Speech of Personal Significance Outline Example

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***Please do not just copy and change my words --- this is a sample to demonstrate formatting***
(Student Name)
Title: The Nutrition Class that Changed my Life
I. Attention-getter: With sweaty palms, weak knees, and this same backpack on my shoulders, I slowly made my way
to the door and nodded in gratitude to the person who held it open for me. With anxiety having a firm grip of my
tongue and a massive frog in my throat, I sat down in the 3rd row from the front, telling myself “Blend in! Blend in!
Do not sit in the front!” Class begins, and surprised, I look back to see that everyone has sat behind me and I was the
front row. This was my first experience in a school, exactly one year ago.
II. Thesis: I would like to share with you how my experience in the Human Nutrition class here at Mission College, my
first class ever in a school, had a very positive impact on the student I am today.
III. Preview of speech: My experience in that class helped me get over my nerves and anxiety I had about being in a
school, it made me more confident as a student, and it exposed me to a career that I am seriously considering.

Transition: To begin, I should probably mention that I have been homeschooled all my life up until college, so having this first class
at Mission College really helped me to get out of my comfort zone.

I. Main point: My first experience in a class helped me feel less nervous and anxious about school in general.
A. Being in a class disproved a lot of the misconceptions I had in my head about school. I was a lot more nervous
because I did not know what the instructors would be like.
1. For example, one of the major misconceptions I had about college classes was the instructors being
rude, tough, challenging, and would be all up in your face.
2. This was not true, and I slowly learned that a lot of my misconceptions about college and college
instructors were wrong. I had no need to be so nervous to interact with instructors.
B. Initially, I had my reservations about interacting with other college students and my classmates.
1. Again, I thought college students would be standoffish or not opening to talking with me.
2. Going through the class I realized I did not have anything to be nervous about.
a. Most of my classmates were helpful, funny, and easy to get along with
3. I could relate to everyone on the basic principle that we all wanted to learn or at least pass the class to
move on with our education.

Transition: Once I could control my nerves a little better, I could now focus on me as a student.

II. Main point: By taking that class I became more confident as a student.
A. I did not think I was capable of taking and passing a college class.
1. Getting an A in that class proved to myself that if I worked hard enough, I could excel in classes.
2. I realized that I was not any dumber just because I had never gone to a “traditional” school.
B. I brought this confidence to all of my other classes
1. I have now taken 15 classes at Mission College
2. I approach all of my classes with confidence in my abilities and hard work.

Transition: Finally, I think the main benefit I took away from this experience was the introduction to a career path that really
interested me.

III. Main point: In this class, I was exposed to a subject that intrigued me and that I am now seriously considering.
A. Nutrition sounded interesting in the catalog, but that is all I really thought about it.
1. I loved learning about the topic. Each class talked about topics that related to me and I found them
2. I developed a passion for nutrition and becoming a nutritionist.
B. Now, nutritionist is one of my top career choices.
1. I am in the process of figuring out what I want to do and where I want to go, and nutrition is where I
am leaning.
2. This class put me on this nutrition path, and I am grateful.

Transitions: I would like to summarize my positive experience for you all

I. Thesis restatement: Overall, my Nutrition class was a very positive educational experience that may dictate the rest
of my future!
II. Main point review: This one nutrition class helped me get over my anxiety, be more confident, and find a great
possible career.
III. Closing statement: The day of the final came, I fist-bumped my buddies and wished them good luck with their
studies, thanked the teacher, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and walked out of that same door, but this time
with a big smile on my face.

Useful speaking outlines/index cards have several characteristics:

• Use 3”x 5” or 4”x 6” size cards only – no larger or smaller
• Include only the key words or phrases necessary to keep you on track. ---- DO NOT write-out the entire speech.
• Type OR neatly handwrite (remember, if it’s too small or messy, you won’t be able to refer to it if necessary)
• Use cues to self (e.g. “deep breadth”, “pause”, show presentation aid) to remind you how to conduct yourself nonverbally.
• Include the three main headings: Intro. Body, Conclusion
• Abbreviate the headings for each requirement: AG = Attention Getter; T = Thesis; 1MP = I. Main Point
• Sequence cards in the corner (e.g. 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5) to keep them in order in case you drop them.
o But remember for this speech you are only allowed one index card
• Write on ONE SIDE ONLY- leave the back side blank.

INTRO. (Deep breath---Smile) 1/1

I. AG - With sweaty palms, weak knees, and this same backpack on my shoulders… I sat down in the 3rd row from the front, telling
myself “Blend in! Blend in!... This was my first experience in a school, exactly one year ago.
II. T – share…how the Human Nutrition class here at Mission College had a very positive impact on the student I am today.
III. Prev – got over nerves and anxiety, …more confident, & …career path
Trans.- To begin, I was homeschooled… having 1st class got me out of comfort zone

BODY (remember gestures, facial expressions, and excitement)

1MP – Helped me feel less nervous and anxious about school
A. Disproved a lot of the misconceptions about instructors
B. Got over reservations about interacting with other students
Trans.- Controlled nerves… now I could now focus on me as a student..
2MP – Became more confident as a student
A. Thought I was not capable of taking and passing a college class
B. Brought new confidence to other classes
Trans.- Main benefit was intro. to career path
3MP – Exposed to a subject that I am considering for career
A. Nutrition sounded interesting
B. Nutritionist is one of my top career choices
Trans.- I would like to summarize my positive experience

CONCLUSION (Pause----Slow down)

I. R – Nutrition class was a very positive educational experience… determine the rest of my life
II. MPR –Helped me get over nerves and anxiety, …more confident, & …career path
III. Closing- The day of the final came, I fist-bumped my buddies and wished them good luck with their studies, thanked the teacher,
slung my backpack over my shoulder…. big smile on my face. (Smile AND walk away with backpack)

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