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Hello mi mane is Jesus Nicolas Saldaña Huapaya mi code is Code U23310054

Hello mi name is Raul Galan Loro mi Code is U – two - three - two - one - five - zero - three - five

Student A: Hello Raul, good afternoon.

Student B: Hello, Jesus, good afternoon.

Student A: How are you?

Student B: I'm fine. And how are you?

Student A: Well, I'm great. Raul, do you have a best friend?

Student B: Yes, I do.

Student A: That's great! What is his full name?

Student B: Well, his name is Jose.

Student A: Where is he from?

Student B: He is from Canada.

Student A: Cool! How old is he ?

Student B: He is twenty years old.

Student A: Wow! Now let's talk about your daily routine? What time does he get up?

Student B: He gets up at seven in the morning. Then he goes for a run.

Student A: Awesome! he studies?

Student B: Yes, it does.

Student A: Where he study?

Student B: He studies at the Technological University of Peru. He has a scholarship at the university.

Student A: And what do you do after studying?

Student B: Well, he chats with friends and watches videos on YouTube.

Student A: And what time does he go to bed?

Student B: I think he goes to bed at eight at night. What's wrong with you? Jesus, do you have a best friend?

Student A: Yes, I do.

Student B: Cool! What's her name?

Student A: Her name is Karla.

Student B: And how old is she?

Student A: I guess she is twenty-five years old.

Student B: Is she from Canada?

Student A: No, she is not. She's from Brazil.

Student B: Now let's talk about your daily routine. What time does she get up?

Student A: I think she gets up at nine in the morning. and she does yoga

Student B: Does she work?

Student A: Yes, she does. She also studies at the Technological University of Peru.

Student B: Where does she have lunch?

Student A: She has lunch at Romeos restaurant

Student B: What does she do before going to bed?

Student A: I think she plays video games or watches television.

Student B: Does she go to bed early?

Student A: she goes to bed at midnight

Student B: Nice to talk to you Jesus. I have to go. Bye bye!

Student A: Nice talking to you, too. Bye!

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