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Its my pleasure hearing from you, ,Dad said you always make him happy
and that he feels comfortable talking with you,It has always been sad and tough for
Dad to take care of me since after Mom run away, need a close friend, someone i can
share my feelings with, someone that will always be there for me and Dad,
I missed the motherly love and i want to feel that love and care once more from a
special lady who will be my close friend and will love my dad,
And i remember what dad always told me that Marc don't worry everything will be
fine and that i will soon have a Mom so when i saw you mail you need to see the joy
in my face and Dean's,all my friends has been asking me what the matter why are you
smiling guess what i told them?
I love Dad so much and he is all i have in this world i was very happy when he
told me about you i thought he was joking cause i have never heard of him talking
about a lady so you are the first.
it is a long time that dad talked to me about a woman after because he was hurt
after Mom run away.
You are always welcome to the family and I promise I will always treat and
respect you as my best friend and my own mother know matter what...I will like to
see a pic of this lady that has the love of my dad.
Thanks for being a friend to my Dad,I must confess that he really likes you and
want us to be together as family..
Always take care of Him for me till we would be together someday..I have to go to
bed now it getting late here i hope to get an email from you again my new friend...
I look forward to chat with you sometimes...
Best Marc

Hello Ma Tamila
I am in the library writing to you now cos i don't have a computer and i would
really love to write more to you cos i do feel you have a nice and wonderful
thought in the inside of you.
Am so happy to know the woman my dad is falling deeply in love with has thesame
feelings also.!!!Your Email shows you are a better woman to care and be there for
my dad..I can't imagine my dad saying lots of things about you..He is always been
a one woman man and i love him more for being the way he is..He is always straight
forward and he keep to his Promises when ever he does make a promise..
So please be sincere with him cause i know he is having feelings for you but i have
told him that how can he when he has not even meet you in person but he said is
instinct never fails him and i believe him. I hope this will work for you both,
because you are the first lady daddy introduced to me after the loose of my mum...
As for what I feel for the both of you, I feel what is meant to be is meant to be,
but what is not meant to be is not meant to be, who am I to choose a partner for my
dad, he alone knows the right person for him, all I have to do is to accept and
respect you as my own mother...i will pray and hopes that this works out well for
the both of you xoxox!!!

I am a little bit shy but i can promise you as I get to know you more and more it
will give a room to always want to write to you and tell you more about me!!I love
anything that's fun, I love to swim and my Dad also loves to swim..We do have a
pool outside our house in Alva Florida and i like it when am in the deep part of
it...I love to read, i love to chat with friends but unlucky for me there is no
computer here so i can do that..i only get to send dad email in the Library..
I just want to let you know a little about me and i hope you re having the best of
the day and i hope you would be the best friend and Mom someday cos i truly need a
Mom to care and be there for me..It has just been Dad and myself ever since we lost
mom ....I want you to know how deep i truly need someone i can call a new mom cos
am just 15yrs yrs of age and in six days time i will be sweet 16 your words
(smile)i am still more of a baby..I will really prefer a twisted gold colour neck
lace for my gift and i also would love to get a book here called the (Root) it cost
$170 i really need this book cos is a history book about africa culture and is very
important i get it cos i may use it for my finnal exams here and also i need $100
for a house party with my friends here at school...i will be really glad if i get
all this i ask for from you and Dad.

Its my pleasure hearing from you, daddy told me about you and i am sorry
for not been able to get back to you ealier i was busy with study ,Dad said you
always make him happy and that he feels comfortable talking with you, thanks for
the email you sent to me, I really appreciate hearing from you and i am sorry for
not been able to get back to you cause i was busy with my study, I can see you are
a nice lady with a good heart , anyway I will like to tell you something about
myself am Melissa by name, I grew up under the care of my parents, we all live a
happy life until sorrow struck when my mum died, it was a terrible experience for
me then, because daddy have been playing the role mother and same time a father to

mum died but the most worse of all she died along with a pregnancy it was a
very painful experience for my dad then, he found it hard to cope with things due
to the shock of the incidence, but am glad he is now coping on well and healthy,
what gives me joy the most is that he has now find someone to introduce to me that
he is now getting along with and that person is you, that’s why I told him to tell
you to send me an email so I can know you better, because am much concern about his
welfare and feelings, I don’t want him to get hurt okay, hope you are for real?
Hope you are not here to play held games or even cheats because there is no room
for such nonsense okay and I don’t want pains on him again because he has been
through a lot in the past

So please be sincere with him cause i know he is having feelings for you but i
have told him that how can he when he has not even meet you in person but is said
is instinct never fails him and i believe him. I hope this will work for you both,
because you are the first lady daddy introduced to me after the loose of my mum,
and as for what I love to do, I love reading, going to the beach, hanging out with
friends, go out for shopping and most of all going to a nice sporting events, as
for what I feel for the both of you, I feel what is meant to be is meant to be, but
what is not meant to be is not meant to be, who am I to choose a partner for my
dad, he alone knows the right person for him, all I have to do is to sit down and
watch if this work out for you guys.

Why I requested you to send me an email is to see if we both can be best of

friends, I guess it will also make me get acquitted to you. I will stop here for
now as its late here, have a nice time and take good care of yourself, and please
say me well to your Kids and everyone who it may concern, am looking forward to
read from you soon.

Best wishes

Mom sorry for not be able to reply you earlier i have been busy with my studies
here cause am about writing my home work i am happy reading a email from you,dad
told me about you and i find him so happy in the email he sent to me.Mom are you
the woman that makes my dad happy,well i am very happy to see the two of you
getting along and i will always pray for God to guide you both in this,you are
welcome to be a part of my family.
Mom it is a long time that dad talked to me about a woman after because he was
hurt after the death of my mom.
You are always welcome to the family and i will like to see a pic of this lady
that has the love of my dad.

thanks for convicing dad to buy me the laptop for my birthday gift am so grateful
mom you are so sweet to me and honest caring understand you always treat me like
your own daughter am very happy to have someone like you as my mother I promise I
will always treat and respect you as my own mother know matter.

I believe you can never do anything to hurt him

mom do you really love my Dad like the way he did to you?

Cause i love him so much and he is all i have in this world i was very happy
when he told me about you i thought he was joking cause i have never heard of him
talking about a lady so Mom you are the first.
And i remember what dad always told me that Lisa don't worry everything will be
fine and that i will soon have a Mom so when i saw you mail you need to see the joy
in my face all my friends has been asking me what the matter why are you smiling
guess what i told them?
That my dad has found happiness again. mom am 15 going to 16 next week did dad
told you about my birthday?
I like playing video games and ging shopping. swimming, mom please do send my
greeting to everyone out there and i can't wait to know them more.
I will be leaving now please do send me a mail soon and don't forget to tell
dad about my Birthday gift and i also think i will be needing some thing nice from
you both i will talk to you later hope to hear from you soon and tell dad i love
you both.
Yours daughter

Life Gives To You What You Gives To You, GIVE IT YOUR BEST
He who conquers others is strong, he who conquers himself is mighty
When it rains, all birds fly for shelter, But the eagle avoids rain by flying above
the clouds,Problems are common to all. but the attitude makes the differences

WHen You Don't Feel Like Going out and Yo Boy Hommie Won't accept No For an Answer,
And You Like, Nigga Lets DO Thgis Shit

When One Of The Hommie WIN, The Whole Squad WINS

Pure Grinding For a better day

Success is teams work, Build yours

“It’s OKAY to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really,
really brave.”

“To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter
how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it…it’s over. It can
hurt you no more.”
Better to put your heart on the line, risk everything, and walk away with nothing
than play it safe. Love is a lot of things, but “safe” isn’t one of them.”

Celebrate the people in your life who are there because they love you for no other
reason than because you are YOU.”
Don't be so available that people start taking you for granted, Don't be so
unavailable that people give up on you

I'm not the same Soul i once was, A lot has changed This Year!!
Smiling does not mean everything is perfect. It simply means that you believe that
everything will be perfect in the end
Never let anyone tell you otherwise , as long as you can Think it , Imagine it .
Believe it ,Then you can Be it . Abuja CAF lets Go. #thekingishere

Settle Your Home Before Impressing Others, #FamilyFirst

No matter how good a person you are, There will always be someone talking Shits
about you!!
Money can Change a Nigga, They Won't have to be looking at you as that same old
At the end of the day i am at peace because my intentions are good and my heart is
1 John 4:16-18
Hebrew 11:1 Faith, You don't see it but you feel it

I've used all my resources that i can get and i'm currently stretched to the least
possible end
My joy is overflowing,
you got down on your knee
and have professed forever
your special love for me.
There was no hesitation,
the moment I said "yes,"
and gave life to the feelings
I'm longing to express.
I give myself completely,
my heart belongs to you;
I'm counting every moment
until we say "I do."
You are the perfect person
to compliment my life;
there'll be no brighter day than
when I become your wife.

Hi Ms Shirley.
Hello Good day Ms Shirley, its nice to get another mail from you, it makes me
excited knowing that you really care about me and you want to be a good friend, I
have never had any grown up friend who would take out time to write back and forth
with me.I just want u to know that i'm a very shy girl who doesn't like to talk to
strangers, but i promise you as soon as we continue chatting i'll get more used to
you and i'll tell you so much more interesting stuffs bout me.
I'm sorry about my birthday, i didn't want Dad to leave me, i want to spend the
whole time with him, i missed him so much, i heard him on the phone talking with
you on the night of my birthday and i felt really bad and was crying pretending to
be asleep, Pls Ms Shirley don't get me wrong, Dad has told me a lot about u and how
u make him happy which is quite obvious lately, But i didn't want Dad to leave
simply because i don't want him to get hurt anymore, i don't want dad to be with
anyone who doesn't like kids, its going to make me sad, But after getting a reply
to my first mail i felt it shows that your very friendly and u seem like someone
who really likes kids, I don't mind dad being with anyone but as long as that
person is going to accept us as her own kids and treat us with so much love and
care, we all deserve that, Dad needs someone, and not jut anyone a good woman, i
believe that God loves Us all and he will bring a god woman to daddy.
I love God and jesus christ, I wish i can see him and tell him Thank You, Daddy
says mom is with Jesus and God i'm hoping he's a good man who takes care of
everyone, I hope i can be a good friend and hopefull a good daughter to you if all
works out well for you both,
I got your pic and your grandson, you two were having lot of fun goofing around, i
have that kind of fun with dad all the time and its really nice, i hope someday we
will be more than friends..I'll send a pic of my brother and i and what i like to
do, i hop you'll like it
Best wishes from your new Friend
Molly Love you always, xoxoxo
To Miss Shirley

Hello Ma'am I am Molly by name, My middle name is Katherine but my friends call
me kate,I was so happy when Dad told me about you and it got me overwhelmed that
someday i would be looking up to meeting a special friend who would always care and
be there for me, Dean and Dad..
There are lot's of things you would like about me and i need to let you know i am
here to be the best friend and kid to you.. i am 10yrs old, i'm attending Discovery
Charter School,San Jose, CA 95117,
I'm currently in my 4th grade at school, my favorite school subjects are Physical
Science,Health Geography and sports, i'm doing very well in these subjects, i want
to be a Dr when i grew up so i can take care of sick people, and i always want to
be a Geographer, i like soccer and basketball...I love anything that's fun,I love
reading, going to the beach, hanging out with friends, go out for shopping and most
of all going to a nice sporting events, I love to swim and my Dad also loves to
swim..We do have a pool in our house in Camden Ave. San Jose California, and i
like it when am in the deep part of it with Dad holding me up to the surface...
My favorite Dolls is American Girl, My Dad bought me one for my birthday last
month... I will be leaving now to catch my school bus,please do send me a mail soon
and don't forget to Extend my greetings to Dad when you hear from him.
Your new Friend, Molly xoxox

Hello Ms Shirley
Hi good day Ms Shirley, i got ur mails and i'm very sorry i couldn't respond to it
at that time, I have been real busy with studies lately, my school is having a
spelling competition so i'm doing a lot of rehearsing and practicing there is
hardly time for me to do anything else, I am in the library writing to u now, i
would really love to write more to you cos i do feel u have a nice and wonderful
thought in the inside of u.
i'm so happy to know the woman my dad is falling deeply in love with has thesame
feelins also.!!!Your Email shows u are a better woman to care nd be there for my
dad..I can't imagine dad saying lots of things bout you..He is always been a one
woman man and i love him more for being the way he is..He is always straight
forward and he keep to his Promises when ever he does make a promise..
So please be sincere with him cause i know he is having feelings for you but i have
told him that how can he when he has not even meet you in person but he said his
instinct never fails him and i believe him. I hope this will work for u both,
because u are the first lady daddy introduced to me after the loss my mum...
As for what I feel for the both of you, I feel what is meant to be is meant to be,
but what is not meant to be is not meant to be, who am I to choose a partner for my
dad, he alone knows the right person for him, all I have to do is to accept and
respect you as my own mother...i will pray and hopes that this works out well for
the both of you.Have a great day i have to get back to class now, i'll be looking
forward to your message and i hope we could be more of friends
Yours New Friend,
Molly, xoxox
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Hello Ms Shirley thanks for your kind words i really need them, I was close to
winning but i guess i wasn't good enough, I promised Dad that i'd win the Spelling
bee competition but i failed him, i told him and he says he was proud of me taking
a third position, everyone was happy with me but i really wanted to win, i will
study very hard next year to win it to make dad Proud
I would have loved to hang out with you this weekend and would have loved to
meet your daughter with my kind of Doll,But We are going on a week road trip to
Arizonal to visit some interesting places, We will be seeing the Grand
Canyon,Saguaro National park, Lake Powell,The Center of Arts and some few other
places, We're living tomorrow morning, i'm so excited i wish Dad and you Ms Shirley
was here to go with us it would have been a lot more Fun
I have to go now, i'm always happy writing you and can't wait to meet you, Kim
says Hi she is waiting to meet with you soon,Have a good day Ms Shirley and God
Bless you
Your new Friend, Molly, Love you xoxox

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