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Writing4/Brusse Emilio Párraga Solórzano

1. Defining Friendship

Everyone needs friends. What qualities make someone a good friend? How can

be a friend for someone who needs one? Write a 120 words paragraph that

ways to be a good friend.

Being a good friend involves several key qualities. First, it's important to be
trustworthy and reliable. A good friend keeps your secrets and can be counted
on in times of need. Showing empathy and understanding is also crucial;
listening without judgment and offering support shows that you care. Being
there through both good times and bad demonstrates loyalty. Additionally,
being a good friend means being honest yet kind, offering constructive
feedback when needed. Sharing common interests and activities can
strengthen bonds, but so can respecting each other's differences. Ultimately,
being a good friend means being selfless and putting effort into maintaining
the relationship, showing appreciation and celebrating each other's

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