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释迦牟尼佛的故事 ~ 一本免费的图文并茂的鼓舞人心的电子书

Oh teik bin
I Story of Buddha Gautama Part 1 乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 1 部分 1
Video 视频
II Story of Buddha Gautama Part 2 乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 2 部分 15
Video 视频
III Story of Buddha Gautama Part 3 乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 3 部分 29
Video 视频
IV Story of Buddha Gautama Part 4 乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 4 部分 44
Video 视频

V Story of Buddha Gautama Part 5 乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 5 部分 60

Video 视频

VI Story of Buddha Gautama Part 6 乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第6 部分 76

Video 视频
Note: English Narration for Videos 注意:视频有英文旁白
乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 1 部分

Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha-to-be, lived more than
2,500 years ago in India. His father was the Raja of the Sakya
clan, King Suddhodana, and his mother was Queen Maha
Maya. They lived in India, in an ancient city called
Kapilavatthu (Kapilavastu), in the foothills of the Himalayas.
未来的佛陀悉达多·乔达摩 (Siddhartha Gautama) 活了超过2500
年前的印度。 他的父亲是释迦族的王王净饭王,他的母亲是摩诃摩
耶王后。 他们住在印度喜马拉雅山脚下一座名为迦毗罗卫城的古城

After many years, Queen Maha Maya became pregnant. She and her husband
were very happy about it. On the full moon day in the month of May, she gave
birth to a boy in Lumbini Park, while she was on her way to her parents’ home.
Five days after the prince’s birth the king asked five wise men to select a name
for his son. They named him Siddhartha. This name means “the one whose
wishes will be fulfilled”.
多年后,摩诃玛雅王后怀孕了。 她和她的丈夫对此感到非常高兴。 五月的满
月那天,她在回娘家的路上,在蓝毗尼公园生下了一个男孩。 王子出生五天
后,国王请五位智者为他的儿子取名。 他们给他取名悉达多。 这个名字的意

Seven days after Siddhartha was born, his mother Queen Maha Maya died.
Everybody was shocked and felt very sad.
Some time later, King Suddodana married Maha Maya’s sister Pajapati Gotami
who brought Siddhartha up just like her own son.
King Suddhodana was worried because his wise advisers had predicted that if
the prince saw someone old, someone sick, a dead person, and a monk, he
would want to leave the palace and become a monk himself, instead of being a
悉达多出生后第七天,他的母亲摩诃摩耶王后就去世了。 大家都很震惊,也很伤心。

Siddhartha grew up to be a gentle, very kind and compassionate
person. He always took care not to do anything harmful to any
creature. He liked to help others.
For example, one day the prince saw one of the town boys beating a
snake with a stick. He immediately stopped the boy, and told him not
to hurt the snake.

悉达多长大后成为一个温柔、善良和富有同情心的人。 他总是小心翼翼,不
做任何对任何生物有害的事情。 他喜欢帮助别人。 例如,有一天,王子看
到一个镇上的男孩在打蛇用一根棍子。 他立即阻止了男孩,并告诉他不要伤

One day, Siddhartha was playing with his friends in the palace garden.
One of the boys was his cousin, Prince Devadatta. While Siddhartha
was gentle and kind, Devadatta was by nature cruel and liked to kill
other creatures. While they were playing, Devadatta shot a swan with
his bow and arrow. It was badly wounded. But Siddhartha took care of
the swan until its wounds healed. When the swan was well again, he
let it go free.

一天,悉达多和他的朋友们在宫殿的花园里玩耍。 其中一个男孩是他的堂兄提婆达
多太子。 悉达多温和善良,提婆达多生性残忍,喜欢残杀其他众生。 在他们玩耍的
时候,提婆达多用弓箭射了一只天鹅。 它受了重伤。 但悉达多悉心照料天鹅,直到
它的伤口痊愈。 当天鹅痊愈后,他放它自由了。

Siddhartha thought deeply about what he saw around him. He learned
that although he was happy, there was a lot of suffering in life. So he
felt deep sympathy for all creatures. On one occasion during the
Plough Festival, when the king and the maids noticed that the prince
was not among the crowd, they went to look for him. They were
surprised to find the prince sitting crossed-legged, in deep meditation
under a jambu tree.
悉达多对他所看到的周围事物进行了深入的思考。 他了解到,虽然他很快乐,
但生活中有很多苦难。 所以他对众生深感同情。 有一次,在犁节期间,国
王和宫女们发现太子不在人群中,便去寻找他。 他们惊讶地发现王子盘腿而

Siddhartha grew up to be a handsome young man of great character.
He had a contemplative nature. He often did self-reflection.
At 16 years of age, he was now of an age to get married. To stop
Siddhartha from thinking of leaving home, King Suddhodana arranged
for him to be married to his own beautiful cousin, Princess Yasodhara.

悉达多长大后成为了一位英俊潇洒的少年。 他有沉思的天性。 他经常做自

我反省。 他16岁,到了结婚的年龄。 为了阻止悉达多出家的念头,净饭王

To stop the prince from thinking about unhappiness or leaving home,
King Suddhodana built a pleasure palace for Siddhartha and
Yasodhara. Dancers and singers were asked to entertain them, and
only healthy and young people were allowed into the palace and the
palace garden. The king did not want Siddhartha to know that
everybody gets sick, grows old and will die. But in spite of the king’s
efforts, the prince was not happy. He wanted to know what life was like
for people who lived outside the palace walls.
要求舞者歌唱,只允许身体健康的年轻人进入宫殿和宫殿花园。 国王不想让悉达多
知道每个人都会生病、变老和死亡。 但是尽管国王努力了,王子还是不高兴。 他想

Eventually, the king allowed Siddhartha to go on short visits to the nearby
towns. He went with his attendant, Channa. On his first visit Siddhartha saw a
white haired, wrinkled man dressed in rags. Such a sight surprised him, as he
had never seen anyone that old before. Channa explained to him that this
man was old and that everyone will be old one day. Siddhartha felt frightened
by that and asked Channa to take him back home. At night, he could not
sleep and he kept on thinking about old age.
最终,国王允许悉达多到附近的城镇进行短期访问。 他和他的侍从车那一起去了。
悉达多第一次拜访时,看到一个衣衫破烂、满头皱纹的白发男子。 这样的景象让他
感到惊讶,因为他以前从未见过这么老的人。 车那向他解释说,这个人老了,总有
一天每个人都会老。 悉达多对此感到害怕,请求车陀送他回家。 夜里,他睡不着觉,

Although Siddhartha felt frightened by the vision of getting old, he
wanted to see more of the world outside. On his next visit, he saw a
man lying on the ground and moaning. Out of compassion, he rushed
over to the man. Channa warned him that the man was sick and that
everyone, even noble people like Siddhartha or the king could get

尽管悉达多对变老的景象感到恐惧,但他还是想多看看外面的世界。 下一
次探访时,他看到一个男人躺在地上呻吟。 出于同情,他冲到那个人身边。

On the third visit, Siddhartha and Channa saw four men carrying
another man on a stretcher. Channa told Siddhartha that the man was
dead and was going to be cremated. He also said that no one can escape
death, and told the prince that everyone would die one day. When they
returned to the palace, Siddhartha kept on thinking about what he had
seen. Finally, he made a strong decision to find a way out of the suffering
of old age, sickness and death.
第三次拜访时,悉达多和车那看到四个人用担架抬着另一个人。 车那告诉悉达
多,这个人已经死了,将要火化。 还说没有人能逃过一死,并告诉太子,终有
一天人人都会死。 当他们回到宫殿时,悉达多一直在想着他所看到的。 最后,

Some time later, while the prince was riding in the garden, he saw a man in a
yellow robe. He noticed that the man looked very peaceful and happy. Channa
explained to him that the man was a monk. The monk had left his family and given
up his desire for pleasures to search for freedom from worldly suffering. The
prince felt inspired by the sight of the monk and began to want to leave home to
search for freedom in the same way. That day, his wife gave birth to a lovely baby
boy. But Siddhartha could not rejoice, although he loved the boy, because he
wanted to become a monk, and he realized that now it would be more difficult for
him to leave home.
过了一段时间,太子在花园里骑马,看见一个身穿黄袍的人。 他注意到这个男
人看起来非常平静和快乐。 车那向他解释说那人是个比丘。 比丘离开了他的家
人,放弃了对享乐的渴望,去寻求脱离世俗痛苦的解脱。 王子被和尚的目光所
鼓舞,也开始想要离家去寻找同样的自由。 那天,他的妻子生下了一个可爱的
男婴。 但是悉达多无法高兴,尽管他爱这个男孩,因为他想出家,他意识到现

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

The End

Credit: Text Contents adapted and edited from ‘Story of The Buddha’ (BuddhaNet) 14
乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 2 部分

From the day when he decided that he wanted to leave the palace the
prince lost all interest in watching the dancing girls and other such
pleasures. He kept on thinking instead about how to free himself and
others from sickness, ageing and death. Finally, he decided he had
to leave the palace and his family and become a homeless monk, in
order to understand life and what causes suffering.

乐趣了。 相反,他一直在思考如何让自己和他人摆脱疾病、衰老和死亡。

One night, when everyone in the palace was asleep, Siddhartha asked Channa
to prepare his horse, Kanthaka. In the meantime he went into the room where
Yasodhara and their newborn boy Rahula slept. He was filled with loving-
kindness towards them and promised himself that he would come back to see
them. But first he had to understand why all creatures suffer, and find out how
they could escape from suffering.
一天晚上,宫里的人都睡了,悉达多问车陀罗准备他的马 Kanthaka。 与此同时,他
走进了房间,耶输陀罗和他们刚出生的儿子罗睺罗睡着了。 他对他们充满了慈爱,并
向自己保证他会回来看望他们。 但首先他必须了解为什么所有生物都会受苦,并找出

Quest to find out how to

escape from suffering
In the silence of the night, Prince Siddhartha mounted Kanthaka. Accompanied
by Channa, he left the palace and the city of Kapilavatthu. They stopped at a
river some distance from the city and the prince took off his expensive dress
and put on the robes of a monk. Then he told Channa to take the horse back to
the palace. At first, both Channa and Kanthaka refused to go back, but
Siddhartha insisted that he had to go on alone. With tears rolling down his face,
Kanthaka watched as the prince walked out of sight.

在寂静的夜晚,悉达多太子骑上堪陀迦。 陪伴由车那,他离开了宫殿和迦毗罗卫城。
他们在离城不远的一条河边停了下来,王子脱下他昂贵的衣服,穿上僧袍。 又吩咐车
那牵马回宫。 一开始,车那和堪陀迦都拒绝回去,但悉达多坚持要他一个人前行。

So, at the age of 29, Siddhartha began the homeless life of a monk.
From Kapilavatthu, he walked south to the city of Rajagaha, the capital
of the Magadha country. The king of this country was King Bimbisara.
The morning after Siddhartha arrived, he went to the city and obtained
his meal for the day by begging.

于是,29岁的悉达多开始了无家可归的僧人生活。 从迦毗罗卫城向南走,
来到摩揭陀国的都城王舍城。 这个国家的国王是宾毗沙罗王。 悉达多到达

Siddhartha was full of compassion. Once, in the city, Siddhartha saw fire burning on
the altar, and King Bimbisara and a group of priests were chanting hymns. They all
worshipped fire. When the leader of the fire-worshippers lifted his sword to kill the
first sheep, Siddhartha quickly stopped him.
He asked the king not to let the worshippers destroy the lives of the poor animals.
Then Siddhartha turned to the worshippers and told them: “Life is extremely
precious. All living creatures want to live, just like people.”

悉达多充满慈悲心。 有一次,在城里,悉达多看到祭坛上燃烧着火,频毗沙罗王和
一群僧侣正在吟唱赞美诗。 他们都崇拜火。 当拜火教的首领举剑要杀第一只羊时,
悉达多赶忙阻止了他。 他请求国王不要让崇拜者毁掉这些可怜动物的生命。 然后悉
达多转身对信众说:“生命是极其宝贵的。 所有的生物都想活着,就像人一样。”


He continued: “If people expect mercy, they should show mercy. By the law of
cause and effect (karma), those who kill others will, in turn, be killed. If we
expect happiness in the future, we must not harm any creatures. Whoever
sows suffering will reap the same fruits.” This speech completely changed the
king’s mind, and the minds of the fire-worshippers. The king stopped the
killing ceremony and invited Siddhartha to stay and teach his people. But
Siddhartha declined, as he had not yet found the truth he was seeking.
他继续说:“如果人们希望怜悯,他们应该表现出怜悯。 根据因果法则 (karma),
杀人的人也会被杀。 如果我们期待未来的幸福,我们就不能伤害任何众生。 谁种下
苦难,谁就会收获同样的果实。” 这番话彻底改变了国王的想法,也改变了拜火教
徒的想法。 国王停止了杀戮仪式,并邀请悉达多留下来教导他的人民。 但悉达多拒

After Siddhartha left Rajagaha, he went to see a sage (wise person)
named Alara Kalama. He stayed with the sage and studied diligently.
Soon, he knew as much as his teacher. But although he had learned
how to make his mind very calm, he still did not know the way to freedom
from all suffering. So he thanked Alara Kalama and left to find another teacher.

悉达多离开王舍城后,去见一位名叫阿罗罗迦罗摩的圣人(智者)。 他留在圣人身
边,勤学苦读。 很快,他就和他的老师一样了解了。 但是,虽然他已经学会了如何
让自己的心变得非常平静,但他仍然不知道从所有痛苦中解脱出来的方法。 因此,
他感谢了 Alara Kalama,然后离开去寻找另一位老师。

Siddhartha then studied with a sage named Uddaka Ramaputta. He
learned how to make his mind very still and empty of all thoughts and
emotions. But he still did not understand the mystery of life and death,
and did not find the complete freedom from suffering that he sought.
Again, Siddhartha thanked his teacher and left. But, this time, he
decided to find the ultimate truth by his own wisdom and effort.

悉达多随后师从一位名叫优陀迦罗摩子的圣人。 他学会了如何让自己的头脑
非常平静,并清空所有的思想和情感。 但他仍然不明白生死的奥秘,也没有
找到他所追求的完全的离苦得乐。 悉达多再次感谢他的老师并离开了。 但

In those days, there were many wandering monks who belonged to various
cults. They had left their families to become ascetics. They believed that by
starving themselves or tormenting their bodies (asceticism) they would be
reborn in heaven. Their belief was that the more they suffered in this life, the
more pleasure they would receive in the future. So some ate extremely little
food, some stood on one foot for a long time, and others slept on boards
covered with sharp nails.

那时,有许多属于不同派系的云游僧人。邪教。 他们离开家人成为苦行者。 他们相

信,通过让自己挨饿或折磨自己的身体(禁欲主义),他们会在天堂重生。 他们的
信念是,今生受的苦越多,来世的快乐就越多。 所以有的人吃得极少,有的人长期

Siddhartha also tried to become an ascetic. He thought that if he practiced
hard enough, he would become enlightened. So he found a place at Uruvela
near a river and a village, where he could wash and obtain his daily food.
There were five other men living there, and they became his companions. Like
Siddhartha, they also practiced asceticism. Their names were Kondanna,
Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahanama and Assaji.
悉达多也试图成为一名苦行者。 他认为如果他足够努力地修行,他就会开悟。 因此,
他在乌鲁维拉 (Uruvela) 找到了一个靠近河流和村庄的地方,在那里他可以洗漱和
获取日常食物。 那里住着另外五个人,他们成了他的同伴。 像悉达多一样,他们也
实行苦行。 他们的名字是 Kondanna、Bhaddiya、Vappa、Mahanama 和 Assaji。

Siddhartha practiced various forms of asceticism for six years. He reduced his eating
more and more until he ate nothing at all. He became extremely thin, but still he did not
want to give up such practice. One day, while meditating alone, he fainted.
At that time, a shepherd boy with a goat walked by. He saw Siddhartha and realised
that without any food Siddhartha would die very soon. So he quickly fed him some
warm goat’s milk. Soon Siddhartha regained consciousness and began to feel better.
He realised that without the boy’s help, he would have died before attaining
悉达多修行了六年各种形式的苦行。 他越来越少地进食,直到什么都不吃。 他变得
非常瘦弱,但他仍然不想放弃这样的练习。 有一天,他在独自打坐时晕倒了。 这时,
一个牧童牵着一只山羊走过。 他看到悉达多,意识到如果没有任何食物,悉达多很
快就会死去。 于是赶紧给他喂了点热羊奶。 很快,悉达多恢复了意识,开始感觉好
多了。 他意识到,如果没有男孩的帮助,他可能会在成道前死去。

From then on, Siddhartha began eating normally. Soon his health was
completely restored. It was clear to him now that asceticism was not the
way to enlightenment. However, his five friends continued with their
ascetic practices. They thought that Siddhartha had become greedy and
so they left him.
One morning, a girl named Sujata offered Siddhartha some delicious
milk-rice porridge and said to him: “May you be successful in obtaining
your wishes!”
从此,悉达多开始正常进食。 很快他的健康就完全恢复了。 现在他很清楚禁欲
主义不是通向启蒙的道路。 然而,他的五个朋友继续苦行。 他们认为悉达多变
得贪婪,所以他们离开了他。 一天清晨,一位名叫善生的姑娘供养了悉达多美

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

The End

Credit: Text Contents adapted and edited from ‘Story of The Buddha’ (BuddhaNet) 28
乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 3 部分

On the same day when Sujata offered Siddhartha some milk-porridge,
Siddhartha accepted an offering of straw from a straw-peddler, made
a seat from it and sat down to meditate under a large bodhi tree,
facing east. He made a promise to himself: "I will not give up until I
achieve my goal, until I find a way of freedom from suffering, for
myself and all people."
以此为座,在一棵面向东方的大菩提树下坐下打坐。 他对自己许下诺言:

As he meditated, Siddhartha let go of all outside disturbances, and memories
of pleasures from the past. He let go of all worldly thoughts and turned his
mind to finding the ultimate truth about life. He asked himself: "How does
suffering start? How can one be free from suffering?" At first many distracting
images appeared in his mind. But finally his mind became very calm, like a
pond of still water. In the calm of deep meditation, Siddhartha concentrated on
how his own life had started.
当他冥想时,悉达多放下所有外在的干扰,以及对过去快乐的回忆。 他放下一切世俗的念头,将
心转向寻找生命的终极真理。 他问自己:“苦是如何开始的?一个人如何才能从苦中解脱?”
起初,他的脑海中出现了许多令人分心的画面。 但他的心终于变得很平静,如一潭死水。 在深

First, Siddhartha remembered his previous lives. Next, he saw how beings are
reborn according to the law of cause and effect, or kamma. He saw that good
deeds lead the way, from suffering to peace. Then he saw that the origin and
cause of suffering is craving, which arises from ignorance, from thinking that
we are more important than everybody else. Finally, he saw the way out of
suffering, completely free from thinking in a way that caused him any suffering.
This freedom is called Nibbana. So, at the age of 35, Siddhartha became the
Buddha, the Supreme Enlightened One.
首先,悉达多想起了他的前世。 接下来,他看到众生如何根据因果法则或业力再生。 他看到善
行引领道路,从苦难走向和平。 然后他看到苦的根源和原因是贪爱,它源于无明,源于认为我
们比其他任何人都重要。 最后,他看到了离苦之道,完全摆脱了导致他痛苦的思维方式。 这种
自由称为涅盘。 于是,悉达多在 35 岁时成佛,成为无上正觉者。

After attaining Supreme Enlightenment, the Buddha continued meditating,
abiding in the bliss and happiness of Nibbana for several days. Later, a
Brahmin, an upper caste man, came by the tree where the Buddha sat. He
greeted the Buddha and asked: "What qualities does one have to have to be a
true Brahmin and a noble person?" The Buddha replied: "The true Brahmin
must give up all evil. He must give up all conceit, try to understand all things
and practice pure living. This way he will deserve to be called a Brahmin."
佛陀证得无上正等正觉后,继续禅修,在涅盘的极乐中安住数日。 后来,一位高种
姓的婆罗门来到佛陀坐的那棵树旁。 他向佛陀问好:“真正的婆罗门和圣人,必须
具备哪些品质?” 佛陀回答说:“真正的婆罗门必须放弃一切邪恶。他必须放弃所

At first the Buddha hesitated to teach the profound Dhamma for He knew that most
people have ‘dust in their eyes’. Then Brahma the high heavenly god came to appeal to
the Buddha to teach the Dhamma. He said there would be some ready for the Dhamma.
The Buddha contemplated: "Although the Dhamma (the Teaching, the Truth) is deep and
will be difficult for most people to understand, there are some who only have a little
craving. Such people may be able to accept the Dhamma. They are like the lotuses that
extend their stalks from the bottom of the pond up in the air, to receive sunshine. So I
should not keep this radiant Truth a secret. I should make it known everywhere, so that
all people can benefit from it."
这时梵天天神前来祈请佛陀教导佛法。 他说会有一些人为佛法做好准备。 佛陀思惟:
这样的人可能能够接受法。他们就像 莲花从池底伸出茎来接受阳光。所以我不应该

Then the Buddha thought: "Who should I teach first? The person must be
interested in the Dhamma and quick to understand it." First He thought of His
old teachers, Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta. But they had both died.
Then He remembered His five ascetic friends, Kondanna, Bhaddiya, Vappa,
Mahanama and Assaji. When He found out that they were living at Sarnath,
near Varanasi, He left soon afterwards to find them.
然后佛陀想:“我应该先教谁?这个人必须对佛法有兴趣并迅速理解它。” 首先,他
想到了他的老老师阿拉茹阿卡拉玛和乌陀迦罗摩子。 但他们都死了。 然后他想起了
他的五个苦行者朋友,Kondanna、Bhaddiya、Vappa、Mahanama 和 Assaji。

At Sarnath, when the five ascetics saw the Buddha coming, they decided not
even to greet Him or talk to Him. They still thought that He was greedy and
had given up His search for Truth. But as the Buddha got closer, they realized
that He was surrounded by a brilliant light and looked very noble. They were
so astonished that they forgot about their previous decision. They greeted
Him, offered him some water and quickly prepared a seat.
在鹿野苑,当五位沙门看到佛陀来时,他们甚至决定不向他致意或与他交谈。 他们
仍然认为他是贪婪的,已经放弃了对真理的追求。 但当佛陀走近时,他们发现他被
光明包围着,看起来非常尊贵。 他们太惊讶了,以至于忘记了他们之前的决定。 他

After sitting down, the Buddha told them: "Monks! I have realized the Truth of
the end of suffering (Nibbana), and the way to end suffering. If you learn and
practice it, you will soon become enlightened. You must take responsibility for
working to understand these things." At first, the five monks doubted His
words and asked Him many questions. But finally they began to trust Him and
wanted to hear his teaching. And so the Buddha gave His first teaching to the
five monks at deer Park, Sarnath.

道。如果你们学习和修行,你们很快就会开悟。你们必须负起责任 努力理解这些事
情。” 起初,五位僧人对他的话表示怀疑,并向他提出了许多问题。 但最后他们开
始相信他并想听他的教导。 因此,佛陀在鹿野苑的鹿野苑向五位比丘首次开示。

Sarnath 37
The Buddha taught them the Four Noble Truths. The first Noble Truth is about
the fact that suffering exists. The second is about the cause of suffering; the
third is that it is possible to end suffering; and in the fourth Noble Truth, He
explained the Path to be followed if you want to end suffering. During this first
teaching, Kondanna attained the first stage of Enlightenment. Then he asked
the Buddha to ordain him as a monk. Soon the other four ascetics also joined
the Buddha's order. All five monks practiced diligently and with the help of the
Buddha they soon became fully enlightened ones, or arahants.
佛陀教导他们四圣谛。 第一个圣谛是关于苦难存在的事实。 二是关于苦因; 三是灭
苦是可能的。 在第四圣谛中,他解释了如果你想结束苦难所应遵循的道路。 在这第
一次教学中,康达那达到了启蒙的第一阶段。 然后他请求佛陀给他出家。 不久,其
他四位沙门也加入了佛陀的教团。 五位比丘都精进修行,在佛陀的加持下,他们很

The Buddha continued teaching the Dhamma at the Deer Park in
Sarnath. After hearing the teachings, Yasa, a young man from a
wealthy family, and his best friends left home and became monks.
Later, fifty young men from high-caste families also left their homes
and joined the community of monks to spend their lives practicing the
Buddha's teachings.
佛陀继续在鹿野苑的鹿野苑教导佛法。 富家子弟耶舍听闻法教后,和挚友
出家出家。 后来,五十名来自高种姓家庭的年轻人也离开了家,加入了僧

When the Buddha had sixty monks as His monk disciples, He held a meeting.
He told them: "Go and spread the Dhamma to other places, to give more
people the chance of gaining freedom from suffering. Spread the Dhamma so
that human lives may be purified and brightened. There are people ready for
the Dhamma. They will be able to understand it. Let not two monks use the
same road. I Myself will go to teach at Uruvela.“
当佛陀有六十位比丘作为他的比丘弟子时,他举行了一次会议。 他告诉他们:“去
命得到净化和光明。有人准备好接受佛法。他们将 能够理解它。不要让两个比丘走

After the Buddha sent out His sixty arahant disciples for the first
time, He traveled to Magadha in the southeast, to Uruvela village.
After hearing the Buddha's Teaching of the Dhamma, many men
left their homes and became monks. Later, more than 1,000 of
them became fully Enlightened arahants.

听闻佛陀的教法后,许多人出家出家。 后来,他们中有 1000 多人证得

Uruvela Village
Then the Buddha took His arahant disciples to Rajagaha. He went to preach
the Dhamma to King Bimbisara and his people, as the Buddha had previously
promised the king He would. After hearing the Dhamma, King Bimbisara took
refuge (Taking refuge ~ Seeking protection, security and freedom from
suffering) in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. He became Buddha’s disciple .
Later, King Bimbisara donated Veluvana Park as a residence for the Buddha
and the monks. Veluvana became the first Buddhist monastery.
然后佛陀带着他的阿罗汉弟子到王舍城。 他去为宾毗沙罗国王和他的人民说法,正如
佛陀先前向国王承诺的那样。 听闻佛法后,毗毗沙罗王皈依佛、法、僧。 他成了佛
弟子。 后来,宾比萨拉国王捐赠了 Veluvana 公园作为佛陀和僧侣的住所。
Veluvana 成为第一座佛教寺院。

Veluvana Park
(Bamboo Grove)
With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

The End

Credit: Text Contents adapted and edited from ‘Story of The Buddha’ (BuddhaNet) 43
乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 4 部分

During the Buddha’s stay near Rajagaha, there was a well-known
teacher of one of the traditional schools. He had about two hundred
students, and among them were Upatissa and Kolita. These two
students were best friends. They wanted to learn more about life and
death than their teacher had been able to teach them. So they agreed
with each other that they would search for the highest knowledge,
and as soon as one of them found it, he would share it with the other.
佛陀在王舍城附近逗留期间,有一位传统学校的著名老师。 他有大约两百
名弟子,其中有优婆提舍和拘律陀。 这两个学生是最好的朋友。 他们想要
了解更多关于生与死的知识,而不是他们的老师能够教给他们的。 于是他

One morning Upatissa was walking towards Rajagaha. On the way there he
met a monk who looked very peaceful and seemed to be free from all fear. This
monk was the arahant Assaji, one of the five former ascetics. Upatissa went
towards him and said: “Venerable master! Who is your teacher and what did he
teach you?” The monk replied with a smile: “My teacher is a great sage of the
Sakya clan. He is the Buddha, and I practice according to His teaching.”

一天早上,优婆提提莎正走向王舍城。 在去那里的路上,他遇到了一个和尚,他看起
来非常平静,似乎没有任何恐惧。 这位比丘就是前五位沙门之一的阿拉汉阿萨吉。 优
婆提舍走到他跟前说:“上师! 谁是你的老师,他教了你什么?” 僧人笑道:“我师
是释迦族大圣。 他是佛,我依他的教法修行。”

Then Upatissa asked Venerable Assaji: “What is the teaching of the Buddha?”
Assaji replied: “I will tell you the meaning of the Buddha’s teaching very briefly.
The Buddha said that there is a cause for everything and He also taught how
things decay.” Upatissa was so clever that when he heard this he understood
that whatever comes into existence will also decay, and he attained the first
stage of enlightenment. Then he thanked Assaji, asked him where he might
find the Buddha, and left.

尔后优婆提舍问阿沙吉尊者:“佛陀的教法是什么?” 阿沙吉回答说:“我会非常简
单地告诉你佛陀教法的意义。 佛陀说万事万物皆有因,他也教导事物如何腐朽。”
优波提舍很聪明,听了这句话,他了知有生必有坏,于是他证得初等菩提。 然后他感

Afer this encounter Upatissa was filled with happiness, and went straight to
see Kolita. He told Kolita what the noble monk Assaji had told him. Instantly,
Kolita also understood the Buddha’s teaching and attained the first stage of
enlightenment. Finally, the two friends went to see the Buddha. They asked
Him to accept them as monks and the Buddha agreed. After practicing
diligently, they both attained arahantship. Later, they became the Buddha’s
chief disciples and were known under their monks’ names as Sariputta and

遇上优婆提舍后,满心欢喜,直奔拘律陀。 他把尊贵比丘阿萨吉告诉他的话告诉拘律
陀。 刹那间,拘律陀也明白佛法,证得初果。 最后,两个朋友去看佛。 他们请求佛
陀收他们为僧,佛陀同意了。 经过精进修行,他们都证得阿罗汉果。 后来,他们成

When the Buddha was living at Rajagaha, a conference was held at Veluvana
on the full moon of the third month of the year. One thousand two hundred
and fifty monks attended the meeting. They were all arahants and all of them
arrived on the same day.
On this special occasion, the Buddha told His disciples to practice and teach
following the same basic principles. The essence of this teaching was: Do not
do anything bad, do good and purify your mind.

当佛陀住在王舍城时,每年三月的满月在维卢瓦纳举行法会。 一千二百五十名僧侣
参加了会议。 他们都是阿罗汉,而且都在同一天到达。 在这个特殊的时刻,佛陀告
诉他的弟子们要修行和教导遵循相同的基本原则。 这个教导的精髓是:不要做任何

When King Suddhodana learned that his son had become a Buddha and was
staying at Rajagaha, he sent an officer to invite the Buddha to Kapilavatthu.
The Buddha promised to visit his family. So one day the Buddha took His
disciples to Kapilavatthu. They arrived in the evening and stayed in a garden
outside the city. The next morning, the Buddha and His disciples went to the
city to beg for alms food.

迦毗罗卫城。 佛陀答应拜访他的家人。 所以有一天,佛陀带着他的弟子去
迦毗罗卫城。 他们傍晚抵达,住在城外的一座花园里。 第二天早上,佛陀

When the king found out that the prince was begging for food, he felt
very angry and disappointed. He asked his driver to take him straight
to the Buddha. When he saw the Buddha, he spoke to Him in an angry
way: “My son! Today you have done a most disgraceful thing to the
royal family and me. Have your ancestors ever done such a thing?
Have they ever accepted food like beggars?”

当国王发现王子乞食时,他感到非常生气和失望。 他让司机直接送他去见佛
陀。 见佛陀,怒曰:“我儿! 今天你做了一件让皇室和我都丢脸的事。 你
的祖先做过这样的事吗? 他们有没有像乞丐一样接受过食物?”

The Buddha spoke calmly to His angry father: “Father! I am not
following the custom of My worldly ancestors. I am following the
tradition of the Buddhas of the past. All past Buddhas begged for food,
to inspire people to follow the teachings. Then the Buddha explained
some basics of the Dharma to the King. The King calmed down and
asked the Buddha and His disciples to accept food at the palace.

佛陀平静地对愤怒的父亲说:“父亲! 我不遵循世俗祖先的习俗。 我是承

袭过去诸佛的传承。 过去一切诸佛,皆以食为食,劝人依教。 然后佛陀向
国王解释了一些基本的佛法。 国王平静下来,请佛陀和他的弟子们在宫殿里

In the palace, after finishing a delicious meal, the Buddha taught the
Dharma to the king, His relatives, and other people. Then He took two
of His senior disciples to see Yasodhara, the cousin He had married at
the age of sixteen, and Rahula, His son. Yasodhara was very sad. The
Buddha could see past lives, and He compassionately told her about
the good actions she had done in the past and explained the Dharma
to her.

在宫中,佛陀享用完美味佳肴后,为国王、他的亲戚和其他人说法。 然后他
子罗睺罗。 耶输陀罗非常伤心。 佛陀能看到过去世,慈悲地告诉她她过去

Later Rahula, who was seven years old, was ordained by the Buddha
and became the first novice in the Buddhist tradition. (A novice is
someone who is in training but has not yet taken the full vows of a
monk or nun.) Besides Rahula, the Buddha also converted His step-
brother Nanda and several princes of the Sakya clan. Among them
were His cousins Ananda and Devadatta.

后来七岁的罗睺罗受戒,成为佛教第一位沙弥。 (沙弥是指正在受训但还
没有完全受戒的人。) 除了罗睺罗,佛陀还皈依了他的继兄难陀和释迦族
的几位王子。 其中包括他的表兄弟阿南达和提婆达多。

Many years after He left Kapilavatthu, the Buddha went back to visit
His father King Suddhodana, who was very ill. The king was very
happy to see the Buddha again and felt better. But because he was
very old, he could no longer resist the illness, and two or three days
later he passed away. Everyone felt deeply sad.

离开迦毗罗卫城多年后,佛陀回去探望病重的父亲净饭王。 国王很高兴再
次见到佛陀,感觉好多了。 但因年事已高,经不住病痛,两三天后就去世
了。 每个人都感到深深的悲伤。

When King Suddhodana died, Lady Prajapati Gotami felt very sad.
She and several other women decided to leave the worldly life and
join the Buddha’s group of monks to practice the Dharma. So she
led the women to see the Buddha. She asked Him to accept them
as nuns, but the Buddha refused. The women felt very
disappointed and cried. But they did not give up their wish to
become nuns.
净饭王死后,波阇波提乔答弥夫人感到非常难过。 她和其他几个女人决定离开
世俗生活,加入佛陀的僧团修行。 于是她带领众女众见佛。 她请求他收她们为
尼姑,但佛陀拒绝了。 妇女们感到非常失望,哭了起来。 但她们并没有放弃出

When the Buddha was residing at the Mahavaha Monastery, Lady Prajapati Gotami and
her group of women went to the monastery and told Ananda what had happened.
Ananda felt compassion for them and promised to help them. He went to see the Buddha
to ask Him to be merciful and let the women join the monastic order. But the Buddha
refused again. Ananda then said: “I beg you, Lord Buddha, please do a favour to
Prajapati Gotami and accept her and other women as nuns, because she has done you
great favour in the past. She brought you up as her own son.” So finally the Buddha
said: “Alright. If they are willing to follow the eight monastic rules I give them, they can
leave home and become nuns.” Then He explained these rules to Ananda.

情。 阿南达同情他们,答应帮助他们。 他去见佛陀,请求佛陀大发慈悲,让女众出家。 但佛陀
又拒绝了。 阿难接着说:“佛陀,请您施恩给生主乔答弥,收她和其他女人为尼,因为她过去曾
给过您很大的恩惠。 她把你当成自己的儿子抚养长大。” 所以最后佛陀说:“好吧。 如果他们愿
意遵守我给他们的八戒,他们可以出家出家。” 然后他向阿难解释这些规则。

After leaving the Buddha, Ananda went to tell Lady Prajapati Gotami
the good news. All the women were very happy and promised to
observe the eight rules of conduct that the Buddha gave them.
Ananda then went back to the Buddha and told Him that the women
were happy to follow the rules. So Prajapati Gotami became the first
Buddhist nun.

离开佛陀后,阿难去告诉波阇波提乔答弥夫人这个好消息。 所有的妇女都
很高兴,并承诺遵守佛陀给她们的八项行为准则。 阿南达然后回到佛陀跟
前告诉佛陀,女人们很乐意遵守规则。 因此生主乔答弥成为第一位佛教尼

Buddhist Theravada Nuns

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

The End

Credit: Text Contents adapted and edited from ‘Story of The Buddha’ (BuddhaNet) 59
乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 5 部分

Ven. Ananda

Bamboo Grove, Jetavana Monastery

Rajagaha Shravasti

Of all the disciples of the Buddha, Ananda, His cousin, was the most
devoted to Him. So the Buddha selected him to be His close
attendant. Another of the Buddha’s cousins also became a monk. His
name was Devadatta. But he was envious of the Buddha and
competed with Him, trying to take over the leadership.

在佛陀的所有弟子中,他的堂兄阿难陀对他最忠诚。 所以佛陀选择
他做他的贴身侍者。 佛陀的另一个堂兄弟也出家了。 他的名字叫
提婆达多。 但他嫉妒佛陀并与他竞争,试图接过领导权。


Devadatta was very conceited, and was jealous of the two chief disciples of the
Buddha. So he left the Sangha (the order of monks and nuns) and made friends
with the crown-prince Ajatasattu, son of King Bimbisara. The prince built a private
monastery for Devadatta. Devadatta then persuaded the prince to kill his father, King
Bimbisara, and make himself king. The prince followed Devadatta’s evil scheme and
starved his father Bimbisara to death so he could become king.
提婆达多非常自负,嫉妒这两位首席弟子。佛。 所以他离开了僧伽(僧尼的秩序)并
结交了朋友与宾毗沙拉王之子太子阿阇世。 王子建了一个私人的Devadatta 的修道
院。 Devadatta 然后说服王子杀死他的父亲 King Bimbisara,并让自己成为国王。 太

King Bimbisara,
killed by the son Ajatasattu became King after
Devadatta abd
Ajatasattu killing his father, King Bimbisara
Now Devadatta felt very powerful because the new king was his friend and
supporter. So he decided to kill the Buddha. One evening, while the Buddha
was walking past a rocky hill, Devadatta pushed a huge stone down the hillside,
intending to kill the Buddha. But the rock suddenly broke into many pieces and
only one sharp piece hit the Buddha, on his foot. The Buddha returned to the
monastery and was treated by the famous physician Jivaka.

现在 Devadatta 感到非常强大,因为新国王是他的朋友而且支持者。 于是他决

定杀佛。 一天晚上,当佛陀正走过一座石山,提婆达多将一块巨石推下山坡,
欲杀佛。 但这块石头突然碎成许多碎片,只剩下一根锋利的碎片击中了佛陀
的脚。 佛陀回到寺院并得到著名医师吉瓦卡(Jivaka)的治疗。

Although his evil plot had failed, Devadatta tried to kill the Buddha again.
When the Buddha was on His daily alms-round at Rajagaha, Devadatta set
loose a wild elephant. But as the wild elephant ran towards the Buddha, it
became calm because of the Buddha’s enormous loving-kindness. After this
incident, Devadatta gave up trying to kill the Buddha, but he still wanted to
break up the Sangha.

虽然他的阴谋失败了,提婆达多还是想再次杀死佛陀。 当佛陀每天在王舍城
托钵时,提婆达多放生了一头野象。 但是当野象奔向佛陀时,因为佛陀的大
慈大悲,它变得平静了。 经此一事,提婆达多放弃了杀佛的念头,但仍要拆

To impress the other monks and nuns and disrupt the Sangha, Devadatta
asked the Buddha to make stricter rules of conduct for the Sangha. He asked
that monks not be allowed to sleep in houses or eat any meat. But the Buddha
refused Devadatta’s proposal. He said: “If some monks prefer to sleep in the
open or not eat meat, they are free to do so. But if they do not wish to live this
way they do not have to.” Finally, the Buddha said: “Devadatta, if you try to
break up the Sangha you will reap the evil fruits.”
则。 他要求僧侣不得在屋内睡觉或吃任何肉。 但是佛陀拒绝了提婆达多的
提议。 他说:“如果有些僧人喜欢露宿或不吃肉,他们可以这样做。 但如
果他们不希望这样生活,他们就不必这样做。” 最后,佛陀说:“提婆达多,

Devadatta ignored the Buddha’s warning, led away a group of monks and
made himself their leader. One day, when Devadatta was asleep, the Buddha’s
chief disciple Sariputta came and warned the monks about the consequences
of evil actions. The monks realized their mistake and returned to the Buddha.
When Devadatta woke up he was so angry that he became ill. Eventually, he
began to regret his actions, and he asked his servants to take him to see the
Buddha. But he died unexpectedly on the way there.

提婆达多无视佛陀的警告,带走了一群比丘,并自立为首领。 一天,当提婆达多睡
着时,佛陀的大弟子沙利子来警告比丘们恶行的后果。 比丘们意识到他们的错误并
回到了佛陀身边。 提婆达多醒来时他气得病倒了。 最终,他开始后悔自己的行为,
并且他让他的仆人带他去见佛陀。 但他却意外地死在了在那里。

The Buddha taught and converted people for forty-five years. He travelled to
different kingdoms in India, always on foot. During the rainy seasons, he
stayed at monasteries built for him and the Sangha by different lay supporters.
The places the Buddha stayed at most often were Veluvana, near Rajagaha,
and Jetavana, near Savatthi. During all these years, the Buddha worked hard
every day to spread the teachings.

佛陀教化了人们四十五年。 他前往印度的不同王国,总是步行。 在雨季,他住在由

不同居士支持者为他和僧团建造的寺院。 佛陀最常停留的地方是王舍城附近的维卢瓦
那和沙瓦提城附近的只园。 这些年来,佛陀每天都在努力弘法。

Ruins of Jetavana

The Buddha usually got up before sunrise, took a bath, and then contemplated
on whom to teach. When He found someone ready to understand and accept
the teaching, He would go and teach that person the same day. After sunrise,
the Buddha would go to beg for alms from people in the neighborhood.
Sometimes He went alone, and sometimes with His monks. Some people also
invited Him to their homes to accept offerings. After the meal, He would teach
them the Dharma. Then He would return to the monastery.

佛陀通常在日出之前起床,沐浴,然后沉思教谁。 当他发现有人愿意理解并接受教学,
他会在同一天去教那个人。 日出后,佛陀去附近的人那里乞讨。 有时他一个人去,
有时和他的僧侣一起。 也有人邀请他去他们家接受供品。 饭后,他为他们说法。 然

Back at the monastery, the Buddha would rest quietly in the hall, under a tree
or in His room, waiting for the monks to return from their alms round. When
all the monks and nuns had assembled in the hall, Buddha would give a
Dharma talk or just encourage them to practice the Dharma. Some monks
would also ask Him for personal instructions for their Dharma practice. The
Buddha then would reflect on their individual nature and give to each of them
the personal advice that suited them best.

回到寺院后,佛陀静静地在殿堂、树下或房中休息,等待比丘托钵归来。 当所有僧
尼都聚集在大厅里时,他会开示佛法或只是鼓励他们修持佛法。 一些僧人还向他请
示了他们修行的个人指导。 佛陀然后考虑了他们的本性,并给了他们每个人最适合

In the summertime, the people from the neighborhood used to visit
Him in the evenings. Some came to offer Him gifts, others to hear His
teachings. The Buddha taught them the Dharma using skillful
language, so that everyone would benefit.
After the talk everyone would feel happy and satisfied.

夏天的时候,附近的人常去他家看望他。晚上。 有的前来献礼,有的前来聆
听他的教诲。 佛陀用方便的语言给他们说法,让大家受益。谈话结束后,每

After the people left, the Buddha usually took a bath. Then He would meditate
for some time. After that, He would instruct monks who came from other places.
He helped them to understand the difficult parts of the Dharma and so made
them very happy. At sunset, the Buddha usually went for a walk to refresh
Himself. After this, He would again give talks to His monks. Late at night,
distinguished people, such as kings, came for advice and instruction in the

人们离开后,佛陀通常会沐浴。 然后他会打坐一段时间。 之后,他会指导来自

其他地方的僧人。 他帮助他们了解佛法的难点,因此使他们非常高兴。 日落时
分,佛陀通常会出去散步提神。 在此之后,他会再次向他的比丘们开示。 深夜,

After this, the Buddha would go to sleep, usually for four
hours only. He slept on His right side and woke up before
sunrise. Then He would enter into deep meditation to explore
and reflect upon the nature of His audience for that day.

此后,佛陀入睡,通常只有四个小时。 他睡在右侧,在日
出前醒来。 然后他进入深度冥想,探索当天听众的性格。

The Buddha always worked very hard in propagating the Dharma.
When He was not travelling, He spent time not only explaining the
Dharma, but also in helping people to solve their daily problems.
He was always willing to help people from any station in life,
whether it was a housewife, a farmer, or just somebody in need of

佛陀一直非常努力地弘扬佛法。 当他不旅行时,他不仅花时间解释佛法,
还花时间帮助人们解决日常问题。 他总是愿意帮助生活中任何阶段的人,

The Buddha was never reluctant to answer difficult questions or explain
complicated problems. He never felt irritated by the person asking questions,
and always was able to answer correctly. The Buddha always explained the
Dharma in a way that was most suited to the nature of His listeners. He
welcomed all people. Many who doubted Him at first became convinced of the
truth of His teaching. They then became His loyal disciples.

佛陀从不不愿意回答困难的问题或解释复杂的问题。 他从不被问问题的人激怒,而
且总是能够正确回答。 佛陀总是以最适合听众本性的方式解释佛法。 他欢迎所有人。
许多起初怀疑他的人后来都相信了他教导的真实性。 他们后来成了他的忠实弟子。


The End 结束

May You Be Well With Metta,

Credit: Text Contents adapted and edited & Peaceful
from ‘Story of The Buddha’ (BuddhaNet) Bro. Oh Teik Bin
愿你成为好与和平 75
乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 6 部分 (下场)

After 45 years of travelling and teaching, the Buddha had reached His
eightieth year. Although His mind was strong, He felt that His body was
getting weaker. He realized that His life was coming to an end. So, He decided
to go north to the foothills of the Himalayas, the region where He was born. He
wished to enter the final Nirvana, or freedom from suffering. On the way north,
the Buddha and Ananda stopped in the Bamboo Grove Village, in the kingdom
of Patali. The Buddha decided to stay there for the rainy season.

经过 45 年的旅行和教学,佛陀已经到了八十岁。 虽然他的心很强,但他觉得自己的
身体越来越虚弱。 他意识到自己的生命即将结束。 因此,他决定北上喜马拉雅山脚
下,他出生的地方。 他希望进入最终的涅盘,或从痛苦中解脱。 在北上的路上,佛
陀和阿难在波陀罗国的竹林村停留。 佛陀决定留在那里过雨季。

During His stay in the village the Buddha fell seriously ill. After He
recovered, He told Ananda: “Ananda, by now the Sangha should
know the way to practice, be able to check their practice and attain
Nirvana. I do not keep any secrets. With all My heart I wish the best
for all the monks and nuns. I am an old man now. You should depend
on yourselves. You should rely on the Dharma.

佛陀在村里逗留期间病重。 和尚痊愈后,对阿难说:“阿难,现在僧团应
该知道修行的方法,能够检验自己的修行,从而证得涅槃。 我不保守任何
秘密。 我衷心祝愿所有的僧侣和尼姑一切顺利。 我现在是个老人了。 你要
靠自己。 你应该依止佛法。

In the morning, after eating, the Buddha went to the Pava Stupa to meditate.
He sat on a rock in the shade of a tree and investigated with His mind when He
would be due to pass away. He concluded that He would enter the final Nirvana
after three months. When He told this to Ananda, Ananda begged Him: “Please
stay and continue helping people to end suffering!” The Buddha replied:
“Ananda, the life of the Buddha is drawing to its close. He will attain final
Nirvana three months from now. Death is unavoidable.

早上,佛陀吃完饭,到帕瓦塔打坐。他坐在树荫下的一块石头上,当他将因去世。 他
得出结论,他将在三个月后进入最终的涅盘。 当他告诉阿难时,阿难恳求他:“请留
下来继续帮助人们结束苦难!” 佛陀回答说:“阿难,佛陀的生命即将结束。 三个
月后,他将证得究竟涅槃。 死亡是不可避免的。

Then the Buddha called the monks and gave them many important
instructions. He encouraged them to practice His teachings for the benefit of
all people in the world, and to help others to learn and practice the Dharma.
He also encouraged them to serve as good examples for the people of the
world. Finally He instructed: “All things must grow old and pass away. Study
the truths I have taught you and put them into practice; guard your own minds;
do not be careless, so that you can be freed from suffering and rebirth.”

然后佛陀召集比丘,给他们许多重要的教导。 他鼓励他们为了利益世间所有人而实
践他的教法,并帮助其他人学习和实践佛法。 他还鼓励他们为世界人民树立榜样。
最后他指示说:“万物都会变老并消逝。 研究我教给你的真理并付诸实践; 守住自
己的心; 不要粗心大意,这样你就可以从痛苦中解脱并往生。”

One morning, to have a last look at the city of Vesali, the Buddha and Ananda
went there to beg for alms. After that, the Buddha and His disciples visited
neighboring villages, and the Buddha taught the Dharma to people. The Buddha
also told His disciples that when anyone teaches them the Dharma, they should
carefully verify it against the Dharma taught by the Buddha. He said that if it was
not consistent with His teaching, they should reject it. Then they continued to the
city of Pava and rested in the Mango garden, which belonged to Cunda, the son of
a goldsmith.

一天早上,为了最后看一眼毗舍离城,佛陀和阿难陀去那里化缘。 其后,佛陀与弟
子们到访邻近的村落,为人们说法。 佛陀还告诉他的弟子们,当任何人教导他们佛
法时,他们应该仔细核对佛陀所教导的法。 他说,如果这与他的教导不一致,他们
就应该拒绝。 然后他们继续前往帕瓦市,并在金匠之子纯陀的芒果园中休息。

Pava 81
The Buddha taught Cunda and his family. They gained confidence in the Dharma
and took refuge in the Buddha and the Dharma. But the meal that Cunda offered to
the Buddha contained a fungus that made the Buddha feel very ill. However, in spite
of the pain, the Buddha and His disciples continued their journey to Kusinara. On
the way they met a prince of the Malla clan. The Buddha taught Him the way to live
in peace. The prince then took refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha (the Three
Jewels), and offered two rolls of fine gold-colored cloth to the Buddha. The Buddha
kept one and gave the other to Ananda.

佛陀教导纯陀及其家人。 他们对佛法有了信心皈依佛法。 但是纯陀供奉的饭菜佛陀

身上有一种真菌,让佛陀感到很不舒服。 然而,尽管痛苦之后,佛陀和他的弟子们
继续他们前往拘尸那罗的旅程。 在他们遇到马拉氏族王子的方式。 佛陀教他生活之
道安详地。 太子皈依佛、法、僧(三宝物),又供养上等金丝布二卷给佛。 佛陀留

Finally the Buddha and Ananda arrived at the boundaries of Kusinara. When
they came to Salavana, a holiday resort of the royal clan of the Mallas, the
Buddha felt He could go no further. So, He asked Ananda to prepare a place
for Him to lie down.
Ananda took the Buddha’s outer robe and placed it on a bed between two big
sala trees. The Buddha then lay down on His right side. He did not fall asleep,
but rested to relieve His pain and fatigue. His mind remained as tranquil as it
had ever been.

终于,佛陀与阿难到达了拘尸那罗界。 什么时候他们来到马拉斯王族的度假胜地沙
拉瓦那,佛陀觉得不能再去了。 于是,他请阿难为他准备一个可以躺下的地方。阿
难拿来佛陀的外袍,放在两棵大娑罗树之间的床上。 然后佛陀以右侧卧。 他没有睡
着,而是休息以减轻疼痛和疲劳。 他的心一如既往地平静。

Ananda felt that the Buddha was really leaving Him this time, and he felt
deep grief in his heart. So, he left the Buddha, and went to an isolated
place among trees to cry. He thought: “Unlike the other monks, I still have
not reached the stage of an arahant, and I shall lose my compassionate
Master forever, and be left alone.” His face became flooded with tears.
When the other monks told the Buddha that Ananda was weeping in a
hidden place, the Buddha asked them to bring Ananda back.

阿难觉得佛陀这次真的要离他而去了,心中悲痛万分。 于是,他离开了佛陀,
到一个僻静的树丛中哭泣。 他想:“我和其他比丘不同,我还没有达到阿罗汉
的地步,我将永远失去我慈悲的师父,一个人孤零零。” 他的脸上充满了泪水。

On Ananda’s return, the Buddha praised him in front of the other monks. He
told them: “Ananda has, at all times, been my most excellent attendant. He knew
how to arrange just the right time for Me to meet with visitors. He always treated all
visitors well.” Later, Ananda said to the Buddha: “Lord Buddha, please do not enter
Nirvana in such a small and unimportant place. Please select one of the large cities,
such as Rajagaha or Vesali, and enter the final Nirvana there. In those cities there are
many rich and powerful people who are your disciples. They can take responsibility
for Your holy remains.”

阿难回来后,佛陀在众比丘面前赞叹他。 他对他们说:“阿难一直是我最好的侍者。
他知道如何安排恰到好处的时间让我与访客见面。 他总是对待所有游客安好。” 后
来,阿难对佛说:“世尊,请不要进入涅槃于如此渺小无足轻重的地方。 请选择其
中一个大城市,如 Rajagaha 或 Vesali,并在那里进入最后的涅盘。 在那些城市里有
许多有钱有势的人都是你的弟子。 他们可以承担责任为你圣洁的遗体。

The Buddha said to Ananda: “No Ananda, do not say that. This is not a small
and insignificant place. Long ago this was a prosperous city, and the residence
of a righteous king. Ananda, go to Kusinara and tell the king and the people
that late tonight, the Buddha will enter the final Nirvana in this forest. If they
wish to, they should come to see Me before this time.” So Ananda went to
Kusinara with several monks and told King Malla and his people what the
Buddha had said.

佛告阿难:“不,阿难,莫作是说。 这可不小和不起眼的地方。 很久以前,这里是

一座繁华的城市,也是一位正直的国王的居所。 阿难,去拘尸那罗,告诉国王和人
民,今晚深夜,佛陀将在这片森林中进入最后的涅盘。 如果他们愿意,他们应该在
这个时间之前来见我。” 于是阿难和几位比丘去拘尸那罗,把佛陀所说的告诉摩罗

Kusinara 86
When the people of Kusinara learnt that the Buddha was about to
enter Nirvana, they all felt very sad and cried. They said: “It is too
early for the Buddha to enter final Nirvana. The Light of the world is
going to be extinguished too soon!” Men, women and children, crying
loudly, went to Salavana, where the Buddha was staying. They
all hoped to see the Buddha one more time.

拘尸那罗众民得知佛陀即将入涅盘,无不悲痛欲绝,痛哭流涕。 他们说:
“佛陀入涅盘还为时过早。 世界之光要熄灭得太快了!” 男人、女人和孩
子们放声大哭,到佛陀住的沙拉瓦那去。 他们都希望再见到佛陀一次。

A wandering young man from an ascetic cult, whose name was Subhadda,
happened to be in Kusinara. When he learnt that the Buddha was about
to enter the final Nirvana, he decided to visit Him. He wanted to ask the
Buddha some questions that bothered him. He believed that only the
Buddha would be able to give him a thorough explanation. So he went to
Salavana, and asked Ananda to allow him to see the Buddha. However
Ananda refused him permission, as he thought that the Buddha was too
tired to see visitors.

当他得知佛陀即将进入最后的涅盘时,他决定去拜访他。 他想问佛陀一些困扰
他的问题。 他相信只有佛陀才能给他一个彻底的解释。 于是他去了沙拉瓦那,
请求阿难允许他见佛陀。 但是阿难拒绝了他的许可,因为他认为佛陀太累了,

But Subhadda was very anxious to see the Buddha and asked Ananda again
and again. When the Buddha heard them both talking, He knew Subhadda’s
good motivation. So, He told Ananda to let Subhadda come in. Having
listened to Subhadda’s questions, the Buddha taught him until all problems
in Subhadda’s mind were cleared. Subhadda gained confidence in the
Buddha and the Dharma and asked the Buddha to accept him as a monk.
Thus, Subhadda became the last person to be ordained by the Buddha.

但须跋陀很想见佛,又问阿难。然后再次。 当佛陀听到他们二人的谈话时,他知道
须跋陀罗的好的动力。 因此,他告诉阿难陀让须跋陀进来。听了须跋陀的问题后,
佛陀教导他,直到须跋陀心中的所有问题都被清除。 须跋陀罗对佛陀和佛法有了信
心,请求佛陀收他为僧。 因此,须跋陀罗成为最后一个受佛陀戒的人。

Later the Buddha gave the monks and nuns the last chance to ask
any questions. He asked them if any of them still had doubts about
the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. But none of them had any doubts
about the Triple Gem. Finally, the Buddha said to the monks: “Monks,
this is the last time for me to talk to you. All things change. Work hard
to gain your own salvation!”

后来,佛陀给了比丘尼最后一次提问的机会。 他问他们是否还有人对佛、
法、僧有疑惑。 但对于三宝,他们都没有任何的怀疑。 最后,佛陀对比丘
们说:“比丘们,这是我最后一次和你们说话了。 万物皆变。 努力争取自

The Buddha then entered into meditation, deeper and deeper, until His
mind was purely balanced and steadily focused. And then He passed away.
Thus, the Buddha, the Blessed One, had attained that final freedom known
as Nirvana. Soon after the death of the Buddha, a meeting of 500 arahants
was held to collect together all His teachings. They were memorized and
handed down from one generation of monks to the next. In this way, the
Teachings of the Buddha were not lost, and we can still hear them today.

然后佛陀进入禅修,越来越深,直到他的心达到纯粹的平衡和稳定的专注。 然后
他去世了。 因此,佛陀,世尊,已经获得了被称为涅盘的最终自由。 佛陀圆寂后
不久,举行了一次由 500 名阿罗汉组成的会议,以收集他所有的教法。 他们被记
住并从一代僧侣传给下一代。 这样,佛陀的教法才没有失传,至今还能听到。

With Metta,
May You Bro. Oh Teik Bin
Credit: Text Contents adapted Be Well The End
and edited from ‘Story of The
Buddha’ (BuddhaNet) and 结束
Happy 92

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