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Congratulations! You have been shortlisted for the final round of our selection process.

are excited to see your skills in action. Below, you will find the details of the assignments we
would like you to complete.

Things to consider before starting:

1-Please ensure that there is public access to the assignment that you are submitting so we
can view your assignments.

2- if you can add any other strategies apart from the assignment questions, it will be a bonus
point for you.

3-The deadline for this assignment is Tuesday night (25-06-2024) at 11 pm

4- Please avoid using chatgpt as we encourage you to use your creativity and experience
and complete the assignment. You can consider using chatgpt only for basic ideation and
any basic information that you need.

5-Please submit your assignment to by Tuesday night

(17-06-2024) at 11 pm

Email subject ⬇️
6. The email subject has to be included with your name - cybersecurity assignment.Example
Subject : Roshan - cybersecurity assignment

TASK - 01

TASK: Developing Innovative Cybersecurity and Frontend-Enhanced Ideas for

Predefined Projects

Your task is to generate unique and complementary ideas that build upon the core
concepts of the following predefined projects. The ideas should enhance both the
cybersecurity measures and the frontend features to improve user experience and
interaction. Focus on introducing new concepts and features that align with the
existing projects.

Projects for Enhancement

1. Distributed File Fragmentation and Encryption System for Cloud-Based

Data Storage and Retrieval
○ Project Abstract: This system enhances data security by fragmenting
files, encrypting each fragment with diverse algorithms, and distributing
the fragments across multiple cloud providers. It seamlessly
reassembles and decrypts the fragments upon retrieval.
○ Your Task: Propose innovative features or improvements that
complement the core security and distribution mechanism, and
consider introducing frontend enhancements to improve user
interaction and visualization of data security.
2. Secure QR Code Communication with Multi-Party Authentication and
AES Encryption
○ Project Abstract: This project secures data transmission using QR
codes that contain encrypted messages hidden within decoy
messages. Multi-party authentication is required for decryption.
○ Your Task: Suggest new features that enhance the system's security
or usability, focusing on both backend security improvements and
frontend user interface enhancements for ease of use and better
3. Secure Image Steganography with LSB Substitution and AES
○ Project Abstract: This application hides sensitive images within carrier
images using LSB steganography and AES encryption, providing a
user-friendly interface for embedding and extracting images.
○ Your Task: Develop complementary features that expand the
application's capabilities, emphasizing frontend enhancements for
better user experience and additional layers of security.
4. Secure Chat Application with Protection Against MITM Attacks and
Intrusion Detection/Prevention
○ Project Abstract: This messaging platform uses end-to-end
encryption, digital signatures, hashing, and machine learning-based
intrusion detection to ensure secure communication.
○ Your Task: Propose enhancements that add to the security or
functionality of the chat application, including frontend improvements to
provide real-time security status, alerts, and user interaction.
5. Steganography-Based Email OTP Verification System with Secure Chat
○ Project Abstract: This system embeds OTPs within images using
steganography, which are then sent via email. It includes a secure chat
application with encryption and digital signatures.
○ Your Task: Suggest novel features to enhance OTP delivery and
verification or the chat application’s security, with a focus on frontend
improvements for better user guidance and verification feedback.
6. Visual Cryptography with AES Encryption for Secure Image Sharing
○ Project Abstract: This web application splits images into multiple
encrypted shares using visual cryptography. The original image can
only be reconstructed by combining the correct shares.
○ Your Task: Propose unique features or use cases that enhance the
image sharing security, including frontend enhancements for
user-friendly share generation, combination, and secure access.
7. Secure Multilingual Communication Platform
○ Project Abstract: This platform offers real-time translation between
multiple languages with robust security measures, including MITM
prevention, digital signatures, hashing, and encryption.
○ Your Task: Suggest innovative ideas to further improve the platform,
focusing on both backend security enhancements and frontend
features to facilitate seamless and secure multilingual communication.

Submission Guidelines
1. Idea Description: Provide a detailed description of your proposed feature or
improvement, focusing on both cybersecurity and frontend aspects.
2. Implementation Plan: Outline the steps and technologies required to
implement your idea.
3. Benefits: Explain the benefits, including how your idea improves security,
functionality, and user experience.
4. Challenges and Solutions: Identify potential challenges and suggest
solutions to overcome them.

Evaluation Criteria

● Quality and Uniqueness: The originality and creativity of the idea.

● Number of Features: The quantity of innovative features proposed.
● Relevance: How well the idea complements and enhances the predefined
● Feasibility: Practicality and ease of implementation.
● Impact: The potential benefits and improvements resulting from the idea.
● Detail: The thoroughness and clarity of the idea description and
implementation plan.

TASK - 02

TASK: Designing Unique and Innovative Cybersecurity Projects

Your task is to design and propose unique and innovative project ideas in the
cybersecurity domain. You are encouraged to include optional machine learning (ML)
or frontend features to enhance the projects. The implementation code is not
required; however, a detailed implementation plan must be provided. The evaluation
will be based on the novelty and innovation of the ideas. Projects with a greater
number of innovative features will be highly valued.

Assignment Requirements

1. Project Idea Description:

○ Provide a detailed and comprehensive description of your project idea.
○ Explain the core concept and the problem it addresses within the
cybersecurity domain.
○ Provide a list of features for the project idea.
2. Optional Features:
○ Machine Learning (ML): Describe how ML can be integrated into your
project to enhance its capabilities.
○ Frontend Features: Detail any user interface enhancements that
improve the user experience and interaction with the project.
3. Implementation Plan:
○ Outline the steps and technologies required to implement your project.
○ Provide a roadmap for development, including key milestones and
4. Benefits:
○ Explain the benefits and potential impact of your project.
○ Highlight how your project improves cybersecurity practices, user
experience, or both.
5. Challenges and Solutions:
○ Identify potential challenges in implementing your project.
○ Suggest solutions or mitigation strategies to overcome these

Evaluation Criteria

● Novelty and Innovation: The originality and creativity of the project idea.
● Number of Features: The quantity and quality of innovative features
● Relevance: How well the project addresses a current problem or need in the
cybersecurity domain.
● Feasibility: Practicality and ease of implementation based on the provided
● Impact: The potential benefits and improvements resulting from the project.
● Detail: The thoroughness and clarity of the idea description and
implementation plan.

Example of a Project Proposal Structure

Project Title: Secure IoT Device Management System

Features List:

● Anomaly detection using ML

● User-friendly dashboard
● Real-time device status monitoring
● Secure firmware update management
● Role-based access control
● Comprehensive audit logging
● Automated compliance checking
● Predictive maintenance using ML
● Threat intelligence integration
● Real-time security alerts with ML filtering

Project Idea Description:

The project aims to develop a secure management system for IoT devices,
addressing vulnerabilities and ensuring robust security protocols. The system will
include features for device authentication, firmware updates, and threat detection.

Optional Features:

● Machine Learning:
○ Implement anomaly detection algorithms to identify unusual device
behavior, indicating potential security breaches.
○ Integrate predictive maintenance to foresee and address potential
device failures before they occur.
○ Use ML models to filter and prioritize real-time security alerts, reducing
noise and focusing on critical threats.
○ Develop threat intelligence capabilities to learn from new and emerging
threats and adapt security measures accordingly.
● Frontend Features:
○ Develop a user-friendly dashboard for monitoring device status,
managing updates, and receiving security alerts.
○ Implement real-time device status monitoring with interactive
○ Create a secure firmware update management interface.
○ Integrate role-based access control for different user levels.
○ Add comprehensive audit logging for tracking all actions and changes.
○ Automate compliance checking to ensure adherence to security

Implementation Plan:

● Phase 1: Research and Requirement Gathering

○ Conduct detailed research on IoT device vulnerabilities and existing
security protocols.
○ Gather requirements from potential users and stakeholders through
surveys and interviews.
● Phase 2: Design System Architecture
○ Design a modular and scalable system architecture.
○ Create detailed design documents for each module (authentication,
update management, anomaly detection, etc.).
● Phase 3: Develop Authentication and Update Modules
○ Implement secure device authentication protocols.
○ Develop the firmware update management system with secure
download and installation features.
● Phase 4: Integrate ML Algorithms for Threat Detection
○ Collect and preprocess data for training ML models.
○ Develop and integrate ML algorithms for real-time anomaly detection.
○ Implement predictive maintenance algorithms to analyze device
performance data.
● Phase 5: Develop and Test the Frontend Dashboard
○ Design the user interface for the dashboard.
○ Implement frontend features using modern web technologies (e.g.,
React, Angular).
○ Conduct usability testing to ensure a seamless user experience.
● Phase 6: Develop Threat Intelligence Integration
○ Implement mechanisms to collect and analyze threat intelligence data.
○ Integrate threat intelligence feeds with the ML models to adapt to new
● Phase 7: User Testing and Feedback Integration
○ Conduct beta testing with selected users.
○ Collect feedback and refine features based on user input.
● Phase 8: Final Deployment and Maintenance Planning
○ Deploy the system to a secure production environment.
○ Develop a maintenance plan for regular updates and security patches.


● Enhanced security for IoT devices

● Real-time monitoring and alerting of potential threats
● Predictive maintenance to prevent device failures
● User-friendly interface for device management
● Automated compliance with security standards
● Comprehensive audit trails for accountability
● Adaptability to emerging threats through threat intelligence integration

Challenges and Solutions:

● Challenge: Ensuring compatibility with a wide range of IoT devices

○ Solution: Design a modular and flexible system architecture
● Challenge: Detecting false positives in anomaly detection
○ Solution: Continuously train and refine ML models with diverse
● Challenge: Managing secure firmware updates
○ Solution: Implement rigorous testing and validation processes for
firmware updates
● Challenge: Integrating and utilizing threat intelligence
○ Solution: Develop standardized formats and protocols for threat
intelligence data

Format: Submit your proposal in a single document (PDF or Word).

Deadline: Please submit your assignment to by Tuesday night

(25-06-2024) at 11 pm

The email subject has to be included with your name - cybersecurity assignment

Example Email subject ⬇️ Subject : Roshan - cybersecurity assignment

Please ensure your submission is comprehensive and follows the provided structure.
Good luck with your innovative proposals!

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