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OnSite Wellness Uber, Inc. Where wellness Insight happens OnSite!!! Prepared November 2018 Prepared By: Brandon Adjet, CPA BarGraph Solutions LLC ‘ 713.237.0338 ‘ew ttps:// Onsite Wellness Uber Table of Contents Executive Summary The Premise. Team. Financial Plan Forecast Cal CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret nnn nee Saormation and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share fts contents or ideas with thied parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Executive Summary The Premise Executive Summary Overvi Onsite Wellness Uber (OWUS, designed to help employers rediice health care costs, enhan retain high-quality employees to create a positive return will remove the constraints of inefficien serving metropélitan area businesse will enable thao of the Tax ge fe become a premier Occupatior WORD due to off (cigozsby *$ as a cOnGierge facilitator of onsite heatthcare. This tions to increase productivity and when combined with benefits A growjhg number of studies have showit that wellness progeams have a positive effect onyg bottom line, no matter the size of you ese ‘Here's a few statistics: Hera dyvrl yeh * Employer portion of healthcare benefits are projected to average $7,00 Companies that provide wellness programs reduce healthcare costs by $3.27 for + every dollar invested, which * On average, employees engaged in corporate wellness programs gain an additional 10.3 hours of productivity per year. * Employees who participate in company wellness Programs sie mone HCTF T maintain a healthy weight, saving employers over $358 fer year per employee. means a great deal of savings. Po? * 61% of companies surveyed agree wellness programs help mingpigg healthcare costs. * 90% of healthcare costs are spent on preventable illnesses, — * When an effective wellness program is engaged by employers, statistically there's a significantly higher rate of employee retention. Asa concierge provider of healthcare services, our proposed model is to bring healthcare insight, onsite to our clients. Through our a netyork of physicians, nurse practitioners, labs, ~ ae and the lates| }technolog: Ge create a CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {Information and Is shared only With the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber io seamless process of facilitating the use of healthcare without taking away from Beoductivity. For every fulltime employee the employer'sburden rate ranges between 19%-20%, qee wen Ie ct erable 4 5 vy} varying from state to state. Our goal is to play a role in reducing that by 2 accomplishing this goal in a pesasemar save our clients a ee aqnount of money, in adlitiofT6 that ofthe Tax omit OS =n ‘The health of your employees impacts more than just medical costs. An effective Corporate Wellness Programs can dramatically improve your business in several pation ways - increased employee Bee ees aad reputation he eho the employee, the more likely they are to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors both in and outside of the workplace. By empowering your employees with wellness programs, you help improve their lives offsite as well as Wellness Onsite. Market & Market Trends 4 The vast majority of industries within the Healthcare and Social Assistance sector are characterized by a low degree of capital intensity. The chart below reflects growth strategies within our industry. ‘Tools of the Trade: Groweh Stratagies for Success CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret fnformation and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author, Onsite Wellness Uber The Healthcare ana Social Assistance sector has a low level of revenue volatility. Over | the five years to 2018) sector revenue has risen by as much as 449% in 2015 and by as cayrayey ile little as 0.8% if'2013) Fluctuations in the performance of the overall US economy and nent ;hatiges influence ene for a range of services provided by this recent . Changes in household flisposable-income and the level of healthcaré 7 fage etc [ also have an impact on consumer demand for services; yuh at wa Diy dcapntine vw Sek owt Abigher eet of revenue seltity ime eater Inst ie Volt can regatwey affect ongem sustegidrazene en tetme fe far capt Invest, ‘when a frm mes poor snvesmemt sexo may fore undead py feemana sudeeny fois ereapacty Cnet Freer suo o 9 » 6 Frveyearanualeed revenue grow (9) ‘The Healthcare and Social Assistance sector is subject to a high degree of policy and regulation. Broadly speaking, many industries in the sector must adhere to complex regulations and navigate a changing health policy environment. Over 25 industries within this sector are characterized by a heavy degree of regulation and policy, with the remaining industries in the sector being characterized by a medium level of regulation and policy. As a result, the sector as a whole is greatly impacted by changes to health policy and the prevailing political environment, ee EL CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret ‘information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with ‘third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Federal healthcare reform The sector is one of the largest in the United States and continues to attract much legislative interest and public attention. In 2010, the ‘Obama administration passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. The reforms aimed to provide insurance coverage for an additional 32.0 to 34.0 million Americans by 2019 through a Medicaid expansion that began in 2014 and private health insurance reforms that began in 2010, Additionally, the acts made several changes to government healthcare programs. For those with private insurance, lifetime caps on coverage were slated to ae children able to stay on parents’ policies until age 26. se Nl CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret ‘information and fs shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Furthermore, insurers will not be able to cancel coverage except in the case of fraud. However, since the 2016 election, a number of provisions laid out ACA have been stripped or repealed. tebe connec flr ee Most notably, tax reform legislation passed in late 2017 under the Trump Administration repealed the PPACA’s individual mandate, which required most Americans to have health insurance ot pay a steep tax fine if uninsured. Given the current political environment, with Republican party controlling both Congress and the presidency, the future of — nite policy remains unclear and is subject to change. Pa “ Electronic health records (EHR) kely the most significant development for the sector during the past decade, federal mandates for digital recordkeeping for both private and Public healthcare providers to qualify for funding has reshaped how operators provide cate. In 2008, Congress passed the Health Information Technology for Economie and Clinical Health (HIITECH) Act, dedicating billions of dollars in federal funding to the Promotion of information technology for healtheare applications, The HITECTY Act also set forth a national goal for healthcare providers to adopt not just electronic medical record (EMR) systems, but also the meaningful use of interoperable BHR systems, To Pursue this goal, HITECH established Medicare and Medicaid payment incentives and Penalties based on meaningful use of EHR systems, As of 2014 (latest available data), Medicare alone accounted for an estimated 20.0% of US health spending, according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; therefore, US\kealthoar: Providers have scrambled to adopt BHIR systems in recent years to learn Mdjicare incentive payments. Physicians participating in Medicare or Medicaid must © with the regulations pertaining to these programs. There is a high level of government assistance directed toward the healthcare sectoy Bee: articular, expenditure directed toward doctors’ services from Medicare, Medicaid, wha. TRICARE and Veteran’s Affairs reimbursements\F state-by-state. Ambulatory healthcare services Many industries within the ambulatory healthcare services subsector are represented by individual orgenizations that support operators through research, education, funding and lobbying, Medical professionals in the subsector have several organizations that lobby the federal government on their behalf, SS CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber set industry poe and work ie en the industry as a whole. Herein lies our opportunity ar & te oe L tory Dindrdtory sli pPoiresne Furthermore, the aging of the US population and "Baby Boomer" generation will that the healthcare field remains a growing market for this industry. The time is or our mission of bringing care insight onsite. Competition ‘The Healthcare and Social Assistance sector has steadily grown over the past five years. ‘The majority of services offered by subsectors in the industry, which includes hospitals, ambulatory healthcare services, nursing and residential care facilities and social assistance services, experienced steady demand during the fveyeae period, driven by demographic changes and increasing total health expenditure. At the same time, many nash providers have had to adjust to a complex and changing regulatory environment. Past and future changes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will continue to have profound effects on operators in the sector. Rising total health expenditure and federal funding for Medicare and Medicaid were the principal drivers of sector revenue during the current period. Total health expenditure, which ‘measures private and public spending on health, grew at an annualized rate of 3.5% to $3.2 trillion over the five years to 2018, according to IBISWorld estimates. In addition, federal funding for Medicare and Medicaid graw-at an-annualized zate-of 4.5% to $890.2 billion during the same period. Broadly speaking, an aging US population and longer life expectancies brought about by advancements in the medical field fueled sector growth. (remy ompettions oth locally and nationally: © Ceridian Lifeworks - For over 25 years, Ceridian has been helping thousands of companies create more productive, enjoyable workplaces through a wide range of assistance and training programs for employees and management. Their | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEAINATE, This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared onty with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. mb Onsite Wellness Uber solution covers all aspects of employee assistance, wellbeing, recognition, social communications, rewards, is * St. Luke's CHI Corporate Wellness Solutions - An integrated continuum of healthcare services, providing holistic person-centered care to more than four million people each year. * Provant - a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hooper Holmes, Inc, is a leader in comprehensive workplace well-being solutions with a growing, global presence. Provant partners with employers and brokers to improve member health and productivity and support healthcare cost management. * StayWell -is a health engagement company that helps clients e Sducate people to improve health and business results. They bring decades of experience working across the health care industry to design solutions that address the clients’ evolving needs. They fuse expertise in health engagement and the science of behavior change with an integrated portfolio of solutions and robust content assets, Opportunity to Take Market Share 2 Number of people with priv: insurancPeople covered by private health insurance typically use healthcare services more frequently, and their insurers often ay more for healthcare services than public insurers. As more of the US population 's covered by private health insurance, demand and spending on health services will tise. The number of people with private health insurance is expected to decrease in 2018, posing a potential threat to the sector. Federal funding for Medicare and Medicaid Operators in this sector are influenced by the level of funding provided by the federal government. Rebates and funding arising from Medicare and Medicaid enable services to be charged at lower costs to patients, Imaddition, as the babyboomer generation ages and average life expectancy rises, ‘more people will need assistance for medical coverage, expanding Medicare expenditure, Federal funding for Medicare and Medicaid is expected to increase in 2018, representing a potential opportunity for the sector. ee | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE, This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Why Us? Our Mission is to bring Care Insight Onsite. Itis the passion of our CEO, Jones, to see OWU become a premier wellness partner of employers anc providers alike in order to collaborate in enhancing the health@? our communi In their attempt to reduce health care costs, employers "want" occupational medicine clinics that provide them with the following components: accessibility, drug screening, services, high quality staff, hi-tech care, and a wide scope of services Aven} be able to address these concerns OWU's platform is based on two simple facts: 1. Healthy employees are more productive than chronically ill employees. 2. It costs less to preemptively engage personnel's health than to treat preventable issues afterwards. With our available services: * Employers will be to play a role in helping employees change their behavior patterns and choose more healthy lifestyles. * Lower a company’s health care expenditures, while raising worker productivity. Health care expenditures will decrease due to reduced medical insurance premiums. * Reduce absenteeism © Reduced turnover rates © Enhance risk management by reducing liability exposure due to worker's Y } compensation claims. At OWU we recognize that there are competitors, however, each of us are wv ¥ overwhelmingly subscribed to the sme thats, "to enhance the health of the * general population.” This isecauise a lOtefpeople in the US are needing care insight regardless of their employment status. However, our premise is to be distinct from the competition in many positive ways, but here are a few items to consider: ‘We are local - Our hometown in the Houston Metropolitan Area, which host the largest medical center on the planet! fe] CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber lee Privately Held Entity - We are not beholden to concerns offiivestors, which allows us to focus on the needs of our patients, Diversified Management Structure - Our leadership team includes individuals with ygpne extensive business acumen, as well as healthcare. Additionally our board includes ‘teu Physicians and our team has decades of experience in various areas of business, tonot have great barriers of entry, but potent ion to employers and their personnel. Essentially Partner for employers and quickly be able to engage ee — CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with ‘third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Opportunity Problem & Solution Problem Worth Solving Wellness programs are viewed as "optional" instead of a "strategic imperative." Millions of corporate dollars are wasted needlessly while barriers to achieving optimal productivity remain. Rising healthcare costs for an aging workforce is not sustainable. Our solution Onsite Wellness designs turn key data driven wellness programs, initiatives, and support systems for corporate communities. We understand no two companies are the same. Solutions are customized to support the needs of your business to reduce costs & increase health By tailoring services and developing customized programs for companies and individual employees, OWU will develop a reputation for quality and customer service. OWU services will be directly marketed to employers via telephone calls and on-site consultations. The strategy is to target all industries within the services area, with a primary focus upon the government and service industries, which are the major components in the market. Once OWU becomes a recognized program, we will rely more on reputation and word of mouth and less on direct marketing, Expectations Forecast 17 ee ‘ vecting MS of 3 projections are bold yet conservative. We are projecting Sales of {$3M in fiscal year Land to more than $5M in fiscal year 2. We are anticipating YOY growthbf an average 50% in the first 36 months. This presumes our capitalizing on our strategic relationships with employers, increasing network of physician affiliates, effective marketing campaigns to payroll service providers, and successful grant awards, | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber bh Our founder will draw only a minimal sal year-end. Our dedicated personnel will be/converted tractors to phased-in full- time hires, and we'll make use of grad stytient volunteers as supported by our scholarship program. Additionally, oh ecute effective turnover protocols and iy, but ownersAve'll Yeceive a dividend at acquire assets in tranches. Such item®¥Mbll pe a combination of new, pre-owned, and repurposed items. Together these effdrteWill aid in cash flow practices that will retain a viable plan of growth. Financial Highlights by Year Enevenve © xpanses 6 Cocti Met promt (i Wet leas : Taal ra an ws : .-., tl ao ‘ a me mm oe Sources & Use of funds Source of Funds: We will project that start up cost will be ~$630K and will be obtained thyough a mix of secured financing, credit, donation/grants, and investment. Will obtain’a line of credit of $350K designed for healthcare professionals, start-up capital from investment of $155K, and the remaining amount from grants $125K. Grants from organizations such as Aetna, the Caruth Foundation, Comell Douglas foundation, and the Kresge’s foundations are available to entities with an interest in bringing awareness to community health and addressing issues faced by those at-risk. fo 1 CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you wil not share tts contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. ws Onsite Wellness Uber Such grants awards range from $10K - $500K and may be disbursed during a1-3 year xpesiad With our strategic alliance with UTTAC Outreach, Scholarsi Sa Brad students associated with our 501A, expert grant writer, and seeking a nominal amount of $125k we've gauged a probability of success obtaining grant award(s). Us ds: Personnel Q1 2019 $100K Equipment and Tools $444K* Professional Filings 501C3 - 501A $4k Insurance, EMR Subscription, and Compliance related $10K Legal & Professional $20K CashOn-Hand $28K Cash for Contingency 3% $22K Total need $630K “Equipment and Tools $444K are as follows: Freightliner Motocoach, 6.7L Lé DIESEL MOTORHOME 12kW Onan Generator $120,000 Branded Medical Vans - (Example Mercedes 3500 Sprinter Medical Van) Configured for MedCare (2) $120,000 Plx112b High Frequency Mobile C-arm System Laser Machine Clinic X-ray Medical (1) $70,000 AEDs (3), Medical Supply Carts (3), Welch Allyn 4700-60 Mobile Stand (3), Medical Point of Care Workstations (3) - $9,000 | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author, Onsite Wellness Uber An allotment of $125,000 is set for for various medical devices/tools, medical assessment furniture and tables, medical lights, ADA compliant furnishings, office furniture, computers, tablets, branding, office supplies, non-branded company vehicles, etc. Total is approximately $444,000 Target Market Key Customers Our customers individually are diverse, but there are several major categories that we consider primary. Accordingly, we'll directly target * Payroll Service Providers * Physicians & Physician Groups * Customers and Business Owners within our network or that we've previously assisted. For example, for the year end December 31, 2014, we had secured AT&T, which accounted for over 50% of consolidated revenue that year. * Human Resource Directors and Benefits Administrators * Independent School Districts * Local and City Government Entities including Federal Agencies such as HUD, TSA, ete, Market Size & Segments IBISWorld estimates that revenue for the Healthcare and Social Assistance sector rose an annualized 2.6% to $2.7 trillion over the five years to 2018, Over the next five years, Tevenue for the sector is forecast to continue steadily rising. Spending on sector services is expected to be driven by aging and growing populations, which will require more health services and care from the nursing and residential care facilities subsector, in particular. In addition, to combat rising labor expenses and costs of care, many companies operating within the sector are expected to engage in merger and acquisition activity to achieve economies of scale. As a result, sector revenue is estimated to grow at an annualized rate of 2.3% to $3.0 trillion during the five-year period to 2023, 3 a | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author, Onsite Wellness Uber Consequently, gyrumber of enterprises in the sector is expected to increase, at an annualize rate of (ist) 3.1 million of the next five years, 2023. US Employment is forecasted to follSw-stiit. This means that more employers will be hiring more personnel and thereby potentially yield additional patients to be engaged by our team, a] CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the exoress written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber OWU would be considered a cross between the Ambulatory Health and social assistance market segments, Itis our intent to capture market share and develop our model firstly in the home of the largest medical center in the world, Houston's TMC area, and then branch out satelite networks regionally throughout strategic metropolitan areas. Competition : Competitive Landa el? ale uw The bay anelndsry is competitive, which could result in loss of our marketshare due to pressure to reduce prices or increase services without charging additional fees. For screening services, we compete primarily with private companies who provide screening services in certain geographic areas in the United States. There are also a few national providers with the ability to service customers nationally like we do. For health and wellness, we compete primarily with established wellness and care management providers, startup companies, and health plans that offer their own proprietary solutions. Our focus is to be the area leader in health and wellness providers that offers a fully integrated, end-to-end screening and wellness solution to 5 | CONFIDENTIAL = DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber our customers then recycle our business model in major cities throughout the region then nationally. We believe this gives us an advantage over our competitors who also serve companies with more than 1,000 employees, our primary target market, Our advantages Through the entity's strategic alliances with physicians and laboratory, partner networks, along with focus on small business within target region welllbe able to increase our market share as well as branding. & ey Accomplishing our goal of being recognized as Sou helps expedite our ability to serve the needs of existing client relationshigs. Our expert advisers and personnel combine for decades of healthcare experience ag well as overall operational compliance and execution, \ Collaborating with university programs will allow us to be a conduit of real world education. Our grad / med student participants will obtain real world exposwyé ill ing in rotation with physicians within our network. This will enable these stents to be more confident, experienced, and have opportunities after graduation. All while that patients needs are being provided for and their expectation exceeded. 8 Additionally, this service offering would be ideal for payroll service providers and enhances the value add proposition presented to their clients. Lastly, physicians that choose to join our network will be able to expand their reach and help many more patients than anticipated. This will give them more time to focus on patients, and less time spent on patient business development. 16 | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Execution Marketing & Sales Marketing Plan Our Keys to Success depends on: * Development and implementation of a successful marketing strategy/plan to employers. * Attract, retain and deploy health professionals and other medical personnel. * Recruitment of experienced medical advanced Kinesiology students, and administrative talent, * Entering the Occupational Medicine market and building a distinguishable "brand" name from the competition. © Commitment to continuously improve the quality of service, * Demonstrate a financial return on investment. * Commitment from Senior Management * Development of intellectual proprietary software that integrates across ERM and provides participants with accurate results. Sales Plan ‘The Company will have multiple OWU Sales Funnel sources of revenue streams that are strategically aligned to maintain and enhance cash flows. The business eS strategy during the initial phase of Ba implementation is to generate consistent working capital then reinvest into OWU. Eventually as our business model ‘matures we'll be able to implement tet Sttne expansion phase into specific markets thereby extending our network's reach 7 CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret ‘information and ts shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the exoress written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber first regionally and then national syndication. Revenue Streams: Wellness Service - Billable insurance services for wellness related activities as provided by OWU to our clients. This will include physicals, biometric screenings, and related services, For non-self insured entities we will bill the insurance coverage provider directly Donations & Grants - As a non-profit we will accept donations. These will support our UTTAC and Prevention 24/7 initiatives as well as fund scholarships for students pursuing education in healthcare at a graduate level and work with us via strategic higher education partners our team. Separately OWU will utilize grant writers to obtain funding sources as necessary . Membership Dues & Subscriptions - Physicians, Physician Groups, and Payroll Service Providers alike will pay an annual subscription service fee to be a part of network as Affiliated Care Providers. This will give the participating physician access to. our network patient pool from our wellness services, Dependent upon individual tax treatment these ACPs would be able to include as a business expense for their operational purposes. The Physicians and Physician Groups would pay a flat fee annually. Note, however, that for Physician Groups, we recognize that participation is not mandatory nor would we require it to be mandatory of all affiliated with said group. Accordingly the Physician Group's rate would depend on the number of participants and not the group as whole. Separately for a Payroll Service Provider (PSP) such as ADP or Insperity, the rate would be based on payroll clients and not PSP as an entire entity. For example, ADP has two payroll clients, but only one desire to include concierge healthcare. Accordingly then ADP would pay our pre-negotiated subscription rate then offer the service as a value-add to said payroll client. Master Services Agreements (MSA)- We'll negotiate in-depth terms as to the rates associated with our MSAs between ourselves and affiliates. Currently we have an executed MSA with Ancillary Health Lab Services for 60% of billings recoverable by their team, For example, if AH bills $150 for services, but receives $100 from the insurer then we'd expect to receive $60 as relates to those services. [a CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Operations Locations & Facilities ‘The Company will be setup a headquarter office that's centrally located in the Houston ‘Texas Medical Center area. In the initial phase our HO office will house our administration, IT team, conference terminals, training rooms, tele-medicine control room, break areas, and other useful space. As we expand operations our goal is to setup a private first-class gymnasium accessible by our client along with their personnel as a subscription based service. Additionally, welll house a specially engineered pool for aquatic therapy purposes. However, these secondary phases are pursued due to our strategic relationships, customer needs, and vision for our business model, Our providers will work onsite atthe client's office during set times as will be agreed Follow up care will be obtained by the patient atthe care provider's facility as warranted. Logistics ee Onsite Wellness Uber - Billing Logieties Se Mcinaes ther Billing Logieties_ SSeS 7 CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {Information and is shared only with the understanding that you will nat share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber OWU will coordinate site visits with our client and execute intake with their personnel scheduled for services. Once checked-in we'll obtain consent for agreed upon services to be provided. Next we'll use our company’s Health Risk Assessment (HRA) questionnaire to supplement our care provider's evaluation. Next the patient will be provided services as requested including wellness lab proctoring, x-ray, physical assessment, etc, The HRA will grade the patient and depending upon our team’s care provider services rendered, the patient will then be referred to one of our Affiliated Care Provider (ACP) as needed for follow up. A file will be created in both both our EMR and CRM platforms whereby patient's services, results, and next steps are logged. All sensitive details are maintained in a HIPPA compliant manner and follow up actions are executed as necessary. Once the process is complete our team will log billing codification, this is then reviewed by appropriate personnel, and then provided to our insurance billing team for recoverable invoicing. Technology Technology plays a large role in the Healthcare and Social Assistance sector and is expected to continue to redefine many facets of healthcare over the coming years. Sector-wide investments in new technologies are expected to reduce costs, improve operational efficiencies, inctease access to previously underserved populations and improve care overall. Electronic health records systems and computerized systems manage patient records, while medical equipment enables quicker, more efficient treatment. Computerized physician order-entry systems enable physicians to electronically order medications, tests and consultations while also providing advice on best practices and alerts to the possible adverse effects of treatments. Additionally, Telemedicine is a rapidly developing application of clinical medicine wherein medical information is transferred through interactive audiovisual media for medical consulting and, sometimes, for remote medical procedures or examinations. | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE, This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share Its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. ‘Onsite Wellness Uber Specialized surgical equipment and devices increase the speed and success of surgical Procedures, while new drugs, equipment and medical procedures can increase efficiency and reduce costs. The development of new technologies and medical Procedures will also lead to new hospital services, which will boost overall demand. One of the largest areas of technological growth in healthcare is connected devices, Connected devices are medical devices that can send patient data and communicate with other devices wirelessly. These devices are becoming increasingly prevalent in the Healthcare and Social Assistance sector, especially inthe hospitals and ambulatory healthcare services subsectors, However, these devices carry the risk of being hacked to steal patient data or threaten patients, Asa result, hospitals and ambulatory healthcare providers have invested in cyber security software. This software has needed to be frequently updated and advanced to keep up with hackers, Technological breakthroughs in surgical techniques, hardware, pharmaceuticals and anesthesia are also expected to redefine a number of industries in the ambulatory healthcare services subsector. In the advent of BHR developments we want to incorporate technology ina HIPPA compliant manner as much as we viably can, We will incorporate: ZOHO -Is a straightforward CRM interface that is easy to adopt and helps track and communicate with leads along with contacts anytime. It generates pre-defined reports to help us understand our data and management projects seamlessly. Additionally, with Zoho's Finance platform we'll be able to invoice, forecast, and maintain accounting records for our business needs. HRA - We will incorporate Health Risk Assessment (HRA) questionnaire and the algorithms. An HRA is a survey or questionnaire used to collect relevant information about the health status and health risk factors of an individual or population, Such information will provide a clear understanding of our patient's health status and health risks so that we may efficiently address those risks in a meaningful, targeted, and impactful way with our network of healthcare providers, Onsite Wellness Uber EMR - In the advent of our industries technologies policies and advancements we'll be implement with available technologies. With Electronic Medical Records, (EMRs) we'll be able to maintain Intakes, Patient Records Management, and statistics with a HIPPA Compliant interface. We are evaluating industry tools available such as Dr. Chronos, Praxis, and Kareo, Of these three Praxis appears to be the most reasonable tool given our setup, App Development - In our subsequent phase of business infrastructure we will develop intellectual properties, including a mobile application. Technology goes a long way in our business, and successful wellness programs are driven by data. The intent is offer customized health portals to help our clients meet ambitious goals. We want to develop a streamlined participant experience that drives engagement but that is also intuitive. This will help retain those initially encountered while onsite and provide a portal for more effective screenings and health coaching, IT’- Our infrastructure is critical, given the amount of sensitive data in our highly regulated industry. Accordingly, we'll do our due diligence to mitigate hackers, extract useful data from our patient interactions, audit billing codes to ensure that we're effective and profitable, protect patient record information in HIPPA compliant storage, and maintain IT security overall. Equipment & Tools Ttems needed varies, but we project that these items specifically would be warranted for acquisition. We believe that with our network resources and having a mix refurbished along with new items, that our team will be cognizant budget and will choose qualitative items that are cash flow friendly: Freightliner Motocoach, 6.7L L6 DIESEL MOTORHOME 12kW Onan Generator $120,000 Branded Medical Vans - (Example Mercedes 3500 Sprinter Medical Van) Configured for MedCare (2) $120,000 [2 | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Plx112b High Frequency Mobile C-arm System Laser Machine Clinic X-ray Medical (1) $70,000 AEDs (3), Medical Supply Carts (3), Welch Allyn 4700-60 Mobile Stand (3), Medical Point of Care Workstations (3) - $9,000 ‘An allotment of $125,000 is set for for vatious medical devicesjtools, medical qisesement furniture and tables, medical lights, ADA compliant furnishings, office furniture, computers, tablets, branding, office supplies, non-branded company vehicles, etc. Total is approximately $444,000 Pricing Pricing Strategy Following is a pricelist for the most commonly performed procedures at OWU and the tentative pricing schematic: Pricing Scrasnings Physical $75 Chest X-Ray $125 DOT Physical $65 Back X-Ray $145 Fit for Duty $50 Audiometry $60 Spirometry $45 Laboratory Immunization Drug Screen DOT $55 ‘Drug Screen ‘$45 DT (Tetanus Shot) $15 DrugScreen Collection $20 Hepatitis B Vaccination $70 Alcohol BAT $25 Peo/rs $15 Blood Alcohol/Lead/zpp ‘$50 Flu Shot $15 Blood Lead $30 Be $40 ‘Chem 24 $25 Bc w/IFF $16 B oo CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret tnoimation and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Milestones & Metrics Milestones Table Milestone Due Date Details Promotion of UTTAC. ‘August 11, 2018 Demo Sercuring Medical Biting | August 17, 2018, Services Incorporation of new Novernber 30, 2018 ‘Onsite Wellness Not for- profit Need to have all three Licensed MD board named Need Milton to complete the questionnaire previously sent July Certification of 501A in the state of Texas January 34, 2019 ‘Approval of 501a Application by TMB is required Dialogued with Lisa Brewer Application ts $2500 Implementation of Telemedicine This will increase revenues considerably Permits access to increase client service in real time without having to increase personnel. Go lve with internally ‘developed EMR Platform uly 01, 2020 Key metrics “This will become intellectual property for the biz and be funded from reinvestment nto the business. Our primary focus is on the most basic metrics: daily revenue, increasing care provider network, variable costs, payroll, and profit margins. Healthcare costs are expensive for mid to lange size businesses. A medical concierge service like ours is inherently a close eye on our margins as we scale up. -margin operation, but it is critical that we keep a ae CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber ‘The primary goal is obtaining and retaining key clients that fit our target market. Being able to accomplish repetitively will organically produce results that meet or even exceed our expectations, Intellectual Property AS we grow, itis our intent to use data analytics obtained collectively from operations, as well as experience from our affiliates to develop intellectual property that would aad value to our and patients alike. We envision developing a mobile that is designed tobe an intuitive portal but effective for screenings and health coaching, y Separately we would care to also develop an internal Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Platform that is easy, accurate, and compliant with Electronic Health Records (EHR) |} regulations along with those of HIPPA. Eventually this would be scrubbed, beta tested, and then eventually licensed out to the marketplace, Thereby creating an sadditional revenue stream and healthcare efficiencies, . 25 SY CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-tecret information and Is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Company Overview Ownership & Structure Onsite Wellness Uber is a non-profit taxable entity as filed with Internal Revenue Services having appropriate board members and officers. OWU is organized as a 501a registered and incorporated in Texas and promulgated under the Texas Medical Board Rules concerning nonprofit certification as found in Chapter 177 related to 162.001(b) of the Texas Occupations Code. OWU is committed to providing customized services to ‘meet the occupational health, safety, and rehabilitation needs of area businesses and industries in its target market. OWU is based on the belief that healthy employees offer employers more efficiency and productivity. For this reason, we provide wellness strategies/programs to businesses. This combines promotion of total health of body, mind and spirit~designed to facilitate positive lifestyle changes of a company's work force. SWOT Analysis Strengths: > Our executives have decades of experience in the healthcare field, sales, and data analytics. > Key Strategic Relationships with major customers such as AT&T, M&M Lighting, the City of Houston, and the World Series Champion Houston Astros!!! > Being a nimble operation located in Houston, the home of the world’s largest medical center packs a potent dynamic is gleaning from market share untapped by larger competitors. | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret Information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Weaknesses > Lack of dedicated EMR > Lack of Intellectual Property Opportunities ® Development of App for EMR intergration that is HIPPA compliant > Fast growth Threats » Our business results would be adversely affected if we were alleged or found to have violated certain regulatory requirements, » Dependency on exclusive laboratory service provider Ancillary Healthcare Management (AHM) as our exclusive laboratory services provider. If AHM fails to perform adequately under the Limited Laboratory and Master Services Agreement or we face difficulties in managing our relationship with AHM, our results of operations could be adversely affected. > Allegations of negligent or improper actions by our affiliated health professionals or other personnel could result in claims against us and/or our incurring expenses to indemnify our clients. > Attacks on our information technology systems, or failure in these systems, could disrupt its operations and cause the loss of confidential information, customers and business opportunities or otherwise adversely impact its business, Roadmap wIP Risks Factors, Regulatory, & Mitigation Governmental Regulation We are subject to federal and state regulations relating to the collection, testing, fransportation, handling, and disposal of the various specimens oblained in the course of a wellness screening, such as Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (“CLIA"). The health professionals we utilize are subject to certain licensing and certification requirements and regulations with respect to the drawing of blood and a —_ iS CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secrot {information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber needle disposal, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act (“OSHA”). In addition, many of the services we provide are subject to certain provisions of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended ("HIPAA"), other federal and state laws relating to the privacy of health and other personal information, and state and federal laws designed to guard against healthcare fraud and abuse. HIPAA, Privacy Laws, and Data Security (Federal Privacy Laws) The HIPAA Privacy Standards and Security Standards under establish a set of national privacy and security standards for the protection of individually identifiable health information by health plans, healthcare clearinghouses and healthcare providers (referred to as “covered entities”) and their “business associates,” which are persons or entities that perform certain services for or on behalf of a covered entity (or another business associate) that involve the use or disclosure of protected health information. Asa "business associate”, we are subject to HIPAA with regard to certain aspects of our business, such as managing employee or plan member health information for employers or health plans. With respect to our services platform and related services, HITECH creates obligations for us to report any unauthorized use or disclosure of protected health information, known as a breach, to our covered entity customers. Violations of HIPAA may result in civil and criminal penalties. As part of the payment-related aspects of our business, we may also undertake security- related obligations arising out of the USA Patriot Act, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the Payment Card Industry guidelines applicable to card systems. These requirements generally require safeguards for the protection of personal and other payment related information. Americans with Disabilities Act The Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") prohibits discrimination on the basis of an employee's disability or perceived disability. Among other things, it limits employers from inquiring about the disabilities of employees unless the questions are job-related and consistent with business necessity. The ADA also limits the circumstances in which an employer may require physical examinations or answers to medical inquiries. However, the ADA allows employers to conduct voluntary medical examinations and activities, including voluntary medical histories, as part of a voluntary wellness | CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret ‘information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Program. A wellness program is “voluntary” if the employer neither requires Participation nor penalizes employees who do not participate. Records acquired as part of a wellness program must be kept confidential and may not be used for 4 discriminatory purpose. Many states and localities provide similar protections to employees, State Privacy Laws Im addition to federal regulations issued under HIPAA, some states have enacted Privacy and security statutes or regulations, or state privacy laws, that govern the use and disclosure of a person's medical information or records and, in some cases, are ‘more stringent than those issued under HIPAA. These state privacy laws include regulation of health insurance providers and agents, regulation of organizations that perform certain administrative functions such as utilization review or third-party administration, issuance of notices regarding privacy practices, and reporting and Providing access to law enforcement authorities. These laws may require us to modify our operations and procedures to comply with these more stringent state privacy laws or be subject to applicable sanctions, CLIA The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ('CMS") regulates all laboratory testing (except research) performed on humans in the US. through the CLIA. The Division of Laboratory Services, within the Survey and Certification Group, under the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality ("CCSQ") has the responsibility for implementing the CLIA Program. The objective of the CLIA program is to ensure the quality of laboratory testing, All clinical laboratories must be properly certified to receive Medicare or Medicaid payments. OSHA. ‘The federal, OSHA blood-borne pathogens standard, as amended pursuant to the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000, prescribes safeguards to protect workers against the health hazards caused by bloodborne pathogens. Its requirements address tems such as exposure control plans, universal precautions, engineering and work Practice controls, personal protective equipment, housekeeping, laboratories, hepatitis B 29 SY CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber vaccination, post-exposure follow-up, hazard communication and training, and record keeping. The standard places requirements on employers whose workers can be reasonably anticipated to contact blood or other potentially infectious materials. Some states operate their own OSHA-approved state program, which state programs are required to adopt a bloodborne pathogens standard that is at least as effective as the Federal OSHA standard. Healthcare Fraud Statutes Federal statute identifies a class of federal crimes known as the “federal healthcare offenses,” including healthcare fraud and false statements relating to healthcare matters. The Federal Anti-Kickback Statute prohibits payment of remuneration to induce referrals of federal or state healthcare program beneficiaries. The Federal Healthcare Fraud statute prohibits, among other things, executing a scheme or artifice to defraud any healthcare benefit program, and the Federal Health Care Benefit Program False Statements Statute prohibits, among other things, concealing a material fact or making a materially false statement in connection with the payment for healthcare benefits, items or services. Violation of these statutes is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. Most states have similar statutes relating to state (and sometimes private) healthcare benefit plans. False Claims Act The Federal Civil False Claims Act imposes liability on any person or entity who, among other things, knowingly presents, or causes to be presented, a false or fraudulent claim for payment by a federal healthcare program. The “qui tam” or “whistleblower” provisions of the False Claims Act allow a private individual to bring actions on behalf of the federal government alleging that the defendant has submitted a false claim to the federal government, and to share in any monetary recovery. There are also state law corollaries to the Federal False Claims Act. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act ("GINA") restricts the collection or use of genetic information for underwriting purposes, and treats the offering of incentives or disincentives for completing an Health Reimbursement Arrangement ("HRA") or participating in a wellness program as underwriting. ee CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret ‘information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Regulation of Wellness Incentive Programs The HIPAA Nondiscrimination Provisions generally prohibit group health plans from charging similarly situated individuals different premiums or contributions or imposing different deductible, co-payment, or other cost-sharing requirements based on 2 “health factor.” Such differentials are, however, acceptable under the HIPAA Nondiscrimination Provisions if the differentials are applied through “wellness Programs.” The Department of Labor, in coordination with the Departments of the Treasury and HHS, has issued regulations (finalized in 2013) that define “wellness Programs” for purposes of the HIPAA nondiscrimination provisions, establishing Specific requirements for wellness programs that reward participants who satisfy a standard related to a health factor (referred to as “health-contingent wellness Programs") and for other types of wellness programs, Programs that do not meet these requirements may be subject to enforcement actions, Consumer Protection Laws Federal and state consumer protection laws are being increasingly enforced by the United States Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"), and the various state's attorneys general to regulate the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal or patient information, though ‘websites or otherwise, to regulate the presentation of website content, and to regulate direct marketing, including telemarketing and telephonic communication. Courts may also adopt the standards for fair information practices promulgated by the FTC. concerning consumer notice, choice, security and access, Services We provide on-site screening services and flu shots, laboratory testing, health risk assessment, and sample collection services to individuals as part of comprehensive health and wellbeing programs offered through organizations sponsorships. Such organizations include corporate and government employers, health plans, wellbeing companies, disease management organizations, reward administrators, and academic institutions. 3 a CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {pformation and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents ot ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Through our comprehensive health and wellbeing services, we also provide health coaching to support positive health risk mitigation, access to a wellbeing platform with individual and team challenges (including youth development with UTTAC) and rewards management, interoperability with third party digital health providers, data analytics, and reporting services. We deliver these services throughout the Houston area via a network of health professionals, all of whom are trained and certified to deliver quality service then eventually regional. In addition, we leverage our network of health professionals to support the delivery of other similar products and services, ‘The majority of large employers that currently offer health benefits also make available health and wellbeing programs. This effort helps to promote employee health and productivity as well as to reduce health-related costs. Through biometric screening services, plan sponsors help employees learn of existing and/or potential health risks. ‘Through corporate wellbeing, they provide educational and health improvement tools that can be tailored into personalized goal objectives for said employee. Program sponsors also gain the ability to systematically reward employees for good, healthy behaviors and for actual health augmentation metrics. Some common examples of these rewards include contributions to an employce’s Health Savings Account ("HSA"), credits that are redeemable through an online merchandise mall, and reductions in annual medical premiums thereby more income for that employee. Under the Tax Reform additional credits may be available to the employers because of health based. By combining both the screening and corporate wellbeing services under a single organization, we create a seamless, end-to-end experience for members and drive improved engagement for our clients, Our screening services include: © Scheduling of individual and group screenings and organizing health and wellbeing events; « End-to-end screening event management at health fairs or corporate events, also UTTAC. Provision and fulfillment of needed supplies (eg., examination kits, blood pressure cuffs, stadiometers, scales, centrifuges) at screening events [—2 1] ‘CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber * Our Mobile App based on tablet platform that will have technology to streamline the screening experience for participants eliminating the need to fill out paper forms and interface with physicians’ Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) * Performing biometric health screenings (e.g, height, weight, body mass index, the taking of a person's hip and waist measurements, as well as his or her pulse, blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose and triglycerides) * Administration of flu shots, cotinine, HbA1c and other specialized testing * Coordination of lab testing of blood specimens and other fluids * Onsite participant health and wellbeing coaching * Data processing and transmission; * Analytics to identify critical values of lab tests and notification services to individuals and customers to better manage risk; * Support of data collection for academic and clinical research organizations. Our comprehensive health and wellness services include: * Wellness assessments utilizing the University of Michigan Health Risk Assessment (FIRA) questionnaire as accepted an industry standard by major health insurance providers * Incentive management services . Year-round education, activities, and individual and team challenges; * Health coaching for lifestyle and health risk improvement, delivered onsite, telephonically or via a mobile app, currently in development. * Health coaching for chronic condition management; * Data analytics and reporting services; * Communication and engagement services * Wellbeing program advisory services. We provide screening results on an expedited basis through our web portal that will provide participants to access test results as soon as available, SS CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents of ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Market Growth The PricewaterhouseCoopers ("PwC") 2017 Health and Well-being Touchstone survey indicates that 79% of employers offer wellness programs, up from 76% in the prior year survey. The most common wellness initiative is biometric screening (83% which is up from 77% a year ago), health risk questionnaires (82% also up from 80% in the prior- year survey), followed by tobacco cessation programs which jumped 8 percentage points, (81% up from 73% in the prior year survey). The prevalence of health coaching increased to 76% from 61% a year ago. The PwC survey further indicates that biometric screenings are not only widely-offered by employers but are also the most utilized by employees. ‘The latest 2017 survey on wellness programs from Fidelity Investments and the National Business Group on Health ("NBGH’) reveals that employers continue to expand their wellness programs to improve employee health and create a more positive workplace culture, Moreover, employee incentives continue to play a critical role in the utilization of corporate well-being programs with nearly 75 percent of companies offering incentives to employees. According to the survey, the average employee incentive amount in 2017 increased by $91 to $742 from $651 a year ago. Partners & Resources WIP Team Management team ‘As the company is 501A, our by-laws will rely upon the rebuttable presumption test of section 4958 of the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulation section of 53.4958-6. We understand that board members receiving compensation for their services can lose immunity in lawsuits as volunteer board members. For this reason, we will likely adopt a travel reimbursement policies for our board members so that there are common expectations and guidelines to follow which reduces the risk of such exposure or one board member receiving financial preferential treatment. Board members, like any other volunteers, may deduct expenses they incur in connection with their volunteer service, fs] CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret ‘information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber including mileage, to travel to meetings using their own car. Ifboard members are paid more than $600 per year, then we must issue them a 1099-MISC. Our CEO will be compensated based on negotiations with the board, but it will be fair and reasonable The following table summarizes our personnel expenditures for the first few years, with 5 percent compensation increases and applied a 15 percent benefits burden rate, These figures in the table below are solely for the non-contractor personnel, The medical professionals will be compensated as follows: * The provider contract is currently being developed but in essence these are the stipulations. The physician will be compensated on a 80:17 productivity basis with 3% going to a "cash pool." The physician will be compensated 17% and be éligible to receive the additional 3%, if the quarterly chart audit shows a 90% accuracy achieved in the coding process, Additionally They'll be reimbursed from their work billed to the insurance companies, * $83,276 wage for physician coverage. The coverage will be contracted to Med Residents from a mix of local schools; BCM, UTMB, or the University of Houston. sd CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {Information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Personnel Table 2019 2020 2021 Sales & Marketing (0.94) $100,000 $123,600 $127,308 IT & Data Analytics (1.89) 170,000 $210,120 526,424 Nurse Aid (1.94) 49,500 $55,620 $57,288 Rad / Lab Tech (1.89) 65,000 $80,340 $82,750 Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) (1.94) $170,500 $186,000 $186,000 Receptionist / Administrative / Clerical an $48,000 953,148 $54,702 Accounting, Finance, & Legal (1.94) $146,668 $164,800 $169,746 General & Administrative 2) $58,200 $60,564 $62,380 Grant Writer (0.92) $33,750 $45,000 $45,000 Totals $837,218 $979,192 $1,001,636 Advisors wre [3%] ‘CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Financial Plan Forecast Key assumptions Revenue projections we relied upon a comprehensive review of both the CPI and PHC. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) reflects the adjusting for purchasing power changes in out-of pocket-only expenditures. The Personal Health Care price (PEIC) index reflects the adjusting for general medical price changes, It Includes personal health expenditures (out-of pocket and third-party) only. However, it excludes government administration, net cost of insurance, noncommercial research, and private capital investment. Essentially it's built from CPT and PPI (Producer Price Index) components. There is no single gold standard for adjusting health expenditures for inflation. However, itis possible to describe best practices, in particular, the PHC deflator appear to provide the most appropriate measures of inflation in medical prices in the United States. Also it yields a rate of medical inflation that historically has been approximately one percentage point per year lower than that calculated using the medical CPI. ‘The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the following table as annual assumptions. We understand how critical collection days are for our cash flows, but this why we have engaged multiple streams of revenues and aligned with strategic partners, The objective is to not have our business model beholden to reliance on insurance companies. Interest rates, tax rates, and personnel burden are based on conservative assumptions, It is our goal to apply stringent cost management policies and relevant tax planning projocols that are sensitive to the Tax Reform Act of 2017. Together this will help mitigate the risk impeding the health our cash flow. ee CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and Is shared onty with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Revenue by Month : | | : Jan Feo Mar Agr Mayne oy A Seat OR Dae Expenses by Month sae miecpemes ea VES HOSP SRF HS ps] CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the exoress written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Net Profit (or Loss) by Year oe CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE, This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret {Information and fs shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Financing Statements Projected Profit and Loss 2019 2020 2021 Revenue $3,240,780 $5,873,353 97,843,381 Direct Costs $1,897,452 $3,061,383 $3,865,174 Gross Margin $1,343,328 $2,811,970 $3,978,206 Gross Margin % an% 48% 51% Operating Expenses Salaries & Wages $202,218 $323,512 $331,866 Employee Related Expenses 529,816 $33,422 $34,404 Butlaing Facility 210,000, $210,000, $210,000 Utitties §25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Sales & Marketing $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 Financing & Interest 8,750 $15,000 $15,000 CRM and Related Expenses $4,560 $4,560 $4,560 EMR Subscriptions 4,800 4,800 $4,800 5O1A Licensing Fee $3,500 Regulatory and Licensing $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Professional Services $29,791 $32,500 $32,500 Insurance 7,500 7,500 $7,500 General & Administrative $27,500 $27,500 $27,500 Health Disposat $6,600 $7,200 $7,200 Data Storage & Records Management $3,300 $3,600 $3,600 Fuel, Transportation, & Storage 67,000 $75,000 $95,000 ‘Amortization of Other Current Assets $43,449 $143,581 $175,583 Total Operating Expenses $793,784 $953,175 $1,014,533, [a CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Operating income $549,544 $1,858,795 $2,963,673 Interest incurred so $30,514 $34,259 Depreciation and Amortization $45,971 $78,329 $7,329 Income Taxes $100,714 $349,991 $570,217 Total Expenses $2,837,922 $4,473,304 $5,562,512 Net Profit $402,858 $1,399,962 $2,280,869 Net Profit / Sales 12% 24% 29% a CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, ‘information and is shared onty with the understanding that you will not share its third parties without the exoress written consent of the plan author. trade-secret Contents or ideas with Onsite Wellness Uber Projected Balance Sheet Starting Balances 2019 2020 2021 oar 000 $2,708 $876,435 Sore 77 Accounts Receivable $140,000. $299,545 $264,605 $353,553 Inventory Other Current Assets $102,581 $177,000 $233,417 [econ $190,000 $724,834 $2,320,040 $4,666,686 sets Long-Term Assets $492,000 $742,000, ‘$742,000, Deprecaton ($45,971) ($124,300) ($202,629) Total Long-Term Mane $446,029 $617,700 $539,371 Total Assets $190,000 $1,170,863 $2,937,740 $5,206,058 Accounts Payable 60,000 $233,161 $203,676 sn0375 Income Taxes Payable ‘$72,527 $85,559 $142,089 Sales Taxes Payable $287,297 299,646 $299,207 Short-Term Debt 0 $100,000 $227,098 $100,337 Prepaid Revenue eaerane $60,000 $663,005 $821,978 $992,108 Long-Term Debt $107,942 $75,261 Total Liabilities $60,000 $663,005 $929,920 $1,067,369 Paid-In Capital ‘$130,000, $130,000 $380,000 ‘$380,000 Retained Earnings $0 ($25,000) $227,858 $1,477,820 Earnings: $402,858. $1,399,962, ‘$2,280,869 Hiatal owners $130,000 $507,858 $2,007,820 $4,138,689 Equity ‘Total Liab tities i: $190,000 $1,170,863 $2,937,740 $5,206,058 Equity [a CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. Onsite Wellness Uber Projected Cash Flow Statement 2019 2020 2021 ‘Net Cash Flow from Operations Net Prot 07,58 $1,399,962 5,780,889 Depreciation & Amortization 0,421 221,908 253,912 ‘Change in Accounts Receivable ($159,545) $34,940 ($88,948) Change in Inventory ‘Change in Accounts Payable $173,181 ($23,505) $60,699 ‘Change in Income Tax Payable $72,527 $13,032 $56,530 Change in Sales Tx Payable 251,297 $0,349 $95,061 Change in Prepaid Revenue ‘Net Cash Flow from Operations $835,738 $1,688,688 $2,662,723 investing & Financing Assets Purchased or Sold ($638,030) ($468,000) ($232,000) Investments Received $250,000 Change in Long-Term Debt sto7,942 2,681) ‘Change in Short-Term Debt $100,000 ‘$127,098 ($46,761) Dividends & Distributions ($25,000) ($150,000) ($150,000) Pesca now fram iorentng ($563,030) 132,961) $461,441) Gash at Beginning of Paving $50,000 32,708 Sara aS Net change n Cash s272,708 1,555,727 $2,201,281 ‘Cash at End of Period $322,708 $1,878,435 $4,079,717 4a INATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret h the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author. 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