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Quantitative Analysis and Modeling of

Earth and Environmental Data:

Space-Time and Spacetime Data
Considerations 1st Edition Jiaping Wu
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Space-Time and Spacetime Data

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They were good days, there have been good days.
Jiaping Wu, Junyu He, and George Christakos
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Preface ix 4 Chrono-geographic clustering and hotspot

(coldspot) analysis 136
5 Practice exercises 145
1. Chronotopologic data analysis
5. Classical geostatistics
1 From topos to chronotopos 1
2 Chronotopologic variability, dependency 1 Historical introduction 149
and uncertainty 9 2 Random field theory 155
3 Theory and evidence 18 3 Covariography and variography 165
4 Chronotopologic estimation and mapping 22 4 Chronotopologic block data analysis 200
5 A review of CTDA techniques 24 5 Practice exercises 206
6 Chronotopologic visualization technology 26
7 The range of CTDA applications 27
8 Public domain software libraries 28 6. Modern geostatistics
9 Practice exercises 30
1 Toward a theory-driven CTDA 213
2 Knowledge bases revisited 216
2. Chronotopology theory 3 Integrating lawful and dataful statistics 229
4 Rethinking chronotopologic dependence 243
1 Introduction 33
5 Applications 253
2 Basic chronotopologic notions 35
6 Practice exercises 261
3 Chronotopologic metric modeling 47
4 Metric effects on chronotopologic attribute
interpolation 52 7. Chronotopologic interpolation
5 Practice exercises 55
1 Introduction 267
3. CTDA methodology 2 Deterministic chronotopologic interpolation
techniques 273
1 Methodologic chain 57 3 Statistical chronotopologic interpolation
2 About knowledge 66 techniques 282
3 Big data: Why learn, if you can look it up? 81 4 Practice exercises 291
4 Attribute data scales 88
5 Emergence of chronotopology-dependent 8. Chronotopologic krigology
statistics 92
6 More on chronotopologic visualization 96 1 The emergence of geostatistical Kriging 293
7 Practice exercises 98 2 1st Kriging classification 299
3 Second Kriging classification: point,
4. Chrono-geographic statistics chronoblock and functional 320
4 Mapping accuracy indicators and
1 Introduction 101 cross-validation tests 323
2 CGS of data point information 102 5 Applied krigology: benefits and concerns 339
3 CGS of chrono-geographic attribute values 121 6 Practice exercises 341

viii Contents

9. Chronotopologic BME estimation 12. DIA models

1 Epistemic underpinnings 345 1 Introduction 431
2 Mathematical developments 346 2 Machine learning 433
3 An overview of real world BME case studies 356 3 Linear regression techniques 434
4 Practice exercises 377 4 Artificial neural network 438
5 Practice exercises 444
10. Studying physical laws
13. Syntheses of CTDA techniques
1 The important role of physical PDE in CTDA 385 with DIA models
2 BME solution of a physical law 389
3 BME solution of an epidemic law 397 1 A broad synthesis perspective 449
4 Comparing core and specificatory 2 A synthesis of the STP and BME techniques 452
probabilities 402 3 A synthesis of the STP-BME technique with
5 Practice exercises 405 the LUR and ANN models 459
4 A synthesis of the BME technique with the
MLR and GWR models 464
11. CTDA by dimensionality reduction 5 Epilogue 471
1 The motivation 407 6 Practice exercises 472
2 The space-time projection (STP) method 408
3 Noteworthy STP features 427 References 477
4 Practice exercises 428 Index 485

As its title dictates, the subject of this book is environmental science, agronomy, ecology,
the chronotopologic analysis and modeling of public health, epidemiology, economics, public
natural phenomena, that is, phenomena that policy, and risk management.
vary as functions of both their spatial (topos)a The book views the difference between train-
and the temporal (chronos)b coordinates, in real- ing and education in terms of the following met-
istic conditions of in situ uncertainty. The need to aphor: The way to get people build a ship is not
study such phenomena, in particular, has led to to teach them carpentry, but to inspire them to
significant developments in chronotopologic long for the infinite immensity of the sea.
data analysis (CTDA), which is an important Accordingly, the book’s methodology has four
part of the book. stages: The first stage is diagnosis (knowing
The notions, techniques, and thinking modes through), that is, identifying the basic features
discussed in the book aim at improving the of the phenomenon of interest, the second stage
understanding of the chronotopologic laws of is cardiognosis (knowing the heart of the phe-
change underlying the available numerical data- nomenon), that is, appreciating what is at stake
sets, while taking into consideration all relevant and choosing the appropriate mode of thinking,
core and site-specific knowledge bases, which the third stage is prognosis (foreknowledge), that
are subject to multi-sourced uncertainties and is, accurate prediction of certain important
associated measurement or observational errors aspects of the phenomenon, and the fourth stage
(conceptual, technical, computational). The core is epignosis (improved knowledge), that is, draw-
knowledge bases include scientific theories, ing important conclusions, inferences, and
physical laws, and models, whereas site-specific interpretations.
knowledge bases may have various forms and This methodology has some interesting
sources, including hard measurements, soft implications that become evident throughout
observations, secondary information, and auxil- the book, including the following: new routes
iary variables (ground-level measurements, sat- open when one type of data crosses another;
ellite observations, scientific instrument records, potentially difficult problems are considered
protocols and surveys, empirical graphs and from alternative standpoints, assessing how
charts). Understanding the spatial distribution well different methods can handle them, and
and temporal dynamics of knowledge bases how an improved problem solution is obtained
such as the above is a great challenge to the by a synthesis of methods acting in synergy; the
elucidation of crucial questions in many physi- presentation of worth noticing personal conclu-
cal, health, and social disciplines, including sions based on experience and insight is
geology, hydrology, geophysics, geography, facilitated.

The term “topos” (see topography, topology etc.) was the ancient Greek term for space.
The term “chronos” (see chronology etc.) was the ancient Greek term for time.

x Preface

To achieve its particular goals, the book’s Individual topics addressed in the book may
focus is the rigorous presentation of the support- be probably found in separate publications, but,
ing theory, followed by a comprehensive and as far as we know, there is not any particular
balanced fusion of theory-driven and data- book that covers all these topics in a complete,
driven techniques. Accordingly, the assertions systematic, and integrative manner as the pre-
presented in the book have theory-based content sent book does. Arguably, then, readers with sci-
(the expression of a proposition about the real entific background or engineering training in
phenomenon being in a certain way) and are the aforementioned disciplines would appreci-
made in a data-based context (including the ate a systematic presentation in one volume of
available evidential support and real world the most important quantitative concepts,
conditions). In melioribus annis, this approach models and techniques studying the chronoto-
would have seemed natural. In praesenti annis, pologic behavior (combined spatial distribution
however, it is necessary to stress the importance and temporal dynamics) of natural phenomena
of this approach, since the excessive use of under conditions of uncertainty and site-specific
technological “black-box” nowadays runs the measurement errors (i.e., the vast majority of
risk to eventually create impoverished human phenomena encountered in the various scien-
“black-boxes.” Several numerical examples tific and engineering disciplines).
and actual case studies are included so that We would like to thank our families for their
the readers gain a hands-on experience and patience, and Ms Lindsay C. Lawrence of Else-
valuable insight concerning the implementation vier for her continuing encouragement during
of the presented notions, models, and tech- the book-writing project.
niques in the real world. Practice exercises at
the end of each chapter can help the readers Jiaping Wu
learn more from the text and hone their critical Junyu He
and practical skills. George Christakos

Chronotopologic data analysis

1 From topos to chronotopos A scientific paradigm is a framework of con-

cepts, assumptions, theories, thinking modes,
The first section of the book starts with a results, and practices that define a scientific disci-
broad discussion of developments in the collec- pline at any particular period of time.c
tion, analysis, and interpretation of data, from
the case where the data values are assumed to Historically, the evolution of the scientific
vary as functions of the spatial (topos)a coordi- paradigm has undergone certain major develop-
nates to the case in which they are assumed to mental phases:
vary as functions of both the spatial (topos)
and the temporal (chronos)b coordinates. The ① It started, a few thousand years ago, with the
latter case leads to the unified notion of chron- purely empirical paradigm that focused on
otopology, where the data values may vary in a the description of natural phenomena
separate (space-time) or a composite (spacetime) using purely empirical means.
manner. ② This was followed, a few hundred years ago, by
the theory-laden experimentation paradigm
when a theoretical component (involving
1.1 Scientific paradigms theories, models, laws, generalizations) was
But, before focusing on chronotopology mat- added to the empirical component (in which
ters, and in order to put these matters in due per- systematic experimentation played a key
spective, the discussion should start with a role).
reference, albeit a brief one, to a fundamental ③ During the last few decades, the
notion of human inquiry, as follows: computation-dominated paradigm

The term “topos” (see topography, topology, etc.) was the ancient Greek term for space.
The term “chronos” (see chronology, etc.) was the ancient Greek term for time.
The word παραδειγμα (paradeigma) has been used in famous texts, such as Plato’s Timaeus, as the model or the pattern
that God used to create the cosmos.

Quantitative Analysis and Modeling of Earth and Environmental Data 1 Copyright # 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 1. Chronotopologic data analysis

emerged that is characterized by the This is a serious matter to anyone who takes a
addition of a significant computational moment to examine it with an attentive mind.
component (since theories of complex Therefore, we will revisit it in various parts of
phenomena became too complicated to the book.
solve analytically, numerical simulations
needed to be generated).
1.2 Interplay of science and mathematics
Furthermore, it has been argued by many
No readers of this book, most of whom are
investigators (scientists and nonscientists alike)
presumably quants (i.e., quantitative analysts),
that we currently enter the era of yet another
need to be reminded of the all-important rela-
tionship between two key components of
④ The big data-driven paradigm that seeks to human inquiry (see Fig. 1.1):
apply computational models to breathtaking
amounts of data obtained by instruments or
generated by simulators, then processed by Mathematics, which focuses on how to develop
the software, resulting in information stored abstract representations of the real world, and
in computers. science, which is concerned with the inverse
process, i.e., with how to use these abstract repre-
According to this paradigm, insight is gained sentations to obtain useful knowledge about the
through a self-reinforcing loop between experi- real world.d
mental data and statistical analysis (Succi and
Coveney, 2019). As should be expected,
serious objections to the purely data-driven Admittedly, this book uses a considerable
paradigm exist. Among them, Lewis H. Lapham amount of mathematics in the form of analysis,
has suggested that: modeling, and estimatione notions and tech-
@ Data mining engineers have no use for the niques. Compared to the complexity of the real
meaning and value of words. They come to
bury civilization, not to praise it.
In response to these and similar concerns, a
challenge to the purely data-driven perspective
has emerged, as follows:
• The big data perspective outlined above
makes extravagant claims, which, once
properly discarded, a synergistic synthesis
of large datasets with a sound scientific
theory could plausibly lead to a sensical FIG. 1.1 The opposite directions of mathematics and
paradigm-shift. science.

Yet, the two have some interesting sociological differences, including the fact that in science each generation of
investigators undoes the existing structure (replaces the theories of the previous generation with new ones etc.),
whereas in mathematics each generation adds a new piece to the existing structure.
The term “estimation” generally includes interpolation, extrapolation and prediction. The distinction between these
three kinds of chronotopologic estimation is critical: in interpolation and extrapolation attribute estimates are sought at
points, respectively, within and outside the chronotopologic sampling domain, and in prediction attribute estimates
are sought at points within the spatial sampling area but outside the temporal sampling period. The issue is discussed
in various parts of the book (e.g., Chapter 7).
1 From topos to chronotopos 3
world, these notions and techniques are not as Example 1.1 Assume one is given the equation
complex as some investigators may seem to E ¼ Fq, relating the electric field E with force F and a
believe. Those who do not believe so, it is rather point charge q. If q is divided by 2, i.e., 2, what is the
due to the fact that they may not realize how corresponding E value? Focusing on the mathe-
complicated real life actually is. matical grammar of the equation, the obvious
The links of mathematics with ordinary life answer is E ¼ 2F q . This answer is physically incor-
are rather obvious. Many mathematical ideas rect, though, since it neglects the essential knowl-
are ways of mathematizing ordinary ideas, edge that F is proportional to q, in which case the
e.g., the idea of a derivative that is a straightfor- correct answer is that there is no change in the
ward mathematization of the ordinary idea of value of E. This error happens when one (who
instantaneous change. Beyond this rather simple probably lacks the necessary background knowl-
notion, many complex mathematical concepts edge) looks at the equation and treats it purely as a
eventually come down to direct perceptual matter of mathematical grammar, neglecting to
experience. enrich its symbols with physical meaning.
Since science, a natura eius, is about finding
Since this book’s perspective is that an equa-
the analogy and identity in the most remote
tion’s mathematical grammar should be inte-
parts, it should be noticed at the outset that this
grated with physical meaning, our focus will
book’s own interpretation of Fig. 1.1 is as
not be only on technical deductions, but also
on the rich variety of inductive inferences asso-
ciated with our readers’ ordinary experience.
The same argument is obviously valid in terms
The interworkings of science and mathemat-
of data, i.e., data should not be treated purely
ics should be carefully considered in both direc-
as numbers, neglecting to enrich it with the
tions: not only mathematics should be used in
due physical meaning. In this respect, the fol-
scientific investigations, but science should be
lowing general conclusion is reached:
used in mathematical investigations too.
• Readers are encouraged to avoid falling into
the trap of reasoning purely in terms of
Accordingly, investigators should closely mathematical grammar and numerics, thus
fuse mathematical symbology with physical missing clues to a different interpretation
meaning, resulting in a powerful and productive given by physical meaning.
structure. That is, scientific applications require
The payoff of this approach, integrating
us to integrate our understanding of the real
mathematical grammar and numerics with
world with symbolic relations of mathematics,
physical meaning, is comprehensible, since it
thus adding meaning and structure to both. Sci-
can produce new knowledge, add to the existing
ence puts meaning to mathematics, adding
body of knowledge in a particular scientific
additional levels of structure, interpretation,
field, and, in many cases, scientific findings
and even tools. This book, then, is more inter-
can be transferred into useful technology.
ested in the scientifically meaningful employ-
ment of mathematical tools than in the purely
formal features of the tools. A direct consequence 1.3 Natural attributes
of the above considerations is the warning that
looking at an equation and treating it purely as Quantitative analysis, as practiced in sci-
a matter of mathematical grammar, while ences, relies on the tools of the discipline of
neglecting to enrich its symbols with physical applied mathematics, which studies the varia-
meaning, leaves one vulnerable to errors. tional characteristics of empirical observations
4 1. Chronotopologic data analysis

or measurementsf associated with natural attri- unsampled points (discussed in Section 4) may
butes. Before we proceed, we need a working decrease considerably with increasing data vari-
definition of the latter: ation. Accordingly, understanding the attribute’s
variational characteristics based on the available
data is a great challenge to the elucidation of cen-
A natural attribute is a measurable or observ- tral questions in many physical, social, and health
able entity characterizing selected aspects of a disciplines, including environmentology, geol-
natural phenomenon (physical, biological, social) ogy, agronomy, ecology, geography, public
that vary over a region during a time period. health, epidemiology, economics, social policy,
and risk management.
Simply put, everything that varies across
space and/or time in nature and can be mea- 1.4 Kinds of scientific data analysis
sured (using simple devices or sophisticated As regards the practice of data analysis in sci-
equipment of various kinds) or observed (via ences, where there is a strong physical depen-
perceptual experience) can be considered a nat- dence of data values on location and time,
ural attribute. In this setting, known (measured three kinds of studies have historically emerged
or observed) attribute values are characterized (in ascending order of modeling sophistication):
as attribute data.
Example 1.2 There is a wide variety of such ❶ Studies concentrating solely on the variation
natural attributes, including pollutant concen- of data across space, known as spatial data
tration, topographic elevation, ocean surface analysis (SDA), or solely on temporal data
temperature, rainfall intensity, human expo- variation, known as time data analysis (TDA).
sure, disease incidence, population mortality, ❷ Studies focusing on some kind of separable
land-use variables, commodity prices, and space-time data analysis (hereafter denoted
regional poverty indicators. as S-TDA), in the sense that they consider
space and time in isolation.
In cases such as the above, attribute character- ❸ Studies favoring a composite spacetime
istics of prime importance that need to be ade- data analysis (denoted as STDA), in the
quately defined and understood are the sense that space and time are considered
following: as an integrated whole, meaning that the
• The variational characteristics describe integration obeys the physics of the
attribute dynamics,g regional changes, and phenomenon.
interrelationships due to the underlying
In the above settings, space and time individ-
mechanisms of the phenomenon under
ually become three- and one-dimensional
study (Section 2).
projections of the four-dimensional domain,
Indeed, data variation across space and time is respectively. Conversely, the classical three-
a dominant characteristic that has tremendous dimensional geometry of SDA becomes a
impacts on the performance of certain quantita- four-dimensional geometry in space-time analy-
tive analysis and modeling aspects. For example, sis. Due to its wide popularity, let us comment a
the accuracy of attribute interpolation at little further on SDA. Although it may be seen,

The distinction between measurement and observation is discussed later in the book.
The term dynamics here refers to the temporal change of the attribute.
1 From topos to chronotopos 5
methodologically, as a special case of S-TDA,
there are considerable differences, as will become Time series analysis (TSA) is a collection of
clear in the following. Moreover, SDA was concepts and techniques for studying the statisti-
historically developed many decades before cal characteristics of time series data and making
S-TDA. Hence, one can find a plethora of SDA attribute forecasts for future times.
techniques—including inverse distance, splines,
trend surface, statistical regression, and geostatis- Historically, the earliest theoretical TSA
tics Kriging (Chapters 7 and 8)—that have been developments can be traced back to the pio-
successfully implemented in many disciplines. neering work of Yule (1927) and Walker
(1931). The next major development was the
1.4.1 Geostatistics and time-series statistics work of Box and Jenkins (1976) presenting the
SDA techniques did not develop uno ictu tem- complete time series modeling process (specifi-
poris. A case in point is the following well- cation, estimation, diagnostics, and forecast-
known SDA field: ing). One can find several TSA models in the
relevant literature, including moving averages,
exponential smoothing of various degrees,
Geostatistics consists of a collection of concepts analysis of variance, autoregressive integrated
and techniques that study spatially distributed moving average, among many other models.
attributes based on a space-dependent statistical There have been numerous TSA applications in
theory that was built on pre-existing results formu- almost any scientific discipline, including econo-
lated in different scientific disciplines with varying metrics, finance, geophysics, seismology, signal
objectives in mind. processing, pattern recognition, and meteorol-
ogy. The interested readers are referred to the
Indeed, the roots of geostatistics go back to very rich literature on the subject.
the 1940s–60s as a group of spatial correlation,
regression, and mapping techniques used in Example 1.3 Both SDA and TSA capitalize on
forestry and earth sciences with considerable spatial and temporal correlations, respectively.
success, see the pioneering work of Matern To most scientists, the fact that closely spaced
(1947) and Matheron (1965). Remarkably, sev- or temporally separated samples tend to be sim-
eral decades later the field was rediscovered ilar is not surprising, since such samples are
and renamed spatial statistics.h In any case, many likely to be influenced by similar physical
important advances have been made since the processes.
1960s, and the range of geostatistics or spatial An obvious disadvantage of SDA and TSA is
statistics applications nowadays is vast (the that they both neglect any cross space-time data
interested readers are referred to the relevant associations, and the reason of this neglect may
literature). be a physical justification, an apparently plausi-
TDA, on the other hand, generally focuses on ble approximation, or simply a matter of conve-
the study of sequences of attribute data ordered nience. Yet, reality often does not strictly satisfy
in time (time is often considered the indepen- the SDA or TSA assumptions. Instead, strong
dent variable). In particular, the systematic sta- correlations may occur simultaneously across
tistical study of this kind of time data was the space and time:
focus of a well-known TDA field:

A well-known spatial statistics book is that of Noel Cressie (Statistics for Spatial Data. J Wiley, NY, 1991).
6 1. Chronotopologic data analysis

• In reality, the links between attribute data Example 1.4 Space-time adaptive processing
values can be critically affected by space- extends adaptive antenna techniques to proces-
time cross-effects,i and the corresponding sors that simultaneously consider spatial
data distributions can be highly skewed. domain information (in the form of signals
received on multiple antenna array elements)
In a human sense, after all, to represent mat-
and temporal domain information (in the form
ters in a purely spatial manner is to freeze time
of multiple pulse repetition periods) of a coher-
and to deny the dynamism implicit in living.
ent processing interval.
A similar criticism holds when representing
matters in a purely temporal manner that denies Although S-TDA is very useful in many prac-
spatial dependency. By way of a summary, then, tical applications, its key limitation is rather pro-
the following conclusion is drawn based on the found: S-TDA essentially suggests seeing the
above considerations: world in slices. I.e., the S-TDA models, by defi-
nition, consider space and time as separate argu-
• Both SDA and TSA encounter profound
ments. In layman terms, then, the need for the
challenges to their methodologies that have
composite spacetime perspective proposed by
been based on notions and models that are,
STDA is based on the following rather straight-
respectively, timeless-space (SDA) and
forward argument:
space-independent (TSA).
It is reasonably anticipated that the adequate In many cases, it is hard to pin down the truth
responses to these challenges could lie in richer
when one is obliged to see the world in slices,
approaches that account for both space and time
because snapshots may conceal as much as they
in a systematic way. Such approaches are intro-
make plain.
duced in the remaining of this chapter and they
are, in fact, the subject matter of this book.
Otherwise said, STDA also studies the distri-
bution of natural attributes, but, while S-TDA
1.4.2 S-TDA and STDA views space and time as separate arguments,
For the above reasons, the advent of S-TDA STDA considers a composite spacetime argu-
has been seen as a significant development over ment. Classical statistics assumes nonspatiality
SDA and TSA because it offers a more accurate and that the samples are independent from
quantitative representation of the real world, one another, whereas S-TDA and STDA account
including a more realistic study of the space- for spatiality and temporality, although in dif-
time distribution of data from natural attributes. ferent ways. STDA is obviously a more recent
Indeed, many useful S-TDA models have been development than S-TDA.
developed with emphasis on the quantitative Undoubtedly, S-TDA and STDA offer
expression of attribute properties and relation- improved representations of reality, which is
ships that take into account the space-time local- why one can find a considerable number of
ization of these properties and relationships in a interesting real-world publications of S-TDA
direct way. The notions and methods discussed and STDA in a variety of scientific journals
in the book address these and similar issues. representing different and often unconnected

This means that, due to space-time cross effects, data values that are further apart in space but closer in time may turn
out to be more similar than those that are closer in space but further apart in time, and vice versa.
1 From topos to chronotopos 7
disciplines. Yet, there is a very limited number each attribute of interest physically meaningful
of books on S-TDA, and even fewer on STDA chronotopologic features. In particular, while
theory and applications.j This is somewhat sur- classical statistics assumes that the samples are
prising, since there is a great potential and need independent from one another, CTDA considers
for comprehensive and systematic presentations sample dependence governed by physics, it is
of S-TDA and STDA in practice, due to the not tied to a distribution model that assumes
obvious fact that the vast majority of real data that all samples of a population are normally
vary across both space and time. Moreover, distributed, and it is devoted to the interpreta-
improved technology is becoming available that tion of uncertainties caused by various in-situ
facilitates the in-situ implementation of S-TDA conditions (Section 2 below).
and STDA, e.g., low-cost Temporal Geographic Due to the increasing availability of datasets
Information Systems, TGIS, with user-friendly that are simultaneously location and time
interfaces (Christakos et al., 2002). dependent, their systematic quantitative analy-
sis and modeling provided by CTDA are of
great importance to a variety of scientific and
1.5 The unifying chronotopologic data engineering disciplines, including earth, ocean
analysis notion and atmospheric sciences, environmental and
ecological engineering, health and epidemio-
It is now time to return to the notion of logical studies, risk assessment, social policy
chronotopology briefly introduced at the begin- and financial management.
ning of this chapter. It should be brought to the
reader’s attention that, for methodological and
presentation reasons, in this book a unifying 1.5.1 CTDA conditions
notion will be favored, on occasion, depending As a matter of fact, it should be emphasized at
on the context (e.g., when the properties of the outset that CTDA can be used in the study of
interest are shared by both S-TDA and STDA). natural attributes that satisfy these conditions:
① They are measurable or observable.
It is methodologically appropriate and occa- ② They vary within a well-defined chrono-
sionally convenient to use the general term chron- topologic domain.
otopologick data analysis (CTDA) that includes ③ They are characterized by chronotopologic
both cases of S-TDA and STDA. dependence.
④ They occur in conditions of in-situ
Generally, CTDA aims at extracting implicit
knowledge such as chronotopologic relations In other words, the CTDA concepts and tech-
and patterns that may not be explicitly stored niques should be used in the study of natural
in the relevant databases. This extraction relies phenomena when meaningful values of the attri-
on the merging of scientific knowledge and log- bute may occur at every point in the chronotopo-
ical principles. CTDA distinguishes itself from logic domain of interest that can be potentially
classical data analysis in that it associates with measured or observed.

Spatiotemporal data analysis books include Chistakos G (Spatiotemporal Random Fields, Elsevier, the Netherlands,
2017; Modern Spatiotemporal Geostatistics. Oxford UP, NY, 2000); and Christakos G and Hristopulos DT (Spatiotemporal
Environmental Health Modeling, Kluwer Acad, MA, 1998).
The term “chronotopologic” includes the cases of space-time and spacetime data variability.
8 1. Chronotopologic data analysis

Example 1.5 While CTDA concepts and tech- information exists individually on each of these
niques can be implemented to study a large items, which must be brought together to assure
variety of natural attributes (Example 1.2 ear- consistency in concepts and methods. CTDA pro-
lier), they may not be necessarily useful when vides some initial principles and notions, as
points represent merely the presence of events follows.
(e.g., earthquake occurrence), people, or some
• The chronotopologic unit is the basic
physical object (e.g., volcanoes, buildings).
building block for the CTDA of space- and
CTDA methods are based on a rigorous prob- time-specific natural attributes.
lem definition, which is then used to formalize a
The choice of the chronotopologic unit should
CTDA protocol in order to answer the questions
be based on a relevant set of criteria (physical,
of interest. In this respect, CTDA is a systematic
ecological, social, etc.) and it may affect the
inquiry to produce new knowledge, refine or
CTDA results.
validate the existing knowledge regarding the
natural attributes considered, and generate attri- Example 1.7 A chronotopologic unit may be
bute estimates. associated with observable characteristics of ter-
restrial, marine and atmospheric domains. It
• The interdisciplinary mantra of CTDA is to
may correspond to the smallest or elementary
not work in silos and to value that which is
working unit that is representative of these
In this setting, CTDA surely benefits from
Information on natural attributes may be
developments in TGIS technology. This tech-
available in several different scales (say, city,
nology allows the chronotopologic visualiza-
county and state), and an adequate CTDA may
tion of a variety of attributes such as
require conveying information from one scale
individual populations, quality of life indices,
to another (see, also, Section 4 of Chapter 3). This
pollutant distribution, disease spread, and
also includes the methods of transferring infor-
company sales over time in the region of inter-
mation from one chronotopologic point to
est. To achieve that, it is enough to have a
chronotopologic database, and the TGIS is
capable of presenting an animated set of col- • Chronotopologic scaling is the process of
ored maps that provide informative visualiza- conveying information from one chrono-
tions of the chronotopologic pattern of the topologic scale to another.
attributes of interest.
Scaling may take different forms: Down-
Example 1.6 CTDA applications currently scaling (conveying information from larger to
span many disciplines, with their methods vary- smaller chronotopologic domains), upscaling
ing in relation to the specific questions being (conveying information from smaller to larger
addressed, whether predicting air pollution, domains), and transferring (conveying informa-
examining suspiciously high frequencies of dis- tion from one point to another).
ease events, or handling the vast data volumes
Example 1.8 A general existing ecosystem
being generated by the Global Positioning System
data analysis framework operates at the national
(GPS) and Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS).
level, whereas a site-specific study may require a
much finer chronotopologic scale. Investigators
1.5.2 Generic CTDA notions need to understand when and how to convey
CTDA is a broad framework for studying natu- information from the point (e.g., pollution mon-
ral attribute distributions, linking attribute coordi- itoring) to the chronoregion (e.g., city popula-
nates, in-situ conditions and values. Considerable tion exposure) scale.
2 Chronotopologic variability, dependency and uncertainty 9
Adequate information gathering is important be kept in mind that this is an instructional book
in understanding CTDA results as well as for that relies on sound theory, scientific reasoning,
communication purposes. and substantive knowledge, rather than on mere
data massaging techniques and popular quick
• Chronotopologic aggregation is the process
fixes in challenging times.
of reducing certain measures characterizing
the chronotopologic attribute distribution
into simpler ones.
2 Chronotopologic variability,
Aggregation may refer to chronotopologic units dependency and uncertainty
or the corresponding natural attribute values. Ade-
quate aggregation relies on a satisfactory under- As CTDA techniques become powerful tools
standing of the underlying mechanisms, inter- in many fields (earth sciences, oceanography,
relationships, and their relative importance. These geography, natural resource management,
measures may be the same across different scales, biological conservation, and societal processes),
or they may differ between scales, in which case adequate quantitative characterizations of good
the appropriate links between them need to be quality chronotopologic datasets of natural attri-
established. Also, different CTDA models and butes are increasingly needed.
techniques may have their own chronotopologic
units, scaling notions, and aggregation tools.
2.1 Conceptual chronotopology
Example 1.9 Aggregation may consist in com-
bining several data variability measures into a Accordingly, some further comments con-
simpler set of measures. Aggregation may take cerning the notions of chronotopology and its
the form of indicators, indices, summary statis- geometric dynamics are in order at this point.
tics, and graphs. Disparate measures may be We start with the following two key notions:
aggregated using a reference state or a common
factor, such as unit of measurement.
Chronotopologic variability refers to the
degree of the attribute’s joint change (fluctuation)
1.5.3 Fourfold CTDA objectives
across space and time, whereas chronotopologic
In light of the above deliberations, we chose dependency refers to the degree of the attribute’s
to conclude this first section of the book by mak- joint smoothness (connectivity) across space
ing some suggestions regarding the main objec- and time.
tives of an adequate CTDA study.

That is, although both notions are concerned

Whatever the specifics of the real-world case with differences between attribute values at dif-
under investigation, the ultimate judgment of ferent points, there is an inverse relationship
progress in CTDA should be measurable results between these two notions. In the real world,
obtained during a reasonable time based on bet- chronotopologic variability or dependency takes
ter science and more powerful technology. up particular forms that are functions of certain
factors, like the nature of the phenomenon and
the chosen representation of its chronotopologic
The adequacy of the above fourfold objective domain. The attribute data used in a study may
will become apparent throughout the book with come from diverse, and sometimes unexpected,
varying emphasis on its individual objective, sources set apart by their distinct variability
depending on the context. After all, it should (dependency) features.
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