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zinc deficiency Sarocladium oryzae Rice tungro baciliform vints (RTBV) and Aphelenchoides besseyi
Rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV)
Vector: leaf hopper
SYMPTOMS  light yellow spots appear on  Discolora on in the flag leaf of • stun ng and reduced llering  Distor on of flag leaf
the leaves sheath  yellow or orange-yellow leaves with  Stun ng of plant, lack of vigour,
•The spots become dark  Ro ng on the leaf sheath that rust coloured spots produce small panicles, high sterility,
brown as the disease encloses young panicles along with •Discolora on begins from leaf p and distorted glumes and kernels.
progresses. Whi sh powdery growth extends down to blade or the lower leaf  Delayed emergence of severely
•The affected roots turns  irregular spots or lesions with dark por on. infected seedlings, slow
brown. reddish brown margins and gray  Delayed flowering. - panicles small and germina on.
•Inhibits the growth of plants. center not completely exerted.  Most conspicuous symptoms visible
• dras c reduc on in yield.  Severe infec.- panicles do not emerge  most panicles sterile or par ally filled at llering stage.
or emerge par ally grains.
 Unemerged panicles rot, florets turn  affects all growth stages specifically the
red brown to dark brown Vegeta ve stage.
 affected sheaths and young panicles
management  apply 3 to 4 kg of countryside •Bacteriza on with Pseudomas • Use Resistant varie es like IR 36, IR50 hot water treatment at 55-60c
organic zinc/acre fluorescens white ponni. Apply carbofuran 3G in nursery
• sprinkle 2 kg zinc •Seed treatment with Bacillus sub lis  adjus ng the date of plan ng.
sulphate+1kg slaked lime (or (10g/kg)followed by seedling dip @ or  Following a fallow period of atleast a
2%urea) in 400 liters of water 2.5 kg/ha dissolved in 100l water for month to eliminate host virus and
per acre of land. 30 minutes vector
•Foliar spray at 0.2% Bacillus sub lis  crop rota on With pulses or Oil seeds
CULTURAL-  Apply neem cake
• Removal of infected stubbles a er  Ploughing and harrowing
• op mum plant spacing
• Applica on of potash at llering
• Control weeds and keep field
sanita on.
Chemical methods
•spray the fungicides at the me of
panicle emergence
•Apply Potash at Tillering Stage
•applica on of phosphamidon
(insec cide)+ tridemorph (fungicide)
• Seed treatment with Mancozeb and
 foliar spray- carbendazim/ mancozeb
(at boo ng stage)

Ufra disease
Mainly in deep water rice
• Mosaic discolora on of emerging leaves
• Appearance of brown to dark spots on leaves
• white ps on upper part of leaves with tan and
torning of leaves above white por on
Soil applica on of the nema cides edfuran and

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