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The Final Exam for Grade 5

Q1. Rewrite the names of the souvenirs.

1. i p c l e n a e s c. ( P_ _ _ _l c_ _ _ _).

2. g d e b a. ( _ a _ g _).

3. e k y g r n i. (_ _ y _ i _ _).

4. r e p s o t. (_ o _ t _ r).

5. l l s a e b b a p c a. ( b_ _ _b_ _ _ c_ _).

6. l c o k c. ( _ _ _ c k).

Q2. Circle the odd word.

1. China Thailand India Tripoli England.

2. Swam Bought Lived Learnt Made.

3. Snake Kangaroo Panda Fish Lion.

4. Mountain Sandwiches Seas Rivers Lake.

Q3. Write the missing letters:

1. Su __ __ er 3. __ __ ring

2. Wint __ __ 4. Au__ __ mn

Q4. Rewrite the sentences correctly.

1. I swam on the sea.


2. My holiday favorite was in Jordan.


3. That is a big very number.


4. In summer, it is cold in Tripoli.


5. We eated our picnic food on the boat


6. I didn’t take any photos because it was wind.


Q5. Is the verb regular or irregular? Right past and answer.

Present Past Regular/Irregular

1. Is/are …………… …………………

2. Tell …………… …………………

3. Travel …………… …………………

4. Visit …………… …………………

5. Love …………… …………………

6. Make …………… …………………

7. Look …………… …………………

8. Take …………… …………………


Q6. Complete with a possessive pronoun.

1. It’s my bag. It’s …………….

2. It’s your book. It’s…………..

3. They’re his pens. They’re…………

4. It’s her pencil case. It’s…………

Q7. Match:

1. Fourth a. 10th

2. Fifth. b. 7th

3. Second. c. 4th

4. Tenth. d. 9th

5. Ninth. e. 2nd

6. Seventh f. 5th

Q8. What’s the weather like? Write the seasons:

1. it’s dry, hot and sunny. (………………)

2. it’s warm and windy. (………………)

3. it’s cloudy, rainy and cold. (………………)

4. it’s mild, cool and rainy. (………………)

Q9. Answer with using countable or uncountable.

1. Salad. (______________)

2. Bread. (______________)

3. Eggs. (______________)

4. Meat. (______________)

5. Milk. (______________)

6. Cookies. (______________)

Q10. Where can you find these things? Write the names of the shops.

1. Buy a new shoes for summer. ____________

2. Buy a birthday cake. ____________

3. Get meat for lunch. ____________

4. Get money. ____________

I wish you all the best❀

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