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Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto

MAT291H1F - Calculus III

Syllabus - Fall 2021

Brief Course Description

This is the first course in multivariable calculus, covering:
• functions of several variables, graphing techniques, limits, continuity, the directional
derivative, and the gradient,
• multiple integrals and the Jacobian,
• line integrals, surface integrals, divergence and curl of a vector field,
• Divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem in 3d and how they are applied in an application
• Green's Flux theorem and Circulation theorem, which are a 2d version of the Divergence
theorem and Stokes' theorem respectively
Students will be required to solve standard computational problems and understand the main
concepts, definitions, and the main theorems in each section covered. There are videos for each
lecture and a pdf version of the lecture notes that you can view/download. The designated lecture
hours are one live Q&A session in class per week (Tuesday for Lecture Sections 101, 102 and 103
and Monday for Lecture Section 104) and two online Q&A sessions per week. Attempt to answer
the assigned questions associated with each video before attending the Lecture Q&A session.

Developing your ability to think precisely and mathematically is an important objective. The
foundations of many courses you will take in your remaining two years are based on the material
that we will cover in this course. Your instructors and TAs are available to help in person and
online should you encounter any difficulty.

Administrative Information

Section Q&A Instructor Room Office Hours

LEC T 10-11 F.P. Dawson BA 1130 Wed 7-8 pm
Section 101 *R 10-11 BA 1130 online
*F 10-11 BA 1130
LEC T 9-10 F.P. Dawson BA 1180 Wed 7-8 pm
Section 102 *R 9-10 BA 1180 online
*F 9-10 BA 1180
LEC T 4-5 Armanpreet Pannu SF 1101 Mon 7:30-8:30 pm
Section 103 *W 4-5 SF 1101
*F 4-5 SF 1101
LEC M 2-3 Armanpreet Pannu MC 254 Mon 7:30-8:30 pm
Section 104 *W 2-3 MC 254
*R 2-3 WI 1016

Note: Lectures indicated with a * will be held online, except the first day of classes, when the
lecture will be in class.

The course coordinator is Professor Francis Dawson; his contact email address is The course website can be found on Quercus and will be administered
by Armanpreet Pannu. He can be reached at All announcements
and handouts will be posted to the website. Please visit the website regularly.

The instructor and tutorial assistants for the course will hold weekly office hours which will be
communicated to you by each tutorial assistant. The office hours held by the lecturers are in the
Table on the previous page and noted in the Table at this location. Please make sure that you
send an email at least 24 hours ahead in advance of your wish to make an online, or if
applicable, an in-office appointment. Also, indicate in the email subject line “Office hours”
when you make a request for Office hours. This applies to lecturers as well as the tutorial
assistants. We have busy schedules, so we need to schedule blocks of time. In your email, it would
be helpful if you indicate what you don’t understand or if it is a concern about a specific
lecture. This gives us time to think through your question before you come for the appointment.
We might also be able to clear up a lot of the confusion beforehand, by email.

• Q&A sessions are only for material covered in the previous week’s videos, problems and
reading material. Online Q&A sessions will be recorded.
• Office hours are for generic problems associated with previous material which you had a
problem understanding or concepts that you still are struggling with. On-line Office hours
will not be recorded.

TA office hours may also be used to cover the questions that were not covered in the Q&A session
due to time limitations. The TA will prepare answers to the questions received 24 hours before the
scheduled in-class tutorial Q&A session and online or in-office office hours.

From time to time, your instructors or TAs may wish to contact you with announcements via email.
You are required to maintain a working or equivalent email address for this course. It
is crucial that your email on ROSI (which appears on Quercus) is a or equivalent
email address.

Marking Scheme

Your final mark will be calculated as follows, based on the number of quizzes you wrote:

Share of Final Mark Deliverable

if all Quizzes were
60% Best 6/7 Quizzes (10% each)
Best 6/6 Quizzes if you miss 1 Quiz
Best 5 out of 5 Quizzes if you miss 2 Quizzes. The missed Quiz will
be transferred to your exam mark (Quizzes 50%, Exam 50%)
Best 4 out of 4 Quizzes if you miss 3 Quizzes. The missed Quizzes
will be transferred to your exam mark (Quizzes 40%, Exam 60%)
40% Final Exam

Textbook and Reading Material

The main textbook for this course is "Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3rd Edition” (Chapters
13.5,13.6, 15 (excluding 15.7 and 15.8), Chapter 16 (excluding 16.4 and 16.6) and problems from
Chapter 17). A short summary of the different purchasing options is described next. A more
detailed description of purchase options from the publisher appears at the end of this document
(Purchase of Textbook).

A digital version of this textbook is available in two formats:

1. MyLab Math with Pearson eText for Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3/e

There are two purchasing options available for MyLab Math with Pearson eText for Calculus:
Early Transcendentals, 3/e BRIGGS & COCHRAN:

a. You can purchase 18 week access directly through the MyLab registration portal using
Course I.D: dawson77381. This option costs $91.00 CAD ($69.99 USD).
b. You can purchase a 24 month access code through the UofT Bookstore website. This option
costs $95 CAD.

**note: do not purchase the 24-month access option through the MyLab registration portal,
as it costs $104.99 USD. If you want 24-month access, purchase the access code from the
UofT Bookstore website link above.

The MyLab will give you access to the full eText of Briggs, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3/e,
so you can complete the assigned chapter readings. The MyLab will also give you access to the
interactive figures used in lecture, as well as a suite of self-study resources. These resources are
not required for grades, but can be beneficial for extra practice.

2. Pearson eText Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3/e -- Instant Access

You can purchase 12 months of access to the standalone eText for $49.99 CAD from this link:

This gives you access to the full eText of Briggs, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3/e, but it does
NOT include access to the MyLab study resources. If you are not interested in having access to
the MyLab for extra practice, the standalone eText is a more economical option for completing the
assigned chapter readings.

You can purchase a physical textbook if you wish, but if it does not come packaged with a MyLab
access code, you will not be able to access the interactive figures and self-study resources. Please
note, in most cases, the MyLab access code or Pearson eText options will be cheaper than
purchasing a print version. You may also find the applicable sections of the online notes that you
used last year helpful as a complement to the chapters from the main textbook, if you purchase the

Other Reading Assignments

There are also 5 posted Reading Assignments and one set of Vector Review notes (Reading
Assignment 0). The Reading Assignments and Vector Review notes all contain hyperlinks so that
various documents can be automatically referenced. The Table, at this link (near the end of the
document), shows the construction of the folder structure that you should adopt under a common
directory. In this way, all of the hyperlinks should work. There are some additional posted notes
that are for your information, but you are not responsible for them.

The class notes, textbook and videos also contain some interactive figures and animations. All of
the wolfram interactive files are on the cloud, so you do not need to download any software to run
these files. However, if you want to run independently created wolfram files, you will need to
download the wolfram cdf player at this location:

You can also use the following programs to visualize problems.

Math3d: Online 3d Graphing Calculator


The Math3d program is used at various places in the videotaped lectures.


1. you are not responsible for the components of the Table of Contents in each of the Reading
Assignments that are marked in red.
2. all items marked in green in the Reading Notes or posted material is important to
remember but will not be tested explicitly.
3. all items marked in black and bolded, with the exception of section headings, relate
to issues that could or will impact your grade.
4. The deliverables for this course are itemized in Table 4 of the MAT291 Schedule

Online Videos for Tutorials and Lectures and Online Lecture Q&A Sessions

The basic minimum technical requirements needed for students to access remote/online learning
is available at this link:


Every student is registered in one of eight tutorial sections. Those students enrolled in Tutorial
Sections 101 and 102 will have the Q&A tutorial session for Thanksgiving (Monday October
11) moved to Wednesday October 13th from 1 pm to 2 pm, in the rooms indicated below.

Tut Time Room TA Email

01 W 1-2 GB 244 Mohamed Elshazly
02 W 1-2 SF 3202 Zacharie Leger

The TAs responsible for conducting the tutorial Q&A session are listed as follows:

Tut Time Room TA Email

01 M 4-5 GB 244 Mohamed Elshazly
02 M 4-5 BA 1170 Zacharie Leger
03 F 2-3 BA 1200 Richard Perryman
04 F 2-3 SF 2202 Remy Ko
05 R 10-11 BA 1210 Alex Mackay
06 R 10-11 BA 1180 Haitang Yang
07 R 10-11 MY 380 Kareem Abdelhafez
08 R 10-11 MS 3154 Hussein Ammar

You must attend the Tutorial Q&A Section to which you have been assigned.

Tutorials begin the week of September 13. The content of the tutorials will be based on student
questions only. These questions should have been submitted the night before the scheduled tutorial.
The questions should relate to the tutorial video or the assigned problems that were viewed or
attempted the previous week. Note, the viewing of the tutorial videos is not mandatory although
you may find the last two tutorial videos useful. There will be no solutions posted for the example
questions posed in Reading Assignments 1 and 2 and a few of the questions in Reading Assignment

To get the most out of your tutorial you must keep up to date with the homework, have viewed the
tutorial video, and come prepared to ask questions, in case you have any. The Schedule of tutorials,
assigned problems, and quizzes is described in a separate document entitled: MAT291 Schedule.
Prior to the final exam, we will be posting a summary of the types of exam questions to expect.

The tutorial assistants have a schedule of problems which they are responsible for, as outlined in
Table 3 of the MAT 291 Schedule. Normally we have no issues however if a tutorial assistant
deviates substantially from the schedule then please email the course coordinator and raise any
concerns that you may have. You can contact the course coordinator at the following email address:

Highlights of the most important points regarding the conduct of the tutorial Q&A sessions and
Office Hours are summarized here:

Lectures and Lecture Videos

The lecture videos are organized so that the first slide of each lecture indicates:

• where the material has been extracted from

• objectives
• concepts, tooling and visualization skills that you will be exposed to

The second slide is a summary of the contents of the video. The remaining slides introduce the
concepts, but in many cases, the last part of the video includes a selection of worked out problems
of which many of them have been extracted from the textbook.

Every week, you should go through the assigned videos and the questions for each video. You can
access the questions at the following link:

Questions to Prepare for Prior to Lecture Q&A Session.pdf

The following week, during the weekly live session, we will answer any questions you may have
about the videos or the preparatory questions assigned the previous week. During the weekly 2
online Q&A sessions we will discuss any follow-up questions that you might have about the
previous week’s viewing assignments, as discussed next.

The content of weekly Q&A sessions will be as follows just to illustrate the process. For example,
if you were requested to view Videos 1, 2 and 3 the week before the Q&A sessions then the Q&A
format will be as follows:

First Q&A session in class: Review Lectures 1, 2 and 3 in that order.

Second Q&A session online: Review Lectures 2, 3 and 1 in that order.
Third Q&A session online: Review Lectures 3, 2 and 1 in that order.


The quizzes will be based on the assigned homework problems that were discussed the week and
two weeks before the quiz, prior to Reading Week. After Reading Week there is a quiz every week
based on the previous week’s assigned homework problems. Please refer to Table 4 in the MAT291
Schedule for details. No make-up quizzes will be offered. We will post a more detailed
summary of the quiz questions to expect, on the Sunday before the quiz is scheduled.

The quizzes, when scheduled, will be held on Wednesdays from 1-2 pm in the rooms as indicated
in the following table.

Tut Time Room TA Email

01 W 1-2 GB 244 Mohamed Elshazly
02 W 1-2 SF 3202 Zacharie Leger
03 W 1-2 HS106 Richard Perryman
04 W 1-2 BA1200 Remy Ko
05 W 1-2 BA1190 Alex Mackay
06 W 1-2 SF2202 Haitang Yang
07 W 1-2 WB 130 Kareem Abdelhafez
08 W 1-2 MS 2172 Hussein Ammar

There will be 7 formal quizzes of which we will count your 6 best quizzes. These are closed-book
quizzes (Type A) and all programmable calculators are disallowed (Type 4). The quizzes will
take place on Wednesdays from 1-2 according to the schedule in Table 4 in the MAT291 Schedule.

The quiz will be written out on the blackboard. You need to bring paper and a pen with you.

If you miss a quiz because of sickness and have submitted a valid petition, then your final exam
will be counted proportionately higher. Quiz solutions will be posted on the weekend after the quiz
was written.

If you do not submit a valid petition for missing a quiz, then you will be assigned a grade of 0 for
that quiz. Any concerns regarding the petition process should be discussed with the undergraduate

Missed Quiz

The requirement of a Verification of Illness form (also known as a “doctor’s note”) has been
suspended by the University of Toronto for the Fall 2021 term. Refer to this link:

Students who are absent from academic participation for any reason (including due to COVID,
cold, flu and other illness or injury, family situation) and who require consideration for missed
academic work should report their absence through the online absence declaration and submit an
online Term Work Petition via the Engineering Portal.

Final Exam

A question-by-question summary of what the final exam will cover will be posted in the last week
of term, or not later than the weekend before your scheduled exam. The exam covers some of the
material from the textbook and some of the material from the Reading Assignments. To be more
specific, for the exam, you will be responsible for Sections 1, 2, 4.1-4.2 and 4.7 inclusive from
Reading Assignment 4 and certain sections of Reading Assignment 5 which will be stated
explicitly during the last week of term. No solutions to prior final exams will be posted. All
programmable calculators will be disallowed (Type 4) and the exam is a closed book exam
(Type A). This could change if exams are done online. We will keep you posted in case of
any changes.

Piazza Resources

Piazza has been activated for this course and is now available within Quercus. The instructors will
be monitoring activity but we will not be responding unless we see an overarching problem
developing. There is not enough time in the day to respond to all requests. The Piazza resource is
meant as a tool to allow the students to communicate with each other about the problems they are
having. You can enroll in Piazza. The class signup link is:

Placement of Folders within the MAT291F Directory

The table on page 10 shows how you should organize the placement of folders within a common
directory so that the hyperlinks in the documents, available for download from the Quercus
website, will work.

Notice of Video Recording and Sharing (Download and Re-use Prohibited)

This course, including your participation, will be recorded on video and will be available to
students in the course for viewing remotely and after each online session. Course videos and
materials belong to your instructor, the University, and/or other sources depending on the specific

facts of each situation, and are protected by copyright. Do not download, copy, or share any course
or student materials or videos without the explicit permission of the instructor. For questions about
recording and the use of videos in which you appear please contact your instructor.

Academic Integrity

• You must answer quizzes yourself and without assistance from any other person.
Submitting shared work or work that is not your own could leave you liable for a violation of
the Code of Behavior on Academic Matters.
• You must follow the proper petition process if you miss a quiz due to sickness. Forgery of
a medical certificate could leave you liable for a violation of the Code of Behavior on
Academic Matters. Any concerns regarding the petition process should be discussed with the
undergraduate counsellor
• Academic integrity is a serious issue. Please refer to the resources published by the Office of
Academic Integrity for more information on academic offences:
• If the instructor has reasonable grounds to believe that you have committed an academic
offence, the Office of Academic Integrity provides a general overview of the process you can
expect to go through and its key consequences:

Managing Your Time

The inverted classroom model for this course makes the delivery of a course far more challenging
for the students as well as the instructors. The Table at the end of this document which you can
access here may be helpful from the standpoint of planning your week. It is meant only as guidance
since everyone has different work habits. The period after Reading Week is a bit more challenging
and so you will notice that sometimes the pattern is disturbed.

In summary, you need to read the assigned material, watch the assigned videos and work on the
assigned problems before the respective Q&A sessions. The material covered in the Q&A tutorial
sessions runs in parallel with the Q&A lecture sessions. Quizzes will cover material that was
covered in the past lecture and tutorial sessions. Table 4 in the MAT291Schedule document gives
specific information.

Placement of Folders within the MAT291F Directory


Questions to Prepare for Prior to Lecture Q&A Session

Assignment 0
Vectors and Coordinate Systems
Supplementary Notes to Chapter 13.6 of the textbook (Quadric surfaces)

Assignment 1
Calculations for Computing Slope of Traversal and Motion in a 3d Problem

Assignment 2
The Jacobian and its Importance in Engineering Mathematics
Appendix A- General Derivation of Fictitious Forces Arising from a Non-inertial
Reference Frame
Assignment 3
Triple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates
Assignment 4
Introduction to the Divergence Theorem and Stokes’ Theorem
Appendix A- Parameterization of a Circle
Appendix B- Examples for Determining the Scalar and Vector Potential (2d)
Appendix C- Computing the Scalar Potential ϕ and Vector Potential A (3d)
Appendix D- Derivation of Time Derivatives of Integral Quantities
Solutions to Reading Assignment 4

Assignment 5
Exploiting Symmetry and Superposition in Divergence and Stoke’s Theorem Problems
Appendix A-Symmetry
Appendix B- Helmholtz’s Decomposition Theorem
Appendix C-Dirac Delta Function
Appendix D-Helical Solenoid Structures
Appendix E-Extension to Method of Images
Relationship Between Vector Calculus and Kirchoff’s Current and Voltage Laws
Divergence Problem Solutions
Stokes’ Problem Solutions
greens theorem and complex analysis

Purchase of Textbook

To gain access to the required readings for this course, you can purchase access to MyMathLab
for Briggs, "Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3rd Edition”. The full eText is available along with
additional study material for practice (interactive figures, sample quizzes/homework, etc.). Or you
can purchase access to the standalone Pearson eText for Briggs, "Calculus: Early Transcendentals,
3rd Edition”. The only chapters you will need for this course are Chapters 13, 15, 16, excluding
section 16.4 and 16.6 and the questions in section 17.

To register for MyLab Math:

1. Go to
2. Under Register, select Student.
3. Confirm you have the information needed, then select OK! Register now.
4. Enter your instructor’s course ID: dawson77381 and Continue.
5. Enter your existing Pearson account username and password to Sign In. You have an
account if you have ever used a MyLab or Mastering product.
a. If you don’t have an account, select Create and complete the required fields.
6. Select an access option.
a. Enter the access code that came with your textbook or that you purchased separately
from the bookstore (UofT Bookstore website).
b. If available or your course,
i. Buy using a credit card or PayPal
ii. Get temporary access
If you are taking another semester of this course, you skip this step
7. From the You're Done! page, select Go To My Courses.
8. On the My Courses page, select the course name MAT 291-Fall 2021 to start your work.

To sign in later:

1. Go to
2. Select Sign In.
3. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In.
4. Select the course name MAT 291-Fall 2021 to start your work.

To upgrade temporary access to full access:

1. Go to
2. Select Sign In.
3. Enter your Pearson account username and password and Sign In.
4. Select Upgrade access for MAT 291-Fall 2021.

5. Enter an access code or buy access with a credit card or PayPal.

To purchase the standalone Pearson eText:

1. Go to:

2. Complete purchase with a credit card or PayPal account.


Regrading Policy

There will be 7 formal quizzes during the term. We will count the best 6 of your quizzes. Each
quiz is 10% of your final grade so the 6 quizzes in total are worth 60% of the final marks. All
quizzes are Type A and Type 4 examinations. This means that they are closed book examinations
with no aids permitted and no calculators. The quizzes will take place synchronously on
Wednesdays from 1-2 PM according to the quiz schedule in Table 4 in the MAT291 Schedule.


A given quiz will be graded by the same grader, to ensure consistency. The graders for the course

Abdullah Rahnama (

Mohamed Elshazly (
Neel Choksi (

They will be grading different quizzes. See next section ("Re-grading Procedure") for information
on how to contact them about re-grading.

Re-grading Procedure

All questions regarding grading of quizzes should be directed towards the TA that graded your
quiz and not to your instructor. See the table on the next page for the grader contact email
addresses. If you feel you have been graded unfairly, then request a regrade within three days of
the work being returned to you online. Please send an e-mail to the grader with your name,
booklet number (the booklet number is located at the top of the page, as per figure below), a
justification for a grade increase, and the question you want re-graded. Please note that regrading
may result in your mark being lowered.

We will not respond to frivolous requests. An addition error is an obvious reason for a regrade.

Quiz TA to Contact for Regrading Email
1 Mohamed Elshazly
2 Neel Choksi
3 Neel Choksi
4 Neel Choksi
5 Abdullah Rahnama
6 Abdullah Rahnama
7 Abdullah Rahnama

Tutorial Q&A and Office Hour Format

Every week there will be a 1-hour Q&A and a by appointment 1-hour office hour. These will be
conducted by the TA assigned to your tutorial section.

Before the Q&A/office hour sessions, please do the following:

• Try the exercises in the last column of Table 3 of MAT291Schedule.pdf

• Watch the tutorial video (see the links on Quercus).
• You may find it helpful to print out the non-annotated tutorial notes (under “Tutorial Notes”)
so you can fill them in as you watch.

• If you have questions about the tutorial video or the problems in Table 3 of
MAT291Schedule.pdf, please email them 24 hours in advance to your TA with the subject
“MAT291 Q&A question” and they will be answered in the Q&A session.
• If your question is not related to the current tutorial video or material outlined in Table 3 for
that week, then please send a question with the heading “MAT291 office hour question” and
it will be answered during the office hour.

During the office hour session:

• Join Teams for your tutorial section (make sure to choose the correct Tutorial Section number)
• Please kindly mute your microphone while you are not talking, especially if your room has a
lot of background noise.
• Your TA may either prepare typed or hand-written notes to answer the questions (which is why
it is critical that you send them in advance). They may also write the answers in real-time
or use a combination of real-time writing and prepared notes.
• During the office hours you may take screenshots if you want, but we will not be uploading
any notes on Quercus.

Remark requests are NOT handled by your tutorial TA, but by the grading TA. However, if
you need some clarification on concepts relating to the solution, we can still address those during
the office hours.


Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9-10 X MAT291 L102 X MAT291 L102 MAT291 L102
10-11 X MAT291 L101 X MAT291 L101 MAT291 MAT291 L101
Q&A Q&A T105/106/107/108 Q&A
11-12 X ECE1068 X X X
12-1 X X X X X

1-2 X X Quiz when scheduled X X

2-3 MAT291 L104 X MAT291 L104 MAT291 L104 MAT291 T103/104

3-4 X X X X X
4-5 MAT291 T101/102 MAT291 L103 MAT291 L103 X MAT291 L103
5-6 X X X X X
6-7 X X X X X
7-8 Office Hour Pannu X Office Hour Dawson X X
8-9 Office Hour Pannu X X X X

X – not available but can be contacted by email;

Professor Dawson will be out of town Sept 18, and Sept 30-Oct 4 inclusive. Zacharie Leger will susbstitute for me for the Lecture Q&A sessions.
Monday tutorials on Thanksgiving Day Oct 11 have been moved to Wednesday Oct 13 at 1 pm.
The Monday lecture on Thanksgiving Day Oct 11 has been moved. Date and time TBD.
Mr. Pannu’s office hours are from 7:30-8:30.

Summary of Time Management

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9

Sept 6 Sept 13 Sept 20 Sept 27 Oct 4 Oct 11 Oct 18 Oct 25 Nov 1
Read material (text, notes, Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect
copies of lecture notes) 0,1,2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 11,12,13 14,15,16 17,18,19 20,21,22 23,24,25 26,27,28
Watch Lecture Videos Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect
0,1,2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 11,12,13 14,15,16 17,18,19 20,21,22 23,24,25 26,27,28
Watch Tutorial Videos (not 0,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
obligatory) but Tutorial Video’s
4, 10 and 11 may be helpful
Work on Problems Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect
0,1 2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 11,12,13 14,15,16 17,18,19 20,21,22 23,24,25
Lecture Q&A Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect
0,1 2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 11,12,13 14,15,16 17,18,19 20,21,22 23,24,25
Tutorial Q&A Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect
0,1 2,3,4 5,6,7 8,9,10 11,12,13 14,15,16 17,18 19,20,21 22, 23,24
Video 0 Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video 7 Video 8
**Quiz N/A X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4
Lecture Lectures Lectures Lectures
1 2-6 6-8 12-16

There will be no tutorial the first week of class so students can ask questions about this material, in the tutorial, during the second
week of term.

Lect 0 and 1 will be discussed in the first scheduled class in the term: Thursday for L101,L102, L104 and Friday for L103.

** quiz coverage is representative, but details are outlined in Table 4 of the MAT291Schedule document

Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week
Nov 8 Nov 15 Nov 22 Nov 29 14
Dec 6
Read material (text, notes, copies of lecture notes) Lect Lect Review Study
29,30,31 32, 33, Course
Review 1,2
Watch Lecture Videos Lect Lect Review 1,2 N/A
29,30,31 32, 33,
Watch Tutorial Videos (not obligatory) 10 11 N/A N/A
but Tutorial Video’s 4, 10 and 11 may be helpful
Work on Problems Lect Lect Lect N/A
26,27,28 29,30,31 32,33
Chapter 17
Lecture Q&A Lect Lect Lect Review
26,27,28 29,30,31 32,33 2
Review 1
Tutorial Q&A Lect Lect Lect N/A
25, 27B 26,27 28,29,30
Video 9 Video 10 Video 11
**Quiz N/A 5 6 ***7 N/A
Lectures Lectures Lectures
17-20 21-24 25-27

** quiz coverage is representative, but details are outlined in Table 4 of the MAT291Schedule document

*** check to make sure you are writing the correct quiz. there are 3 different quizzes according to the tutorial section number

**** refer to Table 1 in the document MAT291Schedule.pdf


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