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The OCIMF enhanced vessel inspection programme will focus on improving
and strengthening the vessel inspections themselves by implementing a
number of initiatives:

Inspection request and validation Rotational

All inspection requests will be made through an The questionnaire algorithm will ensure that all
OCIMF portal. Requests will be validated and non-core questions are covered over a period of
compared with the programme’s over-arching time and that each inspection template is
rules to ensure they meet OCIMF's requirements designed for a defined duration.
and a compliant and qualified inspector is
Specific questions based on the available data on
Pre-inspection preparation the vessel, operator or ship-type.
The inspection template will be populated prior Campaign
to the inspection with a series of information Area of specific focus from OCIMF and its
including: membership requiring time-limited exposure.

• Vessel particulars. Executing the inspection

• Certificates. All inspections will be carried out using a tablet
• Pre-inspection questionnaire. device that is fully compliant for use onboard all
• Past inspection observations. types of vessel.
• PSC data.
• Incident data. Use of the tablet will:
• Relevant photographs and plans.
• Improve the overall quality of the inspection
report and resulting marine assurance data.
This information will be available to the inspector • Facilitate the expanded inspection template
prior to boarding the vessel. and support the delivery of the four-tier
question set.
Risk-based vessel inspection • Provide photographic verification to support
questionnaire the findings.
A bespoke, risk-based vessel inspection • Allow GPS tracking, auto-logging of start and
questionnaire will be generated using bow-tie finish times, and auto-submission of
methodology. Questions will cover these four key inspection reports.
Each inspector will be given the opportunity to
Core assess observations against grades of yes. When
The minimum questions required to meet the giving a non-compliant observation, the tablet
members’ fundamental risk assessment criteria. will auto-open an editor that allows a granular
assessment of the observations including a
breakdown by equipment, procedures and
human factors.

More information

Oil Companies International 29 Queen Anne’s Gate Telephone +44 (0)20 7654 1200
Marine Forum London SW1H 9BU Email United Kingdom

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