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Experiment no.



The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation of

inverting amplifier circuits using a 741 operational amplifier .the circuit
operate the closed loop mode. As its name implies, its output signal is
always inverted with respect to input signal.

Inverting amplifier closed –loop voltage gain, figure (2.1)


10 kΩ resistance
100 kΩ resistance
1 kΩ resistance
22 kΩ resistance
470 kΩ resistance
741 Op-amp
± 15V dc power supplies
Signal generator
Bread board

Figure (2.1): Inverting amplifier

In figure (2.1), R1=10 kΩ

1. Wire the inverting amplifier circuit shown in schematic diagram in
figure (2.1). Apply power to the breadboard and adjust the input voltage
to and the frequency at 400 Hz. Position the input above the output
voltage on the oscilloscope's display.

Notice that the output signal of opposite form, or is inverted, compared

to the input signal. The output voltage is said to be inverted form, or ( or
out of phase with the input.

The only difference is that the output signal is larger than the input
signals. Both signals are said to be in-phase.

2. for each value of in table (2.1) measure the peak-to-peak output

voltage. Then determine the voltage gain and compare to the expected
value, recording your result in same table. (Each time disconnect the
power supplies and signal generator before you change the resistors). As
the results of table (2.1) indicate, the voltage gain of an inverting
amplifier can be made to be less than 1, equal to 1, or greater than 1. Also
it clear the output peak-to-peak voltage is limited by ±

Table (2.1)

Expected Measured Measured Error %

gain gain
10 kΩ
1 kΩ
22 kΩ
470 kΩ

1. The voltage gain of an inverting amplifier can be?
(a) Less than 1 (b) equal to 1
(c) Greater than 1 (d) all of the above

2. The output signal of an inverting amplifier is out-of-phase with its

input signal by
(a) (b) (c)

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