Exam of Unit 1 mr hassan elnaggar (darsenglizy.com موقع درس انجليزي) (1)

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Exam of Unit (1)

❖ Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- The newspaper ………… the news of her murder.
a- spread b- prevailed c- published d- radiate
2- My pet cat has been …………… and I have been always looking for it.
a- losing b- missing c- lost d- missed
3- Our music teacher made up .………which we sang loudly.
a- articles b- rhymes c- notes d- rhythms
4- Salah's goal " Pure World Class" was printed under huge headlines in the
……… press.
a- tabloid b- Harry Potter c- broadsheet d- magazine
5- What have you ……………. that you would like to do?
a- ever done b- done ever c- never done d- done never
6- I enjoyed the film as I saw many places I have never ………… ..
a- gone b- been c- been to d- gone to
7- I was sorry when the factory closed. I ……….. there for ten years.
a- have worked b- had worked c- worked d- works
8- Have you ever been to Indonesia? – Yes, I …………. there last year.
a- have b- have been c- went d- gone
9- How long ……………………. her?
a- have you known c- have you been knowing
b- have you know d- were you knowing
10- When I was in Sharm El-Sheik, I ………… a lot.
a- have sunbathed c- would sunbathe
b- was sunbathing d- sunbathed
11- People waited with ………… while the fire fighters helped the family from the
fire. Thankfully, every one was saved.
a- bating breath c- bate breathe
b- bated breath d- bated breathe
12- He’s very pessimistic. He always ………….. the worst is going to happen.
a- is thinking b-thinks c- think d- thinking
13- Don’t trust him. He is a liar and a ……………….. .
a- cheat b- chat c-creator d-discoverer

14- When Ali ………… here, please ask him to wait for me.
a- is coming b-will come c-came d-comes
15- The company provides cheap internet ………….; it makes shareware freely
a- taxes b-assess c-access d-index
16- This cup of coffee …………. delicious but I don’t drink coffee.
a- smells b- is smelling c-will smell d-smelt
17- A high ………… of the female staff are part-time workers.
a- percent b- percentage c- presentation d- reference
18- I ……… the sauce to see if it needs salt.
a- taste b-am tasting c-tastes d-tasting
19- I have watched an exciting film which begins with the hero’s meeting with an
escaped ……….. from the prison.
a- confident b- confidant c- convict d- conduct
20- Water …………. to the surface to be used for irrigation.
a- pumps b-has pumped c-pumping d-is pumped
21- ‘Omission’ and ‘Inclusion’ are …………….. .
a- acronyms b- adjectives c- antonyms d- synonyms
22- Ali is outdoors at the moment. He ……. a walk.
a- is having b-has c-was having d-had
23- Rarely ………… have an opportunity like this.
a- we do b-we c-do we d-we don’t
24- My car …………. at the moment.
a- is being repaired b- is repairing c-repairs d-will repair
25- When writing a point of view, you should make it ………..……
a- objective b- object c- subjective d- prejudiced
26- A friendly atmosphere ……………. among members of the team.
a-spread b-prevailed c-published d-sprayed
27- Energy from the sun …………. to the earth as heat and light.
a- is radiated b-radiates c-radiate d-radiating
28- The fans were unhappy that the pirate ruined the long- …... ending of the book.
a- waiter b-awaited c-awaken d-woken
29- Why are you ………….. noise?
a- made b-make c-making d-makes

30- I have a ……….. break for something to eat at midday.
a- five-minutes b- five minute’s c- five-minute d- fives-minute
31- Never give up your dreams. Miracles are ………… incidents.
a- every day b- day c- every ready d- everyday
32- You have unusual handwriting. It …….. very artistic.
a- looks b-will look c-is looking d-looked
33- The company was accused of ……….. its customers by giving them inaccurate
information about nutritional value of their product.
a- guiding b- defeating c- misleading d- deleting
34- Wood ……. to heat people’s homes and for cooking.
a- burns b- is burnt c-burnt d-has burnt
35- My brother, Amgad, looks like a ………….. when he starts talking about our
family ties.
a- lateral b- lecture c- lesson d- lecturer
36- Energy is produced when atoms …………… .
a- split b- are splitting c-have split d-will split
37- The violent storm completely ………..the old wooden house.
a- required b- ruined c- investigated d- highlighted
38- Samy ……….. his flat.
a- is still decorating c-still decorates
b-still is decorating d-decorates still
39- The ……………, which all tourists have, has detailed information about the
hotels and restaurants in Sharm El- Sheikh.
a- schoolbook b- workbook c- encyclopedia d- guidebook
40- Aliaa …………. the perfume to see if she wants to buy it.
a-smells b-is smelling c-smell d-smelt
41- Look ! The tree in the garden ………………… .
a-is being watered c-is watered
b-are being watered d-has been watered
42- Seldom …………….. see such an amazing display of dance.
a-do she b-did she c-she d-does she
43- If you prefer mild flavours reduce or leave …………… the chilli.
a- on b-down c-out d-into
44- You can’t see tamer before Wednesday. He ……. London for a few days on
a- was in b- has gone c-has been to d-has been in
45- If you’re lucky enough to get ………… in a lift, remember not to panic.
a- trapped b-balanced c-pleased d-omitted
46- She ………… the guitar since 2012 and she is still playing it.
a- was playing c-had been playing
b-plays d-has been playing
47- The electronic company has just launched a new …………. on to the market.
a- produce b- producer c - productive d- product
48- He wanted to know ………….. I have been a member in this sports club.
a- since how long b-for how long c- for when d-how long ago
49- He was ………… of stealing money from the mall.
a- convicted b- compensate c- chopped d- cheered
50- Our flat ……….. since we first moved into it.
a- hasn’t been painted c-hasn’t painted
b-wasn’t painted d-has been painting
51- The media is full of shock-horror ………… about under age crime.
a- headlines b-titles c-addresses d-covers
52- Hamdy’s hair is wet because he .................... a shower.
a- has just had c- has ever had
b- has never had d- isn’t having
53- The book has been ………… recently.
a- published b- come out c- spread d- sprayed
54- ……………… Luxor before? – yes, I went there last winter.
a- Have you visited c-Will you visit
b-Are you visiting d-Have you been visited
55- Internet provides continuous ………. to the world.
a- up to dates b- updates c- dates d-dots
56- Mrs. Aya is a very close friend of mine. We ………… each other for years.
a- have been knowing b-knew c-have known d-was knowing
57- The article is biased by spin as it uses emotional language. The synonym of
“spin” is ……………. .
a- twist b- direct c-by law d-balance
58- I have worked in this company ………….. the last ten years.
a- since b-for c-just d-lately
59- How many times ……….. to you since he travelled abroad?
a- did he write b- does he write c- has he written d- is he writing

60- Some people consider ….….. other’s rights as being as serious a crime as theft.
a- violating b-respecting c-appreciating d-conserving
61- I have ……….. to many Egyptian cities, but I have never visited Tanta.
a- went b- gone c- been d- visited
62- Rescue crews have been digging people ……………… of collapsed buildings.
a- with b-off c-in d-out
63- Have you answered all the questions …………..? You are wonderful.
a- yet b- already c- since d- just
64- A/ An ………… neighbour actually videotaped the famous actor’s family in
their own backyard.
a- honest b-nosy c- loyal d-innocent
65- I haven’t drunk coffee …………. the early morning.
a- since b- for c- ago d- when
66- The ………… has the copyright on all his books.
a- publish b- publication c-publisher d- publishing
67- This programme must be new. I’ve ………….. seen it before.
a- never b- ever c- since d- yet
68- The court punished him because he sold ……….. text books online.
a- pirated b-protected c-printed d-deprived
69- …………. has Areej been studying science?
a- How long b-How long ago c-How much d-When
70- The hotel room charge ………….. breakfast.
a- includes b-contains c-encloses d-consists
71- Ten applicants ………… for the new job so far.
a- have interviewed c- were interviewed
b- had interviewed d- have been interviewed
72- The readers doubted the factual accuracy of the report. The antonym of “doubt”
is ……………….. .
a- disbelieve b-believe c- unknown d- unfamiliar
73- The little boy is crying because he ………….. over.
a- has fallen b-fell c-had fallen d-was falling
74- There are over a hundred …………… in the company.
a- crew b- staff c- stiff d- crow
75- Mr Mohammed …………. Mr Ayman in Aswan the other day.
a- meets b-meet c-met d-was met

76- Detectives are currently …………. possible links between the murders.
a- occurring b- blocking c-investigating d-degrading
77- We were used …………. in Assuit. Now, we live in Aswan.
a- living b-live c-to living d-to live
78- They will have to ………….. up the entrance to the tunnel to do some repairs.
a- block b-type c-book d-clock
79- “We ………….. have only black and white TV sets in Egypt in The 1960s”
said my grandfather.
a- would b-wouldn’t c-used to d-didn’t use to
80- ………….. your brother to come earlier tomorrow morning.
a- Remember b-Remind c-Remember d-Remind of
81- ……… touching the broken electric wire, I had a great electric shock.
a- When b-On c-By the time d-Before
82- Terrorists attacked our heroic soldiers in Sinai but there were no reports of
……… from the attack.
a- senilities b-casualties c- abilities d-moralities
83- While I ……….. at home, a man knocked on the door and asked for help.
a- was b- have been c-was being d-had been
84- Radwa believes she will live alone away of her family when she is ………….
able to support herself.
a- finance b- financially c- financial d- financer
85- While she was doing her homework, her sister …………. to music.
a- listens b-is listening c-had listened d-was listening
86- Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the ………
the tragedy.
a- reason why b-result for c-cause of d-addition to
87- While ………….. at a high temperature, the food got burnt.
a- cooking c-being cooked
b-was cooking d-was being cooked
88- The problems confronting the new government were enormous. The synonym
of the word “enormous” is …… .
a- trivial b-huge c-small d-tiny
89- Hana ………….. use to sleep late, but now she does.
a- wasn’t b-doesn’t c-didn’t d-hadn’t
90- I don’t trust him as he is always …………. facts.
a-revolving b-orbiting c-rounding d-spinning

91- Nothing can …………. for the loss of a loved one.
a- consist b-revolve c-indicate d-compensate
92- I ………….. eating cheese for breakfast.
a- would b-used to c-a &b d-got used to
93- The policeman showed me the quickest ……….. to the hospital on foot.
a- root b-route c-ritual d- rate
94- Cotton is used …………… high-quality clothes.
a- to make b-to making c-making d- to be made
95- The lake water passes ………….. a filter before it is piped to our homes.
a- through b-though c-throw d-thorough
96- What ……….. when I called you? You sounded very busy.
a- did you do b-have you done c-were you doing d-are you doing
97- The ………… warns against walking alone at night.
a- guides b-guidebook c- glider d- guards
98- Thirty years ago, people …………. little about the internet and its benefits.
a- have known b-had known c-knew d-should know
99- Despite all our efforts to help students to continue their study at school, the
…………….. decided to close them because of coronavirus.
a- pupils b-authorities c-nurses d-patients
100- During …………. to school, I saw some students quarrelling fiercely.
a- my walk b-walked c-walks d-was walking
101- I ...….. had a heart attack when she told me that I came first in the international
competition of science.
a-approximate b-nearly c-near d-rough
102- When my father was young, he always ………………. to work.
a- walked b-was walking c-had walked d-walks
103- Some members are against the new bridge because they think it will ………..
too much.
a-coast b-spend c-pay d-cost
104- While ………… Egypt, tourists enjoy visiting Luxor and Aswan.
a- was visiting b-visiting c-visited d-was visited
105- “We need accurate information.” An antonym for “accurate” is ……… .
a-false b-factual c-actual d-correct
106- I took Walid’s car while my car ……………….. .
a- repaired b-was repairing c-was being repaired d-had repaired

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