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Development of self in society

Activity 1

1.1.1)Risky behaviour: refers to actions or choices that have the potential to lead to harmful or
negative consequences, either for oneself or others. These behaviours often involve a disregard
for safety, caution, or the potential long-term consequences of one's actions.
1.1.2)Balanced lifestyle: is to have the right amount of study, physical activity, rest,
sleep ,work, spirituality and recreation in your daily life, to keep you healthy.
1.1.3)Peer pressure: is the influence that individuals within a person's social group, typically
peers of a similar age or social standing, exert to encourage them to conform to certain
behaviours, attitudes, or values.
1.2) Examples of risky behaviour can include reckless driving, substance abuse, unprotected
sexual activities.
1.3) 1.Health Consequences: Young people engaging in risky behaviours, such as substance
abuse or reckless driving, can face severe health consequences. For instance, drug or alcohol
abuse can lead to addiction, physical and mental health problems, and even overdose. Reckless
driving can result in accidents causing injuries or fatalities. These health issues can have long-
lasting effects and significantly impact a young person's quality of life.
2.Legal and Social Consequences: Risky behaviours can also lead to legal trouble and social
consequences. For example, underage drinking or drug possession can result in legal charges,
leading to fines, probation, or even imprisonment. Engagement in criminal activities associated
with risky behaviours can disrupt a young person's education and future prospects.
Additionally, engaging in risky behaviours may lead to social isolation or strained relationships
with family and friends, as these behaviours often conflict with societal norms and values.
1.4) 1.Communication Skills: A good leader effectively communicates the purpose and goals of
the recreational activity. They can articulate why it's important to address risky behaviours and
engage their peers in a meaningful way. Clear communication helps participants understand
the objectives and motivates them to actively participate in the activity.
2.Motivational Skills: Leadership involves motivating others to take action. A good leader can
inspire enthusiasm and commitment among classmates to actively engage in the recreational
activity. They can use their leadership qualities to energize the group, making the event more
impactful and successful in spreading awareness about the risks of certain behaviors.
3.Organizational Abilities: Planning and organizing a recreational activity requires careful
coordination. A good leader can efficiently manage logistics, such as scheduling, location, and
necessary resources. Their organizational skills ensure that the event runs smoothly, allowing
classmates to focus on the awareness message without distractions.
1.5) A positive role model is a person who is a good example to others and whom people
admire and want to imitate. Here are two reasons why positive role models are important in
this context:
1.Inspiration and Motivation: Positive role models can inspire and motivate individuals to
prioritize their health. When people observe someone they admire engaging in healthy
behaviours like regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management, it can encourage
them to do the same. Knowing that someone they look up to is making health-conscious
choices can provide the motivation needed to adopt similar habits.
2.Guidance and Education: Positive role models often possess knowledge and expertise in
making informed health decisions. They can serve as sources of guidance and education,
offering valuable insights into the benefits of healthy living, preventive measures, and strategies
for managing health challenges. By following the lead of positive role models, individuals can
access valuable information and resources to make informed health choices. 1.6) 1.Speeding:
Many South African drivers exceed speed limits, especially on highways. This dangerous
practice can lead to accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Some drivers may believe they can get
away with speeding because they think they won't be caught due to limited law enforcement or
that it's a common behaviour among motorists, normalizing it.
2.Drunk Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a significant problem in
South Africa. This behaviour impairs judgment and reaction times, increasing the risk of
accidents. Some individuals might feel they can get away with it due to a lack of rigorous
enforcement or because of cultural acceptance of social drinking, which can lead to impaired
3.Distracted Driving: The use of mobile phones while driving, such as texting or making calls, is
a prevalent unsafe practice. People may feel they can get away with it due to law enforcement,
a belief that they can multitask effectively, or the perception that a quick glance at their phone
won't cause an accident.
1.7) Physical Consequence:
1. Injuries: If the road accident involves injuries, you may also suffer physical consequences.
This could range from minor injuries like cuts and bruises to more severe injuries, such as
broken bones, head trauma, or internal injuries. These physical injuries can lead to pain,
mobility issues, and the need for medical treatment, including surgeries or long-term
Emotional Consequence:
2.Guilt and Psychological Distress: Being responsible for a road accident can lead to
overwhelming guilt and psychological distress. The emotional burden of knowing that your
actions caused harm to others or even resulted in fatalities can be traumatic. This guilt can
manifest as anxiety, depression, or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It may impact
your ability to sleep, concentrate, and maintain healthy relationships.
1.8) 1.Education Programs in Schools: Implement comprehensive educational programs within
the school curriculum that focus on the consequences of risky behaviours. These programs can
cover topics like substance abuse, safe sex, responsible drinking, and road safety. They should
use age-appropriate materials and engage students in interactive discussions and activities to
ensure the information is relatable and memorable.
2.Youth-Focused Campaigns and Social Media: Create targeted awareness campaigns
specifically designed to reach young people. Utilize social media platforms, where many young
individuals spend their time, to disseminate information and engage with the audience. These
campaigns can include impactful visuals, real-life stories, and testimonials from peers who have
faced the consequences of risky behaviours. Additionally, interactive online resources and
quizzes can be developed to engage and educate young people.
3.Community Engagement and Peer Support: Establish community-based initiatives that
involve young people in awareness and prevention efforts. Encourage peer-to-peer support
programs where young role models or mentors share their experiences and insights on making
responsible choices. Young people are often more receptive to advice and guidance from their
peers, making this an effective approach to raise awareness.
By combining these strategies, the South African government can create a holistic approach to
raising awareness about risky behaviours among young people. This approach should involve
schools, digital platforms, and community-based efforts to ensure that the message reaches a
wide and diverse audience of young individuals.

Activity 2

1.Exposure to Real-World Work Environments: Job shadowing allows individuals to step into
the actual work environment of a profession or industry they are interested in. It provides a
firsthand look at the day-to-day tasks, workplace culture, and challenges faced by professionals.
This exposure can either confirm or challenge preconceived notions about a career and help
individuals assess whether it aligns with their interests and goals.
2.Networking and Mentoring Opportunities: During job shadowing, individuals often have the
chance to interact with professionals in the field. This can lead to valuable networking
connections and potential mentors who can offer guidance and advice. Building these
relationships can provide ongoing support and insights as individuals navigate their career
3.Informed Decision-Making: Job shadowing allows individuals to gather real, practical
information about a career, which is essential for making informed decisions. By witnessing the
work firsthand, they can assess whether they possess the necessary skills and aptitude for the
job and whether the career aligns with their values and lifestyle preferences. This firsthand
experience can significantly reduce the uncertainty associated with career choices.
Job shadowing offers an immersive and informative experience that exposes individuals to real-
world work environments, facilitates networking and mentorship, and empowers them to make
informed decisions about their career choices.
2.2) 1.Skill Level:

 Skilled Labour: Skilled labour refers to workers who possess specialized skills,
knowledge, and training in a particular trade or profession. They often require formal
education, apprenticeships, or certification in their field. Skilled workers are proficient in
tasks that demand expertise, precision, and experience.
 Semi-Skilled Labour: Semi-skilled labour, on the other hand, consists of workers who
have some training and experience but do not possess the same level of expertise as
skilled labour. They typically perform tasks that require a moderate level of skill and can
be trained relatively quickly.
2.Job Complexity:

 Skilled Labour: Skilled workers often handle complex tasks that demand a high degree
of precision and proficiency. Examples include electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and
computer programmers.
 Semi-Skilled Labour: Semi-skilled workers typically perform tasks of intermediate
complexity. They may require training and experience, but their roles may not be as
intricate as those of skilled workers. Examples include assembly line workers, machine
operators, and some construction workers.
Advantages of Job Shadowing:

 Insight and Learning: Job shadowing allows individuals to gain valuable insights into a
specific career or industry by observing professionals in action. It provides a firsthand
look at day-to-day tasks and responsibilities, aiding in learning and understanding the
 Networking Opportunities: Job shadowing provides an excellent opportunity to
network with experienced professionals. Building relationships can open doors for
future job opportunities or mentorship.
 Career Exploration: It helps individuals explore different career paths without
committing to a specific job. This can be especially beneficial for students or those
considering a career change.
Disadvantages of Job Shadowing:

 Limited Interaction: Job shadowing typically involves passive observation, which may
not provide a comprehensive understanding of the job, as participants may not actively
engage in tasks.
 Time and Scheduling Constraints: Coordinating job shadowing opportunities can be
challenging due to the availability of both the participant and the host professional. It
may require adjustments to one's schedule.
 Limited Exposure: Job shadowing offers a limited view of a job or industry, and it may
not showcase the full scope of responsibilities, challenges, or long-term prospects
associated with the career.

1. Identify Your Goals and Interests:

 Determine what specific career or industry you want to explore through job shadowing.
 Clarify your goals and what you hope to gain from the experience, whether it's learning
about job responsibilities, company culture, or networking opportunities.

2.Research and Identify Potential Opportunities:

 Research companies, organizations, or professionals in your chosen field or industry.

 Reach out to contacts in your network or use online resources to identify potential hosts
for job shadowing.
 Contact these individuals or organizations to inquire about the possibility of job
shadowing and discuss the logistics.
3.Plan and Prepare for the Experience:

 Coordinate with your host to establish a schedule and set clear expectations for the job
shadowing experience, including dates, times, and any specific tasks or areas you'll be
focusing on.
 Prepare questions and topics you want to explore during the job shadowing to make the
most of the experience.
 Ensure you understand any dress code, safety guidelines, or other requirements for the
workplace you'll be visiting.

Activity 3

Scenario 1- poor interview skills
Scenario 2- poor interview skills
Scenario 3- poor interview skills
Scenario 4- good interview skills

3.2) An interview is a structured conversation or interaction between two or more individuals,

typically conducted by an interviewer (or interviewers) and an interviewee. Its primary purpose
is to gather information, assess qualifications, or evaluate a person's suitability for a job, a
position, a role, admission to an academic institution, or to obtain insights, opinions, or
expertise on a specific topic. Interviews can also serve as a means of communication and
exchange of ideas between individuals.
1.Competitive Advantage: Some individuals might exaggerate or fabricate qualifications, skills,
or experiences on their CV to appear more qualified or experienced than they actually are. This
can give them a competitive edge in a competitive job market, making them more likely to be
selected for a job or promotion.
2.Desperation: In some cases, people may fake their CVs out of desperation, believing that
embellishing their qualifications is their only way to secure employment. They may feel
pressured to meet the requirements of a job posting and resort to dishonesty due to a lack of
confidence in their actual qualifications.

Activity 4

Ethical behaviour: refers to conduct that is in accordance with accepted principles of morality
and fairness. It involves acting in ways that are morally right, honest, and just, even when faced
with difficult choices or situations.
Work expectations: are the anticipated outcomes, responsibilities, and standards that an
employer and employee mutually establish for a particular job or role within an organization.
These expectations help clarify what is required to meet performance standards and succeed in
the workplace.
Competencies: refer to the combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviours that an
individual possesses and can apply effectively in a specific context or role.

4.2) Income Levels: The income of employees can greatly impact their workplace experiences.
Those with higher incomes may have access to better resources, healthcare, and education,
potentially leading to improved job satisfaction and performance.
Education and Skill Level: Disparities in education and skill levels among employees can affect
their job opportunities and career advancement. Those with higher education and skills may
have better access to higher-paying jobs and career growth.
Access to Healthcare: Socioeconomic factors can influence access to healthcare services.
Employees with good access to healthcare may have better overall health and well-being,
leading to reduced absenteeism and higher productivity.
Social Support Systems: The strength of an individual's social support network, including family
and community resources, can impact their ability to balance work and personal life
responsibilities. A lack of social support can lead to stress and affect job performance.
4.3) Personal expectations and accountability in the workplace are interconnected because
when employees see the potential for their personal goals to be achieved through their work,
they are more likely to take ownership of their responsibilities and work diligently toward
meeting both personal and organizational expectations.
4.4)1. Recognition and Rewards:
Implement a recognition and rewards program to acknowledge and appreciate employees'
efforts and achievements. Recognizing accountability and outstanding performance can inspire
employees to continue demonstrating responsible behaviour. Rewards can range from verbal
praise and certificates to bonuses and promotions. Impact: When employees receive
recognition and rewards for their efforts and accountability, they feel valued and motivated to
perform at their best. This heightened motivation can lead to increased engagement with their
work and a stronger commitment to the organization.
2. Clear Expectations and Goal Setting:
Clearly define job roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations for each employee.
Ensure that goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART). When employees have a clear understanding of what is expected of them, they are
more likely to take ownership of their work. Impact: When employers establish clear
expectations, employees know precisely what is expected of them. This clarity reduces
confusion and ambiguity, making it easier for employees to take ownership of their tasks.3.
Regular Feedback and Performance Reviews:
Establish a system of regular feedback and performance evaluations. Encourage ongoing
communication between supervisors and employees to discuss progress, provide constructive
feedback, and address any challenges. Performance reviews can help employees understand
their strengths and areas for improvement, motivating them to meet or exceed expectations.
Impact: Regular feedback and recognition create a culture of accountability by reinforcing
positive behaviours and addressing issues promptly. When employees see that their efforts are
noticed and appreciated, they are more motivated to meet expectations.
Table of contents:

Activity1: page 1-3

Activity2: page 3-6

Activity3: page 6-7

Activity4: page 7-8



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