امتحان 1 ث

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      

             
Exercise 1 (unit 1)
1) I thought I'd go to Indonesia to find..................more about the orangutans there.
a. out b. of c. with d. on
2) I was so.................that I slept through the second half of the film.
a. excited b. bored c. boring d. exciting
3) While I was..............out of the boat to take photos, I dropped my camera!
a. leaving b. living c. learning d. leaning
4) It took two days................to the centre.
a. to getting b. get c. to get d. getting
5) I only have a.................knowledge of Spanish.
a. limited b. limit c. limits d. lean
6) sure you lock the door behind you when you go out.
a. Make b. Do c. Take d. Give 20
7) You can walk to town from here, but it's a bit of a ……….. .
a. truck b. trick c. track d. trek
8) It's the good weather that makes Spain such a popular tourist ……….. .
a. distance b. sight c. destination d. position
9) This particular stretch of coast is especially..........................with walkers.
a. keen b. famous c. popular d. interested
10) Yesterday, the robbers................the staff lie on the floor.
a. made b. got c. have d. allowed
11) I booked a holiday with an eco-tourism company and.....................to Borneo.
a. goes b. gone c. go d. went
12) While............out of the boat to take photos, I dropped my camera!
a. was leaning b. were leaning c. leaning d. leaned
13) my visit to the zoo, I saw many animals.
a. While b. Just as c. On d. During
14) I as well as my friends................English yesterday morning.
a. studied b. was studying c. were studying d. had studied
15) What..........when I called you?
a. did you do b. were you doing c. have you been doing d. had you done
16) Mai..............to have a fear of rats when she was young.
a. used b. was used c. is used d. got used
Pete (1)……..…. British but he left England when he was (2)............................young man.
He has lived in Australia (3).....................1989. He and his wife, Christine, have two
children. Their daughter has been at university (4)...........................three years, so she will
finish in one more year. Their son is studying now to be a pilot.

Exercise 2 (unit 1)
1) The nationalists are very keen to......................their customs and language.
a. destroy b. damage c. conserve d. ruin
2) A spider bit me while I was sleeping and my arm swelled .......... .
a. up b. off c. on d. out
3) This decision will have a disastrous.......................on foreign policy.
a. effective b. crowded c. impact d. affect
4) Clay is a very elastic ……….. .
a. marry b. martial c. matter d. material
5) We had breakfast and then..................into the forest to learn about orangutans.
a. trekked b. tricked c. tracked d. truck
6) , at the end of the first week, a spider bit me while I was sleeping.
a. A fortunate b. Fortunate c. Fortunately d. Unfortunately
7) It's fascinating to watch how a baby changes and..........................over time.
a. develops b. proves c. provides d. damages
8) The museum's collection.....................works of art from all around the world.
a. consists b. excludes c. contains d. includes
9) If we set off early tomorrow morning we'll......................most of the traffic.
a. admit b. deny c. avoid d. describe
10) If you weren't a teacher, what job would you................?
a. work b. cause c. do d. make 20
11) At this time yesterday, I..............a short story.
a. write b. was writing c. have written d. written
12) One of Egyptian scientists.....................awarded the Nobel Prize in 2010.
a. was b. has been c. were d. had been
13) While I..........at home, I watched a nice film.
a. was being b. being c. was d. am being
14) It's late. It's time we....................home.
a. go b. gone c. went d. goes
15) While I was cooking, my husband.................the car.
a. were washed b. was washing c. washed d. had washed
16) visiting hours, we could visit our uncle at the hospital.
a. During b. On c. After d. While
I’m Rana. I'm from Cairo and I’m studying Chinese (1).....................the university here.
My brother Mohamed is also at the university here. He (2).........................studying
architecture. When he is older, he would like to (3).........................an architect but I want to
work as (4)................teacher.

Exercise 3 (unit 2)
1) Why are lions disappearing so quickly? - There are..................reasons.
a. a lot b. any c. much d. several
2) She started to teach them about the........................of protecting lions instead.
a. demerits b. cons c. disadvantages d. advantages
3) Remember, these young men already have the.................needed to track lions in the wild.
a. skilled b. skulls c. skillful d. skills
4) I can't believe that someone of his.......................can read such trash!
a. smart b. intelligent c. intelligence d. intelligently
5) She.................a sizeable portion of her riches to children's charities.
a. donated b. donor c. hunted d. produced
6) Requited love is not enough to sustain a........................relationship.
a. mid-term b. term long c. long-term d. final-term
7) Her death is a grievous loss to the whole of the ……….. .
a. social b. comment c. common d. community
8) She is.................for her profligate spending habits.
a. well-known b. interested c. popular d. fond
9) I'm not being lazy - I'm just..................my energy for later.
a. converting b. producing c. wasting d. conserving
10) After he................his homework, he will watch the match.
a. had done b. did c. will d. does
11) Before..................for lunch, he had paid off his debts.
a. leaves b. had left c. left d. leaving
12) Doaa.................gets up early.
a. never b. didn't c. doesn't d. isn't 20
13) Mr Ahmed lived in Beni Suef ten years ……….. .
a. since b. ago c. for d. during
14) I................a car accident while coming to school.
a. was seeing b. saw c. see d. have seen
15) Lions can't find enough food to eat and, so they attack the villager's............................, their
cows and goats.
a. stock b. livestock c. kettle d. battle
16) She.................late.
a. comes usually b. usually comes c. come d. usually coming
Some children (1)..................difficulties with their bones or their muscles. They may not (2)
....................able to walk or talk in the same way like other children. These children are
physically handicapped. But with some help, they can go to school and study (3)............
same subjects as (4)...................friends and take the same exams.
Exercise 4 (unit 2)
1) This toothpaste has been clinically proven to.........................your teeth.
a. produce b. hunt c. damages d. protect
2) The organisation gives them a job and teaches them...........................and write.
a. to read b. read c. reading d. reads
3) All she needed to complete her.......................was a baby.
a. happier b. happiness c. happy d. happily
4) Man is still far more..................than the cleverest robot.
a. importance b. intelligent c. intelligence d. intelligently
5) Wolves.................in groups known as packs.
a. hunt b. hurt c. achieve d. respect
6) We've applied to a charitable.....................for a grant for the project.
a. organizing b. organize c. organization d. organized
7) We are now offering you the....................to buy the complete set of pans at half price.
a. chance b. chain c. chop d. change
8) When did Leelah become.....................in lions?
a. interested b. keen c. fond d. worried
9) She also understood the......................that came from being a lion killer. 20
a. ashamed b. prestige c. insult d. disaster
10) The fire in her speech....................everyone.
a. inspired b. produced c. disabled d. scored
11) This nice story...................by Taha Hussein.
a. is written b. writes c. wrote d. was written
12) ……….. did you graduate? - In 2016.
a. How long b. How long ago c. What d. How
13) When I was young, I...................football every day.
a. played b. plays c. is playing d. was playing
14) Water................for different purpose.
a. are used b. are using c. using d. is used
15) She.................sleeping early. It's her habit.
a. is used to b. used to c. uses to d. is using to
16) Neil Armstrong..................on the moon in 1969.
a. walk b. walks c. walked d. had walked
We all agree that experience is (1)......................best teacher in the world. We can learn a lot
(2)............ important things from books, but (3)............most important lessons in
life come from our own experiences. Throughout the different stages in life, from primary
school to university to adulthood, experience teaches us many of the skills (4) we need for
Exercise 5 (unit 3)
1) Dickens was most interested......................helping poor children.
a. about b. of c. on d. in
2) At the end of the book, David Copperfield becomes a.........................writer.
a. succeed b. successfully c. successful d. success
3) She's a.................old woman who complains about everything.
a. cheerful b. happy c. glad d. miserable
4) Thieves broke into the safe and......................everything in it.
a. steel b. rubbed c. stole d. robbed
5) Please,..................to the court exactly what you saw.
a. describe b. reward c. produce d. improve
6) If you spend any time in prison, you're labelled as a........................for the rest of your life.
a. clever b. honest c. criminal d. crime
7) Some athletes take drugs to......................their performance.
a. provide b. proof c. improve d. prove
8) The film was so boring that I fell ……….. .
a. slept b. sleep c. asleep d. sleepy
9) They're plotting to play a...................on their brother.
a. trek b. trick c. track d. truck
10) He's such a liar - you can't....................a word he says.
a. trusted b. trust c. truth d. true
11) He hasn't studied French ………. .
a. recently b. lately c. ago d. just
12) I haven't gone shopping..................the last winter.
a. since b. for c. ago d. in 20
13) I haven't met my old friend since I..................to England.
a. travelled b. will travel c. have travelled d. travel
14) He..............to Cairo. He came back.
a. goes b. has gone c. has been d. was going
15) He is the tallest man I.................ever seen.
a. am b. was c. had d. have
16) Toka...............n Alexandria since 2015.
a. lives b. lived c. is living d. has lived
Ahmed and Ali have been friends (1)........................ a long time. They are the same age.
When they were young, they used (2)..................................play together. They like to do the
same things. (3)....................families sometimes go on picnics together, so they spend
(4).................time together.
Exercise 6 (unit 4)
1) Welcome to the show. Tonight, we're talking about………. .
a. pull b. bull c. bullying d. pulling
2) I was too................so I didn't tell my teacher about the bullies.
a. scared b. glad c. happy d. pleased
3) If you move to a new school, you'll be really.....................for the first few months.
a. lonely b. only c. loan d. alone
4) Could I talk to you about a...................matter?
a. personality b. person c. personal d. personally
5) Jana gave me some.....................about the best places to visit.
a. tapes b. tops c. tips d. taps
6) You can accuse me of cowardice, but I still wouldn't volunteer to............................in a war.
a. tight b. light c. right d. fight
7) He checked off their names on the.......................as they got on the coach.
a. least b. lest c. list d. last
8) What do you want to be when you grow......................?
a. up b. in c. down d. for
9) I've been trying to...................this problem all week, but I still haven't cracked it.
a. arrest b. solve c. solution d. dissolve
10) , no one was in the building when it collapsed.
a. Unfortunate b. Unfortunately c. Fortunately d. Fortunate
11) Mr Smith is having a cup of tea and.......................bread.
a. any b. some c. a d. an
12) Have you got.................paper, please? 20
a. many b. much c. any d. some
13) I haven't got.................books to read.
a. any b. some c. much d. an
14) Is there.................book on the table?
a. any b. an c. a d. some
15) Amazon is the longest river in South America.
a. An b. The c. A d. No article
16) During her work, the nurse has to wear.....................uniform.
a. a b. an c. the d. no articles
When Helen Keller (1)........... seven, her parents asked Ann Sullivan (2)...........
help their child. Anne used touch to teach her to communicate by her hands. Helen then learnt
how to read using Braille and event learnt several languages. When she was twenty, she went to
the university. While she was there, she wrote (3).............................................................first of her
famous books, called "The Story of my Life". Two films (4)......................made about her life
and she won many awards.
Exercise 7 (unit 5 Grammar)
1) Our plane...............at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.
a. leaves b. will leave c. would leave d. is going to leave
2) After I..............home. I'll take some rest.
a. arrived b. had arrived c. arrive d. has arrived
3) How old are you? I................16 on Saturday.
a. am being b. is going to be c. will be d. am
4) I.............my cousins at the weekend. I've arranged it. 15
a. will visit b. am visiting c. going to visit d. visit
5) I.............to New York next Monday. I've got my ticket.
a. will fly b. going to fly c. am flying d. fly
6) I expect that Ahmed.................to university next year.
a. goes b. go c. will go d. went
7) I'm cold. – I..............the window.
a. would close b. will close c. am closing d. am going to close
8) I'm sure, she................tomorrow.
a. will come b. is coming c. comes d. come
9) It is really dark. I think it ………. .
a. is raining b. will rain c. going to rain d. 's going to rain
10) According to the timetable, the next bus......................at 9.30 am.
a. is leaving b. leave c. is going to leave d. leaves
11) Watch out! The car................you!
a. is going to hit b. is hitting c. hits d. will hit
12) She...............tomorrow evening. She has packed her bags.
a. is leaving b. leave c. will leave d. have left
13) I must go now. I promise.................late.
a. not being b. I won't be c. to not be d. I wouldn't be
14) I.............that car. It's old and too expensive.
a. won't buy b. am not buying c. don’t buy d. am not going to buy
15) The president.................to Beni Suef next Thursday.
a. will come b. is coming c. is going to come d. comes
2- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Nadia was worried. She had still not done her homework. Nadia had missed the
day of school because she had been ill. She had phoned her friend Azza and asked what
homework their teacher had asked them to do.
Azza had told her that the teacher had asked them to write a composition. Nadia
had written down the title. It was “The best things in life are three”. Nadia didn’t know what
to write. When she thought about the best things in life, they didn’t seem to be “three” at all.
She thought about her parents. There were two of them. Her brothers and sisters, there were
four of them. She thought about happiness, love, nature. She couldn’t count these at all. On
the following day at school, Nadia’s teacher asked her to read her composition to the class.
Nadia stood up and began. “I don’t think the best things in life are three at all,” she said. “I
think they are things you can’t count.” The other students started to laugh. Nadia, said her
teacher gently. “The title of the composition was: The best things in life are free.”
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1) The best title for the passage would be........ .
a don’t miss a day of school b friendship
c a case of misunderstanding d a careless student
2) Nadia misunderstood the title because “free” rhymes with......... .
a tree b three c agree d Henry
3) Nadia communicated with Azza by......... .
a phone b letter c e-mail d message
4) Nadia’s teacher was..............with Nadia
a sad b gentle c angry d worried
B) Answer the following questions:
5) Why did the rest of the class laugh when Nadia started to read her composition?
 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. .
6) Why wasn’t Nadia at school when the teacher set the homework?
 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. .
7) Do you agree that the best things in life are free? Why?
 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. .
                
A) Translate into Arabic: 16
 When you are aware of your goals, you can achieve your ambitions and hopes easily.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 
 One of the most important aims of education is to build up the Egyptian citizen who is able to
face the future.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 
 Society must look after homeless children to help them have a better future.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 
Developing education has become one of the most important aims, which our
government tries to achieve.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 
B) Translate the following into English:
               
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. .
……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..………. .
              
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. .
……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..………. .
            
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. .
……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..………. .
               
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. .
……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..………. .

     

       
    
8. Write an essay of 180 words about:
a. technology b. Making friends c. Bullying






























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