
• A simple calculation shows: of the high tide (x-axis) & 1 in the direction of the low tide (y-axis).

– The Sun’s gravitational attraction is approximately 175

times stronger than the Moon’s at Earth’s surface.
– However, a calculation similar to our calculation with
the Moon shows that the Tidal Force due to the Sun is
approximately 0.46 that due to the Moon. (Prob. 5.18)
– The Sun gives a stronger total force, but a weaker tidal
force. Also, the gradient of the Sun’s tidal force over the
Earth’s surface is smaller than for the moon because of the
larger distance to the Sun.
Real Tides
• h ≡ height change wanted.
ΔPE for mass m = mgh. r = Earth • Real tides are affected by both the Moon & the Sun!
(Move m from c to a, in the radius • The highest tides (“Spring Tides”) occur when the
figure). Work: W = ΔPE Earth, Moon & Sun are lined up (at new & full Moons).
mgh = W = I1 + I2 • The lowest tides (“Neap Tides”) occur in the 1st & 3rd
I1 = ∫ (FTy)dy (r < y < 0) quarters of the Moon (when the Sun & Moon are at right
FTy = -G(mMm)(yD-3) angles to each other, partially canceling out their effects).
I2 = ∫ (FTx)dx (0 < x < r) • The maximum tide (every 2 weeks) should have a
FTx = 2G(mMm)(xD-3) height (including the effect of the Sun = 0.46 the
mgh = (3/2)G(mMm)(r2D-3) effect of the Moon) of
h = (3/2)(G/g)Mm(r2D-3) 1.46 h 0.83m
• Putting in numbers: h 0.54m

• Actual tides are higher! Because of neglected effects, our • Actual tides are higher! Because of neglected effects, our
simple model is much too simple! simple model is much too simple!
For example: For example:
• 1. Earth is not covered with water! • 8. The plane of the Moon orbit around the Earth is not to
• 2. Land masses play role. the rotation axis One high tide per day is higher than the
• 3. Local effects can increase high tide levels to several other!
meters! • 9. Tidal friction results in the Earth “dragging” the ocean
• 4. Tidal friction between the water & the Earth causes energy with it as it rotates. This results in high tides not being
loss by Earth. along the Earth-Moon axis, but several degrees apart, as in
the figure on the next page.
• 5. Earth land masses aren’t rigid & are distorted by tidal
• 6. The Earth rotates.
• 7. The Moon orbits the Earth. All of these together mean that
there are not exactly 2 tides per day. (Time between them: 12
hr. 26 min.)
Cartoon of “Actual” Tides

Is it obvious that the “bulges”

are HIGHLY exaggerated?

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