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PHYSICS-52 P-52-9702-52
(S E P A R A T E D)
TEACHERS 03-234567800
RESOURCE 0321-4843336
38-H,MAIN MARKET 0321-4843337
PHASE 1,DHA,LHR 0321-4843338
042-37392640 042-35720152

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
* 4 5 7 0 8 9 7 8 2 5 *

PHYSICS 9702/52
Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2013
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 8 printed pages.

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1 A student is investigating how the peak alternating current I0 varies with frequency f in a For
circuit containing a coil of wire. Examiner’s

It is suggested that
= R 2 + 4π 2f 2L2

where R is the resistance of the coil, V0 is the peak voltage and L is a constant.

Design a laboratory experiment to test the relationship between I0 and f and determine
a value for L. You should draw a diagram, on page 3, showing the arrangement of your
equipment. In your account you should pay particular attention to

(a) the procedure to be followed,

(b) the measurements to be taken,

(c) the control of variables,

(d) the analysis of the data,

(e) the safety precautions to be taken.


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Diagram For
















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......................................................................................................................................................... Examiner’s
























Defining the Methods of Method of Safety Additional

For problem data collection analysis considerations detail

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2 An electron beam is accelerated by a voltage V before entering a uniform electric field of For
electric field strength E between two parallel plates. Examiner’s

The electron beam travels a horizontal distance a parallel to the plates before hitting the top
plate after being deflected through a vertical distance b. The path of the electrons is shown in
Fig. 2.1.

electron beam

Fig. 2.1

For different values of V, the horizontal distance a is recorded.

Question 2 continues on the next page.

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It is suggested that V and a are related by the equation For

a= 4Vb . Use

(a) A graph is plotted of a 2 on the y-axis against V on the x-axis. Determine an expression
for the gradient in terms of E.

gradient = .................................................. [1]

(b) Values of V and a are given in Fig. 2.2.

V/ V a / 10−2 m

1000 6.6 ± 0.1

1200 7.2 ± 0.1

1400 7.8 ± 0.1

1600 8.4 ± 0.1

1800 8.9 ± 0.1

2000 9.4 ± 0.1

Fig. 2.2

Calculate and record values of a 2 / 10−4 m2 in Fig. 2.2. Include the absolute uncertainties
in a 2. [3]

(c) (i) Plot a graph of a 2 / 10−4 m2 against V / V. Include error bars for a 2. [2]

(ii) Draw the straight line of best fit and a worst acceptable straight line on your graph.
Both lines should be clearly labelled. [2]

(iii) Determine the gradient of the line of best fit. Include the uncertainty in your answer.

gradient = ................................................. [2]

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95 For


a 2 / 10–4 m2










800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200

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(d) (i) Using your answer to (c)(iii), determine a value for E. Include an appropriate unit in For
your answer. Examiner’s

Data: b = (4.0 ± 0.1) × 10−2 m

E = ................................................... [2]

(ii) Determine the percentage uncertainty in your value of E.

percentage uncertainty = ..............................................% [1]

(e) Using your answers to (d), determine a value for V to give a distance a = 5.0 ± 0.1 cm.
Include the absolute uncertainty in your answer.

V = ...............................................V [2]

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
GCE AS/A LEVEL – May/June 2013 9702 52

1 Planning (15 marks)

Defining the problem (3 marks)

P f is the independent variable or vary f. [1]

P I0 is the dependent variable or measure I0. [1]

P Keep V0 constant. [1]

Methods of data collection (5 marks)

M Labelled/ workable circuit diagram of apparatus: including coil connected to power

supply/signal generator. [1]

M Variable frequency ac power supply or signal generator (method of varying frequency). [1]

M Measure current using ammeter or p.d. across resistor. [1]

M Measure V across power supply or across coil e.g. voltmeter or c.r.o. explained. [1]

M Measure f using oscilloscope/read off signal generator. [1]

Method of analysis (2 marks)

A Plot a graph of 1/I02 against f 2 or V02/I02 against f 2 or equivalent.

Do not allow log-log graph. [1]

V02 gradient V0 gradient

A L= = gradient or L = [1]
4π2 2π 4π 2

Safety considerations (1 mark)

S Reasoned method to prevent overheating of coil or burns from coil. [1]

Additional detail (4 marks)

D Relevant points might include [4]

1 Use lower frequencies to produce larger currents
2 Keep resistance of circuit/coil constant
3 Additional detail on measuring T using timebase
4 f = 1 / period
5 Additional detail on measuring V0 using y-gain
6 Relationship is valid if straight line, provided plotted graph is correct
7 Relationship is valid if straight line not passing through origin, provided plotted graph is
correct (any quoted expression must be correct)
8 Detail on changing r.m.s. to peak

Do not allow vague computer methods. Ignore reference to iron core / other magnetic fields.

[Total: 15]

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Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
GCE AS/A LEVEL – May/June 2013 9702 52

2 Analysis, conclusions and evaluation (15 marks)

Mark Expected Answer Additional Guidance

(a) A1 4b
Gradient =

(b) T1 a2 / 10–4 m2 Column heading. Allow equivalent unit.

Do not award if 10–4 omitted.

A mixture of 2 s.f. and 3 s.f. is allowed.

T2 44 or 43.6

52 or 51.8

61 or 60.8

71 or 70.6

79 or 79.2

88 or 88.4

U1 1.3 increasing to 1.9 Allow 1 increasing to 2.

(c) (i) G1 Six points plotted correctly Must be within half a small square. Ecf
allowed from table. Penalise ‘blobs’.

U2 All error bars in a2 plotted Must be within half a small square. Ecf
correctly allowed from table.

(c) (ii) G2 Line of best fit If points are plotted correctly then lower end
of line should pass between (1000, 43) and
(1000,44.5) and upper end of line should
pass between (2000, 87) and (2000, 89).
Allow ecf from points plotted incorrectly –
examiner judgement.

G3 Worst acceptable straight line. Line should be clearly labelled or dashed.

Steepest or shallowest possible Should pass from top of top error bar to
line that passes through all the bottom of bottom error bar or bottom of top
error bars. error bar to top of bottom error bar. Mark
scored only if error bars are plotted.

(c) (iii) C1 Gradient of best fit line The triangle used should be at least half the
length of the drawn line. Check the read offs.
Work to half a small square. Do not penalise

U3 Uncertainty in gradient Method of determining absolute uncertainty

Difference in worst gradient and gradient.

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GCE AS/A LEVEL – May/June 2013 9702 52

(d) (i) C2 E = 4b/gradient Method required. Do not check calculation.

Should be about 36 000. Do not penalise
POT error.

C3 V m–1 or N C–1 Penalise POT error.

(d) (ii) U4 Percentage uncertainty in E Must be greater than 2.5%.

(e) C4 V = 540 to 580 V and given to 2 Working must be correct; check for
or 3 s.f. inconsistent units. Must be in stated range.

U5 Absolute uncertainty in V

[Total: 15]

Uncertainties in Question 2

(c) (iii) Gradient [U3]

Uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of worst acceptable line

Uncertainty = ½ (steepest worst line gradient – shallowest worst line gradient)

(d) [U4]
Percentage uncertainty = × 100
max b
max E =
min m
min b
min E =
max m
 ∆m ∆b   ∆m 
Percentage uncertainty =  +  × 100 =   × 100 + 2.5
 m b   m 

(e) [U5]
max V − minV
Absolute uncertainty = max V – V = V – min V =
max E × max a 2 max a 2
max V = =
4 min b min m

min E × min a 2 min a 2

min V = =
4 max b max m

 2∆a ∆m   2∆a ∆E ∆b 
Absolute uncertainty =  + V =  + + V
 a m   a E b 

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Level
* 8 8 8 7 0 2 8 0 5 4 *

PHYSICS 9702/52
Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2014
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 8 printed pages.

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1 Two identical coils are connected together and arranged as shown in Fig. 1.1.


Fig. 1.1

The coils are in the vertical plane and are parallel to each other. When the coils are connected
to a power supply, there is a magnetic field between them.

It is suggested that the magnetic flux density B of the field at the point X is related to the
radius r of the coils by the relationship


where N is the number of turns on each coil, I is the current in the coils and μ0 is the
permeability of free space.

Design a laboratory experiment that uses a Hall probe to test the relationship between B
and r and determine a value for μ0. You should draw a diagram, on page 3, showing the
arrangement of your equipment. In your account you should pay particular attention to

(a) the procedure to be followed,

(b) the measurements to be taken,

(c) the control of variables,

(d) the analysis of the data,

(e) the safety precautions to be taken.


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Defining the Methods of data Method of Safety Additional

problem collection analysis considerations detail

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2 A student investigates the oscillations of a simple pendulum attached to a pole on the side of
a building, as shown in Fig. 2.1.


building pendulum


Fig. 2.1

The student records the distance d from the ground to the centre of the pendulum bob and
the time t for the pendulum to complete 10 oscillations.

It is suggested that the period T of the oscillations and the distance d are related by the

T2 = (k − d )

where g is the acceleration of free fall and k is a constant.

(a) A graph is plotted of T 2 on the y-axis against d on the x-axis. Determine expressions for
the gradient and the y-intercept in terms of g and k.

gradient = ......................................................

y-intercept = ......................................................

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(b) For each value of d the measurement of t is repeated. Values of d and t are given in
Fig. 2.2.

d/m t /s t /s

0.45 ± 0.05 56.4 56.4

0.70 ± 0.05 55.4 55.6

1.00 ± 0.05 54.6 54.2

1.20 ± 0.05 53.4 53.8

1.45 ± 0.05 52.9 52.5

1.65 ± 0.05 51.6 52.0

Fig. 2.2

Calculate and record values of mean t / s, T / s and T 2 / s2 in Fig. 2.2. [2]

(c) (i) Plot a graph of T 2 / s2 against d / m. Include error bars for d. [2]
(ii) Draw the straight line of best fit and a worst acceptable straight line on your graph.
Both lines should be clearly labelled. [2]
(iii) Determine the gradient of the line of best fit. Include the uncertainty in your answer.

gradient = ................................................. [2]

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T 2 / s2










0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

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(iv) Determine the y-intercept of the line of best fit. Include the uncertainty in your

y-intercept = ................................................. [2]

(d) (i) Using your answers to (c)(iii) and (c)(iv), determine values for g and k. Include
appropriate units.

g = ......................................................

k = ......................................................

(ii) Determine the percentage uncertainties in g and k.

percentage uncertainty in g = ...................................................%

percentage uncertainty in k = ...................................................%


Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
GCE AS/A LEVEL – May/June 2014 9702 52

1 Planning (15 marks)

Defining the problem (3 marks)

P r is the independent variable, B is the dependent variable or vary r and measure B. [1]

P Keep the number of turns on the coil(s) constant. [1]

Do not accept “same coil”.

P Keep the current in the coil constant. [1]

Methods of data collection (5 marks)

M Diagram showing flat coils and labelled Hall probe positioned at X. Minimum two labels
Solenoids will not be credited. [1]

M Workable circuit diagram for coil connected to a (d.c.) power supply and ammeter.
Do not allow a.c. power supply or incorrect circuit diagrams. [1]

M Connect Hall probe to voltmeter / c.r.o.

Allow galvanometer but do not allow ammeter. [1]

M Measure diameter (radius) with a ruler / vernier calipers. Do not allow micrometer. [1]

M Calibrate Hall probe with a known magnetic flux density. [1]

Method of analysis (2 marks)

A Plot a graph of B against 1 / r [allow lg B against lg r or other valid graph] [1]

A µ0 = [1]

Safety considerations (1 mark)

S Precaution linked to (large) heating of coil, e.g. switch off when not in use to avoid
overheating coil; do not touch coil because it is hot. [1]

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Additional detail (4 marks)

D Relevant points might include [4]

1 Use large current / large number of turns to create a large magnetic field
2 Use rheostat (to adjust current in circuit) (with ammeter) to keep the current constant
3 Hall probe at right angles to direction of magnetic field / parallel to coils. Allow adjust to obtain
maximum reading
4 Reasoned method to keep Hall probe perpendicular to direction of magnetic field or at X (e.g.
use of set square, fix to rule, optical bench or equivalent)
5 Method to check coils are correctly aligned in parallel
6 Repeat experiment with Hall probe reversed and average
7 Repeat measurement for d (or r) and average
8 Relationship is valid if the graph is a straight line passing through the origin for appropriate
[if lg–lg then straight line with gradient = –1 (ignore reference to y-intercept)]

Do not allow vague computer methods.

[Total: 15]

2 Analysis, conclusions and evaluation (15 marks)

Mark Expected Answer Additional Guidance

(a) A1
− 4π 2 Gradient must be negative.
gradient =
Allow y-intercept = –gradient × k
4π 2
y-intercept = k

(b) T1 (mean) t / s, T / s and T 2 / s2 All column headings to be correct.

T2 Check all values of T 2.

31.8 or 31.81 Allow a mixture of significant figures.

30.8 or 30.80

29.6 or 29.59

28.7 or 28.73

27.8 or 27.77

26.8 or 26.83

(c) (i) G1 Six points plotted correctly Must be within half a small square. Penalise “blobs”
Ecf allowed from table.

U1 Error bars in d plotted All error bars to be plotted. Must be accurate to less
correctly than half a small square.

(c) (ii) G2 Line of best fit Lower end of line should pass between (1.60, 27.0)
and (1.64,27.0) and upper end of line should pass
between (0.44,31.8) and (0.48,31.8).

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G3 Worst acceptable straight Line should be clearly labelled or dashed.

line. Examiner judgement on worst acceptable line.
Steepest or shallowest Lines must cross. Mark scored only if all error bars
possible line that passes are plotted.
through all the error bars.

(c) (iii) C1 Gradient of best fit line Must be negative.

The triangle used should be at least half the length
of the drawn line. Check the read offs. Work to half
a small square. Do not penalise POT. (Should be
about –4.)

U2 Uncertainty in gradient Method of determining absolute uncertainty:

difference in worst gradient and gradient.

(c) (iv) C2 y-intercept FOX does not score.

Check substitution into y = mx + c
Allow ecf from (c)(iii). (Should be about 33.7.)

U3 Uncertainty in y-intercept Uses worst gradient and point on WAL.

Do not check calculation.
FOX does not score.

(d) (i) C3 g between 9.20 and 9.90

4π 2
given to 2 or 3 s.f. and g=− ; allow N kg–1
correct unit (m s–2) having m
used gradient.

C4 k determined correctly with g c

correct unit (m) k =c = (k must be positive.)
4π 2 −m

(d) (ii) U4 Percentage uncertainty in g

U5 Percentage uncertainty in k Percentage uncertainty in k must be larger than the

percentage uncertainty in g.

[Total: 15]

Uncertainties in Question 2

(c) (iii) Gradient [U2]

Uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of worst acceptable line

Uncertainty = (steepest worst line gradient – shallowest worst line gradient)

(c) (iv) [U3]

Uncertainty = y-intercept of line of best fit – y-intercept of worst acceptable line

Uncertainty = (steepest y-intercept – shallowest y-intercept)

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GCE AS/A LEVEL – May/June 2014 9702 52

(d) (ii) [U4]

Percentage uncertainty in g = ∆m × 100 = ∆g × 100
m g

Percentage uncertainty in k = ∆k × 100 = ∆g × 100 + ∆c × 100
k g c

max g × max y-intercept max y − intercept

max k = =
4π 2
min gradient

min g × min-intercept min y − intercept

min k = =
4π 2
max gradient

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Level
* 8 1 9 5 8 0 9 2 7 4 *

PHYSICS 9702/52
Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2015
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 8 printed pages.

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1 A student is investigating how the intensity of the reflection of sound from a wall varies with
the thickness of foam attached to the wall, as shown in Fig. 1.1.



Fig. 1.1

It is suggested that the intensity I of the reflected sound is related to the thickness t of the
foam by the relationship
I = I0e−αρt

where I0 is the intensity of the sound before reflection, ρ is the density of the foam and α is a

Design a laboratory experiment to test the relationship between I and t. Explain how your
results could be used to determine a value for α. You should draw a diagram, on page 3,
showing the arrangement of your equipment. In your account you should pay particular
attention to

(a) the procedure to be followed,

(b) the measurements to be taken,

(c) the control of variables,

(d) the analysis of the data,

(e) the safety precautions to be taken.


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Defining the Methods of data Method of Safety Additional

problem collection analysis considerations detail

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2 A student is investigating a circuit containing two horizontal parallel plates separated by an


The circuit is set up as shown in Fig. 2.1.

reed switch

+ plate

area of


Fig. 2.1

An experiment is carried out to investigate how the current I varies with the area X of overlap
of the parallel plates. The student measures the length l of overlap. To determine the area X
of overlap, the student uses the relationship
X = wl
where w is the width of the plates.

It is suggested that I and X are related by the equation

I = εE
fX d

where E is the e.m.f. of the power supply, f is the frequency of the vibrating reed switch, d is
the separation of the two parallel plates and ε is a constant.

(a) A graph is plotted of I on the y-axis against X on the x-axis.

Determine an expression for the gradient.

gradient = .................................................. [1]

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(b) The width w of the plates has a value of 0.300 ± 0.005 m.

Values of l and I are given in Fig. 2.2.

l/m I / 10−6 A

0.160 ± 0.005 4.6

0.180 ± 0.005 5.3

0.210 ± 0.005 6.2

0.240 ± 0.005 7.1

0.270 ± 0.005 8.0

0.300 ± 0.005 8.8

Fig. 2.2

Calculate and record values of X / 10−2 m2 in Fig. 2.2. Include the uncertainties in X. [3]

(c) (i) Plot a graph of I / 10−6 A against X / 10−2 m2. Include error bars for X. [2]

(ii) Draw the straight line of best fit and a worst acceptable straight line on your graph.
Both lines should be clearly labelled. [2]

(iii) Determine the gradient of the line of best fit. Include the uncertainty in your answer.

gradient = .................................................. [2]

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I / 10–6 A










4 5 6 7 8 9 10
X / 10–2 m2

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(d) (i) Using your answers to (a) and (c)(iii), determine the value of ε. Include an
appropriate unit.

Data: E = 12.0 ± 0.2 V, f = 400 ± 10 Hz and d = 0.0030 ± 0.0002 m.

ε = .................................................. [2]
(ii) Determine the percentage uncertainty in your value of ε.

percentage uncertainty = ............................................. % [1]

(e) The experiment is repeated with two square plates of length 0.500 ± 0.001 m which
completely overlap. Determine the frequency f of the reed switch that will produce a
current of 5.0 ± 0.1 μA. Include the absolute uncertainty in your answer.

Data: E = 12.0 ± 0.2 V and d = 0.0030 ± 0.0002 m.

f = ............................................Hz [2]

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Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

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Cambridge International AS/A Level – May/June 2015 9702 52

1 Planning (15 marks)

Defining the problem (3 marks)

P t is the independent variable and I (or amplitude of reflected signal) is the dependent
variable, or vary t and measure I (or amplitude of reflected signal). [1]

P Keep distance from the wall/foam to the speaker/microphone constant. [1]

P Keep the amplitude or intensity I0 of the sound before reflection constant. [1]

Methods of data collection (5 marks)

M Labelled diagram of workable experiment including speaker, microphone/sound detector,

foam and wall. [1]

M Signal generator/a.c. power supply connected to speaker. [1]

M Microphone connected to oscilloscope or sound (intensity) meter. [1]

M Measure the thickness with a rule/micrometer/vernier calipers. [1]

M Method to determine the density; ρ = m / V. [1]

Method of analysis (2 marks)

A Plot a graph of ln I against t.

(Allow log I against t and lg I against t graphs.) [1]

A α = – gradient / ρ (must be consistent with graph plotted) [1]

Safety considerations (1 mark)

S Precaution linked to loud sounds, e.g. use ear plugs/muffs/defenders.

Allow switch off sound source to prevent damage to ears. [1]

Additional detail (4 marks)

D Relevant points might include [4]

1 Keep the frequency constant
2 Carry out experiment in a quiet room/no other sources of sound
3 Method to keep angles constant/positions of speaker and microphone constant.
4 Method and explanation to detect reflected sound from foam only, e.g. barrier, tube or
method to avoid reflections
5 Method to determine mass, e.g. use scales/balance and method to determine volume
6 Relationship is valid if the graph is a straight line (ignore reference to y-intercept)
7 Method to check that emitted sound I0 is constant or method to check y-intercept is ln I0.
8 Intensity is proportional to the amplitude2.

Do not allow vague computer methods.

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2 Analysis, conclusions and evaluation (15 marks)

Expected Answer Additional Guidance

(a) A1 ε Ef
gradient =

(b) T1 X / 10–2 m2

T2 Allow a mixture of significant figures.

4.80 or 4.800
Must be table values.
5.40 or 5.400
6.30 or 6.300
7.20 or 7.200
8.10 or 8.100
9.00 or 9.000

U1 From ±0.2 to ±0.3 Allow more than one significant figure.

(c) (i) G1 Six points plotted correctly Must be within half a small square.
Do not allow “blobs”.
Ecf allowed from table.

U2 Error bars in X plotted All error bars to be plotted. Must be accurate to

correctly less than half a small square.

(ii) G2 Line of best fit Lower end of line must pass between (5.1, 5.0)
and (5.3, 5.0) and upper end of line must pass
between (8.5, 8.5) and (8.8, 8.5).

G3 Worst acceptable straight line. Line should be clearly labelled or dashed.

Steepest or shallowest Examiner judgement on worst acceptable line.
possible line that passes Lines must cross. Mark scored only if error bars
through all the error bars. are plotted.

(iii) C1 Gradient of best fit line The triangle used should be at least half the
length of the drawn line. Check the read-offs.
Work to half a small square. Do not penalise
POT. (Should be about 1 × 10–4.)

U3 Uncertainty in gradient Method of determining absolute uncertainty:

difference in worst gradient and gradient.

(d) (i) C2 ε = 6.25 × 10–7 × gradient Do not penalise POT.

(Should be about 6 or 7 × 10–11.)

C3 F m–1 or C V–1 m–1 Allow A m–1 V–1 Hz–1 or A s m–1 V–1 or A2 s4 kg–1 m–3.
Power of 10 must be correct.

(ii) U4 Percentage uncertainty in ε 10.83% + percentage uncertainty in gradient

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(e) C4 f in the range 73.0 to 84.4 and Allow 73 to 84 for 2 s.f.

given to 2 or 3 s.f.
5.0 × 10 −9

U5 Absolute uncertainty in f Clear working needed.

Allow ecf from (d)(ii).

Uncertainties in Question 2

(c) (iii) Gradient [U3]

uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of worst acceptable line

uncertainty = ½ (steepest worst line gradient – shallowest worst line gradient)

(d) (ii) [U4]

max gradient × max d

max ε =
min E × min f

min gradient × min d

min ε =
max E × max f

 ∆gradient ∆d ∆f ∆E 
% uncertainty =  + + +  × 100
 gradient d f E 
 ∆gradient 0.0002 10 0.2 
=  + + +  × 100
 gradient 0.0030 400 12.0 

(e) [U5]

max I × max d
max f =
min X × min ε × min E

min I × min d
min f =
max X × max ε × max E

 ∆I ∆d ∆l ∆E ∆ε   0.1 0.0002 0.001 0.2 ∆ε   ∆ε 

∆f =  + +2 + + f =  + +2 + +  f =  0.107 + f
 I d l E ε   5.0 0.0030 0.500 12.0 ε   ε 

 10.7 + (d)(ii)    21.5 + % uncertainty in gradient  

∆f = 
f =  f if (d)(ii) is correct
    100  

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
* 1 3 0 9 6 6 0 6 0 4 *

PHYSICS 9702/52
Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2016
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 8 printed pages.

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1 A student is investigating the acceleration of a trolley moving up an inclined plane as shown in

Fig. 1.1.

inclined plane trolley


Fig. 1.1

The student is investigating the relationship between the acceleration a of the trolley and the
angle θ of the inclined plane when a force F is applied to the trolley.

It is suggested that the relationship is

ma = F – (mg sin θ + k )

where g is the acceleration of free fall, m is the mass of the trolley and k is a constant.

Design a laboratory experiment to test the relationship between a and θ. Explain how your results
could be used to determine a value for k. You should draw a diagram, on page 3, showing the
arrangement of your equipment. In your account you should pay particular attention to

• the procedure to be followed,

• the measurements to be taken,
• the control of variables,
• the analysis of the data,
• any safety precautions to be taken.

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[Total: 15]
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2 A student is investigating how the resistance of a wire depends on the diameter of the wire.

The circuit is set up as shown in Fig. 2.1.



Fig. 2.1

The resistance R of the wire is measured using an ohmmeter.

The experiment is repeated for wires of the same material and same length L but different
diameter d.

It is suggested that R and d are related by the equation

πd 2
where ρ is a constant.
(a) A graph is plotted of R on the y-axis against on the x-axis.
Determine an expression for the gradient.

gradient = ...........................................................[1]

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(b) Values of d and R are given in Fig. 2.2.

d / 10–3 m R/Ω

0.91 ± 0.01 1.6

0.56 ± 0.01 4.4

0.46 ± 0.01 6.6

0.38 ± 0.01 9.7

0.32 ± 0.01 13.9

0.27 ± 0.01 19.5

Fig. 2.2
Calculate and record values of / 106 m–2 in Fig. 2.2.
Include the absolute uncertainties in 2 . [3]
(c) (i) Plot a graph of R / Ω against 2 / 106 m–2.
Include error bars for 2 . [2]
(ii) Draw the straight line of best fit and a worst acceptable straight line on your graph. Both
lines should be clearly labelled. [2]

(iii) Determine the gradient of the line of best fit. Include the absolute uncertainty in your

gradient = ...........................................................[2]

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1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0
/ 106 m–2

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(d) (i) Using your answers to (a) and (c)(iii), determine the value of ρ. Include an appropriate

Data: L = 1.00 ± 0.01 m.

ρ = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) Determine the percentage uncertainty in ρ.

percentage uncertainty in ρ = ...................................................... % [1]

(e) The experiment is repeated with a thinner wire of diameter 0.23 ± 0.01 mm. The wire is of the
same material and length.

Determine the resistance R of the wire. Include the absolute uncertainty in your answer.

R = ....................................................... Ω [2]

[Total: 15]

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Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
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Cambridge International AS/A Level – May/June 2016 9702 52

Question 1 Planning (15 marks)

Defining the problem (2 marks)

P θ is the independent variable and a is the dependent variable, or vary θ and measure a. [1]

P Keep F constant. [1]

Methods of data collection (4 marks)

M Diagram showing inclined plane with labelled support

(not if a ruler used as the inclined plane or as vertical support). [1]

M Method to measure angle e.g. use a protractor to measure θ or use a ruler to

measure marked distances from which sin θ or θ may be determined.
(Allow a labelled protractor in the correct position.) [1]

M Method to measure a time or velocity to determine a, e.g. measure the time using a
stopwatch, light gate(s) connected to a timer, motion sensor connected to a time
display. [1]

M Use a balance to measure the mass of the trolley. [1]

Method of analysis (3 marks)

A Plot a graph of or Plot a graph of or Plot a graph of

a against sin θ. ma against sin θ. ma against mg sin θ. [1]

A Relationship is valid if the graph is a straight line and does not pass through the origin [1]

A k = F – m × (y-intercept) or k = F – (y-intercept) or k = F – (y-intercept) [1]

Do not allow lg-lg graphs.

Additional detail (6 marks)

Relevant points might include: [6]

1 Keep mass of trolley constant/use same trolley.

2 Correct trigonometry relationship to determine sin θ or θ using marked lengths.

3 Use ruler to measure appropriate distance to determine a, e.g. length of slope, length of
card for light gate method, position of motion sensor.

4 Equation to determine a from measurements taken appropriately with a as the subject.

5 Measurement of F for a valid method e.g. take reading from newton-meter or from stretched
elastic/spring from extension (allow falling weight e.g. F = mg).

6 Use a constant extension to produce a constant force when using stretched spring/elastic.

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7 Method to ensure the inclined plane is the same height each side of the plane or spirit level
across plane or ensure force F (or string) is parallel to the plane.

8 Safety precaution linked to falling mass/trolley or spring/elastic breaking (not string).

9 Rearrangement of relationship into y = mx + c e.g. ma = –mg sin θ + (F – k) or

F −k
a = −g sin θ + or correct y-intercept (subject must be y-axis).

10 Repeat experiment for each angle θ to find average for a.

Do not allow vague computer methods.

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Question 2 Analysis, conclusions and evaluation (15 marks)

Mark Expected Answer Additional Guidance

(a) A1

(b) T1 1
/ 106 m–2

T2 All values to 2 s.f. or 3 s.f. Allow a mixture of

1.2 or 1.21 significant figures. Must be values in table.
3.2 or 3.19

4.7 or 4.73

6.9 or 6.93

9.8 or 9.77

14 or 13.7

U1 From ± 0.03 to ± 1 Allow more than one significant figure.

Allow zero for first uncertainty and up to 1.2 for
largest uncertainty.

(c) (i) G1 Six points plotted correctly Must be within half a small square.
Do not allow “blobs”.
ECF allowed from table.

1 All error bars to be plotted. Length of bar must

U2 Error bars in plotted correctly be accurate to less than half a small square
and symmetrical.

(ii) G2 Line of best fit Lower end of line must pass between
(2.6, 4.0) and (3.0, 4.0) and upper end of line
must pass between (12.4, 18.0) and
(13.0, 18.0).

G3 Worst acceptable straight line. Line should be clearly labelled or dashed.

Steepest or shallowest possible Examiner judgement on worst acceptable line.
line that passes through all the Must be steepest/shallowest line. Mark
error bars. scored only if error bars are plotted.

(iii) C1 Gradient of line of best fit The triangle used should be at least half the
length of the drawn line. Check the read-offs.
Work to half a small square. Do not penalise
POT. (Should be about 1.4 –1.5 × 10–6.)

U3 Absolute uncertainty in gradient Method of determining absolute uncertainty:

difference in worst gradient and gradient.

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Mark Expected Answer Additional Guidance

(d) (i) C2 π × gradient Must use gradient value. Do not penalise

= 0.7854 × gradient POT (Should be about 1 × 10–6.)

C3 Ωm Correct unit and correct power of ten.

(ii) U4 Percentage uncertainty in ρ Percentage uncertainty in gradient + 1%.

(e) C4 R in the range 25.5 to 28.4 and Allow 26 or 27 or 28.

given to 2 or 3 s.f. Allow ECF for POT error in (d)(i) e.g.
2.7 × 107.

U5 Absolute uncertainty in R Percentage uncertainty must be greater than


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Uncertainties in Question 2

(c) (iii) Gradient [U3]

uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of worst acceptable line

uncertainty = ½ (steepest worst line gradient – shallowest worst line gradient)

(d) (ii) [U4]

 ∆gradient 0.01   ∆gradient 

percentage uncertainty =  +  × 100 =   × 100 + 1%
 gradient 1.00   gradient 

π × max gradient π × max gradient

max ρ = =
4 × min L 4 × 0.99

π × min gradient π × min gradient

min ρ = =
4 × max L 4 × 1.01

(e) [U5]

 ∆gradient  0.01    ∆gradient 

percentage uncertainty =  + 2×   × 100 =  + 0.086  × 100
 gradient  0.23    gradient 

 ∆ρ 0.01  0.01    ∆ρ 
percentage uncertainty =  + + 2×   × 100 =  + 0.096  × 100
 ρ 1.00  0.23    ρ 

max gradient
max R = 2

4 × Lmax × ρmax
max R = 2

min gradient
minR = 2

4 × Lmin × ρmin
min R = 2
π× dmax

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
* 2 5 0 9 0 5 3 2 0 5 *

PHYSICS 9702/52
Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2017
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 8 printed pages.

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1 A student is investigating the motion of a small cube on a turntable connected to an electric motor
as shown in Fig. 1.1.



Fig. 1.1

The cube is placed at a distance r from the centre of the turntable. It is suggested that the
relationship between r and the maximum frequency f of the turntable for which the cube does not
move relative to the turntable is

K = 4π2mfr

where m is the mass of the cube and K is a constant.

Design a laboratory experiment to test the relationship between f and r. Explain how your results
could be used to determine a value for K. You should draw a diagram, on page 3, showing the
arrangement of your equipment. In your account you should pay particular attention to

• the procedure to be followed,

• the measurements to be taken,
• the control of variables,
• the analysis of the data,
• any safety precautions to be taken.

© UCLES 2017 9702/52/M/J/17

T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....55 of 95....call03-234567569
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[Total: 15]
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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....58 of 95....call03-234567800

2 A student is investigating the current in a circuit. The circuit is set up as shown in Fig. 2.1.



Fig. 2.1

Two resistors P and Q are connected to a power supply of e.m.f. E and negligible internal
resistance. The current I is measured.

The resistance of resistor P is P. The experiment is repeated for different values of P.

It is suggested that I and P are related by the equation

E = I(P + Q)

where Q is the resistance of resistor Q.

(a) A graph is plotted of on the y-axis against P on the x-axis.
Determine expressions for the gradient and the y-intercept.

gradient = ...............................................................

y-intercept = ...............................................................

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(b) Values of P and I are given in Fig. 2.2.

The tolerance of each value of P is ±5%.

1 –1
P/Ω I / mA /A

180 ± 34

220 ± 28

330 ± 19

470 ± 14

560 ± 12

680 ± 10

Fig. 2.2
1 –1
Calculate and record values of / A in Fig. 2.2.
Determine the absolute uncertainties in P. [2]
1 –1
(c) (i) Plot a graph of / A against P / Ω.
Include error bars for P. [2]

(ii) Draw the straight line of best fit and a worst acceptable straight line on your graph. Both
lines should be clearly labelled. [2]

(iii) Determine the gradient of the line of best fit. Include the absolute uncertainty in your

gradient = ...........................................................[2]

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/ A–1








100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

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(iv) Determine the y-intercept of the line of best fit. Include the absolute uncertainty in your

y-intercept = ...........................................................[2]

(d) (i) Using your answers to (a), (c)(iii) and (c)(iv), determine the values of E and Q. Include
appropriate units.

E = ...............................................................

Q = ...............................................................

(ii) Determine the percentage uncertainties in E and Q.

percentage uncertainty in E = ........................................................... %

percentage uncertainty in Q = ........................................................... %


[Total: 15]
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....61 of 95....call03-234567569
9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....62 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

1 Defining the problem

r is the independent variable and f (frequency of turntable) is the dependent variable or vary r and measure f (frequency of 1

keep m constant 1

Methods of data collection

labelled diagram showing power supply connected to motor (two leads) within turntable; circuits must be workable 1

method to change frequency of rotation of the turntable, e.g. adjust output of (variable) power supply or adjust variable 1

increase frequency until the cube moves (relative to the turntable) 1

method to determine period of rotation of the turntable, e.g. stopwatch, light gate attached to a timer/data-logger or 1

Method of analysis

plots a graph of f against 1 / r (allow log f against log r) 1

relationship valid if a straight line produced passing through the origin 1

(for lg f vs. lg r straight line of gradient of –1)

K = gradient × 4π2m 1
(for lg f vs. lg r, K = 10y-intercept × 4π2m)

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....63 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

Additional detail including safety considerations Max. 6

D1 use safety screen

D2 time at least 10 rotations of turntable or detailed use of stroboscope

D3 f = 1 / T for correct determination of period of rotation of turntable

D4 repeat experiment for each r and average f

D5 use balance to measure mass of cube

D6 wait for turntable to rotate steadily before increasing frequency

gradual/incremental/slowly increase in frequency

D7 use a spirit level to check that turntable is horizontal or clean cube/surface

D8 use a rule to measure r

D9 method to ensure r is measured to the centre of the cube, e.g. put a mark on the cube or align front or back of cube
by a set distance

D10 method to determine centre of the turntable e.g. measure two or more diameters/maximum distance ideas

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95....call03-234567800 May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

2(a) 1 1
gradient =
y-intercept =

2(b) 1 2
P/Ω / A–1
±9 29 or 29.4
± 11 36 or 35.7
± 16.5 53 or 52.6
± 23.5 71 or 71.4
± 28 83 or 83.3
± 34 100

First mark for uncertainties correct. Allow 1 s.f. e.g. 10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 30.
Second mark for all second column correct. Allow a mixture of significant figures.

2(c)(i) Six points plotted correctly. 1

Must be accurate to less than half a small square. No “blobs”. Diameter of points must be less than half a small square.

Error bars in P plotted correctly. 1

All error bars to be plotted. Length of bar must be accurate to less than half a small square and symmetrical.

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....65 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

2(c)(ii) Line of best fit drawn. 1

If points are plotted correctly then lower end of line should pass between (200, 32) and (200, 34) and upper end of line should
pass between (600, 88) and (600, 91).

Worst acceptable line drawn (steepest or shallowest possible line). 1

All error bars must be plotted.

2(c)(iii) Gradient determined with a triangle that is at least half the length of the drawn line. 1

uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of worst acceptable line 1

uncertainty = ½ (steepest worst line gradient – shallowest worst line gradient)

2(c)(iv) y-intercept determined by substitution of correct point into y = mx + c. 1

uncertainty = y-intercept of line of best fit – y-intercept of worst acceptable line 1

uncertainty = ½ (steepest worst line y-intercept – shallowest worst line y-intercept)

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....66 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

2(d)(i) E determined using gradient and units for E and Q with correct power of ten. 1
1 1
E= =
gradient 2(c)(iii)

Q determined using y-intercept and E and Q given to 2 or 3 significant figures. 1

Correct substitution of numbers must be seen.
y -intercept 2(c)(iv)
Q = E × y -intercept = E × 2(c)(iv) = =
gradient 2(c)(iii)

2(d)(ii) % uncertainty in E = % uncertainty in gradient 1

% uncertainty in Q = % uncertainty in E + % uncertainty in y-intercept 1

% uncertainty in Q = % uncertainty in gradient + % uncertainty in y-intercept.

Correct substitution of numbers must be seen.

Maximum/minimum methods:
max y -intercept
Max Q = max y -intercept × max E or
min gradient
min y -intercept
Min Q = min y -intercept × min E or
max gradient

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....68 of 95....call03-234567800

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
* 0 1 4 9 3 2 7 7 0 5 *

PHYSICS 9702/52
Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2018
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 8 printed pages.

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....69 of 95....call03-234567800

1 A student is investigating the reflection of light from a compact disc (CD), as shown in Fig. 1.1.



Fig. 1.1

The student observes on the screen a pattern of maxima and minima which is similar to that
produced by a diffraction grating. The distance h is measured to one of the maxima.

It is suggested that the relationship between h and the wavelength λ of the incident light is
nλ + B
where n is the order of the maximum and d and B are constants.

Design a laboratory experiment to test the relationship between h and λ.

Explain how your results could be used to determine values for d and B.

You should draw a diagram, on page 3, showing the arrangement of your equipment. In your
account you should pay particular attention to

• the procedure to be followed,

• the measurements to be taken,

• the control of variables,

• the analysis of the data,

• any safety precautions to be taken.

© UCLES 2018 9702/52/M/J/18

T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....69 of 95....call03-234567569
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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....72 of 95....call03-234567800

2 A student is investigating the charging of a capacitor. A circuit is set up as shown in Fig. 2.1.


Fig. 2.1

The capacitor is initially discharged. A resistor of resistance R is connected between P and Q.

When the switch is closed, the time t for the voltmeter reading to increase to a specific value V is
measured. The capacitor is then discharged.

The experiment is repeated with a different number n of resistors each of resistance R connected
in series between P and Q.

It is suggested that t and n are related by the equation

J t N
1 - = e LnRCP

where E is the electromotive force (e.m.f.) of the power supply and C is the capacitance of the

(a) A graph is plotted of t on the y-axis against nR on the x-axis.

Determine an expression for the gradient.

gradient = .......................................................... [1]

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....73 of 95....call03-234567800

(b) Values of n and t are given in Fig. 2.2.

Each resistor has a resistance R of 4.7 kΩ ± 10%.

n t /s

1 15.8

2 34.8

3 50.8

4 66.8

5 83.8

6 97.2

Fig. 2.2

Calculate and record values of nR / 103 Ω in Fig. 2.2.

Include the absolute uncertainties in nR. [2]

(c) (i) Plot a graph of t / s against nR / 103 Ω.

Include error bars for nR. [2]

(ii) Draw the straight line of best fit and a worst acceptable straight line on your graph. Both
lines should be clearly labelled. [2]

(iii) Determine the gradient of the line of best fit. Include the absolute uncertainty in your

gradient = .......................................................... [2]

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t /s









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
nR / 10 Ω

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(d) (i) Using your answers to (a) and (c)(iii), determine the value of C. Include an appropriate

Data: E = 5.0 V
V = 4.0 V

C = .......................................................... [3]

(ii) Determine the percentage uncertainty in C.

percentage uncertainty in C = ...................................................... % [1]

(e) The experiment is repeated using the same capacitor. Determine the resistance K of the
single resistor that is required so that the time for the voltmeter reading to reach 90% of the
e.m.f. of the power supply is 5.0 minutes. Include the absolute uncertainty in your answer.

K = ...................................................... Ω [2]

[Total: 15]
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

© UCLES 2018 9702/52/M/J/18

T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....75 of 95....call03-234567569
9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....76 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2018
Question Answer Marks

1 Defining the problem

λ is the independent variable and h is the dependent variable or vary λ and measure h 1

keep angle of incidence of light on to CD constant 1

Methods of data collection

labelled diagram of workable experiment including: 1

• light source, CD and screen
• method to support light source
• light source labelled and at least one other label

method to change wavelength, e.g. use filters, different lasers/LEDs 1

method to determine λ e.g. read from filter/label or experiment e.g. Young’s slits, diffraction grating 1

measure h with a rule or labelled rule shown in diagram close to screen with h indicated 1

Method of analysis

plot a graph of h against λ or plot a graph of h against nλ 1

d = n / gradient or d = 1 / gradient (consistent with graph) 1

B = y-intercept 1

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....77 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2018
Question Answer Marks

Additional detail including safety considerations Max. 6

D1 safety precaution linked to exposure of eyes to (intense) light, e.g. avoid looking (directly) at the (intense) light source or
wear dark glasses or wear goggles to protect eyes from light

D2 keep distance from CD to screen constant

D3 keep n constant

D4 method to identify same order, e.g. identify the zero order and count the number of maxima to where h is measured

D5 equation to determine λ e.g. Young’s slits/diffraction grating formula with λ as subject

D6 use intense light source/collimated light source

D7 perform experiment in a dark room

D8 clean surface of CD/check that there are no scratches

D9 detail on measuring h (e.g. measure to the top and bottom of the maximum and average)

D10 relationship valid if a straight line (with a y-intercept)

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....78 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2018
Question Answer Marks

2(a)  V  E  1
gradient = −C ln  1 −  or C ln  
 E   E −V 

2(b) nR / 103 Ω absolute uncertainty in nR 2

4.7 or 4.70 0.5 or 0.47

9.4 or 9.40 0.9 or 0.94
14 or 14.1 1 or 1.4 or 1.41
19 or 18.8 2 or 1.9 or 1.88
24 or 23.5 2 or 2.4 or 2.35
28 or 28.2 3 or 2.8 or 2.82

First mark for correct column heading and values of nR.

Second mark for absolute uncertainties in nR. Allow a mixture of significant figures.

2(c)(i) Six points plotted correctly. 1

Must be within half a small square. Diameter of points must be less than half a small square.

Error bars in nR plotted correctly. 1

All error bars to be plotted. Length of bar must be accurate to less than half a small square and symmetrical.

2(c)(ii) Line of best fit drawn. 1

Upper end of line should pass between (25, 90) and (26, 90) and lower end of line should pass between (10.5, 40)
and (11.5, 40). Do not allow line from top point to bottom point unless points are balanced.

Worst acceptable line drawn (steepest or shallowest possible line). 1

All error bars must be plotted.

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....79 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2018
Question Answer Marks

2(c)(iii) Gradient determined with clear substitution of points from the line of best fit into ∆y / ∆x. 1
Distance between points must be at least half the length of the drawn line.

Gradient of worst acceptable line determined. 1

uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of worst acceptable line

uncertainty = ½ (steepest worst line gradient – shallowest worst line gradient)

2(d)(i) C determined using gradient and given to 2 or 3 significant figures. 1

C determined using: 1

−gradient −(c)(iii) −(c)(iii)

C= = =
 V  ln ( 0.2 ) −1.609438
ln  1 − 
 E

C determined correctly using gradient and with unit (F or s Ω–1) and correct power of ten. 1

2(d)(ii) % uncertainty in C = % uncertainty in gradient. 1

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....80 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2018
Question Answer Marks

2(e) K determined using C. 1

Correct substitution of numbers must be seen.

−300 −300 130.3

K= = =
ln (1 − 0.9 ) × C −2.30 × (d)(i) (d)(i)

Absolute uncertainty in K determined. 1

Correct substitution of numbers must be seen.

 ∆gradient   ∆C 
uncertainty =  ×K =  ×K
 gradient   C 

Maximum/minimum methods:

−130.3 −130.3 × −1.609 209.69

max K = = =
min (d)(i) min gradient min gradient

−130.3 −130.3 × −1.609 209.69

min K = = =
max (d)(i) max gradient max gradient

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....82 of 95....call03-234567800

Cambridge Assessment International Education

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
* 1 7 8 1 6 7 7 0 1 1 *

PHYSICS 9702/52
Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2019
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 8 printed pages.

DC (LK/TP) 163808/2
© UCLES 2019 [Turn over

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....83 of 95....call03-234567800

1 A student is investigating the stability of a wooden block resting on a bench.

A strip is attached by a nail to the centre of the top of the block and is able to rotate, as shown in
Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2.



Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2

A load of mass m is attached to the free end of the strip at point P. The student is investigating the
position of the strip indicated by angle θ, as shown in Fig. 1.2, at which the block just topples.

It is suggested that the relationship between m and θ is

αVw = 2mL cos θ – mw

where α is a constant, V is the volume of the block, w is the width of the block and L is the distance
between the centre of the nail and the centre of the load.

Design a laboratory experiment to test the relationship between m and θ.

Explain how your results could be used to determine a value for α.

You should draw a diagram, on page 3, showing the arrangement of your equipment.
In your account you should pay particular attention to:

• the procedure to be followed

• the measurements to be taken
• the control of variables
• the analysis of the data
• any safety precautions to be taken.

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.......................................................................................................................................................... [15]
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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....86 of 95....call03-234567800

2 A student is investigating the oscillations of a mass attached to an arrangement of springs. Fig. 2.1
shows a mass attached to two springs connected in series.



Fig. 2.1

The student determines the spring constant k for the arrangement of the springs. A stopwatch is
used to measure the time t for 20 oscillations. The measurement of t is repeated and the average
period T is determined.

The experiment is repeated for different arrangements and different numbers of springs.

It is suggested that T and k are related by the equation

T = 2π

where M is the mass.

(a) A graph is plotted of T 2 on the y-axis against on the x-axis.
Determine an expression for the gradient.

gradient = ......................................................... [1]

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(b) Values of k, and the measurements of t are given in Fig. 2.2.

k / N m–1 / m N–1 t/s t/s T/s T 2 / s2

7.9 0.13 22.2 22.6

11 0.091 19.2 18.8

15 0.067 16.6 16.0

24 0.042 12.8 13.4

32 0.031 11.0 11.8

49 0.020 9.8 9.0

Fig. 2.2

Calculate and record values of T / s and T 2 / s2 in Fig. 2.2.

Include the absolute uncertainties in T and T 2. [4]
(c) (i) Plot a graph of T 2 / s2 against / m N–1.
Include error bars for T 2. [2]

(ii) Draw the straight line of best fit and a worst acceptable straight line on your graph. Both
lines should be clearly labelled. [2]

(iii) Determine the gradient of the line of best fit. Include the absolute uncertainty in your

gradient = ......................................................... [2]

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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....88 of 95....call03-234567800



T 2 / s2










0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
/ m N–1
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T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....89 of 95....call03-234567800

(d) (i) Using your answers to (a) and (c)(iii), determine the value of M. Include an appropriate

M = ......................................................... [1]

(ii) Determine the percentage uncertainty in M.

percentage uncertainty = ..................................................... % [1]

(e) Determine the spring constant k for an arrangement of springs using the same mass that
would have a period of 2.50 ± 0.01 s. Include the absolute uncertainty in your answer.

k = ........................................................ N m–1 [2]

[Total: 15]

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© UCLES 2019 9702/52/M/J/19

T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....89 of 95....call03-234567569
9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....90 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2019
Question Answer Marks

1 Defining the problem

m is the independent variable and θ is the dependent variable or vary m and measure θ 1
θ is the independent variable and m is the dependent variable or vary θ and measure m

keep position of load constant or L constant 1

Methods of data collection

labelled diagram of workable experiment including: 1

• load shown touching at P
• load labelled and at least one other label

use a protractor to measure θ 1

if m is the independent variable: (slowly) change the angle until the block (just) topples 1
if θ is the independent variable: (slowly) change mass until block (just) topples

use a balance to measure m 1

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....91 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2019
Question Answer Marks

1 Method of analysis

plot a graph of cos θ against 1 / m (or reverse axes 1 / m against cos θ) 1

(not 1 / cos θ against m or m against 1 / cos θ)

relationship valid if a straight line 1

(not ‘through the origin’ unless the choice of axes indicates the intercept is zero)

2L × gradient gradient 1
α= or α =
V ×w V × y -intercept

for reverse axes:

2L 1
α= or α = −
V × w × gradient V × y -intercept

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....92 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2019
Question Answer Marks

1 Additional detail including safety considerations Max. 6

D1 use cushion/foam/sandbox in case block/load falls

D2 measure L with a rule

D3 correctly positioned protractor to measure θ, e.g. protractor with its centre over the nail and its straight edge parallel to
an edge of the block

D4 method to fix m to strip

D5 method to determine volume of block, e.g. V = w × h × l

D6 measure w, h and l with calipers/micrometer/rule

D7 (if m is the independent variable:) repeat experiment for θ and determine the average θ
(if θ is the independent variable:) repeat experiment for m and determine the average m

D8 equation must be in the form of y = mx + c with cos θ on one side and m on the other side
e.g. for a graph of cos θ against 1 / m
αVw w
cosθ = +
2Lm 2L
or for a graph of 1 / m against cos θ
1 2Lcosθ 1
= −
m αVw αV

D9 method to determine centre of load or centre of block e.g. measure diameter/width and halve or diagonals across the

D10 method to ensure that block or strip is horizontal, e.g. check with a spirit level that table/block is horizontal or use a rigid

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....93 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2019
Question Answer Marks

2(a) gradient = 4π2M 1

T/s T2 / s 2

1.12 or 1.120 1.25 or 1.254

0.950 or 0.9500 0.903 or 0.9025

0.815 or 0.8150 0.664 or 0.6642

0.655 or 0.6550 0.429 or 0.4290

0.570 or 0.5700 0.325 or 0.3249

0.47 or 0.470 0.22 or 0.221

Values of T as above. 1

Values of T2 as above. 1

Uncertainties in T increase from ±0.01 to ±0.02. 1

Uncertainties in T2 about ±0.02. 1

2(c)(i) Six points plotted correctly. 1

Must be accurate to the nearest half a small square. Diameter of points must be less than half a small square.

Error bars in T2 plotted correctly. 1

All error bars to be plotted. Length of bar must be accurate to less than half a small square and symmetrical.

2(c)(ii) Line of best fit drawn. 1

If points are plotted correctly then lower end of line should pass between (0.048, 0.5) and (0.052, 0.5) and upper end of line
should pass between (0.098, 1.0) and (0.104, 1.0).

Worst acceptable line drawn (steepest or shallowest possible line that passes through all the error bars). 1
All error bars must be plotted.

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....94 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2019
Question Answer Marks

2(c)(iii) Gradient determined with clear substitution of points from the line of best fit into ∆y / ∆x. 1
Distance between points must be at least half the length of the drawn line.

uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of worst acceptable line 1

uncertainty = ½ (steepest worst line gradient – shallowest worst line gradient)

2(d)(i) M determined from gradient and given to 2 or 3 significant figures and with correct unit. 1

gradient (c)(iii)
M= =
4 π2 39.478

2(d)(ii) % uncertainty in M = % uncertainty in gradient 1

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9702/52 Cambridge International AS/A Level –ofMark
T-RESOURCE,38-H,PHASE-1,DHA,lhr....95 Scheme
95....call03-234567800 May/June 2019
Question Answer Marks

2(e) k calculated. 1
Correct substitution of numbers required.

 4π2M  4π2 (d)(i)

k = 2
= 2
or 6.3165 ×(d)(i)
 T  2.5
 gradient  (c)(iii) (c)(iii)
k = 2 = 2
 T  2.5 6.25

Absolute uncertainty in k. 1
Correct substitution of numbers required.

Using M:
 ∆M ∆T 
uncertainty in k =  + 2× ×k
 M T 
 (d)(ii) 
uncertainty in k =  + 0.008  × k
 100 
4π2 × max M 4π2 × min M
max k = or min k =
minT 2 max T 2

Using gradient:
 ∆gradient 
uncertainty in k =  + 0.008  × k
 gradient 

max gradient min gradient

max k = 2
or min k =
minT max T 2

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