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I. Translate the following sentences into English using the correct relative clause!
1. Anak laki-laki yang duduk di belakangku adalah sepupuku. The boy who sits
behind me is my cousin.
2. Komputer yang kamu pinjam kemarin adalah kepunyaan Rendy. The computer
that you borrowed yesterday belongs to Rendy.

3. Wanita yang sepeda motornya di depan sekolah adalah tetanggaku. The woman
whose motorcycle is in front of the school is my neighbor.

4. Saya mengunjungi tempat dimana saya bertemu dengan ibuku. I visited the place
where I met my mother.

5. 22 Oktober 1984 adalah hari ulang tahun yang mana saya dilahirkan. October 22,
1984, is the day on which I was born.

6. Rani adalah wanita yang saya temui kemarin pagi. Rani is the woman whom I met
yesterday morning.

7. Wanita yang memakai kaca mata itu adalah guru Bahasa Inggris saya. The woman
who is wearing glasses is my English teacher.

8. Kucing yang sedang duduk di kursi tidak suka ikan. The cat sitting on the chair
doesn't like fish.

9. Siswa yang tidak memakai topi akan dihukum. Students who are not wearing hats
will be punished.

10. Kamus yang kamu pinjam tadi malam bukan miliku. The dictionary that you
borrowed last night is not mine.

II. Fill in the blanks with “who, whom, which, whose, or where”!

11. The people WHO gather in the auditorium are from Batang.
12. I have fallen in love with the one WHOM I met last week.
13. The students WHOSE mothers are sitting in the canteen are smart.
14. We plan to see the ancient collection in the museum WHERE we will go
15. I lost the handphone WHICH I put on the library’s bookshelf two hours ago.
III. Combine the two sentences into one sentence using proper relative pronouns!

16. Ani is a student

She studies at SMA in Pekalongan. Ani, who studies at SMA in Pekalongan, is a

17. Mr. Tono has an expensive car.

I met him yesterday Mr. Tono, whom I met yesterday, has an expensive car.

18. Bandung is a nice city

I was born there Bandung is a nice city where I was born.

19. I feed a dog It is funny. The dog I feed is funny.

20. I go to school with Intan Her hair is black. I go to school with Intan, whose
hair is black

21. Wayang windu is a nice place to visit

We love it very much Wayang Windu is a nice place to visit, and we love it very

22. Pangalengan is very cold

We stay three for two days Pangalengan is very cold, where we stayed for two

23. Jet Lee is my uncle

I often visit him every weekend Jet Lee, whom I often visit every weekend, is my

24. Vanessa is a good manager

She works very hard Vanessa, who works very hard, is a good manager.
25. Iwan Fals is a legend Iwan Fals, whose songs are very famous, is a legend.
His songs are very famous

26. Mr rossi is a famous rider

He comes from Italy Mr. Rossi, who comes from Italy, is a famous rider.

27. I know Mr. Brown

His car is BMW I know Mr. Brown, whose car is a BMW

28. This a good book

We have read it many times This is a good book that we have read many times

29. Mr. James is a good actor.

I know him very weel Mr. James, whom I know very well, is a good actor.

30. Karang potong has a good view

We went there a week ago Karang Potong has a good view, and we went there a
week ago.

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